Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

seeking justice for homicide. >> biden administration is now poised to punish customs and border patrol agents. >> the people who have been busting their tails, they will get fired if they don't take the vaccine. meanwhile for people break the law coming here no big deal. >> annual congressional baseball game is tonight. there is going to be a massive crowd raising over a million dollars for charity. ♪ will ainsley: a little carrie underwood to wake you this up morning. that's a picture of nashville, a live shot of nashville. grand ole on prethe historic reiman auditorium is there and so is pete hegseth. brian: biggest question i think in america and ongoing would carrie underwood be famous. ainsley: without "american idol"? brian: a farm girl in overall's working the land and next thing you know she is the number one female singer in the can you think tri. ainsley: that show gave some people their dreams. steve: however happened, it worked out for so many people. right down the street from broadway where that auditorium was we saw a moment ago is pete hegseth at the redneck rivera. and let's see, it's not even -- it's just after 5:00. pete is outside the building and look at that. i see your coffee over on the window ledge. so you are ready for broadcasting. ainsley: i am. you know, a couple years ago, guys, i would have rolled out of the redneck rivera at 3:00 and got on tv. not now, i got a good solid 8 hours of sleep, feeling good. you get old. john rich's spot. come out all morning come out if you are in nashville. special guest, plenty to talk about and then some folks we are going to talk to to this. then i'm doing gutfeld tonight too in nancht you guys have seen he is broadcasting from nashville. having some fun. be here all morning. brian: do your producers travel with a breathalyzer? [laughter] pete: no. that is not in my contract. so you are not allowed to check. ainsley: what about the sign behind you? pete: look at that we proudly serve our troops and first responders. the first sign i saw going in is every first responder, military member two for ones automatic. you know john rich. he is a patriotic guy. there is the most patriotic spot in nashville. steve: john rich was on "the five" last night. he has a new show on fox business prime called pursuit. pete, i saw on your instagram yesterday anybody who stops by the red nic rivera as we saw from gutfeld's show last night in nashville, anybody who stops by, you are going to have coffee and pastries to wake them up on this wednesday morning. pete: not a full breakfast, it's a bar, guys. coffee and pastries we will keep it minimal. john rich must have a private jet i'm sure he does because he will be joining us some point this morning. brian: take a jet to get back tore your show? pete: of course. ainsley: gutfeld will be there all week and pete is going to be on that show tonight so you will have to watch. thanks, pete. steve: meanwhile, the cover of the "new york post" summarizes it in addition to the new james bond preerges biden's afghan lies. remember, joe biden said on abc, yeah, negotiation i can't remember anybody, none of my military advisers saying no leave 2500 people there they were all good with the dates. he said a bunch of stuff that yesterday we learned ainsley and brian, was not true. ainsley: they interviewed the that the interviewed senator -- i'm sorry, general mark mille, general kenneth mckenzie and lloyd austin and milley said we should keep a steady state of 2500 and could bounce up to 3500. general mckenzie said i recommended rewe maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. he advice was received by the president. brian: they're under oath. they have to give the answers. it's not like well, i can't say the president in the back. secretary austin said very little. cabinet secretary. maybe in a tough spot. the other generals were very candid. don't put this on the back of my baseball card. i told them to leave between 2500 and 4,000 troops. here is a little of the questioning. then you realize how inaccurate, let's be kind. how inaccurate everything president biden and jen psaki have been saying relating to our dismount from afghanistan. the worst thing to happen in modern american. listen to tom cotton. >> general milley, it's your testimony that you recommended 2500 troops approximately stay in afghanistan? >> yes. my assessment was back in the fall of '20 and remained consistent throughout that we should keep a steady state of 2500. >> did you ever present that assessment personally to president biden. >>y discuss exactly what my conversations are with the sitting president in the oval office. >> general mckenzie, do you share that assessment? >> senator, i do share that assessment. did you ever present that opinion personally to president biden? >> again, i'm not going to be able to comment on those exact discussions. >> do these officers and general miller's recommendations get to the president personally? >> their input was received by the president and considered by the president for sure. in terms of what they specifically recommended, senator, they just -- as they just said, they are not going to provide what they recommended in confidence. >> it's shocking to me. sounds to me like maybe their best military advice was never presented personally to the president of the united states about the consequential matter. brian: jen psaki was asked this question by four different people not fox people. name a general. that gave you the advice to do what you it did and that's pull out the military and leave thousands of american allies and green card holders behind? she could not name it and every single reporter said not one? you can't even say? we just had three leading military advisers of yours and one cabinet secretary say what the right thing to do was. he did the opposite. told us the opposite and seems to be trying to get away with it. ainsley: she set military advisers were split to leave our troops there. oh really which military advisers? she couldn't name them. steve: split? what do you mean in the administration has been very cagey what they have done in the past they have said the president is not going to discuss in public the advice he gets from his advisers. and the advisers yesterday for the most part said we are not going to tell you what we said to the president. general milley, however though did give a number. and that's why suddenly we are going wait, that's not what we heard. brian: so did mckenzie he gave the number too. steve: exactly then they fell on the what we are not going to discuss what we said behind closed doors. when the door was open and the president was there with george stephanopoulos 40 days ago, he was very clear about things that the way he remembered it is not what we heard the top commander in america testify yesterday. here is joe biden 40 days ago with george stephanopoulos. >> your top military advisers it warned withdrawing on this timeline they wanted you to keep 2500 troops. >> no they didn't. it was split. that wasn't true. >> your military advisers didn't tell you no we should keep 2500 troops. it's been a stable situation for the last several years. we can do that. we can continue to do that. >> no. no one said that to me that i can recall. steve: so maybe that is his defense. he can't recall. ainsley: he can't recall. brian: was that the last thing he said earlier no one told him that. ainsley: three other things came out of milley defended calls to china my loyalty to the nation is people and constitution. general mckenzie took responsibility for drone strike that killed the 10 civilians including seven children. in addition to that tom cotton was pressing them on why didn't milley, why aren't you resigning? he stead its would an incredible act of political defiance for a commissioned officer to resign because my advice is not taken from the president. brian: or shows integrity. obviously the president doesn't like my advice. why am i giving it? why don't we get somebody in here that he does respect in the "wall street journal" said the scandal isn't that the president ignored the military. he is a decision maker. it's his refusal to own his decision. he wants political credit for any american involvement in afghanistan not willing to take the political risk of admitting he overruled his brass. the afghanistan withdrawal is the greatest u.s. foreign policy humiliation in decades. when it comes to general milley, whether you like it or not, one thing i would say is inexcusable. he admits contributing to and sitting down with bob woodward of "peril" mike bender of another anti-trump book. another third anti-trump book "i alone can fix it" sat down with phil rucker to give his account of what he thought it was like -- what this was like behind the scenes deal with president trump. you are the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. when bob woodward calls or rucker calls, i'm busy. i have a war to destroy. i have a foreign policy to try to save instead of you are not going to believe how crazy donald trump is that, to me, he should have resigned the minute that became clear. and i think marsha blackburn or dan sullivan was the one who asked did you really actually say these things? oh, yeah. why? why would a sitting chairman of the joint chiefs of staff help somebody's book sales and wants to corrects the record to make himself look like a hero when in retrospect it does not make him look good almost anywhere. steve: when asked about the bob woodward book he said, you know, i really can't talk about it because i haven't read it. , which come on a political guy in a military job. he halls read "the washington post" summaries where they talk about how he essentially circumvented a president of the united states and presented him as the only grown up in the room because donald trump is crazy. essentially is how he told them. brian: look at the foreign policy and you tell me who is crazy? ainsley: lieutenant colonel stuart sheryl is the one who spoke out on social media and released that video after that bombing at the gates at the airport in kabul. and he was in trouble for that not supposed to be public about what your colonels tell to you do. he is being held in the brig. steve: he can't post anything. ainsley: that's exactly right. his parent are saying it's interesting the timing of this. put him in solitary confinement basically the day before all these generals go before the senate. his parents were on "fox & friends first" earlier. listen. >> for the last 30 days our son has spoke his truth. and he is a very proud american. a very proud marine. a very principled man. and he stood his ground and that's what the marines have taught him for the past 17 years of his service. and, yet, he knew he was going to go there for the principled stand he took but i'm telling you right now, hes to not deserve to be in prison. >> he has served valiantly. he has deserved his right to speak. and he only spoke because what he saw happening in kabul was -- he couldn't take it he had to speak out. he had to stand his ground. steve: what he was doing was he was demanding accountability from his supervisors. the same thing he would require of his men and for that, for that principled stand it, cost him his pension. hundreds of thousands of dollars. ainsley: he said i'm just asking the questions that all of my fellow soldiers are asking, too. he served for 17 years. five deployments. brian: i do not believe secretary of defense austin when he said he had no idea about this. i credit senator tom cotton for bringing it up. i guarantee you michael waltz will bring it up today. here it is, i understand the negativity and downside to speaking up against your command. but when your command is responsible for leaving thousands of americans behind in a terrorist regime, when your command is responsible for killing 10 civilians in the last days there when your command is responsible for leaving up to $85 billion worth of military hardware and they sit there cool, calm and collected from 9:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon and go back to their woke training of the next generation of war fighters, i could say that's a little beyond the pale. and think about this. if you lost your life or you know somebody that did, or you lost your limb or you have invisible wounds and you say what was it for because these commanders just threw everything we did in the street and you have one lieutenant colonel speak up and say that, and say i'm willing to resign because of that, your biggest problem is not a marine colonel for putting him in jail is sinful. and i cannot believe how many messages i have gotten as people want to contribute to his defense. they want him out. they want him to be able to talk and they are just outraged by this because you can contrast with what we saw yesterday. three people refusing to resign and the one who speaks up and tells the truth is in jail. steve: they put him in jail to censor him. ainsley: his mom said he was over in other countries responsible for making sure ieds were taken out of the ground. steve: more on that in the meantime on this wednesday. get vaccinated or get fired. it's the ultimatum the biden administration is apparently now giving border patrol agents already spread incredibly thin on our southern border. brian: that's the new trend. load up the bases. carley shim cuffs is live at nationals park with a preview of tonight's national baseball game. carley, who gave you the keys? [laughter] carley: brian, that's right. i'm inside national park for the congressional baseball game will take place later today during one of the wild els weeks on capitol hill by the way. so we will have a lot of fun all morning long talk baseball and politics. i'm going to have some special guests as well. when "fox & friends" returns right after this. ♪ ♪ it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows when to make different choices. take the mystery out of your glucose levels - and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪♪ ♪ jillian: good morning, we are back now with your headlines, a whistleblower telling fox news late last night that u.s. border patrol agent have until novembed or get fired. and as the migrant surge worsens, even president biden's former boss is speak out on the long-term impact of the crisis. >> borders is something that i think as a practical matter is up sustainable. jillian: later white house press secretary jen psaki denied the u.s. has open borders. vice president kamala harris applaud ago virginia cleaning student after she accusing israel of committing ethnic genocide. watch. >> two days ago one [inaudible] backing israel which hurts my heart because ethnic genocide the same that happened in america i'm assure. >> your perspective, your experience are your truth cannot be suppressed. become. jillian: the exchange prompting the spokesman for ted cruz to tweet unbelievable. >> facebook's efforts to attract went beyond instagram kids. the "wall street journal" reporting internal documents revealed the social media network had a team studying and creating products. facebook referring to younger users valuable but untapped audience. instagram abandoning plans to develop an app. for kids earlier this week. those are your headlines. send it back to you. steve: thank you very much. janet yellen our secretary of treasury was talking yesterday and apparently the united states of america is going to run out of cash the date looks like october 18th unless something is done to raise the debt limit. yesterday, republicans in the senate blocks another effort to raise the debt limit, mitch mcconnell said look, the democrats want to spend a whole bunch of money and they want our help doing it, and we're not going to help them, so, democrats, you got to figure out a way. now the democrats are scrambling to figure a way to do it. they could do it through reconciliation or they could actually and i had never heard this plan before. jerry nadler suggested it. they could actually mint a new coin talking about a platinum coin that would raise money that would put -- be put directly into the u.s. treasury that would bail us out for about another 15 minutes. ainsley: continuously on the hamster wheel. run out of money and they create more money. we are spending so much money. that's republicans problem with green plans, green energy investment. social spending program. freer free college for illegal immigrants. your tax also go up. corporation taxes up to 28% they are suggesting. brian: so you have the tent cereal. i know it gets confusing. debt ceiling doesn't group. that's why the market went down yesterday. they have to work something out. other thing percolating through the house the bipartisan bill of 1.2 trillion. 560 billion of new money which was agreed on and you would think they would be doing it yesterday aoc says i'm not signing off on that. yesterday bernie sanders that series of tweets says i'm not doing 1.2 trillion. unless you give me 3.5 trillion. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema last two days, manchin yesterday and on monday sinema met with the president of the united states, maybe joe manchin is buckling a little bit. sinema is not moving for 3.5 is dead. they are probably going to get 1 or 2 trillion, if anything. but they promised the so-called moderates, problem sollers a vote of 1.2 by tomorrow. if there isn't, nancy pelosi goes back on her word. the left wing 45 hard nos. the 23 hard yeses for the republicans is not going to be enough. here is jen psaki on who to blame. >> the administration officials a lot about the idea of the cost of the program is zero? >> yes. of the invements were proposed, including tax cuts and the pay fors including making the tax system more fair zero. >> you guys acknowledge the sort of of broader truth that it's not -- that it does cost some money, right? that the cost of the investments the president wants to make simply don't -- they are not simply a free lunch, right? >> but there is a clear difference between what we're talking about as it relates to taxpayer funds, right or funding or lead to our debt, right? which i know a lot of republicans are supposedly concerned about, and asking businesses 50 of the top companies last year in 2020 paid not a dollar in taxes, a lot of high income net -- high income individuals pay lower tax rates than nurses and teachers, nobody thinks that's fair, yes. we are asking them to pay more. steve: but that is the whopper of the week and that is that joe biden tweeted out build back better which is going to cost $5 trillion, does not cost anything. it costs zero dollars. listen, if you spend $5 trillion, that costs $5 trillion don't say it cost zero dollars it cost somebody something. but they are saying oh, look, the average american taxpayer is not going to cost them anything. ainsley: they are offering free college. who is going to pay for that? a college is not just going to say oh, you can come for free. no, the government is going to have to give them money for those steroids go to college. steve: it actually costs 5 trillion. brian: just keep in mind. this is what president obama said yesterday, too. hey billionaires can pay for i'm rich of one of the rich people. okay fine. not billionaires and middle class making $400,000. even $500,000. giving away 50%. state tax 60%. have you noticed the housing and inflationst dos? next thing you turn around and say whoa, i don't know where my money is i'm making so much more money than my parents got capitol hill saying you are the problem. you are the called rich not paying your fair share. you are not talking about jeff bezos or it mr. working class wearing a hard hat? there is a huge gap there they are pretending doesn't exist. >> steve: just say we are going to raise taxes on the rich people. just say that don't say it's going to cost zero. brian: what is rich? steve: another one of their messages misfires just like defund the police and they had to completely zero. ainsley: it's just a few more points you will have to pay. steve: it's kind of a mess. brian: they tweeted that this is the scary thing. you put that amount twitter account from communications department that wasn't an aside comment said through threw three masks and goggles of the president of the united states talking to boris johnson. this is written down and they go do you think i should send it? somebody say send that. steve: they have been saying all week long that's obviously part of their messaging this week. i bet they won't be saying it next week. money while, while we have been talking about how democrats and republicans are at each other's throats, today that all changes. because it's been -- while it's been a busy week for lawmakers. congress is ready to play ball literally. ainsley: the congressional baseball game returns to d.c. tonight giving democrats and republicans a chance to win bragging rights out on the hill while also raising mope for charity. brian: i think carley shimkus would know better. the republicans always lose. '. steve: it good looking coach right there. brian: don't they always lose, carley? steve: they have lost. carley: well, steve, ainsley and brian, i'm with texas congressman roger williams the team manager brian just mentioned that they were talking about how the republicans always lose. so, please respond to that allegation rude. >> that's not true. we won i think three years ago. carley: yes. >> congressman rooney hit a line shot down and we won it both the 9th. we need to win more. we will start tonight by winning more. carley: that's a great political way of putting it. >> we need win more. carley: what's it like coaching a team a bunch of republicans trying to beat democrat. kind of like congress with a ball. >> and i enjoy coaching these guys i can look back 40 or 50 years ago how good an athlete. they move slower and stiffer. this is a big game everybody is excited about it. carley: you played professional baseball. >> i did. >> it's a big deal to you. >> i played tcu and atlanta braves organization. and they have owned baseball teams and so forth. baseball is a big part of my life. carley: june 14th, 2017, i'm sure that game changed your life. the congressional republican, congressional baseball shooting. i'm sure it gave you a whole new outlook on life and one of your staffers was shot during the game as well. how is he doing? >> he is doing great. he just got out of graduate school. something none of us will forget. it was life-changing and could have been life changing for our country if it had gone the other way from a shooter that was mad at republicans. he had the list of republicans he wanted to kill that day. carley: gosh. we were talking about that during the break. and i said that was probably the last real moment of bipartisanship that the country went through. and we're in such a partisan time right now. especially on capitol hill with that you will fighting over spending and structure. what's going to happen with the $3.5 trillion package. is this going to pass? >> i hope it doesn't pass. it's the worst legislation i have seen. it's not good for country and not good for business and not the direction we want to take. we have manchin and sin. carley: up to democrats. party infighting. the strategy today is to win. how with regoing to do that real quick. >> we are going to throw strikes. we are going to keep the ball in front of us and hit the cut off man and put the ball in play. if we do all of that we will win. carley: with you managing the team i have a strong feeling that republicans are going to come out on top this congressional baseball game. congressman roger williams thank you so much for joining us. >> good to see you. carley: catch all the action 7:05 eastern time streaming live on fox nation; is that right? >> big government against less government. come out tonight and see who wins, right? carley: that's the pitch right there, steve, ainsley and brian, send it back to you in the studio. steve: i was there three years ago when the republicans did win. ask roger though because the democrats have lost their star pitcher cedric richmond who has been their star pitcher for years is now on the biden team at the white house. car carp so steve was just saying that democrats are now down a key player cedric richmond who was the ace pitcher now he is an adviser for president biden. so you guys have that going for you as well. >> we have a lot going for us. but cedric was a great player, no question about it, but is he not playing tonight. ainsley: who is the pitcher for republicans? >> we will have congressman steube from florida is going to be throwing strikes. is he going to be throwing fast and if we throw strikes we are going to win. carley: if we throw strikes we are going to win. that's the key here. all right, steve. there you go. ainsley: lots of pressure on "studio by," right? brian: carley on the record predicting republicans would win. is she going to call draft king? steve: because they do occasionally they did three years ago and then covid changed everything. brian: 31 minutes after the hour tourists believe he had a chance encounter with brian laundrie one day before gabby petino was seen alive. that man will join us live. ainsley: a year ago they were heroes. now healthcare workers are being kicked to the curb. a nurse refusing to comply with their state vaccine mandate. ♪ ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. it's the only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies. opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more time together. more family time. more quiet time. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. one, two! one, two, three! only pay for what you need! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! thank you to all those nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software, forged from decades of industrial experience and insights. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that connects assets and people to deliver a cybersecure record of your entire operation. so that everyone, in your boardroom and beyond, speaks the same language. honeywell forge. industrial grade software. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it's the most comfortable, dually-adjustable, foot-warming, temperature-balancing, proven quality night sleep we've ever made. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. this is mike. mike blew his entire life savings on a permanent perm shampoo invention, which actually attracted more cats than customers. now instead of wasting money, mike is looking to save it with amerisave's great rates. see how much you could save at ♪ ains the family of gabby petino call for brian alana dri turn himself. in live with new reporting on nationwide search. phil? >> good morning, it was two weeks ago yesterday that roberta laundrie says her son, a wanted fugitive, drove off out of the driveway in that silver mustang to go for a hike. he never came home and remains nowhere to be found. >> you have blood on your hands. >> this has become the daily scene outside his parents' house heckled by bull horns. prisoners in heir their own home surrounded by cameras. the family of gabby petino held first press conference since their daughter and stepdaughter disappeared and was found dead in wyoming. her death is ruled homicide but the method of how she was killed has still not been released. >> how do you go back to normal whatever normal may be from here on out but we have each other. we are a big family. >> i just hope that people are inspired by her, he it's hard to put into words but it means a lot to me that she has touched some lives already. >> counsel advised the families not to talk about their relationship with person of interest brian laundrie, petino's fiancee, nor his parents. but their attorney did say this about the ongoing investigation. >> the laundries did not help us find gabby. they sure as not going to help us find brian. >> at the florida nature reserve where their son supposedly went on that hike. the search there is dramatically scaled back after a week looking for any evidence of him and finding nothing. and dwayne chap maine, also known as dog the bounty hunter, he came here over the weekend. the parents did not meet with him. he is still volunteering his time trying to track down leads to find brian laundrie. he went to the park tampa bay yesterday paddled around to smaller islands found no brian laundrie. steve? steve: all right, phil. thank you very much. as the search continues for brian a louisiana man claims he had a strange encounter with an angry brian laundrie he thinks before her disappearance. hunter magness joins us now to describe what happened. how are you, good morning, steve how are you. steve: i'm doing good. what were you doing at bull winkles west yellow stone on august 26th? >> august 26th, that was correct. a friend and i were just traveling more or less around the country. we had gone colorado wyoming, montana, and we had toured the tetons and also yellow stone and went westgate and we stopped in west yellow stone, montana for the night which is how we get to the restaurant. steve: so you are there and having a nice conversation with your friend and there guy is over at the bar and he just seems angry at the world. >> he was. we had actually eaten dinner earlier in the restaurant and moved into the bar for a drink. and when we got in there was a couple we had met earlier in the restaurant and then there was a guy by himself at the end of the bar. we really didn't pay him much attention until he got kind of -- he just seemed overly invested in our conversation and eventually ended up speaking up, which is what made us notice. but, again, i mean, we didn't know any of this was going on. it was just, i mean, and at the time there wasn't anything going on. it was an odd encounter. he was -- made us all extremely uncomfortable. steve: sure. at one point i understand there was a little dialogue and he said his name was brian. >> correct. >> you think he looks just like him and your friends from the bar that night are 100 percent sure it was him. but didn't he say something about southerners and complained about y'all? >> he did. he was kind of overhearing our conversation which had to do with hunts. and some other things. and then it got political, which obviously you try to avoid in a bar. but, you know, there were very few people in there. us and another couple and him and a couple of bartenders. so, my friends were carrying on a conversation and he just kind of abruptly jumped into it with a comment about stupid southerners and some explicatives about republicans that's what made us notice. steve: real quickly before you go, has law enforcement talked to you? >> yes. on the 16th, when we realized, i believe it was the 16th, when my friend and i both realized that it was without a question of a doubt him, i contacted the fbi, i did a roughly 45, 50 minute interview. my friend also contacted the fbi and filed the report as well to attach to mine and also another lady, a doctor that we met that was part of the other couple in the bar. i believe she also filed the report as well. steve: hunter mannys young from us mansfield, louisiana. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. steve: nice to meet you, sir. >> e. steve: coming up leaders testify on afghanistan and we will get more from that and pete hegsets who is nashville n. on broadway inside the red nic rivera. peter? pete: you know we are inside the redneck rivera. >> had to bring pete to nashville, music city. a great free city we are going to have some fun even though it's early in the morning. pete: nobody else is up. we will be back in a second. ♪ ♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. 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(vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. ♪ >> the president of the united states unequivocally said any american who wants to come home we will get you home. >> our credibility has been gravely damaged, has it not, general milley? >> >> i think that our credibility with allies and partners around the world and with adversaries is being intensely reviewed by them to see which way this is going to go and i think the damage is one word that could be used. brian: right. and that is one of the easier words that could be used. secretary of defense austin wouldn't use it. facing the pressure chairman joint chiefs of staff mark milley admitting yesterday u.s. credibility on the world stage damaged after biden administration's withdrawal from afghanistan. steve: this as top generals prepare to be grilled by house lawmakers later today some more. ainsley: here to react is weekend "fox & friends" co-host pete hegseth and tomi lahren both joining us from nashville. hey, guys. pete: good morning. >> tomi: good morning. steve: it turns out, pete, that stuff we heard from joe biden with george stephanopoulos not true. pete: of course. there were recommendations for troops stay on the ground. every general in these wars, especially as you wind them down recognize if you are not doing conditions on the ground and setting date certain you are going to invite exactly what we saw in afghanistan. our credibility not just damaged, gutted. and then to have generals stand up on stage notify chinese if we did attack or were to attack to defend the afghanistan withdrawal as if there couldn't have been a better outcome. then, brian, you keyed on it earlier in your show to defend talking to swamp reporters about details of your interactions? you are the top military adviser to the president of the united states and you are taking hours and hours and hours to try to spin tales about your role? all of it, and then to stand there and look in the cameras and defend it as if that's what our top military brass are supposed to be doing. it's not just embarrass what happened in afghanistan which is the point of the hearing. they embarrassed what the role of the military is supposed to be in our country undermining presidents and admitting it on camera. ainsley: tomi, what do you think? who is telling the truth here? is it joe biden who said he was never advised to leave 2500? steve: i don't recall. ainsley: yeah. that's what he said. tomi: i don't think anybody is it surprised that he would not recall i think we would expect that at this point. talking about the united states on the world stage. i think that's what i am most concerned about. the previous administration the trump administration, which this current administration is still blaming by the way built the united states on a world stage with strength, with power. you didn't mess with us. and so quickly the biden administration was able to level that but then i also think talking about being damaged on the world stage, we can't even protect our own borders. the world is looking at our country saying you are letting in tens of thousands of people a day, well over a million already this year? you can't protect your borders. look at the disaster that was afghanistan. nobody is taking accountability for it. you have a press secretary that continues to give us misinformation and half answers. we look like a mess. we look like a disaster. we look like we don't know here with doing. the world is watching that and they are understanding that you can take advantage of the united states of america because those that are leading the united states of america are taking advantage. meanwhile they want to raise our taxes, gas prices is going through the roof. inflation is going up. we need to put america first, america is dead last. brian: don't blame tomi if she starts drinking right away after she ran through that list. pete, look forward. as much as i want to look back and say what the hell were you thinking? we have thousands of people there we are rounding it off even secretary of defense and secretary of state do not know how many that want to get out. yesterday, there was a plane flown out. we would not give them permission to land. there were american kids on that plane. i don't know what happened to to it. even senator blumenthal and senator kaine democrats said you have to name an evacuation czar, somebody in charge of this, of getting our people out. there is a total disinterest in finding out who is left behind. pete: why would they be interested? paying attention to that means knitting that you have left still thousands of americans stranded. so what we have we done? we have effectively outsourced it to these veterans organizations task force pineapple and others that have committed themselves to saying the government may forget but we never will. we are not going to leave anyone behind. you still have bureaucratic reasons why the state department and others don't want the credit to go to those groups or opportunity to go to these groups you guys know most siv holders never got out. most never got out. you have problems unvetted afghans who are not prepared to come to the united states. what a disaster and they just want to turn the page and they won't be able. steve: pete and tomi, thank you very much for joining us live from the redneck rivera from nashville. if anybody is watching stop on by and pete and tomi will buy you a cup of coffee and a doughnut. ainsley: john rich is going to join him later on and gutfeld tonight will be in nashville. steve: we're going to step aside. friends" coming up in a couple of minutes. with safe and convenient care — all in one place, with evening and weekend hours. right now, new patients get a complete exam and x-rays — free without insurance. plus, everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan. celebrate life's happiest moments. call 1-800-aspendental or book online today. centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. ainsley: let's check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast, i notice you are wearing your coat. fall is here. janice: it's a little chilly but i love it 50's into the 60's. cold front moved through the area last night. take a look at the temperatures. we have more of that cold air moving from the west next couple of days. 56 in new york. a little chilly, if you like the fall weather it is mere high friend. past 24 hours you see showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast as well as long acold front moving in from the west. we actually have the potential for some snow in the forecast in the higher elevations and then get the potential for heavy rainfall, maybe flash flooding over the next couple of days as that front stalls out. warmer temperatures across the central u.s. cold air moves in drop temperatures as far as south as the southern plains. here in new york we are going to enjoy a beautiful stretch of weather. there is hurricane sam cat 4. stay away from the east coast but bermuda is going to have to keep an eye on this one over the next couple of days which, of course, we will bring you all the very latest from fox weather. jillian, my friend, over to you. jillian: sounds good. unvaccinated players have to stay away -- vaccinated from unvaccinated players and be tested frequently. this as lebron james reveals he has gotten vaccinated. >> i was very skeptical about it all but after doing my research and things of that nature i felt it was best suited not only for me but my family and my friends. jillian: james says although he got vaccinated he feels everyone should be able to make their own choice. nashville stars going pink. drivers volunteering time at the are painting the pit wall to support breast cancer asquareness. meant to insupport survivors and encourage screening. ains after spending months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic nurses nationwide could face termination as vaccine mandates take effect in our hospitals. in colorado alone, 3800 healthcare facilities are requiring staff to get the shot or get fired by the end of october. destiny carpenter just lost her job at colorado canyon hospital for refusing to get the vaccine and she joins us now. good morning, destiny. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. tell me what happened. how did you find out? did you just walk in and say here is my resignation or did they actually send you a letter and say you are not vaccinated, you are fired? >> so basically what happened is on september 19 i showed up for what i believed to moob my last day of work knowing we had to have the vaccine by september 30th and it was the last shift i signed up for. my boss basically came and asked me if i was going to get the vaccine in front of my patient and i explained to him that i wasn't going to be doing that and unfortunately, he laughed at me in front of my patient and walked away. i didn't have the opportunity to really have a great conversation with him about it as i was in front of my patient. and so i sent him an email after my shift just kind of telling him how that was really inappropriate and i didn't prevent the way it was handled. and i never heard back from him. so i forwarded it to our h.r. department. and h.r. basically told me that because i stated that i wasn't going to be getting the vaccine that my boss did not owe it to me to write me back in an email and i shortly after that went to log back in to my email for a class that i had signed up for under the hospital, and my account had been deactivated and when i called h.r., they basically told me that i am voluntarily resigning and i explained to them that that wasn't the case at all. but they were firing me because i chose not to get the vaccine. and my boss didn't even owe it to me to write me a letter of recommendation after the five years that i have worked there. ainsley: how do you feel being treated that way after had you worked there for five years through the pandemic? >> i am definitely heart broken over it i mean, i know in my heart that i'm a great nurse. i alone at our hospital have been dominated for the daisy award three times since i have been there. i know i'm a good nurse. and other people see it, too. and i went specifically to work at the smaller hospital to not feel like another number and i can tell you leaving there i definitely feel like another number after the way that they have handled all of this and i'm heart broken by it. ainsley: i know you couldn't claim an exemption because anyone who did and said they didn't want the vaccine for religious reasons or personal belief reasons they were all rejected. thank you so much for coming on with us. you are a hero. we appreciate all that you did to save lives and care for some people that are sick. >> thank you so much for having me i appreciate you guys. ainsley: i wish you luck finding a job somewhere else. thank you. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ >> steve: the cover of the "new york post" summarizes it biden's afghan lies. >> your top military leaders wanted you to keep about 2500 troops. >> no, they didn't. >> i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops. >> officer stuart sheller in pre-trial confinement. >> they put him in prison to. we are asking americans to stand up. >> you know- >> the idea we can have open borders is is you something unsustainable. >> my t. we were carrying on a conversation and he abruptly jumped into it with a comment about stupid southerners. >> congressional baseball game returns to katie couric tonight. the democrats have won 106 the last 11 games. >> we need to win more and we are going to start tonight. ♪ ♪ . ainsley: end of september, kids are asking for halloween costumes. steve: great. and we had stuart varney on a couple of days ago who said now is the time to buy christmas presents because of supply chain problems. brian: stuart was really upset last year he didn't get anything on his list. and he wants to make sure people shopping for him shop early. ainsley: i did. i will say, i have been stacking up the magazines that i have been getting in the mail. i have got to go through them all and start my shopping. steve: magazine could be the only thing you wind up with. you better start shopping. ainsley: i know. brian: we have a lot to go over. ainsley: all gone. signed on. doesn't put brian's name on them. brian: that is not true. ainsley: that is true, right? we got the code word. steve: it happens. it was a lovely gift hi to though i still have mine cutting board monogram on it. steve: cooking with friends. brian: two years ago i ghouta got you both cars, brand new cars? remember that? ainsley: no. steve: apparently repos. ainsley: dawn did not send us that. brian: if you are in miami and wearing a speedo get something else on it's going to be cold. steve: no one wear as speedo. brian: no one told the europeans no one wears speedos. steve: when is the last time you were at the beach beach beach it's been a while. steve: last time at the beach 1975. brian: by the way if you a speedo also it comes with an ab roller you need to have good a.b.s to wear a speedo. not that people who wear speedos know that. steve: meanwhile, we are one block from broadway here in new york city on broadway at the redneck rivera right now in nashville. we find pete hegseth who is. ainsley: fully clothed. steve: people stopping by to say good morning. pete: good morning, brian. i once almost wore a speedo in the hudson river on "fox & friends." it's not totally out of fashion. brian: that's a little different. pete: the navy seals can do it. navy seal carveout for the speedo. ainsley: that's because they have good abs. pete: correct. we're at redneck rivera john rich is not here yet. is he sleeping because he owns the joint. he opened it up for us. we are going to be talking to great folks this morning. gutfeld is in nashville all week long. i will will be on there tonight. also john rich's show "the pursuit" premiering on fox business prime time so we will ask him about that. some folks we will probably be talking to here this morning that have a few thoughts on the issues of the day. i do want to make one quick correction. i promised breakfast here. if you come on out, you are not getting breakfast. you will get maybe a banana in the. a wild blue berry or a chocolate chip muffin in a package. not a full on breakfast with friends but you will get something if you come on out and maybe some coffee. that's it, guys. steve: individually wrapped and those are the protocols for doing things? pete: yep. pete: those are the protocols. don't expect anything else. no pancakes i don't have anything for you. i will toss it back to you and juggle it out. ainsley: whoa. good job. [applause] brian: not many people juggle food on television but pete can do that. pete is it true that bar has challenge coins? is it true? pete: challenge coins and patches canned scan maybe do it. patches from every police department, fire department can you find in the bar wall challenge coins all over the placements amazingly patriotic spot here i would expect nothing less from rich. maybe we will get that in the back when he comes. ainsley: if someone in the military challenges you in the bar with their coin, reach behind you and grab one off of john's wall. pete: yes. steve: pete is going to be on gutfeld tonight and gutfeld is live in nashville all week. there you see some of the exciting images. ainsley: exciting set. steve: i have in that booth on the first floor with our white house correspondent who we are going to now. ainsley: oh. steve: top military generals are heading back to capitol hill later today to house house lawmakers on the troop withdrawal from afghanistan. ainsley: this after they revealed president biden went against their advice to keep troops there on the ground. brian: biggest question is who advised him to leave the way he did. peter doocy is live at the white house. combative hearing. pete: and if i remember correctly, dad, when we were at the redneck rivera it was like 9:00 in the morning and we were trying to figure out if it was too early to have a beer. steve: peter, it was 9:00 but that was actually 10:00 eastern time and. brian: the answer is. steve: waiting for a flight because we had done the show from there. brian: the answer? pete: 10:00 eastern not too early. ainsley: auto a bloody mary. steve: we did have a beer. brian: father knows best. peter: flight lessons from your dad. thank you. steve: you bet. peter: three on one. three top generals say they told president biden leave 2500 troops behind in average. that happened. but the white house says that didn't happen. >> the range of viewpoints as is evidenced by their testimony today that were present national security team as would be expected a, as we asked for. peter: well it wasn't an even split the way the president remembers and he has been asked point blank. >> no one told year military advisers did not tell you no, we just should keep 2500 troops. it's been a stable situation for the last several years. we can could that. we can continue to do that? >> no. no one said that to me that i can recall. peter: the white house says though this is not black and white. generals though describe it as just that. >> i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. i also have a few that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the afghan military force and eventually the afghan government. >> i am very much satisfied that we had a thorough policy review, all of the parties had an opportunity to provide input and that input was received. peter: looking back there is broad acknowledgment that that withdrawal was a deadly disaster. so now this white house is looking for a win badly enough that president biden has canceled a trip today to chicago where he was going to talk about vaccines. instead, he is staying. he's going to try huddle privately with lawmakers and save that multitrillion dollars budget of his and the bipartisan infrastructure deal. back to you. brian: peter, i was struck by and i don't know if you were in the afternoon session, all the other networks kept asking, they would build on each other's questions to jen psaki. can you name the general? if these generals recommended you didn't leave, and kept troops there who's the general that who recommended they do leave? and did you ever get -- did anyone give an answer? did jen psaki answer that question? peter: no. she did add on. she says the president also takes advice from his secretary of state and the national security adviser so tony blinken and jake sullivan. but if there was a general who told president biden that you could go from a couple thousand to zero overnight and not have any problems, the white house is not saying who that person is. ainsley: has anyone asked her why? why would he make this decision? peter: he has explained it many times. he thinks it was time to get out and he decided that it needed to be based on a date on a calendar that he picked months in advance. remember, initially he wanted it to be 9/11 and these generals were asked about it and they didn't want to exactly go there but there was no military reason for 9/11 or for august 31st or the 25th when they got out. ainsley: this was his decision this was on him. brian: we think although he deflected. peter peter he is the commander-in-chief. he gets the final say. ainsley: that's right. steve: exactly right. peter, thank you very much. joe biden said the generals unanimously supported the august general milley said that advice was actually given on august 25th, 10 days after the taliban had already taken control of kabul. and one other disturbing bit of new york city you know how that drone strike killed 10 people including seven children, the reason we were able to strike them was with this over-the-horizon kind of counter-terrorism reaction. yesterday the general said the over-the-horizon strategy they have a lot of doubts about whether or not it's going to be effective. and we saw with that drone strike it can be deadly. ainsley: general mckenzie took responsibility for that drone strike. there is a plane carrying 117 people. 59 of them are are children. afghan evacuees, some americans on this flight. steve: 8. ainsley: i read six. six or eight. green card holders six with is ivs on board this plane flew from kabul to the uae airport and supposed to fly to jfk here in queens, new york. then it was told you are going to be diverted to dulles airport. then they said no you are going to stay at uae. we are not giving any clearance with afghan refugees to come back to america. brian: is this unbelievable? we have to organize our own private industry in order to get americans out of a war that joe biden single-handedly decided he was sick of. and now we have to do it on our own. all they are asking for is an airport to land in, and the u.s. state department and defense won't make it happen. they had no answers yesterday to how we are getting the tens of thousands of people out or why they were left there. secretary of defense austin just shrugs his shoulders and rounds off the number. and when other organizations try to get people out and get them on the plane they won't let them land. inexcusable. keep in mind everything joe biden has got wrong. remember he told us this won't be saigon 1975? remember he said this is not inevitable that the taliban will take back the country? remember he said there is no one that recommended 2500 troops. and perhaps the biggest whopper that is the most consequential? al-qaeda is no longer in afghanistan. ainsley: and we will not leave americans stranded. brian: yeah, that's a huge one. so severing wrong. the good news is the vice president who can put her hand up now. she says she was the last person in the room when he made that decision. so we know two people that are responsible for the worst military decision in the history of modern america. the vice president and the president. steve: make that three. because when peter asked the president after those people were killed with the drone -- rather, at the gate, the president said the buck stops with me. i'm responsible. but it's donald trump's plan. so blame trump. brian: and susan rice. steve: trump and biden and kamala harris. meanwhile, tom mcclintock a member of congress. a republican from the great state of california, and jim jordan of ohio, have been hearing from whistleblowers and one, in particular, is troubling because this particular border patrol agent said that they have heard that unless they -- from their bosses, unless they are vaccinated by the first of november, they, essentially, are going to get fired and given the fact that so much bad stuff is happening at our southern border, you got wonder well, do we really want to eliminate anybody who is trying to keep the southern border safe? ainsley: what a double standard. we -- you have to help these illegal immigrants come true our country. they are not here legally. but we're going to make -- you are going to get fired if you don't get the vaccine. steve: they might cody coming across. brian: he said one in five are sick coming across our border. that coming from mayorkas giving a virtual to georgetown yesterday. jim jordan said he has got somebody who is saying this. it doesn't surprise me the all. this is mandate mania, whether it's u.s. state, u.s. military. everyone has got to get vaccinated because the 39 of the united states his patience is wearing thin with us. i'm sorry we are getting on his nerves. this is the same president that said someone who going to pay for what he claims was bad actions of border patrol on horses? so he put them on desk duty. didn't take their side. and said no one else can use a horse to round you will illegal aliens on a border you refuse to enforce and now you are going to tell everyone quit? do you know how depleted that force is already as well as overworked? here is jim jordan. >> the border patrol was given official notice that if border patrol agents don't get the vaccines by november of this year. six weeks from now, if they don't get the vaccine they will be fired. so, meanwhile today, we had a briefing from secretary mayorkas and we asked him about what's happening with these -- this flood of migrants coming across our southern border and he said relative to the vaccine he said we ask them if they want it, it's their choice. think about that. the people who have been busting their tails enforcing our law and doing their job on the border they will get fired if they don't take the vaccine meanwhile for people who break the law and come in here no big deal, your choice, it's up to you. steve: it's not as if the border patrol agents are working in a small room or a confined space. they are outside where, you know, the rate of transmission as we have heard can be absolutely tiny. meanwhile, the former president of the united states was on another channel yesterday where he was talking about, you know, we have got to fix immigration and you got to do it through congress because as former president barack obama said, what's going on right now is not good and it's unsustainable. here he is. >> immigration is tough. it always has been because on the one hand, um, i think we are naturally, um, are a people that wants to help others. at the same time, we're a nation stated. we have borders. the idea that we can just have open borders is something that, i think, as a practical matter is, is unsustainable. brian: wow, how unbelievable is that that he said something that joe biden won't say? the fact that we have open borders is unsustainable. we are a nation state. that sounds like the average american who we thought that was a given but not with this administration. steve: well, and jen psaki was asked about barack obama saying it was unsustainable and he said open borders is unsustainable and jen psaki said we don't have open borders. so, yes, he does agree. ainsley: i like what he said in the beginning too, i think all americans do agree with that we have heart for these individuals. we support immigration. no matter where you come from, just do it the right way. but it is -- i mean, it's hard to look at these images of these kids. the little boy etched in my mind that little boy etched in my teddy bear screaming don't leave me, don't leave me when those coyotes left him on the border it's heart breaking you have to do it the right way. even from a financial standpoint, it's unsustainable. how can americans pay for. brian: everybody. ainsley: all of these people. now they are talking about reconciliation bill that we will send all these illegal immigrants to school for free? someone halls to pay for that. brian: they go to college for free. that's fantastic. and put them in working class areas. ainsley: we are going to pay for our kids to go to school and those kids to pay for school. brian: exactly. how dare you complain. steve: the good news according to the administration is it has zero costs. which is great. meanwhile lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are set to get together and play ball later tonight for the annual congressional baseball game with people in the stands. ainsley: let's head out to the ball field where fox news headlines 24/7 reporter carley shimkus is joined by g.o.p. congressman steve scalise. hey, carley. carley: yeah, that's right. hey, ainsley, steve, brian, i am with congressman steve scalise, such an honor to talk to you. and democrats just took the field. so you can scout out the off session right now. >> that's right, carley. good to be with you. i miss all our friends back in the studio. great to have you back here. big league ballpark. ainsley: fans are going to be in the stand. >> 26,000 tickets have already been sold for today's game. carley: this is a charity event this raises over a million dollars for charity. >> $2 million for local charities that we're up to for tonight's game. carley: wow. also happening at such a wild time. this is celebration of bipartisan. there is so much fighting going on on capitol hill right now. especially among democrats. >> yeah. that's going to probably hit the waters' edge tonight. there is a lot of very big intense issues that we're dealing with on capitol hill. and, you know, you have got all these crises around the country with inflarks the border, hearings on afghanistan. and then you throw in the government funding. carley: infrastructure. >> tax hikes. they are trying to do $5.5 trillion package and they are in disarray on their side. carley: president biden says it's not going to cost anything. >> not going to cost anything except you will pay more in taxes. a tax on your natural gas if you use natural gas to heat your home or cool your home. you are going to be paying about 15% more every month. but i guess he doesn't think that's a cost. they are in totally out of direct correlation with most of our american families. carley: do you think it will pass. >> they don't have the votes right now. we don't support something that's going to jack up inflation and run millions of jobs out of the country. that's what the tax hike side is going to do. packaged it all together with infrastructure. and by the way, their version of infrastructure is, for example, about $100 billion in solyndra slush funds over at the department of energy. that's one of 9 things. carley: i know this event means so much to everybody on the field. all the republicans that are also playing but especially you because june 2017 it changed your life. shooter went onto the field, the republican practice and you almost lost your life. how your outlook on life change since then? >> you know, look, i surely had a different perspective. god performed miracles that day. carley: he certainly did. >> 2017. i'm lucky to be alive. he cherish every day like this. come out of to the ballpark it's a experience. carley: you said during that moment as it was happening you were praying and you felt better because you were in god's hands which i think is such a beautiful message and we are so glad you are okay. brian was talking before about how republicans have lost a few games in a row but you are confident that republicans will win this time around, huh? >> brian, you want to take the republicans in the game tonight. i feel good. steve: they are missing their star pitcher on the democrat side. >> working in the house. he. carley: that's right they're missing star pitcher but you have congressman "studio by" he has athletic guy. you can catch all the action on fox nation. starts at 7:05 eastern time. i think you are going to have a great evening. you got go to work first but then there is going to be some fun tonight. >> a few things at the office. carley: just a few things. >> thousands of people raise $2 million for charity. and we are going to be focused on beating the democrats, too. watch the game. fox sports. carley: absolutely. send it back to you in the studio. steve: it's nice that the democrats and republicans can get together and have a little fun. brian: right and compete and try to destroy each other that will be great. ainsley: republican coach earlier brian wanted carley to start off the interview with so you haven't really done well, you don't have a good record. brian: it was a suggestion. steve: maybe the last question not the first. [laughter] all right. carley, thank you very much. meanwhile, coming up, a show of respect to those who wear the badge. we will speak to a woman whose mission is to send handwritten thank you notes to the entire new york city police department. ♪ >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? ♪ ♪ ainsley: a new york city resident is showing her appreciation for law enforcement in a major way can a let that james has written more than 4,000 thank you notes to our police officers to cops across the city's and she is not stopping there her goal is to give thanks to all 36,000 officers in the nypd can a let s now good morning. >> hi, ainsley good morning. ainsley: i love this story. what inspired you. >> as a civilian i see how tough a job these officers have and i do this to let them know they have support out there that not everybody is against you. >> somewhat reaction you get when you deliver these notes to them? of course they appreciate it because they are not used to. ainsley: how many do you write at a time? is your hand aching after this. >> no, not yet. i try to do at least maybe 10 cards a day. ainsley: that's amazing. do you get their names? how do you know how many police officers are in each precinct? >> well, i try to write a certain amount when i go to a precinct and the cards are prewritten and the outside of the card i put the ranks, lieutenant, sergeant, detective and officer, and when i get there, and that's when i get the names and i write the names on the card before i give it to an officer. ainsley: that is so nice, coretta, what could you say in the card? .>> thank you for your service nypd. it takes a special person it to take a job that every time you put on your uniform you put your life at risk and you do this over and over again. and i put that there is somebody, somebody because they are. that's somebody's husband. somebody's father, somebody's mother. somebody's wife. tell me about you, coretta. tell me your story. where are you from and what do you do for a living. >> i'm from antigua and i'm a nanny. could i just say hi to some of my kids? ainsley: of course. >> hi jack, love you, miss you. hi sammy, hi hanna. ainsley: they are so blessed to have you taking care of them. i'm sure their parents just love you to death. you seem like a great person. thank you for thanking our law enforcement officers and we wish you all the best. you have done 4,000. you want to complete the 36,000. so you have a long way to go. i bet you can do it though. >> and i also want to take this nationwide. i have done the boston police department. the d.c. police department. the philadelphia police department because the encouragement is so needed. ainsley: it is. my dad does that, too. he stays up at night and sends notes to his friends that need encouragement. it's just such a blessing when you get that piece of mail. thank you, god bless you coretta. >> and thank you for having me, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. well, it might be early in the morning in nashville but where pete hegseth goes a party follows. hey, pete. pete: we try. it's early. we promised breakfast with friends here in nashville at john rich's redneck rivera so, george, you get banana in the. wild blue berry for you edith and john you got chocolate chip muffin. breakfast with friends classic muffin. we will talk with them about the news of the day. ♪ ♪ bs-c giving her grief. so she talked to her doctor because she wanted more relief. that's when she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. as someone who resembles someone else... i appreciate that liberty mutual ♪♪ knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ you ♪ ♪ jillian: good morning, we are back now with your headlines, fox news obtains records reveal the family of brian laundrie when camping in a park outside tampa just days before the 23-year-old was reported missing. dog, the bounty hunter, now pursuing leads in the search for the once boyfriend of gabby petino. a tourist now coming forward revealing he saw an angry laundrie at a bar late last month. he joined us in the last hour. >> there was a guy by himself at the end of the bar. and we really didn't pay him much attention until he got kind of -- he just seemed overly invested in our conversation and eventually ended up speaking up, which is what made us notice. jillian: this as gabby's family is speaking out for the first time since her body was found in a wyoming park revealing matching tattoos with the phrase "let it be." the very same words gabby had inked on her arm. democrat candidate for virginia governor terry mcauliffe facing backlash for saying parents should not say what tools teach their kids. mcauliffe making a claim amid a heated debate with republican glenn youngkin as parents in northern virginia rallied against controversial policies in public schools including critical race theory. senator ted cruz tweeting, quote: always dangerous when dems are accidentally honest. mcauliffe thinks he should decide what school kids are taught and pesky parents should shut up and obey. brian requested so here you go. beating out soccer power house madrid in first ever champion league's appearance. the small team from that dove moldovabreak away state. securing victory with 2-1 win. the young each it's forward gave his team a pep talk during halftime we believed we could win i spoke to my teammate as dant motivating them saying why not dream? this is football. brian was so excited about this story. brian: you don't understand. jillian: ask and you shall receive. brian: smallest, unknown teams in the world known against the most successful team in the world. >> no one would know if i said it right or wrong. brian: 1/64th of the value, madrid worth $872 million. and they just won. north macedonia, beginy, uzbekistan. they have a payroll of payroll of -- value of $13 million. this is a real life ted lasso story. f.c. richmond beat manchester city. are you guys shocked by this. s.c. sheriff beat realma drid. steve: check him for a fever. brian: you are going to go home and realize that's the buzz. [buzzer] steve: no one talks about soccer. brian: i met janice dean all she wants to talk about is soccer. [buzzer] steve: all she wants to talk about is weather and the jack hammer? janice: you know what? mostly sunny with 100 percent sense of a jack hammer today. take a look at the maps. beautiful day in new york city. we had a cold front that moved in last night. look at the temperatures. they are going to be in the 60's today for much of the northeast and all of that rain has moved offshore for the most part. we do have the potential for showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast and then out west we got a big old cold front that's going to move through. that's going to bring the potential for some snow across the rockies. look at denver. and then the rain potential for the rest of the workweek as that storm system and the front associated with it stalls out. that's going to be a story as we go through the next couple of days. there's your forecast today. 68 beautiful degrees along with jack hammers in new york city. 87 in miami. 67 in denver with that snow on the way for the higher elevations and then hurricane sam we're still into hurricane season, this is a cat 4 storm. the good news is it's going to remain offshore bermuda you will have to keep an eye on this as it comes pretty close this weekend and then we are going to have to deal with the high waves and the rip current front along the east coast. all right. ainsley: we get used to the jack hamner norpg new york unless you are on the phone walking by it or when they're doing construction in the apartment beside you and above you and using jack hammers. brian: anyone trying to do something better than the jack hammer? still using the same technology when it comes to breaking up a street. a jack hammer. >> get something besides a jack hammer. january january i would like to know what they're doing over there. steve: walk over new windows and see they are building a new structure. janice: investigative reporter happening. brian: put david lee miller on it. steve: 22 minutes before the the top of the hour. here is the vice president nodding along as a student slams israel. >> ethnic genocide. >> your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed. ainsley: douglas murray is going to react to that controversial exchange coming up. ♪ >> basically, despite all this bad news, we have an adult in charge okay. a guy in an adult diaper. [laughter] captain joey. joe.aviator sunglasses, check. bomber jacket, check. he looks like someone crossed a delta pilot with arthur fonz too bad microphone gets cut more than me trying to make the eighth grade soccer team. this year i was closer than ever. steve: this year. for you night owls you know that's a highlight from last night wants greg gutfeld show he was live in nashville spotlighting mounting criticism over president biden's messy, as he has described it, exit from afghanistan. brian: right. we sent him to nashville to cover the afghanistan story. even the top generals are contradicting the president in return including when they came up the thread of al-qaeda. >> remember why we went to afghanistan in the first place? because we were attacked by usama bin laden and al-qaeda. al-qaeda was disseminated. >> general mckenzie is al-qaeda gone. >> senator, al-qaeda still maintains a presence in afghanistan. ainsley: well in our own "fox & friends weekend" co-host pete hegseth is also in music city and he is talking to the patrons at redneck rivera about the hearings yesterday. pete? pete: yes, we are, ainsley, brian, steve, good morning. and showing that clip from gutfeld is making me just a little bit excited to be there tonight. i will be there on gutfeld tonight. here in nashville it's great to be here obviously we are redneck rivera john rich's place. he has a brand new show on fox business on prime time "in pursuit" folks here with us bright and early this morning thank you all. george, edith and john. george, we were talking. you watched some of that testimony yesterday. general mackenzie said hey al-qaeda is back as strong as ever. what concerns you when you look at what is unfolding both in afghanistan and in washington. >> well, we are not getting true information out of the administration. we can't believe anything that comes out. it bothers me that we have left americans and those that helped us and bailed on them and, yet, we have emboldened al-qaeda and the rest of the group. and we just have to change that america's standing has dropped because of them. pete: you mentioned the marine colonel who spoke out who is now in confinement as well. quite a contrast. >> it's really a contrast when we will put armed forces person who served our country for 17 years in to solitary confinement for speaking the truth but three generals could speak on camera yesterday and basically do the same thing and they are still there. pete: yeah, one of those generals loves to talk on background and on the record to reporters on gossip books about the commander-in-chief who he is supposed to be serving. edith, when you see it all in washington right now, what's your reaction? >> that we are not keeping our words. we are not keeping our word to the people in afghanistan, to all the military that served our country. we're just-we're not being truthful. pete: what do you think guides joe biden's foreign policy? when you look at it or what's -- you know, we knew donald trump was america first in strength what's joe biden? >> sometimes i wonder if it's the last one out the door theory. he just doesn't -- if someone is chirping in his ear and he is not thinking about the whole country, only thinking about making certain people happy at certain times. pete: there we go. john, you win -- get a close up on john's outfit he is on camera almost simply because of this amazing minnesota vikings are a regalia you have. big win. >> fantastic against the seahawks very excited to see that. hopefully playoff but we will see. pete: we will see. a little early for that he has been a lifelong vikings fan which means his life has been full of disappointment just like mine. [laughter] john, you wrote a book called potus 1. it's george washington. pretty cool. i think george washington made some different decisions than joe biden is making right now. >> oh, absolutely. there would be accountability with the generals and also the people supporting them at home and in congress. he wrote several letters, george did, about asking for things and congress a lot of times during the war we know he had to take things into his own action. i think sometimes that's what we as americans we want to see accountability. we want to see just people actually doing something. i think the american people are mature enough to see accountability and that's why i think they love donald trump because there was accountability. there was maturity in terms of foreign policy. not this like baby steps taking ba because that's not who we are. we are mature. pete: you baked down what happened yesterday. a withdrawal deadline that failed. you got a chairman of the joint chiefs calling the chinese and giving them a heads up. and then you have him gossipping to reporters and admitting about it he seems to think that's what our generals are supposed to be doing. george, edith, john, thank you very much. appreciate your time back to you guys in new york city. full of jets fans who are also unhappy perpetually. brian: if they could score next week they just forgot to score this weekend. pete: yes. brian: for four quarters. ainsley: joel, are you wearing a jets it will today? >> yes. brian: 3-0 with the panthers. >> giants are it 0-3. brian: that's true. it wasn't right, pete to bring up the giants. steve: welcome to morning trash talk. brian: okay, am i supposed to read? ainsley: sure. brian: thanks, pete. he will be joined by john rich redneck rivera later in the show. you don't want to miss pete on gutfeld tonight. there is a lot about pete in tease. back in a moment. ainsley: making you jealous? steve: meanwhile, switching imeers, as we look in the rear view, the year of 2020 was summed up by politics, protests and the pandemic. our next guest wrote the book on how the virus up ended our lives. hear from him coming up next on hear from him coming up next on "fox & friends." brian: and pete is on gutfeld. we see a close up of the grille overhead shot. she drives hands free along the coast. make it palm springs. cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off - script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyric. ... (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. and there you have it-'s a better mouthwash. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> a few days ago there were funds allocated backing israel which hurts my heart, because it's an ethnic genocide and it's not what happened in america and i'm sure you're aware of this. >> your voice, your perspective , your experience, your truth, should not be suppressed. brian: vice president kamala harris at george mason university in virginia applaud ing a student who slams israel, says they are committing genocide so what does this mean for our relationship with our closest allie? joining us now to react is author douglas murray. douglas? i mean, this was supposed to be about voter registration, and it ends up being this. she's not good without a script. >> no this was the most horrible exchange for kamala harris and i wonder how she's going to try to explain it in the days ahead. the student in question didn't express her truth or your truth as harris put it. she just lied, and said that israel is committing genocide, ethnic genocide, and flat out wrong. flat out untrue, complete lie, and instead of at least trying to pushback against what the student says, harris said this is your truth. the great oprahism of our time. i've got my truth, you've got yours, let's call the whole thing off. she shouldn't have said that she was quite right to say the girl in question had the right to express her opinion in america, of course she does, but that's quite different from having the right to liable the state of israel and expect the vice president to just nod along. brian: douglas i'm seeing big push now is kamala harris, the big comeback. she's going to lead the charge for the democrats to try to save the house and senate in the mid-terms. do you think the democrats are right to push all their cards and chips with the harris campaign? >> no, i don't. i think as exchanges like this show, she's not a great asset to the party. she is terrible at exchanges like the one we've just seen, she's horrible in a corner, whenever she's asked a difficult question, she has these very strange reactions, sort of things like at totally inappropriate times and i think the demonstration of the democrats are in trouble. what i worry about more is that america's allies worldwide see this sort of thing, and start to worry. now this administration was meant to be talking about building alliances, and rebuilding alliances as if donald trump had trashed them all, which he hadn't, and now we see just days after each other, we see what happened with america's allies in afghanistan. we see last week, democrats, members of harris' own party voted to defund the iron dome that is to defend a defensive weapons system and now, we see the vice president just sort of nodding along as very very ignorant american student, liable as an allie. people i speak to around the world including in recent days in israel, are concerned about this. they are concerned when they see people this trashing and allowing the trashing of american allies. brian: douglas that was one thing real quick, the term that general milley agreed with was damaged. talking about a relationship after afghanistan, what term would you use? >> yeah, damaged is the start of it. it's the soft version of it, but what we see , and i've said this a number of times in recent weeks, is we see the perspective of america in the world looking like it's not a particularly dangerous enemy to have and it's not a very good friend. that is more than dangerous. that's lethal. brian: exactly. douglas murray thanks so much appreciate it. >> it's a great pleasure. brian: five minutes now before the top of the hour, ainsley? ainsley: thanks brian from the start of the pandemic to social unrest on the street, and a heated presidential election, 2020 was a year like no other. brian: now a new book is attempting to make sense of the events last year with a so-called fictional account of the virus spreading from china and the division across the u.s. steve: the book is called "of course they knew" author john moody is also the former executive vice president and former executive editor for fox news, he joins us right now. john, good morning to you. ainsley: good morning. >> hey, steve great to see you again. steve: great to have you as well , okay so you look at 2020 with covid and the campaign , and the protest but you've turned, and we know a lot about all those things but you're making this a novel. is that so that you can figure out how to connect all of the dots? >> well, it's because i didn't know all the people involved by name. i had to makeup my characters but i superimposed them on top of real life events, the same stuff that you and i and everybody in this country went through, in 2020. it was a year unlike any other year, at least so far in this century, and i think a lot of people were confused and shocked and disenchanted so the book is a fictional attempt to make sense of 2020 and what it meant. ainsley: explain the title, because you left it ambiguous. >> well, there's nothing like a good ellipsis to start the day. it refers to china, of course, they knew what was going on in wuhan, they knew what they were doing, they knew it was a serious virus. the. dot allows readers to makeup their own minds about what else china was doing did they spread the virus intentionally, did they try to shift blame for it? well they did, one of the party- controlled newspapers actually said that the virus was created by the u.s. military and dropped from a low-flying military jet. now, i'm not an expert on military jets but i don't think many of them have been flying over wuhan at low altitudes recently. brian: so john, do you conclude that china did this on purpose or should, do you personally feel that way and if so, do you think that they're happy with the result? >> well, you know, whether they did it on purpose or whether it got out of their control, really doesn't matter. look how many millions of people died because of it. are they happy? well, their economy has rebound ed a whole lot faster than any other economy in the world. they seem to be calling shots on what the world health organization deems acceptable. the world health organization, you know, told us all that you can't call this the wuhan flu. you can't call this the china virus. you have to call it coronavirus or covid-19, something that won't offend anybody. steve: and john, how does, given the campaign and covid and the protest, all those things that actually happened, how does the mainstream media figure into telling the story? >> well, they have a starring role, steve. look, its just been mazing for me to watch from the sidelines, i'm not involved in the business, but it's amazing to watch how they rolled over and did whatever they were told to do. you know, the covid had to be called covid so that china wouldn't be offended. we had to be very gentle about how we referred to these protests and the election, of course, was all about we need change, we need a new president, we need something else, and the mainstream media just went into it full force. they wanted to be part of this whole process. ainsley: well john, we wish you the best with this book, congratulations. >> thanks very much. ainsley: you're welcome it's called "of course they knew" and it is available now. steve: speaking of now, right now, we start hour three of "fox & friends" for wednesday. >> top military leaders testify in afghanistan. >> three top generals say they told president biden leave 2,500 troops but the white house says that didn't happen. >> i've never seen a grand canyon size gulf between the commander and chief and this general. >> border patrol agents are being told to get their vaccine or lose their job. >> think about that. the people who have been busting their tails they are going to get fired meanwhile for people who break the law coming here no big deal. >> he believes he had an encounter with brian laundrie >> he kind of abruptly jumped into it with a comment about stupid southerners. >> making her gratitude known by writing over 4,000 thank you notes to police. >> i see how tough a job these officers have, and i want to let them know they have support out there. ainsley: the congressional baseball game returns to d.c. tonight. >> this event means so much to you, because june 2017. >> god's performed miracles that day and i'm lucky to be alive so i cherish everyday like this. >> ♪ brian: all right, everybody you're looking live at nashville right now. steve: the hall of fame. brian: yeah, the hall of fame, that city named after the coach years ago and they made it nashville. that is a pullout from our downstairs set. we're not there. that's a picture of the outside we just had, and then that's a pan up. and then we'll pan up to another camera and now that camera is going to swing around and eventually catch us. ainsley: there we go. steve: what's so interesting is brian pretty much exactly was verbatim with what our director mark was telling all the camera guys in their ears. ainsley: now, brian, show them what is over here. we call this -- steve: show what's over there. ainsley: he calls it the kilmeade corner. steve: he's got his coffee. brian: what i was trying to say is watch this. ainsley: look at all of these papers. brian: this is what i'm saying, since i'm here so much doing interviews can you name this spot in the set after me, a little plaque right here, so hegseth and will cain want to do an interview they have to say go to the kilmeade corner. steve: it's not a corner. ainsley: good point it's not a corner and you have a radio show brian: someone messed up my papers. ainsley: you have a tv show. someone, someone, you really need something else named after you? brian: all right ainsley: brian your son's named after you? brian: okay, wow so much resentment in ainsley. steve: as we just saw, this show runs on dunkin'. brian: absolutely. ainsley: at least it's not spilled over today. steve: here's the thing. the whole buildup, the reason we showed nashville, the hall of fame, was as a perfect transition, we got a little lost , into pete hegseth, whose live at the red neck river riveria because he's going to be on gutfeld tonight. gutfeld is live in nashville all week. pete, good morning to you and the folks at the bar on broadway pete: good morning. yes, we're all watching the train wreck that is the open of the 8:00 hour. >> [laughter] pete: as brian tries to, we're watching brian trying to rename portions of the studio after himself. brian if that's the case i'll give you kilmeade corner if you give me hegseth stairwell because i invented the stairway walk, as you know. steve: hold on, pete, you invented walking downstairs? brian: right? let me just say pete, can you see the monitor? this is what pete claims is his walk. this is my walk, pete. pete: oh, look. brian: i was walking down steps , next thing you know, i tune in on a saturday and pete is walking down steps, claiming it as his own. chris, who did this first? >> i believe it was you, brian. brian: thank you. chris, who i've never met personally, just said that i was the first to walk down the stairs. ainsley: didn't you learn it from steve, brian? steve: well, yeah. oh, well. brian: that's true. all right i'm going to go backup now. i invented walking up stairs. steve: it beats falling down stairs. pete: maybe that's the issue. brian: you perfected the walk. ainsley: [laughter] pete: i'll take an asterisk if i have to. you guys are out of control this morning i thought this crowd was out of control. >> [laughter] pete: apparently this is the show, this morning showing everyone studio f and naming corners. ainsley, you get the living room you should at least, it should at least be ainsley's living room but guys, we're here because gutfeld is here all week and we're going to have john rich in a moment we're at his bar without him yet because he's got a new primetime show on fox business and we just like to get out of new york city as much as possible. although, i'll toss it back to you, where you're having a lot of fun. by the way i've been working so hard i'll pass around the red neck tip bucket. i've been tap dancing all morning so if you have tips for me, folks, i'll take them. steve: right and having been there, the bucket is for the band, which starts playing i think at about 10:00 in the morning there. pete: yes, they do. they do. ainsley: the buckets at the bar and in church. it's the offering bucket. [laughter] brian: now to capitol hill, where top military generals will testify before house lawmakers today on the troop withdrawal from afghanistan. steve: after they revealed yesterday that president biden went against their expert advice to keep troops on the ground. ainsley: and peter doocy is live at the white house with a look at the senate hearing. reporter: good morning again, and these generals and the president are both saying two different things that can not both be true, at the same time. the generals are saying they recommended privately that president biden leave behind 2,500 americans in afghanistan, but the president says, that never happened. >> there was a range of viewpoints as was evidenced by their testimony today that were presented to the president, that were presented to his national security team, as be expected. as he asked for. reporter: but under oath, these generals are contradicting the president. >> i recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in afghanistan. i also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead to the collapse of the afghan military forces, and eventually, the afghan government. >> i am very much satisfied that we had a thorough policy review, all of the parties had an opportunity to provide input and that input was received. reporter: so they are giving a number, 2,500, but president biden says he doesn't remember that. >> no one told your military advisor did not tell you know we should just keep 2,500 troops its been a stable situation for the last several years we can do that and continue to do that. >> no one said that to me that i can recall. reporter: remember, president biden has defended the way that things went down in kabul, by saying that the pullout, whenever it happened, was never going to be pretty. back to you. steve: and peter, the president, you asked the president a question about whether or not he took responsibility for the americans who were killed over in kabul, and he essentially took responsibility but he also blamed somebody else , didn't he? >> yes, he blamed president trump for laying conditions and negotiations with the taliban last year that he thought did not, made it essentially impossible for things to go smoothly, but now, we know that the president was still seeking advice from his military general s, forget about this trump deal that was made. he was still seeking advice this year about what to do, and his generals were telling him what to do and the president didn't do it. steve: he was getting advice right through august. peter on the north lawn of the white house, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, peter. brian: you saw senator sullivan yesterday say it's ridiculous to think that you could not reverse anything donald trump did, you had no problem with the paris climate accord, no problem reversing the iran deal but when it came to afghanistan, my hands are tied. no ones buying it. ainsley: and then jen psaki was asked about it well if the generals told him to keep troops in afghanistan, why did you pull them out, why did he pull them out and she said well we got advice from different people, and there were different advisor s split on this , so then the reporters pressed her and said which general told him to pull everyone out? and she didn't have an answer. steve: yup. unnamed generals. all right, but nonetheless it looks as if joe biden is not perhaps telling the truth regarding what went down. meanwhile, as we've been detailing, there are all sorts of restrictions here in new york city, on monday they started firing people who worked in hospitals who had not been vaccinated. new york city teachers have until friday to get vaccinated or to get fired. meanwhile, in the new york city police department, there is no vaccination mandate; however, the new york post has got a story this morning that the undercover cops, who don't get the shot, apparently are going to be demoted because when you're undercover, among other things, you need to set up sting s in restaurants and they can't send cops into restaurants who have not been vaccinated. ainsley: send in the ones that are vaccinated to the restaurant s and send the ones who aren't to other areas where you don't have to show a vaccine card. brian: or just let it go. they're the ones putting themselves in danger if they are in fact doing that they might have natural immunity but mayor mayor deblasio knows better. here is what they are saying, he's doing it because if they are going to setup cops they need a vaccination card to get into the restaurant and they don't have it. steve: right. brian: that's true most restaurants although a couple i've went in with have not asked steve: but the police department want knowingly send somebody who has not been vaccinated into essentially break the law. apparently one of the other things that is going on is they have threatened these particular officers, and i think there are 10 or 12, threatened them with administrative transfer, which essentially, according to the post, kills their careers because then, in new york, they will be known as a rat and nobody wants to work with them. so, they are being given an ultimatum. get the shot, or get demoted. we are seeing a lot of mandates here in new york city, and elsewhere, and, you know, your boss ultimately gets to decide the work requirements, and for these jobs now, the requirement is you got to get the jab. ainsley: there is a precious lady out in queens we talked to her earlier, her name is caretta james and she's a nanny here in new york to three little children. she's from antigua, moved here when she was 16 years old and she writes handwritten notes to all of the police officers, she's so far written 4,000 over the last few years and her goal is to reach all of the police officers, which is 36,000 in the area. so she goes to police precincts and writes these handwritten notes about 10 a day and she presents them at the desk and writes their rank and name on the outside of the envelope listen to her. >> i try to do at least maybe 10 cards a day. i put that they're somebody's somebody, because they are, that's somebody's husband, somebody's father, somebody's mother, somebody's wife, thank you for your service in the nypd it takes a special person to take a job but every time you put on your uniform you put your life at risk and you do this over and over again. as a civilian, i see how tough a job these officers have, and i do this to let them know they have support out there that not everybody is against you. brian: talking about against them, it's not just about new york, she's a sensational woman that's awesome she's doing that and the cops appreciate it. ainsley: she wants to take it nationwide now. steve: she would like to do it in washington and boston and philadelphia as well. brian: massachusetts is telling their state cops get vaccinated by next week or you're fired. some of them are resigning already. by the way by friday, teachers have to be all vaccinated or they're going to be told they're done. in two weeks, hospice and home care entities are all demanding that everyone get vaccinated, or they're done, and then you have countless hospitals from erie county to albany, new york, to long island, thousands of people will be getting fired from their jobs not eligible for unemployment because they don't want the mayor telling them what to do with their health. steve: the problem for them is they work for the government, and the government can essentially say that the vaccination is a condition of employment, according to the u.s. department of justice. brian: next thing they are mandating moisturizer and we'll have to use their moisturizer and we, just wait this is a slippery slope. ainsley: they make the little kids get it. brian: yeah next thing is your 5-year-old is eligible, you got one week to do it or the kid is suspended from school. ainsley: it's 8:13 and after the pandemic canceled the 2020 season congress is now ready to play ball. steve: that's right tonight democrats and republicans will go head-to-head just a couple of blocks to the east of the capitol, south of the capitol, in the annual congressional baseball game. brian: fox news headlines reporter 24/7 she never sleeps, carley shimkus is live at nationals park with florida congressman kat comic. reporter: that right i'm looking for a uniform hopefully i can suit up and play ball with them. >> we got your size and everything and your number on it already. reporter: but it was my idea first. so this is your first year in congress, your first year on the team. how was this experience been? >> this is the most incredible experience. not only are we out here playing for charity over $2 million raised, but you get to meet your colleagues in a different setting, and with covid, we didn't have the opportunity to do all the things that congress traditionally does, so you don't get to know each other's families, everything has been broken down and shutdown. so you can't do baseball virtual ly, so the best thing, the best advice that i got was from one of my colleagues, from trent kelly who said get out on the baseball field you'll make the best of friends and do the best networking and get the most work done. reporter: did you ever play softball or baseball before or is this a total totally new thing? >> i played sports in high school. i was basketball, volleyball, a little bit of softball, cheered in college. reporter: so you're athletic. >> natural athlete yet but this is a whole new level. [laughter] reporter: you guys take this seriously practicing since april every morning at 5 or 6:00 in the morning. >> i've been getting up at 4:30 every morning since april to do this but again it's for charity a great experience and where the real work gets done. reporter: all morning long we've been talking about what's going on in afghanistan and you told me something really interesting about what your office is doing right now. >> yeah, so since this debacle really unfolded we've been having 24 hour shifts for our team getting americans out of afghanistan and i'm proud of the fact our team has gotten 336 americans and allies out but last night i got a call and they said there's a flight with 50- plus americans, children, canadian citizens, and they're in the air, they cannot land, they are being denied any clearance to land in the united states, so we got on the phone, we're immediately in touch with the embassy making it happen, working with the faa, and we're going to get them home. reporter: where are those people right now? >> they are actually in the air right now. reporter: in the air? >> in the air, yes. so our team has worked through the night on the calls with operators, there's incredible groups that are working in this space, making sure our people come home, because we know this administration sure won't bring them home so we're doing the work that this president won't. reporter: you are certainly are and that's so important to get those people home and to safety. there was bipartisan outrage over afghanistan. there are a few things that are bipartisan in this world right now. this event is one of them though , so what is it going to be like to play against the democrats? >> i think with everything going on, how divided we are, covid kept us all separate, to bring us altogether, you're going to have 27,000 fans in the stadium, have the streamed live nationally. it's for charity. this is a great way for us to actually prove that at the end of the day, even though this game is about america versus socialism, and we're going to win in september, and then again, in november, there's a healthy rivalry and at the end of the day we're all americans. reporter: and it's a tradition that's been going on since 1909 over 100 years and now you are a part of it how cool is that? >> i'm pretty excited. reporter: sending it back to you guys. brian: i can't believe that plane is still in the air. that is the first we've heard of that. reporter: unbelievable. brian: it's breaking news. ask her, were they trying to land the plane? reporter: so brian wants to know , with the plane of you said 50 siv americans, canadians as well, were they trying to land the plane and they were rejected at the airport, no airport would take them? >> yeah, so they took off and had to go back to abu dhabi and land again and they said you guys can't stay here and so they are in a pickle. they have children, there's actual americans, blue passport- holding americans that are on this plane that got left behind and they have children with them, they have no resources, no nothing. it has been a true mess but this just one of dozens of rescue missions going on. like i said the administration has left so many people behind, we saw in the testimony yesterday in armed services that the leadership of the military disagreed and contradicted the biden administration. its just been a mess, and that's all the more reason why we need to take the house back in the mid-terms, take the senate back and ultimately the white house, because we're not republicans vs. democrats in this moment. americans are being left behind, and it doesn't matter what you have behind your name, we got to get that. reporter: that number is so high , 50 we keep hearing 100 americans are still left there. >> it's a lot. reporter: if there's a sizable number of those 50 people that are americans, like you said blue passport holders, that kind of proves that we don't really even know how many americans are left in afghanistan you're right >> absolutely there are thousands of people that have been left behind and this administration will not admit it. reporter: we know you're going to continue doing that good work getting people home and you're going to be out on the field tonight as well, you can catch the game, 7:05 eastern time, stream it live on fox nation. steve: all right, yup. 7:05 on fox nation. thank you very much carlie and congresswoman. on that plane, obviously, they aren't going to tell us where they're going to land, we hope tomorrow at this time, we're going to be able to reveal it, there are 80 green calendar holders, six americans and six people with special immigrant visas. ainsley: 59 children on the plane. steve: apparently reuters was told by the state department they have to verify the manifest and make sure the people on the manifest are not terrorists. brian: the people that gave you 800 people in a cargo jet are worried about people that have been screened by former navy seals who are on a plane. someone pat down that child. ainsley: at least they're safe out of afghanistan and at the ua e, hopefully we'll be able to get them out at some point an get those americans home. steve: she says they're in the air. brian: they're an annoyance to an administration whose proudly saying we got 90% of the people out. it's incredible. ainsley: they were originally supposed to land in queens at jfk, and then they diverted that to dulles, but then they were told they were revoked the landing rights were revoked so apparently now they are in the airheading here? steve: we don't know. brian: they can't stay. steve: it could be europe. they could be landing anywhere. brian: as long as they're on the ground in abbey dab it. the parents of a former marine in disbelief as their son is locked up for criticizing military leadership over the afghanistan withdrawal. >> and he is a very proud american, a very proud marine, a very principled man, and he stood his ground. ainsley: medal of honor recipient dakota meyer reacts next. oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? so you only pay for what you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> the last 30 days our son has spoke his truth, and he is a very proud american, a very proud marine, a very principled man, and he stood his ground, and that's what the marines had taught him. >> he only spoke because what he saw happening and kabul, he couldn't take it. he had to speak out. he had to stand his ground. steve: and he did. there you have an emotional response from the parents of a former marine lt. colonel stuart sheller who was jailed, he's been thrown in for criticizing the military's withdrawal from afghanistan. this comes as top generals are set to testify again today, this time before house lawmakers on what went wrong over there. here to react fox news contributor and marine veteran and medal of honor recipient dakota meyer. dakota good morning. >> good morning. steve: so, they threw that lt. colonel in, the marines did, because they couldn't stop him from tweeting out why is this , why is the military supervisors, why are they not being held accountable for what went wrong? >> yeah, look. first off the military is a little bit different place to work and to be able to, freedom of speech in the military is always something that's back and forth of what that exactly means , right? i don't understand what grounds that the military has put him in in the brig for but this is what the military does. what it tells me though is that either that they're worried about what this guy is going to say. i just don't think that this is the right way to handle this. i think that look, this man wants answers, this man came out and literally asked the same questions that all of us are asking, and i just think that this is a terrible move. i just don't understand what we don't know yet of what regards do they think this was going to be a smart move to put this man behind bars. as you seen an administration, or you seen someone try to do look at eddie gallagher they tried to put him behind bars they tried to shut him up multiple times all these things and that did not work out in their favor at all so i just don't understand how they thought this was wrong. to me, in my opinion, it just shows me that our military leadership has gotten so political and that with the left they feel so empowered that they feel like they can do whatever they want, and they're not going to be held accountable which is what we're seeing with the top generals so why would they think any different, but i don't think this is a smart move for them and this is really going to come back and get them. steve: they just wanted to censor him, and that's where he's sitting on this wednesday morning. you mentioned the top generals they were all on capitol hill yesterday talking to the senate. they are going to be back today talking to the house but yesterday, dakota, it was very clear, their story is much different than joe biden. joe biden said on tv 40 days ago , yeah, i can't recall anybody telling me to leave 2,500 people on the ground in afghanistan. yesterday, they all said yeah, we told them, ultimately we're not going to tell you a lot about what we told them but we told them that. >> well this is joe biden's first real job where he's had to have accountability. you know, joe biden has been able to, for his entire career, kind of walk around and skirt the one thing, responsibility and accountability in any of his jobs, right? he was vice president, he walked around and smiled and you know, wave his hand and president obama would have to take the blame. look, there's nobody who doesn't want to be president anymore than joe biden right now with all the heat he's taking. so i think that that's part of it. he just thinks well, i don't remember. i've got a lot going on. i don't remember saying this , which i think is such a cop out answer and there's no way that that's true, but they believe they can lie to the american people so much and that the american people will take it and if they keep saying it over and over and over again, that the american people will then believe it, and that is where we have a huge issue with this. i mean, you've got a general, you've got the joint chief of staff, i mean, he's just an advisor. he's not even in charge of anybody. he's the advisor to the president of the united states. he has no power so of course, the administration doesn't have to take his advice, but i think that what one of the big issues we have is that the joint chief admitted to treason. to collusion, with the chinese government without having the president's authority under the trump adminitration and i don't understand how he's not in prison, not in the brig, and you've got lt. colonel shell erin the brig. it doesn't make sense. steve: general milley said yeah i talked to bob woodward and it didn't do anything that matters so anyway they are all back in the hot seat today we'll have it here on fox. dakota, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: all right exactly 8:30 here in the east. the nba wants all players vaccinated before the start of the season, but some stars are refusing to do that. we've got the backlash coming up , but first, tourists have been flocking to nashville all summer to music city as it opens up john rich joins us alongside pete hegseth on the incredible comeback on broadway, next, good morning, guys. >> ♪ steve: all right, right now we're back with a live look at music city, that's the hall of fame right there, in downtown. ainsley: it's not just country music bringing in nashville, it's wedding bells too. brian: madison alworth, from our sister network, fox business , i met a lot of people on fox business, they are nice, is live with a look at how the city's wedding industry is booming. madison, tell me more. steve: where is she? reporter: of course i'm on a party bus right now, guys. i think, because it's like 7:30 a.m. i'm probably the only person on a party bus in the entire city, but if you give it a couple hours, we're on broadway, this whole street is going to be packed with open air vehicles, just like this one, carrying partyers all over the city and like you mentioned one of the most attract if groups here, that's always jumping on these buses, is your bachelorette party, and that is really big business here in nashville, because the wedding industry, like you mentioned, well, it's absolutely booming. we're expecting 2.5 million weddings next year because of all of the covid shutdowns, that's creating a lot of business in nashville, tennessee the reason that they're coming here you have affordable prices, you're also looking at an accessible location for much of the country, and of course, fun opportunities like this one, we actually spoke to the ceo of this and he told us this destination is one that they constantly have people coming back to, and you get it when you have views like this one, guys. >> on any given month, there's up to 8,000 bachelorette parties that are going to nashville and our expense feature would show the national average spend hover s around specifically at least $550 per guest, and then sometimes up to $1,250 per guest reporter: all right, guys and you're taking a look at broadway here these are some of the bars where all those bachelorettes head and they are super happy to have this party scene back its been a huge part of the covid comeback guys back to you. brian: i've never been to a bachelorette party, what happens ainsley: [laughter] don't answer that. reporter: i don't think we can talk about that on tv. ainsley: what happens in nashville stays in nashville. steve: all i know is theres a guard rail on the side. you see that? so you can't fall off. which is good. ainsley: other cities need to adopt this. that's genius. steve: it's a lot of fun. ainsley: it looks like it well with business booming in music city it's safe to say that nashville after covid is back. brian: now we're back with fox & friends weekend co-host who also doesn't know what happens at bachelorette parties joining us at redneck riveria with the owner, john rich, an exciting new show of part of an exciting new fox business prime lineup. steve: sounds like somebody is in hot pursuit in the background brian: pete take it away say something. pete: say something, well what i'll say is that madison, the fox business reporter, just went right past us. >> [laughter] pete: she ignored us. steve: she better turnaround because she's heading for the river. pete: they should they can come right here but john was just saying it's not the wedding business it's the bachelorette party business. >> nashville has overtaken las vegas as the number one bachelorette party destination in america and redneck riveria is the number one of the number ones in nashville . this is where everybody comes. [applause] >> it's true. it's true. ainsley: completely back open there? >> yeah things are back open. it's pretty crazy, 2020 we all know what that was it was kind of like a ghost town but it's almost like this pent-up energy around the country everybody wants to get out and it seems like they are all coming to nashville which is great for us we lost a bunch of our musicians they had to move back home when the pandemic hit, all the talent has come back and nashville is back and rocking. steve: and your place there, at the redneck riveria opens to the street, and just like with those buses that go up and down, a lot of the stuff is outside, so people, you know, have a layer of protection of sort. >> [laughter] well, so when we sing "save a horse, ride a cowboy" down here, the mounted police actually bring the horses and stick their heads through our windows when we sing it. it's a great place to come visit you'd love it. brian: pete, do you think, you don't like nashville, how do you feel about what john just said? pete: is that the rumor on the street? fake news, brian. just like you and your stairway walk, and your corners. >> [laughter] pete: nashville, i will confirm, it is wide open, and by the way, you did gutfeld, it's packed. >> yeah, gutfeld is shooting about a quarter of a mile up the street. listen, fox news just needs to relocate to nashville i'm telling you right now, all of you all need to be here. >> [applause] steve: send the moving van. that's great, and john, you've got a show over on fox business prime, right? tell us about the pursuit. >> i do, so tonight, two new episodes 9:00 eastern on fox business prime on the primetime lineup. it's candace owens on with me tonight and actually my personal story of pursuit we get to tell my story a little bit so tune in tonight and watch that. get you some redneck riveria whiskey because the show is better when you're having a sip. ainsley: pete what are you going to do tonight? brian: i don't know brian, what am i doing tonight? brian: gutfeld. pete: the king of late night. i just needed to hear you say it one more time, i know how much you love the amount of promotion yes, gutfeld, he's doing it all week. he says the crowd's rocking it'e down south aren't there? pete: yeah, lots of nicer than new york. i order pizza in new jersey and they yell at me when i'm ordering. what do you want! i called you why are you yelling at me, a lot nicer down here. steve: pete and john, pete have everybody who showed up today to be on the show, give themselves a round of applause. pete: steve would like you to give yourselves a round of applause. >> there you go. >> [applause] >> and for pete, a fold of honor cap. pete: folds of honor cap. god bless you guys in new york, have a great morning. ainsley: we need it. god bless you. brian: gutfeld in nashville, live tonight. meanwhile a clash on center court as unvaccinated nba player s are forced to play defense against their critics. ainsley: clay travis calls to sideline those players is way out of line and he's going to sound off, next. >> ♪ shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. aaaand welcome back to guess the price. sal. what do you do? oh, i'm a retired postal worker. fantastic. are you ready to play? oh, heck yeah. ok johnny, tell him about eargo. these top of the line hearing aids from eargo are straight out of the future. they're rechargeable and virtually invisible in your ears host: ok sal, how much do you think they cost? oh gee i don't know... um er $5000? well, actually for you they don't cost anything holy heck. that's because federal employees, retirees and their families get these life changing hearing aids at no cost. holy heck and you don't need to visit a doctor because they ship right o your home and they come with lifetime remote support. convenient right? heck yeah..... heck yeah heck yeah eargo 5 is here. our latest device that allows you to personalize your hearing experience. get yours today. and if you're an active or retired federal employee you may qualify to get eargo at no cost to you. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple loves camping adventures and their suv is always there with them. so when their windshield got a chip, they wanted it fixed fast. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair. we repaired the chip before it could crack. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust, when you need it most. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ brian: nba players on defense so to speak against critics calling for them to sit the bench if they are un vaccinated, but some say it's nobody's business. >> i like to keep that stuff private, man. i'm a human being first, and obviously living in this public sphere is just a lot of questions about what's going on in the world of kyrie, and i think i just would love to just keep that private and handle it the right way with my team and go forward. >> it is my belief that the vaccine status of every person should be their own choice, and completely up to them without bullying, without being pressured or without being forced into doing so, i'm not ashamed to say that i'm uncomfortable with taking the vaccine at this time. brian: yeah, used to be our health used to be private clay travis joins us now. fascinating, because in new york and california, you have to be vaccinated to play indoors. kyrie irving was told to stay home from media day and i guess all his home games unless he gets vaccinated. you are, you know, you have a fox nation special called "going deep with clay travis" where you rediscover the south through college football tailgates and tradition we'll talk about that but on this , how does this end? >> well, i think first of all, i'd encourage everybody to go watch jonathan isaac answer the question about why he's choosing not to be vaccinated, and two high profile nba players who have spoken out and both of those guys said they had covid and they had done the research, and natural immunity, according to the majority of the studies, particularly out of israel, where the data is very reliable, has shown to be more protective than vaccinated immunity, and this is not a huge shock because it tends to be true for most viruses, and so as you work through and look at the policy that's being put in place, we got a broken system, i believe, because it's not taking into account the possibility of natural immunity, 77%, brian, of adults 18-up have gotten at least one covid vaccine. of the remaining 23%, what percentage of those people have already had covid and recovered from it like jonathan isaac and we need to be having that conversation, there needs to be more nuance in terms of that discussion, but as you said, look, la, and new york, in particular, the franchises in those cities, they have said you can't play in the basketball leagues in the nba unless you've been vaccinated and so this is a mess, no doubt. brian: no doubt about it, every player should do it, lebron james says i did it, make your own decision meanwhile for you you're working again this weekend your overtime must be through the roof. the outkick college football bus tour where does it stop? >> yeah, we're going to be at the ole miss/alabama game, it's going to be amazing we're setup at the pub, anybody that's there it's going to be a huge celebration my co-host on radio, buck ssxton never been to a college football game before, so it's the premier game of the weekend and it should be an incredible time, i can't wait brian: what's clicking on outkick? >> everybody is focused on this story that we just talked about, what the mandates should be for athletes and also for healthcare workers in new york, and beyond, what is going to happen as the rubber meets the road here and people start losing their jobs over choices they are making as it pertains to the vaccine people are obsessed with this story on outkick. brian: also you got this show " going deep" and you are clay travis, so could you tell us, since you are clay travis what the show is about? >> look, i believe the best thing that exists in the world of sports is sec football and it's not just the games themselves. in fact that's a small part it's the pomp, the circumstance, the pageantry, everything that surrounds the games it's a big weekend celebration and we are bringing that to everyone who may not have had an opportunity to go to a game, we've been on a bus tour, all fall, the first episode drops tomorrow on fox nation, i can't wait to watch it i haven't seen it yet, but i think people will really enjoy this celebrtion of sec football. brian: absolutely and there's no covid surge after the 100,000 kids get together to watch a game. >> amen. brian: 1-800-cleveland clinic study that. clay travis thanks so much. >> thanks brian appreciate it. brian: i want to check in right now because i have time, meteorologist janice dean, she is promised to give us the weather. >> you know what and the power vested in you made sure that the jack hammers weren't happening during this weather hit so thank you, brian kilmeade let's take a look at the maps, we had a cold front move in last night we're expecting 72 today, but you know what? things are, you know, going to get cool across the country let me just go back and i'll show you where i started. okay 55 right now in new york city, 69 in kansas city, we have cooler air moving in from the west, we're going to see showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast and the mississippi river valley over the next couple of days flooding is going to be a concern and then those temperatures start to go down over the next couple of days, it's going to feel like fall for much of the country. all right, brian, back to you. brian: thank you so much janice meanwhile coming up the new film explores the power of song for people of faith we'll talk to the director and two stars of the jesus music singers, and next, but first let's check in with dana perino, she might have music on her show, she might be so jealous of our music. dana: we might stay tuned so now we know for certain president biden ignored his general's advice about afghanistan, and did not tell the truth about that when asked or he doesn't remember what he was told a white house briefing yesterday, got contentious as the biden team struggles to explain. we'll tell you more at 9:00. carl lost his gig as a hand model during a bizarre hitchhiking incident. 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"how to say goodbye." i wrote about my daughter going to pepperdine, and it was a very very tender song and those guys knocked it out of the park, so i knew when they finished that video, they were destined for greatness and i didn't know we'd be doing this film so i just so happy with it. there's things never told on the big screen and i think a lot of people were going to be very surprised what really spurred this on, from really the late 60 s, civil unrest, the drug revolution, and all that, and all of a sudden, you know, there was just a breakout of a revival at calvary chapel in costa mesa and all of the hippies started getting saved and really was kind of where the whole thing started. it's really fascinating honestly ainsley: natalie many of us grew up in traditional services where we learned, we would read out of the hymn book and sing traditional church songs and after college i had this experience where i started going to a baptist church and i loved contemporary music and god speaks to me through that music. how has that music really affect ed your life? >> i think from the time i was a little girl, hearing contemporary music with faith- based lyrics, it was a game changer because i was like wait, there's actually something that i can relate to but i think when you think about the power of music, all of us can talk about the sound track of our lives. talk about how adelle makes us cry over heartbreaks we never en had before but when you put hope into the lyric and you're like wait a second this is songs that become anchors so for me, i can go when i was going through postpartum depression i can tell you a song that was an anchor in my life. those moments that are so, the night seasons, right? and this is music that's more than just a song, it's actually faith and hope that's infused into every word and that's a game changer. ainsley: well, andrew, who else are we going to see in the movie >> you know, it's more or less who are you not going to see like it turned into something really special, where everybody signs up. when amy grant and smitty decided to produce this with us, amy was about a month out from having open heart surgery and not many people knew it at the time, but she said i want to do my interview before my surgery so we actually filmed her interview through the window of her house to keep her safe from covid and talked to her with a two-way radio, and she gave one of the most vulnerable interviews that i've heard and as a result, every musician in this genre said we want to tell our story too, so it's a who's who, tobey mack, kirk franklin, it's mercy me, and then lauren d agel, it's a who's who and we had a premier the other night at the country music hall of fame and it was just to see five decades of music unite was really exciting, can't wait for it. ainsley: i'll tell you god is blessing all of you all. you have touched all of our lives and gotten us through the ups and downs through so much i can't wait to see the movie it's the "juice us music" in theaters on friday god bless you all. >> thanks ainsley. brian: all right, meanwhile, tonight at 7:00, i hope you can join me, michael waltz, joe concha, governor chris christie and senator kennedy, and check out my tour, at brian kilmeade .com and find out where i'll be. ainsley: take a nap today. i don't know how you do it.

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Congressman Steube , Pitcher , Florida , Pressure , Throwing Strikes , Key , Lots , Studio By , Encounter , Tourists , Draft King , Carley On The Record , 31 , Nurse , Healthcare Workers , Heroes , Curb , State Vaccine Mandate , Treatment , Combination , Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Immunotherapies , Gene , Adults , Alk , Positive , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Family , Yervoy , Parts , Opdivo , Body , Quiet Time , Immune System , Fda , Doctor , Problems , Death , Stomach Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Diarrhea , Eye Problems , Breath , Confusion , Chest Pain , Constipation , Rash , Appetite , Dizziness , Urine , Tiredness , Shortness , Itching , Nausea , Thirst , Vomiting , Fainting , Cough , Conditions , Side Effects , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Fever , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Organ , Flushing , Weakness , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Trials , Nothing , Software , Grade Software , Everyone , Assets , Operation , Insights , Meet Honeywell Forge , Cybersecure , Sleep Number , Bed , Industrial Grade , Sale , Beyond , Boardroom , Language , 360 , Interest , Sleep , Plus , Ends Monday , 36 , 0 , Perm Shampoo Invention , Savings , Wasting Money , Amerisave , Amerisave Com , Customers , Rates , Cats , Reporting , Gabby Petino Call , Alana Dri , Home , Fugitive , Roberta Laundrie , Hike , Driveway , Phil , Nationwide Search , Silver Mustang , Hands , Scene , Nowhere , Blood , Bull Horns , Cameras , Prisoners , Press Conference , Stepdaughter , Daughter , Heir , Method , Wyoming , Other , Words , Families , Counsel , Relationship , Person Of Interest , Laundries , Investigation , Fiancee , Petino , Attorney , Florida Nature Reserve , Weekend , Finding , Evidence , Dog The Bounty Hunter , Dwayne Chap Maine , Tampa Bay , Islands , Disappearance , Brian A Louisiana Man , Bull Winkles West Yellow Stone , Hunter Magness , 26 , August 26th , Friend , Stone , Colorado , Montana , Tetons , Conversation , World , Restaurant , Couple , Drink , Dinner , Attention , Notice , The End , There Wasn T Anything Going On , Odd Encounter , Friends , Didn T , Name , Dialogue , Correct , 100 , Southerners , Hunts , Bartenders , Comment , Explicatives , Fbi , Law Enforcement , Doubt , Him , 16 , Report , Interview , Lady , Louisiana , Hunter Mannys Young , Mansfield , Pete Hegsets , Nice To Meet You , On Broadway Inside The Red Nic Rivera , Coming Up Leaders , Peter Doocy , City , Pete To Nashville , Second , Nobody Else , Bread , Know , The Real Deal , Bread Layers , Ya , Guy Fieri , Ya Gotta , King S Hawaiian , Event , Build Attendance , Sales , Angelic Choir , Signage , Track , Fastsigns , Chewable , Simparica Trio , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Class , Dogs , Protection , History , Reactions , Drug , Use , Fleas , Hookworms , Round , Ticks , Seizures , Caution , Disorders , Heartworm Disease , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Looks , Screen Saver , Yo De Le He , Vo , Adventure , Let S Go Lower , Both , Yodeling High , Uh , Hm , Lower , Love , Sounds Good , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Credibility , Damaged , Partners , Adversaries , Damage , Stage , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , Mark Milley , Austin Wouldn , Tomi Lahren , React , Wars , Outcome , Attack , Chinese , Role , Reporters , Interactions , Military Adviser , Tales , Details , Hearing , Presidents , Military Brass , I Don T Recall , Camera , Trump , Strength , Power , World Stage , The World Stage , Open Borders , Tens Of Thousands , Disaster , Press Secretary , Half , Misinformation , Advantage , Inflation , Gas Prices , Roof , America First , Drinking , Don T Blame Tomi , Look Forward , Hell , Secretary Of State , Plane , Many , Permission , Senator Blumenthal , Evacuation Czar , Charge , Disinterest , Finding Out , Others , Knitting , Veterans Organizations Task Force Pineapple , Anyone , Opportunity , Groups , Reasons , State Department , Afghans , Siv Holders , Page , Doughnut , Cup , Insurance , Patients , Treatment Plan , Book , Exam , 800 , Aren T , Energy , Vitamins , B Vitamins , Tasting , Essential Nutrients , Centrum Multi Gummies , Centrum Multigummies , Janice , Janice Dean For Fox Weather Forecast , Coat , Weather , Area , Temperatures , Showers , Cold Front , Thunderstorms , Air , West , Little Chilly , 56 , 24 , Potential , Snow , Forecast , Elevations , Gulf Coast , Flooding , Rainfall , Stalls , Stretch , South , Drop Temperatures , Cold Air , Hurricane Sam , Southern Plains , Cat , Eye , East Coast , Bermuda , Fox Weather , 4 , Players , Lebron James , Research , Choice , Nature , Ains , Drivers , Pit Wall To , Survivors , Screening , Breast Cancer Asquareness , Pandemic , Vaccine Mandates , Healthcare Facilities , Frontlines , Termination , Effect , Coronavirus , 3800 , Destiny Carpenter , Colorado Canyon Hospital , Destiny , Letter , Resignation , September 19 , 19 , Patient , Last Day Of Work , Shift , September 30th , Email , H R , Hospital , Boss Didn T , Case , Recommendation , Times , Daisy Award , Exemption , Care , Lives , Belief , Somewhere Else , Stuart Sheller , Leaders , Confinement , T , Katie Couric , Stupid Southerners , Games , 11 , 106 , Supply Chain Problems , Halloween Costumes , Stuart Varney , Mail , Shopping , Magazines , Doesn T Put Brian , Magazine , Cars , Brand New , Hi , Monogram , Gift , Cooking , Ghouta , Code Word , Speedo , Miami , Apparently Repos , Dawn , Speedos , Beach , Europeans , 1975 , Redneck Rivera , Ab Roller , A B S , Hudson River , Fashion , Carveout , Abs , Navy Seals , Joint , Issues , Thoughts , Prime Time , Fox Business , Correction , The Pursuit , Chocolate Chip Muffin , Banana , Berry , Protocols , Anything For You , Pancakes , Anything Else , Yep , Coins , Applause , Television , Police Department , Patches , Placements , Fire Department , Wall Challenge , Someone , Reach , Challenges , Correspondent , Images , Floor , Booth , Exciting Set , Troop , Dad , Answer , Flight , Beer , Father Knows Best , Flight Lessons , Auto A Bloody Mary , You Bet , Security , Range , Viewpoints , Average , Point Blank , Black And White , Collapse , Few , Forces , Policy Review , Afghan Military Force , Parties , Acknowledgment , Vaccines , Huddle , Multitrillion Dollars Budget , Chicago , The General , Each Other , Networks , Infrastructure Deal , Add On , Jake Sullivan , Tony Blinken , Person , Calendar , Reason , Advance , August 31st , 9 11 , 25 , Peter , Commander In Chief , Say , Control , Taliban , August 25th 10 , Reaction , Doubts , Drone , Plane Carrying , General Mckenzie , Evacuees , 59 , 117 , Uae , Queens , Jfk , Ivs , Eight , Six , Industry , Clearance , Refugees , Order , Dulles Airport , Land In , Tens , Organizations , Shoulders , Inexcusable , Wrong , Most , Vice President , News , Hand , Al Qaeda , Severing , Military Decision , Gate , Donald Trump , Susan Rice , Particular , State Of California , Whistleblowers , Jim Jordan , Tom Mcclintock , Ohio , First , Fact , Bosses , November , Standard , Southern Border Safe , Wonder Well , To Georgetown , Mayorkas , It Doesn T , Mandate Mania , U S State , U S Military , Patience , 39 , Side , Horses , Actions , Horse , Else , Nerves , Desk Duty , Force , Aliens , Migrants , Agents Don T , Secretary Mayorkas , Flood , Briefing , Rate , Transmission , Space , What S Going On , Channel , Fix Immigration , Um , Immigration , Nation State , Beginning , Boy , Teddy Bear Screaming Don T Leave Me , Standpoint , Coyotes , School , Working Class Areas , Reconciliation Bill , Costs , Sides , Aisle , Ball Field , Steve Scalise , Carley , Stands , Honor , 24 7 , Fans , Field , Big League Ballpark , Tickets , Stand , 26000 , Charities , Charity Event , Celebration , Wow , 2 Million , Million , Fighting , Waters , Edge , Infrastructure , The Border , Disarray , Government Funding , Tax Hikes , Crises , Natural Gas , Tax Hike Side , Millions , Jobs , Correlation , Votes , Version , Department Of Energy , Example , Slush Funds , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Life Change , Practice , The Field , June 2017 , Ballpark , Miracles , God S , Message , Row , Working In The House , Huh , Office , Starts , Eastern Time , Evening , Fox Sports , Woman , Badge , Mission , Respect , Coming Up , Suggestion , New York City Police Department , Story , Tech , Windshield , Customer , Camping Trip , Safelite , Chip , Singers , Safelite Repair , Internet , Beat , Miss A , Ride , Malware , Pshh , Baaam , Adorable , Streaming Box , Xfinity Xfi , 4k , Resident , Appreciation , Police Officers , Let , Cops , Goal , Let S , Civilian , 36000 , Notes , Names , Precinct , Cards , Amount , Card , Outside , Lieutenant , Ranks , Sergeant , Detective , Coretta , Father , Uniform , Husband , Living , Wife , Nanny , Antigua , Love You To Death , Law Enforcement Officers , Hi Jack , Hi Sammy , Hi Hanna , Best , Long Way To Go , Boston Police Department , D C , Encouragement , Piece , Philadelphia Police Department , Blessing , God Bless You , Party , George , Edith , Wild Blue Berry , Friends Classic Muffin , Bs C Giving , Grief , Linzess , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Discomfort , Relief , Bloating , Symptoms , Bowel Movements , Side Effect , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Pain , Gas , Swelling , Ibs C , Unique , Someone Else , Liberty , Records , Leads , Tourist , Camping , Search , Dog , Boyfriend , Bounty Hunter , Tampa , Angry Laundrie , Time , Terry Mcauliffe , Backlash , Let It Be , Phrase , Arm , Tattoos , Wyoming Park , Virginia , Candidate , Tools , Policies , Claim , Debate , Race Theory , Tweeting , Northern Virginia , Glenn Youngkin , School Kids , Quote , Dems , Soccer , Beating , Dove Moldovabreak Away State , Appearance , Forward , Victory , Power House Madrid In First Ever Champion League , Teammate , Football , Team A Pep Talk , Halftime , Dant , Value , Teams , Madrid , Smallest , 1 64 , 72 Million , 872 Million , Payroll , Real Life Ted Lasso Story , Beginy , North Macedonia , Uzbekistan , 3 Million , 13 Million , Manchester City , Richmond , F C , S C , Sheriff Beat Realma Drid , Buzzer , Dean , Buzz , Talks , Jack Hammer , Take A Look , Maps , Much , Rain Potential , Rockies , Rain , Denver , Workweek , Storm System , 68 , Storm , Hurricane Season , Offshore Bermuda , 87 , 67 , Phone Walking , Construction , Rip Current , Waves , Apartment , Jack Hamner Norpg , Jack Hammers , Technology , Windows , Put David Lee Miller , Happening , Student , Top , Voice , Nodding , Douglas Murray , 22 , Adult , Bad News , Joey , Bomber Jacket , Adult Diaper , Pilot , Joe , Aviator Sunglasses , Arthur Fonz , Delta , Eighth Grade Soccer Team , Microphone , Night Owls , Criticism , Highlight , Exit , Mounting , Spotlighting , Afghanistan Story , Thread , Usama Bin Laden , Presence , Still , Hearings , Patrons , Just A Little Bit , Clip , 30 Bucks , 12 , 13 , 6 , 336 , 27000 , 1909 , 80 , 90 , 2 5 Million , 8000 , 550 , 250 , 1250 , 5000 , 000 , 77 , 1 800 Cleveland , 100000 , 69 , 72 , 55 , 47 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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seeking justice for homicide. >> biden administration is now poised to punish customs and border patrol agents. >> the people who have been busting their tails, they will get fired if they don't take the vaccine. meanwhile for people break the law coming here no big deal. >> annual congressional baseball game is tonight. there is going to be a massive crowd raising over a million dollars for charity. ♪ will ainsley: a little carrie underwood to wake you this up morning. that's a picture of nashville, a live shot of nashville. grand ole on prethe historic reiman auditorium is there and so is pete hegseth. brian: biggest question i think in america and ongoing would carrie underwood be famous. ainsley: without "american idol"? brian: a farm girl in overall's working the land and next thing you know she is the number one female singer in the can you think tri. ainsley: that show gave some people their dreams. steve: however happened, it worked out for so many people. right down the street from broadway where that auditorium was we saw a moment ago is pete hegseth at the redneck rivera. and let's see, it's not even -- it's just after 5:00. pete is outside the building and look at that. i see your coffee over on the window ledge. so you are ready for broadcasting. ainsley: i am. you know, a couple years ago, guys, i would have rolled out of the redneck rivera at 3:00 and got on tv. not now, i got a good solid 8 hours of sleep, feeling good. you get old. john rich's spot. come out all morning come out if you are in nashville. special guest, plenty to talk about and then some folks we are going to talk to to this. then i'm doing gutfeld tonight too in nancht you guys have seen he is broadcasting from nashville. having some fun. be here all morning. brian: do your producers travel with a breathalyzer? [laughter] pete: no. that is not in my contract. so you are not allowed to check. ainsley: what about the sign behind you? pete: look at that we proudly serve our troops and first responders. the first sign i saw going in is every first responder, military member two for ones automatic. you know john rich. he is a patriotic guy. there is the most patriotic spot in nashville. steve: john rich was on "the five" last night. he has a new show on fox business prime called pursuit. pete, i saw on your instagram yesterday anybody who stops by the red nic rivera as we saw from gutfeld's show last night in nashville, anybody who stops by, you are going to have coffee and pastries to wake them up on this wednesday morning. pete: not a full breakfast, it's a bar, guys. coffee and pastries we will keep it minimal. john rich must have a private jet i'm sure he does because he will be joining us some point this morning. brian: take a jet to get back tore your show? pete: of course. ainsley: gutfeld will be there all week and pete is going to be on that show tonight so you will have to watch. thanks, pete. steve: meanwhile, the cover of the "new york post" summarizes it in addition to the new james bond preerges biden's afghan lies. remember, joe biden said on abc, yeah, negotiation i can't remember anybody, none of my military advisers saying no leave 2500 people there they were all good with the dates. he said a bunch of stuff that yesterday we learned ainsley and brian, was not true. ainsley: they interviewed the that the interviewed senator -- i'm sorry, general mark mille, general kenneth mckenzie and lloyd austin and milley said we should keep a steady state of 2500 and could bounce up to 3500. general mckenzie said i recommended rewe maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. he advice was received by the president. brian: they're under oath. they have to give the answers. it's not like well, i can't say the president in the back. secretary austin said very little. cabinet secretary. maybe in a tough spot. the other generals were very candid. don't put this on the back of my baseball card. i told them to leave between 2500 and 4,000 troops. here is a little of the questioning. then you realize how inaccurate, let's be kind. how inaccurate everything president biden and jen psaki have been saying relating to our dismount from afghanistan. the worst thing to happen in modern american. listen to tom cotton. >> general milley, it's your testimony that you recommended 2500 troops approximately stay in afghanistan? >> yes. my assessment was back in the fall of '20 and remained consistent throughout that we should keep a steady state of 2500. >> did you ever present that assessment personally to president biden. >>y discuss exactly what my conversations are with the sitting president in the oval office. >> general mckenzie, do you share that assessment? >> senator, i do share that assessment. did you ever present that opinion personally to president biden? >> again, i'm not going to be able to comment on those exact discussions. >> do these officers and general miller's recommendations get to the president personally? >> their input was received by the president and considered by the president for sure. in terms of what they specifically recommended, senator, they just -- as they just said, they are not going to provide what they recommended in confidence. >> it's shocking to me. sounds to me like maybe their best military advice was never presented personally to the president of the united states about the consequential matter. brian: jen psaki was asked this question by four different people not fox people. name a general. that gave you the advice to do what you it did and that's pull out the military and leave thousands of american allies and green card holders behind? she could not name it and every single reporter said not one? you can't even say? we just had three leading military advisers of yours and one cabinet secretary say what the right thing to do was. he did the opposite. told us the opposite and seems to be trying to get away with it. ainsley: she set military advisers were split to leave our troops there. oh really which military advisers? she couldn't name them. steve: split? what do you mean in the administration has been very cagey what they have done in the past they have said the president is not going to discuss in public the advice he gets from his advisers. and the advisers yesterday for the most part said we are not going to tell you what we said to the president. general milley, however though did give a number. and that's why suddenly we are going wait, that's not what we heard. brian: so did mckenzie he gave the number too. steve: exactly then they fell on the what we are not going to discuss what we said behind closed doors. when the door was open and the president was there with george stephanopoulos 40 days ago, he was very clear about things that the way he remembered it is not what we heard the top commander in america testify yesterday. here is joe biden 40 days ago with george stephanopoulos. >> your top military advisers it warned withdrawing on this timeline they wanted you to keep 2500 troops. >> no they didn't. it was split. that wasn't true. >> your military advisers didn't tell you no we should keep 2500 troops. it's been a stable situation for the last several years. we can do that. we can continue to do that. >> no. no one said that to me that i can recall. steve: so maybe that is his defense. he can't recall. ainsley: he can't recall. brian: was that the last thing he said earlier no one told him that. ainsley: three other things came out of milley defended calls to china my loyalty to the nation is people and constitution. general mckenzie took responsibility for drone strike that killed the 10 civilians including seven children. in addition to that tom cotton was pressing them on why didn't milley, why aren't you resigning? he stead its would an incredible act of political defiance for a commissioned officer to resign because my advice is not taken from the president. brian: or shows integrity. obviously the president doesn't like my advice. why am i giving it? why don't we get somebody in here that he does respect in the "wall street journal" said the scandal isn't that the president ignored the military. he is a decision maker. it's his refusal to own his decision. he wants political credit for any american involvement in afghanistan not willing to take the political risk of admitting he overruled his brass. the afghanistan withdrawal is the greatest u.s. foreign policy humiliation in decades. when it comes to general milley, whether you like it or not, one thing i would say is inexcusable. he admits contributing to and sitting down with bob woodward of "peril" mike bender of another anti-trump book. another third anti-trump book "i alone can fix it" sat down with phil rucker to give his account of what he thought it was like -- what this was like behind the scenes deal with president trump. you are the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. when bob woodward calls or rucker calls, i'm busy. i have a war to destroy. i have a foreign policy to try to save instead of you are not going to believe how crazy donald trump is that, to me, he should have resigned the minute that became clear. and i think marsha blackburn or dan sullivan was the one who asked did you really actually say these things? oh, yeah. why? why would a sitting chairman of the joint chiefs of staff help somebody's book sales and wants to corrects the record to make himself look like a hero when in retrospect it does not make him look good almost anywhere. steve: when asked about the bob woodward book he said, you know, i really can't talk about it because i haven't read it. , which come on a political guy in a military job. he halls read "the washington post" summaries where they talk about how he essentially circumvented a president of the united states and presented him as the only grown up in the room because donald trump is crazy. essentially is how he told them. brian: look at the foreign policy and you tell me who is crazy? ainsley: lieutenant colonel stuart sheryl is the one who spoke out on social media and released that video after that bombing at the gates at the airport in kabul. and he was in trouble for that not supposed to be public about what your colonels tell to you do. he is being held in the brig. steve: he can't post anything. ainsley: that's exactly right. his parent are saying it's interesting the timing of this. put him in solitary confinement basically the day before all these generals go before the senate. his parents were on "fox & friends first" earlier. listen. >> for the last 30 days our son has spoke his truth. and he is a very proud american. a very proud marine. a very principled man. and he stood his ground and that's what the marines have taught him for the past 17 years of his service. and, yet, he knew he was going to go there for the principled stand he took but i'm telling you right now, hes to not deserve to be in prison. >> he has served valiantly. he has deserved his right to speak. and he only spoke because what he saw happening in kabul was -- he couldn't take it he had to speak out. he had to stand his ground. steve: what he was doing was he was demanding accountability from his supervisors. the same thing he would require of his men and for that, for that principled stand it, cost him his pension. hundreds of thousands of dollars. ainsley: he said i'm just asking the questions that all of my fellow soldiers are asking, too. he served for 17 years. five deployments. brian: i do not believe secretary of defense austin when he said he had no idea about this. i credit senator tom cotton for bringing it up. i guarantee you michael waltz will bring it up today. here it is, i understand the negativity and downside to speaking up against your command. but when your command is responsible for leaving thousands of americans behind in a terrorist regime, when your command is responsible for killing 10 civilians in the last days there when your command is responsible for leaving up to $85 billion worth of military hardware and they sit there cool, calm and collected from 9:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon and go back to their woke training of the next generation of war fighters, i could say that's a little beyond the pale. and think about this. if you lost your life or you know somebody that did, or you lost your limb or you have invisible wounds and you say what was it for because these commanders just threw everything we did in the street and you have one lieutenant colonel speak up and say that, and say i'm willing to resign because of that, your biggest problem is not a marine colonel for putting him in jail is sinful. and i cannot believe how many messages i have gotten as people want to contribute to his defense. they want him out. they want him to be able to talk and they are just outraged by this because you can contrast with what we saw yesterday. three people refusing to resign and the one who speaks up and tells the truth is in jail. steve: they put him in jail to censor him. ainsley: his mom said he was over in other countries responsible for making sure ieds were taken out of the ground. steve: more on that in the meantime on this wednesday. get vaccinated or get fired. it's the ultimatum the biden administration is apparently now giving border patrol agents already spread incredibly thin on our southern border. brian: that's the new trend. load up the bases. carley shim cuffs is live at nationals park with a preview of tonight's national baseball game. carley, who gave you the keys? [laughter] carley: brian, that's right. i'm inside national park for the congressional baseball game will take place later today during one of the wild els weeks on capitol hill by the way. so we will have a lot of fun all morning long talk baseball and politics. i'm going to have some special guests as well. when "fox & friends" returns right after this. ♪ ♪ it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows when to make different choices. take the mystery out of your glucose levels - and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪♪ ♪ jillian: good morning, we are back now with your headlines, a whistleblower telling fox news late last night that u.s. border patrol agent have until novembed or get fired. and as the migrant surge worsens, even president biden's former boss is speak out on the long-term impact of the crisis. >> borders is something that i think as a practical matter is up sustainable. jillian: later white house press secretary jen psaki denied the u.s. has open borders. vice president kamala harris applaud ago virginia cleaning student after she accusing israel of committing ethnic genocide. watch. >> two days ago one [inaudible] backing israel which hurts my heart because ethnic genocide the same that happened in america i'm assure. >> your perspective, your experience are your truth cannot be suppressed. become. jillian: the exchange prompting the spokesman for ted cruz to tweet unbelievable. >> facebook's efforts to attract went beyond instagram kids. the "wall street journal" reporting internal documents revealed the social media network had a team studying and creating products. facebook referring to younger users valuable but untapped audience. instagram abandoning plans to develop an app. for kids earlier this week. those are your headlines. send it back to you. steve: thank you very much. janet yellen our secretary of treasury was talking yesterday and apparently the united states of america is going to run out of cash the date looks like october 18th unless something is done to raise the debt limit. yesterday, republicans in the senate blocks another effort to raise the debt limit, mitch mcconnell said look, the democrats want to spend a whole bunch of money and they want our help doing it, and we're not going to help them, so, democrats, you got to figure out a way. now the democrats are scrambling to figure a way to do it. they could do it through reconciliation or they could actually and i had never heard this plan before. jerry nadler suggested it. they could actually mint a new coin talking about a platinum coin that would raise money that would put -- be put directly into the u.s. treasury that would bail us out for about another 15 minutes. ainsley: continuously on the hamster wheel. run out of money and they create more money. we are spending so much money. that's republicans problem with green plans, green energy investment. social spending program. freer free college for illegal immigrants. your tax also go up. corporation taxes up to 28% they are suggesting. brian: so you have the tent cereal. i know it gets confusing. debt ceiling doesn't group. that's why the market went down yesterday. they have to work something out. other thing percolating through the house the bipartisan bill of 1.2 trillion. 560 billion of new money which was agreed on and you would think they would be doing it yesterday aoc says i'm not signing off on that. yesterday bernie sanders that series of tweets says i'm not doing 1.2 trillion. unless you give me 3.5 trillion. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema last two days, manchin yesterday and on monday sinema met with the president of the united states, maybe joe manchin is buckling a little bit. sinema is not moving for 3.5 is dead. they are probably going to get 1 or 2 trillion, if anything. but they promised the so-called moderates, problem sollers a vote of 1.2 by tomorrow. if there isn't, nancy pelosi goes back on her word. the left wing 45 hard nos. the 23 hard yeses for the republicans is not going to be enough. here is jen psaki on who to blame. >> the administration officials a lot about the idea of the cost of the program is zero? >> yes. of the invements were proposed, including tax cuts and the pay fors including making the tax system more fair zero. >> you guys acknowledge the sort of of broader truth that it's not -- that it does cost some money, right? that the cost of the investments the president wants to make simply don't -- they are not simply a free lunch, right? >> but there is a clear difference between what we're talking about as it relates to taxpayer funds, right or funding or lead to our debt, right? which i know a lot of republicans are supposedly concerned about, and asking businesses 50 of the top companies last year in 2020 paid not a dollar in taxes, a lot of high income net -- high income individuals pay lower tax rates than nurses and teachers, nobody thinks that's fair, yes. we are asking them to pay more. steve: but that is the whopper of the week and that is that joe biden tweeted out build back better which is going to cost $5 trillion, does not cost anything. it costs zero dollars. listen, if you spend $5 trillion, that costs $5 trillion don't say it cost zero dollars it cost somebody something. but they are saying oh, look, the average american taxpayer is not going to cost them anything. ainsley: they are offering free college. who is going to pay for that? a college is not just going to say oh, you can come for free. no, the government is going to have to give them money for those steroids go to college. steve: it actually costs 5 trillion. brian: just keep in mind. this is what president obama said yesterday, too. hey billionaires can pay for i'm rich of one of the rich people. okay fine. not billionaires and middle class making $400,000. even $500,000. giving away 50%. state tax 60%. have you noticed the housing and inflationst dos? next thing you turn around and say whoa, i don't know where my money is i'm making so much more money than my parents got capitol hill saying you are the problem. you are the called rich not paying your fair share. you are not talking about jeff bezos or it mr. working class wearing a hard hat? there is a huge gap there they are pretending doesn't exist. >> steve: just say we are going to raise taxes on the rich people. just say that don't say it's going to cost zero. brian: what is rich? steve: another one of their messages misfires just like defund the police and they had to completely zero. ainsley: it's just a few more points you will have to pay. steve: it's kind of a mess. brian: they tweeted that this is the scary thing. you put that amount twitter account from communications department that wasn't an aside comment said through threw three masks and goggles of the president of the united states talking to boris johnson. this is written down and they go do you think i should send it? somebody say send that. steve: they have been saying all week long that's obviously part of their messaging this week. i bet they won't be saying it next week. money while, while we have been talking about how democrats and republicans are at each other's throats, today that all changes. because it's been -- while it's been a busy week for lawmakers. congress is ready to play ball literally. ainsley: the congressional baseball game returns to d.c. tonight giving democrats and republicans a chance to win bragging rights out on the hill while also raising mope for charity. brian: i think carley shimkus would know better. the republicans always lose. '. steve: it good looking coach right there. brian: don't they always lose, carley? steve: they have lost. carley: well, steve, ainsley and brian, i'm with texas congressman roger williams the team manager brian just mentioned that they were talking about how the republicans always lose. so, please respond to that allegation rude. >> that's not true. we won i think three years ago. carley: yes. >> congressman rooney hit a line shot down and we won it both the 9th. we need to win more. we will start tonight by winning more. carley: that's a great political way of putting it. >> we need win more. carley: what's it like coaching a team a bunch of republicans trying to beat democrat. kind of like congress with a ball. >> and i enjoy coaching these guys i can look back 40 or 50 years ago how good an athlete. they move slower and stiffer. this is a big game everybody is excited about it. carley: you played professional baseball. >> i did. >> it's a big deal to you. >> i played tcu and atlanta braves organization. and they have owned baseball teams and so forth. baseball is a big part of my life. carley: june 14th, 2017, i'm sure that game changed your life. the congressional republican, congressional baseball shooting. i'm sure it gave you a whole new outlook on life and one of your staffers was shot during the game as well. how is he doing? >> he is doing great. he just got out of graduate school. something none of us will forget. it was life-changing and could have been life changing for our country if it had gone the other way from a shooter that was mad at republicans. he had the list of republicans he wanted to kill that day. carley: gosh. we were talking about that during the break. and i said that was probably the last real moment of bipartisanship that the country went through. and we're in such a partisan time right now. especially on capitol hill with that you will fighting over spending and structure. what's going to happen with the $3.5 trillion package. is this going to pass? >> i hope it doesn't pass. it's the worst legislation i have seen. it's not good for country and not good for business and not the direction we want to take. we have manchin and sin. carley: up to democrats. party infighting. the strategy today is to win. how with regoing to do that real quick. >> we are going to throw strikes. we are going to keep the ball in front of us and hit the cut off man and put the ball in play. if we do all of that we will win. carley: with you managing the team i have a strong feeling that republicans are going to come out on top this congressional baseball game. congressman roger williams thank you so much for joining us. >> good to see you. carley: catch all the action 7:05 eastern time streaming live on fox nation; is that right? >> big government against less government. come out tonight and see who wins, right? carley: that's the pitch right there, steve, ainsley and brian, send it back to you in the studio. steve: i was there three years ago when the republicans did win. ask roger though because the democrats have lost their star pitcher cedric richmond who has been their star pitcher for years is now on the biden team at the white house. car carp so steve was just saying that democrats are now down a key player cedric richmond who was the ace pitcher now he is an adviser for president biden. so you guys have that going for you as well. >> we have a lot going for us. but cedric was a great player, no question about it, but is he not playing tonight. ainsley: who is the pitcher for republicans? >> we will have congressman steube from florida is going to be throwing strikes. is he going to be throwing fast and if we throw strikes we are going to win. carley: if we throw strikes we are going to win. that's the key here. all right, steve. there you go. ainsley: lots of pressure on "studio by," right? brian: carley on the record predicting republicans would win. is she going to call draft king? steve: because they do occasionally they did three years ago and then covid changed everything. brian: 31 minutes after the hour tourists believe he had a chance encounter with brian laundrie one day before gabby petino was seen alive. that man will join us live. ainsley: a year ago they were heroes. now healthcare workers are being kicked to the curb. a nurse refusing to comply with their state vaccine mandate. ♪ ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. it's the only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies. opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more time together. more family time. more quiet time. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. one, two! one, two, three! only pay for what you need! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! thank you to all those nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software, forged from decades of industrial experience and insights. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that connects assets and people to deliver a cybersecure record of your entire operation. so that everyone, in your boardroom and beyond, speaks the same language. honeywell forge. industrial grade software. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it's the most comfortable, dually-adjustable, foot-warming, temperature-balancing, proven quality night sleep we've ever made. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. this is mike. mike blew his entire life savings on a permanent perm shampoo invention, which actually attracted more cats than customers. now instead of wasting money, mike is looking to save it with amerisave's great rates. see how much you could save at ♪ ains the family of gabby petino call for brian alana dri turn himself. in live with new reporting on nationwide search. phil? >> good morning, it was two weeks ago yesterday that roberta laundrie says her son, a wanted fugitive, drove off out of the driveway in that silver mustang to go for a hike. he never came home and remains nowhere to be found. >> you have blood on your hands. >> this has become the daily scene outside his parents' house heckled by bull horns. prisoners in heir their own home surrounded by cameras. the family of gabby petino held first press conference since their daughter and stepdaughter disappeared and was found dead in wyoming. her death is ruled homicide but the method of how she was killed has still not been released. >> how do you go back to normal whatever normal may be from here on out but we have each other. we are a big family. >> i just hope that people are inspired by her, he it's hard to put into words but it means a lot to me that she has touched some lives already. >> counsel advised the families not to talk about their relationship with person of interest brian laundrie, petino's fiancee, nor his parents. but their attorney did say this about the ongoing investigation. >> the laundries did not help us find gabby. they sure as not going to help us find brian. >> at the florida nature reserve where their son supposedly went on that hike. the search there is dramatically scaled back after a week looking for any evidence of him and finding nothing. and dwayne chap maine, also known as dog the bounty hunter, he came here over the weekend. the parents did not meet with him. he is still volunteering his time trying to track down leads to find brian laundrie. he went to the park tampa bay yesterday paddled around to smaller islands found no brian laundrie. steve? steve: all right, phil. thank you very much. as the search continues for brian a louisiana man claims he had a strange encounter with an angry brian laundrie he thinks before her disappearance. hunter magness joins us now to describe what happened. how are you, good morning, steve how are you. steve: i'm doing good. what were you doing at bull winkles west yellow stone on august 26th? >> august 26th, that was correct. a friend and i were just traveling more or less around the country. we had gone colorado wyoming, montana, and we had toured the tetons and also yellow stone and went westgate and we stopped in west yellow stone, montana for the night which is how we get to the restaurant. steve: so you are there and having a nice conversation with your friend and there guy is over at the bar and he just seems angry at the world. >> he was. we had actually eaten dinner earlier in the restaurant and moved into the bar for a drink. and when we got in there was a couple we had met earlier in the restaurant and then there was a guy by himself at the end of the bar. we really didn't pay him much attention until he got kind of -- he just seemed overly invested in our conversation and eventually ended up speaking up, which is what made us notice. but, again, i mean, we didn't know any of this was going on. it was just, i mean, and at the time there wasn't anything going on. it was an odd encounter. he was -- made us all extremely uncomfortable. steve: sure. at one point i understand there was a little dialogue and he said his name was brian. >> correct. >> you think he looks just like him and your friends from the bar that night are 100 percent sure it was him. but didn't he say something about southerners and complained about y'all? >> he did. he was kind of overhearing our conversation which had to do with hunts. and some other things. and then it got political, which obviously you try to avoid in a bar. but, you know, there were very few people in there. us and another couple and him and a couple of bartenders. so, my friends were carrying on a conversation and he just kind of abruptly jumped into it with a comment about stupid southerners and some explicatives about republicans that's what made us notice. steve: real quickly before you go, has law enforcement talked to you? >> yes. on the 16th, when we realized, i believe it was the 16th, when my friend and i both realized that it was without a question of a doubt him, i contacted the fbi, i did a roughly 45, 50 minute interview. my friend also contacted the fbi and filed the report as well to attach to mine and also another lady, a doctor that we met that was part of the other couple in the bar. i believe she also filed the report as well. steve: hunter mannys young from us mansfield, louisiana. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. steve: nice to meet you, sir. >> e. steve: coming up leaders testify on afghanistan and we will get more from that and pete hegsets who is nashville n. on broadway inside the red nic rivera. peter? pete: you know we are inside the redneck rivera. >> had to bring pete to nashville, music city. a great free city we are going to have some fun even though it's early in the morning. pete: nobody else is up. we will be back in a second. ♪ ♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. 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(vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. ♪ >> the president of the united states unequivocally said any american who wants to come home we will get you home. >> our credibility has been gravely damaged, has it not, general milley? >> >> i think that our credibility with allies and partners around the world and with adversaries is being intensely reviewed by them to see which way this is going to go and i think the damage is one word that could be used. brian: right. and that is one of the easier words that could be used. secretary of defense austin wouldn't use it. facing the pressure chairman joint chiefs of staff mark milley admitting yesterday u.s. credibility on the world stage damaged after biden administration's withdrawal from afghanistan. steve: this as top generals prepare to be grilled by house lawmakers later today some more. ainsley: here to react is weekend "fox & friends" co-host pete hegseth and tomi lahren both joining us from nashville. hey, guys. pete: good morning. >> tomi: good morning. steve: it turns out, pete, that stuff we heard from joe biden with george stephanopoulos not true. pete: of course. there were recommendations for troops stay on the ground. every general in these wars, especially as you wind them down recognize if you are not doing conditions on the ground and setting date certain you are going to invite exactly what we saw in afghanistan. our credibility not just damaged, gutted. and then to have generals stand up on stage notify chinese if we did attack or were to attack to defend the afghanistan withdrawal as if there couldn't have been a better outcome. then, brian, you keyed on it earlier in your show to defend talking to swamp reporters about details of your interactions? you are the top military adviser to the president of the united states and you are taking hours and hours and hours to try to spin tales about your role? all of it, and then to stand there and look in the cameras and defend it as if that's what our top military brass are supposed to be doing. it's not just embarrass what happened in afghanistan which is the point of the hearing. they embarrassed what the role of the military is supposed to be in our country undermining presidents and admitting it on camera. ainsley: tomi, what do you think? who is telling the truth here? is it joe biden who said he was never advised to leave 2500? steve: i don't recall. ainsley: yeah. that's what he said. tomi: i don't think anybody is it surprised that he would not recall i think we would expect that at this point. talking about the united states on the world stage. i think that's what i am most concerned about. the previous administration the trump administration, which this current administration is still blaming by the way built the united states on a world stage with strength, with power. you didn't mess with us. and so quickly the biden administration was able to level that but then i also think talking about being damaged on the world stage, we can't even protect our own borders. the world is looking at our country saying you are letting in tens of thousands of people a day, well over a million already this year? you can't protect your borders. look at the disaster that was afghanistan. nobody is taking accountability for it. you have a press secretary that continues to give us misinformation and half answers. we look like a mess. we look like a disaster. we look like we don't know here with doing. the world is watching that and they are understanding that you can take advantage of the united states of america because those that are leading the united states of america are taking advantage. meanwhile they want to raise our taxes, gas prices is going through the roof. inflation is going up. we need to put america first, america is dead last. brian: don't blame tomi if she starts drinking right away after she ran through that list. pete, look forward. as much as i want to look back and say what the hell were you thinking? we have thousands of people there we are rounding it off even secretary of defense and secretary of state do not know how many that want to get out. yesterday, there was a plane flown out. we would not give them permission to land. there were american kids on that plane. i don't know what happened to to it. even senator blumenthal and senator kaine democrats said you have to name an evacuation czar, somebody in charge of this, of getting our people out. there is a total disinterest in finding out who is left behind. pete: why would they be interested? paying attention to that means knitting that you have left still thousands of americans stranded. so what we have we done? we have effectively outsourced it to these veterans organizations task force pineapple and others that have committed themselves to saying the government may forget but we never will. we are not going to leave anyone behind. you still have bureaucratic reasons why the state department and others don't want the credit to go to those groups or opportunity to go to these groups you guys know most siv holders never got out. most never got out. you have problems unvetted afghans who are not prepared to come to the united states. what a disaster and they just want to turn the page and they won't be able. steve: pete and tomi, thank you very much for joining us live from the redneck rivera from nashville. if anybody is watching stop on by and pete and tomi will buy you a cup of coffee and a doughnut. ainsley: john rich is going to join him later on and gutfeld tonight will be in nashville. steve: we're going to step aside. friends" coming up in a couple of minutes. with safe and convenient care — all in one place, with evening and weekend hours. right now, new patients get a complete exam and x-rays — free without insurance. plus, everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan. celebrate life's happiest moments. call 1-800-aspendental or book online today. centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. ainsley: let's check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast, i notice you are wearing your coat. fall is here. janice: it's a little chilly but i love it 50's into the 60's. cold front moved through the area last night. take a look at the temperatures. we have more of that cold air moving from the west next couple of days. 56 in new york. a little chilly, if you like the fall weather it is mere high friend. past 24 hours you see showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast as well as long acold front moving in from the west. we actually have the potential for some snow in the forecast in the higher elevations and then get the potential for heavy rainfall, maybe flash flooding over the next couple of days as that front stalls out. warmer temperatures across the central u.s. cold air moves in drop temperatures as far as south as the southern plains. here in new york we are going to enjoy a beautiful stretch of weather. there is hurricane sam cat 4. stay away from the east coast but bermuda is going to have to keep an eye on this one over the next couple of days which, of course, we will bring you all the very latest from fox weather. jillian, my friend, over to you. jillian: sounds good. unvaccinated players have to stay away -- vaccinated from unvaccinated players and be tested frequently. this as lebron james reveals he has gotten vaccinated. >> i was very skeptical about it all but after doing my research and things of that nature i felt it was best suited not only for me but my family and my friends. jillian: james says although he got vaccinated he feels everyone should be able to make their own choice. nashville stars going pink. drivers volunteering time at the are painting the pit wall to support breast cancer asquareness. meant to insupport survivors and encourage screening. ains after spending months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic nurses nationwide could face termination as vaccine mandates take effect in our hospitals. in colorado alone, 3800 healthcare facilities are requiring staff to get the shot or get fired by the end of october. destiny carpenter just lost her job at colorado canyon hospital for refusing to get the vaccine and she joins us now. good morning, destiny. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. tell me what happened. how did you find out? did you just walk in and say here is my resignation or did they actually send you a letter and say you are not vaccinated, you are fired? >> so basically what happened is on september 19 i showed up for what i believed to moob my last day of work knowing we had to have the vaccine by september 30th and it was the last shift i signed up for. my boss basically came and asked me if i was going to get the vaccine in front of my patient and i explained to him that i wasn't going to be doing that and unfortunately, he laughed at me in front of my patient and walked away. i didn't have the opportunity to really have a great conversation with him about it as i was in front of my patient. and so i sent him an email after my shift just kind of telling him how that was really inappropriate and i didn't prevent the way it was handled. and i never heard back from him. so i forwarded it to our h.r. department. and h.r. basically told me that because i stated that i wasn't going to be getting the vaccine that my boss did not owe it to me to write me back in an email and i shortly after that went to log back in to my email for a class that i had signed up for under the hospital, and my account had been deactivated and when i called h.r., they basically told me that i am voluntarily resigning and i explained to them that that wasn't the case at all. but they were firing me because i chose not to get the vaccine. and my boss didn't even owe it to me to write me a letter of recommendation after the five years that i have worked there. ainsley: how do you feel being treated that way after had you worked there for five years through the pandemic? >> i am definitely heart broken over it i mean, i know in my heart that i'm a great nurse. i alone at our hospital have been dominated for the daisy award three times since i have been there. i know i'm a good nurse. and other people see it, too. and i went specifically to work at the smaller hospital to not feel like another number and i can tell you leaving there i definitely feel like another number after the way that they have handled all of this and i'm heart broken by it. ainsley: i know you couldn't claim an exemption because anyone who did and said they didn't want the vaccine for religious reasons or personal belief reasons they were all rejected. thank you so much for coming on with us. you are a hero. we appreciate all that you did to save lives and care for some people that are sick. >> thank you so much for having me i appreciate you guys. ainsley: i wish you luck finding a job somewhere else. thank you. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ >> steve: the cover of the "new york post" summarizes it biden's afghan lies. >> your top military leaders wanted you to keep about 2500 troops. >> no, they didn't. >> i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops. >> officer stuart sheller in pre-trial confinement. >> they put him in prison to. we are asking americans to stand up. >> you know- >> the idea we can have open borders is is you something unsustainable. >> my t. we were carrying on a conversation and he abruptly jumped into it with a comment about stupid southerners. >> congressional baseball game returns to katie couric tonight. the democrats have won 106 the last 11 games. >> we need to win more and we are going to start tonight. ♪ ♪ . ainsley: end of september, kids are asking for halloween costumes. steve: great. and we had stuart varney on a couple of days ago who said now is the time to buy christmas presents because of supply chain problems. brian: stuart was really upset last year he didn't get anything on his list. and he wants to make sure people shopping for him shop early. ainsley: i did. i will say, i have been stacking up the magazines that i have been getting in the mail. i have got to go through them all and start my shopping. steve: magazine could be the only thing you wind up with. you better start shopping. ainsley: i know. brian: we have a lot to go over. ainsley: all gone. signed on. doesn't put brian's name on them. brian: that is not true. ainsley: that is true, right? we got the code word. steve: it happens. it was a lovely gift hi to though i still have mine cutting board monogram on it. steve: cooking with friends. brian: two years ago i ghouta got you both cars, brand new cars? remember that? ainsley: no. steve: apparently repos. ainsley: dawn did not send us that. brian: if you are in miami and wearing a speedo get something else on it's going to be cold. steve: no one wear as speedo. brian: no one told the europeans no one wears speedos. steve: when is the last time you were at the beach beach beach it's been a while. steve: last time at the beach 1975. brian: by the way if you a speedo also it comes with an ab roller you need to have good a.b.s to wear a speedo. not that people who wear speedos know that. steve: meanwhile, we are one block from broadway here in new york city on broadway at the redneck rivera right now in nashville. we find pete hegseth who is. ainsley: fully clothed. steve: people stopping by to say good morning. pete: good morning, brian. i once almost wore a speedo in the hudson river on "fox & friends." it's not totally out of fashion. brian: that's a little different. pete: the navy seals can do it. navy seal carveout for the speedo. ainsley: that's because they have good abs. pete: correct. we're at redneck rivera john rich is not here yet. is he sleeping because he owns the joint. he opened it up for us. we are going to be talking to great folks this morning. gutfeld is in nashville all week long. i will will be on there tonight. also john rich's show "the pursuit" premiering on fox business prime time so we will ask him about that. some folks we will probably be talking to here this morning that have a few thoughts on the issues of the day. i do want to make one quick correction. i promised breakfast here. if you come on out, you are not getting breakfast. you will get maybe a banana in the. a wild blue berry or a chocolate chip muffin in a package. not a full on breakfast with friends but you will get something if you come on out and maybe some coffee. that's it, guys. steve: individually wrapped and those are the protocols for doing things? pete: yep. pete: those are the protocols. don't expect anything else. no pancakes i don't have anything for you. i will toss it back to you and juggle it out. ainsley: whoa. good job. [applause] brian: not many people juggle food on television but pete can do that. pete is it true that bar has challenge coins? is it true? pete: challenge coins and patches canned scan maybe do it. patches from every police department, fire department can you find in the bar wall challenge coins all over the placements amazingly patriotic spot here i would expect nothing less from rich. maybe we will get that in the back when he comes. ainsley: if someone in the military challenges you in the bar with their coin, reach behind you and grab one off of john's wall. pete: yes. steve: pete is going to be on gutfeld tonight and gutfeld is live in nashville all week. there you see some of the exciting images. ainsley: exciting set. steve: i have in that booth on the first floor with our white house correspondent who we are going to now. ainsley: oh. steve: top military generals are heading back to capitol hill later today to house house lawmakers on the troop withdrawal from afghanistan. ainsley: this after they revealed president biden went against their advice to keep troops there on the ground. brian: biggest question is who advised him to leave the way he did. peter doocy is live at the white house. combative hearing. pete: and if i remember correctly, dad, when we were at the redneck rivera it was like 9:00 in the morning and we were trying to figure out if it was too early to have a beer. steve: peter, it was 9:00 but that was actually 10:00 eastern time and. brian: the answer is. steve: waiting for a flight because we had done the show from there. brian: the answer? pete: 10:00 eastern not too early. ainsley: auto a bloody mary. steve: we did have a beer. brian: father knows best. peter: flight lessons from your dad. thank you. steve: you bet. peter: three on one. three top generals say they told president biden leave 2500 troops behind in average. that happened. but the white house says that didn't happen. >> the range of viewpoints as is evidenced by their testimony today that were present national security team as would be expected a, as we asked for. peter: well it wasn't an even split the way the president remembers and he has been asked point blank. >> no one told year military advisers did not tell you no, we just should keep 2500 troops. it's been a stable situation for the last several years. we can could that. we can continue to do that? >> no. no one said that to me that i can recall. peter: the white house says though this is not black and white. generals though describe it as just that. >> i recommended that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. i also have a few that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the afghan military force and eventually the afghan government. >> i am very much satisfied that we had a thorough policy review, all of the parties had an opportunity to provide input and that input was received. peter: looking back there is broad acknowledgment that that withdrawal was a deadly disaster. so now this white house is looking for a win badly enough that president biden has canceled a trip today to chicago where he was going to talk about vaccines. instead, he is staying. he's going to try huddle privately with lawmakers and save that multitrillion dollars budget of his and the bipartisan infrastructure deal. back to you. brian: peter, i was struck by and i don't know if you were in the afternoon session, all the other networks kept asking, they would build on each other's questions to jen psaki. can you name the general? if these generals recommended you didn't leave, and kept troops there who's the general that who recommended they do leave? and did you ever get -- did anyone give an answer? did jen psaki answer that question? peter: no. she did add on. she says the president also takes advice from his secretary of state and the national security adviser so tony blinken and jake sullivan. but if there was a general who told president biden that you could go from a couple thousand to zero overnight and not have any problems, the white house is not saying who that person is. ainsley: has anyone asked her why? why would he make this decision? peter: he has explained it many times. he thinks it was time to get out and he decided that it needed to be based on a date on a calendar that he picked months in advance. remember, initially he wanted it to be 9/11 and these generals were asked about it and they didn't want to exactly go there but there was no military reason for 9/11 or for august 31st or the 25th when they got out. ainsley: this was his decision this was on him. brian: we think although he deflected. peter peter he is the commander-in-chief. he gets the final say. ainsley: that's right. steve: exactly right. peter, thank you very much. joe biden said the generals unanimously supported the august general milley said that advice was actually given on august 25th, 10 days after the taliban had already taken control of kabul. and one other disturbing bit of new york city you know how that drone strike killed 10 people including seven children, the reason we were able to strike them was with this over-the-horizon kind of counter-terrorism reaction. yesterday the general said the over-the-horizon strategy they have a lot of doubts about whether or not it's going to be effective. and we saw with that drone strike it can be deadly. ainsley: general mckenzie took responsibility for that drone strike. there is a plane carrying 117 people. 59 of them are are children. afghan evacuees, some americans on this flight. steve: 8. ainsley: i read six. six or eight. green card holders six with is ivs on board this plane flew from kabul to the uae airport and supposed to fly to jfk here in queens, new york. then it was told you are going to be diverted to dulles airport. then they said no you are going to stay at uae. we are not giving any clearance with afghan refugees to come back to america. brian: is this unbelievable? we have to organize our own private industry in order to get americans out of a war that joe biden single-handedly decided he was sick of. and now we have to do it on our own. all they are asking for is an airport to land in, and the u.s. state department and defense won't make it happen. they had no answers yesterday to how we are getting the tens of thousands of people out or why they were left there. secretary of defense austin just shrugs his shoulders and rounds off the number. and when other organizations try to get people out and get them on the plane they won't let them land. inexcusable. keep in mind everything joe biden has got wrong. remember he told us this won't be saigon 1975? remember he said this is not inevitable that the taliban will take back the country? remember he said there is no one that recommended 2500 troops. and perhaps the biggest whopper that is the most consequential? al-qaeda is no longer in afghanistan. ainsley: and we will not leave americans stranded. brian: yeah, that's a huge one. so severing wrong. the good news is the vice president who can put her hand up now. she says she was the last person in the room when he made that decision. so we know two people that are responsible for the worst military decision in the history of modern america. the vice president and the president. steve: make that three. because when peter asked the president after those people were killed with the drone -- rather, at the gate, the president said the buck stops with me. i'm responsible. but it's donald trump's plan. so blame trump. brian: and susan rice. steve: trump and biden and kamala harris. meanwhile, tom mcclintock a member of congress. a republican from the great state of california, and jim jordan of ohio, have been hearing from whistleblowers and one, in particular, is troubling because this particular border patrol agent said that they have heard that unless they -- from their bosses, unless they are vaccinated by the first of november, they, essentially, are going to get fired and given the fact that so much bad stuff is happening at our southern border, you got wonder well, do we really want to eliminate anybody who is trying to keep the southern border safe? ainsley: what a double standard. we -- you have to help these illegal immigrants come true our country. they are not here legally. but we're going to make -- you are going to get fired if you don't get the vaccine. steve: they might cody coming across. brian: he said one in five are sick coming across our border. that coming from mayorkas giving a virtual to georgetown yesterday. jim jordan said he has got somebody who is saying this. it doesn't surprise me the all. this is mandate mania, whether it's u.s. state, u.s. military. everyone has got to get vaccinated because the 39 of the united states his patience is wearing thin with us. i'm sorry we are getting on his nerves. this is the same president that said someone who going to pay for what he claims was bad actions of border patrol on horses? so he put them on desk duty. didn't take their side. and said no one else can use a horse to round you will illegal aliens on a border you refuse to enforce and now you are going to tell everyone quit? do you know how depleted that force is already as well as overworked? here is jim jordan. >> the border patrol was given official notice that if border patrol agents don't get the vaccines by november of this year. six weeks from now, if they don't get the vaccine they will be fired. so, meanwhile today, we had a briefing from secretary mayorkas and we asked him about what's happening with these -- this flood of migrants coming across our southern border and he said relative to the vaccine he said we ask them if they want it, it's their choice. think about that. the people who have been busting their tails enforcing our law and doing their job on the border they will get fired if they don't take the vaccine meanwhile for people who break the law and come in here no big deal, your choice, it's up to you. steve: it's not as if the border patrol agents are working in a small room or a confined space. they are outside where, you know, the rate of transmission as we have heard can be absolutely tiny. meanwhile, the former president of the united states was on another channel yesterday where he was talking about, you know, we have got to fix immigration and you got to do it through congress because as former president barack obama said, what's going on right now is not good and it's unsustainable. here he is. >> immigration is tough. it always has been because on the one hand, um, i think we are naturally, um, are a people that wants to help others. at the same time, we're a nation stated. we have borders. the idea that we can just have open borders is something that, i think, as a practical matter is, is unsustainable. brian: wow, how unbelievable is that that he said something that joe biden won't say? the fact that we have open borders is unsustainable. we are a nation state. that sounds like the average american who we thought that was a given but not with this administration. steve: well, and jen psaki was asked about barack obama saying it was unsustainable and he said open borders is unsustainable and jen psaki said we don't have open borders. so, yes, he does agree. ainsley: i like what he said in the beginning too, i think all americans do agree with that we have heart for these individuals. we support immigration. no matter where you come from, just do it the right way. but it is -- i mean, it's hard to look at these images of these kids. the little boy etched in my mind that little boy etched in my teddy bear screaming don't leave me, don't leave me when those coyotes left him on the border it's heart breaking you have to do it the right way. even from a financial standpoint, it's unsustainable. how can americans pay for. brian: everybody. ainsley: all of these people. now they are talking about reconciliation bill that we will send all these illegal immigrants to school for free? someone halls to pay for that. brian: they go to college for free. that's fantastic. and put them in working class areas. ainsley: we are going to pay for our kids to go to school and those kids to pay for school. brian: exactly. how dare you complain. steve: the good news according to the administration is it has zero costs. which is great. meanwhile lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are set to get together and play ball later tonight for the annual congressional baseball game with people in the stands. ainsley: let's head out to the ball field where fox news headlines 24/7 reporter carley shimkus is joined by g.o.p. congressman steve scalise. hey, carley. carley: yeah, that's right. hey, ainsley, steve, brian, i am with congressman steve scalise, such an honor to talk to you. and democrats just took the field. so you can scout out the off session right now. >> that's right, carley. good to be with you. i miss all our friends back in the studio. great to have you back here. big league ballpark. ainsley: fans are going to be in the stand. >> 26,000 tickets have already been sold for today's game. carley: this is a charity event this raises over a million dollars for charity. >> $2 million for local charities that we're up to for tonight's game. carley: wow. also happening at such a wild time. this is celebration of bipartisan. there is so much fighting going on on capitol hill right now. especially among democrats. >> yeah. that's going to probably hit the waters' edge tonight. there is a lot of very big intense issues that we're dealing with on capitol hill. and, you know, you have got all these crises around the country with inflarks the border, hearings on afghanistan. and then you throw in the government funding. carley: infrastructure. >> tax hikes. they are trying to do $5.5 trillion package and they are in disarray on their side. carley: president biden says it's not going to cost anything. >> not going to cost anything except you will pay more in taxes. a tax on your natural gas if you use natural gas to heat your home or cool your home. you are going to be paying about 15% more every month. but i guess he doesn't think that's a cost. they are in totally out of direct correlation with most of our american families. carley: do you think it will pass. >> they don't have the votes right now. we don't support something that's going to jack up inflation and run millions of jobs out of the country. that's what the tax hike side is going to do. packaged it all together with infrastructure. and by the way, their version of infrastructure is, for example, about $100 billion in solyndra slush funds over at the department of energy. that's one of 9 things. carley: i know this event means so much to everybody on the field. all the republicans that are also playing but especially you because june 2017 it changed your life. shooter went onto the field, the republican practice and you almost lost your life. how your outlook on life change since then? >> you know, look, i surely had a different perspective. god performed miracles that day. carley: he certainly did. >> 2017. i'm lucky to be alive. he cherish every day like this. come out of to the ballpark it's a experience. carley: you said during that moment as it was happening you were praying and you felt better because you were in god's hands which i think is such a beautiful message and we are so glad you are okay. brian was talking before about how republicans have lost a few games in a row but you are confident that republicans will win this time around, huh? >> brian, you want to take the republicans in the game tonight. i feel good. steve: they are missing their star pitcher on the democrat side. >> working in the house. he. carley: that's right they're missing star pitcher but you have congressman "studio by" he has athletic guy. you can catch all the action on fox nation. starts at 7:05 eastern time. i think you are going to have a great evening. you got go to work first but then there is going to be some fun tonight. >> a few things at the office. carley: just a few things. >> thousands of people raise $2 million for charity. and we are going to be focused on beating the democrats, too. watch the game. fox sports. carley: absolutely. send it back to you in the studio. steve: it's nice that the democrats and republicans can get together and have a little fun. brian: right and compete and try to destroy each other that will be great. ainsley: republican coach earlier brian wanted carley to start off the interview with so you haven't really done well, you don't have a good record. brian: it was a suggestion. steve: maybe the last question not the first. [laughter] all right. carley, thank you very much. meanwhile, coming up, a show of respect to those who wear the badge. we will speak to a woman whose mission is to send handwritten thank you notes to the entire new york city police department. ♪ >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? ♪ ♪ ainsley: a new york city resident is showing her appreciation for law enforcement in a major way can a let that james has written more than 4,000 thank you notes to our police officers to cops across the city's and she is not stopping there her goal is to give thanks to all 36,000 officers in the nypd can a let s now good morning. >> hi, ainsley good morning. ainsley: i love this story. what inspired you. >> as a civilian i see how tough a job these officers have and i do this to let them know they have support out there that not everybody is against you. >> somewhat reaction you get when you deliver these notes to them? of course they appreciate it because they are not used to. ainsley: how many do you write at a time? is your hand aching after this. >> no, not yet. i try to do at least maybe 10 cards a day. ainsley: that's amazing. do you get their names? how do you know how many police officers are in each precinct? >> well, i try to write a certain amount when i go to a precinct and the cards are prewritten and the outside of the card i put the ranks, lieutenant, sergeant, detective and officer, and when i get there, and that's when i get the names and i write the names on the card before i give it to an officer. ainsley: that is so nice, coretta, what could you say in the card? .>> thank you for your service nypd. it takes a special person it to take a job that every time you put on your uniform you put your life at risk and you do this over and over again. and i put that there is somebody, somebody because they are. that's somebody's husband. somebody's father, somebody's mother. somebody's wife. tell me about you, coretta. tell me your story. where are you from and what do you do for a living. >> i'm from antigua and i'm a nanny. could i just say hi to some of my kids? ainsley: of course. >> hi jack, love you, miss you. hi sammy, hi hanna. ainsley: they are so blessed to have you taking care of them. i'm sure their parents just love you to death. you seem like a great person. thank you for thanking our law enforcement officers and we wish you all the best. you have done 4,000. you want to complete the 36,000. so you have a long way to go. i bet you can do it though. >> and i also want to take this nationwide. i have done the boston police department. the d.c. police department. the philadelphia police department because the encouragement is so needed. ainsley: it is. my dad does that, too. he stays up at night and sends notes to his friends that need encouragement. it's just such a blessing when you get that piece of mail. thank you, god bless you coretta. >> and thank you for having me, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. well, it might be early in the morning in nashville but where pete hegseth goes a party follows. hey, pete. pete: we try. it's early. we promised breakfast with friends here in nashville at john rich's redneck rivera so, george, you get banana in the. wild blue berry for you edith and john you got chocolate chip muffin. breakfast with friends classic muffin. we will talk with them about the news of the day. ♪ ♪ bs-c giving her grief. so she talked to her doctor because she wanted more relief. that's when she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? 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this is football. brian was so excited about this story. brian: you don't understand. jillian: ask and you shall receive. brian: smallest, unknown teams in the world known against the most successful team in the world. >> no one would know if i said it right or wrong. brian: 1/64th of the value, madrid worth $872 million. and they just won. north macedonia, beginy, uzbekistan. they have a payroll of payroll of -- value of $13 million. this is a real life ted lasso story. f.c. richmond beat manchester city. are you guys shocked by this. s.c. sheriff beat realma drid. steve: check him for a fever. brian: you are going to go home and realize that's the buzz. [buzzer] steve: no one talks about soccer. brian: i met janice dean all she wants to talk about is soccer. [buzzer] steve: all she wants to talk about is weather and the jack hammer? janice: you know what? mostly sunny with 100 percent sense of a jack hammer today. take a look at the maps. beautiful day in new york city. we had a cold front that moved in last night. look at the temperatures. they are going to be in the 60's today for much of the northeast and all of that rain has moved offshore for the most part. we do have the potential for showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast and then out west we got a big old cold front that's going to move through. that's going to bring the potential for some snow across the rockies. look at denver. and then the rain potential for the rest of the workweek as that storm system and the front associated with it stalls out. that's going to be a story as we go through the next couple of days. there's your forecast today. 68 beautiful degrees along with jack hammers in new york city. 87 in miami. 67 in denver with that snow on the way for the higher elevations and then hurricane sam we're still into hurricane season, this is a cat 4 storm. the good news is it's going to remain offshore bermuda you will have to keep an eye on this as it comes pretty close this weekend and then we are going to have to deal with the high waves and the rip current front along the east coast. all right. ainsley: we get used to the jack hamner norpg new york unless you are on the phone walking by it or when they're doing construction in the apartment beside you and above you and using jack hammers. brian: anyone trying to do something better than the jack hammer? still using the same technology when it comes to breaking up a street. a jack hammer. >> get something besides a jack hammer. january january i would like to know what they're doing over there. steve: walk over new windows and see they are building a new structure. janice: investigative reporter happening. brian: put david lee miller on it. steve: 22 minutes before the the top of the hour. here is the vice president nodding along as a student slams israel. >> ethnic genocide. >> your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed. ainsley: douglas murray is going to react to that controversial exchange coming up. ♪ >> basically, despite all this bad news, we have an adult in charge okay. a guy in an adult diaper. [laughter] captain joey. joe.aviator sunglasses, check. bomber jacket, check. he looks like someone crossed a delta pilot with arthur fonz too bad microphone gets cut more than me trying to make the eighth grade soccer team. this year i was closer than ever. steve: this year. for you night owls you know that's a highlight from last night wants greg gutfeld show he was live in nashville spotlighting mounting criticism over president biden's messy, as he has described it, exit from afghanistan. brian: right. we sent him to nashville to cover the afghanistan story. even the top generals are contradicting the president in return including when they came up the thread of al-qaeda. >> remember why we went to afghanistan in the first place? because we were attacked by usama bin laden and al-qaeda. al-qaeda was disseminated. >> general mckenzie is al-qaeda gone. >> senator, al-qaeda still maintains a presence in afghanistan. ainsley: well in our own "fox & friends weekend" co-host pete hegseth is also in music city and he is talking to the patrons at redneck rivera about the hearings yesterday. pete? pete: yes, we are, ainsley, brian, steve, good morning. and showing that clip from gutfeld is making me just a little bit excited to be there tonight. i will be there on gutfeld tonight. here in nashville it's great to be here obviously we are redneck rivera john rich's place. he has a brand new show on fox business on prime time "in pursuit" folks here with us bright and early this morning thank you all. george, edith and john. george, we were talking. you watched some of that testimony yesterday. general mackenzie said hey al-qaeda is back as strong as ever. what concerns you when you look at what is unfolding both in afghanistan and in washington. >> well, we are not getting true information out of the administration. we can't believe anything that comes out. it bothers me that we have left americans and those that helped us and bailed on them and, yet, we have emboldened al-qaeda and the rest of the group. and we just have to change that america's standing has dropped because of them. pete: you mentioned the marine colonel who spoke out who is now in confinement as well. quite a contrast. >> it's really a contrast when we will put armed forces person who served our country for 17 years in to solitary confinement for speaking the truth but three generals could speak on camera yesterday and basically do the same thing and they are still there. pete: yeah, one of those generals loves to talk on background and on the record to reporters on gossip books about the commander-in-chief who he is supposed to be serving. edith, when you see it all in washington right now, what's your reaction? >> that we are not keeping our words. we are not keeping our word to the people in afghanistan, to all the military that served our country. we're just-we're not being truthful. pete: what do you think guides joe biden's foreign policy? when you look at it or what's -- you know, we knew donald trump was america first in strength what's joe biden? >> sometimes i wonder if it's the last one out the door theory. he just doesn't -- if someone is chirping in his ear and he is not thinking about the whole country, only thinking about making certain people happy at certain times. pete: there we go. john, you win -- get a close up on john's outfit he is on camera almost simply because of this amazing minnesota vikings are a regalia you have. big win. >> fantastic against the seahawks very excited to see that. hopefully playoff but we will see. pete: we will see. a little early for that he has been a lifelong vikings fan which means his life has been full of disappointment just like mine. [laughter] john, you wrote a book called potus 1. it's george washington. pretty cool. i think george washington made some different decisions than joe biden is making right now. >> oh, absolutely. there would be accountability with the generals and also the people supporting them at home and in congress. he wrote several letters, george did, about asking for things and congress a lot of times during the war we know he had to take things into his own action. i think sometimes that's what we as americans we want to see accountability. we want to see just people actually doing something. i think the american people are mature enough to see accountability and that's why i think they love donald trump because there was accountability. there was maturity in terms of foreign policy. not this like baby steps taking ba because that's not who we are. we are mature. pete: you baked down what happened yesterday. a withdrawal deadline that failed. you got a chairman of the joint chiefs calling the chinese and giving them a heads up. and then you have him gossipping to reporters and admitting about it he seems to think that's what our generals are supposed to be doing. george, edith, john, thank you very much. appreciate your time back to you guys in new york city. full of jets fans who are also unhappy perpetually. brian: if they could score next week they just forgot to score this weekend. pete: yes. brian: for four quarters. ainsley: joel, are you wearing a jets it will today? >> yes. brian: 3-0 with the panthers. >> giants are it 0-3. brian: that's true. it wasn't right, pete to bring up the giants. steve: welcome to morning trash talk. brian: okay, am i supposed to read? ainsley: sure. brian: thanks, pete. he will be joined by john rich redneck rivera later in the show. you don't want to miss pete on gutfeld tonight. there is a lot about pete in tease. back in a moment. ainsley: making you jealous? steve: meanwhile, switching imeers, as we look in the rear view, the year of 2020 was summed up by politics, protests and the pandemic. our next guest wrote the book on how the virus up ended our lives. hear from him coming up next on hear from him coming up next on "fox & friends." brian: and pete is on gutfeld. we see a close up of the grille overhead shot. she drives hands free along the coast. make it palm springs. cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off - script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyric. ... (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. and there you have it-'s a better mouthwash. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> a few days ago there were funds allocated backing israel which hurts my heart, because it's an ethnic genocide and it's not what happened in america and i'm sure you're aware of this. >> your voice, your perspective , your experience, your truth, should not be suppressed. brian: vice president kamala harris at george mason university in virginia applaud ing a student who slams israel, says they are committing genocide so what does this mean for our relationship with our closest allie? joining us now to react is author douglas murray. douglas? i mean, this was supposed to be about voter registration, and it ends up being this. she's not good without a script. >> no this was the most horrible exchange for kamala harris and i wonder how she's going to try to explain it in the days ahead. the student in question didn't express her truth or your truth as harris put it. she just lied, and said that israel is committing genocide, ethnic genocide, and flat out wrong. flat out untrue, complete lie, and instead of at least trying to pushback against what the student says, harris said this is your truth. the great oprahism of our time. i've got my truth, you've got yours, let's call the whole thing off. she shouldn't have said that she was quite right to say the girl in question had the right to express her opinion in america, of course she does, but that's quite different from having the right to liable the state of israel and expect the vice president to just nod along. brian: douglas i'm seeing big push now is kamala harris, the big comeback. she's going to lead the charge for the democrats to try to save the house and senate in the mid-terms. do you think the democrats are right to push all their cards and chips with the harris campaign? >> no, i don't. i think as exchanges like this show, she's not a great asset to the party. she is terrible at exchanges like the one we've just seen, she's horrible in a corner, whenever she's asked a difficult question, she has these very strange reactions, sort of things like at totally inappropriate times and i think the demonstration of the democrats are in trouble. what i worry about more is that america's allies worldwide see this sort of thing, and start to worry. now this administration was meant to be talking about building alliances, and rebuilding alliances as if donald trump had trashed them all, which he hadn't, and now we see just days after each other, we see what happened with america's allies in afghanistan. we see last week, democrats, members of harris' own party voted to defund the iron dome that is to defend a defensive weapons system and now, we see the vice president just sort of nodding along as very very ignorant american student, liable as an allie. people i speak to around the world including in recent days in israel, are concerned about this. they are concerned when they see people this trashing and allowing the trashing of american allies. brian: douglas that was one thing real quick, the term that general milley agreed with was damaged. talking about a relationship after afghanistan, what term would you use? >> yeah, damaged is the start of it. it's the soft version of it, but what we see , and i've said this a number of times in recent weeks, is we see the perspective of america in the world looking like it's not a particularly dangerous enemy to have and it's not a very good friend. that is more than dangerous. that's lethal. brian: exactly. douglas murray thanks so much appreciate it. >> it's a great pleasure. brian: five minutes now before the top of the hour, ainsley? ainsley: thanks brian from the start of the pandemic to social unrest on the street, and a heated presidential election, 2020 was a year like no other. brian: now a new book is attempting to make sense of the events last year with a so-called fictional account of the virus spreading from china and the division across the u.s. steve: the book is called "of course they knew" author john moody is also the former executive vice president and former executive editor for fox news, he joins us right now. john, good morning to you. ainsley: good morning. >> hey, steve great to see you again. steve: great to have you as well , okay so you look at 2020 with covid and the campaign , and the protest but you've turned, and we know a lot about all those things but you're making this a novel. is that so that you can figure out how to connect all of the dots? >> well, it's because i didn't know all the people involved by name. i had to makeup my characters but i superimposed them on top of real life events, the same stuff that you and i and everybody in this country went through, in 2020. it was a year unlike any other year, at least so far in this century, and i think a lot of people were confused and shocked and disenchanted so the book is a fictional attempt to make sense of 2020 and what it meant. ainsley: explain the title, because you left it ambiguous. >> well, there's nothing like a good ellipsis to start the day. it refers to china, of course, they knew what was going on in wuhan, they knew what they were doing, they knew it was a serious virus. the. dot allows readers to makeup their own minds about what else china was doing did they spread the virus intentionally, did they try to shift blame for it? well they did, one of the party- controlled newspapers actually said that the virus was created by the u.s. military and dropped from a low-flying military jet. now, i'm not an expert on military jets but i don't think many of them have been flying over wuhan at low altitudes recently. brian: so john, do you conclude that china did this on purpose or should, do you personally feel that way and if so, do you think that they're happy with the result? >> well, you know, whether they did it on purpose or whether it got out of their control, really doesn't matter. look how many millions of people died because of it. are they happy? well, their economy has rebound ed a whole lot faster than any other economy in the world. they seem to be calling shots on what the world health organization deems acceptable. the world health organization, you know, told us all that you can't call this the wuhan flu. you can't call this the china virus. you have to call it coronavirus or covid-19, something that won't offend anybody. steve: and john, how does, given the campaign and covid and the protest, all those things that actually happened, how does the mainstream media figure into telling the story? >> well, they have a starring role, steve. look, its just been mazing for me to watch from the sidelines, i'm not involved in the business, but it's amazing to watch how they rolled over and did whatever they were told to do. you know, the covid had to be called covid so that china wouldn't be offended. we had to be very gentle about how we referred to these protests and the election, of course, was all about we need change, we need a new president, we need something else, and the mainstream media just went into it full force. they wanted to be part of this whole process. ainsley: well john, we wish you the best with this book, congratulations. >> thanks very much. ainsley: you're welcome it's called "of course they knew" and it is available now. steve: speaking of now, right now, we start hour three of "fox & friends" for wednesday. >> top military leaders testify in afghanistan. >> three top generals say they told president biden leave 2,500 troops but the white house says that didn't happen. >> i've never seen a grand canyon size gulf between the commander and chief and this general. >> border patrol agents are being told to get their vaccine or lose their job. >> think about that. the people who have been busting their tails they are going to get fired meanwhile for people who break the law coming here no big deal. >> he believes he had an encounter with brian laundrie >> he kind of abruptly jumped into it with a comment about stupid southerners. >> making her gratitude known by writing over 4,000 thank you notes to police. >> i see how tough a job these officers have, and i want to let them know they have support out there. ainsley: the congressional baseball game returns to d.c. tonight. >> this event means so much to you, because june 2017. >> god's performed miracles that day and i'm lucky to be alive so i cherish everyday like this. >> ♪ brian: all right, everybody you're looking live at nashville right now. steve: the hall of fame. brian: yeah, the hall of fame, that city named after the coach years ago and they made it nashville. that is a pullout from our downstairs set. we're not there. that's a picture of the outside we just had, and then that's a pan up. and then we'll pan up to another camera and now that camera is going to swing around and eventually catch us. ainsley: there we go. steve: what's so interesting is brian pretty much exactly was verbatim with what our director mark was telling all the camera guys in their ears. ainsley: now, brian, show them what is over here. we call this -- steve: show what's over there. ainsley: he calls it the kilmeade corner. steve: he's got his coffee. brian: what i was trying to say is watch this. ainsley: look at all of these papers. brian: this is what i'm saying, since i'm here so much doing interviews can you name this spot in the set after me, a little plaque right here, so hegseth and will cain want to do an interview they have to say go to the kilmeade corner. steve: it's not a corner. ainsley: good point it's not a corner and you have a radio show brian: someone messed up my papers. ainsley: you have a tv show. someone, someone, you really need something else named after you? brian: all right ainsley: brian your son's named after you? brian: okay, wow so much resentment in ainsley. steve: as we just saw, this show runs on dunkin'. brian: absolutely. ainsley: at least it's not spilled over today. steve: here's the thing. the whole buildup, the reason we showed nashville, the hall of fame, was as a perfect transition, we got a little lost , into pete hegseth, whose live at the red neck river riveria because he's going to be on gutfeld tonight. gutfeld is live in nashville all week. pete, good morning to you and the folks at the bar on broadway pete: good morning. yes, we're all watching the train wreck that is the open of the 8:00 hour. >> [laughter] pete: as brian tries to, we're watching brian trying to rename portions of the studio after himself. brian if that's the case i'll give you kilmeade corner if you give me hegseth stairwell because i invented the stairway walk, as you know. steve: hold on, pete, you invented walking downstairs? brian: right? let me just say pete, can you see the monitor? this is what pete claims is his walk. this is my walk, pete. pete: oh, look. brian: i was walking down steps , next thing you know, i tune in on a saturday and pete is walking down steps, claiming it as his own. chris, who did this first? >> i believe it was you, brian. brian: thank you. chris, who i've never met personally, just said that i was the first to walk down the stairs. ainsley: didn't you learn it from steve, brian? steve: well, yeah. oh, well. brian: that's true. all right i'm going to go backup now. i invented walking up stairs. steve: it beats falling down stairs. pete: maybe that's the issue. brian: you perfected the walk. ainsley: [laughter] pete: i'll take an asterisk if i have to. you guys are out of control this morning i thought this crowd was out of control. >> [laughter] pete: apparently this is the show, this morning showing everyone studio f and naming corners. ainsley, you get the living room you should at least, it should at least be ainsley's living room but guys, we're here because gutfeld is here all week and we're going to have john rich in a moment we're at his bar without him yet because he's got a new primetime show on fox business and we just like to get out of new york city as much as possible. although, i'll toss it back to you, where you're having a lot of fun. by the way i've been working so hard i'll pass around the red neck tip bucket. i've been tap dancing all morning so if you have tips for me, folks, i'll take them. steve: right and having been there, the bucket is for the band, which starts playing i think at about 10:00 in the morning there. pete: yes, they do. they do. ainsley: the buckets at the bar and in church. it's the offering bucket. [laughter] brian: now to capitol hill, where top military generals will testify before house lawmakers today on the troop withdrawal from afghanistan. steve: after they revealed yesterday that president biden went against their expert advice to keep troops on the ground. ainsley: and peter doocy is live at the white house with a look at the senate hearing. reporter: good morning again, and these generals and the president are both saying two different things that can not both be true, at the same time. the generals are saying they recommended privately that president biden leave behind 2,500 americans in afghanistan, but the president says, that never happened. >> there was a range of viewpoints as was evidenced by their testimony today that were presented to the president, that were presented to his national security team, as be expected. as he asked for. reporter: but under oath, these generals are contradicting the president. >> i recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in afghanistan. i also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead to the collapse of the afghan military forces, and eventually, the afghan government. >> i am very much satisfied that we had a thorough policy review, all of the parties had an opportunity to provide input and that input was received. reporter: so they are giving a number, 2,500, but president biden says he doesn't remember that. >> no one told your military advisor did not tell you know we should just keep 2,500 troops its been a stable situation for the last several years we can do that and continue to do that. >> no one said that to me that i can recall. reporter: remember, president biden has defended the way that things went down in kabul, by saying that the pullout, whenever it happened, was never going to be pretty. back to you. steve: and peter, the president, you asked the president a question about whether or not he took responsibility for the americans who were killed over in kabul, and he essentially took responsibility but he also blamed somebody else , didn't he? >> yes, he blamed president trump for laying conditions and negotiations with the taliban last year that he thought did not, made it essentially impossible for things to go smoothly, but now, we know that the president was still seeking advice from his military general s, forget about this trump deal that was made. he was still seeking advice this year about what to do, and his generals were telling him what to do and the president didn't do it. steve: he was getting advice right through august. peter on the north lawn of the white house, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, peter. brian: you saw senator sullivan yesterday say it's ridiculous to think that you could not reverse anything donald trump did, you had no problem with the paris climate accord, no problem reversing the iran deal but when it came to afghanistan, my hands are tied. no ones buying it. ainsley: and then jen psaki was asked about it well if the generals told him to keep troops in afghanistan, why did you pull them out, why did he pull them out and she said well we got advice from different people, and there were different advisor s split on this , so then the reporters pressed her and said which general told him to pull everyone out? and she didn't have an answer. steve: yup. unnamed generals. all right, but nonetheless it looks as if joe biden is not perhaps telling the truth regarding what went down. meanwhile, as we've been detailing, there are all sorts of restrictions here in new york city, on monday they started firing people who worked in hospitals who had not been vaccinated. new york city teachers have until friday to get vaccinated or to get fired. meanwhile, in the new york city police department, there is no vaccination mandate; however, the new york post has got a story this morning that the undercover cops, who don't get the shot, apparently are going to be demoted because when you're undercover, among other things, you need to set up sting s in restaurants and they can't send cops into restaurants who have not been vaccinated. ainsley: send in the ones that are vaccinated to the restaurant s and send the ones who aren't to other areas where you don't have to show a vaccine card. brian: or just let it go. they're the ones putting themselves in danger if they are in fact doing that they might have natural immunity but mayor mayor deblasio knows better. here is what they are saying, he's doing it because if they are going to setup cops they need a vaccination card to get into the restaurant and they don't have it. steve: right. brian: that's true most restaurants although a couple i've went in with have not asked steve: but the police department want knowingly send somebody who has not been vaccinated into essentially break the law. apparently one of the other things that is going on is they have threatened these particular officers, and i think there are 10 or 12, threatened them with administrative transfer, which essentially, according to the post, kills their careers because then, in new york, they will be known as a rat and nobody wants to work with them. so, they are being given an ultimatum. get the shot, or get demoted. we are seeing a lot of mandates here in new york city, and elsewhere, and, you know, your boss ultimately gets to decide the work requirements, and for these jobs now, the requirement is you got to get the jab. ainsley: there is a precious lady out in queens we talked to her earlier, her name is caretta james and she's a nanny here in new york to three little children. she's from antigua, moved here when she was 16 years old and she writes handwritten notes to all of the police officers, she's so far written 4,000 over the last few years and her goal is to reach all of the police officers, which is 36,000 in the area. so she goes to police precincts and writes these handwritten notes about 10 a day and she presents them at the desk and writes their rank and name on the outside of the envelope listen to her. >> i try to do at least maybe 10 cards a day. i put that they're somebody's somebody, because they are, that's somebody's husband, somebody's father, somebody's mother, somebody's wife, thank you for your service in the nypd it takes a special person to take a job but every time you put on your uniform you put your life at risk and you do this over and over again. as a civilian, i see how tough a job these officers have, and i do this to let them know they have support out there that not everybody is against you. brian: talking about against them, it's not just about new york, she's a sensational woman that's awesome she's doing that and the cops appreciate it. ainsley: she wants to take it nationwide now. steve: she would like to do it in washington and boston and philadelphia as well. brian: massachusetts is telling their state cops get vaccinated by next week or you're fired. some of them are resigning already. by the way by friday, teachers have to be all vaccinated or they're going to be told they're done. in two weeks, hospice and home care entities are all demanding that everyone get vaccinated, or they're done, and then you have countless hospitals from erie county to albany, new york, to long island, thousands of people will be getting fired from their jobs not eligible for unemployment because they don't want the mayor telling them what to do with their health. steve: the problem for them is they work for the government, and the government can essentially say that the vaccination is a condition of employment, according to the u.s. department of justice. brian: next thing they are mandating moisturizer and we'll have to use their moisturizer and we, just wait this is a slippery slope. ainsley: they make the little kids get it. brian: yeah next thing is your 5-year-old is eligible, you got one week to do it or the kid is suspended from school. ainsley: it's 8:13 and after the pandemic canceled the 2020 season congress is now ready to play ball. steve: that's right tonight democrats and republicans will go head-to-head just a couple of blocks to the east of the capitol, south of the capitol, in the annual congressional baseball game. brian: fox news headlines reporter 24/7 she never sleeps, carley shimkus is live at nationals park with florida congressman kat comic. reporter: that right i'm looking for a uniform hopefully i can suit up and play ball with them. >> we got your size and everything and your number on it already. reporter: but it was my idea first. so this is your first year in congress, your first year on the team. how was this experience been? >> this is the most incredible experience. not only are we out here playing for charity over $2 million raised, but you get to meet your colleagues in a different setting, and with covid, we didn't have the opportunity to do all the things that congress traditionally does, so you don't get to know each other's families, everything has been broken down and shutdown. so you can't do baseball virtual ly, so the best thing, the best advice that i got was from one of my colleagues, from trent kelly who said get out on the baseball field you'll make the best of friends and do the best networking and get the most work done. reporter: did you ever play softball or baseball before or is this a total totally new thing? >> i played sports in high school. i was basketball, volleyball, a little bit of softball, cheered in college. reporter: so you're athletic. >> natural athlete yet but this is a whole new level. [laughter] reporter: you guys take this seriously practicing since april every morning at 5 or 6:00 in the morning. >> i've been getting up at 4:30 every morning since april to do this but again it's for charity a great experience and where the real work gets done. reporter: all morning long we've been talking about what's going on in afghanistan and you told me something really interesting about what your office is doing right now. >> yeah, so since this debacle really unfolded we've been having 24 hour shifts for our team getting americans out of afghanistan and i'm proud of the fact our team has gotten 336 americans and allies out but last night i got a call and they said there's a flight with 50- plus americans, children, canadian citizens, and they're in the air, they cannot land, they are being denied any clearance to land in the united states, so we got on the phone, we're immediately in touch with the embassy making it happen, working with the faa, and we're going to get them home. reporter: where are those people right now? >> they are actually in the air right now. reporter: in the air? >> in the air, yes. so our team has worked through the night on the calls with operators, there's incredible groups that are working in this space, making sure our people come home, because we know this administration sure won't bring them home so we're doing the work that this president won't. reporter: you are certainly are and that's so important to get those people home and to safety. there was bipartisan outrage over afghanistan. there are a few things that are bipartisan in this world right now. this event is one of them though , so what is it going to be like to play against the democrats? >> i think with everything going on, how divided we are, covid kept us all separate, to bring us altogether, you're going to have 27,000 fans in the stadium, have the streamed live nationally. it's for charity. this is a great way for us to actually prove that at the end of the day, even though this game is about america versus socialism, and we're going to win in september, and then again, in november, there's a healthy rivalry and at the end of the day we're all americans. reporter: and it's a tradition that's been going on since 1909 over 100 years and now you are a part of it how cool is that? >> i'm pretty excited. reporter: sending it back to you guys. brian: i can't believe that plane is still in the air. that is the first we've heard of that. reporter: unbelievable. brian: it's breaking news. ask her, were they trying to land the plane? reporter: so brian wants to know , with the plane of you said 50 siv americans, canadians as well, were they trying to land the plane and they were rejected at the airport, no airport would take them? >> yeah, so they took off and had to go back to abu dhabi and land again and they said you guys can't stay here and so they are in a pickle. they have children, there's actual americans, blue passport- holding americans that are on this plane that got left behind and they have children with them, they have no resources, no nothing. it has been a true mess but this just one of dozens of rescue missions going on. like i said the administration has left so many people behind, we saw in the testimony yesterday in armed services that the leadership of the military disagreed and contradicted the biden administration. its just been a mess, and that's all the more reason why we need to take the house back in the mid-terms, take the senate back and ultimately the white house, because we're not republicans vs. democrats in this moment. americans are being left behind, and it doesn't matter what you have behind your name, we got to get that. reporter: that number is so high , 50 we keep hearing 100 americans are still left there. >> it's a lot. reporter: if there's a sizable number of those 50 people that are americans, like you said blue passport holders, that kind of proves that we don't really even know how many americans are left in afghanistan you're right >> absolutely there are thousands of people that have been left behind and this administration will not admit it. reporter: we know you're going to continue doing that good work getting people home and you're going to be out on the field tonight as well, you can catch the game, 7:05 eastern time, stream it live on fox nation. steve: all right, yup. 7:05 on fox nation. thank you very much carlie and congresswoman. on that plane, obviously, they aren't going to tell us where they're going to land, we hope tomorrow at this time, we're going to be able to reveal it, there are 80 green calendar holders, six americans and six people with special immigrant visas. ainsley: 59 children on the plane. steve: apparently reuters was told by the state department they have to verify the manifest and make sure the people on the manifest are not terrorists. brian: the people that gave you 800 people in a cargo jet are worried about people that have been screened by former navy seals who are on a plane. someone pat down that child. ainsley: at least they're safe out of afghanistan and at the ua e, hopefully we'll be able to get them out at some point an get those americans home. steve: she says they're in the air. brian: they're an annoyance to an administration whose proudly saying we got 90% of the people out. it's incredible. ainsley: they were originally supposed to land in queens at jfk, and then they diverted that to dulles, but then they were told they were revoked the landing rights were revoked so apparently now they are in the airheading here? steve: we don't know. brian: they can't stay. steve: it could be europe. they could be landing anywhere. brian: as long as they're on the ground in abbey dab it. the parents of a former marine in disbelief as their son is locked up for criticizing military leadership over the afghanistan withdrawal. >> and he is a very proud american, a very proud marine, a very principled man, and he stood his ground. ainsley: medal of honor recipient dakota meyer reacts next. oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? so you only pay for what you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> the last 30 days our son has spoke his truth, and he is a very proud american, a very proud marine, a very principled man, and he stood his ground, and that's what the marines had taught him. >> he only spoke because what he saw happening and kabul, he couldn't take it. he had to speak out. he had to stand his ground. steve: and he did. there you have an emotional response from the parents of a former marine lt. colonel stuart sheller who was jailed, he's been thrown in for criticizing the military's withdrawal from afghanistan. this comes as top generals are set to testify again today, this time before house lawmakers on what went wrong over there. here to react fox news contributor and marine veteran and medal of honor recipient dakota meyer. dakota good morning. >> good morning. steve: so, they threw that lt. colonel in, the marines did, because they couldn't stop him from tweeting out why is this , why is the military supervisors, why are they not being held accountable for what went wrong? >> yeah, look. first off the military is a little bit different place to work and to be able to, freedom of speech in the military is always something that's back and forth of what that exactly means , right? i don't understand what grounds that the military has put him in in the brig for but this is what the military does. what it tells me though is that either that they're worried about what this guy is going to say. i just don't think that this is the right way to handle this. i think that look, this man wants answers, this man came out and literally asked the same questions that all of us are asking, and i just think that this is a terrible move. i just don't understand what we don't know yet of what regards do they think this was going to be a smart move to put this man behind bars. as you seen an administration, or you seen someone try to do look at eddie gallagher they tried to put him behind bars they tried to shut him up multiple times all these things and that did not work out in their favor at all so i just don't understand how they thought this was wrong. to me, in my opinion, it just shows me that our military leadership has gotten so political and that with the left they feel so empowered that they feel like they can do whatever they want, and they're not going to be held accountable which is what we're seeing with the top generals so why would they think any different, but i don't think this is a smart move for them and this is really going to come back and get them. steve: they just wanted to censor him, and that's where he's sitting on this wednesday morning. you mentioned the top generals they were all on capitol hill yesterday talking to the senate. they are going to be back today talking to the house but yesterday, dakota, it was very clear, their story is much different than joe biden. joe biden said on tv 40 days ago , yeah, i can't recall anybody telling me to leave 2,500 people on the ground in afghanistan. yesterday, they all said yeah, we told them, ultimately we're not going to tell you a lot about what we told them but we told them that. >> well this is joe biden's first real job where he's had to have accountability. you know, joe biden has been able to, for his entire career, kind of walk around and skirt the one thing, responsibility and accountability in any of his jobs, right? he was vice president, he walked around and smiled and you know, wave his hand and president obama would have to take the blame. look, there's nobody who doesn't want to be president anymore than joe biden right now with all the heat he's taking. so i think that that's part of it. he just thinks well, i don't remember. i've got a lot going on. i don't remember saying this , which i think is such a cop out answer and there's no way that that's true, but they believe they can lie to the american people so much and that the american people will take it and if they keep saying it over and over and over again, that the american people will then believe it, and that is where we have a huge issue with this. i mean, you've got a general, you've got the joint chief of staff, i mean, he's just an advisor. he's not even in charge of anybody. he's the advisor to the president of the united states. he has no power so of course, the administration doesn't have to take his advice, but i think that what one of the big issues we have is that the joint chief admitted to treason. to collusion, with the chinese government without having the president's authority under the trump adminitration and i don't understand how he's not in prison, not in the brig, and you've got lt. colonel shell erin the brig. it doesn't make sense. steve: general milley said yeah i talked to bob woodward and it didn't do anything that matters so anyway they are all back in the hot seat today we'll have it here on fox. dakota, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: all right exactly 8:30 here in the east. the nba wants all players vaccinated before the start of the season, but some stars are refusing to do that. we've got the backlash coming up , but first, tourists have been flocking to nashville all summer to music city as it opens up john rich joins us alongside pete hegseth on the incredible comeback on broadway, next, good morning, guys. >> ♪ steve: all right, right now we're back with a live look at music city, that's the hall of fame right there, in downtown. ainsley: it's not just country music bringing in nashville, it's wedding bells too. brian: madison alworth, from our sister network, fox business , i met a lot of people on fox business, they are nice, is live with a look at how the city's wedding industry is booming. madison, tell me more. steve: where is she? reporter: of course i'm on a party bus right now, guys. i think, because it's like 7:30 a.m. i'm probably the only person on a party bus in the entire city, but if you give it a couple hours, we're on broadway, this whole street is going to be packed with open air vehicles, just like this one, carrying partyers all over the city and like you mentioned one of the most attract if groups here, that's always jumping on these buses, is your bachelorette party, and that is really big business here in nashville, because the wedding industry, like you mentioned, well, it's absolutely booming. we're expecting 2.5 million weddings next year because of all of the covid shutdowns, that's creating a lot of business in nashville, tennessee the reason that they're coming here you have affordable prices, you're also looking at an accessible location for much of the country, and of course, fun opportunities like this one, we actually spoke to the ceo of this and he told us this destination is one that they constantly have people coming back to, and you get it when you have views like this one, guys. >> on any given month, there's up to 8,000 bachelorette parties that are going to nashville and our expense feature would show the national average spend hover s around specifically at least $550 per guest, and then sometimes up to $1,250 per guest reporter: all right, guys and you're taking a look at broadway here these are some of the bars where all those bachelorettes head and they are super happy to have this party scene back its been a huge part of the covid comeback guys back to you. brian: i've never been to a bachelorette party, what happens ainsley: [laughter] don't answer that. reporter: i don't think we can talk about that on tv. ainsley: what happens in nashville stays in nashville. steve: all i know is theres a guard rail on the side. you see that? so you can't fall off. which is good. ainsley: other cities need to adopt this. that's genius. steve: it's a lot of fun. ainsley: it looks like it well with business booming in music city it's safe to say that nashville after covid is back. brian: now we're back with fox & friends weekend co-host who also doesn't know what happens at bachelorette parties joining us at redneck riveria with the owner, john rich, an exciting new show of part of an exciting new fox business prime lineup. steve: sounds like somebody is in hot pursuit in the background brian: pete take it away say something. pete: say something, well what i'll say is that madison, the fox business reporter, just went right past us. >> [laughter] pete: she ignored us. steve: she better turnaround because she's heading for the river. pete: they should they can come right here but john was just saying it's not the wedding business it's the bachelorette party business. >> nashville has overtaken las vegas as the number one bachelorette party destination in america and redneck riveria is the number one of the number ones in nashville . this is where everybody comes. [applause] >> it's true. it's true. ainsley: completely back open there? >> yeah things are back open. it's pretty crazy, 2020 we all know what that was it was kind of like a ghost town but it's almost like this pent-up energy around the country everybody wants to get out and it seems like they are all coming to nashville which is great for us we lost a bunch of our musicians they had to move back home when the pandemic hit, all the talent has come back and nashville is back and rocking. steve: and your place there, at the redneck riveria opens to the street, and just like with those buses that go up and down, a lot of the stuff is outside, so people, you know, have a layer of protection of sort. >> [laughter] well, so when we sing "save a horse, ride a cowboy" down here, the mounted police actually bring the horses and stick their heads through our windows when we sing it. it's a great place to come visit you'd love it. brian: pete, do you think, you don't like nashville, how do you feel about what john just said? pete: is that the rumor on the street? fake news, brian. just like you and your stairway walk, and your corners. >> [laughter] pete: nashville, i will confirm, it is wide open, and by the way, you did gutfeld, it's packed. >> yeah, gutfeld is shooting about a quarter of a mile up the street. listen, fox news just needs to relocate to nashville i'm telling you right now, all of you all need to be here. >> [applause] steve: send the moving van. that's great, and john, you've got a show over on fox business prime, right? tell us about the pursuit. >> i do, so tonight, two new episodes 9:00 eastern on fox business prime on the primetime lineup. it's candace owens on with me tonight and actually my personal story of pursuit we get to tell my story a little bit so tune in tonight and watch that. get you some redneck riveria whiskey because the show is better when you're having a sip. ainsley: pete what are you going to do tonight? brian: i don't know brian, what am i doing tonight? brian: gutfeld. pete: the king of late night. i just needed to hear you say it one more time, i know how much you love the amount of promotion yes, gutfeld, he's doing it all week. he says the crowd's rocking it'e down south aren't there? pete: yeah, lots of nicer than new york. i order pizza in new jersey and they yell at me when i'm ordering. what do you want! i called you why are you yelling at me, a lot nicer down here. steve: pete and john, pete have everybody who showed up today to be on the show, give themselves a round of applause. pete: steve would like you to give yourselves a round of applause. >> there you go. >> [applause] >> and for pete, a fold of honor cap. pete: folds of honor cap. god bless you guys in new york, have a great morning. ainsley: we need it. god bless you. brian: gutfeld in nashville, live tonight. meanwhile a clash on center court as unvaccinated nba player s are forced to play defense against their critics. ainsley: clay travis calls to sideline those players is way out of line and he's going to sound off, next. >> ♪ shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. aaaand welcome back to guess the price. sal. what do you do? oh, i'm a retired postal worker. fantastic. are you ready to play? oh, heck yeah. ok johnny, tell him about eargo. these top of the line hearing aids from eargo are straight out of the future. they're rechargeable and virtually invisible in your ears host: ok sal, how much do you think they cost? oh gee i don't know... um er $5000? well, actually for you they don't cost anything holy heck. that's because federal employees, retirees and their families get these life changing hearing aids at no cost. holy heck and you don't need to visit a doctor because they ship right o your home and they come with lifetime remote support. convenient right? heck yeah..... heck yeah heck yeah eargo 5 is here. our latest device that allows you to personalize your hearing experience. get yours today. and if you're an active or retired federal employee you may qualify to get eargo at no cost to you. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple loves camping adventures and their suv is always there with them. so when their windshield got a chip, they wanted it fixed fast. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair. we repaired the chip before it could crack. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust, when you need it most. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ brian: nba players on defense so to speak against critics calling for them to sit the bench if they are un vaccinated, but some say it's nobody's business. >> i like to keep that stuff private, man. i'm a human being first, and obviously living in this public sphere is just a lot of questions about what's going on in the world of kyrie, and i think i just would love to just keep that private and handle it the right way with my team and go forward. >> it is my belief that the vaccine status of every person should be their own choice, and completely up to them without bullying, without being pressured or without being forced into doing so, i'm not ashamed to say that i'm uncomfortable with taking the vaccine at this time. brian: yeah, used to be our health used to be private clay travis joins us now. fascinating, because in new york and california, you have to be vaccinated to play indoors. kyrie irving was told to stay home from media day and i guess all his home games unless he gets vaccinated. you are, you know, you have a fox nation special called "going deep with clay travis" where you rediscover the south through college football tailgates and tradition we'll talk about that but on this , how does this end? >> well, i think first of all, i'd encourage everybody to go watch jonathan isaac answer the question about why he's choosing not to be vaccinated, and two high profile nba players who have spoken out and both of those guys said they had covid and they had done the research, and natural immunity, according to the majority of the studies, particularly out of israel, where the data is very reliable, has shown to be more protective than vaccinated immunity, and this is not a huge shock because it tends to be true for most viruses, and so as you work through and look at the policy that's being put in place, we got a broken system, i believe, because it's not taking into account the possibility of natural immunity, 77%, brian, of adults 18-up have gotten at least one covid vaccine. of the remaining 23%, what percentage of those people have already had covid and recovered from it like jonathan isaac and we need to be having that conversation, there needs to be more nuance in terms of that discussion, but as you said, look, la, and new york, in particular, the franchises in those cities, they have said you can't play in the basketball leagues in the nba unless you've been vaccinated and so this is a mess, no doubt. brian: no doubt about it, every player should do it, lebron james says i did it, make your own decision meanwhile for you you're working again this weekend your overtime must be through the roof. the outkick college football bus tour where does it stop? >> yeah, we're going to be at the ole miss/alabama game, it's going to be amazing we're setup at the pub, anybody that's there it's going to be a huge celebration my co-host on radio, buck ssxton never been to a college football game before, so it's the premier game of the weekend and it should be an incredible time, i can't wait brian: what's clicking on outkick? >> everybody is focused on this story that we just talked about, what the mandates should be for athletes and also for healthcare workers in new york, and beyond, what is going to happen as the rubber meets the road here and people start losing their jobs over choices they are making as it pertains to the vaccine people are obsessed with this story on outkick. brian: also you got this show " going deep" and you are clay travis, so could you tell us, since you are clay travis what the show is about? >> look, i believe the best thing that exists in the world of sports is sec football and it's not just the games themselves. in fact that's a small part it's the pomp, the circumstance, the pageantry, everything that surrounds the games it's a big weekend celebration and we are bringing that to everyone who may not have had an opportunity to go to a game, we've been on a bus tour, all fall, the first episode drops tomorrow on fox nation, i can't wait to watch it i haven't seen it yet, but i think people will really enjoy this celebrtion of sec football. brian: absolutely and there's no covid surge after the 100,000 kids get together to watch a game. >> amen. brian: 1-800-cleveland clinic study that. clay travis thanks so much. >> thanks brian appreciate it. brian: i want to check in right now because i have time, meteorologist janice dean, she is promised to give us the weather. >> you know what and the power vested in you made sure that the jack hammers weren't happening during this weather hit so thank you, brian kilmeade let's take a look at the maps, we had a cold front move in last night we're expecting 72 today, but you know what? things are, you know, going to get cool across the country let me just go back and i'll show you where i started. okay 55 right now in new york city, 69 in kansas city, we have cooler air moving in from the west, we're going to see showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast and the mississippi river valley over the next couple of days flooding is going to be a concern and then those temperatures start to go down over the next couple of days, it's going to feel like fall for much of the country. all right, brian, back to you. brian: thank you so much janice meanwhile coming up the new film explores the power of song for people of faith we'll talk to the director and two stars of the jesus music singers, and next, but first let's check in with dana perino, she might have music on her show, she might be so jealous of our music. dana: we might stay tuned so now we know for certain president biden ignored his general's advice about afghanistan, and did not tell the truth about that when asked or he doesn't remember what he was told a white house briefing yesterday, got contentious as the biden team struggles to explain. we'll tell you more at 9:00. carl lost his gig as a hand model during a bizarre hitchhiking incident. 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"how to say goodbye." i wrote about my daughter going to pepperdine, and it was a very very tender song and those guys knocked it out of the park, so i knew when they finished that video, they were destined for greatness and i didn't know we'd be doing this film so i just so happy with it. there's things never told on the big screen and i think a lot of people were going to be very surprised what really spurred this on, from really the late 60 s, civil unrest, the drug revolution, and all that, and all of a sudden, you know, there was just a breakout of a revival at calvary chapel in costa mesa and all of the hippies started getting saved and really was kind of where the whole thing started. it's really fascinating honestly ainsley: natalie many of us grew up in traditional services where we learned, we would read out of the hymn book and sing traditional church songs and after college i had this experience where i started going to a baptist church and i loved contemporary music and god speaks to me through that music. how has that music really affect ed your life? >> i think from the time i was a little girl, hearing contemporary music with faith- based lyrics, it was a game changer because i was like wait, there's actually something that i can relate to but i think when you think about the power of music, all of us can talk about the sound track of our lives. talk about how adelle makes us cry over heartbreaks we never en had before but when you put hope into the lyric and you're like wait a second this is songs that become anchors so for me, i can go when i was going through postpartum depression i can tell you a song that was an anchor in my life. those moments that are so, the night seasons, right? and this is music that's more than just a song, it's actually faith and hope that's infused into every word and that's a game changer. ainsley: well, andrew, who else are we going to see in the movie >> you know, it's more or less who are you not going to see like it turned into something really special, where everybody signs up. when amy grant and smitty decided to produce this with us, amy was about a month out from having open heart surgery and not many people knew it at the time, but she said i want to do my interview before my surgery so we actually filmed her interview through the window of her house to keep her safe from covid and talked to her with a two-way radio, and she gave one of the most vulnerable interviews that i've heard and as a result, every musician in this genre said we want to tell our story too, so it's a who's who, tobey mack, kirk franklin, it's mercy me, and then lauren d agel, it's a who's who and we had a premier the other night at the country music hall of fame and it was just to see five decades of music unite was really exciting, can't wait for it. ainsley: i'll tell you god is blessing all of you all. you have touched all of our lives and gotten us through the ups and downs through so much i can't wait to see the movie it's the "juice us music" in theaters on friday god bless you all. >> thanks ainsley. brian: all right, meanwhile, tonight at 7:00, i hope you can join me, michael waltz, joe concha, governor chris christie and senator kennedy, and check out my tour, at brian kilmeade .com and find out where i'll be. ainsley: take a nap today. i don't know how you do it.

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Jerry Nadler , U S Treasury , Hamster Wheel , 15 , College , Immigrants , Corporation Taxes , Tax , Spending , Tent Cereal , 28 , House , Thing Percolating , Market , Bill , Debt Ceiling Doesn T Group , 560 Billion , 1 2 Trillion , Series , Tweets , Aoc , Joe Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Bernie Sanders , Bit , Monday Sinema , 3 5 , 1 , 2 Trillion , Word , Nancy Pelosi , Yeses , Vote , Wing , Moderates , Problem Sollers , Hard Nos , 23 , 1 2 , 45 , Tax Cuts , Invements , Pay , Sort , Tax System , Investments , Fors , Lead , Difference , Taxpayer Funds , Funding , Debt , Lunch , Taxes , Dollar , Businesses , Individuals , Tax Rates , Companies , About , 50 , 2020 , Nobody , Whopper , Nurses , Teachers , Fair , 5 Trillion , Trillion , Somebody Something , Average American , Taxpayer , Listen , Zero Dollars , Government , Mind , Steroids Go To College , Billionaires , Middle Class , Obama , Making 400000 , 00000 , 500000 , 400000 , Housing , State Tax , Inflationst Dos , Working Class , Hat , Gap , Share , Mr , Jeff Bezos , Police , Defund , Communications Department , Kind , Mess , Wasn T , Points , Boris Johnson , Goggles , Twitter , Masks , Messaging , Somebody Say , Chance , Baseball Game Returns , Changes , Lawmakers , Congress , Throats , Coach , The Hill , Bragging Rights , Raising Mope , Carley Shimkus , Roger Williams , Texas , Line , Allegation , Congressman Rooney Hit , 9th , More , Ball , Beat Democrat , Game , Everybody , Atlanta Braves , Tcu , Athlete , Stiffer , Baseball Teams , Congressional Baseball Shooting , June 14th , June 14th 2017 , 2017 , Country , Outlook , Graduate School , Staffers , List , Shooter , Break , Bipartisanship , Gosh , Package , Structure , Doesn T Pass , Business , Direction , Legislation , Sin , Front , Strikes , Strategy , Play , Feeling , Cut , Party Infighting , Regoing , Action , Fox Nation , 7 , 05 , Cedric Richmond , Win , Studio , Star Pitcher , Pitch , Ask Roger , Player , Adviser , White House , Ace Pitcher , Car Carp , Congressman Steube , Pitcher , Florida , Pressure , Throwing Strikes , Key , Lots , Studio By , Encounter , Tourists , Draft King , Carley On The Record , 31 , Nurse , Healthcare Workers , Heroes , Curb , State Vaccine Mandate , Treatment , Combination , Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Immunotherapies , Gene , Adults , Alk , Positive , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Family , Yervoy , Parts , Opdivo , Body , Quiet Time , Immune System , Fda , Doctor , Problems , Death , Stomach Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Diarrhea , Eye Problems , Breath , Confusion , Chest Pain , Constipation , Rash , Appetite , Dizziness , Urine , Tiredness , Shortness , Itching , Nausea , Thirst , Vomiting , Fainting , Cough , Conditions , Side Effects , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Fever , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Organ , Flushing , Weakness , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Trials , Nothing , Software , Grade Software , Everyone , Assets , Operation , Insights , Meet Honeywell Forge , Cybersecure , Sleep Number , Bed , Industrial Grade , Sale , Beyond , Boardroom , Language , 360 , Interest , Sleep , Plus , Ends Monday , 36 , 0 , Perm Shampoo Invention , Savings , Wasting Money , Amerisave , Amerisave Com , Customers , Rates , Cats , Reporting , Gabby Petino Call , Alana Dri , Home , Fugitive , Roberta Laundrie , Hike , Driveway , Phil , Nationwide Search , Silver Mustang , Hands , Scene , Nowhere , Blood , Bull Horns , Cameras , Prisoners , Press Conference , Stepdaughter , Daughter , Heir , Method , Wyoming , Other , Words , Families , Counsel , Relationship , Person Of Interest , Laundries , Investigation , Fiancee , Petino , Attorney , Florida Nature Reserve , Weekend , Finding , Evidence , Dog The Bounty Hunter , Dwayne Chap Maine , Tampa Bay , Islands , Disappearance , Brian A Louisiana Man , Bull Winkles West Yellow Stone , Hunter Magness , 26 , August 26th , Friend , Stone , Colorado , Montana , Tetons , Conversation , World , Restaurant , Couple , Drink , Dinner , Attention , Notice , The End , There Wasn T Anything Going On , Odd Encounter , Friends , Didn T , Name , Dialogue , Correct , 100 , Southerners , Hunts , Bartenders , Comment , Explicatives , Fbi , Law Enforcement , Doubt , Him , 16 , Report , Interview , Lady , Louisiana , Hunter Mannys Young , Mansfield , Pete Hegsets , Nice To Meet You , On Broadway Inside The Red Nic Rivera , Coming Up Leaders , Peter Doocy , City , Pete To Nashville , Second , Nobody Else , Bread , Know , The Real Deal , Bread Layers , Ya , Guy Fieri , Ya Gotta , King S Hawaiian , Event , Build Attendance , Sales , Angelic Choir , Signage , Track , Fastsigns , Chewable , Simparica Trio , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Class , Dogs , Protection , History , Reactions , Drug , Use , Fleas , Hookworms , Round , Ticks , Seizures , Caution , Disorders , Heartworm Disease , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Find Themself , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Looks , Screen Saver , Yo De Le He , Vo , Adventure , Let S Go Lower , Both , Yodeling High , Uh , Hm , Lower , Love , Sounds Good , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Credibility , Damaged , Partners , Adversaries , Damage , Stage , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , Mark Milley , Austin Wouldn , Tomi Lahren , React , Wars , Outcome , Attack , Chinese , Role , Reporters , Interactions , Military Adviser , Tales , Details , Hearing , Presidents , Military Brass , I Don T Recall , Camera , Trump , Strength , Power , World Stage , The World Stage , Open Borders , Tens Of Thousands , Disaster , Press Secretary , Half , Misinformation , Advantage , Inflation , Gas Prices , Roof , America First , Drinking , Don T Blame Tomi , Look Forward , Hell , Secretary Of State , Plane , Many , Permission , Senator Blumenthal , Evacuation Czar , Charge , Disinterest , Finding Out , Others , Knitting , Veterans Organizations Task Force Pineapple , Anyone , Opportunity , Groups , Reasons , State Department , Afghans , Siv Holders , Page , Doughnut , Cup , Insurance , Patients , Treatment Plan , Book , Exam , 800 , Aren T , Energy , Vitamins , B Vitamins , Tasting , Essential Nutrients , Centrum Multi Gummies , Centrum Multigummies , Janice , Janice Dean For Fox Weather Forecast , Coat , Weather , Area , Temperatures , Showers , Cold Front , Thunderstorms , Air , West , Little Chilly , 56 , 24 , Potential , Snow , Forecast , Elevations , Gulf Coast , Flooding , Rainfall , Stalls , Stretch , South , Drop Temperatures , Cold Air , Hurricane Sam , Southern Plains , Cat , Eye , East Coast , Bermuda , Fox Weather , 4 , Players , Lebron James , Research , Choice , Nature , Ains , Drivers , Pit Wall To , Survivors , Screening , Breast Cancer Asquareness , Pandemic , Vaccine Mandates , Healthcare Facilities , Frontlines , Termination , Effect , Coronavirus , 3800 , Destiny Carpenter , Colorado Canyon Hospital , Destiny , Letter , Resignation , September 19 , 19 , Patient , Last Day Of Work , Shift , September 30th , Email , H R , Hospital , Boss Didn T , Case , Recommendation , Times , Daisy Award , Exemption , Care , Lives , Belief , Somewhere Else , Stuart Sheller , Leaders , Confinement , T , Katie Couric , Stupid Southerners , Games , 11 , 106 , Supply Chain Problems , Halloween Costumes , Stuart Varney , Mail , Shopping , Magazines , Doesn T Put Brian , Magazine , Cars , Brand New , Hi , Monogram , Gift , Cooking , Ghouta , Code Word , Speedo , Miami , Apparently Repos , Dawn , Speedos , Beach , Europeans , 1975 , Redneck Rivera , Ab Roller , A B S , Hudson River , Fashion , Carveout , Abs , Navy Seals , Joint , Issues , Thoughts , Prime Time , Fox Business , Correction , The Pursuit , Chocolate Chip Muffin , Banana , Berry , Protocols , Anything For You , Pancakes , Anything Else , Yep , Coins , Applause , Television , Police Department , Patches , Placements , Fire Department , Wall Challenge , Someone , Reach , Challenges , Correspondent , Images , Floor , Booth , Exciting Set , Troop , Dad , Answer , Flight , Beer , Father Knows Best , Flight Lessons , Auto A Bloody Mary , You Bet , Security , Range , Viewpoints , Average , Point Blank , Black And White , Collapse , Few , Forces , Policy Review , Afghan Military Force , Parties , Acknowledgment , Vaccines , Huddle , Multitrillion Dollars Budget , Chicago , The General , Each Other , Networks , Infrastructure Deal , Add On , Jake Sullivan , Tony Blinken , Person , Calendar , Reason , Advance , August 31st , 9 11 , 25 , Peter , Commander In Chief , Say , Control , Taliban , August 25th 10 , Reaction , Doubts , Drone , Plane Carrying , General Mckenzie , Evacuees , 59 , 117 , Uae , Queens , Jfk , Ivs , Eight , Six , Industry , Clearance , Refugees , Order , Dulles Airport , Land In , Tens , Organizations , Shoulders , Inexcusable , Wrong , Most , Vice President , News , Hand , Al Qaeda , Severing , Military Decision , Gate , Donald Trump , Susan Rice , Particular , State Of California , Whistleblowers , Jim Jordan , Tom Mcclintock , Ohio , First , Fact , Bosses , November , Standard , Southern Border Safe , Wonder Well , To Georgetown , Mayorkas , It Doesn T , Mandate Mania , U S State , U S Military , Patience , 39 , Side , Horses , Actions , Horse , Else , Nerves , Desk Duty , Force , Aliens , Migrants , Agents Don T , Secretary Mayorkas , Flood , Briefing , Rate , Transmission , Space , What S Going On , Channel , Fix Immigration , Um , Immigration , Nation State , Beginning , Boy , Teddy Bear Screaming Don T Leave Me , Standpoint , Coyotes , School , Working Class Areas , Reconciliation Bill , Costs , Sides , Aisle , Ball Field , Steve Scalise , Carley , Stands , Honor , 24 7 , Fans , Field , Big League Ballpark , Tickets , Stand , 26000 , Charities , Charity Event , Celebration , Wow , 2 Million , Million , Fighting , Waters , Edge , Infrastructure , The Border , Disarray , Government Funding , Tax Hikes , Crises , Natural Gas , Tax Hike Side , Millions , Jobs , Correlation , Votes , Version , Department Of Energy , Example , Slush Funds , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Life Change , Practice , The Field , June 2017 , Ballpark , Miracles , God S , Message , Row , Working In The House , Huh , Office , Starts , Eastern Time , Evening , Fox Sports , Woman , Badge , Mission , Respect , Coming Up , Suggestion , New York City Police Department , Story , Tech , Windshield , Customer , Camping Trip , Safelite , Chip , Singers , Safelite Repair , Internet , Beat , Miss A , Ride , Malware , Pshh , Baaam , Adorable , Streaming Box , Xfinity Xfi , 4k , Resident , Appreciation , Police Officers , Let , Cops , Goal , Let S , Civilian , 36000 , Notes , Names , Precinct , Cards , Amount , Card , Outside , Lieutenant , Ranks , Sergeant , Detective , Coretta , Father , Uniform , Husband , Living , Wife , Nanny , Antigua , Love You To Death , Law Enforcement Officers , Hi Jack , Hi Sammy , Hi Hanna , Best , Long Way To Go , Boston Police Department , D C , Encouragement , Piece , Philadelphia Police Department , Blessing , God Bless You , Party , George , Edith , Wild Blue Berry , Friends Classic Muffin , Bs C Giving , Grief , Linzess , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Discomfort , Relief , Bloating , Symptoms , Bowel Movements , Side Effect , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Pain , Gas , Swelling , Ibs C , Unique , Someone Else , Liberty , Records , Leads , Tourist , Camping , Search , Dog , Boyfriend , Bounty Hunter , Tampa , Angry Laundrie , Time , Terry Mcauliffe , Backlash , Let It Be , Phrase , Arm , Tattoos , Wyoming Park , Virginia , Candidate , Tools , Policies , Claim , Debate , Race Theory , Tweeting , Northern Virginia , Glenn Youngkin , School Kids , Quote , Dems , Soccer , Beating , Dove Moldovabreak Away State , Appearance , Forward , Victory , Power House Madrid In First Ever Champion League , Teammate , Football , Team A Pep Talk , Halftime , Dant , Value , Teams , Madrid , Smallest , 1 64 , 72 Million , 872 Million , Payroll , Real Life Ted Lasso Story , Beginy , North Macedonia , Uzbekistan , 3 Million , 13 Million , Manchester City , Richmond , F C , S C , Sheriff Beat Realma Drid , Buzzer , Dean , Buzz , Talks , Jack Hammer , Take A Look , Maps , Much , Rain Potential , Rockies , Rain , Denver , Workweek , Storm System , 68 , Storm , Hurricane Season , Offshore Bermuda , 87 , 67 , Phone Walking , Construction , Rip Current , Waves , Apartment , Jack Hamner Norpg , Jack Hammers , Technology , Windows , Put David Lee Miller , Happening , Student , Top , Voice , Nodding , Douglas Murray , 22 , Adult , Bad News , Joey , Bomber Jacket , Adult Diaper , Pilot , Joe , Aviator Sunglasses , Arthur Fonz , Delta , Eighth Grade Soccer Team , Microphone , Night Owls , Criticism , Highlight , Exit , Mounting , Spotlighting , Afghanistan Story , Thread , Usama Bin Laden , Presence , Still , Hearings , Patrons , Just A Little Bit , Clip , 30 Bucks , 12 , 13 , 6 , 336 , 27000 , 1909 , 80 , 90 , 2 5 Million , 8000 , 550 , 250 , 1250 , 5000 , 000 , 77 , 1 800 Cleveland , 100000 , 69 , 72 , 55 , 47 ,

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