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the biden administration's radical border policy. the demand comes as the administration reveals more than 14,000 migrant children without parents are now in its custody. there's reported estimates the number could grow to 120,000 by the end of the year. smashing recent records. the administration admits that we're potentially facing the biggest surge in migrants in 20 years. today speaker pelosi says that the situation at the border is under control. >> i think the administration is pulling this thing under control. i think it's important to know that the difference between the attitude towards the people and the children is so different in just these two months versus what happened in the past four years. >> veteran border patrol agent brandon judd disagrees. he joins us in just a moment. but first, griff jenkins is live where alejandro mayorkas is today. hi, griff. >> hi, kristin. alejandro mayorkas not making public his schedule or what he's doing right now. i can tell you where we are here in summit park, new mexico west of el paso. things are just surging beyond control. you can see here this is the fence line and just 13 minutes as, kristin, we watched two individuals go across the yard here and then crossed the railroad tracks. the border patrol was in hot pursued. we tried to follow thing to bring that to you live. they're over the tracks down in that valley pursuing them. we didn't want to enter fewer with the border patrol doing their job. it would be nice, by the way, if we could ride along officially as we did under previous administrations. but we're not allowed to. access being denied. we went with a ride-along with rob portman. we talked to him about what he saw and he intended to do with the secretary mayorkas today. here's some of what he said. listen. >> we've been looking at the issues including this huge problem with unaccompanied kids coming across the border. those numbers have increased even more dramatically to the point that right now we have a true crisis in detention facilities. >> and fox news confirming who the secretary is meeting with along with a bipartisan group including senators peters, murphy and cav now. we spoke to some of the migrants. one of whom lived in chicago, deported and trying to come back across the wall. i asked him if the my gants are heeding the white house's message not to come. here's what he said. >> you think more will come under the new administration? >> it's not going to stop, ever. >> kristin, it would be nice if we heard from secretary mayorkas publicly, but no press avail as far as we understand is coming. one thing i bet he's being informed on, in the last 24 hours, more than 635 apprehensions in the last 24 hours. that raises the rate compared to last year to 141%. that is just in el paso. kristin? >> griff jenkins continuing his amazing reporting at the border. so here now we have brandon judge, the president of the national border patrol council and an active agent for 25 years. we listened to griff jenkins' record. nancy pelosi said earlier today said the situation is under control. how do you respond to that? >> by who measure is she coming up with this statement? that's political speak. if she's going to talk about whether the border is secure, she's going to compare it with past administrations. there's no way she can say right now with what is going on that the border is secure. our resources are completely and totally overwhelmed. the cartels are dictating to us what we are -- what we should do on the border. we're not able to properly patrol the border because of what is currently happening. if you look at the facilities that these children are being held in, they're the same facilities that she said were cages in the past. so she's using political speak because it's now the biden administration instead of the trump administration. if this was the trump administration, she would be all over it. >> you bring up these facilities. the press -- we were finally granted access to some facilities in the trump administration. now the biden administration so far is not allowing the press in to see any of these facilities. they're blaming it on covid social distancing restrictions. so we're having to trust the administration in terms of what types of conditions these kids are being kept in right now. and then listen to what the texas governor greg abbott said earlier today. he's just one more person that we're having to trust and get inside from in terms of what the situation is on the ground. here's texas governor greg abbott. >> what we learned in midland in the past hour is two things. one is they have no proven clean running water at the location. they were using well water that the texas commission on environmental quality has informed the federal government is not proven to be safe. more than 10% of the migrants at the midland location have tested positive for covid-19. in addition to that, you mentioned the springs location. we learned in the past hour that more than 10% of the migrant population at that location has tested positive for covid-19. >> so no clean running water for migrants at this facility and 10% of the migrants now testing positive for covid-19. your response and does that match what you're hearing. >> well, it does match with what i'm hearing. i'm going back to originally what speaker pelosi said. we have to take a look at this. if she wants to truly say that everything is good on the border, that the border is secure, she needs to give a measurement of how you can make that determination. instead, she doesn't do that. she's not giving any comparisons. we're in a situation that is unprecedented. we're on pace to apprehend more people -- i know they're saying in the last 20 years. we're on pace to apprehend more individual people in the history of the border patrol right now. we just can't -- we don't have the capacity to manage everything that is crossing the border. if they don't do something and do it quick, we're going to be overrun. >> brandon judd, thanks very much. you heard one of the migrants that griff jenkins interviewing saying that it's not going to stop ever. something for the administration to think about. thanks, brandon judd. also here, chris wallace, the anchor of "fox news sunday." chris, happy friday. you covered quite a few administrations in the middle of a crisis. where does this one stack up? >> well, i think the thing that strikes me so much about this is that seems to be largely a self-inflicted wound and the administration seems to have been surprisingly unprepared for it. look, joe biden was focusing on the pandemic, the public health side of it and the economic side. that's what they thought would be the key story for these first months in office. but they changed a number of policies most importantly title 42, a public health provision that was imposed by donald trump that said that because we have this pandemic, you can take people and turn them right around and send them back across the border. they lifted that for unaccompanied minors when they came in in january. as soon as they did, this is a very responsive market to minors and people that make money off of transporting them across the border. they understood there was a vacuum there and started sending people. which right now, 14,000 unaccompanied minors, whether it's the border patrol or hhs, in custody in this country. as brandon judd just said, they're being so overwhelmed that they have to move away from the border and they have opened up the dallas convention center, the possibility of 3,000 unaccompanied minors there. they're looking at facilities in florida. facilities as far north as virginia to house these people because there's plenty that are here already and more are coming. >> the debate over semantics. this is a challenge over a crisis. here's jen psaki yesterday. i want your reaction on the other side of this. >> there's been expectations set outside of -- unrelated to any vaccine doses or requests for them that they would be partners in dealing with the crisis on the border. >> you said "crisis on the border." >> challenges on the border. >> but that's not -- that doesn't reflect a change in the administration? >> nope. >> so do you think this debate, challenge versus crisis is making things more difficult for the white house? >> yeah. again, self-inflicted. why not just call it a crisis? that's what it is. when you get keep getting into this argument saying it's a challenge, something we have to deal with, it sounds a little bit like nancy pelosi, like you're ignoring reality. it obviously is a crisis. this is the biggest surge of minors and unaccompanied minors in over two years. you have the secretary of homeland security, the man in charge of securing the border, secretary mayorkas, saying this is the biggest flow across the boredner 20 years. brandon judd say maybe ever. why you would refuse to call it what it is seems to me just sounds like you're trying to paper over a very serious reality. >> and you have secretary mayorkas on fox news sunday, quite the get. what are you planning to ask him and what else you have on the show? >> well, no, we're very excited about having him on the show. and i give the biden administration marks for -- he's obviously one of the men in the administration that is right on the firing line in terms of questions. you know, obviously how bad is the situation, how did it happen, did you anticipate it, what are you going to do about it. what are you going to do about these 14,000 unaccompanied people that are across the border. and one of the questions is, i understand that they got bad situations. there's been hurricanes, there's covid, political turmoil, there's gang violence. i guess the question is why is that america's problem? i understand that we're a good and compassionate nation but why did those thousands, tens of thousands of people coming across the border, there's a legal system of immigration. why would we think we would want to dispense with that now? >> i have no doubt it's a fascinating interview. can't wait to watch. see you sunday, chris. thanks so much. >> thanks, kristin. >> breaking late today, the cdc easing guidelines for students in the classrooms paving the way to critics who say the agency ignored the evidence all along. cdc director dr. richard besser responds. ahead, leo terrell on the chris call race theory permeating america's education series and why parents should pay attention. for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ what are you doing? 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>> yeah, i'm a pediatrician and a parent. i know the best place for kids is in school learning. i'm excited about the news guidance. this is how science works. the initial guidance was set up based on what we've known over time about flu and the critical role that children play in the transmission of flu and how important it is to keep children safe as a way of preventing illness to them and spread to those in the community. what they were able to learn here from studies in massachusetts and other places is that schools that had a six foot distance compared to schools with a three foot distance did not see a difference in terms of the number of cases of covid in the children and the teachers and the staff or in the community. that is in settings where children were wearing masks and had the other layered precautions that you talked about. >> doctor, why do you think it took so long for the cdc to get to this point? did it mean the original guidelines that said that all students had to be six feet apart were not accurate? that is so important. that was one of the biggest issues that schools faced as they tried to get kids back in the classroom. why take so long to get to this point? >> there's several pieces to this. i hope people don't take it -- take away from this that it's all about the distance between children because what the studies found, if you have the other pieces in place, if you're able to assure people are wearing masks and washing hands, if you've brought on staff to screen people for infection to do the cleaning and you've been able to do the ventilation, then in the elementary school setting in particular, you can go to three feet. so if the other pieces weren't in place, i'd be surprised this they would find the move from six feet to three feet. >> kristin: thanks, dr. besser. let's hope this change gets more kids in the classroom. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> kristin: to breaking news. may have heard chris wallace talk about the possibility of migrant detention facilities as far north as virginia. now planes could be requested so the biden administration could transport people near the canadian border. we'll ask congressman jim jordan about that. as florida's governor takes action to block critical thinking, california is going to opposite way with ethnic education. leo terrell and democratic strategist rochelle richie debate after this. >> teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money. did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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>> because it's racist. it shouldn't be used. there's no systemic discrimination in california or in this nation. there's no institutionalized racism. there's no federal lawsuit talking about such a disparity in education. i was a public school teacher. i went to the public schools in l.a. what i'm saying this right now, this is to rewrite history. this is to create a racist perspective of what happens in our country. it's wrong. it's nothing more than democratic talking points. i challenge my colleague here to admit there's no institutionalized racism and they're turning public schools into democratic laboratories. >> kristin: okay, rochelle. leo just challenged you. how would you respond? >> it's interesting something that they talk about in the 70s is now a problem 31 years later. i'm not sure why. i think one of the key things your reporter mentioned is it voluntary. they don't have to do this. it's a choice. i don't see a problem with necessarily discussing racism or race in this country. because it happened. it's just the truth. when you talk about this, this is not about who is racist or who is more racist. it's about a system. i think it's important for our kids to understand how to address these things as they move forward in life so we don't have workplace discrimination and discrimination in the healthcare services. that's the important tool here. >> leo, why are you shaking your head? >> because it's typical. she didn't touch the question. she said it's good that we should talk about these things. that's a false assumption. we are talking about it. i taught u.s. history. everything that she just she guested is being taught right now. this is a racist propaganda to eliminate jefferson and lincoln. acknowledge there's no systemic discrimination, there's no institutionalized racism. i'm not going to let democratic operatives con on fox and play the race card. it doesn't exist. there's no federal lawsuit alleging discrimination in california right now in education. why don't you acknowledge that? just tell the truth. >> kristin: so rochelle, do you want to acknowledge that or how would you like to respond? >> i completely disagree with him. so no. >> where is it? >> kristin: while this debate continues, i want to pop up something from the "wall street journal." it reads why would california want to teach people that their dreams of rising in merit is akin to slavery? another teaching resource warns if we accept meritocracy, we strive to do our best on our own and focus on individual achievement. rochelle? what do you think of that? >> maybe it's because i'm a history buff and when i listen an learn about these different things that happen in our country, it doesn't make me point blame and think that all white people are racist. i'm sure i don't want to speak for the asian american community. i don't think anybody thinks that. i don't have a problem learning about our history. i think our history is extremely fascinating. it shows perseverance and resiliency for the american people whether -- and people of color that have been in this country and black americans. i'm not sure why people are so angry about this. again, this is a choice on whether or not the schools wants to use them in california. fresno and los angeles have used it as a requirement to graduate high school. >> so leo, she says it's voluntary and not a big deal. i'll give you the time word here. >> kristin, that "wall street journal" is right on. this is a country where people make individual decisions and strive based on individual merry. it's not the group mentality. it's an option but the assumption is that it's necessary. that means our system is not working. it is working. it's a proud product of a public school system, university of california and i didn't come out -- i came out okay. i don't get it. i don't understand why we need to change it. it makes no sense. she didn't answer any of me questions. >> kristin: leo -- >> you're not the host. >> the fox viewer. that's what i'm concern about. >> kristin: we have given the fox viewer as very fair debate. gave both of you an opportunity to present your side of the debate. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> kristin: so jim jordan responds to spoker pelosi says the biden administration has the border under control. we'll have that next. 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>> no, no, i'm sure we won't. we asked for a hearing. they won't have a hearing on the border crisis. we've been in congress 75 days and the full committee has and had a hearing on anything. not one hearing on any subject, this idea that it's not a crisis is laughable. if it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable. you have gang members crossing the border, people crossing the border whose names appear on the terrorist watch list. you have 100,000 encounters in february alone, 14,000 migrant children being housed in the dallas chron convenient chun center, talking about putting them in massive facilities. this is a crisis and we knew it was going to happen. president trump said before he left office, if you undo the policies we put in place, there will be "a tidal wave of illegals coming through the border." how right he was. >> kristin: so the white house calling it a challenge but not a crisis. and now you have nancy pelosi saying this. watch. >> i think the administration is under control. it's important to know that the difference between the attitude toward the people and the children is so different in just these two months versus what happened in the past four years. the biden administration has this under control. >> kristin: congressman, i'm assuming you don't think they have it under control. >> no. the american people realize that is just wrong. flat out wrong. go back to the numbers i talked about. 14,000 migrant kids have to use the dallas convention center. they're taking them to the northern states because the problem is so bad. what is their answer? this past week, they passed two bills that give amnesty to illegals so that will exacerbate the problem and entice more people to come to the country. what happens to the kids and women as they travel as cartels are involved is so wrong? that is why it's certainly a crisis and we need to go back to the policy that president trump had in place. >> as for what happens to a lot of migrant families and children once they're here in the united states, listen to what texas governor greg abbott said about the kinds of conditions that they're being kept in right now and what they're dealing with. >> what i learned in the past hour shows that we're dealing with a humanitarian disaster. more than 10% of the migrant population has tested positive for covid-19. so know this. any time we're dealing with the massive amount of influx of people coming across the border, that would be a humanitarian crisis in a big challenge. >> kristin: the governor said at that one facility that they didn't have access to clean water. what is your response to that? >> they reversed the policies that president trump put in place. the remain in mexico process so we could evaluate before they come in, they reversed that. the deportation of people, they stopped that. even criminals, they stopped that. they of course stopped building the wall. you have to put the policies back in place. they're common sense and they work and they'll have -- when those are back in place, you won't have this terrible crisis, terrible treatment of people that we say. >> kristin: thanks, congressman jordan. have a great week. >> you too. thanks. >> kristin: moments from now, president biden will meet with asian people in georgia. nancy grace has more and her fox nation series, "america's most wanted overtime" next. 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'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please! wait, this isn't a hot-dog stand? no, can't you see the sign? wet. teddy. bears. get ya' wet teddy bears! one-hundred percent wet, guaranteed! or the next one is on me! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> kristin: a big ruling in the trial of derrick chauvin. matt finn is live with more. >> kristin, right now, it's close to 3:00 p.m. on a friday after two weeks of jury selection here. 13 out of 14 jurors have been seated inside the courtroom. if the 14th juror is not seated in the next couple hours, everybody comes back monday. today judge peter cahill denied the defense's request for a trial relocation and delay. the defense said there's too much pretrial publicity including last week's press conference as jury selection was ongoing, the minneapolis mayor and city official locked arms with ben crump and the floyd family to announce a $27 million settlement. this week the judge announced two new jurors were picked. right now all sides say they have found jurors that are impartial. >> there's prejudicial pretrial publicity, including latest actions by the city of minneapolis. there's not a place in the state of minnesota that is subjected to extreme amounts of publicity out of this case. >> kristin: thanks, matt. happening now, president biden and vice president harris meeting with asian american leaders in atlanta, this week a gunman killed eight people at three massage parlors in the atlanta area. investigators say the suspect told them that he may have a sex addiction and was trying to get rid of temptation. they also say he claimed he was headed to florida to attack the porn industry. police say nothing is off the table when it comes to a motive, including a possible hate crime. let's bring in nancy grace, host of "crime stories with nancy grace" and "america's most wanted overtime." thanks for coming in on a friday. how are you doing? >> doing great. thanks for inviting me. it's been a scene unfolding in atlanta. you know, very rarely have such a choice, i'm sad to say, of which hate crime has been committed. i started prosecuting hate crimes long ago. the first were attacks on black males that were gay in inner city atlanta that just lost their lives for the color of their skin. they're there's theories this was asian hate crimes. a sex worker hate crime. nobody has bothered to mention hate crimes on women. claiming he might be a sex addict, that's a stretch. he's been in treatment for it and relapsed at these massage parlors, kristin. >> kristin: so you think he will be charged with a hate crime? >> here's the rub. when you prosecute a felony like a murder, you never have to crawl into the perpetrator's head and figure out what is going on in there. in a hate crime, that's an element. you have to prove that at the time that they committed the crime, based on pure hatred. it's another element for the prosecution. you do get an enhanced sentence. but in my mind, this is mass murder. this is a death penalty case. either way, he's going down for life without parole or the death penalty. death by needle in the jurisdiction of georgia. >> kristin: so he's in custody. you have a great show on fox nation called "america's most warted overtime" and the first episode is out. here's a clip. i wanted you to tell us about it. >> charismatic, a good looking guy, 6'3." he could -- >> i don't think he's good looking. he looks like ted bundy. i mean, have you really looked at him? the similarities are very skinny. the cold look in his eyes and the hair. >> kristin: so you're comparing fugitive glen goodwin to ted bundy. why? >> well, this guy, glen godwin like bundy escaped from jail. the penitentiary. not once but twice. just like bundy. he's escaped from folsom and the jail in mexico without the benefit open an underground motorcycle. he managed to do it. he killed multiple people like bundy and has the same look in his dark brown eyes reminds me of bundy. another thing, they were both charging and charismatic when they wanted to be. bundy could lure anybody in his car. >> kristin: nancy grace, thanks so much. her show "america's most wanted overtime" out now on fox nation. thanks. >> thank you. >> kristin: we'll have more of "the story" after this. struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at challenging times are nothing new. neither are resilient people. there's strength in every family story. learn more about yours. at ancestry. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family there's strength in every family story. real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa. >> kristin: all right. heads up. if you have kids nearby, don't let them hear the update on andrew cuomo. the former aide that accused him of kissing her on the lips is making a new claim. lindsey boylan said that if he was a dog, he would try to mount her. no comment from governor cuomo. he's refusing to resign as the attorney general investigates. cuomo says that he never touched anyone inappropriately. and that is "the story" on this friday. as always, the story continues. i'll see you tomorrow on fox news live from 12:00 to 2:00. i'll be hosting with jill january turner. martha will be back monday. have a great weekend. "your world" with charles payne who is in for neil cavuto starts right now. >> charles: the economy is showing signs of picking up with vaccinations way up. more states opening up. flyers flocking to airports and movie theaters coming back online. so is this -- this is charles payne. susan li is here with good news that you may not be hearing. >> happy friday, charles. a light at the end of the tunnel and hopes for return to normal lives. the states are allowing for 100% reopenings.

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