Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto : compa

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto

>> i'm proud to announce that tomorrow, 58 days in our administration, we'll have met my goal of administering 100 million shots to our fellow americans. that's weeks ahead of schedule. >> the president says eight weeks ago, only 8% of seniors had received a vaccination. today 65% of people age 65 or older have received one shot. 30% are fully vaccinated. he continues to believe there will be enough vaccine supply for every adult in america by the end of may. so the white house says that's part of the reason why it's finalizing plans of sending millions of doses to mexico and canada. that vaccine important to note is not approved for use here in the united states. >> our first priority remains vaccinating the u.s. population and ensuring our neighbors can contain the virus is a mission critical step. we have seven million release able doses of astra zeneca. we're working to finalize plans to lend them to mexico and 1.5 million to canada. >> so the bottom line, charles, president biden is saying that now is the time for optimism, but not relaxation. he's continuing to encourage all americans to keep wearing masks and keep social distancing. charles? >> kristin, thanks very much. now to our other big story we're following. that's tax hikes. more mixed signals coming from the white house and what will get hit and by how much. remember this? >> under my plan, if you make more than -- less than $400,000, i guarantee you're not going to pay more in taxes. you make less than $400,000, you're not going to pay a penny more in taxes. >> anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase. you make less than $400,000, you won't see one single penny in additional federal tax. >> all right. that's what the president was saying before he was elected and just again, just yesterday. now the white house is saying hold holds with incomes of $200,000 could also be hit with higher tax. fears of higher taxes royaling the stock market today. it was up 200 points and now it's given back. the nasdaq taking a monster hit. let's go to blake burman with more on the fallout from this. blake? >> hi, charles. yeah, pretty clear message from president biden. if you make $400,000, you won't pay a penny more to uncle sam. however, the white house is now clarifying it saying that $400,000 threshold is 4 families. the white house press secretary jen psaki asked about it and tried to make the argument that it would only amount to a relatively small percentage of families across the country. >> when we're talking about people -- families making over $400,000 a year, it's a commitment that he talked about on the campaign trail. his interest is in ensuring that people pay their fair share, whether it's corporations on the highest income earners in our country. he believes that hard work should be rewarded and this is one of the areas where there's an opportunity to rebalance how our policies are currently. >> an opportunity to rebalance is how she put it. charles, which families might this impact? obviously salaries can vary year to year. this is irs data in 2018. you can see there's 717,000 families that filed tax returns that made between $400,000 and $600,000. so right up until that level. about the same amount over that $600,000 level. when you talk about right up to $400,000, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of families if the president gets his wish that this could impact. charles? >> blake, thanks very much. this is a proposed tax hike now going to hit a lot more people. this includes small businesses. just think about this. as we're starting to see the economy improve after all of the lockdowns. with me now former economic adviser under president obama, austan goolsbee. how concerned are you that this tax hike could slow things down as it's starting to pick up? >> i'm not too worried about that. i think he ran for president saying that he was going to raise the taxes exactly that he's proposing to raise. he won by ten million votes. i'm not surprised or worried. >> so you heard him say, i'm going to raise taxes on households making $400,000. i think part of that seven million vote margin you talking about, they heard him say he's going to raise taxes on individuals. this is bait and switch stuff, austan. >> i don't agree with that. >> you can't find a single bound bite where candidate biden said, you know what? we're going to raise taxes on households making more than $400,000. every time it was a individual -- >> you say that. that's not true. they released the specifics of the policy a document saying here's what his tax document would be in the campaign. it said -- >> on the campaign trail it never came out of his mouth. >> this is the way we measured it. when obama said 250,000, that's for people filing as families. the single people, the filing separately, the amount was lower. that's the way that we always quote the income cut off. >> all right. austan, as you getting set up for this segment, i'm going to play a series of sound bites that we shared with the audience and then get your opinion on it. >> under my plan, if you make more than -- less than $400,000, i guarantee you're not going to pay a penny more in taxes. you make less than $400,000, you're not going to pay a penny more in taxes. >> anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase. if you make less than $400,000, you won't see one single penny in additional federal tax. >> all right. october 31. november 7, just yesterday. you know, again, i know this administration has some ambitious spending goals and is going to have a lot of deficit spending. taxes will go up. when you do this, you saw what happened with the stock market today. as soon as jen psaki talked about taxes during the conference today, her press conference today, the market imploded. i don't any the country is ready for this, nor psychologically certainly. or even potentially economically. we announced 770,000 new people on initial jobless claims today. the timing couldn't be worse. >> charles, the people that you're talking about have not had a recession. people making more than 400,000 a year, their employment is up from before the pandemic. their stock market wealth is massively higher than it was. they have not had a recession. so the argument that that will destroy the economy and the economy cannot handle it has been disproven. every time high income people's taxes went back to historic levels. i don't agree with your principle. >> the small business owner that files, who will file, you know, let's just say a plummer with a million dollar business, four or five trucks, you know, they're going to get hurt. these people will get hurt. >> it's not the million dollars of revenue, charles. a million dollars of profit. >> we know how they file their taxes. here's the thing, austan. when president trump's tax policy went into effect, one thing that we saw is blue collar wages went up. this is something i wanted to ask you about. >> totally not correct. >> okay. so from october -- >> wages were going up at a faster rate -- the wages were going up faster in the two years before the tax cuts than in the two years after the tax cuts. >> let me ask you. january 2009 when obama came into office, the wage growth was 3.7%. blue collar was 3.8%. your last month in office, december 2016, it cratered to 2.6% and 2.5%. we lad a 20-month run of year over year wages. what was beautiful about it, out of the 20 months, 18 of the months blue collar wages climbed faster than overall wages. the only reason i'm bringing this up -- >> i hate to tell you -- charles, 12 of those 18 months were before donald trump passed the tax cuts. so you're trying to a tribute increasing wage growth -- >> it came after the tax cuts, austan. >> it did not. >> so you're not concerned about hiking taxes, just as we're going to see a wave of inflation, as we still have 700,000 people a week filing for initial jobless claims? you don't think that will be detrimental to our economy? >> charles, i want the tax cuts to go to the working people and ordinary americans in this country. i think that high income people should have their rates go back to historic levels, what they were before donald trump was there, what joe biden said they were going to go back to when he ran for president. no, i don't think that will hurt the economy. i think if you take that money and invest it in ordinary americans, the way we're doing with this relief act and the way he's going to do in the acts to come, that will be stronger for the economy. it's certainly was stronger and more durable than when we have dummy opposite in the past. >> we'll see what happens. i hope you're right. history has suggested though that this will be a disaster. i hope you're right. thanks for coming on. as the border surge continues, texas republican senator john cornyn will lead a gop delegation to visit the southern border next week. what he hopes to find out and just one day after the biden administration levelled new sanctions against chinese and hong kong officials, high level talks have begun. they're underway right now. someone here who has really big concerns is next. retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. 1 in 2 kids is under hydrated. ♪ plant-powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love. and one gram of sugar. find creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. and one gram of sugar. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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is this what is you're getting from the biden administration? >> it is. if you look a little deeper and you're absolutely right. biden did not on his first day in office for example, take away the section 301 tariffs that apply to about half of what we import to china. but what we're up to is frankly taking time to set the stage as they did at the beginning of the obama administration. this administration. so they go to japan, go to south korea. they go through the feeder of appearing to support our alliances. that's what hillary clinton did to start her tenure in 2009. in reality, if you look at what they do, they're going to shift to appeasing china. look at the other things that they have done. cancelling the keystone xl pipeline with canada, rejoining the paris climate agreement. trying to talk to the iranians about joining the flawed nuclear deal. they want to turn the clock back to 2015 and before. part of that is the view that as long as we engage china economically, things will go well for us. >> listen, corporate america is saying that already. they're pouring billions in there. nobody cares about the uighurs as they shake their fingers in america. what i'm curious about is an execution from the biden administration to say that they cannot get tough unless everyone is on board. that sounds like a cop-out. to your point, europe is indebted to china, right? they want the money. they're not growing to say anything. everybody is looking the other way as china's belligerence grows and grows. >> that's right. this is a problem. again, we saw this in the obama administration. they say that they want to work with allies. who are the allies? japan is the most important. they have a huge economy, a democracy. a great ally. taiwan because of their proximity. singapore perhaps. those are the front-line allies. what the administration has in mind is europe, paris, brussels, berlin. those countries at best will do nothing. >> let's stand shoulder to shoulder, the only nation that has stood up to china hover covid. kevin mccarthy has called to remover rick swalwell from the intelligence committee. this over alleged ties with a chinese spy. the house is expected to vote on this soon. how you think it's going to come out? >> you know, the democrats just voted in block. there seems to be just a very scarcity of moderates, reasonable people. it's unfair. anyone in the government that wasn't a congressman that wasn't friends with nancy pelosi would have their security clearance halted without question. if you were involved in a honey pot operation where chinese operatives were rowmaticly involved with you, even if there were extendating circumstances. even if it was a long time in the past. that's the way it is. the fact that a congressman on the intelligence committee with access to the most sensitive secrets that we have would get an exemption because he's powerful is disappointing. >> thanks, christian. always appreciate your expertise. we'll have the latest on the southwest tornadoes. and john kerry caught without a mask. just another example of officials saying do as i say, not as i do. next. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless every day. and having more days is possible with verzenio, proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are pregnant or nursing. every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. >> charles: white house jen psaki saying she may have flipped calling it a crisis. john cornyn has been calling it for weeks. that's coming up. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. (naj) at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. ♪♪ (money manager) because our way works great for us! 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(naj) our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. >> charles: the southeast hunkering down for more severe weather after tornadoes rip through several states. rick reichmuth is tracking it all. rick? >> charles, yeah, this is the early season for tornadoes. next couple months is really where the bulk of all tornado activity is and the severe weather across the u.s. we're getting into that right now. temperature-wise, you can see on the map here, we still have a little bit of space here for more severe weather. the cold air has settled in back behind this storm. that's one of the driving factors of the severe weather that we've seen. over 20 tornadoes. one tornado just today around the way cross, georgia area. one line of storms moving off parts of the southeast. storm prediction center has whittled down the severe threat a little bit. we had a moderate threat down. that has been lowered a bit or shrunk the size of the bulls eye of it. see the orange area where the hash marks are? that's where we stand a chance to see large tornadoes. so really no bad severe weather. one cell here that we're watching around the jacksonville, florida area and up to the north of that to north carolina, charlotte, to the north of charlotte. one strong storm. not tornado warning right now, which is good news. here's how the forecast shows through this. going to see the southern side of this, most of the storms moving offshore. i think you'll be in better shape. we still have severe weather across parts of north carolina, the northern part of south carolina, all the way until around the 10 or 11:00 time frame tonight. this is the time of season where you see the storms, especially across parts of the south, not as much across tornado ally, which is off to the west. behind this, we're clear for a little bit. i'll tell you about a week from now, looking potentially at the next batch of severe weather moving in across parts of the southeast. charles? >> charles: thanks, rick. to wear a mask or not to wear a mask after being vaccinated? that was the question and led to a heated exchange at today's senate hearing on covid-19. >> no, you've had the vaccine and wearing two markets. >> here we go with the theater. whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. ♪ ♪ -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. ♪ ♪ irresistibly smooth chocolate. to put the world on pause. lindor. made to melt you. by the lindt master chocolatier. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrollable muscle movements as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. this is where i want to be. talk to your doctor and ask if latuda could make the difference you've been looking for in your bipolar depression symptoms. i have an idea for a trade. you've been looking for oh yeah, you going to place it? 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>> i'm not sure i understand the connection of what you're saying about masks and reinfection. we're talking about people who have never been infected before. >> you're telling everybody to wear a mask whether they have had an infection or a vaccine. what i'm saying is they have immunity and everybody agrees they have immunity. what studies do you have that people have had the vaccine or have had the infection are spreading the infection? if we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? you have the vaccine and wearing two masks. isn't that theater. >> here we go again with the theater. >> charles: doctor, there's an abundance of caution and there's that these messages have hurt the roll-out of vaccinations, it's hurt the acceptance of masks. where do you come down on this? >> i come down on this with the fact that the data will show that transmission of the virus for somebody that has been vaccinated is still possible. the person who is vaccinated is not going to get sick and die. he or she can still transmit the virus. at least that's the current belief, that cdc believes. so right now for an abundance of caution, it's important to at least wear one mask. i'm not sure that two masks are appropriate. one mask is mandated in the hospital. it should be mandated for just about everybody at least for now until we have herd immunity, charles. >> charles: i have less than a minute. there's a new survey showing 80% of couples are planning on getting married. they're not concerned about whether the guests are vaccinated or not. is that going to be a major problem? >> i don't know if that will be a major problem. if they looked at 2,000 brides and 82% of them did not mandate the vaccine, but 36% said that if their guests were vaccinated, the number of attendees would go up. they're worried about not having enough people at their weddings. a lot of them are postponing the weddings to 2022 and 4% to 2023. so we tonight want a wedding to be a super spreader event. that would be embarrassing to have all of the relatives infected and a few of them succumb to the disease. that wouldn't be good as a wedding memory, charles. >> charles: doctor, great having you on. talk to you again, soon. the number of migrants keep growing. in fact, the white house still playing the situation at the border down. senator john cornyn was there and he's next. >> they would be partners with dealing with the crisis on the border. >> you said crisis on the border. >> challenges on the border. flush no explanation. it's where safe and daring seamlessly intersect. it's understated, yet over-delivers. it is truly the mercedes-benz of sports sedans. lease the 2021 c 300 sedan for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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>> charles: let's call it an oops moment. thanks, kevin. now this. >> secretary mayorkas testified "the border is secure and the border is not open." yet the situation on our southern border has required fema to be called in. so either this is the first time fema has been deployed just to admire a situation that is going smoothly or the administration is not being straight with the american people. >> charles: mitch mcconnell slamming the biden administration for refusing to call the igrant surge a crisis. texas republican john cornyn joins me now. we did reach out to secretary mayorkas and have not heard back. senator, what would you call what you saw at the southern border? >> i would repeat what president barack obama said in 2014 when the numbers were not as striking and as high as they are now. he called it a humanitarian crisis. so the administration is in denial. that means that they don't have a plan because they're not willing to acknowledge the reality. i think it's going to get nothing but worse. they can't build enough facilities to house the sea of humanity that will keep coming across the border in larger numbers. >> charles: the administration does a lot of play on words. certainly has to be a crisis for the children and everyone else. i thought our policies were based on humanitarianism first and foremost. this administration more than border security. >> turning your child over to a human smuggler that may also physically or sexually assault them or rob them or worst even is not a humane thing to do. we've heard a lot from the -- during the previous administration about parent child separation. i agree that we should not do that. that's exactly what the current system induces parents to do in order to get their child from their home across the border in the united states. the smugglers are smart. they know how to game our own walls and they know how to overwhelm the border patrol with dealing with a bunch of children and trying to deal with them in a humane and safe way. then use the gaps to smuggle illegal drugs like heroin, methamphetamine and fentanyl across the border. >> charles: senator, you mentioned the administration's ambitions to build more facilities. wouldn't it be easier to build parts of the wall where there's materials already laying there? we watched the video. we can see large gaps where folks are walking in. wouldn't that be an easier, less expensive solution for now? >> the border patrol has always told me that border security is composed of three main things. one is physical barriers in hard to control locations, the other thing is the technology to go with it and the third thing is boots on the ground. that's why we talk about the border wall system. it's not just a physical barrier. but when -- because of the administration's reflexsive reversal of the construction being done by the trump administration, it's left huge gaps in the border infrastructure. those are being exploited, too. it channels people through that opening, that uncompleted physical infrastructure. it means that border patrol again has to man that gap rather than be in other places where they can have illegal immigration. >> what is your goal when you return to the border with some of your colleagues? >> the border is a unique part of our country. obviously i come from texas. we have a 1,200 mile border with mexico. many people think that they understand what the border is like. they learned everything that they know from movies and novels that they read. we would like to have the experts that schooled me on this topic, namely the border patrol and health and human services to explain it along with stakeholders in the communities that are affected. that will be a valuable part of their education and knowledge and hopefully it will enable them and all of us to do a better job. >> charles: what do you make of the media blackouts? is it for our own good? seems really disingenuous to say that the media should not be covering this more intensely. >> well, i will tell you, for example, in midland, texas where local leaders were not informed of the intention to open up basically what was a man camp and turn into it a detention facility, the congressman that represents that area told me he had to wait for two hours outside that facility in order to gain entrance to see what was going on inside. obviously that does not build confidence. if they don't want people inside, particularly the media, sends a message we have something to hide. i think that is certainly counter productive. >> charles: senator cornyn, thanks very much. >> thanks. >> charles: climate envoy john kerry? let's say he's under fire for violating covid outlines on a flight. this is another example of democratic politicians telling us what to do when they do something the exact opposite. we'll be right back. retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. so you want to make the best burger ever? 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[ crowd cheering ] [ engine revving ] [ race light countdown ] ♪♪ ♪♪ when you save money with allstate you feel like you're winning. safe drivers save 40% saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today. ♪ ♪ >> charles: climate envoy john kerry calling the situation "malarkey" after mask was on american airlines flight. but it's not the first time we have seen something like this that we have seen this happen. remember california governor gavin newsom caught dining at the french laundry amidst his own lockdown orders or house speaker nancy pelosi maskless at a hair salon? what does this mean when they don't practice what they pay they preach? dave and bernstein, republican strategist alexander wilkes and the "washington examiner," draws harsh mean. let me start with you come alexander. i was shocked and i have not looked at the photo 20 times and i can believe on a commercial flight for john kerry, but just chilling out without a mask. what do you think of it? >> that was the most shocking part of all peace. this is nothing new for secretary carey, the hypocrisy over the private plane, a warrior to this mask, this is par for the course with him. but you know what i actually want to hear and this is not defense because he liked nancy pelosi and gavin newsom am i really want people to say in this administration, things are normalizing. this man has presumably been vaccinated. i really want to hear not 15 footnotes when i can hug grandma but how we are moving forward as a country. so i kind of wish he would own up to it and say, you know what my things are getting back to normal and we need to move on. >> charles: although, david, you've got dr. fauci saying even with vaccination he should have had on two masks and not one. this is clear hypocrisy from a high profile democrat. >> look at them i think people will take their masks off from time to time. i don't think this is the most important issue, obviously going on around the coronavirus, but look, i think alexandra is right. he is not posing a danger but they should set a public example, have their mask on and be extra vigilant even if they don't need to. and i actually agree with alexandra and the biden administration is moving there and the other night a clear indication of that and more indications of that every day, as restrictions are lifted and working hard to reopen schools. >> charles: come on, you've got to give me a break here. we know people who have been banned from american airlines. and they don't even know why they have been banned. they have one thing in common with the conservatives. so i'm wondering what american airlines is going to do about this and i would like to hear it is malarkey, was it malarkey that he got busted? >> well, you know i'm willing to give john kerry the benefit of the doubt. for one, it is just a photo and it's not like a video with nancy pelosi or multiple photos of gavin newsom. i will say this is from american airlines is investigating it and said they never got a complaint. what is interesting here, with respect to john kerry, obviously at least he wasn't playing a private plane to say paris or to meet with iranian negotiators that are detrimental to the united states. i more about john kerry and how he approaches the climate issue and stands up to train it to cut the carbon emissions. they have double carbon emissions. or even the most damaging compound to our ozone layer. >> charles: i get where you're coming from. >> i don't care if he takes his mask off where he photo was taken. >> charles: but those bigger, larger issues but the reason this is important, though because americans have been sort of to a degree almost terrorized and many people will have left the house without a mask or maybe he took it off to eat. i have seen people take it off generally to eat, dragged, just destroyed on social media. so there's a whole level of hypocrisy, cancel culture and everything else. you know what come if you have john kerry man up to this, own up to this, we have a serious situation where this country is heading. too many rules for everyone else except the elites. and let me ask you guys come i don't know if you are baseball fans but the mets and yankees would start in the stadium apri. but never negative covid test will be required to get you in. in this do you think will keep away the fans or will it matter? >> as a philadelphia fan i have to say "go phillies" here. will come i think this is the sports teams are big business. i think this is the direction they will go in and in terms getting people back out there. they understand that their customers want to feel safe. the fans want to feel safe and they want to limit their own. and i don't think it is such a surprise. i think it would encourage more people to get the vaccine. but it is really going to up against the deliveries that the government level in terms of government restricting what you can and cannot do or trying to based on whether you've had the vaccine. so this doesn't surprise me that government wants to say this. >> charles: i'm glad to glad, david, this is happening in disneyland will open up, of course. they had to fire a lot of people in the state of california has taken issue with this but again you mentioned earlier if you want to move the right direction, you think this is a step in the right direction? >> absolutely, things are opening up and protocols, they will dispute that for some time and ultimately those things will fade. coronavirus is not going to go away, but it will not be the focus point of our country the way it has been the last several years. and i think, honestly, we owe a lot of credit to the administration and the development of the vaccines, which did happen under the previous administration for getting us there. i think we should all join hands in a bipartisan way and celebrating the opening of baseball, disneyland and all of these great american institutions. >> charles: ,siraj i have 30 set about schools, should we get them open? >> absolutely, ron desantis is the bright winter shut down everything considering the fact cases and deaths per 100 or 1,000 people, 100 people, they were in the middle of the pack of all 50 states so lockdowns didn't work. a lot of people are starting to realize that. and even the stomach even me a copy yesterday. so we should just go forward and push through. >> charles: let's open society up and get back to normalization. thank you very much. of course, remember join us tomorrow for "your world" and i will be on "fox business" 2:00 p.m. in the market got slammed today. big concerns about taxes. i will cover it tomorrow but "the five" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone i'm here with juan williams, jesse watters, greg gutfeld, dana perino, and this is "the five." is it a crisis or just a challenge at the border? the white house going off message today about the situation before they had to walk it back. take a look. >> that they would be partners in dealing with the crisis at the border? >> you said crisis at the border --

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto

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>> i'm proud to announce that tomorrow, 58 days in our administration, we'll have met my goal of administering 100 million shots to our fellow americans. that's weeks ahead of schedule. >> the president says eight weeks ago, only 8% of seniors had received a vaccination. today 65% of people age 65 or older have received one shot. 30% are fully vaccinated. he continues to believe there will be enough vaccine supply for every adult in america by the end of may. so the white house says that's part of the reason why it's finalizing plans of sending millions of doses to mexico and canada. that vaccine important to note is not approved for use here in the united states. >> our first priority remains vaccinating the u.s. population and ensuring our neighbors can contain the virus is a mission critical step. we have seven million release able doses of astra zeneca. we're working to finalize plans to lend them to mexico and 1.5 million to canada. >> so the bottom line, charles, president biden is saying that now is the time for optimism, but not relaxation. he's continuing to encourage all americans to keep wearing masks and keep social distancing. charles? >> kristin, thanks very much. now to our other big story we're following. that's tax hikes. more mixed signals coming from the white house and what will get hit and by how much. remember this? >> under my plan, if you make more than -- less than $400,000, i guarantee you're not going to pay more in taxes. you make less than $400,000, you're not going to pay a penny more in taxes. >> anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase. you make less than $400,000, you won't see one single penny in additional federal tax. >> all right. that's what the president was saying before he was elected and just again, just yesterday. now the white house is saying hold holds with incomes of $200,000 could also be hit with higher tax. fears of higher taxes royaling the stock market today. it was up 200 points and now it's given back. the nasdaq taking a monster hit. let's go to blake burman with more on the fallout from this. blake? >> hi, charles. yeah, pretty clear message from president biden. if you make $400,000, you won't pay a penny more to uncle sam. however, the white house is now clarifying it saying that $400,000 threshold is 4 families. the white house press secretary jen psaki asked about it and tried to make the argument that it would only amount to a relatively small percentage of families across the country. >> when we're talking about people -- families making over $400,000 a year, it's a commitment that he talked about on the campaign trail. his interest is in ensuring that people pay their fair share, whether it's corporations on the highest income earners in our country. he believes that hard work should be rewarded and this is one of the areas where there's an opportunity to rebalance how our policies are currently. >> an opportunity to rebalance is how she put it. charles, which families might this impact? obviously salaries can vary year to year. this is irs data in 2018. you can see there's 717,000 families that filed tax returns that made between $400,000 and $600,000. so right up until that level. about the same amount over that $600,000 level. when you talk about right up to $400,000, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of families if the president gets his wish that this could impact. charles? >> blake, thanks very much. this is a proposed tax hike now going to hit a lot more people. this includes small businesses. just think about this. as we're starting to see the economy improve after all of the lockdowns. with me now former economic adviser under president obama, austan goolsbee. how concerned are you that this tax hike could slow things down as it's starting to pick up? >> i'm not too worried about that. i think he ran for president saying that he was going to raise the taxes exactly that he's proposing to raise. he won by ten million votes. i'm not surprised or worried. >> so you heard him say, i'm going to raise taxes on households making $400,000. i think part of that seven million vote margin you talking about, they heard him say he's going to raise taxes on individuals. this is bait and switch stuff, austan. >> i don't agree with that. >> you can't find a single bound bite where candidate biden said, you know what? we're going to raise taxes on households making more than $400,000. every time it was a individual -- >> you say that. that's not true. they released the specifics of the policy a document saying here's what his tax document would be in the campaign. it said -- >> on the campaign trail it never came out of his mouth. >> this is the way we measured it. when obama said 250,000, that's for people filing as families. the single people, the filing separately, the amount was lower. that's the way that we always quote the income cut off. >> all right. austan, as you getting set up for this segment, i'm going to play a series of sound bites that we shared with the audience and then get your opinion on it. >> under my plan, if you make more than -- less than $400,000, i guarantee you're not going to pay a penny more in taxes. you make less than $400,000, you're not going to pay a penny more in taxes. >> anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase. if you make less than $400,000, you won't see one single penny in additional federal tax. >> all right. october 31. november 7, just yesterday. you know, again, i know this administration has some ambitious spending goals and is going to have a lot of deficit spending. taxes will go up. when you do this, you saw what happened with the stock market today. as soon as jen psaki talked about taxes during the conference today, her press conference today, the market imploded. i don't any the country is ready for this, nor psychologically certainly. or even potentially economically. we announced 770,000 new people on initial jobless claims today. the timing couldn't be worse. >> charles, the people that you're talking about have not had a recession. people making more than 400,000 a year, their employment is up from before the pandemic. their stock market wealth is massively higher than it was. they have not had a recession. so the argument that that will destroy the economy and the economy cannot handle it has been disproven. every time high income people's taxes went back to historic levels. i don't agree with your principle. >> the small business owner that files, who will file, you know, let's just say a plummer with a million dollar business, four or five trucks, you know, they're going to get hurt. these people will get hurt. >> it's not the million dollars of revenue, charles. a million dollars of profit. >> we know how they file their taxes. here's the thing, austan. when president trump's tax policy went into effect, one thing that we saw is blue collar wages went up. this is something i wanted to ask you about. >> totally not correct. >> okay. so from october -- >> wages were going up at a faster rate -- the wages were going up faster in the two years before the tax cuts than in the two years after the tax cuts. >> let me ask you. january 2009 when obama came into office, the wage growth was 3.7%. blue collar was 3.8%. your last month in office, december 2016, it cratered to 2.6% and 2.5%. we lad a 20-month run of year over year wages. what was beautiful about it, out of the 20 months, 18 of the months blue collar wages climbed faster than overall wages. the only reason i'm bringing this up -- >> i hate to tell you -- charles, 12 of those 18 months were before donald trump passed the tax cuts. so you're trying to a tribute increasing wage growth -- >> it came after the tax cuts, austan. >> it did not. >> so you're not concerned about hiking taxes, just as we're going to see a wave of inflation, as we still have 700,000 people a week filing for initial jobless claims? you don't think that will be detrimental to our economy? >> charles, i want the tax cuts to go to the working people and ordinary americans in this country. i think that high income people should have their rates go back to historic levels, what they were before donald trump was there, what joe biden said they were going to go back to when he ran for president. no, i don't think that will hurt the economy. i think if you take that money and invest it in ordinary americans, the way we're doing with this relief act and the way he's going to do in the acts to come, that will be stronger for the economy. it's certainly was stronger and more durable than when we have dummy opposite in the past. >> we'll see what happens. i hope you're right. history has suggested though that this will be a disaster. i hope you're right. thanks for coming on. as the border surge continues, texas republican senator john cornyn will lead a gop delegation to visit the southern border next week. what he hopes to find out and just one day after the biden administration levelled new sanctions against chinese and hong kong officials, high level talks have begun. they're underway right now. someone here who has really big concerns is next. retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. 1 in 2 kids is under hydrated. ♪ plant-powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love. and one gram of sugar. find creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. and one gram of sugar. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken arriving in alaska for the first round of high level talks during the biden administration. this comes as new sanctions are levelled for china against the hong kong crackdowns and china is promising retaliation. the read on these talks, kristen. how skeptical are you about this and why? >> the message coming is that they're really going to say in private to the chinese what they're saying in public, raise concerns about human rights and cyber attacks, raise concerns about the theft of intellectual property. if you look at what this administration has been up to diplomatically, a rerun of the obama biden administration, actually they're going to go soft on china. that this meeting is actually a prelude to a shift in policy that may involved things like a summit between jinping and president biden and remove the tariffs put on china to protect expert controls that limit the technology that goes to companies like huawei. may be up to something like that. >> kristin, we've seen the biden administration put up, show some muscle with china particularly when it comes to taiwan. they levelled the individuals with sanctions over the new laws governing hong kong elections. feels like they have stood up. sounds like you're suggesting that ultimately it's going to turn into another apology tour. is that what you're sensing? is this what is you're getting from the biden administration? >> it is. if you look a little deeper and you're absolutely right. biden did not on his first day in office for example, take away the section 301 tariffs that apply to about half of what we import to china. but what we're up to is frankly taking time to set the stage as they did at the beginning of the obama administration. this administration. so they go to japan, go to south korea. they go through the feeder of appearing to support our alliances. that's what hillary clinton did to start her tenure in 2009. in reality, if you look at what they do, they're going to shift to appeasing china. look at the other things that they have done. cancelling the keystone xl pipeline with canada, rejoining the paris climate agreement. trying to talk to the iranians about joining the flawed nuclear deal. they want to turn the clock back to 2015 and before. part of that is the view that as long as we engage china economically, things will go well for us. >> listen, corporate america is saying that already. they're pouring billions in there. nobody cares about the uighurs as they shake their fingers in america. what i'm curious about is an execution from the biden administration to say that they cannot get tough unless everyone is on board. that sounds like a cop-out. to your point, europe is indebted to china, right? they want the money. they're not growing to say anything. everybody is looking the other way as china's belligerence grows and grows. >> that's right. this is a problem. again, we saw this in the obama administration. they say that they want to work with allies. who are the allies? japan is the most important. they have a huge economy, a democracy. a great ally. taiwan because of their proximity. singapore perhaps. those are the front-line allies. what the administration has in mind is europe, paris, brussels, berlin. those countries at best will do nothing. >> let's stand shoulder to shoulder, the only nation that has stood up to china hover covid. kevin mccarthy has called to remover rick swalwell from the intelligence committee. this over alleged ties with a chinese spy. the house is expected to vote on this soon. how you think it's going to come out? >> you know, the democrats just voted in block. there seems to be just a very scarcity of moderates, reasonable people. it's unfair. anyone in the government that wasn't a congressman that wasn't friends with nancy pelosi would have their security clearance halted without question. if you were involved in a honey pot operation where chinese operatives were rowmaticly involved with you, even if there were extendating circumstances. even if it was a long time in the past. that's the way it is. the fact that a congressman on the intelligence committee with access to the most sensitive secrets that we have would get an exemption because he's powerful is disappointing. >> thanks, christian. always appreciate your expertise. we'll have the latest on the southwest tornadoes. and john kerry caught without a mask. just another example of officials saying do as i say, not as i do. next. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless every day. and having more days is possible with verzenio, proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are pregnant or nursing. every day matters. and i want more of them. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. >> charles: white house jen psaki saying she may have flipped calling it a crisis. john cornyn has been calling it for weeks. that's coming up. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. (naj) at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. ♪♪ (money manager) because our way works great for us! 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(naj) our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. >> charles: the southeast hunkering down for more severe weather after tornadoes rip through several states. rick reichmuth is tracking it all. rick? >> charles, yeah, this is the early season for tornadoes. next couple months is really where the bulk of all tornado activity is and the severe weather across the u.s. we're getting into that right now. temperature-wise, you can see on the map here, we still have a little bit of space here for more severe weather. the cold air has settled in back behind this storm. that's one of the driving factors of the severe weather that we've seen. over 20 tornadoes. one tornado just today around the way cross, georgia area. one line of storms moving off parts of the southeast. storm prediction center has whittled down the severe threat a little bit. we had a moderate threat down. that has been lowered a bit or shrunk the size of the bulls eye of it. see the orange area where the hash marks are? that's where we stand a chance to see large tornadoes. so really no bad severe weather. one cell here that we're watching around the jacksonville, florida area and up to the north of that to north carolina, charlotte, to the north of charlotte. one strong storm. not tornado warning right now, which is good news. here's how the forecast shows through this. going to see the southern side of this, most of the storms moving offshore. i think you'll be in better shape. we still have severe weather across parts of north carolina, the northern part of south carolina, all the way until around the 10 or 11:00 time frame tonight. this is the time of season where you see the storms, especially across parts of the south, not as much across tornado ally, which is off to the west. behind this, we're clear for a little bit. i'll tell you about a week from now, looking potentially at the next batch of severe weather moving in across parts of the southeast. charles? >> charles: thanks, rick. to wear a mask or not to wear a mask after being vaccinated? that was the question and led to a heated exchange at today's senate hearing on covid-19. >> no, you've had the vaccine and wearing two markets. >> here we go with the theater. whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. ♪ ♪ -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. ♪ ♪ irresistibly smooth chocolate. to put the world on pause. lindor. made to melt you. by the lindt master chocolatier. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrollable muscle movements as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. this is where i want to be. talk to your doctor and ask if latuda could make the difference you've been looking for in your bipolar depression symptoms. i have an idea for a trade. you've been looking for oh yeah, you going to place it? 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>> i'm not sure i understand the connection of what you're saying about masks and reinfection. we're talking about people who have never been infected before. >> you're telling everybody to wear a mask whether they have had an infection or a vaccine. what i'm saying is they have immunity and everybody agrees they have immunity. what studies do you have that people have had the vaccine or have had the infection are spreading the infection? if we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? you have the vaccine and wearing two masks. isn't that theater. >> here we go again with the theater. >> charles: doctor, there's an abundance of caution and there's that these messages have hurt the roll-out of vaccinations, it's hurt the acceptance of masks. where do you come down on this? >> i come down on this with the fact that the data will show that transmission of the virus for somebody that has been vaccinated is still possible. the person who is vaccinated is not going to get sick and die. he or she can still transmit the virus. at least that's the current belief, that cdc believes. so right now for an abundance of caution, it's important to at least wear one mask. i'm not sure that two masks are appropriate. one mask is mandated in the hospital. it should be mandated for just about everybody at least for now until we have herd immunity, charles. >> charles: i have less than a minute. there's a new survey showing 80% of couples are planning on getting married. they're not concerned about whether the guests are vaccinated or not. is that going to be a major problem? >> i don't know if that will be a major problem. if they looked at 2,000 brides and 82% of them did not mandate the vaccine, but 36% said that if their guests were vaccinated, the number of attendees would go up. they're worried about not having enough people at their weddings. a lot of them are postponing the weddings to 2022 and 4% to 2023. so we tonight want a wedding to be a super spreader event. that would be embarrassing to have all of the relatives infected and a few of them succumb to the disease. that wouldn't be good as a wedding memory, charles. >> charles: doctor, great having you on. talk to you again, soon. the number of migrants keep growing. in fact, the white house still playing the situation at the border down. senator john cornyn was there and he's next. >> they would be partners with dealing with the crisis on the border. >> you said crisis on the border. >> challenges on the border. flush no explanation. it's where safe and daring seamlessly intersect. it's understated, yet over-delivers. it is truly the mercedes-benz of sports sedans. lease the 2021 c 300 sedan for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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>> charles: let's call it an oops moment. thanks, kevin. now this. >> secretary mayorkas testified "the border is secure and the border is not open." yet the situation on our southern border has required fema to be called in. so either this is the first time fema has been deployed just to admire a situation that is going smoothly or the administration is not being straight with the american people. >> charles: mitch mcconnell slamming the biden administration for refusing to call the igrant surge a crisis. texas republican john cornyn joins me now. we did reach out to secretary mayorkas and have not heard back. senator, what would you call what you saw at the southern border? >> i would repeat what president barack obama said in 2014 when the numbers were not as striking and as high as they are now. he called it a humanitarian crisis. so the administration is in denial. that means that they don't have a plan because they're not willing to acknowledge the reality. i think it's going to get nothing but worse. they can't build enough facilities to house the sea of humanity that will keep coming across the border in larger numbers. >> charles: the administration does a lot of play on words. certainly has to be a crisis for the children and everyone else. i thought our policies were based on humanitarianism first and foremost. this administration more than border security. >> turning your child over to a human smuggler that may also physically or sexually assault them or rob them or worst even is not a humane thing to do. we've heard a lot from the -- during the previous administration about parent child separation. i agree that we should not do that. that's exactly what the current system induces parents to do in order to get their child from their home across the border in the united states. the smugglers are smart. they know how to game our own walls and they know how to overwhelm the border patrol with dealing with a bunch of children and trying to deal with them in a humane and safe way. then use the gaps to smuggle illegal drugs like heroin, methamphetamine and fentanyl across the border. >> charles: senator, you mentioned the administration's ambitions to build more facilities. wouldn't it be easier to build parts of the wall where there's materials already laying there? we watched the video. we can see large gaps where folks are walking in. wouldn't that be an easier, less expensive solution for now? >> the border patrol has always told me that border security is composed of three main things. one is physical barriers in hard to control locations, the other thing is the technology to go with it and the third thing is boots on the ground. that's why we talk about the border wall system. it's not just a physical barrier. but when -- because of the administration's reflexsive reversal of the construction being done by the trump administration, it's left huge gaps in the border infrastructure. those are being exploited, too. it channels people through that opening, that uncompleted physical infrastructure. it means that border patrol again has to man that gap rather than be in other places where they can have illegal immigration. >> what is your goal when you return to the border with some of your colleagues? >> the border is a unique part of our country. obviously i come from texas. we have a 1,200 mile border with mexico. many people think that they understand what the border is like. they learned everything that they know from movies and novels that they read. we would like to have the experts that schooled me on this topic, namely the border patrol and health and human services to explain it along with stakeholders in the communities that are affected. that will be a valuable part of their education and knowledge and hopefully it will enable them and all of us to do a better job. >> charles: what do you make of the media blackouts? is it for our own good? seems really disingenuous to say that the media should not be covering this more intensely. >> well, i will tell you, for example, in midland, texas where local leaders were not informed of the intention to open up basically what was a man camp and turn into it a detention facility, the congressman that represents that area told me he had to wait for two hours outside that facility in order to gain entrance to see what was going on inside. obviously that does not build confidence. if they don't want people inside, particularly the media, sends a message we have something to hide. i think that is certainly counter productive. >> charles: senator cornyn, thanks very much. >> thanks. >> charles: climate envoy john kerry? let's say he's under fire for violating covid outlines on a flight. this is another example of democratic politicians telling us what to do when they do something the exact opposite. we'll be right back. retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. so you want to make the best burger ever? 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>> that was the most shocking part of all peace. this is nothing new for secretary carey, the hypocrisy over the private plane, a warrior to this mask, this is par for the course with him. but you know what i actually want to hear and this is not defense because he liked nancy pelosi and gavin newsom am i really want people to say in this administration, things are normalizing. this man has presumably been vaccinated. i really want to hear not 15 footnotes when i can hug grandma but how we are moving forward as a country. so i kind of wish he would own up to it and say, you know what my things are getting back to normal and we need to move on. >> charles: although, david, you've got dr. fauci saying even with vaccination he should have had on two masks and not one. this is clear hypocrisy from a high profile democrat. >> look at them i think people will take their masks off from time to time. i don't think this is the most important issue, obviously going on around the coronavirus, but look, i think alexandra is right. he is not posing a danger but they should set a public example, have their mask on and be extra vigilant even if they don't need to. and i actually agree with alexandra and the biden administration is moving there and the other night a clear indication of that and more indications of that every day, as restrictions are lifted and working hard to reopen schools. >> charles: come on, you've got to give me a break here. we know people who have been banned from american airlines. and they don't even know why they have been banned. they have one thing in common with the conservatives. so i'm wondering what american airlines is going to do about this and i would like to hear it is malarkey, was it malarkey that he got busted? >> well, you know i'm willing to give john kerry the benefit of the doubt. for one, it is just a photo and it's not like a video with nancy pelosi or multiple photos of gavin newsom. i will say this is from american airlines is investigating it and said they never got a complaint. what is interesting here, with respect to john kerry, obviously at least he wasn't playing a private plane to say paris or to meet with iranian negotiators that are detrimental to the united states. i more about john kerry and how he approaches the climate issue and stands up to train it to cut the carbon emissions. they have double carbon emissions. or even the most damaging compound to our ozone layer. >> charles: i get where you're coming from. >> i don't care if he takes his mask off where he photo was taken. >> charles: but those bigger, larger issues but the reason this is important, though because americans have been sort of to a degree almost terrorized and many people will have left the house without a mask or maybe he took it off to eat. i have seen people take it off generally to eat, dragged, just destroyed on social media. so there's a whole level of hypocrisy, cancel culture and everything else. you know what come if you have john kerry man up to this, own up to this, we have a serious situation where this country is heading. too many rules for everyone else except the elites. and let me ask you guys come i don't know if you are baseball fans but the mets and yankees would start in the stadium apri. but never negative covid test will be required to get you in. in this do you think will keep away the fans or will it matter? >> as a philadelphia fan i have to say "go phillies" here. will come i think this is the sports teams are big business. i think this is the direction they will go in and in terms getting people back out there. they understand that their customers want to feel safe. the fans want to feel safe and they want to limit their own. and i don't think it is such a surprise. i think it would encourage more people to get the vaccine. but it is really going to up against the deliveries that the government level in terms of government restricting what you can and cannot do or trying to based on whether you've had the vaccine. so this doesn't surprise me that government wants to say this. >> charles: i'm glad to glad, david, this is happening in disneyland will open up, of course. they had to fire a lot of people in the state of california has taken issue with this but again you mentioned earlier if you want to move the right direction, you think this is a step in the right direction? >> absolutely, things are opening up and protocols, they will dispute that for some time and ultimately those things will fade. coronavirus is not going to go away, but it will not be the focus point of our country the way it has been the last several years. and i think, honestly, we owe a lot of credit to the administration and the development of the vaccines, which did happen under the previous administration for getting us there. i think we should all join hands in a bipartisan way and celebrating the opening of baseball, disneyland and all of these great american institutions. >> charles: ,siraj i have 30 set about schools, should we get them open? >> absolutely, ron desantis is the bright winter shut down everything considering the fact cases and deaths per 100 or 1,000 people, 100 people, they were in the middle of the pack of all 50 states so lockdowns didn't work. a lot of people are starting to realize that. and even the stomach even me a copy yesterday. so we should just go forward and push through. >> charles: let's open society up and get back to normalization. thank you very much. of course, remember join us tomorrow for "your world" and i will be on "fox business" 2:00 p.m. in the market got slammed today. big concerns about taxes. i will cover it tomorrow but "the five" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone i'm here with juan williams, jesse watters, greg gutfeld, dana perino, and this is "the five." is it a crisis or just a challenge at the border? the white house going off message today about the situation before they had to walk it back. take a look. >> that they would be partners in dealing with the crisis at the border? >> you said crisis at the border --

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, Threshold , Percentage , White House Press Secretary , 4 , Campaign Trail , Commitment , Work , Interest , Areas , Corporations , Share , Income Earners , Opportunity , Policies , Impact , Data , Rebalance , Salaries , 2018 , Level , Amount , Tax Returns , 600000 , 717000 , Tax Hike , Thousands , Wish , Hundreds , Democracy , Wall , Barack Obama , Businesses , Lockdowns , Adviser , Things , Austan Goolsbee , Votes , Ten Million , Individuals , Households , Bait , Margin , Stuff , Bite , Candidate , Way , Policy A Document , Individual , Specifics , Tax Document , Campaign , Mouth , Filing , 250000 , Series , Opinion , Sound Bites , Segment , Audience , Cut Off , November 7 , October 31 , 31 , 7 , Lot , Goals , Deficit Spending , Spending , Market , Press Conference , Recession , Claims , Couldn T Be Worse , 770000 , Pandemic , Stock Market Wealth , Employment , Levels , Small Business Owner , Principle , Dollar Business , Revenue , Plummer , Files , Trucks , A Million Dollar , A Million , Five , Four , Thing , Profit , Donald Trump , Tax Policy , Effect , A Million Dollars , Something , Wages , Blue Collar , Rate , We Saw , Office , Tax Cuts , Wage Growth , Two , 2009 , January 2009 , It , Run , We Lad , 2 6 , December 2016 , 20 , 3 7 , 02 5 , 2016 , 3 8 , 12 , Tribute , Hiking Taxes , Inflation , Wave , 700000 , Rates , Money , Facts , Relief Act , History , Disaster , Border , Senator Cornyn , Texas , Republican , Surge , Delegation , Retirement Income , Officials , Concerns , Broker , Sanctions , Talks , Chinese , Someone , Hong Kong , Schwab Intelligent Income , Track , Penalties , Fee , Schwab , Carl , Portfolio , Cool , Approach , Kids , Simple , Wealth , 1 , 2 , Roots , Sugar , Hydration , Fruit Flavors , Juice Aisle , Chevy Silverado Trail Boss , Exhaust , Rancho , Goodyear Duratrac Tires , Road , Factory , Car Insurance , Off Road , Cell Phone Repair , Liberty Mutual , Quote , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Oh Yeah , Pay , Liberty , Aah , Price , Secretary Of State , Retaliation , Ground , Crackdowns , Anthony Blinken , Alaska , Public , Kristen , Rerun , Human Rights , Attacks , Theft , Intellectual Property , Tariffs , Prelude , Policy , Meeting , Summit , Shift , Jinping , Technology , Controls , Companies , Put Up , Huawei , Muscle , Feels , Laws , Elections , Taiwan , Apology Tour , Example , Beginning , Section , Stage , 301 , Reality , Hillary Clinton , Alliances , Feeder , Tenure , Japan , Go To South Korea , Deal , Keystone Xl Pipeline With Canada , Paris Climate Agreement , Iranians , Clock , Listen , View , Corporate America , Billions , 2015 , Uighurs , Fingers , Nobody , Execution , Everybody , Point , Belligerence , Europe , Cop Out , Problem , Allies , Grows , Paris , Rally , Proximity , Mind , Singapore , Brussels , Nothing , Nation , Shoulder , Countries , China Hover Covid , Berlin , House , Ties , Spy , Intelligence Committee , Kevin Mccarthy , Remover Rick Swalwell , Democrats , Congressman , Government , Nancy Pelosi , Question , Moderates , Block , Scarcity , Security Clearance , Anyone , Wasn T A , Wasn T Friends , Fact , Honey Pot Operation , Operatives , Circumstances , Extendating , Secrets , Exemption , Access , Christian , Mask , Tornadoes , John Kerry , Expertise , Latest , Insurance , Martin , Usaa , Hailstorm Hit , Veterans , Next , Hr , Breast Cancer , Women , Taking Verzenio , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Infection , Doctor , Fever , Sign , Diarrhea , Anti Diarrheal , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Fluids , Blood Cell Counts , Symptoms , Death , Chest Pain , Liver Problems , Chills , Trouble Breathing , Lung Inflammation , Signs , Stomach Pain , Appetite Loss , Cough , Fatigue , Nursing , Blood Clots , Breathing , Breath , Pain , Heart Rate , Bleeding , Bruising , Shortness , Legs , Swelling , Arms , Everyday Verzenio , Surge A Crisis , Family , Extreme , Comfort , Suvs , Lincoln , Money Manager , Naj , Money Managers , Cookie Cutter Portfolios , Clients , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Investments , Commissions , Portfolios , Client , Needs , Fees , All The Way , Southeast Hunkering , Weather , Season , States , Bulk , Tornado Activity , Rick Reichmuth , Bit , Storm , Driving Factors , Back , Map , Space , Hair , Temperature Wise , Parts , Storms , Southeast , Threat , Tornado , Line , Cross , Georgia Area , Storm Prediction Center , Area , Size , Hash Marks , Chance , Bulls Eye , North , Tornado Warning , North Carolina , Charlotte , Cell , Jacksonville , Florida , News , Most , Side , Shows , South Carolina , South , Tornado Ally , West , 10 , 11 , Batch , Led , Theater , Covid 19 , Hearing , Exchange , Markets , Senate , Whoo , 19 , Place , Crutches , Gonna , Girl , Hand , Gonna Need Crutches , Yes , Lisa , Wait , Eh , Small Business , Progressive , Coverage , Donny , Chocolate , Pause , Stories , Bipolar Depression , Dark , Art , Lindor , Lindt Master Chocolatier , Depression , Latuda , Difference , Life , Struggle , Emptiness , Lows , Children , Studies , Mood Changes , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Weight , Behaviors , Empowered , Risk , Muscles , Adults , Side Effects , Confusion , Dementia Patients , Teens , Stroke , Strategy , Trade , Gut Check , Td Ameritrade , Idea , Why Don T You , Expert , Loss , Interior Decorator , Voila , Throw Pillows , Strategy Gut Check , Trade Desk , Bob Lahinka , Acceptance , Bills , Herd Immunity , Shots , Summer , Beginnings , Moderna , 00 Million , 300 Million , Say , Vaccines , Pfizer , Schools , Pharmacies , 6500 , Churches , Paramedics , Military , Ability , Course , Vaccinations , Groups , Progress , Injections , Anthony Fauci , Dr , Reaction , Rand Paul , Numbers , Patients , Reinfections , 2022 , Connection , Reinfection , Immunity , Isn T It , Abundance , Caution , Messages , Roll Out , Here We Go Again , Isn T , Person , Somebody , Transmission , Least , Belief , Cdc , Hospital , Guests , Planning , Couples , Survey , 80 , Brides , Number , Attendees , 36 , 82 , 2000 , Weddings , Wedding , Event , Super Spreader , 2023 , Wouldn T , Migrants , Relatives , Disease , Few , Memory , Situation , Partners , Senator , Intersect , Challenges , Explanation , Dealer , Sports Sedans , Mercedes Benz , 300 , 449 , 49 , Limu Emu , Me Ma Am , Limu , Idaho Potato , Potatoes , Side Dish , Beautiful , Seal , Recipes , Dishes , Grown In Idaho , Real Idaho Potato Farmer , Fund , Innovations , Innovation , Champs , Software , Agent , Investor , Invesco , Qqq A , Invesco Qqq , Kim Kietz , Nasdaq 100 , 3d Rendering , Gas , Safe , Call 911 , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Update , Issue , Background Call , Announcements , Kevin Corke , Conference Call , Humanity , Mess , Protections , Refugee , Official , Migration Plan , 100000 , Guy Lines , February , Majority , 29000 , Processing Facilities , Crush , Capacity , Networks , Care Provider , Teal , Cpp , Break , Transparency , Press Tours , Procedures , Challenge , Jen Psaki Pivoted , Secretary Mayorkas , Time , Fema , Igrant , Mitch Mcconnell , Reach Out , President , 2014 , Denial , Facilities , Sea , Play , Words , Everyone Else , Child , Border Security , Humanitarianism , Human Smuggler , Order , Parents , Parent , System , Border Patrol , Smugglers , Walls , Home , Bunch , Smart , Gaps , Heroin , Fentanyl , Drugs , Methamphetamine , Ambitions , Video , Materials , Folks , Walking , Barriers , Solution , Locations , Three , Trump , Barrier , Construction , Reflexsive Reversal , Border Wall System , Opening , Infrastructure , Gap , Uncompleted Physical Infrastructure , Places , Some , Colleagues , Immigration , Everything , Movies , Novels , 1200 , Communities , Health And Human Services , Experts , Stakeholders , Topic , Good , Job , Knowledge , Education , Media Blackouts , Media , Intention , Leaders , Midland , Detention Facility , Facility , Man Camp , Entrance , Confidence , People Inside , Flight , Fire , Climate Envoy , Politicians , Opposite , Wealth Management , Burger , Ding , Intuit Quickbooks , Bookkeeping , Payments , Payroll , Buttercup , Promises , Aren T , Shipments , Isn T Just Freight , Cuddly , Promise , Old Dominion , Race Light Countdown , Crowd Cheering , Allstate , Drivers , 40 , Hands , Quote Today , Malarkey , American Airlines , Gavin Newsom , Maskless , Lockdown Orders , Hair Salon , Laundry , Dining , California , French , Photo , Alexander Wilkes , Times , Washington Examiner , Harsh Mean , Dave And Bernstein , Secretary Carey , Hypocrisy , Plane , Out , Peace , Par , Defense , Man , Grandma , 15 , David , Profile , Coronavirus , Alexandra , Danger , Indication , Indications , Restrictions , It Malarkey , Conservatives , Benefit Of The Doubt , Photos , Respect , Negotiators , Complaint , Iranian , Carbon Emissions , Climate Issue , Compound , Care , Ozone Layer , Issues , Degree , Social Media , Heat , Culture , Everything Else , Baseball Fans , Rules , Elites , Yankees , Mets , Fans , Covid Test , Stadium Apri , Direction , Terms , Fan , Sports Teams , Big Business , Philadelphia , Go Phillies , Surprise , Customers , Deliveries , Doesn T , Estate , Disneyland , Step , Protocols , Focus Point , Development , Credit , Baseball , Institutions , Great American , Siraj , Deaths , Winter , Pack , Middle , Cases , Ron Desantis , 1000 , Stomach , Copy , Didn T Work , Let S Open Society , 50 , Normalization , Fox Business , Juan , Juan Williams , Greg Gutfeld , Dana Perino , Jesse Watters , Crisis , Take A Look ,

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