>> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us, what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border. they are working to correct that. >> this idea is joe biden's election that prompted more people to show up is by the actual fact. >> joe biden inherited a huge mess on immigration. >> we recognize this is a huge problem and we had a dismantled and unworkable system. like any other problem, we will do everything we can to solve it. >> jesse: conditions are so bad at the border that fema is sent in to help manage the unaccompanied children. one report said a texas facility is 729% capacity. kids have to take turns sleeping on the floor and go days without showering. republicans have had enough. house minority leader kevin mccarthy was on the ground in texas today and demanding biden do something about it. >> heartbreak. the sad part about all of this, it didn't have to happen. this crisis is created by the presidential policies of this new administration. there is no other way to claimant that a biden crisis. >> jesse: all right, juan come i don't see how the system was broke. because in 2019, nbc news reported and i have it right here that illegal immigration on the southern border had hit an all-time low under donald trump. so how can you actually with a straight face blame donald trump for this? >> juan: well, i'm not trying to blame anybody. let me just say from the beginning, jesse come i don't know why kevin mccarthy chooses to spend his time playing politics at the border when he can be doing his job at capitol hill and getting congress to deal with this issue. i mean, right now there are two bills, two immigration bills that are going to get a vote this week in the house. when dealing with the farm workers. and in both cases, most american support those bills. they support a pathway for the citizenship to dreamers and fully understand why farmers need those workers and jobs. but neither bill is likely, at this point, to get g.o.p. support, especially with mccarthy using the immigration problem to trash biden. i think the reality and this speaks to your question to me, the reality is we saw a surge at the border in '14, '16 under obama. we saw a surge '18, '19 with trump. everybody can argue about trump's policies and in my mind he reacted. let's talk about the family separation and talk about building a wall that never got bill. of course, he had with congress. so something happened there okay. there was no real solution. i think now is the time for congress to say let's get something done. >> jesse: "the washington post" said trumps border policies after that surge were practical. they did solve the problem. the statistics don't actually back you up. border crossings on the southern border were at the lowest they have ever been in 50 years prepandemic. greg gutfeld, what do you think are trying to pull here? >> greg: i feel bad because i feel like the migrants were fed a bait and switch from joe biden. joe biden waiting for them to come on over. it's like you unintentionally pulled one of those prints where you get people with outstanding warrants to show up at a place because you told them they want to vote. they show up and get arrested. that is what happened. they didn't come here out of the blue. they came because there was a signal to come here from the new administration. and while fema, fema doesn't respond to disputes or controversies or they don't actually calm to address political issues. they come to address emergencies. the dems can pretend this is the ice bucket challenge but holding containers but when you have fema there that goes against that narrative. finally this is hard on the media to shape a story without trump. pre2021, topic aid plus trump is worse than watergate. now topic eight minus trump equals who cares. so you have to wonder what you need to get to the corporate press to care about any suffering at all without trump there. if trump personally flew to the border and beat the kids with a baseball bat, perhaps morning joe and don lemon might perk up. >> jesse: dana, jen psaki has been back on her heels a little bit on this issue. >> greg: that is it! >> jesse: i don't mean discouragement about women but i talk about the soul of your feet. she's got a lot of incoming. here is peter doocy, and you can react. >> does fema arrival active order means the administration is dealing with at the border a disaster? >> i know we get into the fun of labels around here but i would say our focus is on solutions. >> jesse: no labels. >> dana: you know how i feel about no labels. i'm for labels. look for borders and language and descriptions and adjectives and i think all those things were come nouns too, i'm for those. i was thinking this week when the question was first asked to the press secretary, is there a crisis on the border? if she had said there is a crisis on the border for nearly 40 years. then you wouldn't be back and forth single day, it's just not fox news, every day somebody will ask is this a crisis? is it a crisis now? so a reporter could say, all right, press secretary jen psaki, we understand that you're not ever going to say this is a crisis. will you concede it is a human catastrophe? because to me, looking at these numbers and just looking at the data as you pointed out, is saying to everyone it is deniable, it is what it is. so they don't have a communications problem but a real fact problem, and award of the decades will go to that very same place that kevin mccarthy in team went today. and called it catastrophe and crisis. and then silent today. >> jesse: they are sleeping on floors, kd. >> greg: [applause] can i just say bravo dana for coming out in favor of nouns? >> dana: some adjectives. it's not labeled. [laughter] it's not labeled. >> katie: i'm wondering where the outrages about the administration's continued lack of transparency on this issue and continue to say reporters and cameras cannot go into these facilities, hhs facilities because they are covert restrictions. and covid positive to jump on buses like chicago and north carolina and other places around the country. there is no place for it and the reason they aren't letting reporters and is because this is a disaster, an emergency, it catastrophe a complete crisis. the idea they do not allow reporters and tell the whole story on its own. the other thing here, they set up local law enforcement and the border patrol to fail because of this influx. they weren't ready for it. they didn't prepare for it even though completely predictable. the other thing is who is winning? it's not the american people commit is not the children smooshed into jail like cells. if you look at the amount of mass the cartel brought him in february 2021 versus 2020 it is up by 9% pure they are the real winners in this whole thing. >> jesse: the president has not explained how this benefits the american people at all. the accusations piling up against andrew cuomo. nancy pelosi still giving them plenty of cover. the massive double standard coming up next. ♪ ♪ good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. 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>> i think the investigation is underway. >> i say there is zero tolerance for sexual harassment. >> but you are not calling for him to resign right now? >> i think we should see the results. hopefully, this will be soon. what i'm saying the government should look inside his heart. he loves new york if he can govern effectively. that can be one of the considerations that he has. >> katie: where is kamala harris? the vice president against brett kavanaugh but nowhere to be seen. governor andrew cuomo is being accused. dana, that is the one thing about the current vice president. she was the leading voice of believe in all women when it came to brett kavanaugh in 2018 and in fact she went on television and said the following "for a woman to come forward with the focus, nationally to start off by believing her." the essence of what she is talking about is real even if she forgets the facts. a little different story when it comes to andrew cuomo. >> dana: and tyler reed, do you remember that episode during the campaign? and i have been thinking about this because she obtains this historical moment, and then what do you do with it? nothing? i mean, you have the table. you don't just have a seat at the table, you are the table. and you say nothing? i think it was very cowardly, that is the is the adjective i'm working on, greg. for jayla brown and schumer to issue a statement on a friday night. really, it took it that long to do that and then what did president biden do today, where most conservatives are, due process. so what did that do? cut out the legs of chuck schumer and alexandria ocasio-cortez because democrats in new york, we are done with andrew cuomo. president biden has given the left quite a bit of what he wanted in the covert relief bill. at some point, will he stand up to them on this or continue to demand due process? i'm for due process but as nancy said may be the governor will come to realize the end of the road is here. >> katie: jesse, that is the question is at the end of the road if it shows polling shows most new yorkers do not think he should resign? >> jesse: it doesn't have to be. he can play it out as long as possible. it doesn't seem like he has a lot of shame. you can tell if desantis was accused of the same thing cuomo would have been accused of, pelosi and joe biden would have called for his resignation i guarantee you that. the me too movement and due process within probably less than three years. how inconsistent are they? i mean if it is bill clinton, brett kavanaugh, trump, cuomo, joe biden himself, they come at it with a totally different angle. so we know you can't believe all women because of raleigh. and you can't ignore all women because of harvey weinstein. for a politician you investigate and you either impeach or you have two die face to voters. it's not that complicated, katie. and to believe the sexual misconduct allegations but don't leave the nursing home cover-up and scandal? think about this, all of the things he's used the sexual scandal, the deception, the lies, the cover-up, the air accounts, the misdirection, to use those exact same things with the nursing home scandal. so that doesn't really seem that far-fetched, does it? but the thing that drove me crazy today with seeing the new defense that they will start using. they will start claiming for cuomo anti-italian discrimination campaign. they will compare him and say he was just flirting with a white woman. and now he's just being destroyed. i cannot wait until they roll that out. >> katie: don't call chris cuomo credo, greg. they've got a little bit of accountability with the media over the weekend. take a listen and we will get your reaction. >> i also wondered john homan when andrew cuomo used the phrase cancel culture, i thought oh, really, now you're going to use a fox talking point to defend yourself? and you think the democrats will stick by you? a choice -- poor choice of words. >> katie: i love from erik wemple to and from "the washington post," you are allowing is cool almost to come on and we will play that now and then react. >> i would be remiss if i didn't mention cnn's own huge media story here with chris cuomo who covered andrew cuomo and had all of these wonderful levitz on interviews with him. they suspended the rules for chris cuomo for those interviews yet all of a sudden they have been forced again. now that andrew cuomo is in the midst of a historic scandal. that is a mat to make major black eye for cnn. >> katie: greg. >> greg: i don't think cnn saw that coming. i will have to give major credit to erik wemple. you can see on the faces of the other guests, well, that is someone who doesn't care if he gets invited back. that is what that looks like. that is what it looks like when interested to try to get a contributor job. and i just hope he wasn't wearing pants because he likely would have wet them. >> jesse: you're not going to make a bed head? >> greg: his hair was amazing. >> katie: juan, the tucker carlson show went erik wemple ten face on it, he looks shocked but everybody on the panel looks like that. >> juan: i'm all for telling the truth. and you know, i think getting back to the cuomo situation here, i don't think there is conflict between due process and presumption of innocence. i think that you've got to let it play out. the bigger issue for me is can he effectively govern the state of new york? can he do his job? the poll that you mention, katie, which you mention 50% of new yorkers think he should not resign. it also indicates 48% of those voters say he can do his job, 34% say no he can't do his job. to my mind when you look at the elected officials in new york and washington. among the democrats, they don't think he can do his job here that is a pretty clear message coming from his democratic, fellow elected officials. the legislature in new york have already stripped him of his power to deal with the covert crisis. he's up for reelection next year. that same poll says a third of the voters said they would not vote for him to run again. so all of that is draining his power. he is really becoming a weakling. >> katie: that might -- i don't know about a week one but we'll see. the radical ca blaming conservative media over outrage of stop crime policies. a mothers whose son was killed is responding to that. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. start the year smiling at aspen dental where new starts happen, every day. get exceptional care at every step, unparalleled safety at every visit, and flexible payment options for every budget. now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam & set of x-rays with no obligation. no insurance? 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>> greg: are they all for throwing people off of cliffs? he mentioned the phrase tough on crime types. those are actually victims families. they tend to be tough on crime because they experience -- gascon is mad that the media's giving voice to those victims. he gave what is the essentially a shut out to fox news because the rest of corporate media are not actually following the story. we are the only ones paying attention and giving voice to that woman who lost her son. in real life, can be criminal. if you know you are making a product that hurts people and do nothing you are liable unless you are a politician. in which your policies can get people killed but it doesn't matter. it is incredible that he can still actually govern. >> juan: all right, dana, the proposals like limiting or held without bail, trying juveniles as adults, when you look at the numbers especially in californians, these are popular with the voters periods before it could be. and i think that part of the reason why victims suffer in silence. you have some bit domes rights organization but often they are doing it with so much grief that it takes a long time to get organized. something like mothers against driving, that took a long time and a big effect over time. victims rights is something -- it doesn't matter to me if republican or democrat, you should be for that. this is not just happening in los angeles. this is happening as jesse pointed out in philadelphia. we know it's happening in chicago, arlington, virginia, milwaukee. they are losing career prosecutors left and right because they cannot fathom prosecuting this way. there is discretion. it doesn't mean they are not things to be dealt with but when it comes to people actually committing crimes or could be violent when they are out on no cash bail, that is when people like us have to step up. >> juan: so katie, obviously president trump was all for criminal justice reform. how do you see it as different? >> katie: what gaskin is doing in california is not criminal justice reform. this far left ideology that takes the side of violent criminals who they know are violent and allowing them to go out in the streets and victimize more people. so being conservative or right-wing means being for victims rights, so be it. but for him to accuse those who have lost children and brutally murdered or women beaten by the