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more than 100,000 he will legals have entered the country in biden's first full month. an increase of 77%. the last thing we need in the middle of a pandemic is an additional one million illegals rushing the border. they are not waiting their turn. the vice president of the national border patrol council spoke out on what he's been seeing. >> we are seeing a lot of criminals across. there is a lot of unaccompanied children coming across without their parents. and a massive amount of families crossing the border illegally. judge jeanine: how is any of this allowed to happen while 10 million americans are out of work trying to get back on their feet. now they have to compete with illegals who wants the same job. the ones caught are often released into the interior of our country or bussed to a town, village or city near you. even the bus companies are complaining about driving these illegals as far north as new york or new jersey. and they are not being tested for covid by the biden administration. and the small group that were tested, 10% tested positive. how dare the biden administration not protect them. the progressives and the leftists wouldn't allow us to open our businesses and schools. many of us were arrested and prosecuted. but as cities and schools are locked down, the illegals coming into our country with no right to do so, not being tested for covid, being welcomed with open arms and stimulus money. the left bullies us, locks us down, calls us science deniers, not allowing us to attend funerals, but the illegals can do whatever they want without even being tested. who are the illegals? i don't know. you don't know, and the biden administration doesn't know. might this be a national security issue? i'm not accusing anyone. what do we know about them? how about we vet them, screen them. they might be a criminal or gang member. like the notorious ms-13 gang members allowed in by the biden administration. the gang members brutally savaging and murdering innocent americans, even high schoolers. who might be a serial sex offender, a pedophile who seeks sex with a child and is the criminal justice system's highest recidivist. who is a drug problem, an alcohol problem. who likes to drive drunk. who even gets insurance to no ps for their cartels. tell me what you have to offer to us in the united states. other than being part of the democrats voting black. even then go to the back of the line for everyone else who waited for a visa while you drain our tax pair money. the biden administration doesn't want you to believe our lyingize. this is not a crisis, but this is not a crisis. who is stupid here. -- maybe thousands of national guards troops should be deployed to protect our borders. millions of dollars are going to blue states and places like l.a. that are lawless sanctuary cities who protect illegal criminals and support joe biden. the farm bill component of his celebrated expenditure provides 120% debt relief to farmers. yet the only farmers entitled to that debt relief are non-white farmers. that's right. non-right farmers. that is race i'm. and as for your safety. the left's efforts in their social justice agenda is the elimination of bail, which is nothing more than a get out of jail free card coming to your state if it isn't there already. defendants are walking out of police stations before the paperwork is finished. and the victims feeling who protection and the criminals feeling know consequence. with a -- message to the victim that he will come back because he knows where the victim lives. then there is the new briefed prosecutors who are lenient on criminals and their social justice mission. their concern is for the criminal. not the victim. the new category of so-called prosecutors is being funded by george soros. we find them in chicago, philadelphia, baltimore, and cities across the country. their mission is to benefit the defendant. this should have you petrified because d.a.s like this man, l.a.'s george gasgone only want to help the criminals. last week you heard from the mother of aboy who was shot in the face. she attended the parole hearing for her son's murderer only to find there was no one speak on her behalf and her son's killer was paroled. his new plan is to review past sentences he thinks might be too excessive so he might order the release of criminals from prison. limiting the sentence available treating them as children not adults. the defunding of police and the order the police stand down. portsland this week is burning again. minneapolis is board up as if police are not capable of topping the crime. it's almost impossible for law enforcement in this country to enforce the law. their hands are tied behind their backs as they are accused of brutality and not given the authority to enforce the law. the biden administration is tone deaf to our safety. we have a lot to be worried about, and it's only going to get worse. if you like my open, you will love my closing statement at the end of the show tonight. but first joining me with reaction to my open and more, florida governor ron desantis. good evening. one of the things that we see were there is a new administration is we see a change in policy. we have president trump, now we have president biden. isn't this more than a change in policy. >> it obviously is a disastrous change in policy, judge. donald trump had the wall which we all supported. but also state third party agreements as well as remain in mexico. and guess what happened. the border was under control. we have gone back on those policies and they created this crisis. i think this is up tensional. i think this is ideological, i think they are getting bit by this political hi. but i think this is something they anticipated. i think most of the american people will be strongly opposed to this. in florida, we are ready. when i became governor we banned sanctuary cities, and we have e-verify. biden is going in the wrong direction. trumped a it right at the border, biden has got it wrong. judge jeanine: what happened in new york has been a disaster with the mandating of covid infected patients into nursing homes. and now with 7 people accusing the governor sexual harassment and assault. but it seems like you got egg right in florida. florida -- you got everything right in florida. how did you do it? >> we looked at the whole society. we wanted to look out for everybody. we viewed it as a virus particularly dangerous for elderly people and not as dangerous for younger people. we banned infected patients from being put into nursing homes. we had kids in school. it's important that they have the opportunity to go to school in person. we saved the economy from collapse. our unemployment rate is 4.9%. even with one of the most elderly populations in the country. judge jeanine: you know when you say that you saved your economy from collapse, i can't help but think about the $1.9 trillion stimulus package passed this week where blue states that are not fiscally conservative are being reward and states like florida are almost being punished. your fiscal responsibility is met with, you are going to pay for the states that can't run themselves, correct? >> exactly. we are getting penalized by $2 billion because we have low unemployment. because we saved the economy. also we have lower covid mortality than a lot of the lockdown states. if you locked down and destroyed your state and economy and you failed to stop covid as well, you are going to get a windfall. >> of the lockdown states are getting an have 2 billion, 3 billion, 4 billion dollars it's a transfer of money from states like florida to states like new york and california. judge jeanine: this week we saw there was more burning and rioting in portland. i know in florida there is legislation you proposed or has been passed that has to do with the looting and the law enforcement protect act where that kinds of behavior won't be tolerated. >> we are targeting local governments. if they try to indulge in insane fantasies like defunding law enforcement. the state will defunds them. if you are involved in rioting or looting. you are going to jail. you want to talk about bail, we won't eliminate bail. but if you are involved in a violent assembly, you are not getting bail. you have to stay in jail until you go in front of a judge. as we look forward, i think you will see more of this around the country. and we are setting a marker down in florida. we are not tolerating it. anybody that wears the uniform, don't have any doubts the state of florida is standing with you. judge jeanine: i have to tell you, a lot to talk about. you should be proud of what you have done. thanks for joining us on "justice" tonight. judge jeanine: peter navarro, tomi lahren and more. the biden administration made a stunning admission about the number of illegals flooding our it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? 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[♪♪♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight. a stunning admission from the biden administration. the secretary of homeland security is direct fema to help deal with the quote record numbers of unaccompanied minors coming across our southern border. this coming days after mexico's government spoke out against biden's policies. their pd said those trying to come into the u.s. illegally see biden as the migrant president. one mexican official said cartels began change their operation from the day biden took office and now exhibit unprecedented levels of sophistication. president trump's former senior advisor, jason miller joins. i was speaking to ron desantis in the previous segment. what biden is doing by eliminating the policy that president trump put in place and keeping them in mexico. now allowing with the stopping of the borderle all all of this to happen is a disaster. >> when. jon: got on that debate stage and said he supported citizenship to 11 million folks. that wasn't an announcement just to those here illegally at the moment. it was a clarion call, if you can get inside the united states, joe biden will fight to get you here. but joe biden reversed these policies keeping us safe under president trump such as remain in mexico. with president trump we cut back on illegal immigration, drug trafficking, human trafficking. almost had the wall completed except for a couple sections. joe biden doesn't care how much bad press he gets from this crisis at the southern border. this is so central to the democrats dna and thinking because this is the road to socialism. they believe the united states is supposed to take care of the entire world. on a crass political level i think democrats want more voters so they want to have them come in. but this their central belief. just in the same way conservatives believe in religious liberty, i would say joe biden and his liberal ideologues inside the white house. they could care less. they are not going to change course. judge jeanine: when you are talking freedom of religion, guns, second amendment. but i want to continue with this. if there is this ideological continues. let's say that's what it is. i think it's voter roles. but what -- voter rolls, but what do i know. then we have d.a.'s like george gasgon funded by soros. these criminals are out free and they know they are not going to stay in jail. how does that benefit america or the democrat party? >> it doesn't. folks who came here legally and trying to work their way up the economic ladder to provide a safe and prosperous and safe environment for their families. it's hurting folks with it encourages unaccompanied minors to come into the united states. 100,000 this last month. 10,000 unaccompanied minors? now bringing fema into this. they are putting them smack dab in the middle of what you could say is the largest international child trafficking ring we have ever seen in history. somewhat about drugs and protecting americans from drugs and the cartels. >> you are exactly right. that's where we have seen such record levels of shutting this down under president trump. joe biden has gone and thrown this all away. president trump reset the entire framework in which we interacted with mexico or their northern triangle countries. he used the threat of tariffs and cutting off aid to force these countries to work with us to stop the illegal immigration, the drugs, the human trafficking. joe biden is it reversing all of that to turn the u.s. into a socialism environment. judge jeanine: jason miller, thank you for joining us on justice. next. biden is taking a major victory lap-over his covid stimulus plan. peter navarro is next. i'm marianne rafferty. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." judge jeanine." judge jeanine: it's time to sound the alarm. biden signed a $1.9 trillion bill that's been marketed as the american rescue plan. but my next guest says you may be surprised what some of that money may be used for. former trump trade advisor peter navarro joins me to break it down. what do you want to alert us about? >> this is a five-alarm fire. great coverage on the border crisis. we have this $1.9 trillion, the most radical in american history. over the next two years we'll see five million illegal immigrants come into this country. that $1.9 trillion that we don't have money to pay for, a lot of that will go to pay for that illegal immigration. sanctuary cities are the big beneficiary in this $1.9 trillion package. california, illinois, new york. they are getting a ton of money. you know where that money is going? into the pockets of the local governments not just to bail out these pension funds. they also go into the pockets for grants to a lot of these organizations that bring up illegal aliens. as soon as an illegal all yellen reaches a sanctuary city or state, they are no longer checked for any i.d. for all practical purposes they become american citizens in the united states entitled to everything. k-12 education for the kids. healthcare, food stamps. no way to check them. the money in that bill. the money in joe biden's so-called american rescue plan will go to ocean welfare organizations through grants that will help the illegal aliens take more money from the taxpayer. judge jeanine: those where ngos, non-government organizations that ends up getting the money. >> that's exactly right. taxpayers need to know -- taxpayers need to know that this $1.9 trillion that we don't have -- we are going to borrow that money from the chinese. and eventually our taxes are going to go up. you are paying for that border crisis. this is insane, jeanine. the trump administration secured that border with mexico and the northern triangle countries who wanted to do that. biden blows that out. and with his other hand he takes all this money from the american taxpayer to facilitate that. your previous guest, i think he had it right. future elections, they hope those will be democrats. what we would love to do on this show is connect the dots. the democrats and democrats are coming at us with executive order and executive order. real money they are spending and bailing out deep blue states in a way which will facilitate and pay for this illegal immigration. by the way, we were getting less than a million coming over the borders. numbers were down. now it will be 2 million and more over the next couple of years. that will hurt the taxpayers. judge jeanine: still ahead. my closing statement on the vice president's refusal to address the cuomo allegations. families in l.a. continue to plead for help against policies that prioritize criminals over victims. we have a response from governor newsom's office you need to hear. we talked to a california d.a. fighting back. sacramento's [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: last week on "justice" you hear a grieving mother desperate to keep her son's killers in prison. she has been forced to fight alone because of l.a. county george gascon's policies. >> i need for the governor to look over my son's case. i had to pull my son's murder pictures. i had to have emergency medical care because of me having to try to do the prosecutor's job. i'm trying to pass a fair parole hearing act where nobody should have to go through what me and my family did to fight for the justice for my son. gascon doesn't care. judge jeanine: our hearts break for her. the pain, she is having to relive this all over again. we reached out to governor newsom. his office responded with the following. the governor's office has not received this case. we are unable to comment on it. the governor is dedicated to working with the offices of vick aim and survivor rights. really, we are still you waiting for a response from gascon. my mid-atlantic guest worked tirelessly for victims -- my next guest worked tirelessly for victims and their families. south county district attorney ann marie shubert joins me now. good evening. it's a pleasure to have you on this show. you are quite familiar with gascon. in fact i have here a copy of a letter you wrote from the sacramento county d. a.'s office to gascon indicating your displeasure with him. why don't you tell us what was in the letter and why you sent it. >> crime has no boundaries. if somebody decided to go on a crime spree that started in sacramento and go down to los angeles county. then gascon could conceivably try to take that case from us under the law. given his directives, which have abandoned the rights of victims, there was no way i was going to allow gascon to take any cases that had anything to do with sacramento county because he has kicked victims to the curb. judge jeanine: his decision to pretty much not seek bail, and to not try juveniles as adults, no matter what the crime, as well as not seeking the death penalty and going backwards and looking to take away what he thinks are excessive sentences. have you heard of this being done before? >> the day he was sworn in was the day it was apparent he had gone rogue. i would not call him progressive, i would call him rogue. he says you can't even file special circumstances. if you have someone like the golden state killer who murders 13 people, he gets same treatment and can be eligible for parole. he gets same treatment as somebody who killed one person. the policies are devastating to crime victims and they are essentially dismantling the criminal justice system. judge jeanine: that's his point, is it not? >> i think that's the ends game. many of these policies are violations of the law. the union down in l.a. had to sue him. a judge told him what you are doing is illegal and you must file some of these types of allegations, despite the fact that he thinks he gets to pass the law, enforce the law and be the judge on the ultimate sentence. judge jeanine: i would like you to take a listen to this sounds from the fulsome prison. >> white lightning, boom. celebrating us going on on this gascon directive. do you want to tell the viewers what that's about? >> that's the video of a convicted murderer. he's doing time in my county. sentenced to prison in sacramento county. and he's celebrating like many other murderers and rapists celebrating george gascon. they are celebrating because they think they will get their get out of jail early card because of george gascon. judge jeanine: they are not wrong in thinking that way, are they? >> they are not. if you look at his directives, even if you got 500 to life in prison for a serial murder case, you could conceivably get out as early as 15 years. when we see convicted murderers and rapists and child molesters celebrating george gascon, the public ought to be concerned that there are things happening in los angeles county that will have a ripple effect across california and across the country. judge jeanine: district attorney ann marie shubert, it was a pleasure having you on justice tonight. a 7th accuser comes forward as andrew cuomo refuses to resign. what's it going to take for him to accept reality. type 2 diabetes can have a big impact on your life. but how can it be prevented? well, the first step is knowing if you something called prediabetes. take the 1-minute risk test today at canceling cartoons, canceling movies, books and speakers. that's cancel culture the liberals are eager to do. somebody who sent americans to an early grave. and saying you should step down for the goofds your state. that's not cancel culture. we knew this would come back to bite liberals from behind. now they want to dig in their heels because cancel culture isn't fair. it's amazing how that works. >> first of all, thank you for having me. tomi is right. this is not cancel culture. he cannot lead understood these circumstances. cuomo lied and people died. the media portrayed president trump as what governor cuomo actually is. he is a democrat so he gets past this, and trump is a republican. you know what it reminded me of. hurricane katrina, there was a nursing home where 35 people drowned and died. in this case i believe governor cuomo should be held accountable in the state of new york. hopefully the women accused of sexual assault will have their day in court. i believe in due process. i do not believe in believe all women as the left has said so many times when kavanaugh was under investigation for nothing. co-know should have to answer for what he's done. judge jeanine: this week when the president came out and gave that speech he read from the teleprompter because he's not capable of doing a real press conference. there were a lot of comments from the left. let's roll this how they played -- how the president played, according to the left. do we have that? soap we did finally get a real presidential address on covid. a real presidential address that made sense, that was rooted in empathy, and explained even complex things truthfully and with nuance. >> to see the president of the united states standing up there. he didn't say you need me. he said i need you. i need you. my god, isn't that it? >> it's a moment like i have never seen before. judge jeanine: when i listen to that, i say to myself, are they from another planet, or are they so blatantly political it doesn't matter what's being said? there is a crisis at the capitol so we have to wrap it around with wire and fence. >> when we talk about covid and talk about his covid address being so wonderful. i would have liked to have him mention the illegal immigrants pouring across our border. he's saying he needs us. we need him as a leader and a president to secure our border. he told us we'll all behave like good little sheep and maybe we can gather in our backyards for the 4th of july. we don't need his permission to gather on the 4th of july or any other day. they had that canned fawning done before they even saw it. >> it was interesting. van jones -- he had nothing to say. they are going to praise joe biden no matter what he says. because orange man bad ways they said for four years. now that president trump hinted at possibly running in 2024. they will say what it is. no one call him out on it. and i was surprised but not really. judge jeanine: both of you were great. we look forward to having you back again. next, my can't miss closing statement on vice president kamala harris' refusal to address the growing >> finally, tonight she is a fraud a uponny, a woman without a moral core, a regular two faced mouth politician who swings with the win. take a look at the great things our daughters have been told about her. her swearing in and inspires girls nationwide. that across america black and brown asian students look to the biden administration with hope. pride welcome and great expectations, because of her, kamala harris and what her historic presidential role means to women in politics. a real role model ain't she? but remember a woman who couldn't get one percent of support in her party's presidential primary nomination, a woman destine to be president many believe in in very near future and can't answer a question about whether or not cuomo should resign after seven women accuse him of sexual harassment and assault what is this woman afraid of? >> madam vice president do you have any comment on govan cuomo? >> some supporter of women? a woman paraded around as the champion for women put to believe women unless it doesn't work her plel advantage a woman who wants prosecuted cases on behalf of rape victims who then turns around to raise money for the minnesota freedom fund that bails out men who rape women. this is certainly not the kind of woman we need running this country as president. and that's my closing, you can catch more of me at jeanine also on heading to the border this week to expose the crisis that biden refuses to even acknowledge. be sure to catch my exclusive foot an and interviews next week, thanks so much for watching, i'm jeanine. i'll see you next saturday night. ♪ ♪ greg: after more than 50 days, joe made it to the days how did he do? didn't last very long take a look. >> good evening my fellow americans thank you for taking the time to listen i look forward to seeing you. >> how did he really do? seems like he needs you. >> i need you welcome the american people, i need you. i need every american to do their part. that's not hyperbole i need you. greg: just don't sniff my hair but damn is got reall

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, Florida , Closing Statement , Reaction , The End , Things , Policy , President , Change , Trump , Donald Trump , Wall , Agreements , Third Party , Mexico , Tensional , People , Something , Hi , Sanctuary Cities , Disaster , Nursing Homes , Patients , Direction , Mandating , Sexual Harassment , Assault , Egg , 7 , Everything , Everybody , Society , Virus , School , Kids , Opportunity , Economy , Collapse , Person , Unemployment Rate , Populations , 4 9 , Help , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Stimulus Package , Conservative , Reward , Responsibility , 6 Billion , 2 Billion , Unemployment , Lockdown , Money , Windfall , Transfer , 4 Billion , 4 Billion Dollars , 3 Billion , Rioting , California , Legislation , Portland , Governments , Won T , Law Enforcement Protect Act , Looting , Kinds , Jail , Fantasies , Defunding Law Enforcement , Assembly , Front , Uniform , Why Don T You , Marker , Anybody , Peter Navarro , Admission , Tomi Lahren , Number , Jess , Tv Services , Internet , Lifting , Friends , Xfinity , Delegating , Wait , Two , Services , Sweat , Secretary , Homeland Security , Breaking Tonight , Government , Minors , Quote Record Numbers , Deal , Pd , Official , Operation , Jason Miller , Levels , Sophistication , Borderle , Place , Segment , Stopping , Trump Put , Jon , Debate Stage , Folks , Wasn T , Citizenship , Clarion Call , 11 Million , Immigration , Safe , Human Trafficking , Drug Trafficking , Care , Press , Sections , Thinking , Road , Socialism , Voters , Level , Dna , World , Crass , Way , Liberty , Belief , Conservatives , Course , Ideologues , Freedom Of Religion , White House , Voter Roles , Ideological , Guns , Second Amendment , What , Voter Rolls , George Gasgon , America , It Doesn T , Ladder , Environment , United States 100000 This Last Month 10000 Unaccompanied Minors , 10000 , Child Trafficking Ring , History , Dab , Drugs , Record , Down Under , Countries , Triangle , Framework , Threat , Cutting , Tariffs , Aid , Stimulus Plan , Socialism Environment , Next , On Justice , Marianne Rafferty , It S Time , Guest , Bill , Rescue Plan , Sound The Alarm , Fire , Five , Immigrants , Coverage , Radical , American History , Five Million , Beneficiary , Pockets , Package , Ton , Illinois , Migrants , Organizations , Aliens , Pension Funds , Sanctuary City , Yellen , Citizens , Purposes , I D , K 12 Education For The Kids , 12 , Healthcare , Food Stamps , American Rescue Plan , Ocean Welfare , Taxpayer , Those Where Ngos , Taxpayers , Border Crisis , Taxes , Chinese , Hand , Executive Order , Elections , Connect The Dots , Bailing , Deep Blue , Numbers , A Million , 2 Million , Andrew Cuomo , Allegations , Refusal , Newsom , Response , Office , Fighting , Sacramento S , Killers , George Gascon , Case , L A County , Parole Hearing Act , Prosecutor , Murder Pictures , Emergency , Nobody , Gascon Doesn T Care , Spain , Hearts , Offices , Following , Vick Aim , Rights , Survivor , Ann Marie Shubert , South County , Letter , Pleasure , 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Investigation , Comments , Teleprompter , Speech , Press Conference , Address , Soap , Sense , I Need You , Empathy , Nuance , Planet , God , Doesn T Matter What , Capitol , Fence , Backyards , Leader , Sheep , Permission , 4th Of July , 4 , Van Jones , No Matter , Ways , Four , 2024 , Can T , Both , Kamala Harris , Fraud A Uponny , Look , Swearing , Moral Core , Win , Daughters , Girls , Ain T She , Great Expectations , Role , Hope , Students , Pride , Women In Politics , America Black , Asian , Party , Couldn T , Believe , Who , Nomination , Madam Vice President , Comment , Whether , Question , Govan Cuomo , Seven , Woman , Supporter , Champion , Plel , Rape Victims , Men , Kind , Minnesota Freedom Fund , Closing , Watching , Foot , Saturday Night , Didn T , Greg , 50 , American , Hyperbole , Hair , Reall ,

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