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with a bottle in his hand. he was spotted as a seventh woman comes forward with allegations against him. detailed alleged instances of unwanted touching and humiliation by the governor. >> 24 new york congressman including chuck schumer, kirsten gillibrand and alexandria ocasio cortez are demanding cuomo reside. they join 135 state lawmakers which is enough to impeach. we are here with pete texas, will cain, these are astounding numbers we are seeing, 7 people, plenty of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle coming forward saying it is time. maybe he should take a polygraph which he suggested brett kavanaugh do. or face accountability, the funniest part of this is blaming cancel culture, pulling words -- cancel culture, not what i did but cancel culture, it is laughable at this point. >> at this point i don't like trial by media. you are innocent until proven guilty, investigations should happen. i don't like those aspects of it. at the same time this is a power moment for andrew cuomo, can he survive, how far does he fight. one of the cutest tweeted in the deleted tweet what it all comes down to. it calls into question the judgment and courage of potus and kamala harris. at the end of one of them saying if kamala harris was coming out against other accusers in other instances, brett cavanagh, where is she on this when and where is joe biden, all of new york is against governor cuomo, even his own party but what does the head of the party think about the situation. >> i share your concern about trial by media and accusations and to listen of evidence for conviction, we in the public coming to conclusions but that's not a standard andrew cuomo or joe biden or kamala harris have live up to in the past most notably when it came to brett kavanaugh so it does draw into question the two senators of new york called for governor cuomo's resignation where is the president of the united states and the vice president? janice dean tweeted the only way new york governor cuomo goes is if joe biden says he must go. >> it is important to remember kamala harris made a moment for herself in the brett kavanaugh hearings, she was brutal against him and said things like i believe her pretty early on. how do you have that separate set of standards. it's not lost on me that brett kavanaugh was in senate hearings, a supreme court justice position, i understand that but that doesn't make the charges of sexual harassment any different. they are a little different, many accusers here and these are aids and recent instances as opposed to things that happened back in the day where the person who was making the claims can't seem to piece together her own story so there are some differences but if you care about sexual harassment charges and are the type of first and who doesn't wait for the evidence, i'm not but some of those political figures are then that should be universal across the board. interesting to see the double standard that has been applied hearing whether or not kamala harris will have something to say about this and whether she will stay quiet and for how long. molly hemingway weighed in on this and the reason she believes democrats are calling on cuomo to resign right now. this is from special report. >> a lot of people in the media and the democrats are calling on him to resign so they don't have to deal with the fact that the real scandal is how he handled the coronavirus. they spent so long praising him as if he has done good things when he was a very bad leader who made bad decisions. they are hoping to get rid of him on the sexual assault allegations rather than face responsibility for how they were all involved in his nursing home scandal. >> the nursing home crisis is the crisis no one wants to talk about. it cannot be shoved to the side. matt gates pointed out andrew cuomo serve the purpose many people needed, he was there counterpoint with donald trump, he was a hero to their donald trump as a villain. he no longer serves that purpose, donald trump is not there and they don't need andrew cuomo. they can now sell him out. the secondary crisis which should be the primary crisis, the nursing home crisis cannot be forgotten. another story that won't be forgotten is the crisis at the border and it is a crisis, mounting crisis, a storm that is gathering as numbers project to go up over the coming months. senator john cornyn of texas had this is another crisis the democrats hope is pushed to the sidelines even calling it a controversy or concern, anything but a crisis. >> you heard it described in a number of ways, the director of homeland security said it was a challenge, not a crisis. one of the people there responsible for taking care of these unaccompanied minors were being processed at that facility said this is a category 5 hurricane in the gulf with topical storm force windss on the coast. it is coming. everybody i have heard from today said this is just the beginning, and things are going to get much much worse unless we step up and do something about it. >> just the beginning and only one demarcation point you can point to where this started, the welcome mat that was the biden administration but henry cuellar went with john cornyn to the border to talk about are one of the points he made is when the biden administration went to the border or their representative did to look at what happened they didn't talk to anybody, they didn't talk to border patrol agents, to talk to people who were affected to live near the border. they got briefed, like when members of congress go to war zones and get briefings from the generals of officially what is happening but not talking to people and what they are feeling, that's the voice you need to hear. border patrol agents or what griff jenkins is doing on the border you get the real deal. it is out of control and the administration doesn't have a plan. jedediah: i'm hearing a lot from democrats, chuck schumer being the latest example, trump made a big mess and we are going to take some time to clean it up. give us a minute and a these people are arriving right now in this very moment, this is now president biden's watch that this is happening on. this is not the trump administration anymore and these people have been incentivized to come here under the promise that they would be allowed in. all sorts of promises have been extended so this is now a biden problem. i don't want to hear it blamed on a former administration. the question is what are you going to do about what is happening on your watch in this moment right now and it deserves an answer particularly for people living in those border towns, those cities who are really concerned about the spread of covid-19 and a lot of things that are going on, can these people be housed in these facilities. are they going to be overwhelmed, these are valid questions that deserve answering. we will cover a lot more of that in the next few hours that we head to another story because the cdc is providing updated guidance for childcare centers stressing the importance of now swearing for children to end up. mark meredith with the department of education reveals aggressive plans to reopen schools. what is the latest on that? >> most parents going back to work, the government is going to release a plan to the kids daycare facilities can get back open, the cdc releasing new guidelines for childcare centers, suggesting facility staggered drop-off and pickup times, phaseout toys and nap spaces and screen anyone going into the buildings for possible covid-19 exposure. >> the updated guidance emphasizing the importance of mask wearing, all children older than 2 years old and all staff except the when eating. >> in a report backs up what many parents of said for months that remote learning is hurting their kids mental health. a new study from the right-leaning american enterprise institute says they need to weigh the consequences of prolonged closures. >> rising cases mental health illness, concerns about suicide and declining academic problems that are difficult for students to overcome. >> the administration working on a few steps including the national school summit later this month and the clearinghouse of best practices schools have been using and more guidelines for district schools and educators going forward. governors in oregon and washington announced plans to start offering in person learning starting in april. many parents say it is the best news they've heard in months. pete:it took a covid-19 relief bill to convene a summit. that whole report addressing it, the substance, look, are we not doing this already, thus far and meeting groups of people to figure out if we can open day care centers or kindergartens? it is obscene. it has been in front of us the entire time. talking about the fourth of july, the rest of us are barbecueing, where have you been? we are ready to open, not waiting for the fourth of july. we should have long ago opened schools. this is one of the greatest policy blunders, that is not even strong enough, worst decisions we have seen in decades to keep schools closed. move on, open. jedediah: not to be controversial but i will be, they are talking about masks on children 2 years old and up. i have a 15-month-old. there is no planet on which i would put on his face a mask to sit in school all day long. he is a little person. they need to think about this and the implications, we want to get kids back to school and to do that mask wearing and social distancing i get it, i have been a large proponent of safety measures throughout the process but you need to think about a 2-year-old and what that means and what having their face restricted with a little mask for multiple hours a day will look like and whether parents will be on board with this type of insanity. it is crazy. they are really little kids. pete: coming up they say don't mess with texas and it is the first state to fully restore freedom and lift all covid-19 restrictions. i will show you firsthand reactions from texas. ♪♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection... flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help. pete: freedom is ringing in the lone star state. jedediah: allowing businesses at 100% capacity removing the mask mandate. jedediah: i got on the ground for reaction from texans and business owners. take a look, watch this. near an and vanessa, two prince, different opinions on the mask mandate, let's talk about your opinions on the state lifting its mask mandate and opening up 100% capacity. >> i am totally supportive of it. i feel the immune system we were given is something that is really important. >> operates city to remove the mandate at a point when we are doing so well in the numbers are decreasing. i understand the desire to get businesses back and open. jedediah: you want businesses to make smart decision but you are okay with businesses making that decision, not the government making it for them? >> i'm vaccinated myself. i'm against removing the mass, too soon. this is the state with the least amount of vaccination and we aren't ready for that. i am okay with businesses open 100%. i'm a business owner. >> you are the bar and restaurant business and this is a welcome relief. >> we are local. i want to keep our staff safe and customers so we can stay open and have a good spring and summer. >> how do you feel about governor abbott lifting the mask mandate and opening businesses 100%? >> very -- i choose to wear a mask. i'm not overly concerned about it. >> you are not doing it because you are forced to do it that you choose to do it. >> yes. jedediah: to put in place the football field you saw, i was the dallas cowboys practice facility, a fun place to be but commercial retail development a lot of people walk around that facility and here's what i heard, 100% of people were happy businesses were open and thought they should open it full capacity. for those who regretted the mask mandate being repealed also said they thought businesses should be able to make the decision and they trusted most people would make wise decisions so while there might have been a split on whether the mask mandate should have been repealed the underlying issues were somewhat of a place of agreement, let people make smart decisions, let businesses make smart decisions and hope they do. pete: that is the loss in a lot of the conversation that has been portrayed by media, just because it's not a mandate doesn't mean those private businesses make a decision they have to wear a mask inside the establishment or people won't feel it is too much too soon and want to let the businesses open but once to ease into this. we have all been living a certain way for a long time now so for many of us it will take baby steps, others will jump into that pool and say let's reopen but personal voice does matter. in florida a friend of mine went down last week and said things are open but a lot of establishments have maintained the mask mandate. those are private businesses and people respect that when they go inside is establishments. >> i have visions of will cain in the practice facility looking for autographs. jedediah: they let their kids play on the field. it is cool. it is cold and nobody hangs out there. why would you at this point? i am encouraged to see texas lead the way as it often does. it is all about choice, let people make their own decisions. it is not that hard. if you travel during covid 19 you've seen how different people have reacted differently based on personal preferences. the media in manhattan things there will be a barbecue july 4th. the rest of america already use. jedediah: one thing i noticed 100% said they are respectful of other people's desire and wishes. whether you want amanda or didn't want to wear a mask everybody is respectful other people's decisions. pete: that is what you need as we move forward, everyone will be justin a little bit to the old way of living but we've lost touch with a bit. still ahead governor cuomo, more than half of the state's lawmakers call on him to step down. the fine governor still refusing to resign. greg jarrett reacts to that next. tin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made 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>> he should be worried about criminal charges and conviction and prison time instead of hanging onto the reins of power because under the penal code section in new york, fondling or groping someone against their will without consent is called forcible touching and it is a crime. this is exactly what the sixth accuser has described andrew cuomo's behavior toward her and wasn't the first time. if she is a competent and credible witness against him and if other accusers were allowed to testify to establish a pattern of conduct as we saw in the harvey weinstein conviction that andrew cuomo is in serious criminal jeopardy, six times he demanded politicians redesign without due process or by his standard he ought to resign, he called brett kavanaugh presumptively guilty so by his standard heat should declare himself presumed guilty and yet he insists on do process which he calls the demand for his resignation reckless and dangerous. he was reckless and dangerous when he did the exact same thing. cuomo is nothing but a hypocrite who is now demanding a different standard for him. >> he was calling for a polygraph test. i wonder if he feels he should take one now. this is governor cuomo on the allegations yesterday. listen to what he said and get your reaction. >> i did not do what has been alleged. i won't speculate about people's possible motives. there are many motivations for making an allegation and that is why you need to know the facts before you make a decision. pete: your thoughts? >> he made decisions before the facts were known in other cases. he's trying to buy time and saying let's wait until the state attorney general's investigation is reported. i have news for andrew cuomo. generally speaking those investigations don't clear or exonerate, they tend to do the opposite. during the course of an investigation other evidence of sexual harassment is often revealed. it is incriminating. in the end i would suggest that is going to be a lot worse when the state attorney general concludes the investigation. as a practical matter andrew cuomo is finished, just doesn't know it yet, he has no defenses, no supporters, people won't even return or take his telephone calls, and the reason is simple. he has always been a boolean the political -- minister people with threats, intimidation and retaliation. for years they feared him but they don't fear him anymore, because he's now powerless, weakened and as a leader he is important. so i suspect things are going to turn out badly for andrew cuomo. he will likely resign one's critical mass is reached in the state legislature and he realizes not only will he be impeached but likely be convicted so i suspect he will resign. jedediah:'s approval numbers are sinking, not sure what political future he thinks he will have. it remains to be seen, you never know. thanks for being here this morning. coming up, here is a stat that will shock you. the national guard deployed 50 times the number of troops to defend the capital than it did after 9/11. with the price tag topping $500 million the national guard association is calling for end to the mission. joey jones is here next. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. keeping your oysters business growing at northwestern mutual, our has you swamped.cial you need to hire. .. ou do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at university of phoenix is awarding up to one million dollars in new scholarships through this month, because hope fuels opportunity. see what scholarship you qualify for at introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it's the most comfortable, dually-adjustable foot-warming, temperature-balancing, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, free premiumdelivery when you add a base. ends monday. use a single hr software? nope. we use 11. eleven. why do an expense report from your phone when you can do it from a machine that jams? i just emailed my wife's social security number to the entire company instead of hr, so... please come back. how hard is your business software working for you? with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. hon? first off, we love each other... if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ will: the seventh jury selected in the trial of derek chauvin accused of killing george floyd. 5 more jurors are still needed. meanwhile a record settlement with minneapolis, they are agreeing to pay $27 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. the family is reinvesting half $1 million back into the community and local businesses. the latest review has a shocking twist. take a look. >> look at this. is that the quicker carjack. we just had a live carjacking. >> barstool sports founder witnessing a car theft on camera, the the slam the car into a chicago police cruiser while speeding away. police are investigating. florida woman takes pride in walking a robot dog on the beach. meets crappy. he cost 75,$000. the robot was able to show of his skills by sitting and stopping on command. robotic dogs usually help at crime scenes and testing facilities. the mechanical canine may soon become household pet. no word whether scrappy leaves behind any scraps. i have a real dog that will stay, heal, i'm not impressed. 75 grand. >> i don't understand who looks at that dog isn't terrified. don't know what planet anyone is on anymore. >> not being very inclusive about dogs, you said you love dogs. another story we are following out of washington, 2000 national guard troops could stay in the capital until may, 50 times the number of troops deployed after 9/11. >> with the price tag over $500 million the national guard association is calling for end to their mission writing national guard soldiers and airmen in washington need to return home to their families. soviet employers and from nuclear military operations which they completed their mission. they made us all proud. >> you to react is joey jones. good morning. >> you've got to be nice to people made of robot parts. you can't be like that. >> we didn't consider you might take that personally, appreciate that. this is national guard deployment 2001 after 9/11 versus 2021, 100 troops in dc after 9/11, 5000 in the capital after the riots. your reaction. >> 5000 americans have a day job. they are not active-duty, the military is not their primary source of income. they have response ability to their family, the community. at a time when our country is trying to rebuild we need to trillion dollars to help the country rebuild but 5000 people don't have jobs they need to go back to, talk about mixed messaging, especially without a defined threat, just because of what happened a month or two months ago or almost 3 months ago now. what is funny about it is when they didn't want national guard troops was january 5th, didn't want them, they were offered but didn't want them, and if you want them there was no threat just because they are trying to squeeze every ounce of outrage of what happened on january 6th. that's why they are there and it is disgusting if you ask me. >> the national guard association is not a political organization or put out statement like this very often. it is so obvious the time is over for them to be there but they are still there. maybe the razor wire has come back. there are no national guard being deployed because nancy pelosi called them and was like them storm troopers back when donald trump was president of they were trying to provide security. there was a ride on thursday night in portland. the courthouse was torched and here's how much media coverage, there's imagery from it but the media coverage from the mainstream folks in the nightly news 0 minutes of what is happening in portland. is there reason they are choosing to look away from the fact that writers carrying signs that say end america are trying to torch the courthouse? >> there is a big reason, because they have to eat their words if they acknowledged this. it is really sad, the people in that city have been completely abandoned from dc to their own city leaders and i will tell you what. antifa, whoever you are if you want to try to burn down buildings and riot don't come to my town. don't come to georgia or texas, don't come to places where we defend our homes and places of for ship in our city, don't do that, stay wherever city leaders want to meet you and hope the people in that town pack up and leave because the town doesn't deserve them. >> what should happen in cases like this regardless of escalation remain a local issue, local politicians and local law enforcement deal with what does this become a federal issue and when is the line crossed for you? >> people should go to jail. that's the most common sense answer and it amazes me that it is not happening. if you attack a federal building activity felony you should have federal law enforcement officers rounding those people that. you should use everybody enforcement resource that is jurisdictional authority or cooperation to round those people up and get them out of there and if you do that once they are not coming back, they don't want to go to jail, they don't find that fun. right now what is fun is the threat that is not happening. it is exhilarating to them. once consequences to coming down which society doesn't have enough of anymore they stop and realize oh no. i might not have a job one day and this will disrupt that. >> that is a federal courthouse right there. this is a lesson everybody knows from parenting, two soldiers here know very well and law enforcement. if you show weakness people take advantage. you have to show strength to make something go away. we will make you go way right now. we will miss you while you are gone. joey is hosting the big show on the fox news channel. good to see you. you really did make joey disappear. we will toss it over to rick who is appearing. >> reporter: he will make me disappear in one minute. a massive storm in the western part of the country, and tonight and tomorrow, blizzard conditions, wyoming, massive snowstorm, this happens in the spring in the front range of the rockies, this will be a big one. we have some moisture streaming in ahead of this storm sewer gloomy morning that will not last all day long across the mississippi river valley. limits upper-level disturbance across the four corners, you see the counterclockwise motion from southern california to arizona. that will go through the day today and tomorrow and we will watch a massive snow event from denver, boulder, fort collins but into the foothills you see more moisture, until we see some spots probably a nexus of 3 to 4 feet of snow by the time this is an. a really massive storm. another side that, severe weather, today is one of those days, a lot of hail, a lot of strong wind and watch potentially for significant large tornadoes where you see the orange area. a lot going on, flooding across parts of nebraska and kansas. we will keep track and bring all the news to you. >> see you soon. still ahead the city of los angeles sets to receive billions in bailout money and the mayor plans to funnel it into his agenda. two restaurant owners impacted by history shutdown order react to that and more. ♪♪ ♪♪ let's be greasy ♪♪ so i only pay for what i need. 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(all together) me too. hey! you really outdid yourself. yes, we did. the all-new buick envision. an suv built around you... all of you. stressballs gummies, with herbal ashwaganda help turn the stressed life into your best life stress less, live more with stressballs like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. pete: two former bachelorettes will replace chris harrison. caitlin bristow and teach adams will host the bachelorette after harrison stepped down from the role following controversy over racially insensitive comments. jennifer nope as an alexandria's calling it quits. the pair reportedly ending their 2-year engagement and the cheating rumors surrounding the former yankee star. during an episode of bravo southern charm it was speculated that lacroix was messaging with arod on instagram. will: the city of los angeles is set to receive a windfall of more than $1.3 billion in bailout money and liberal mayor eric garcetti is ecstatic to spend it on his left-wing agenda. >> now with this money we can put that money back into the savings account which we can pay off the credit card, deliver life-saving mental health services, and responses we reimagine public safety, money to improve our pensions, lower people's healthcare costs, support students with disabilities. pete: businesses that were trampled by his lockdowns, the owner/fish restaurant and owner of pineapple hill saloon angela marsden, thank you for being here. i will start with you. it touched everyone because it was a blatant example of hypocrisy between the movie set and your restaurants. eric garcetti said he is flush with cash now. what should he do with it? >> the clip you just played, not once did he say anything about getting the money back to the people, helping small businesses, helping the unemployed, los angeles is the number one city in the united states, we are dealing with the mayor who basically keeps the money for himself and doesn't spend it on the people. la needs that money for sure because of his total mismanagement and paid to play things that are going on. we have two people within our city that have been charged with paid to play the work under him. the money never goes where it is supposed to go. i wish the money was given to him with strings allocating it towards the people that really need it like our small businesses, our homeless. he put $430 million to the homeless last year and it went up almost 16%. the money unfortunately is not going to go toward helping stabilize the backyard of los angeles and the family members, the community members of los angeles, he didn't mention any of that on where the money is spent, put it in the bank. we have the largest homeless crisis going on right now and he's talking about putting money in savings. i don't know what planet this guy lives on. pete: the homeless problem is like something i have never seen before. are you confident any of this money will go to the people he locked down for year? >> of course not. he's rewarding himself or failed policies. he did an awful job and now will be paid billions of dollars for it. there's 10,000 restaurants in the greater los angeles area. you could give every single restaurant 50,$000 and still have roughly $1 billion left over he could dole out to break the cycle of homelessness, perhaps help other small businesses throughout los angeles. what he's doing is using the money to fix problems that probably existed prior to coronavirus. imagine if i tried to give ppp money for businesses that i shutdown that were underperforming, they were already shutdown, that is what is happening. >> covid relief money to fix things based on failed liberal policies that are still there, not helping the people who have been locked down. you have both been very courageous, outspoken, keep us posted out there. thanks very much. coming up the covid positivity rate among migrants crossing our border more than double the national average. what is joe biden going to do about it? we will see. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. pete: we've been following it all week long, the big east tournament will name its champion. abby is in madison square garden to tell us about the matchup. >> reporter: big night in sports. you were the only one who thought the j. lo. fans would be heartbroken but there were some other heartbreaks during the big east tournament semifinal. i have a recap for you, georgetown nancy hall, ultimately coming out on top, dante harris took charge of 19 points and 6 rebounds in harris knocking down 3 shots from the line with 21 seconds left in the game leading georgetown 66-58, they will play the big east title game for the first time in 11 years. onto yukon versus crane the blue jays went for a 9 point run towards the end of the second half but it was not just that, their defense is dominant holding yukon the last 6 minutes of the game, that is especially important in the final 15 seconds or so. take a listen. >> 3 with the thai, look at that again. they take it out, oh no! the big east tournament championship game. >> reporter: the huskies have multiple chances to tie up as the clock countdown but they were not able to get that. creighton has a chance to win the first big east tournament title. you can watch all the action tonight in the championship game at the garden at 6:30 p.m. eastern on fox. both teams are just one win away from getting the title and bragging rights and the trophy and all that but the most important thing is the most automatic bid. jedediah: they had a dry spell when one of their guards slipped, he was bleeding and yukon fell apart. georgetown is already the cinderella story. will it bleed into the ncaa tournament? >> reporter: i think it might. we have a lot of excitement, all of the upset. if they carry that into the ncaa tournament a lot of people would be happy. will: thanks, california still under strict lockdowns while florida is open for business. case numbers are virtually the same. jillian is talking to business owners we will talk to her next. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because quality sleep is scientifically proven to help improve your overall health and wellness. introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. the only bed that effortlessly adjusts to both of you. proven quality sleep, is life-changing sleep. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a 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woman now coming forward with sexual harassment allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo. the democrat doubling down on his refusal to resign despite the calls for a criminal investigation. >> people know the difference between playing politics, bowing to cancel culture and the truth. leapt -- let the review proceed. i'm not going to resign. jedediah: amid mounting pressure to leave office, a new photo merges showing cuomo walking outside the governor's mansion with a blanket draped other his shoulders and a bottle in his hand while on the phone. will: i told pete, the real chiller is him holding that bottle by the neck. pete: 24 new york lawmakers including chuck schumer, kirsten the gillibrand and comrade cortez are demanding that cuomo resign, a growing list. they join 135 lawmakers which is enough to impeach. welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. that is a growing list. and i've said before and i think it's worth saying, even though we know the grace would never be returned from the left side to the right, i don't like trial by media, there should be an investigation. i do agree with those who have said, mollie hemingway suggesting a lot of this pivots us away from the massive crisis that is the nursing home scandal that he covered up. not to discount what's happening here, but there are two things happening at the same time. and that picture, will, it's a picture of governor cuomo and his status not just as a governor, but inside the democrat party where support for him has completely collapsed. he went to an audio-only press conference call to talk to reporters yesterday and take questions. here's a portion of what he said. >> i was not elected by the politicians, i was elected by the people. i made a promise to the people of the state. i have a job to do. i have to get a budget done with the legislate hur in two weeks, i have to do the vaccines. i don't think there's a person in a better position to help the state get through this period. i just will focus on my job. in the meantime, i want to make it clear that what is being alleged just did not happen. the last allegation is not true, and i have not had a sexual relationship that was inappropriate period. jedediah: yeah. i mean, in that statement he makes it, like, well, the politicians are upset, they're all against me, but the people are with me. that's not what's happening. his approval numbers are going through the floor at this point, below. they're really, really awful. it's not just folks on the right, it's high-level democrats, many lawmakers calling him out on not only the sexual harassment allegations which, yes, he does deserve due process, but they are building, and verbal harassment allegations are one thing, but now you have groping allegations which is next level to that. and in the midst of all of this, you have this nursing home scandal where he hid all these numbers. so i don't know, will, what type of political future he thinks he's going to have the, but i don't know who's actually still with him at this point. will: governor andrew cuomo has one through line in all these allegations, it's his desire to hold on to power, and his lack of self-awareness in cloaking himself with the bullying nature of exercising his power. that latest accuser, jessica bateman, goes on to say she doesn't believe that anything he did was actually a sexual advance; rather, constant remindedders of his power -- reminders of his power over her. i'm the governor, i'm the big man, you're just a woman, you're just a reporter. that seemed to be the through line. and just a few quick notes if that is his mindset. number one, he said he's not in the political club. you are the political club, governor. [laughter] as you point out, jedediah, this is a real political scandal swirling around you. and then finally, pete if, i totally appreciate -- in fact, i respect your consistent willingness to say we will not have a trial by media. but governor cuomo was happy to deal with just accusations as convictions in the past. he said when it came to judge kavanaugh -- rather, justice kavanaugh -- what other motivation could mass city ford have? -- blasey ford have? i believe her. he is the center of his own power and universe, and that's the through line here. pete: there's another story we want to turn to this morning, and that is the immigration crisis at our border. peter doocy has taken to presentation, as he does, the biden administration on real scandals. leapt me show you what we're talking about. this is the number of migrants crossing the board in brownsville and -- boarder in brownsville. 204 tested positive, that's a positivity rate of 9.25% through the week of march 9th. now here is jen psaki responding to peter doocy pressing the administration on those numbers. >> of migrants who are being tested, over a 9% positivity rate, more than double the magical average. -- national average. so what is the federal government doing to protect the citizens? >> migrants entering i.c.e. facilities are tested upon intake, and they're quarantined if they test positive. all unaccompanieded children receive a medical screening. they quarantine for 10-14 days. >> reporter: does the administration know how many actually do versus how many go off to however? >> in terms of specific data and numbers, i would certainly refer you to cbp and happy to talk to them as well. >> are there any discussions about vaccinating some of these migrants? >> we're focused on vaccinating eligible americans in the country, but we do believe vaccinating as many people as possible keeps all of us safe. but i'm not aware of any plans. pete: jen psaki has an unbelievable ability to not answer the question and keep talking. [laughter] it is a requirement of the press secretary job. but her, the ways in which she's perfected in saying i'll circle back with you, i have no answer. i'll find another way to say i don't have an answer for you is incredible. peter doocy, the only guy in that room asking questions that should be asked, and they don't have an answer, jed. are they ultimately quarantining or not? are they allowing covid patients to go into the population? are they holding them? no, they're not holding them. how do you know they're quarantining? they don't know, but they say they are. it's everyone does what they want. they have no beyond all doubt, and this is another crisis swirling around, but the covid-19 aspect is supposed to be what they're all about, jed, but they can't even get that part of the problem right too. jedediah: yeah. it seems really wild for me that an administration that came in talking about safety measures and prioritizing safety and taking issue with the lifting of mask mandates in certain, you know, localities around the country, how do you have an issue with the elimination of a mask mandate in texas, but you don't simultaneously have an issue with what's going on at the border where the positivity rate is more than double the national average? at some point it doesn't make sense. it's selective political outrage that really isn't about the issue at all a. this is a big problem, and you can look at the foot an, you can -- you need to except, peter doocy, to his crept, has cone an amazing job at trying to get answers. these are legitimate questions that need legitimate answers. in the midst of all this, we're talking about this covid-19 relief bill. again, the administration -- despite what's going on at the border, despite those numbers, despite pithing away from answering those questions -- has come out and said this is going to help people. it had overwhelming support, joe biden is saying, it's focusing in on what people immediate. this is -- need. this is their statement the, take a listen. >> it's historical and they call it transformational, and it really is. the bill is supported overwhelmingly by the american people, democrats, independents and republicans. it had a strong the support of governors and mayors across the country. both parties, red states and blues. over 430 mayors contacted me, many of them republicans, supporting the bill, and here's why. what you all did, it directly addressed the emergency in this country because it focuses on what people need most. pete: did you guys know, republicans everywhere love this bill. this progressive, $2 trillion takeover bill, it's bipartisan. you may not see that on c-span, but it is across the country. let's just take a look real quickly, i guess numbers should matter at some level. this is a breakdown by party how the vote went as it pertains to the so-called covid relief bill. zero republicans supported, all of which were elected by the people, will. and i think what the white house keeps referring to is polling that says some republicans like this bill. i can craft you a poll on anything right now depending on how you word it that could give you a 50% approval rating for the worst thing in the world. pollsters coit for a living -- do it for a living. will the media allow him to get away with this? how can you justify this? will: well, so apparently, according to your numbers, pete, if we have to look at number, it's not bipartisan. but it is transformational. we need to talk more about the transformational nature of this bill and all the bills passed, honestly, over the last 12 months. the number of direct payments the americans received will transform the relationship between the citizenry and its government in what's expected for the government to do in a time of crisis, and watch how many crises will come. there's even an op-ed in "the new york times," and it suggested we're not appreciating -- and this is from the progressive perspective -- not appreciating how much has been accomplished on the progressive agenda. pete: you're right. ronald reagan once said the closest thing to eternal life is a government program. i'll believe it when these covid-19 relief bills stop. will: exactly. so that will cost everyone at some point. there is no free lunch, of course. that's a true cliche. house minority leader kevin mccarthy saying here's the cost, if you want to know. watch. >> he's going to sign a bill that's going to cost every family of four $22,000. and the thing he's not telling you is what's in the bill. let me just point out three things which hard working taxpayers' money is going for. you are going to provide bonuses up to $25,000 to government employees and bureaucrats. if you're not part of the swamp, you get nothing. you are now, your money's going to pay for illegal immigrants' health care. your money also is being sent to san francisco city where your money will be are spent giving alcohol and marijuana to the homeless. will: just amazing. that op-ed i referenced earlier, and we tried to talk about this yesterday, i had some tech problems -- [laughter] but the pandemic has been an absolute boon to progressive politics. all right, turning now to your headlines. an omaha police officer is in stable condition after being shot at the mall. authorities say the officer was responding to a shoplifting call. the suspect was arrested after leading police on a high-speed chase. the officer remains hospitalized and is set to undergo surgery. extreme weather, grocery store shelves cleared out in denver as the rockies brace for a massive winter storm. people prepare to be stuck the at home for days. snow starting to fall in participants of colorado, but the storm's expected to ping today, and the heaviest snowfall is expected tonight and into tomorrow. governor jared pol are is putting the state's national guard on standby for rescue operations. tom's going to stay in tampa bay, signing a contract that will keep him with the team through 2022. brady wrote, quote: in pursuit of eight. we're keeping the band together. eight, of course, means his eighth super bowl ring. and those are your morning headlines. swred die ya? jedediah: and still ahead, michigan's gretchen whitmer may be the next democratic governor to face a nursing home scandal as one prosecutor calls for a review of nursing home deaths in her state. one man who lost his sister to covid-19 inside a michigan nursing home is demanding accountability, and he joins us next. hooh. that spin class was brutal. well you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oohh yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. pick something we all like. ok. hold on. what's your buick's wi-fi password? buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. that's really predictable. that's a really tight spot. don't worry. i used to hate parallel parking. 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[audio difficulty] jedediah: yeah. anthony if, i hate to interrupt you, we're unfortunately running out of time, but that is the policy in question that people who had covid-19 and those who did not were essentially grouped in the same spaces for pretty much a six month period. so we're hoping for a full and complete investigation and accountability for anyone who played a hand in policy that was detrimental to you, and we once again groove with you for the loss of your sister. thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you so kindly for having me. jedediah: more "fox & friends" is coming up on the other side. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can take you to deep, depressive lows. or, give you unusually high energy, even when depressed. overwhelmed by bipolar i? 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neutrogena® why walgreens? with save a trip refills that let you pick up all your prescriptions all on the same day... we make filling your medicare prescriptions... ...go like clockwork. so you can get back to what you'd rather be doing! ♪ it's moving day. and while her friends are whdoing the heavy lifting,! jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. ♪♪ ♪ will: time now for your news by the numbers. first, the over 227,000, that's how many signatures have been collected to bring piers morgan back to good morning britain. he left the show after he said he didn't believe meghan markle. he tweeted thanking those who signed the we decision but added that he won't be going back. next, $27,000, that's how much a former student gave a california substitute teacher who was living in his car. jose villarreal fell on hard times. former students raised the money to help him get back on his feet. and finally, clash 1 billion, that's how much -- $1 billion that's how much won in the mega millions after taxes. that'll do it. jedediah? jedediah: wow with, a billion dollars, that's a lot of cash. all right. the highly anticipated sequel to the 1988 comedy coming to america was recently released but not without controversy. will: the original film has striking similarities to a novel she wrote in 1980. dr. alveda king shares her story writing, quote: i invite america and the world to read the original coming to america story. pete: alveda king is the book's author and fox news contributor. she joins us now. thank you so much for being here. you've done so many things with your life, i had no idea about this novel. talk to us about how it, your coming to america story. >> as a young woman i was writing romance novels. this is the book, this is exactly what it looks like. i don't know if anybody can see it, but there it is, okay? pete: yep. >> so i wrote a story about an arab prince because i was very fascinated with the fight between the christians and the arabs and everything, and i wanted to put it as fiction. so i actually wrote the book. and i met eddie murphy in the early 1980s, mid 1980s, and mayor andrew young's office in atlanta. and i talked to him about it, showed him the manuscript. i felt comfortable because i thought i had full copyright protection, id had copyright, proof of access and similarity. so i even said, you know, it doesn't have to be an arab prince, it could be an african prince, and we talked and he smiled. now, i continued to contact eddie murphy and then when paramount pictures was announcing later there was going to be a movie, i wondered if it's going to be like my story. i found out a writer in hollywood also had accessed the manuscript. so that's the story of it. but i'm not bitter because there was a lawsuit and all of that. i did not prevail. and on the other hand, all these 30 years later i'm just happy maybe that i helped inspire a great movie. will: and really quick, alveda, what did the court say? as you mentioned, there was a legal battle between you and paramount. what did the court say? >> the court said there's no new thing under the sun, so all the copyright laws of the united states of america changed on the case. i was married at the time. so today the, as i say, and even there was a loophole, there was a one night stand and the baby was allowed to live, that's all i'll say. is so like i say -- [laughter] i enjoyed the movie, i really did, and i had a lot to do with it. so i invite people to read the story that inspired "coming to america." jedediah: al vealed a da, i've got to ask you for some add vice. i would be a little bitter, i'm not going to lie. how do you manage when something like that happens to you? you had to feel like something was stolen to you for just a second, but how do you mack to concern manage to transfer that to a positive attitude? >> love we want things to be better. i believe creativity comes from god, we should share, so i'm not bitter. but, you know, i inspired a great movie. [laughter] pete: that, you did. dr. alveda king, thank you so much. jedediah: thanks, doctor. pete: wow, learn something every day. coming up, a tale of two statements. cases of the covid-19 -- [inaudible] in florida, while the sunshine state's open for business, california remains under tight restriction. gillian visited both states. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at ♪♪ jedediah: one year ago the coronavirus pandemic put many of our lives on pause. will: this morning we're taking a look at the state of american business. as some states like florida remain open, others like california remain under strict lockdown orders. pete: "fox & friends" jillian mealy sat down with people from both states. >> good morning. i've really been struck by people's stories that include their stories of business survival. that's why i went to florida and california, states with completely different restrictions to find out how business owners are doing one year later. take a look. ♪♪ >> what you're looking at is a 150,000-foot food market and food hall that has been under works for three years. we have perseveredded through covid, we have built this thing through covid, and we're looking to open in about six weeks. >> an invest in downtown del rey. a lot of our vendors, that was a huge impact on our economy as well as our opening on time. >> i still would like to understand the differences between us and florida. florida was wide open, and they didn't seem to have it as bad as california did. california had the highest restrictions in the united states, and we had the worst covid it. went from new york at the beginning of the pandemic, california towards the tail end. it's really shocking to me. but here in the united states, that you can live in a time where we were completely locked down and prevented from doing our business. how could people get on an airplane and sit next to somebody but 8 feet apart they can't enjoy a coffee? >> we interviewed you on -- you said that your sales were down by 80%, you had a 70% reduction in staff. you and i number of others used the governor to try and get outdoor dining reopen. >> yeah, we did. california was the only state in the union at the time that outdoor dining was closed. and we thought it was absurd. >> reporter: how many times have you had to revisit your business plan? >> we're two types of businesses, a hotel and a small café, so to pivot both of those at times, there was a lot of pithing back and forth. [laughter] but it also kind of slowed me down on some projects. i had just purchasedded another restaurant across the street from us here with another six-room hotel. not ready to expand just yet. >> reporter: how has being in florida to build something like this helped? >> we could have done it in other states, but we wouldn't be opening for another year. >> i think it's opened people's eyes to the impact of the leadership public officials can have on your business. the investors we're seeing come here, our current tenants, our business partners, they're all fleeing from states that have been overregulated in terms of arbitrary covid shutdowns. >> we've had people come up to us on the street, and it's become a much digger deal than we -- bigger deal than we ever thought. after a forest fire everything's burnt up, when you first start seeing that first green shoot come up, you say, okay, maybe we'll be one day back to how the forest was before. and to think that the community is going to respond and it shows that, a, life goes on, and b, there's hope. >> my faith in government, sure, it's definitely less now. my faith in my country is not at all. i look at our community, all the other business owners, the employees and everybody in this community up here and everyone's just ready to go. they're ready to go and ready to get back to it. jillian: now, at the end of the day, here's the deal. you have development, you have jobs, right? one of the most resounding things we heard from business owners on our trip to california was we have lost a lot of our work force because they can't work here. one of the business owners, we talked to a restaurant owner who said i went from 97 people on my payroll to 3 having to furlough my own wife. and they said people have left to go to other states where they could work like you just saw in the florida. in california they opened outdoor dining at the end of january. i mean, there's so many questions, as you guys know, that we still don't have answers to. but when you hear some of these stories, it's truly heartbreaking. will jillian, wonderful job. these statements compared against each other, north dakota next to south dakota, new york to texas, florida to california, it's simply not a matter of opinion and conjecture. it's real world evidence. and they're moving. they're moving based upon this reality. jedediah: yeah. and i actually really liked, jillian, that you did these two statements because they're very similar in the sense that they both have beautiful weather a lot of the time. they have the ability for people to go outside. the difference was that california prevented that in a lot of ways and was preventing outdoor dining, and that's forced people to go in their homes, congregating with each other which was the only way we really knew the virus was spread. so it's really sad to see how many businesses suffered and for what really? for what? >> and not just dining too. gym owners, right? we also went to michigan, we went to other states. we're going to have more coming up next week. gym owners feel like they've had no voice in this entire thing. much more to come, but a lot of people were just to thankful we were out there because they said, finally, i feel like someone is hearing me. pete: exactly, jillian. we salute you for doing what most of the island of manhattan doesn't want to do. if you don't bring it to people and dell the story, people are -- tell the story, people are not aware of it. thank you so much. all right. turning now to a few additional heldlines this morning including this. terrifying video shows an atv driver pulling out a rider. a group of atvs abruptly are stopped on a street causing the driver to hit one of their bikes. the atv riders throwing cinder blocks and trash at the car. police arrested one of the men involved, he is now facing several charges. wow. house minority leader kevin mccarthy set to introduce a resolution to remove congressman eric swalwell from the house intel committee. based on the briefing she and i received together, swalingwell should not be on the panel in charge of guarding our nation's secrets. mccarthy tweeting following a december fbi briefing on his relationship with a suspected chinese spy. fang fang. and this is a live look as nasa astronauts prepare for a space walk in just minutes at the international space station. crews just shut the air lock door on astronauts victor glover and michael hopkins. that's when you know it's the point of no return. the two are slated to spend six and a half hours doing maintenance on the station the in preparation for future upgrades. six and a half hours, just two and a half hours longer than our show. [laughter] jedediah: look at those space students, guys, too. i have to say i deeply respect the people who go into space, but space is not an area that i think i would thrive in. what do you think? will: hard to say, never been there. [laughter] jedediah: pete, would you do it? pete: of course i would do it, absolutely. hard to get good food there, enjoy the weather. mcdonald's is not delivered, pizza hut not available -- jedediah: pete, just a note, but it seems to me drinking a beer, very complicated with that whole suit. i'm just putting it out there. but we have to go now. we have to ask rick reichmuth. i don't know, rick, do you think space is an area that you would thrive in? rick: i don't know about thrive, but i would go in a second. that's, like, the best dream ever. like, i hope we get to that point. i did a story a few years ago with richard branson about virgin galactic where they're taking space tourism at $250,000 a whack. once it gets down eventually, maybe, in my if lifetime if it gets to a couple thousand dollars, i would do that in a second. some quick housekeeping here, tonight the it's that first day after daylight savings time begins is tomorrow. but tonight if you work in morning television, tomorrow's show will probably be a little bit rough as we're all going to be losing an hour of sleep. but tomorrow night we get that extra hour of light coming n. a big storm out across the rockies. we usually get these storms in march, but this is going to be a really big one. ahead of it, moisture across parts of the mississippi river valley, central parts of the middle west here. areas just to the south of job lib, missouri, looking for -- joplin, missouri, looking for some flooding. nebraska and kansas, some spots maybe 5-7 inches of rain. the center of the storm is across participants of southern california, arizona bringing some moisture, but over the day today, this creates a massive storm the. denver, maybe a foot or two, a couple hundred feet into elevation. we're going to be watching some spots, maybe 4-5 feet of snow. and also with this severe weather we're going to be watching across oklahoma and texas. will: let's get rid of daylight savings. let's spring forward this one day, get the light back, and then let's keep it. how about that idea? pete: the enemy of people and especially of morning show hosts. jedediah: rick likes it, right, rick? no, he does like it. rick: i love the change. i like that tradition, that little ritual. i'm a superfan. i know i'm outnumbered here, but i want to keep it. i love it. will: please forgive us at home if we are late tomorrow. 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(ding)... you got paid! that means... best burger ever. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. ♪♪ pete: welcome back. 17 house democrats flipping their stance on a controversial piece of gun control legislation. voting against, get this, against a motion to notify immigration, customs enforcement, i.c.e. agents, when an illegal immigrant attempts to purchase a gun. that's just two years after they voted in favor of it. attorney and gun activist colin is here now. help me out here. a couple years ago these democrats thought, you know what? you should notify i.c.e. if an illegal immigrant tries to buy a gun. now they've switched their vote. what does that tell us? >> anybody can looked at this and see the only reason they did this citizen because they dent want to make angry a potential constituency that they've been trying to use for a long time to usurp the black vote. and i think the reason a lot of people should take a account of this is i think we should take a page from the standpoint that there were eight republicans that voted for the most recent bill that passed the house that was anti-gun. so i think a lot of us in the gun community should look at this and hold these republicans to the standard that these democrats fear as the reason for switching the way that they did. pete: you're saying the democrats fear illegal immigrants as a future voting bloc, and as a result, they're willing to say, i.c.e., we'll handcuff you when it comes to guns. >> absolutely. and if anything, this should also demonstrate that these gun control laws, these supposed common sense gun measures have nothing to do with actual safety, they have nothing to do with actual safing lives and everything to do with control. and this is on full display in front of us. because when it comes to being able to maintain a certain position or power, they were nipping like the drop concern flipping like the drop of a climb. pete: you mention -- like the drop of a dime. pete: if the democrats could have their way, you look at this issue more closely than really anybody in america. if they could have their way, how far would they go with guns? >> i'll put it like this. dianne feinstein just introduced an assault weapons ban. she is on record saying before that if she could, she would tell everyone in america, mr. and mrs. america, turn 'em all in. she just didn't have the vote. now she's reintroduced the assault weapons ban again, and she's only doing this because now she feels like she has the vote. that are tell you everything you need to know. pete: ultimately, it would be confiscation of about 90% of the rifles i see behind you in your shop. [laughter] >> yep. pete: what they're going for. you know your stop the, colion, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. pete: the nascar cup series has the ins car 500 series coming up, big race. ♪ come on and take a free ride ♪♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to turn bath time into a business. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ ♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! ♪♪ will: the nascar cup series heating up. this weekend the drivers sent to the valley of the sun for the annual instacart 500 at phoenix raceway. coverage starting tomorrow on fox at 3 p.m. eastern. let's bring in analyst larry mcgriddle with a preview. first, who's the favorite, who should we be looking towards? >> well, i've been trying to give favorites all year long, but it's not the favorites that's finding victory lane. if you look at these first four races of 2021, we've had four different winners, and it's not names we would be talking about. i think anytime we go to phoenix, you have to take a look at kevin harvick in that 4 car. he has nine wins at that racetrack. there's been a few races since he did win there, but he's kind offed had -- i won't say a rough start to 2021, but it's just not the typical kevin harvick that we see start a new season. will: right. he's won this particular race five times, right? but as you point out, nine times at this track. can i ask you about kyle larson? he's coming off a win, and i know many oddsmakers don't go, well, let's look at kyle larson. tell me how momentum rolls over. if you've been winning, how does that make you a favorite at a new altogether different track? you've got the car dialed in? why would we look towards kyle larson? >> yeah, you know, i don't know if i'm a big believer in momentum stock car racing because, to your point, every track is different. this track is totally different from the first four tracks that we've been to. if nothing else e, it just gives him some confidence, him and his crew chief, cliff daniels, coming off that win last week at las vegas. if nothing else, it just gives that race team confidence. i've always felt like kyle larson was one of the most talented drivers in the garage area. i've kind of always wonder ld what he could do if he climbed in another car like at hendry motor sports. and i think to get a win in the first four races, he's proved he is a very talented race car driver. will: okay, so it's hard to predict winners, that's the bad news. the good news, you can make some money on long shots. larry, thanks so much for giving us a preview. we'll watch the race on fox. thanks, larry. >> thank you. appreciate you. will: if you're going to do something with those long shots, he's what you do, download the fox bet super 6 app. your chance to win $10,000, you pick six outcomes in stage two of tomorrow's race, and winners will be announced in stage three. place the outcome, choose your outcome and then watch how it comes in while the race is happening on the fox bet super 6 app. still ahead, biden's immigration crisis escalating by the day. griff jenkins takes us inside a migrant processing center, top of the hour. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. ♪president. will: a seventh woman now coming forward with sexual harassment allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo. the democrat doubling down though on his refusal to resign despite the accusations and calls for a criminal investigation. >> people know the difference between playing politics, bowing to cancel culture and the truth. let the review proceed. i'm not going to resign. will: amid mounting pressure, a new photo merges showing cuomo walking outside the governor's mansion with a blanket draped over his shoulders and a bottle in his hand. pete: sometimes photos really do tell the story. he was spotted as a seventh woman comes forward with allegations against him, reporter jessica bateman details alleged instances in new york magazine of unwanted touching and humiliation by the governor. finish. jedediah: 24 new york lawmakers including chuck schumer, kirstin gillibrand and alexandria ocasio-cortez are demanding cuomo resign. they join 135 state lawmakers which is enough to impeachment welcome, everyone, 8 a.m. hour, "fox & friends," uncovering the latest scandals with cuomo. it's just amazing to me, guys, he's blaming cancel culture. this is a guy who went on a book tour, was not only blocking transparency, but fudging numbers so that so many people didn't get an accurate representation of what had actually happened on his watch. it's just incredible to me that the blame game continues. and it seems as though he has not realized yet that it's coming to an end, that he has been exposed. of course, he's getting his due process, he's entitled to due process with respect to these allegations, but a lot has already been uncovered with respect to his administration that i think already may be having people say, you know what? despite what gets concluded here with these sexual harassment allegations, we've seen enough with the nursing homes, it's time to go. will: good you bring up the nursing homes because leapt us not forget that scandal. i fear that is what the purpose, the motivation of so many democratic politicians now joining forces to call for governor cuomo's resignation. late yesterday evening both new york senators calling -- joining the chorus to ask governor cuomo to resign. i think it shows two things. one, cuomo has served his purpose. for democrats he was the counterpoint for president trump. second, he's a liability between these two scandals, and they need to move on, pete. pete: that's true, absolutely. now it's a power play, right? it's one thing he can try to fight back, deny, resist, once you have a majority of your own party in a state saying you'll resign or you'll face impeachment, it's only a matter of time. and as i've said, i don't like trial by media, that's not the way it should go even though we know republicans never get the same level of treatment. and governor cuomo himself has turned around in other instances and said everyone is to be believed, and anyone who isn't is wrong. now he wants grace and benefit of the caught on his side, but it shouldn't be trial by media. it should be innocent until proven guilty. there is an investigation but, ultimately, there's a political consideration here, and both of you hit on the real topic, the nursing homes and the people who chid because of bad policy. we had gregg jarrett on the program earlier, he laid it out. >> he should be worried about criminal charges and conviction and prison time instead of hanging on to the reins of power. why? because under the penalling code section in new york, fondle or groping someone's intimate parts against their will without consent is called forcible touching, and it's a crime. six times, jedediah, he demanded that politicians resign without due process. so by his standard, he ought to resign. cuomo is nothing but a hypocrite who is now demanding suddenly and magically a different standard for him. will: i mentioned that governor cuomo had served his purpose for many democratic politicians. you know every story over the past 4-5 years has been about, in the end, president trump, for most of the media, and everyone in politics has always been positioned in some way against president trump. and that's what governor cuomo was used as. he was used as a moniker, as a totem pole for the democrats to say this is what should be done, this is how we should be acting. governor cuomo should be our hero. now they no longer need that. matt gaetz laid this out wonderfully. listen. >> you have to wonder why is this happening now. i think it's it's because the media no longer needs to protect governor cuomo because they no longer need governor cuomo. you see, they were trying to smear president trump, the person who brought us a vaccine twice as fast as has ever happened in the history of the world, and they needed this strong counterpoint against trump. they couldn't use joe biden because he was at nap time in the basement, so they built cuomo up like the great oracle of response to the coronavirus. jedediah: i think it's actually just too many things when it comes to cuomo at this point. it started with the nursing home scandal, but i think also democrats in an age of the me too movement will not allow themselves to be seen as allies of someone who has this many allegations against them. i think that was really the tipping point for many on both sides of the aisle, it's just he had too many scandals at his feet, and it's time for some level of accountability. if not, at least that process of investigation to be taken seriously. a lot of democrats on record calling for that, thankfully. a little late for some, but they're saying it now. the biden administration is refusing to call the migrant situation a crisis despite thousands flocking to the southwest border. officials even admitting they're struggling to house everyone looking for asylum. griff jenkins is live in mcallen, texas, with an exclusive look inside a migrant processing center. griff? >> reporter: yeah, the administration not calling it a crisis, but right here in mcallen, texas, where we are, it is seeing more than 1500 illegal crossers every single day, overwhelming this sector. just beyond this and up the river these photos were taken. this is a temporary outdoor site where they process the migrants, separating them whether or not they're family units, whether or not they're unaccompanied minors or whether they are single adults, and that is why at the point of contact where you're seeing this, it's just near the river where they cross. let's go up to the drone, and we will show you this situation really from the bird's eye view. this road here you see is just beyond the levee e of the rio grande river. that's where you saw that photo of hundreds waiting to cross hour by hour, and that's where the thousands come. they come, get picked up and taken to the processing center, put on buses. some are sent to detention facilities which are overflowing, some are sent to the childcare facilities, those are overflowing, and some are sent straight to a bus stop and released. but yet at the white house national security adviser jake sullivan had this to say. take a listen. >> we've made clear that now is not the time to come to the united states. we are dealing with the circumstance in which we have to build the capacity to be able to assess the asylum claims of individuals who arrive here, and we have to deal with the obvious health effects of of the pandemic. >> reporter: it's prompted texas republican senator john cornyn and democrat representative henry cuellar to come could be to laredo where we were yesterday. senator cornyn had this to say, listen. >> one of the people there responsible for taking care of these young men, these unaccompanied minors, said this is a category five hurricane. everybody we've heard from today said that this is just the beginning. things are going to get much, much worse unless we step up and do something about it. >> reporter: and the officials here say they want the politics out of it, that something's got to be done. let me show you one more thing. see this hole right here in the fence? well, that would have been completed under the wall construction, but after biden signed that executive order stopping all construction, it now exists as a hole. now, that matters because as you see beyond me about, oh, i don't know, half a mile where that lee see is in that river -- levee, the migrants come across. the ones that don't want to be caught in the dead of night come across this valley and try and get through this hole right here. many come into this outdoor patio, wait to be picked up and go to other places. will, jed, pete? pete: griff, if you can hear me, you mentioned photos of the processing center. am i right that that photo we showed on the screen underneath the overpass there's some temporary financing, that's what they're calling a process? that picture right there, that's what they're calling a processing center right now i? >> reporter: well, we've reached out to dhs, and they have not givens us a statement or comment on exactly what they're calling it. but thagents on the ground are calling it a processing center. typically, pete if, you would have numbers that when they come across, you bring them back to the station and you can, quote, process them, find out who they are, where they're from, what sort of -- are they affiliate ld, are they an unaccompanied minor. but they're getting overwhelmed right at the point of contact that they're having to deal with it right there. and we just had a giant white bus, all day long we'll see these buses coming in, taking them out and sending them out. that's why the officials say they feel sometimes like a reception center because they're literally just receiving them and sending them about their way on their destination. will: what a great view from the ground there on the worlder in texas. thanks so much, griff. here's another quick perspective from the border. this is the owner of a bar and restaurant, the junkyard in a texas border town saying the following to national review: when i go in the morning, sometimes i go to do some work, there's people in the bathrooms. they hide in the bathrooms. me and my brother own a trucking company too, they hide in a truck. most of the people are harmless, but you never know what's the hell's -- what the hell's going on. that's what's actually happening on the border. no matter what's said inside the halls of washington keyes, there's your -- washington, d.c., that's your perspective of what's actually happening. jedediah: yeah. and i'm just confused how the administration is going to ignore that. it would be better to acknowledge and have a solution to address it. you cannot go on like this forever. it's only going to multiply and get worse. and there was actually a statement that you heard in that passage griff gave where the administration was saying, oh, we've made it clear now is not the time to come to the u.s. when was that made clear? from whom? can joe biden get to a podium and make that clear again? it's only going to increase in numbers until the top dog -- and that's him, he is president now -- says something about it. pete: the previous administration had people stashed under overpasses and temporary fences crowded together during covid-19, it'd be a five alarm fire. instead, they won't even acknowledge it. it's not stopping other illegal crossings in other places. well, we're following another story as well. the ckc updates guidance for childcare centers stresses the importance of mask wearing for kids under 2. mark -- excuse me, 2 and over. mark meredith is live in d.c. finally, aggressive plans to reopen schools. >> reporter: pete, good morning. federal health officials say these new guidelines help daycare facilities reopen because, as you know, so many parents are getting ready to go back to offices and worksites, even more people getting vaccinated, but the cdc still wants daycare facilities to take precautions. it's encouraging kids to eat meals outdoors and have administrators screen everyone that's going into their facilities for any possible covid exposure. i apologize, we don't have the sound bite from the cdc director, but what we have been able to do is get an idea of what the administration wants to do next, and that includes a summit when it comes to reopening schools. they're also going to be having best practices brought out as well as there's going to be an ability for them to get a guide back out to school districts and educators. meantime, a new report suggests students are suffering mentally, emotionally and academically. the study by the right-leaning american enterprise institute says districts are not focused enough on the long-term consequences of school shutdowns. the report's authors say prolonged closures could impact some children for the rest of their lives including many not going as far in school or earning as much money as they once would. consequences that a lot of people are going to be talking about for years if not decades to come. will: mark, thank you so much. several statements look to push schools back to in-person learning or at the very least hybrid, let's give you the perspective of a student. this is an op-ed in "the washington post." i chose to go back to school on a hybrid schedule. my first day back was miserable. henry smith, who's a senior at justice high school in virginia, said the following. on the first day back, my largest class had four students in person. in the smallest, there were just two of us. on friday my largest class had ten in-person students, but in another class it was only me and the teacher. the students in the classroom ended up looking like extras in a low budget movie. jedediah with, this hybrid learning model where most students are still staring at a teacher at home, the teacher has to focus on those students. jedediah: yeah, it just doesn't work, and that's what we need to hear. we've been focusing on perspectives from students and parents as well. i don't know what a summit is going to produce from the bridennen administration. also, we've been talking to schools all year talking about schools that have done it successfully. we're happy to let them now. pete: yeah. i spent $2 trillion, and all i got was a national schools safe sign. [laughter] house republicans are heading to texas to see the situation firsthand. florida congressman carlos jimenez will be part of that delegation. he's on deck. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. ♪♪ when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. ♪♪ >> so how can you say that's not a crisis? >> it doesn't matter what you call it, it is an enormous challenge, it is something that is front and center for the president. will: the white house refuses to acknowledge the crisis on our southern border. gop members, though, of congress are taking it upon themselves to see as what is actually happening with a delegation set to visit texas on monday. jedediah: our next guest is part of that dell division, florida goh congressman carlos jimenez. congressman, tell us why you're headed to the border on monday. >> well, we're a heading to the border to see for ourselves what's going on and also to talk to our federal agents to get a better idea of what actually is happening. we think that there is a crisis is at the border of joe biden, president biden's a making, you know? my fellow republican colleague called it disorder at the border cue to executive order, and -- due to executive order, and i think he is right. this was a crisis that didn't have to happen created be by the administration, their rhetoric, their policy, their proposed legislation, all of it is causing this crisis at the border. pete: congressman, what are you looking for the most? my apologies, by the way, for my norwegian-sounding pronunciation of your name. [laughter] >> that's okay. pete: what are you focused on as far as what's happening there? >> we need to talk to the federal agents and also local law enforcement of what is actually happening, how many people are crossing. >> we already have some numbers that say the number of people being apprehended has almost tripled from the same time period last year. number of family units that have been encountered went up from 1,000 a month to 6,000 now in february. and it's just going to get worse. and it doesn't matter that the biden administration says don't come now. well, when are we going to come? if i mean, they should say don't come ever, don't break the law. they should have never reinstituted catch and release, they should have never broken the agreements that they had with mexico and other central american countries that were keeping this, you know, situation manageable. again, a crisis of their own making, unnecessary crisis putting americans' lives in danger but also putting the migrants' lives in danger. one of the few things that people don't understand is migrants lose their lives coming here. last year, 2019 which is the last time we have some stats, 300 migrants at the border, you know, lost their lives. we don't know how many more countless lose their lives on the trip. and also the effects of human trafficking especially on young girls, we have some stats that say about 30%, about one in three are raped during this transition. all of this is a humanitarian crisis. a humanitarian crisis, again, of the biden administration's own creation. will: well, congressman, we wish you luck on your trip. we'd love to talk to you when you come back, hear what you saw. >> it'd be a pleasure. will: all right. still to come, just days after getting his second dose of the covid-19 vaccine, country music star larry gatlin tests positive for the virus. he joins live next. humana helps. human care gives you tons of ways to talk to your doctor: phone, computer, in person, or tablet. hey jean! hi! this is just a quick follow up. your numbers are looking great. you don't even have to put on shoes. ooo! easy peasy. you like that, huh? mhm. humana. a more human way to healthcare. to support a strong immune system, your body needs routine. humana. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc. season, after season. ace your immune support, with centrum. four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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's chief to be the white house deputy budget director you were fire. the new york post reporting shove loan da young called to expand -- she reportedly made the comparison in a written answer on the anti-abortion hyde amendment policy causing several senators to vote against her nomination. and a left-wing activist is indicted for allegedly defrauding donors of $450,000. authorities say sir major page used his black lives matter of greater atlanta page as a charity site but reportedly spent the money on travel. uh-oh. will: country music legend larry gatlin tests positive for covid-19, get this, just days after receiving his second dotes of the moderna vaccine. so far he says his symptoms are minor, and larry joins us now to give us an update. thanks so much for being with us. i have so many questions. i'm so fascinated by this. let's talk about timing, first of all. you got the second dose of the moderna vaccine, i believe, on march 4thth, tested positive on march 8th. is the assumption you were exposed in that four-day window and acquired the coronavirus? >> hey, good morning, will. thank y'all for having me on on. here's the thing, if i were a betting man, i would bent that the odds of me dodging the virus for 358 days and then getting the virus two days after i got the shot, those odds are astronomical. you know, this is my opinion. i really believe that the moderna, the second shot, gave me the virus. and i thank the folks at moderna, that's what it's supposed to do. i think, this is an opinion -- you know, a doctor back in the 18 century saw the milk maids and the cows were getting cow pox, but they didn't get smallpox. so from my junior high years that's what i think is supposed to happen. i'm very blessed. you're lucky if you can pick your ancestors. my mama died at 88, my daddy died at 93. i've been all over the world, ooh i've eaten street heat in motion if dish shoe, somalia, and i have almost never been sick. i get my flu shots. so i had a very, very light case. i coughed a little bit for a couple days. i never had more than about a half a degree in fever. the third day i had it, i snuck out on the back of the golf course and hit golf balls. i would not have missed a concert or anything i needed to do. so i'm grateful to the people at moderna and pfizer and johnson & johnson -- will: right. >> i'm grateful to my friend president donald trump for warp speed and for all those people who worked on in this. i feel great, and i'm thankful to president joe biden for the speech the other night because i record it. and if i have trouble sleeping, a little insomnia, i'm going to play it. and i'm sure i'll just -- [laughter] will: larry -- >> as shakespeare said, it was much ado about nothing. will: i have one more question. i appreciate your humility on your projection of how you might have gotten it. cdc says none of the authorized and recommended covid-19 vaccines in the u.s. contain live virus that causes covid-19. this means that the vaccine cannot make you sick, it typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity. so the possibility, larry, maybe you're in that 4% where the vaccine is not 100% reliable. maybe, i don't know, can you test positive after getting a vaccine? what i wanted to ask you was how did you know you were sick? how did you know it wasn't just side effects possibly of the second shot? how'd you know you needed to be tested for covid-19? >> well, i got a little inflammation in the chest. i had a little fever. and, obviously, we're all being very careful. here's the thing, with all due respect to all of the wonderful people who have worked on this, i'm grateful to them and i'm not trying to poo poo the deal. i'm really nod -- pooh-pooh the deal, i'm really not. look how many times the experts have had to change their opinions about what happened. as winston churchill said about the russians years ago, it's a conundrum within an enigma. this is an ever changing, ever flowing thing. i talked to my friend john rich, i told him the other day i believe that we have country music tour bus immunity. if you have traveled around with a bunch of cub musicians -- country musicians for 30 years in and out of hotel, motels, maybe i just have a great immune system. i respect that, but i know my body. will: right. >> that's what it felt like to me. so i would say to anyone if, if i had to do it over, i would stand in line, get the shot. god bless moderna, and i'm going to go play golf. and my heart goes to those people who have had loved ones who have died and suffered with this. i am not downplaying it in the least. will: no, we get that. we appreciate you sharing your story and your sentiments. hope you hit 'em straight today, larry. thanks for getting up and talking to us. >> god bless. hook 'em. will: exactly. a defiant andrew cuomo blaming growing calls for his resignation if on cancel culture. albany to washington, a panel of empire state leaders joins us next. nd off oral steroids to manage my asthma. does that sound normal to you? 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i'm proud of it. jedediah: 15,000 people dead in new york's nursing homes of covid-19, 7 accusations of sexual harassment and assault, but new york governor andrew cuomo is using cancel culture as his latest defense. let's hear from new york's lawmakers. republican congresswomen claudia tenney and nicole malliotakis and democratic assemblyman angelo santabarbara. it's great to have you. representative, we'll start with you. you heard in that introduction a statement from cuomo where he's essentially blaming cancel culture. what do you make of that? >> the idea that the governor is trying to say that he is a victim of cancel culture like abraham lincoln or mr. potato head or dr. seuss is absolutely ridiculous, and it is an insult to the 15,000 individuals who perished in nursing homes because of his executive order and the families that want answers and are demanding justice. this is absolutely outrageous. the governor should be ashamed of himself to actually say that. instead of actually coming forward and apologizing and taking responsibility and resigning. jedediah: you know, congresswoman tenny, a lot of people are concerned, of course, about these sexual harassment allegations, these groping allegations that have come forward, but there is some disappointment that people feel, well, why wasn't andrew cuomo's involvement in these nursing home scandals, why was that on its own not enough for people to come forward and call for resignation? where do you stand on the state of these two scandals? >> it's ridiculous. i served in albany with some of my colleagues there already. the biggest problem is the albany media has refused to hold governor cuomo accountable. i called for his resignation way back in 2014, the governor has committed abuses of powers using taxpayer dollars and now this tremendous disaster with the nursing home scandal, the cover-up. remember, people have also billion abused by this scandal and also have been injured with no voice to protect them as well. the albany media has done nothing, and now it takes something like a sexual harassment claim -- which, by the way, he's entitled to due process -- now these are looking like a sexual assault claim. but this is really important, and now it's finally getting coverage. unfortunately, it's taken this issue to uncover 11 years of abuses of power by the governor. jedediah: congressman reid, we've been trying to figure out in terms of governor cuomo's political future what that could potentially look like. his poll numbers have plummeted, you have politicians, lawmakers, residents of new york on both sides of the aisle now calling for accountability. what his political future -- does his political future look like? >> i called three months ago and said cuomo's days were numbered in albany because of exactly what we see here. his abuse of power, his governing by intimidation and abuse. and that has to come to an end. there's new leadership coming to albany, and i can tell you it's going to be about leading the great state of new york in a new direction by bringing people together, being proud to be a republican, being proud to be a democrat and not -- [inaudible] but working together to being a beacon of hope across the country. jedediah: what about these excuses that governor cuomo has put out there? he said i'm not part of a political club, essentially painting himself as like an anti-establishment person, i'm a man of the people. he's essentially placed the blame on everyone but himself. what do you make of that? >> this is exactly what this governor does. you know, he was born into politicses. you know, he is the political club, and now he's saying he's the outsider. it's just simply ridiculous. it's not -- everybody knows andrew cuomo's history, the language that he's using at his press conferences shows a lack of awareness, a lack of reality. it's like he's having a battle with the press, but he's not really addressing the issues at hand. and it shows that he can't continue to lead our state. he can't effectively manage everything that's going on, and there's a number of investigations going on. he's using his time to make phone calls to try and fined support. he's trying -- find support. he's trying to discredit his a accusers. he, no doubt, will use the state budget to try and further manipulate and control people in the state capitol. he has done it in the past where he's used that to leverage, and we see a pattern of behavior here that he's created a culture in albany at the state capitol in the executive chamber that makes him unfit for office. jedediah: "the new york post" is now reporting that staffers have stopped showing up for work. what do you think? are you surprised? >> well, i think a lot of people are leaving the administration or they're not coming to work. they are also probably telling him behind the scenes that it's time to go. he's in denial here, and he doesn't realize that, you know or when everyone from united states senators gillibrand and schumer to bipartisan group of lawmakers from the state level and your new york delegation are all telling you it's time to go because of all these allegations, particularly the cover-up of a nursing home scandal that led to all these deaths, you know, it is time to go. if people want to join their voice, sign your name, enough cuomo,.com. jedediah: state senator, what do you say to those who are concerned that there may not be accountability when it comes to nursing homes in particular and that there won't be due diligence on an invest -- investigation with these harassment and assault claims? >> well, we're certainly not finished yet with our investigations. we have the a.g. investigating, we have the investigation by the fbi and by u.s. attorneys. i have my own bill for an outside, independent, bipartisan investigation with assemblyman ron kim. we're going through an impeachment process now in the new york state assembly. i mean, this is a governor who got an emmy for his communication skills and, i guess, for his acting. he will never get an emmy for transparency, openness and honesty. these are about cover-ups, lying, distortion, and if anybody wants to know, all you've got to do is look at the mantel in the governor's office, because it's severely tan thished. we know what he did. he hid those numbers. 15,000 of our most vulnerable population in his executive order on march 25th had a tremendous amount to do with. why did he cover up? he was embarrassed. the numbers weren't 6,000, they were 15,000. he wants to keep his reputation. "the new york times" pointed out he was writing a book. it didn't fit his narrative. and if something doesn't fit his narrative, he makes it to his narrative no matter if lives are being lost or not. and he came out with a book which is not worth very much right now and, as you know, the publishers are not promoting it right now. we haven't given up. we've been there with my conference and our republicans from the beginning. for months we've been calling for a full investigation. we were some of the first individuals to call for his resignation and impeachment, and this is a huge kiss traction. we've got -- kiss traction. we've got a $180 billion budget we've got to complete. we have to turn the economy around in new york state because we're fast becoming not the empire state the, but the energy statement in new york. they're leaving in droves. jedediah: well, we are deeply grateful to all of you for joining us this morning. we appreciate you being here. the good news is that there is bipartisan interest in accountability here, and that a makes all the people who suffered at the hands of these horrific nursing home policies feel a little bit better that they may get some closure as an end game. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. jedediah: still ahead, riots reignite in portland, but this time the mayor wants to refund police. interesting. our next guest says the community is suffering. the update next. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ pete: that's right the, law and disorder. violent riots break out in portland once again reminiscence of this summer. rioters smashed windows and set american flags on fire near the federal courthouse. our next guest has been on the scene covering the very latest, and that is daily caller reporter jorge ventura joins me now. thank you very much for being here, for covering this, doing what the media ought to be doing and most won't. so you've got people on the streets, rioters carrying end america signs that are ultimately attacking federal courthouses and want to set them ablaze. it almost sounds like an insurrection to me. >> yeah. so these left-wing rioters on thursday attacked the courthouse which actually caught everyone by surprise. we -- no one had any intel on the situation. they attacked the courthouse, also putting property on fire while we had law enforcement inside the building. that's what we saw on thursday. and yesterday i was back on the ground to cover any potential civil unrest, and this time actually portland pd moved in swiftly, kettled this group and did a massive detainment last night here in portland. so last night we didn't see nowhere near the violence we saw thursday. portland pd used a different tactic, and they kettled about a group of 100. pete: so so you mean actually potentially arresting people who were breaking the law. so the mayor there, ted wheeler, is now looking to refund the police with a $2 million request as homicides are spiking in addition to the rioting. he says there are reinvigorated partnerships with national and local law enforcement. based on what you saw last night, could that be possible? >> last night was the first time i've ever seen portland pd move in and get a handle on the situation before the violence really broke out. i've been covering portland the past six months and haven't really seen that before. yesterday the group that rallied around9 p.m., and by 10 p.m. the group was already detainedded and kettled. this was a tactic that portland pd used where you essentially shut off any exit route and just close 'em in and trap 'em in. that's what we saw. the group only smashed a few windows of a few businesses and, like i said, by 10 portfolio the whole group -- p.m. the whole group was kettled, and hopefully moving a forward this is the new approach portland pd takes because the folks in the community are really tired of the violence and want to get back to a regular life. pete: i can't imagine what it's like dealing with that every single night. if they actually just arrested people for breaking the law, you could actually get your arms around this especially because they know precisely who's doing it. jorge ventura, stay safe out there. thank you very much, appreciate it. all right, still ahead, after a year of working from home, you might be looking for a new place to relax. diy expert chip wailed has the tips and tools -- wade has the tips and tools you need to make your own oasis. ♪ ♪ to support a strong immune system, your body needs routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc. season, after season. ace your immune support, with centrum. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. a♪ and a little bit of, our chicken fried ♪ncial ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. this is bob minetti and his wife wendy. in 2016, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. bob participated in a clinical trial that included cutting-edge radiation therapy and surgery. he's been in remission since completion. i am so glad i learned what was possible for me stand up to cancer and lustgarten foundation are working together to make every person diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a long-term survivor. visit pancreatic cancer ♪♪ jedediah: welcome back. over the last year, we have all been spending more time at home, so why not turn your house into your own personal oasis? will: here with some products to make your own home an oasis, chip wade. what's up, chip? >> good morning, will and jedediah. when we're talking about home relaxation and home comfort, let's start with the floor. imagine having wonderful, radiant heating being the sole source of heat for your entire house making your home feel like the perfect spring day 365 days a year. we can accomplish that now with the comfort system from warm board. these panels actually install underneath your floor. water circulates through these pipes and evenly distributes perfect heat throughout your entire home. it's actually really, really easy to instalker and it bi-- install, and it bypasses some of those downfalls with forced area like circulating dust and sometimes it's noisy. warm boardboard is going to solve that for us. now for drinking water, look no further than lk, this is the first built-in water dispenser made specifically for the home. it installs in between two studs in the wall, it's available in this midnight black, also alpine white. it has a nice filter led in here as well. and this will also install in your kitchen, your mud room, fitness room, wherever. it's going to be a great addition to the home. now, when we're talking home comfort, we have to talk about sleep. this is the serta hybrid mattress. of it's got memory foam and gel inside. a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars which is super impressive because it comes in a box. you can picket up exclusively at lowe's from now through april and save up to $200. you see the kiddos are comfortable in the bed. we've all gotten in our sweet spot and started looking at our devices, maybe looked it over your held, drop that phone square in the nose, makes you mad. i found a great solution. this is the flippy. tablets, e-readers, all of your lek are tronic devices. what's awesome is you can rotate it to get the perfect viewing angle. so there's nothing to break, tons of colors available on amazon. there you go, mara. they love this. okay. now when we're talking, again, home comfort and relaxation, we have to address the shower experience. everybody knows color makes -- kohler, blue tooth speaker in the showerhead. they partnered with harmon audio. what's amazing is it runs for nine hours on one battery charge. when you're done in the shower, take your wireless speaker out to the back can deck, maybe on a bike ride and experience premium audio wherever you go. it's going to be awesome. i've got all of this up on wade works, so check that out. but, you guys, is anything striking a chord? do you have all this stuff already? will: you know what i do have, chip? those marvel posters in the background on the wall. we have those same ones. [laughter] >> we find those in an awesome shop out in montana, and the kids loved them and we brought them home. pete: i always marvel at the wonderful discipline of your children. [laughter] >> hey, you know what? this is only a three minute window into life. pete: they done well. [laughter] great stuff. wade works we always love having you. chip, thank you. jedediah: thanks, chip. pete: all right, coming up, white house press secretary jen psaki downplaying president biden's fourth of july goals return to normal. that at the top of the hour, maybe you can have a bash you, if they let you -- bash you. if they let you. we'll see. ♪♪ .. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. >> we begin this final hour of "fox and friends" weekend with a woman coming out with allegations against governor andrew cuomo. democrats doubling down on his refusal to resign and call for criminal investigation. >> people know the difference between playing politics, bowing to cancel culture, let the review proceed. i'm not going to re-sign. >> is not going to resign we did mounting pressure to leave office a new series of photos show him walking outside the governor's mansion with a bottle in his hand. >> reporter jessica bateman details alleged instances in new york magazine of unwanted touching and humiliation by the governor. staffers stopped showing up for work. and and, 35 state lawmakers, enough to impeach. staff is in some part refusing to show up for work. what is mounting, a scandal surrounding governor andrew cuomo. what i am talking about, sexual-harassment scandal, what sticks out his it is all about power, bullying, the culture of fear and intimidation was you talked to a panel of lawmakers, the story that staffers were starting to neglect to show up for work. i quote from the article, a level of rage towards the tough guy, the guy thinks he is the toughest, hardest working and smartest, but he is anything but. he is the most shallow of them all. he's a genuinely small man who pretends to be big. tell me how you really feel. that is something. you talked to some lawmakers earlier. >> abuse of power -- >> uncovering 11 years of abuses of power by the governor. >> the governor is trying to say he is a victim of cancel culture, and insult to the 15,000 individuals who to parish to nursing homes because of his executive order. >> we will never get an emmy for transparency, openness and honesty. >> we see a pattern of behavior, he created a culture in albany coming in the executive chamber and unfit for office. pete: these are republican and democrat lawmakers coming together to speak out demanding accountability for the nursing home scandal demanding a full and complete investigation. and a lot piling up for the governor. he is blaming cancel culture and pointing the finger with growing scandals mounting at his feet. >> he says there's cancel culture involve that he's not in the political club. the son of a governor who has been there for three terms, and it is worth noting, he's not interested in trial by media, can't stand it, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. there should be an investigation but he has never given brace to that. and in this case. and nursing homes and deaths, lead you to wonder whether focusing on shiny object and a lot of democrats look at policy they said was the gold standard, for the longest time, looks like it is getting people killed. another big one, the biden administration calling a migrant situation crisis despite thousands walking to the southwest border. officials admitting they are struggling to house everyone looking for asylum. griff jenkins is live with an exclusive look. >> and hundreds if not thousands of migrant throughout the day. this gate right here. in the rio grande valley center in texas. this is ground 0 for the border crisis. we had to pull our drone out of the sky because a storm popped up. exclusive photos, a temporary outdoor processing site. you see thousands of migrants, you see one in the photo, that is literally the point of contact. and they don't need that. and to the single adult. some exclusive numbers, just this sector alone. in the last 24 hours, 1940 individuals were apprehended in this sector, 121,872 one fiscal year 2021, already up 177% from last year. at the white house, jake sullivan had this to say about the escalating situation. >> now is not the time to come to the united states. we are dealing with a circumstance in which we build the capacity to assess the asylum claims of individuals and deal with the obvious public health effects of the pandemic. >> we asked dhs for segment on those photos we obtained and why they are setting up these processing centers because it is such a heavy flow. it is part of the reason we saw senator cornyn where we were yesterday. one of those is border patrol agent in laredo sector, he's not only disappointed, and here is what he said. >> federal government is complicit in what is happening in the border. we are allowing cartels to abuse people from central and south america. >> hector also drove home the point that everything that crosses the river is controlled by the cartel. there is talk of wristbands. he has seen that. they are doing it in an organized way, colored wristband determining where people go and they are worried that because of the february number, 1441 total on the month of february, that is four months ahead of where we saw the crisis in 2019, something that senator cornyn was making a point, a category 5 hurricane we could be headed for. >> and if this was the trump administration that would be outdoor family cages, under and overpasses, they can explain it away, jake sullivan made clear, we make the border is not open. is that the message you are seeing or is this unlike anything you've seen at the border before? >> we've never seen anything like this. henry cuellar is calling a crisis in his backyard. the question is important because the message that the migrants are getting, to surrender and get caught and released. and a processing center, thereby station and released, not covid-19 tested. that falls on the part of the local officials and the city of brownsville, since january 20 fifth. where we showed you those photos, through the river and released they go to where they were in the us. i made it, and that factor is the greatest one officials are worried about. >> griff had an amazing line, nothing crosses that border controls by the cartel. i don't know what the current cost is from coyotes to us or someone across the border but we are projected to look at half 1 million crossings and that is just in one spot. you look at $2,000, you are talking billions of dollars of money the cartels are making for the trafficking. thanks. we have another story to talk about and that is joe biden saying if we obey the rules we could have small gatherings or large barbecues by the july 4th holiday. jen psaki seems to be somewhat wavering. listen to this. >> if we do our part, do this together, by july 4th, there is a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or neighborhood and have a cookout or barbecue or celebrate independence day. >> the team felt confident we could get to that point. >> we were in the ballpark where we could have those. >> again, many factors were out of our control. it will require americans to wear masks and social distance, getting the vaccine, that is a light at the end of the tunnel, a lot of steps need to be taken together. >> it is march 14th. july 4th, close to four months from now, people will be as adventurous with an outdoor barbecue with family. you have to do better than that. the last fourth of july, it was outdoors, and and and going backwards? >> maybe not a full return to concerts and soccer stadiums. i don't know why is soccer, should be football, baseball. joe biden spent the campaign in his basement now he lives in a white house bunker and is covered by reporters who live in 1-bedroom apartments, triple masking by themselves, they think they are essential workers and they get the covid vaccine and don't realize the rest of america moved on a long time ago, they are having barbecues and living life regardless of the nonsense they see from leaders who are out of touch. stephen miller pointed out the fact that trump said let's put a man on mars, biden said let's see if we can eat bbq. that's about right. hearing that jen psaki clip, the brain goes stadiums. >> you would disagree. and and to highlight the disconnect. and we are ahead of that barbecue, the biden administration is wavering on. a convicted california killer, to a possible early release. it is all because of a radical da whose progressive policies allow that to take place. alex villanueva reacts next. nos the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 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prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ >> monday night, right here in my study. celebrating us going home. >> california killer toasts productive district attorney george gascon from his prison cell, sentenced to 40 years in life for shooting a rival gang member in the head into thousand 5. thanks to the radical da's policies, he's expecting and toasting to an early release. la county sheriff alex villanueva, thank you for being here. your reaction to a video like that? >> appalled but not surprised, this act will be playing through the state prison system, county jails, the word on the street is that is what people convicted of violent crimes are contemplating but there is less consequences, easy for criminals and harder on victims. it pete: they are drinking moonshine, have a computer in the background, talk about their future, the new da will release them. if you're a victim, a family member, law-abiding citizen, how do you feel you are living in the real world? >> looks like they are in a college frat house and it is sad to think that is where we are today. and building a new class, they are being eliminated. and there is no greater consequence until the greater consequences -- >> >> these guys will be released earlier and earlier. your part of the recall ever gascon. how is it going? >> i support the recall. i am here to support victims of crime and we are sending investigators to parole hearings. and that kept prosecutors from attending the hearing that fox news has in place. will: i think prosecutors would be a parole hearings. you are not trying to make a case they should stay. it is amazing. sheriff villanueva, thank you for all you do in an impossible situation. we reached out to the la county da and have not heard back. we don't get a word salad explanation like we usually do. new cdc garden stresses the need for kids as young as 2 to wear masks but does this policy follow the science? we will 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for in your bipolar depression symptoms. >> you are looking live at the international space station where spacewalk is underway, astronauts doing maintenance work. it is expected the last 6 hours preparing for future solar upgrade. it is 230 seventh spacewalk, the fifth one this year. check this out, looking live at the green chicago river. they reversed course, surprise announcement this morning. thousands of people gather for the event, because of the pandemic. pete: jedediah: looks pretty cool. as more parents return to work, new safety guidelines for childcare. >> the recommendations he just they stagger drop off times. kids as youngest two wear masks. >> quickly the updated guidance emphasizes the importance of masks for all children older than 2 years old. jedediah: the author of covid:the politics of fear and the power of science, doctor mark siegel. >> there's a term i am going to coin today, settled science. and and see hundred 60 day care centers. in two months, in day care centers and most of that was staff, that was settled science. that is 17% of daycare center workers are still unemployed, vast majority are women, close to half of minorities, we are trying to get the day care centers back on track as part of reopening. here comes a new guideline that 2-year-olds have to wear masks when you know it is difficult to get that to happen. in the study it was not shown that that was necessary. i'm not against trying that but the more prohibitive guidelines get on settled science, the more i think it is politics and the politics of fear rather than science. >> i have a 15-month-old, two is very very small and i guarantee any caretaker's job will become trying to somehow keep these kids from having masks on their faces. they will not want that on there. i want my 2-year-old breathing freely but moving on i want to talk about your op-ed. he responded to president biden's address to the nation. here's a quote from the op-ed. after biden's address tell us what you had to say and what you thought about that. >> in a sense it was coercive in this sense. you covered this, we are already having barbecues on july 4th. what is this idea of giving us like we are little children some incentive. if you get the vaccine you get to go to a bbq. if you follow exactly what we say you get to go to a barbecue two months from now. it gave me an idea. some of these democrat strongholds cities that have been destroyed with these awful lockdowns and president biden is again threatening lockdowns that don't work, don't decrease the spread of the virus, only cost tremendous damage to economic health, i have an idea. maybe we should take the vaccine. i love this vaccine and everyone should take it, maybe we should take it as a tool or weapon against this kind of politicking. i had the vaccine. i am safe, i am going to my barbecue, don't need you to superimpose politics on the situation. it is ridiculous and it is not effective and it is coercive. pete: why couldn't president acknowledge that without operation speed we wouldn't be, he was mister unity but in a speech like this unwilling to give any credit. >> that is a huge mistake he is making. that is the art of the deal that vaccine, the military, the cdc, and it should be, trump vaccine period. pete: thanks for joining us. president biden's massive relief deal could pay families six figures. stuart varney said this 92,$000 payday needs to work. he is on deck. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing] ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day... ♪ no matter how you got copd it's time to make a stand. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue 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ditched the lockdown button-down look but notes high look. >> i approve of stuart varney and all his forms. on the note of substance, when do we approach -- we have been three times, unemployment has been extended. >> this week we reported there were 6.9 million jobs open, available, for want of a better word, small business reports are the biggest problem, finding qualified labor. how can this be so? 10 million people unemployed, scrambling for a job? the answer is not all are. we are handing out $400 billion of emergency payments, big bucks to many people. some need it, many do not and it is a disincentive to work. i call it the best and the biggest vote buying operation in american history and it is working. these payments are very popular. they will not be popular down the road when we realize who else is getting this money but right now they are popular. we are buying the votes of many people with an extraordinary amount of money. the washington post to look at two adult, both not working, plus three minor children. they stand in line to get 92,$000. that is an extreme case but they get that out of emergency payments, tax credits for children and other payments for which they are eligible, 92,$000. disincentive to get out and work, disincentive to grow the economy. pete: ronald reagan so the closest thing to eternal life is a government program. with these checks going out have you seen programs like this? when does it end? can it end once people are used to it? >> the emergency $300 a week checks for unemployment, that lasts until the first week of september. it could go on if congress says you need more money. it doesn't automatically stop. congress could turn around and keep payments going. once you got a government program you can never get rid of it. you may be able to trim is here and there but that program is going to be with you for life. that is the way it works here. pete: if it is the way you describe and i think it is, politicians keep giving out this many continue to get votes and people like it, hard time seeing how it ever comes to a end. a soundbite from bill marr on the growing role in dominance of china and get your reaction. listen. >> china does bad stuff. they break promises, punish dissent. we don't want to do that. there has to be something between the authoritarian government that tells everyone what to do in a representative government that can't do anything at all. we are not losing to china. the returns haven't all come in yet. do you think chinese colleges are offering courses in the philosophy of star trek, the sociology of seinfeld and surviving the coming zombie apocalypse? those are real and so is china and they are eating our lunch. believe me in an hour they will be hungry again. pete: your reaction? >> i don't often, rarely agree with bill maher but the man raises a serious point. china's economy is expanding. its exports are surging. it is threatening and killing democracy in hong kong, threatening india, japan and australia, it is hacking into our major corporations like microsoft and failed to take any responsibility for the virus and what are we concerned with? we are stuck in the land of woke aren't we? in this country at this moment all too often identity, gender, race, they are of paramount importance. look at the victim duchess, megan, poor child complaining about racism in the british royal family. that is woke rid large. that is the subject of conversation in america today, not the threat from china, not the urgent need to get out and expand our economy and start winning again. wokeism takes priority. pete: preach it as you say all the time, you are all right and you are welcome anytime. you can catch stuart live on foxbusiness every morning, thanks for joining us. some additional headlines. jedediah: a 7 sure is selected for the trial of derek chauvin. the x minneapolis police officer accused of killing george floyd, five jurors are still needed. floyd's family reaches records of them with minneapolis, agreeing to pay $27 million in wrongful death lawsuit. it reinvesting 500,$000 back into the community and local business. dave portnoy's latest pizza review have a shocking twist. >> look at this. [bleep] >> a live carjacking. jedediah: he witnessed the car theft while on camera. the thief slammed the car into a chicago police cruiser while speeding away. police are investigating and those are your headlines. unbelievable when stuff like that happens and you don't realize it is happening. the cameras are rolling and you have a double feature going on. pete: he had his segment jacked because the guy had a chicken sandwich from mcdonald's. doing a pizza review right now. what is up, rick? >> i'm confused by everything that happened. we have a really big storm coming across the central part of the country and central rockies, blizzard warnings in effect throughout wyoming and winter storm warnings, it will be a lot of snow. we are getting some moisture in front of the storm across the central plains to the mid-mississippi river valley. we will watch increasing rain throughout the day across nebraska and kansas by the end of tomorrow, 5 to 7 inches of rain and we will watch the snow build and across parts of the front range, spots around denver one or 2 feet across higher elevation up to four feet of snow. there's lots of your whether we will be watching today, storm production center upgraded this from moderate risk to significant tornadoes later as well. paying very close attention throughout the day today. pete: still had the owner of a virginia wedding sound off after what he calls a smack in the face from governor ralph northrom and his lockdown rules. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. >> the owner of a virginia wedding venue sarah sues governor northrom of what he calls unfair coronavirus restrictions, calling out the hypocrisy of capping out the wedding receptions at 25 people while allowing entertainment and music venues to have up to 1000. chuck russell and his attorney join us now to lay out there case. thank you for being here this morning. the comparison from the intro seems incredibly odd to me, tell us a little bit about the impact of the restrictions and why you decided to file a lawsuit. >> this is been devastating not just to our venue but the wedding industry in general. when covid-19 hit, we are trying to figure this out and we roll things back. moving into this year, we planned and prepared and ready to go and have a whole season of weddings and the governor's latest order doesn't have a way for us to move forward with any reasonable amount of people to attend weddings. an absolute devastating thing, just not our venue but the entire industry itself. >> i know a lot of venues like your own that suffered consequences that were similar. it is deeply unfortunate but i want to play the sound of governor northrom and get your reaction. >> think about what happened, if you think about what happens people are in close proximity, they are hugging folks they are glad to see. it is a happy occasion. there is eating and drinking and dancing and singing, all the things we know that spread the virus. jedediah: a lot of those things can occur at outdoor entertainment venues that can have 1000 people. not understanding where he is going with that. do you think there is legal precedent to have a successful lawsuit in a case like this? >> thanks for having us on the show. our state has been particularly affected by the inconsistent orders of the governor. the governor has been picking winners and losers in virginia since covid started. box stores can have unlimited amounts of people and small businesses maybe have 10 people. we have been suffering with this winner and loser picking, we now get to the point that on march 1st the governor said the concert can have up to 1000 people and carnival can have up to 1000 people, a circus can have up to 1000 people, a wedding can only have 25 people because weddings have people the thing and dance and eat and drink. of course those things happen in the concert, the governor knows that and do we have a legal precedent? know. this kind of insanity never happened in the law but the fourteenth amendment, there is something called equal protection and all we are asking the court to do is if my client can have a concert and have up to 1000 people he should be allowed to have a wedding and one more interesting point the governor said you can have a religious wedding with as many people as you want but a nonreligious wedding has to be restricted to 25. that is how insane it is and we are asking the federal court to engage. jedediah: they are afraid of being sued for religious freedom violation. this is fascinating and we've covered a lot of instances where there is an arbitrary nature of the way these are being enforced and some businesses facing consequences that others are intent it seems they are throwing the dice sometimes. we will follow this case and thanks for bringing it to our attention. the big east tournament wraps up tonight on fox. we are live from madison square garden ahead of the championship game. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa pete: we've been following it only week long in the big east tournament, abby is at madison square garden with the matchup. >> reporter: a lot of heartbreak not only for fans of jay lowe and a rod, the teams in the big east tournament, it was a battle, a quick recap to get to today, they are relatively coming out on top. it was dante harris who took charge, pickett matching 19 points in six rebounds, knocking down, 21 seconds left in the game. they play in the big east title game for the first time in 11 years. uconn versus creighton the blue jays went for a 9 point, holding uconn to know field goals in the last 6 minutes of the game. that is important. >> three, the thai on the back. is a guy, big east tournament championship game. >> what a heartbreak for the huskies. you can watch the championship game at 6:30 p.m. eastern on fox. one win away from getting the conference title. an automatic bid advanced. >> thanks. let's bring in a breakdown of the march madness field. the ncaa tournament, how many will the big east get. have they made enough of a case? >> in order to get in, they know that and expect great effort as a result. creighton wants the championship, they had a difficult couple of weeks and as a result they will pour a lot of energy to win a championship. a chance to hang a banner and improve their speed in the ncaa tournament. >> 3 or 4 teams if they win in the tournaments. let's talk quickly about the conferences on the ncaa tournament, the big 10 has a lot of good teams. which conferences will play for the most teams? >> they will have nine and i will be surprised if we don't have nine including two teams, in illinois. they get 7 or 8, syracuse being the ones, most of the others who do that have them in. they are seated to lose early but they have some decent quality. >> the championship game and the tournament. thanks so much. 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Katie , Congratulations , Video , Mckenzie , Otis , Basketball , Golden Retriever , Weekend Edition , Andrew Cuomo , Woman , Allegations , Investigation , Sexual Harassment , Difference , Accusations , Fox And Friends , Culture , Review , Redesign , Photo , Politics , Truth , Hand , Bottle , New York , Instances , Chuck Schumer , Humiliation , Kirsten The Gillibrand , 24 , Pete Texas , Alexandria , State Lawmakers , Cuomo Reside , Ocasio Cortez , Will Cain , 135 , People , Numbers , Lawmakers , Sides , Aisle , Polygraph , Brett Kavanaugh Presumptively , 7 , Doesn T Make Sense , Accountability , Face , Words , Part , Power , Investigations , Point I Don T Like Trial By Media , Aspects , Guilty , One , Tweet , Cutest , Big One , Joe Biden , Accusers , Kamala Harris , Party , Governor Cuomo , Wall , Courage , Head , Judgment , Potus , Brett Cavanagh , Conviction , Concern , Evidence , Situation , Conclusions , Trial By Media , Public , Draw , Way , Governor , Resignation , President , Vice President , United States , Senators , Janice Dean , Two , Things , Brett Kavanaugh Hearings , Doesn T , Set , Charges , Position , Standards , Hearings , Supreme Court Justice , Story , Person , Claims , Raids , Something , Standard , Reason , Democrats , Type , Cuomo , Special Report , First , Hearing , Differences , Board , Molly Hemingway , Figures , All Of You , Media , Leader , Fact , Scandal , Coronavirus , Nursing Home , Decisions , Responsibility , Sexual Assault , Crisis , Side , Nursing Home Crisis , Donald Trump , Purpose , Villain , Hero , Matt Gates , Storm , Border , Anything , Number , Texas , Controversy , John Cornyn , Ways , Won T , Sidelines , Hope , Director , Facility , Minors , Care , Challenge , Homeland Security , 5 , Everybody , Hurricane , Coast , Gulf , Topical Storm Force Windss , The Welcome Mat , Demarcation Point , Administration , Points , Representative , Henry Cuellar , Border Patrol , Agents , Anybody , Briefings , Generals , Members Of Congress Go To War Zones , Jedediah , Plan , Voice , Deal , Example , Feeling , Control , Trump , Griff Jenkins , Minute , Mess , Promises , Promise , Question , Biden Problem , Facilities , Answer , Watch , Cities , Border Towns , Spread , Incentivized , Sorts , 19 , Questions , Children , More , Importance , Guidance , Childcare Centers , Answering , Cdc , Government , Plans , Parents , Schools , Guidelines , Work , Latest , Kids Daycare Facilities , Mark Meredith , Department Of Education , Mask , Times , Buildings , Anyone , Staff , Nap Spaces , Exposure , Phaseout Toys , 2 , Report , Kids , Consequences , Mental Health , Eating , Study , Learning , Closures , American Enterprise Institute , Cases , Concerns , Illness , Suicide , Students , Problems , Steps , News , Governors , Summit , Relief Bill , Best Practices Schools , District Schools , Clearinghouse , Educators , Washington , National School , Person Learning Starting , Oregon , Moisture , Substance , Fourth Of July , Groups , Front , Kindergartens , Meeting , Are Barbecueing , Move On , Enough , Policy Blunders , Planet , Masks , School , 15 , Implications , Process , Safety , Distancing , Proponent , Insanity , Don T Mess , Sunshine State , Reactions , Restrictions , Freedom , Jeans , Burger , Radio Up , Wings , Pair , 1 , , Applebee S , Car , Company , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Carvana , 100 , Spot , Techno Wizardry , Offer , Value , Relief , Adults , Crohn S , Medication , Flare Up , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Inflammation , Stelara , Risk , Doctor , Symptoms , Cancer , Serious , Intestine , Infections , Infection , Treatment , Skin Growths , Uc , Surface , Flight , Sores , Tb , Vaccine , Remission , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Businesses , Capacity , Mask Mandate , Pete Freedom Is Ringing In The Lone Star State , Ground , Business , Reaction , Opinions , Take A Look , Texans , Owners , Prince , Talk , Vanessa , City , Immune System , Decision , Mandate , Desire , Estate , Vaccination , Mass , Amount , Restaurant , Bar , Business Owner , Spring , Summer , Customers , Place , Yes , Fun Place , Dallas Cowboys Practice Facility , Retail Development , Football Field You Saw , Mask Mandate Being , Issues , Agreement , Split , Loss , Doesn , Conversation , Establishment , Matter , Florida , Many , Friend , Others , Baby Steps , Pool , Establishments , Autographs , Visions Of Will Cain , Nobody , The Field , Choice , Preferences , Thing , Rest , Wishes , Barbecue July 4th , Manhattan , 4 , July 4th , Everyone , Mask Everybody , Didn T , Justin A Little Bit , Amanda , Bit , Veteran , Living , Half , Touch , Air Force , Tin , Greg Jarrett , Family , Insurance , Usaa , Neighbor , Hailstorm Hit , Damage , Martin , Members , Trumpet Playing , Coyotes , Kick , Pocket , Beef Jerky , Five , Four , Someone , Internet , Cup , Come On , Faster , Xfinity , Police , Portland , Officer , Darby Howard , Bank , Riot , Courthouse Window , Protesters , Activity , Holding , Custody , In The City , Unrest , Scooter , Separating , Tactic , Covid 19 , Investigator , Looks , Lead , Origins , Department , Lab , Fellow , Virus Outbreak , David Ascher , Wuhan , Weapons Research Lab , Weapons , National Institute Of Health , Program , Will , Virus , China , Wuhan West Market , Fox News Alert , Midst , Women , 160 , Politicians , Career , Aisle Calling , Prison , Reins , Crime , Consent , Penal Code Section , Fondling , Accuser , Behavior , Wasn T The First Time , Witness , Conduct , Pattern , Harvey Weinstein , Serious Criminal Jeopardy , Six , Due Process , Heat , Nothing , Hypocrite , Demand , Polygraph Test , Motives , Motivations , Thoughts , Allegation , Facts , State Attorney General , Course , Investigations Don T , In The End , Opposite , Clear Or Exonerate , Defenses , Minister People , Telephone Calls , Supporters , Threats , Intimidation , Retaliation , Boolean , State Legislature , Critical Mass , Thanks , Approval Numbers , Sinking , Troops , Stat , National Guard , Capital , Price Tag , Coming Up , 50 , 9 11 , National Guard Association , Mission , Joey Jones , 500 Million , 00 Million , Aren T , Shipments , Isn T Just Freight , Forest Fire Everything , Sizes , Shapes , Old Dominion , Version , Mom , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Oysters , Job , Candidates , Shortlist , Data Base , Indeed Com Promo , You , Seventy Five , Scholarships , University Of Phoenix , One Million , One Million Dollars , Bed , Sleep Number , Scholarship , Phoenix Edu , Hope Fuels Opportunity , 360 , Sleep , Base , Hr Software , Temperature Balancing , Ends Monday , 00 , 500 , Phone , Social Security Number , Business Software Working , Wife , Expense , Machine , Jams , Hr , Eleven , 11 , Employees , Each Other , Demo , Hr Data , Software , First Off , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Hon , Idaho Potato , Dishes , Beautiful , Recipes , Potatoes , Side Dish , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Real Idaho Potato Farmer , Jury , Death , Lawsuit , Trial , Killing , Jurors , Settlement , George Floyd , Minneapolis , Derek Chauvin , 27 Million , 7 Million , Community , Twist , 1 Million , A Million , On The Beach , Command , Carjack , Robot , Pride , Carjacking , Camera , Car Theft , Police Cruiser , Skills , Islam , Chicago , Barstool Sports Founder , 000 , 75 , Dogs , Dog , Testing Facilities , Word , Crime Scenes , Scraps , Household Pet , Mechanical Canine , Dog Isn T , Heal , Grand , Love Dogs , 2000 , Families , Employers , Soldiers , React , Military Operations , Airmen , Soviet , Vaccinating Eligible Americans , Robot Parts , Day Job , Riots , Deployment , 5000 , 2021 , 2001 , Military , Source , Income , Country , Threat , Messaging , Jobs , People Don T , 3 , January 5th , Statement , Outrage , Organization , Bounce , January 6th , 6 , Guard , Razor Wire , Nancy Pelosi , Courthouse , Folks , Media Coverage , Troopers , Imagery , Ride On Thursday Night In Portland , Security , 0 , Writers , Signs , Dc , Places , City Leaders , Homes , Riot Don T , Don T Come To Georgia Or Texas , Ship , My Town , Antifa , Issue , Town , Law Enforcement Deal , Escalation , Leave , Line , Building , Jail , Common Sense Answer , Everybody Enforcement Resource , Law Enforcement Officers , Authority , Activity Felony , Back , Which Society Doesn T , Fun , Cooperation , Oh No , The Big Show , Parenting , Law Enforcement , Advantage , Lesson , Strength , Make Joey , Reporter , Moisture Streaming , Snowstorm , Rockies , Orange , Storm Sewer , Blizzard Conditions , Wyoming , Southern California , Motion , Disturbance , Corners , Mississippi River Valley , Arizona , Snow Event , Denver , Foothills , Fort Collins , Boulder , Spots , Feet , Weather , Snow , Hail , Nexus , Track , Parts , Flooding , Wind , Tornadoes , Orange Area , Nebraska , Kansas , Mayor , Agenda , Bailout Money , Billions , City Of Los Angeles , History Shutdown Order React , Restaurant Owners , Little , Sign , Wait , Cause , Teddy , Bears , Isn T A Hot Dog Stand , Wet , Ya , Liberty , Everything , Pay , Teddy Bears , One Hundred , Slice , Burger Truck , Ding , Cheese , Payments , Spin Class , Payroll , Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Hooh , Hi , Wi Fi Password , Music , Apple , Massaging Seat , Buick , Hold On , Buickenvision2021 , Oohh Yeah , Parking , Suv , Don T Worry , Envision , Life , Help , Stressballs Gummies , Herbal Ashwaganda , Life Stress , Stressballs , Hands , Option , Dupuytren S Contracture , Game Changer , Treatments , Hand Specialist , Factsonhand Com , Bachelorettes , Role , Comments , Bachelorette , Chris Harrison , Caitlin Bristow , Teach Adams , Jennifer Nope , Star , Episode , Instagram , Bravo Southern Charm , Rumors , Engagement , Cheating , Lacroix , Yankee , Arod , Windfall , 3 Billion , 1 3 Billion , Covid Relief Money , Eric Garcetti , Savings Account , Responses , Mental Health Services , Reimagine Public Safety , Credit Card , Pensions , Owner , Lockdowns , Fish Restaurant , Disabilities , Healthcare Costs , Movie , Restaurants , Cash , Hypocrisy , Pineapple Hill Saloon Angela Marsden , Unemployed , Total , Mismanagement , Homeless , Strings , 430 Million , 16 , 30 Million , Backyard , Community Members , Family Members , Guy , Savings , Policies , Homeless Problem , Greater Los Angeles Area , 10000 , 1 Billion , 6 Billion , Money , Doing , Homelessness , Cycle , Ppp , Shutdown , Positivity Rate , Average , Chicken , Beer , Big East Tournament , Champion , Big Night In Sports , Matchup , Madison Square Garden , Abby , Georgetown , Fans , Heartbreaks , Recap , Nancy Hall , J Lo , Big East Tournament Semifinal , Shots , Charge , Rebounds , Dante Harris , 21 , Game , Blue Jays , Big East Title Game For The First Time , End , Yukon Versus Crane , Point Run , 9 , 66 , 58 , Defense , Holding Yukon , Thai , Big East Tournament Championship Game , Chance , Clock Countdown , Chances , Championship , Action , Title , Garden , Huskies , Creighton , 30 , Win , Teams , Automatic Bid , Eastern On Fox , Trophy , Bragging Rights , Guards , Spell , Yukon , Tournament , Cinderella Story , Excitement , Ncaa , Upset , Case Numbers , Same , Business Owners , Jillian Mealy Sat , Next , Both , Health , Wellness , Stories , Depression , Lows , Bipolar Depression , Art , Dark , Emptiness , Struggle , Impact , Latuda , Studies , Weight , Empowered , Fever , Stroke , Confusion , Antidepressants , Muscles , Mood Changes , Dementia Patients , Behaviors , Teens , Side Effects , Muscle , Democrat , Calls , Refusal , Pressure , Office , Mansion , Blanket , Cuomo Walking , Shoulders , List , Chiller , Neck , Comrade Cortez , Saying , Grace , Right , Nursing Home Scandal , I Don T Like Trial By Media , Support , Picture , Status , Reporters , Press Conference Call , Portion , Vaccines , Budget , Relationship , Floor , Level , Harassment , Don T Know , Jessica Bateman , Black , Bullying Nature , Self Awareness , Constant Remindedders , Reminders , Advance , Big Man , Laughter , Club , Notes , Mindset , Number One , Willingness , Justice , Convictions , Motivation , Ford , Peter Doocy , Immigration Crisis , Center , Presentation , Universe , Migrants , Positive , Scandals , Boarder , Brownsville , 204 , Jen Psaki , March 9th , 9 25 , Ice Facilities , Citizens , Intake , Terms , Data , Screening , Unaccompanieded , 14 , 10 , Some , Discussions , Ability , Believe Vaccinating , Safe , Jed , Press Secretary Job , Requirement , Patients , Room , Population , Crisis Swirling Around , Doubt , Quarantining , They Don T Know , Problem , Aspect , Measures , Lifting , Prioritizing , Localities , Elimination , Answers , Cone , Pithing , This , Listen , Bill , Republicans , Mayors , Independents , Red States , Parties , Blues , Emergency , 430 , C Span , Takeover Bill , Progressive , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Look , Vote , Breakdown , Covid Relief Bill , Zero , Polling , Poll , White House , Approval Rating , World , Pollsters Coit For A Living , Bills , Nature , Transformational , 12 , The New York Times , Crises , Citizenry , Op Ed , Government Program , Perspective , Ronald Reagan , Kevin Mccarthy , Relief Bills , House Minority Leader , Lunch , True Cliche , Cost , 22000 , Three , Immigrants , Health Care , Government Employees , Taxpayers , Bureaucrats , Swamp , Bonuses , 25000 , Tech Problems , Marijuana , Alcohol , San Francisco , Condition , Pandemic , Police Officer , Shoplifting Call , Headlines , Progressive Politics , Mall , Boon , Authorities , Grocery Store , Surgery , Suspect , Shelves , Chase , Participants , Winter Storm , Snow Starting , Snowfall , Home , Ping , Pol , Colorado , Contract , Tom S , Standby , Team , Rescue Operations , Tampa Bay , Quote In Pursuit Of Eight , Brady , Morning Headlines , Band , Super Bowl Ring , Swred , Eight , 2022 , Sister , Gretchen Whitmer , Oman , Michigan , Prosecutor Calls , Deaths , Season , Body , Centrum , D , Race , Vitamin C , Zinc , Know , Bread , Bread Layers , The Real Deal , Angelic Choir , Guy Fieri , Ya Gotta , King S Hawaiian , Prosecutor , Elderly , Nursing Home Policy , Committee , Prosecutor Calling , Law , Adult Death Review Board , Sister Mary Last , Hearts , Guest , Welcome To The Show , Anthony If , Objective , 2014 , Saw , Rehabilitation Center , Urinary Tract Infections , February 27th , Wasn T , Birthday , Sedative , 2020 , 27 , April 6th , April 16th , Hospital , Trouble Breathing , Coverage , Nursing Home Policies , Nursing Homes , Respect , Information , Parallel , Award , Hush , Liability , Shot , Ramifications , Audio Difficulty , Inaudible , Zones , Joe Louis Arena , Downtown Detroit , Hubs , Contact , Policy , Running Out Of Time , Spaces , The Other Side , Projects , Resume Database , Credit , Project Managers , Seventy Five Dollar , Vraylar , Ups And Downs , Energy , Mood Swings , Depressive Lows , Bipolar I , Medicines , Bipolar , Highs , Episodes , Pill , Changes , Psychosis , Cholesterol , Sleepiness , Muscle Movements , High Blood Sugar , Stomach , Coma , Weight Gain , Movement Dysfunction , Vitamin , Capsule , Serum , Neutrogena , 20 , Prescriptions , Trip , Medicare , Save A , Walgreens , Jess , Friends , Tv Services , Delegating , Services , Sweat , Piers Morgan , Signatures , Morning Britain , 227000 , Show , Student , Meghan Markle , 7000 , 27000 , Jose Villarreal , Hard Times , Substitute Teacher , Millions , Taxes , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Novel , Coming To America , Similarities , Sequel , Original Film , 1980 , 1980 Dr Alveda , 1988 , Book , Alveda King , Dr , Coming To America Story , Contributor , Author , Story Writing , Quote , Idea , Arab , Romance Novels , Yep , Eddie Murphy , Andrew Young , Christians , Fight , Mid 1980s , Fiction , Manuscript , Copyright Protection , Similarity , Copyright , Kid , Access , Proof , Atlanta , African Prince , Paramount Pictures , Writer , Hollywood , Battle , Court , Inspire , Case , Laws , The Sun , One Night Stand , Baby , Loophole , Bitter , Add Vice , Al Vealed A Da , Second , Attitude , Pete , Creativity , Love , God , Statements , States , Restriction , Gillian , Open For Business , Trelegy , Copd , Dawn , Thigh , Birds Flyin , Stand , It S Time , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Down , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Swelling , Vision Changes , Breathing , Chest Pain , Spain , Mouth , Eye , Tongue , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Problems Urinating , Save , Trelegy Com , Lives , American Business , Pause , Lockdown Orders , Business Survival , Food Market , Works , Food Hall , 150000 , Opening , Invest , Economy , Vendors , Del Rey , It , Beginning , Tail End , Airplane , 8 , Reduction , Coffee , Sales , 80 , 70 , Dining , Union , Hotel , Types , Business Plan , CafÉ , Street , Business Partners , Investors , Officials , Leadership , Eyes , Overregulated , The Street , Digger , Covid Shutdowns , Forest , First Green Shoot Come Up , There S Hope , Faith , Life Goes On , Development , Restaurant Owner , Work Force , 97 , Guys , The End , Opinion , Conjecture , Will Jillian , North Dakota , South Dakota , Reality , Sense , Mother , Congregating , Gym Owners , Most , Island Of Manhattan Doesn T , Dell , Group , Rider , Driver , Heldlines , Atvs , Atv Driver , Riders , Bikes , Cinder Blocks , Atv , Men , Trash , Briefing , Eric Swalwell , Nation , Resolution , Panel , House Intel Committee , Swalingwell , Secrets , Spy , Chinese , Mccarthy Tweeting , Fbi , Fang , Space Station , Astronauts , Air Lock , Space Walk , Nasa , Victor Glover , Michael Hopkins , Station , Upgrades , Maintenance , Preparation , Area , Space , Space Students , Mcdonald S , Food , Note , Pizza Hut , Rick Reichmuth , I Don T Know , I Don T Know About Thrive , Suit , Virgin Galactic , Space Tourism , Dream , Whack , Richard Branson , 50000 , 250000 , Housekeeping , Lifetime , Big Storm Out , Morning Television , Storms In March , Central Parts , Areas , South , Rain , Missouri , Joplin , Job Lib , Foot , Elevation , Daylight Savings , Oklahoma , Change , Morning Show Hosts , Enemy , Superfan , Tradition , Ritual , Piano Music , Comfort , Extreme , Suvs , Lincoln , Limu Emu , Squawks , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Filter , Meow , Buddy , Emu , Ah Ha , Stop Trulicity , Insulin , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Trulicity Isn T , Don T , Events , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Use , Type 1 Diabetes , Stomach Pain , Vision , Lump , Pancreatitis , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Taking Trulicity , Nausea , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Career Services , Education , Stance , Piece , Gun Control Legislation , 17 , Gun , Immigrant , Ice Agents , Immigration , Attorney , Favor , Attempts , Voting Against , Customs Enforcement , Gun Activist Colin , Ice , Citizen , Want , Constituency , Account , Standpoint , Page , House , Gun Community , Guns , Result , Voting Bloc , Gun Control Laws , Display , Gun Measures , Safing , Common Sense , Drop , Climb , Nipping , Dime , Dianne Feinstein , Record , Assault Weapons Ban , All In , Assault Weapons , Mr , Mrs , Confiscation , Shop , Rifles , Colion , 90 , Nascar Cup Series , Ins Car 500 , Heartburn , Bride , Nexium , 24hr , Marie , Nexium 24hr , Focus , Son , Fruit , Acid , Autism , Night Protection , Orange Juice , Advisor , Lavender Baths , Nm Com , Drivers , Favorite , Larry Mcgriddle , Preview , Coverage Starting , Eastern , Instacart 500 At Phoenix Raceway , Winners , Races , Favorites , Finding Victory Lane , Racetrack , Wins , The , Kevin Harvick , Kind Offed , Nine , Kyle Larson , Momentum , Oddsmakers , Don T Go , Tracks , Believer , Stock Car Racing , Cliff Daniels , Confidence , Race Team Confidence , Las Vegas , Ld , At Hendry Motor Sports , Race Car Driver , Bad News , App , Outcomes , Fox Bet Super 6 , 0000 , Outcome , Stage , Migrant Processing Center , Immigration Crisis Escalating , Invitation , Starts , Sales Event , Month S , 36 , 300 , 359 , 59 , Payment , Photos , 1500 , Ten , 60 , 6000 , 1000 , 2019 , 450000 , March 8th , 358 , 18 , 88 , 93 , 15000 , 25 , March 25th , 180 Billion , 80 Billion , Cyp3 , 2 Million , 2016 , 365 , 4 5 , 200 , 35 , 177 , 1940 , 121872 , 1441 , January 20 , March 14th , 40 , 230 , 92 , 800 , 422 , 6 9 Million , 10 Million , 00 Billion , 400 Billion , March 1st ,

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