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were pulled out. the argument being they were the ones provoking people. the new president, new riots and new calls together again in portland. new york governor andrew cuomo seen tonight walking the grounds of the governor's mansion talking on the phone snuggled into a blanket. mounting calls for him to resign due to allegations of sexual misconduct and covering up covid deaths due to covid-19. although just getting started democrats are piling on calling for him to resign with his steadfast refusal so far. for fewer new york state lawmakers particularly democrats with this assembly and senate threatening with impeachment, something he has a much harder time ignoring. lauren green joins us from new york with the latest allegations against cuomo, good evening, lorne. >> good evening, shannon. andrew cuomo is really fighting for his political life as he is defending himself against the political avalanche of those calling for him to step down. >> this afternoon a defiant governor andrew cuomo said he would not resign and plans with growing to a politicians to step aside don't have the facts and blames the political whims of the times. >> but people know the difference between playing politics, bowing to council, cancel culture, and the truth. >> seven women have come forward with allegations against governor cuomo accusing of sexual misconduct. the latest, a journalist who covered new york state politics. she described to the new york magazine that andrew cuomo has been on my body, my arms, my shoulders, the small of my back, the waste and various other reports reveal a deeper problem of the administration as several staff members with chaotic and tough work environment of bullying and harassment. the magazine published a heat text message exchange that fox could not independently verified between cuomo aide melissa derosa and from last year as the covid shut down was ramping up showing the culture of demeaning people. at one point the senator said i'm interested only in the facts and saving lives, not in fighting or arguing about this. and responding with you are a bad person and you are full of blank. "new york times" staffer said working with cuomo was "the worst place to be." "wall street journal" said when this surfaced, sick staffers to glean information to discredit her. cuomo said he denies that he ever acted inappropriately. >> cuomo is saying he deserves due process as stated lawmakers and attorney general pursue independent investigations. shannon. >> shannon: from that point, we can agree, lauren, thank you. as new york's top congressional democrats calling for cuomo to resign, president biden remains on the sidelines. kevin corke is tracking the latest reaction from washington tonight. good evening, kevin. >> good evening, shannon sometimes it's what you don't say that speaks volumes quite frankly. joe biden yet to comment on the surrounding allegations involving cuomo but today the press secretary did. and her take on biden's viewpoint was illuminating. speak with the president believes that every woman who has come forward deserves to have her voice heard. should be treated with respect and to tell her story. think of it as a window into mr. biden's thinking as it relates to governor cuomo. calling him to step down, welcome at the moment a bridge too far for this white house. but not for growing number of democrats, a list which now includes dozens of state and federal officials including judiciary chairman jerry nadler and both senators. it is clear governor cuomo has lost the confidence of governing partners and the people of new york. senators chuck schumer angela brown, governor cuomo should resign and added representative alexandria ocasio-cortez and jim all the moment the fact that the latest report was recent is alarming and raises concern about the present safety and well-being of the administration staff. part of the illusion of declarations calling on cuomo to step aside in the wake up half-dozen allegations of misconduct. >> because of you, mr. president, help has arrived. >> mr. biden is not the only one from the administration to personally weigh in on cuomo. neither has vice president harris, who today joined democrats in the rose garden for their victory lap after the straight party line stimulus bill signed into law. harris, you will recall, famously weighed in on allegations that supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh and senator al franken who later resigned amidst the controversy. here is tweeting in december 2017, "sexual harassment and misconduct should not be allowed by anyone and should not occur anywhere. i believe the best thing for senator franken to do is step down." but this time with cuomo fighting for his political life, harris, so far, has pulled her punches. now come on monday, harris will head out west to las vegas for her very first trip to nevada since taking office to tell to a rescue plan which will include $1400 checks for people earning. that is still a lot less than $2,000 check that aris/biden promised on the campaign trail but a much needed hope for people out there, shannon. >> shannon: kevin, thank you so much. have a great we can. >> you too, my friend. >> shannon: recent virginia history with the contacts involved with governors embroiled in scandals. remember this, virginia democrats in an uproar over ralph northam with the blackface fiasco would jeopardize chances of taking control of g.o.p. dominated state legislature. there were many calls for ralph northam to resign. we cover them on "fox news @ night" with naacp leadership. >> wealthy african-american community is upset at the democratic party to an extent because there seems to be this loss of zero tolerance fore do lip service and say this guy should resign, then they turn around and sneak in fund-raisers. >> shannon: today, democrats controlled both houses of the commonwealth legislature. rioters targeting portland, oregon, again. not long after authorities protecting the governors building since last summer. violent protesters set a fire at the entrance and tried to force their way into the building. she breaking news course on it trace gallagher has the details from a good evening, trey's. >> good evening we are on the doorstep of 2021 but in portland, oregon, it looks very much like summer of 2020 and last night some 60 protesters dressed in black chanting -- the united states to break windows, set fires into battle with federal police and here is what it looked like and sounded like. >> what's up! >> this riot was insensible to oil pipelines in canada and wisconsin but it was almost indistinguishable from 100 plus nights of violence portland saw last year. though the violence is familiar, the media coverage is not pure and former president trump said federal police portland said trumps deployment of federal agents is exactly how not police protest. "new york times" said trump was "stretching the legal limits of law enforcement." now that president biden is controlling federal police, it must be okay because the media is largely silent. while everyone saw the violence at the courthouse, there has been very little national focus on how crime is exploding across greater portland. both murders and gun violence are at an all-time high. many believe that the direct result of city council members taking $15 million from the police budget. that, of course, in response to black lives matter's protesters and others calling to defund the police. now black clergy members are calling for more police. >> we see the hurt, we feel the pain. >> even democratic ted wheeler who joined the protesters last summer is acknowledging defunding the police was a mistake. >> looked, the level of violence on their streets and the trauma that it is causing require a decisive response. speak with the mayor is asking to refund the police $2 million to focus on the riots and violence and may be bringing some people to justice. because amidst last night's fire is, riots and there was exactly one arrest. shannon. >> shannon: trace gallagher, thank you appear at the white house and democrats celebrating the partisan passage of $1.9 trillion covid package today and even as the biden administration continues to refuse to share credit on vaccine development with former president trump. >> the vaccines come it was operational warp speed that was invented, executed and initiated neither the former president. the spirit of bipartisanship as opposed to the first comments that the miles in the first days, weeks and months. suffice to say the previous administration and former president for putting us in this position, we are glad to make it go forward to. >> that is excellent as a speechwriter but the purpose of last night's speech was to give what the administration has been doing and what he has done since he took office. >> shannon: solis talk about giving credit where it is due with hhs assistant matt bassett and acting director of national intelligence, ric grenell. great to have you with us tonight. >> good evening, shannon, thank you for having us. >> shannon: even "the new york times" a fact-check they said if the president's speech last night they found two things exaggerated and misleading, contrary to mr. biden's suggestion both administrations deserve credit for the current state of the vaccine supply but rick why is it her for the white house to say listen, we've picked up where they left off? >> ric: because it is washington, d.c., and that is what they do appear they have short-term memories and it's all about them, all about their p.r. look, the simple fact is i was in the oval office doing national security briefings with president trump when a phone call would come in about work speed. he would immediately say, take the call. let's keep this moving. and he would talk to whomever was there, the medical advisors, the ceos, the pharma company. it would immediately add other people to a call to say, hey, you need this answer and you want this done here let me get the fpa and secretary of human health and services and literally like an operation of switchboard operator, adding people to the call and having them talk in the immediate sea. this was a president completely focused on getting us to the vaccine and he did it. >> shannon: there has been a lot of frustration and i know trump administration officials told the same story that rick does and it's not portrayed and things were in shambles when it comes to covid and the vaccine but hey, "new york times" giving the guy credit. does that make you feel a little better? >> matt: it does, shannon, but i think the president missed a tremendous opportunity to bring the country together around that. by failing to mention operation work speed in his remarks, he really just did not give the former administration -- he didn't give credit where credit was due. operational warp speed was my generation's manhattan project. upon learning the virus was on our shores, the president created and implemented operational warp speed under the direction of secretary azar and admiral brett giroir and they mustered every resource available within the public and private sector in the hopes of quickly developing the vaccine. 11 months after learning of the virus, we had not one, but two working vaccines and gave the president a series of 300 transition meetings to plan to move forward to vaccinate all americans. to fail to mention that in the speech is most unfortunate. by the way, shannon, that 11 month time frame was five years, faster than a vaccine had ever been created in history. >> shannon: i mean, it is astounding and something as americans we should all celebrate and thank everybody involved with it, regardless of party, ideology or anything else. somebody who has gone back praising and president trump during the covid outbreak is california governor newsom who found himself in hot water. it seems the signatures to get a recall on the ballot. ric, this is where you spent a lot of your life. this is what senator bernie sanders about why that recall is underweight. he tweeted right wing republicans are trying to recall the governor for crime of telling people to wear a mask and listening to scientists during covid. extremist republicans have done enough to undermine democracy already. we must unite to repose the recall in california, ric. >> ric: bernie sanders, if you talk to bernie sanders supporters in california who all signed the petition to recall gavin newsom. from people who have checked the box and declined to state their party or democrats or republicans or independents. this is about basic mismanagement and in california. i was having dinner with a couple of women in california who have been working on this recall since last summer before any of the media were paying attention. this is not just about covid. this is about mismanagement of the greatest state of the union. we live on the ocean, and yet, we are telling people not to water their grass. we have rolling blackouts in california. think about that. i could go down the list of the homeless problem in california. this is basic mismanagement. i think you can elect a politician to run some other states that are smaller. you can't elect someone to run the great state of california, literally, all about identity politics and divisive politics and pure politics no matter where it is found. so nobody is surprised that gavin newsom crowd is talking about who signs this and that it's a right wing conspiracy. tell that to the bernie sanders supporters who have been signing petitions. >> shannon: well, they say they are well past the signatures they need but got the buffer so they can have signatures. some people don't want to check signatures. they will do it on this recall though and we will watch closely. map and ric, thank you very much. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: as the scandals piled up for new york governor andrew cuomo, the love affair with him the democrat is pulling off. (engines roaring) pulling off. media and all this joe concha is whoo-hoo! cal, you came in hot! shake 'n' bake? shake and bake! 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>> real leadership of the kind the president of the united states should have provided to the american people throughout this crisis it is not. shannon: what we know now is that was the same time when this policy went out about putting people into nursing homes, very questionable, not on the website can you can't find a better was happening at the same time they were fighting over him as the person who handled this better than anybody in the country. >> remember the backdrop, the uss comfort in march last year into new york harbor and at all those beds, hundreds of beds for nursing home patients or the javits center. if you've been to new york the javits center takes up several city blocks, hundreds of beds there as well. almost none utilized by governor cuomo. as far as the media adulation everyone seemed to value sizzle over stake. the power point presentation, andrew cuomo presenting himself as the father figure to america, he's the real leader as opposed to donald trump who provided the uss comfort and the javits center and no one ever thought about the nursing home situation, putting covid-19 positive patients back into nursing homes, instead of using those facilities and we see 15,000 it in nursing homes in new york. for comparison you want context, 175 countries have a lower death toll of covid-19 than the 15,000 nursing homes in new york are 37 us states total as opposed to that and apparently if you look at it there was negotiation going on at the time that the governor was doing with harpercollins as far as a book in the book was going to pay him in advance of 800,$000 if he handles covid-19 very well as was portrayed in the media, it turns out he did not, the advance never would have come and you advance why would the government to this cover-up is far as nursing home numbers are concerned follow the money in every situation because it appears to be the case here. >> there are investigations ongoing on that front and cries about trouble there for a very long time. it wasn't until the cascade of sexual harassment allegations surfaced that everybody is on his trail, the me too things he said in the past about how he was devastated by brett kavanaugh's elevation to the stream court, all of that is coming back and biting him though there were other problems along the way. this issue of calls for resignation my very wise as a producer on the shows it is that just a smokescreen. all these guys can say we call on him to resign. is up to him whether he did or not. why not push for impeachment? there probably aren't enough new york democrats willing to step up in the state assembly and the senate to actually impeach him so he just says they called me to resign and i'm not resigning, i know these guys won't impeach me. what about our coverage of the calls for resignation? >> you need 76 total lawmakers mostly democrats, hardly any republicans in new york anymore, to get a majority, to get to impeachment so that is the problem. with the governor you could say you have to resign and he won't reside because he's a serial narcissist marinated in huber so he knows if i hang on long enough they don't have the votes to impeach me and i can do a ralph northron who everybody thought had to redesign from the blackface controversy in the news cycle will take away but go back to a nursing home situation being investigated by a democratic attorney general in new york and if that comes to fruition as far as being guilty of a cover-up then he has to go either way. andrew cuomo has been on from replacing joe biden on the democratic ticket in 2020 is a president of candidates in 2024, possibly being another presidential candidate if joe biden doesn't run again to he never has a political future again after this because he has become so toxic. that will be the result when all is said and done. shannon: governor northrahman virginia, lieutenant governor had rape allegations against him, the ag was next in line already had his own blackface scandal, democrats knew they would lose everything the governor step down, it is different in new york, we will wait to see if he digs in his heels. have a great weekend. first up in tonight's is roundup this time teachers, parents and kids going after the school board in suburban dc over returning to school, some blasting the official for enforcing critical race. and ideology often criticized as being marxists. >> we need you to start putting in policies and implement in things that will help us to agree with what you are doing. >> i love that mom who is handling it all. lashing out at kirsten cinema and 6 democratic colleagues, progressives are not happy with how they voted against an amendment to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez taking to instagram to call out those colleagues. >> you probably saw democratic senator from arizona vote no and everyone got mad because of the flourish with which they did it. now it is up to you, every day people and organizers to hit up your senator if your senator did not vote on the $15 minimum wage. >> cancel culture strikes again, a student from skidmore college in new york state says nonpartisan association young americans for liberty was blocked from even forming into a club organization on campus after student government leaders said they had concerns about hate speech and making other students feel unsafe on campus. the students as her chapter goals were to reduce polarization and promote free-speech. a san francisco democratic supervisor tweeting a picture of his car broken in two outside city hall as he was inside demanding a hearing on the city's rise in crime. burglaries in san francisco up 56% compared to the same time last year. a translator removed from a job because he's not young, female and black. he said he was supposed to translate amanda gorman's poem but was placed because of his skin color and gender. he understands the debate that adds neither can i translate homer because i'm not a greek of the eighth century bc or cannot of translated shakespeare because i'm not a 16th-century englishman. reality show gone wrong or is there more to the story? you've seen the property brothers on hdtv, the couple that got a home makeover on the show so they were left with a mask. night court is next, you are the jury. iday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. hooh. that spin class was brutal. well you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oohh yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. pick something we all like. ok. hold on. what's your buick's wi-fi password? buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. that's really predictable. that's a really tight spot. don't worry. i used to hate parallel parking. 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(soft music) ♪ ♪ hello, colonial penn? ♪ ♪ >> shannon: the long shannon: the long, painstaking jurisdiction process continues in the murder trial for minneapolis police officer derek chauvin. is the city's symbols a civil lawsuit brought by the family of george floyd. mike tobin reporting again for minneapolis. good evening. >> they are calling at the highest pretrial settlement of the civil rights wrongful death case in us history pretrial. the city of minneapolis agreed to give the family of george floyd $27 million because he died while being restrained by and in the custody of minneapolis police. >> the settlement reflects our shared commitment to advancing racial justice. we need to be unapologetic in our pursuit of a more equitable local government and more just approach to community, safety and the city and we will be. >> reporter: half $1 million of the settlement will go to business and infrastructure at the intersection of 30 eighth and chicago where george floyd died. back when he filed the suit, benjamin crum who represent the family of floyd wanted to be financially prohibitive for police to wrongfully kill marginalized people especially black people. today he praised minneapolis city leaders. >> for not just saying you care about george floyd but showing that you care about george floyd, not just saying black live the matter but showing to the world that black lives matter. >> reporter: the trial moves forward in the case of derek chauvin, the police officer accused of killing george floyd. a seventh insurer has been seated in the case. they need 14 so they had two alternates. the makeup of the jury so far as five men, three white, one black, one hispanic, two woman, one white, one mixed race. back to you. shannon: thank you. time for night court, the production company behind property brothers in the hot seat tonight after a las vegas couple claims the home makeover they got was not the one they were promised. mindy and paul king taking the production company to court arguing the contractors who worked the job gave them a home full of building code violations instead of the home of their dreams. the production company says the couple never allow the mistakes to be addressed or fixed. bring in tonight at legal eagle civil rights attorney robert pattillo and attorney aaron elmore. good to have you with us. let's start with exhibit a, this comes from the complaint, cineplex made recommendations to mister and mrs. king that only an expert hdtv quality contractor would be hired to perform the work. the promise went unfulfilled, the plaintiff's own investigation later revealed the construction was inexperienced and not an expert in any regard. >> unfortunately for the kings i am sure are a lovely couple they did not enter a legally binding contract. there was no offer of consumptive inconsideration because nobody was exchanged and this is a reality show. this wasn't a deal for contracting. they were performers. the contract was for performance, therefore they have no cause of action for any legal remedy whatsoever. shannon: they are pursuing it which takes us to exhibit b. the lawyer for the property brothers said they are not being individually named as defendants, these are production companies behind the show, the kings rejected cineplex and village reasonable attempts to remedy the remaining items, instead in what appears to be an attempt to secure a substantial monetary settlement the kings have engaged in a negative publisher the campaign against the brothers, they wanted to make things right and were denied access to the home or to be able to make those repairs. >> what they are saying, they are trying to send the same substandard contractors to fix the substandard work they broke in the first place. any reasonable homeowner who had their property destroyed by a company which misrepresented their expertise and their ability to complete the project to some the same people back into the house, no. give me my money and i will hire somebody to fix the problem you created. they have a cause of action for fraud or misrepresentation or breach of agreement but also if they were in a contract, there were representations made to them that were not followed through and they suffered damages as a result of that and the defendants won't have to pay for these damages, then sending in the same contractor to fix the mess they created. shannon: to that point in exhibit c, part of the complaint for the plaintiffs, during construction the electrical subcontractor made them aware of shortcuts being taken by the defendant, shortcuts which were creating several dangerous violations. despite being aware of the issues and holding the power to make the changes necessary to remedy these issues nothing was done. they say the production companies new or notified of the problems as they were happening and didn't fix them. >> look like plaintiffs want to indicate the production company did know about these defects but this looks like they have the wrong defendant, the property brothers and their production company are the wrong people. it looks like these subcontractors are the ones that are actually negligent. as i previously indicated there's a legally binding contract between the kings in the property brothers construction company. with the kings need to do is go after the subcontractors. shannon: there's something called the nevada state contractors board reviews the disputed in final exhibit d, cineplex, one of the production comedies has a statement that says the kings rejected our terms to complete the work, the nevada state contractor closed the case and the punch list of items remained unresolved, so we can't comment any further. quick comment from you. >> what you're finding out is all these things are made-for-tv productions, will leave an individual in a bad situation so do your research and enter into a proper legally binding contracts reviewed by a lawyer so they don't have what they signed off on to be reviewed by independent counsel. to protect yourself you must have your own representation no matter how good the tv product. shannon: an exciting thing to do one of these shows but worth the time to take a minute, get counsel to look at that in case you end up in a situation like this. thank you both. >> thank you, your honor. shannon: has woke culture become a threat to the gospel? one famed pastor thinks so. biblical scholar jim denison discusses what the church is facing next. for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 14 day system. with a painless, onesecond scan i can check my glucose without fingersticks. now i'm managing my 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things that need reconciliation, issues of race and gender and they are having a tough time trying to balance the demands on them. >> i am a pastor myself. i have pastored for 30 years, we are called to speak the truth and those have to be balanced so on the one hand we definitely need to speak to issues like racism and systemic racism in culture but at the same time we need not to be compromising the biblical truth that is the foundation we offer the world. it is a challenge to keep both of these together in a way that doesn't compromise but also speaks with compassion. shannon: pastor unicef understands christianity was under severe persecution from islamic extremists and as a result he was continuing to train at home with how to stand up for the faith and not be deceived. he worries about young pastors feeling the pressure to be culturally fitted in and make sure people of their church are feeling good. that has got to be a struggle for people who want to preach the truth but know that people want to leave church feeling good about themselves despite the fact that we are all sinners. >> i pastored in atlanta not far from doctor yusuf's church. there are some in the christian world saying the bible is just wrong on lgbt key wishes or abortion or euthanasia, what the issue might be. i heard bishops called homophobes. an issue is to say we are wrong, we have been misinterpreting the bible all these centuries and the bible doesn't say what we say it says about lgbt q issues or whatever they might be with a third position is to say god's word is god's word, god's nature doesn't change, the bible can never be what it never meant. our call is to speak the truth to the culture. the challenge is to do that in a way that offers compassion and grace while speaking with clarity and courage. shannon: people talk about controversial issues. i always remind them we are to love god with hearts, soul and mind, and not to go around judging every one and to love them, respect them, we you are kind enough to look at my book that is coming out about women in the bible and what we can learn from them and women in the church and their place. one of my favorite people in the bible is a leader of israel, she leads them into a battle, she is the leader of the whole nation and she is a woman and we can see from her, and chose to believe in god's faithfulness. >> a perfect example. a terrific book, i very much enjoyed it. what she says goes to a point my wife makes, wonderful bible teachers says you might be able to say women are not allowed to lead but they are not able to lead. reagan and john roberts and billy graham and chris tomlin, an activist compassion and courage in a way that is a great model for us today. shannon: women in the bible speak march 30th, thank you for being with us. great to have you. >> thanks having me on. shannon: a battle for getting students back into the classroom continues a new study brings facts and science to the table. what they say next. it's my savings secret. carepass members get 20% off cvs health brand products. free 1-2 day shipping... plus, a $10 promo reward. thanks for sharing! join carepass today and get yours. so you want to make the best burger ever? thanks for sharing! then make it! that means cooking day and night until you get... 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Issue , Problems , Resignation , Producer , Stream Court , Smokescreen , Trail , Elevation , Guys Won T , State Assembly , Guys , Majority , Coverage , 76 , Serial Narcissist , Huber , Blackface Controversy , Votes , News Cycle , Ralph Northron , Fruition , Ticket , Candidates , Candidate , Future , Joe Biden Doesn T Run , 2024 , Northrahman Virginia , Scandal , Rape , The Ag , Teachers , Cup , Heels , Parents , Step Down , School , Kids , Race , Official , Marxists , School Board In Suburban Dc , Mom , Policies , Colleagues , Progressives , Wage , Lashing , Amendment , Kirsten Cinema , Instagram , 15 , 5 , 6 , Vote , Flourish , Arizona , Organizers , Minimum Wage , Campus , Student , Young Americans For Liberty , Student Government Leaders , Club Organization , Skidmore College , Students , Supervisor , Hate Speech , Free Speech , Concerns , Chapter Goals , Polarization , Picture , San Francisco , Translator , City , Car , Burglaries , Hearing , Rise , Poem , City Hall , Amanda Gorman , 56 , Gender , Debate , Homer , Skin Color , Greek , Property Brothers , Reality Show , Show , Home Makeover , Night Court , Shakespeare , Hdtv , Cannot , Englishman , 16 , Burger , Jeans , Jury , Radio Up , Wings , Pair , Iday Night A , Applebee S , , Spin Class , Hooh , Wi Fi Password , Massaging Seat , Music , Apple , Buick , Hold On , Buickenvision2021 , Oohh Yeah , All Of You , Parking , Spot , Sister , Suv , Text , Envision , Don T Worry , Yes , Brick , Marathons , Wow , Mhm , Plan , Life Insurance , Conversation , Colonial Penn , Um , 9 95 , 95 , Reminder , Death , Health Scare , 85 , 50 , Health Reason , Premiums , Health Questions , Options , Step , Rate , 35 , Beneficiary Planner , Soft Music , Long Shannon , Murder Trial , Painstaking Jurisdiction Process , Settlement , Derek Chauvin , George Floyd , Lawsuit , Symbols , Civil Rights Wrongful Death Case , Mike Tobin Reporting , Minneapolis , Custody , History Pretrial , 7 Million , 27 Million , Commitment , Community , Pursuit , Business , Reporter , Infrastructure , Intersection , Eighth , Chicago , 30 , 1 Million , Benjamin Crum , Showing , Suit , City Leaders , Black , World , White , Seventh Insurer , Makeup , Seated , Mixed Race , Trial , Men , Killing , Alternates , One Hispanic , 14 , Three , Production Company , Property Brothers In The Hot Seat , Contractors , Home , Building Code Violations , Dreams , Paul King , Mindy , Robert Pattillo , Mistakes , Exhibit A , Eagle Civil Rights , Aaron Elmore , Work , Promise , Cineplex , Complaint , Contractor , King , Plaintiff , Recommendations , Expert Hdtv , Mrs , Mister , Kings , Construction , Investigation , Expert , Regard , Contract , Offer , Contracting , Performers , Performance , Consumptive Inconsideration , Wasn T A Deal , Production Companies , Defendants , Action , Lawyer , Cause , Remedy , Items , Campaign , Attempt , Attempts , Village , Publisher , Brothers , Access , Saying , Repairs , Homeowner , Company , Property , House , Expertise , Project , Ability , Misrepresentation , Fraud , Damages , Representations , Breach , Mess , Agreement , Defendant , Plaintiffs , Subcontractor , Shortcuts , Exhibit C , Which , Issues , Nothing , Violations , Didn T , Defects , Subcontractors , Looks , Property Brothers Construction Company , Statement , Terms , Comment , Punch List , Nevada State Contractor , Production Comedies , Unresolved , Nevada State Contractors Board , Exhibit D , Counsel , Contracts , Individual , Productions , Research , Worth , Tv Product , Representation , Honor , Pastor , Jim Denison , Church , Employee , Lifetime , Threat , Mike S Retirement Party , Gospel , Employees , Wealth , Challenge , Diabetes , Fingersticks , Scan , Glucose , Day System , Onesecond , Painless , Musician , Austin James , My Name , 8 2 , 6 7 , Prescription , Human History , Genocide , Survivors , Word , God , Thousands , Jewish , Food , Comfort , Comfort Ye , Jews , Survival Food Box , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Diet , Essentials , Gift , 25 , Time , Faith , Season , Passover , Holiday Gift , 70 , Holocaust , Unleavened Bread , Supply , She Hasn T , Foods , Care , Yael Eckstein , Needs , Bipolar Depression , Hungry , Depression , Symptoms , Struggle , Latuda , Stories , Dark , Art , Emptiness , Lows , Studies , Impact , Weight , Empowered , Muscles , Mood Changes , Thoughts , Adults , Dementia Patients , Antidepressants , Confusion , Behaviors , Teens , Stroke , Fever , Muscle , Efforts , Conservative Christian , Bob , Faithful , Times , Quote , Advice , Rejection , Society , Jesus , Christian Post , Pastors , Words , Sermons , Reconciliation , Demands , Hand , Compassion , Racism , Both , Foundation , Doesn T Compromise , Persecution , Christianity , Unicef , Pressure , Extremists , Islamic , Feeling , Doctor Yusuf S Church , Sinners , Feeling Good , Atlanta , Bible , Lgbt , Wishes , Abortion , Euthanasia , The Bible Doesn T , Bishops , Homophobes , Misinterpreting , Nature Doesn T Change , Courage , Clarity , Grace , Hearts , Mind , Soul , Women In The Bible , Battle , Nation , Israel , Faithfulness , Example , Wife , Model , Activist , John Roberts , Reagan , Billy Graham , Chris Tomlin , Classroom , Thanks , March 30th , Sharing , Science , Study , Health Brand Products , Savings Secret , Table , Shipping , Promo Reward , Carepass , 20 , Businesses , Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Payments , Payroll , Ding , Everything A Truck , Motor Trend Truck , Awards , Back To School , Classrooms , Unions , Computer , Paul Brickley , Daughter , Mark Meredith , Schools , Orange , American Enterprise Institute , Cases , Suicide , Protocols , Distancing , Washington State , Cleaning , Covid 19 Testing , Option , Vaccines Rollout , Texas , Iowa , Wyoming , Florida , Effort , Goal , 100 Million , Michael Bloomberg , Summer , Reopenings , Futures , Heat , Humidity Doom , Hundred Days , Washington Post , Op Ed , Planes , Education Secretary , Stop , School District , Priority , Senior Living Community , 98 , 1600 , Vaccine Partners , Fireworks , Ashley , Grandchildren , Pros , Health , At Night , Tonight On Fox News , Digestive , Try Align , 24 7 , Best Friend , Co Pilot , Father , Still A Night Out , Doesn T Love Obsessing Over , Little , Passion , Journey , Legend , Chevrolet , Bandwidth , Video Calls , Offices , Signal , Techs , Parking Lots , Network , At T Business , Take Care Of Business , Let , Weeknight , 8 , News , Media Mob , Hannity , Sean Hannity , Nine , Turbo Joe For Surviving , Heaping , Biden Blitz , 18 , Wrong , Right , Men In Black , Movie , The , Review , Blunders ,

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