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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First : comparemela.co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First

"fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪♪ i will never be royal ♪♪ this kind of love is not for us. >> there is london and i can tell you there is a cloud over it because that interview went out last night in the uk, people feeling the back lash today. jillian: maybe i'm in the minority but i think -- don't really get into it that much. my crazy? >> some people can't stop watching it and talking get and others don't want to hear about it. in a time of covid-19, prince and princess talking about their woes, not the time. >> talking their financial rescue, we are talking in the millions was where you are live from, you are little closer to it today, talking about it a lot. >> indeed. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. jillian: the house is expected to vote on the revised covid-19 relief deal as soon as today but despite passing it last month democrats could face opposition their own party. >> live in washington with bipartisan push back. >> reporter: it may be a moving target but the house could vote to approve the changes the senate made and send this to the president's desk ahead of enhanced federal unemployment benefits that are due to expire this coming weekend, the white house is thrilled to be at the cusp of what would be a major win for the president. >> senator manchin and senator sanders and a range of democrats in between voted to support a $1.9 trillion package that is the most progressive piece of legislation in history. we are feeling pretty good about that. >> reporter: not everyone is happy, progressives say it doesn't go far enough, the minimum wage hike was stripped out. republicans.at the price tag, $2 trillion tacked onto the federal deficit when much of the bill goes well beyond covid-19 relief. >> it is not covid-19 relief package. it is a progressive payment plan because it pays everybody, it pays cities, it pays states. >> reporter: looking at on thursday president biden is planning to address the nation marking one year since the start of the covid-19 shutdown. >> he will convey the same message he did on the campaign trail which was he has a plan, he's executing that plan and as a country we will come together and beat this pandemic, rise from this economic crisis and build back better which means we are not going to leave anybody behind this time. we are going to make sure we bring everybody along with us. >> as far as the house vote is concerned if it happens today we will say but this is probably not going to be the nailbiter we saw in the senate. democrats do not have many votes to spare. jillian: no one does these days. benjamin: kayleigh mcenany blasts the double standard on the relief deal saying when she was press secretary, the trump administration could not and would not have done what the biden team is now doing. >> donald trump did 5 iterations, imagine if you promised bipartisanship the inside of the election reaching across the aisle, the great dealmaker and stood at the podium and said we just passed the most conservative bill in modern history without a single democrat by our side we would be mocked, ridiculed. benjamin: referring to all the times president biden promised to unify the company -- country by working with both sides of the aisle. >> the cdc is giving those vaccinated against covid-19 the green light to resume some pre-pandemic activities, new guidelines give the okay to visit other vaccinated people indoors about wearing masks or social distancing, visiting doors with low risk and skip quarantine if exposed and to wear masks in public but the cdc advises against traveling. dr. nicole saphier will join us live. cleanup is underway in mexico's migrant campers hundreds leave for brownsville, texas. benjamin: new numbers on migrants crossing into the us who tested positive for covid-19. >> reporter: the only thing left in this migrant camp, under the remain in mexico is a cleanup job that you see happening here. all of the migrants that were inside of left. this camp is being closed by mexican officials. at the time of the closing over 24 hours ago there were 800 migrants in this camp. most of them heading over to brownsville, texas. not all got across with one migrant we talked to said he spent 14 months in these dire and difficult conditions but the lions share of the migrants were able to cross legally under biden's new policies and they got dropped off at that bus station in brownsville where dhs officials do not tested before releasing them, the city of brownsville does so. last week we told you that 108 migrants tested positive for covid-19 since they began testing in january. we have brand-new numbers, 185 have tested positive. as they tear this down they say they are not going to reopen it but we do know more migrants are coming in the coming weeks and months. officials here worried about what will happen if numbers surge again. the migrants that can get legally across, stuck living in the streets are trying to find shelters. jillian: thank you. benjamin: the democratic mayor del rio says managing the pandemic with the surge of migrants has become nearly impossible. >> frustrating because unlike city south of us who have been able to assess migrants being released into the community we received testing, some are on the way but during the winter that we had a couple weeks ago, that places a lot of pressure on local areas and hospitals doing testing so we haven't been able to do that once released into the community and it is frustrating to say the least. benjamin: the same mayor warned of the trouble ahead and asked the biden administration not to release migrants into his city. jillian: a wreck at camp pendleton in california, base officials say the 3 vehicle crash involve their personal vehicles, no identity has been released. just a week ago a 26-year-old sailor died, 5 others hurt in a chain reaction crash. benjamin: the trial of the former minneapolis officer charged with george floyd's death hitting a snag on its first day, jury selection as prosecutors tried to add third-degree murder to derek chauvin's charges, his sister is praying for justice. >> a great man, great father. a great brother. we will never get that back. i want you to continue to pray for our families because we need it. we need. >> reporter: hundreds of protesters demand chauvin be convicted. jillian: new york republicans renew their push to impeach andrew cuomo. >> regardless of how many hearings the real problem is the governor lost so much credibility that we don't feel we are moving forward. jillian: the a similar been introduced in impeachment resolution that would only need a simple majority to remove cuomo from office as the state attorney general points to attorneys including a former federal prosecutor about the sexual harassment probe. >> megan markel's father speaking out about the explosive interview. >> he didn't lose me. she made a statement that she lost me. he didn't lose me. i would have always been there for her. i'm there for her now if she wants me. benjamin: he called out her daughter for ghosting the family and leaving him dry. she says her father betrayed her and caused much pain, and regarding the allegations he says he does not believe the uk is racist. jillian: what a messy drama that will continue. benjamin is not going away anytime soon, that is for sure. benjamin: i saw that interview just briefly earlier on and he said it wasn't the uk that was racist but california and la that were being racist. jillian: we will continue to follow it, 10 after the hour, a no-confidence vote for la's progressive da. families frustrated, the mother of a young man killed in 2018 joins us after the break. >> it is troubling to see the republican party turn themselves into a cult. carley: first, basket of deplorable, now the grand old party is a cult, her message to conservatives coming up. shannon: san francisco city council will discuss a no-confidence vote against george gascon for prioritizing criminals over victims. desiree was murdered in 20 thing, she said his policies kept his killers from being sentenced to life in prison. she joined me now along with mayor bill miranda and councilman jason gibbs. thank you for being here. appreciate your time. i am so sorry for the loss of your son. for those who don't know your story can you take us back and tell us what happens? >> my son was picked up from his grandparents's home, suppose a difference picked them up from home and they took him over to a home, a room in a home and they beat him, brutally beat him to death and repeated it, to beat him to death three times until my son was finally murdered. benjamin: i'm so side. his policies include no definitely, prosecutors no longer seek enhanced prison sentences, juveniles no longer tried as adults, no cash bail misdemeanors for nonviolent crimes. here's what gascon has to say is a minority of victims want the maximum punishment imposed in their case. research shows these views are not shared by majority of survivors of violent crime is most survivors don't find healing by putting another person in a cage. i want you to respond to that because that seems like a very harsh statement to make as someone who has lived through extreme suffering and losing your son. what does that statement say to you? >> it is such a cold statement. it is asinine to me. i don't understand where he gets the minority of victims want to see people in cages. that is majority of people. i don't know where his research is. i would love to see where he is getting these case studies from because i haven't met anyone that wants their loved ones murderer out. it does not make any sense at all to me so i find that very heartless, cold and it is coming from a man who does not care about us victims and is pro-criminal at this point. jillian: seems like your councilmembers, your mayor who is also on screen in this interview care about you, your story. others to have stories like yourself. can you tell us what is going to happen with this no-confidence vote? >> we have a resolution that will come before council tomorrow, we are specifically discussing three of his directives that he issued. for me the reason this got brought out, he got elected the same day he issued directives that were sweeping and a call a lot of people off guard and over the past few months you hear stories that are just horrific and there's a blanket approach to how we will handle prosecutions. there is no prosecutorial discretion anymore. there is no looking out for victims. it is pushing the new ideology he wants to push as da. i don't believe it is good for the city or families or victims and we have a real problem which is why we are bringing this forward. jillian: you believe he was to be a social justice reform, not a district attorney. what do you say about that? >> that is what his ideology has pushed. as ada your number one job is to protect victims, your here to prosecute people for the crimes they commit on the community. that's not his focus. when you are talking about policies, we are no longer worried about trying 17-year-olds as adults if they commit the most heinous acts. if we are not even going to have the discussion of the death penalty when talking about families whose children are beaten, sergeants executed when responding to calls, when the most heinous acts we have ever seen, he just comes out with we are not doing that, he's pushing an ideology, he's not pushing for victims, he's not looking to help and when he tells you he's not going to send a das to parole hearings, and we have to send deputies, have somebody with them representing them it is a dereliction of duty. >> you just heard the victims and the victims families are not necessarily the priority here. how important is it to you that they are? >> extremely important. i want to say to you, thank you for having us on the show today and to desiree come our hearts and prayers are with you and all the victims and their families who suffer from incredible incredible harm that has been done to you and your family. it is so important because our number one responsibility as councilmembers and mayor is to protect our citizens. that is number one responsibility and we take it very seriously and our community takes it seriously. we are a family oriented community. people move here because it is a great place to live, work and play and we take public safety seriously and so do our community members, they take it seriously. they expect us, they follow the laws and expect us to enforce the laws. when we are not able to enforce the laws that endangers public safety and changes an entire community. jillian: thank you very much. i'm so sorry for your loss. nothing will bring back your son but hopefully you get the justice that you and he deserved, thank you for sharing your story and keep us updated. we will be right back. a life ine policy you no longer need? now you 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it? >> a very worrying statistic and very consistent when random populations are tested and the failure of the federal government to protect our border into protect our citizens who live on that border is unforgivable. benjamin: the biden administration saying it is not their messaging. they want -- another policy, their messaging they want to convey. jen psaki speaking yesterday. >> i would say it is clear we need to work more on getting the message out and being cleared now is not the time to come. the majority of families, adults, the vast majority are turned away at the border and that is a message that we need to continue to look for means and ways of getting more and more out of the region. benjamin: the policy suggests an arms open approach but the messaging is incorrect. how do you balance those two views? >> you are seeing the difference between talk and walk. they say one thing and act out the other side of the issue, with open arms, not defending our border, not putting boots on the ground and forces necessary to be sure immigrants aren't coming in indirectly impacting small communities. benjamin: if we can move on to something else i know you have been pushing for you filed a bill aimed at stopping the texas police departments from defunding the police and 18% of people show defend the police movement is supported. wise is moving going ahead? how does the city of austin justify this? >> we in austin turn the administration turned to this lovely city into a bit of a nightmare. we are boarded up, have tents, trash and needles on the street, people defecating in the street, violent crime is up significantly and it is just heartbreaking to see the change that has happened. i just think those that are defunding the police don't deserve additional funds on my bill would make them ineligible for state grants and bring a little bit of the financial insight to them for the decisions they make. benjamin: i hope your bill moves ahead successfully. >> the la teachers union warns against posting spring break photos as they fight returning to class. a message of bad optics right there. ♪♪ when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. carley: we are back with fox news alert. megan michael's father speaks out for the first time since prince harry and dutchess's exclusive interview. sean: fallout continues over the royal tell all. good morning. >> reporter: no word from the palace on all of this. bombshell allegations particularly you the one, the suggestion the royal family is racist, according to harry and megan the color of their unborn child's skin was a matter of concern. nothing from the palace but we are hearing from her estranged father defending the royal family. the in-laws he never met. >> this whole thing about color, how dark the baby is, all i am saying, it could have been just a stupid question. >> thomas marco has never even met harry. he backed out of going to the wedding via art problems and intense fallout over talking to the prince. he and megan are no longer in speaking terms that he said this morning she didn't lose him. he is there for her if she wants. sussexes take control of their life narrative releasing this professional photograph of the 3 of them. they will have a baby girl this summer. in that 2-hour interview with oprah megan made a lot of allegations about how unbearable life and the palace was, the two most serious, the suggestion the family is racist and megan was suicidal and needed help but was denied on the grounds she would make the family look bad. many say the interview has blown the royal family up and it has been reported to charles, prince charles is in a state of despair. there were also reports this morning that the palace spin doctors had prepared a statement, responding to all of this but was blocked, the assumption is they need more time to get their ducks in a row to figure out what to say. benjamin: thank you very much. jillian: i'm curious what the statement will say if and when they release one. miranda devine says the idea prince harry and megan is victims especially in a paid namic doesn't sit right. >> it's a giant soap opera but also calculated to do great damage to the monarchy. they welcomes megan into the royal family. megan has done damage and to cast herself as a victim in the middle of a pandemic when they are -- living in the lap of luxury. jillian: certainly they live in a $14 million california home. benjamin: the nypd releasing video showing the moment officers were shot, one by his bulletproof vest. >> looks like a war see. officials are the two offices narrowly avoided being killed. they were responding to a 9 one one call from the suspect's roommate hiding in the closet. those officers are expected to be okay, the suspect is in custody. >> new details released on the blood fest at an arizona bath and body works. it started when a mother was standing in line with her baby in a stroller but stepped aside to socially distant. other women stepped up to panda night and started leading one of the women to push the mother. the mother and mother-in-law are facing misdemeanor charges. benjamin: hillary clinton slamming the republican party in a recent washington post live interview. >> really troubling to see the republican party turn themselves into a cult and basically pledge allegiance not to the united states of america but to donald trump. i am hoping that the republican party will find its sole. >> she zeroed in on republican lawmakers saying they lack urge to turn away from trump and also called out retiring politicians saying they don't have the stomach to stand up and fight against extremism in their own party. >> the los angeles teachers union warns teachers not to share spring break photos on social media as they voted against returning to in person learning unless demands are left. this was obtained by a local fillet. it says we have a diverse membership and they are able to post their views on facebook pages and in this facebook group that ucla does not monitor nor is it responsible for the content. as joe biden pushes the senate to pass a sweeping voting rights bill one nonprofit group is looking to tighten up election security, heritage action for america is investing $10 million to protect voting. >> the group's executive director jessica anderson joins us now. jessica, thank you so much for being with us this morning. $10 million you're putting towards this. let's have a look at how you are planning on spending it. first, strip the rules on voter id, support citizenship verification, ballot harvesting, easier for states to clean voter rolls and the job of election observers. there is clearly and has been some criticism and lack of trust in the electoral process recently. how are you hoping to change that? >> thanks for having me. the ability to have faith in the electoral system is really key to our american republic so we want to work at the state level to enact reforms to make it possible for governors and state legislators to put these best practices in place and these are common sense reforms that over 80% of americans support so when we look at the changes needed at the state level we know they are doable and wanted by the american people and it can help restore some of that faith in our electoral system before the next election. jillian: let's look up estates this will target including arizona, florida, georgia, iowa, michigan, nevada, texas and wisconsin. why these states, second of all how will you go about this? is in a boot on the ground issue? will be targeted as? what do you plan to do? >> each of the states determined because of the political makeup on the ground and heritage action has an incredible grassroots footprint across the country. we have 2 million activists who are ready to engage with state legislators, governors, we are activating them, driving cars to action and running digital and television ads with the message that common sense reforms like voter id, prohibiting private funding in our elections, ending the attributes on same day registration are possible and possible at the state level. this is the role of the state to safeguard our elections, put these reforms in place, get the federal government out of here, block hr one and allow the state reforms to take place. >> what the democrats are trying to push through, from restricting the ability to vote by mail, establish an automatic voting registration system and same-day voting registration was what do you make of that? is likely to pass? >> hr one is nancy pelosi's trademark bill, the first priority, it passed this last week in the house but opposed by bipartisan group of members of congress. there was one democrat that opposed it, wasn't just republicans but opposed it. most americans support common sense reforms around our election, they don't want federal power grab, it will move to the senate when it will likely be reintroduced in march. whether it is able to pass and make its way to biden's desk, we hope not and we are working hard to ensure it doesn't but in the meantime we can tackle state reforms and ensure they are in place at the state government level. jillian: thank you for joining us. >> look at this incredible stunt. a brazilian daredevil breaking a guinness world record, over the largest volcanic lava lake in ethiopia. the first person to accomplish this unbelievable feet using a rope to pull herself over 300 feet while the lava boils below at a temperature of 2000 degrees. the new world record announced monday to coincide with international women's day. where do they come up with these ideas? >> it is incredible and impressive but you are right, is the craziest thing i can do. >> what is left to be done. is governor cuomo's time in office up? >> the real problem now is the governor lost so much credibility and trust that we don't feel he can go forward and govern. >> new impeachment push by republicans and priests steps up to the plate giving up his 50-year-old baseball card collection for good cause. we will tell you about his lenten sacrifice making a difference next. er rick, her ne? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. -what, you mean-- -mhm. -just like that. -wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. 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(soft music) ♪ ♪ hello, colonial penn? shannon: welcome back. new york lawmakers renew their push to impeach andrew cuomo amid his mounting scandals. benjamin: the latest on the scandal. carley: the governor can no longer effectively lead. >> regardless how many hearings were investigations we have the problem is the governor has lost so much credit ability and trust that we don't feel he can go forward. carley: a total of 47 state lawmakers called on cuomo office. the assembly with the need 76 votes to impeach. mayor bill deblasio among those saying it is time for the governor to go. >> a bad situation in so many ways. people have to believe you to be effective as a leader. fewer people believe what the governor is saying and that has to be addressed. carley: the attorneys who will lead the sexual harassment investigation, a former federal prosecutor, and clark, in a statement jane described the two as independent legal experts with decades of experience conducting investigations and fighting to uphold the rule of law. more trouble for cuomo related to covid-19. similar to the nursing home director fox news has learned homes for people with developmental disabilities were also ordered to accept covid-19 positive patients in the order is still in effect which roughly 20% of residents in disabled living facilities have been infected with the virus, 552 residents have died from it was the new york office for people with development of disabilities telling fox news group homes would only accept residents if they could safely be accommodated. the mounting scandal also affecting cuomo's controversial coronavirus memoir, the publisher is halting promotion of it. benjamin: more questions, fewer answers. the new york times editorial board facing criticism for attending of the scandal, the board has not written anything on the allegations against the governor, only publishing op-ed from columnists. through september 2018 the board demanded to hear from brett kavanaugh's accuser and accused him of lying to the senate. benjamin: the number of migrant children and border patrol facilities has tripled over the past two weeks. internal documents reveal 3250 migrant children now in custody. of those only 1300 children have been detained longer than the maximum 72 hours, the surge as biden has dismantled donald trump's remain in mexico policy. texas congressman dan crenshaw is the biden administration just realizing know how difficult it is to fix. >> a border station in rio grande city, 6000 illegal crossing just last month after the most they had in history to double this month, thousands a day and completely unsustainable, turns out this is hard. the biden administration is dealing with that, really hard and very preventable. when you tell them we are not going to deport you, might give you asylum indefinitely release you, give you covid-19 tested a bus ticket. >> carlos jimenez joins us next hour is the biden team refuses to call the border situation a crisis. jillian: a minnesota priest sacrificing pieces of his path to help future generations. he is selling his rare sports cars to raise money from brave school scholarships. he had the cards for nearly 50 years, they include legend like hank aaron, jackie robinson and terry bradshaw. rather than be upset, father john says it is the happiest he has ever been to give something away. that is incredible and reminds me i do have quite a baseball card collection from when i was a kid. benjamin: how attached you can become to those. after 50 years he is giving them up, that is a generous man. >> i could have millions of dollars in the garage and don't know about it. carley: you would still be here at work, wouldn't you? benjamin: absolutely. a new focus group so students feel safer with police on campus so why is the district considering cutting its contract with police? school board trustee joins us next. oh, you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. cause when you hook our community up with the internet... boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪ shannon: the fresno school district found students would be overwhelmingly unsafe if police officers are removed from campuses allies in the board considering a contract renewal this summer. thanks for being here this morning, appreciate it. i understand this expires on june 30th. tell me what you expect to happen once that day comes. >> as of this last saturday we had a massive rally and protest on getting schools open and including school safety. fresno is a giant school district, 75,000 kids, 10,000 employees, $1.5 billion budget deployed across los angeles so it is not one of the smaller ones in the state and as of 6 months ago my fellow trustees who are fundamentally leftists either have no police, to have police in civilian clothes with no weapons, now we have a level of critical mass where the public has clearly stated if they don't get the safety of the police etc. there is going to be a lot of change in the next election cycle. critical point. once we let that contract lapse, those officers are dispersed through the department and it is low on the table of organization so if you look at contract lapse. it could be 18 months before you get police back or you contract. jillian: your a parent of kids who are in the school district who have been a part of the school district for a long time, seen all your kids go through the district. how do you think this has changed throughout that time from where we are today? >> it is a different world. my first oldest was a kindergartner in 1999, my last graduated in 2019 of the world has changed, columbine, parkland, etc. just simply looking at that change, the paradigm shift, i don't know of any parent, 1000 parents, don't want them, you cited a new survey where the kids want them. this radical fringe many of whom sit on the board with me that say no police on campus, defund the police etc.. jillian: we will keep an eye and see what happens but we appreciate you bringing this to our attention and we will talk to you soon. have a good day. benjamin: cup, waffle house whipping out a compromise on minimum wage. the ceo joins us live to explain. carlos jimenez and doctor nicole safire coming up very soon. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. >> the real problem is governors lost so much trust we don't feel he can go forward and govern. benjamin: and impeachment push, lawmakers launching a serious effort to oust governor cuomo. 's covid-19 cover-up may have gone further. jillian: one of the most hopeful developments yet, cdc guidance that could be the first step toward life without lockdown. >> he didn't lose me, her statements that she lost me, she didn't lose me. i would have always been there for her. i'm there for her right now she wants me. benjamin: megan markel's father speaking out with the whole world watching the throne. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ jillian: good morning from across the globe. we are live in london and new york city covering all the news you need to know about. i don't know about you but it is

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People , Lot , Jillian , Vaccinated Americans But Don T , Guidelines , Cdc , Shot , Triumphing , Hope , Washington Post , Megan Markel , Number , Migrants , Border , Crisis , Covid 19 , Harry , Uk , Doubling , Texas , Sending Shockwaves , 19 , Us , Fox And Friends First , Kind , Love , It , Cloud , Lash Today , London , Last Night , Minority , Others , Millions , Prince , Princess , Crazy , Woes , Rescue , Tuesday Morning , Waffle House , Relief Deal , Democrats , Party , Opposition , Bipartisan Push , Washington , Reporter , Senate , Target , Made , President , Unemployment Benefits , Cusp , Desk , Win , Orange , White House , Senator Sanders , Senator Manchin , History , Package , Everyone , Piece , Legislation , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Bill , Price Tag , Relief , Deficit , Republicans At , Doesn T Go , Minimum Wage Hike , Progressives , Trillion , 2 Trillion , Plan , States , Everybody , Relief Package , Payment , Cities , Message , Campaign Trail , Planning , Joe Biden , Nation , Covid 19 Shutdown , One , Country , Pandemic , House Vote , We Saw , Votes , Benjamin , Kayleigh Mcenany , Standard , Administration , Trump , Biden Team , Donald Trump , Press Secretary , 5 , Aisle , Election , Times , Dealmaker , Side , Inside , Conservative , Iterations , Bipartisanship , Podium , Activities , Sides , Company , The Green Light , Masks , Distancing , Public , Traveling , Risk , Doors , Quarantine , Skip , Okay , Brownsville , Cleanup , Dr , Mexico , Campers Hundreds , Nicole Saphier , Thing , Numbers , Migrant Camp , Cleanup Job , Wall , Officials , Camp , Closing , Left , Mexican , 24 , 800 , Most , Migrant , 14 , Policies , Conditions , Lions , Dhs , Testing , City , 108 , 185 , Del Rio , Shelters , Streets , Living , Community , Surge , City South , Way , Some , Winter , Rio Grande City , Mayor , Trouble , Pressure , Least , Hospitals , Areas , Haven T , Vehicle Crash , Vehicles , Identity , Sailor , California , A Wreck At Camp Pendleton , 3 , 26 , Death , Snag , Officer , Chain Reaction Crash , Former , Trial , Jury Selection , Minneapolis , George Floyd , Father , Justice , Prosecutors , Charges , Murder , Brother , Sister , Derek Chauvin , Families , Back , Problem , Governor , Andrew Cuomo , Hearings , Push , Hundreds Of Protesters , New York , Attorneys , Cuomo , Resolution , Majority , Credibility , Prosecutor , Impeachment , Office , Sexual Harassment Probe , Points , State Attorney General , Statement , Family , Daughter , Allegations , Pain , Wasn T The Uk , Drama , Racist , La , 10 , Mother , No Confidence Vote , Break , La S Progressive Da , 2018 , Carley , Cult , Conservatives , Deplorable , Basket , Victims , Shannon , Prioritizing Criminals , San Francisco City Council , George Gascon , Life , Desiree , Jason Gibbs , Prison , Killers , Bill Miranda , 20 , Son , Story , Loss , Who Don T , Home , Grandparents , Difference , Room , Three , Adults , Crimes , Case , Cash Bail Misdemeanors , Prison Sentences , Juveniles , Punishment , Crime , Person , Research , Views , Survivors , Cage , Someone , Suffering , Cages , Case Studies , Murderer , Anyone , Loved Ones , Councilmembers , Sense , Stories , Screen , Point , Interview Care , Directives , Reason , Council , Call , Guard , Blanket Approach , Discretion , Prosecutions , Ideology , Forward , Fda , Job , Reform , District Attorney , Focus , Ada , Sergeants , Children , Facts , Calls , Discussion , Death Penalty , Beaten , 17 , Deputies , Somebody , Das To Parole Hearings , Dereliction Of Duty , Priority , Hearts , Show , Prayers , Responsibility , Harm , Citizens , Place , Safety , Laws , Community Members , Play , Policy , Nothing , Life Ine Policy , Retirement , Friends , Bills , Cash Payment , Term , Income , Pay , Coventry , Life Insurance , Part , Asset , Payments , Coventry Direct , Policy Lapse , Worth , Visit Conventrydirect Com , Finding Out , One Hundred Thousand , One Hundred Thousand Dollars , Burger , Insurance , Ding , Intuit Quickbooks , Businesses , Payroll , Bookkeeping , Internet , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Xfinity , Wait , Services , Delegating , Sweat , Two , Cases , Surgery , Migrant Crossings , 2 , Statistic , Figure Jumping Up , Texas State Senator , Buckingham , Government , Make , Populations , Failure , Messaging , Speaking Yesterday , Jen Psaki , Ways , Arms , Approach , More , Region , Talk , Issue , Fact , Something , Ground , Communities , Boots , Immigrants , Police , Police Movement , Police Departments , 18 , Bit , City Of Austin , Wise , Change , Nightmare , Needles , Trash , Tents , The Street , People Defecating In The Street , Funds , State Grants , Insight , Decisions , La Teachers Union , Spring Break Photos , Posting , Class , Optics , Rancho , Goodyear Duratrac Tires , Road , Exhaust , Factory , Off Road , Chevy Silverado Trail Boss , Megan Michael , Fox News Alert , Interview , Fallout , Time , Royal , Sean , Dutchess , Royal Family , Palace , Color , Bombshell Allegations , Suggestion , Word , Child , Concern , Matter , Skin , The , The In Laws , Baby , Question , Thomas Marco , Art Problems , Morning , Photograph , Terms , Wedding , Narrative , Sussexes , Oprah Megan , Summer , Grounds , Serious , Say , Baby Girl , Help , Estate , Spin Doctors , Prince Charles , Despair , Ducks , Assumption , Row , Miranda Devine , Damage , Monarchy , Soap Opera , Doesn T Sit , Namic , Victim , Middle , Flap , Luxury , 4 Million , 14 Million , Officers , Vest , Video , Nypd , Suspect , Offices , Closet , Looks , Roommate Hiding , War See , 9 , Custody , Fest , Blood , Stroller , Line , Details , Arizona , Bath And Body Works , Women , Misdemeanor Charges , Mother In Law , Panda Night , Hillary Clinton , Lawmakers , Sole , Allegiance , Politicians , Teachers , Photos , Spring Break , Stomach , Extremism , Social Media , Person Learning , Group , Membership , Demands , Fillet , Pages , Facebook , Ucla , Nonprofit Group , Content , Election Security , Voting Rights , Heritage Action For America , Jessica Anderson , Voting , 00 Million , 10 Million , Voter Id , First , Rules , Look , Ballot Harvesting , Citizenship Verification , Voter Rolls , Trust , Criticism , Election Observers , Process , Black , Level , Thanks , Electoral System , Ability , Faith , American Republic , Governors , Common Sense , Reforms , State Legislators , Best Practices , 80 , Restore , Estates , Georgia , Michigan , Florida , Iowa , Nevada , Wisconsin , Boot , Heritage , Makeup , Peach , Activists , Action , Footprint , Grassroots , Television Ads , Cars , 2 Million , Elections , Funding , Block Hr One , Registration , Role , Attributes , Voting Registration System , Voting Registration , Mail , Trademark Bill , Members , Nancy Pelosi , Don T Want Federal Power Grab , Wasn T Just Republicans , Congress , Doesn T , State Reforms , State Government , Stunt , Daredevil , Guinness World Record , Feet , International Women S Day , Lava , Ideas , Europe , Temperature , Record , Volcanic Lava Lake , Ethiopia , 300 , 2000 , Priests , Plate , Er Rick , Baseball Card , Collection , Cause , Sacrifice , Lenten , Marathons , 76 , 50 , Wow , Mhm , Um , Coverage , Colonial Penn , Conversation , 95 , 9 95 , Health Scare , Reminder , Information , Health Questions , 85 , Options , Health Reason , Security , Premiums , Beneficiary Planner , Step , Rate , 35 , Soft Music , Scandals , Scandal , Latest , State Lawmakers , Credit Ability , Investigations , Cuomo Office , Assembly , Total , 47 , Situation , Bill Deblasio , Sexual Harassment , Leader , Experience Conducting Investigations , Experts , Fighting , Investigation , Rule Of Law , Clark , Jane , Disabilities , Nursing Home , Director , Homes , Patients , Order , Fox News , Residents , Facilities , Development , Virus , Effect , Group Homes , 552 , Controversial Coronavirus Memoir , Publisher , Promotion , Questions , New York Times , Answers , Editorial Board , School Board , Anything , Brett Kavanaugh , Columnists , Accuser , Op Ed , September 2018 , Documents , Border Patrol , 1300 , 3250 , Dan Crenshaw , 72 , Border Station , Fix , 6000 , Asylum , Team , Bus Ticket , Minnesota , Carlos Jimenez , Generations , Sports Cars , Path , Money , Brave School Scholarships , Pieces , Cards , Legend , Jackie Robinson , Hank Aaron , Terry Bradshaw , Upset , John , Baseball Card Collection , Kid , Students , District , Campus , Contract , Dollars , Work , Garage , Focus Group , Wouldn T You , Trustee , Next , Community Center , World , Community Centers , Comcast , Boom , Ariana , Jamol , College Dream , 1000 , Tools , Lift Zones , Police Officers , Fresno School District , Campuses , Allies , Contract Renewal , Protest , Schools , School Safety , Rally , June 30th , 30 , School District , Kids , Fresno , Budget , Ones , Employees , 6 , 75000 , 1 5 Billion , 10000 , 5 Billion , Trustees , Leftists , Clothes , Critical Mass , Weapons , Election Cycle , Critical Point , Contract Lapse , Department , Table , Organization , Oldest , Kindergartner , 1999 , 2019 , Parents , Them , Etc , Columbine , Parkland , Paradigm Shift , Survey , Many , Sit , Fringe , Whom , Eye , Defund The Police Etc , Compromise , Wage , Attention , Ceo , Cup , Nicole Safire , Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Stomach Acid , Formula , Esophagus , Stomach Acid Refluxes , Source , Acid Production , Zero Heartburn , Heartburn Protection , Zero , Governor Cuomo , Cover Up , Effort , S Covid , Impeachment Push , Guidance , Developments , Lockdown , Statements , Throne , News , Globe ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First

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"fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪♪ i will never be royal ♪♪ this kind of love is not for us. >> there is london and i can tell you there is a cloud over it because that interview went out last night in the uk, people feeling the back lash today. jillian: maybe i'm in the minority but i think -- don't really get into it that much. my crazy? >> some people can't stop watching it and talking get and others don't want to hear about it. in a time of covid-19, prince and princess talking about their woes, not the time. >> talking their financial rescue, we are talking in the millions was where you are live from, you are little closer to it today, talking about it a lot. >> indeed. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. jillian: the house is expected to vote on the revised covid-19 relief deal as soon as today but despite passing it last month democrats could face opposition their own party. >> live in washington with bipartisan push back. >> reporter: it may be a moving target but the house could vote to approve the changes the senate made and send this to the president's desk ahead of enhanced federal unemployment benefits that are due to expire this coming weekend, the white house is thrilled to be at the cusp of what would be a major win for the president. >> senator manchin and senator sanders and a range of democrats in between voted to support a $1.9 trillion package that is the most progressive piece of legislation in history. we are feeling pretty good about that. >> reporter: not everyone is happy, progressives say it doesn't go far enough, the minimum wage hike was stripped out. republicans.at the price tag, $2 trillion tacked onto the federal deficit when much of the bill goes well beyond covid-19 relief. >> it is not covid-19 relief package. it is a progressive payment plan because it pays everybody, it pays cities, it pays states. >> reporter: looking at on thursday president biden is planning to address the nation marking one year since the start of the covid-19 shutdown. >> he will convey the same message he did on the campaign trail which was he has a plan, he's executing that plan and as a country we will come together and beat this pandemic, rise from this economic crisis and build back better which means we are not going to leave anybody behind this time. we are going to make sure we bring everybody along with us. >> as far as the house vote is concerned if it happens today we will say but this is probably not going to be the nailbiter we saw in the senate. democrats do not have many votes to spare. jillian: no one does these days. benjamin: kayleigh mcenany blasts the double standard on the relief deal saying when she was press secretary, the trump administration could not and would not have done what the biden team is now doing. >> donald trump did 5 iterations, imagine if you promised bipartisanship the inside of the election reaching across the aisle, the great dealmaker and stood at the podium and said we just passed the most conservative bill in modern history without a single democrat by our side we would be mocked, ridiculed. benjamin: referring to all the times president biden promised to unify the company -- country by working with both sides of the aisle. >> the cdc is giving those vaccinated against covid-19 the green light to resume some pre-pandemic activities, new guidelines give the okay to visit other vaccinated people indoors about wearing masks or social distancing, visiting doors with low risk and skip quarantine if exposed and to wear masks in public but the cdc advises against traveling. dr. nicole saphier will join us live. cleanup is underway in mexico's migrant campers hundreds leave for brownsville, texas. benjamin: new numbers on migrants crossing into the us who tested positive for covid-19. >> reporter: the only thing left in this migrant camp, under the remain in mexico is a cleanup job that you see happening here. all of the migrants that were inside of left. this camp is being closed by mexican officials. at the time of the closing over 24 hours ago there were 800 migrants in this camp. most of them heading over to brownsville, texas. not all got across with one migrant we talked to said he spent 14 months in these dire and difficult conditions but the lions share of the migrants were able to cross legally under biden's new policies and they got dropped off at that bus station in brownsville where dhs officials do not tested before releasing them, the city of brownsville does so. last week we told you that 108 migrants tested positive for covid-19 since they began testing in january. we have brand-new numbers, 185 have tested positive. as they tear this down they say they are not going to reopen it but we do know more migrants are coming in the coming weeks and months. officials here worried about what will happen if numbers surge again. the migrants that can get legally across, stuck living in the streets are trying to find shelters. jillian: thank you. benjamin: the democratic mayor del rio says managing the pandemic with the surge of migrants has become nearly impossible. >> frustrating because unlike city south of us who have been able to assess migrants being released into the community we received testing, some are on the way but during the winter that we had a couple weeks ago, that places a lot of pressure on local areas and hospitals doing testing so we haven't been able to do that once released into the community and it is frustrating to say the least. benjamin: the same mayor warned of the trouble ahead and asked the biden administration not to release migrants into his city. jillian: a wreck at camp pendleton in california, base officials say the 3 vehicle crash involve their personal vehicles, no identity has been released. just a week ago a 26-year-old sailor died, 5 others hurt in a chain reaction crash. benjamin: the trial of the former minneapolis officer charged with george floyd's death hitting a snag on its first day, jury selection as prosecutors tried to add third-degree murder to derek chauvin's charges, his sister is praying for justice. >> a great man, great father. a great brother. we will never get that back. i want you to continue to pray for our families because we need it. we need. >> reporter: hundreds of protesters demand chauvin be convicted. jillian: new york republicans renew their push to impeach andrew cuomo. >> regardless of how many hearings the real problem is the governor lost so much credibility that we don't feel we are moving forward. jillian: the a similar been introduced in impeachment resolution that would only need a simple majority to remove cuomo from office as the state attorney general points to attorneys including a former federal prosecutor about the sexual harassment probe. >> megan markel's father speaking out about the explosive interview. >> he didn't lose me. she made a statement that she lost me. he didn't lose me. i would have always been there for her. i'm there for her now if she wants me. benjamin: he called out her daughter for ghosting the family and leaving him dry. she says her father betrayed her and caused much pain, and regarding the allegations he says he does not believe the uk is racist. jillian: what a messy drama that will continue. benjamin is not going away anytime soon, that is for sure. benjamin: i saw that interview just briefly earlier on and he said it wasn't the uk that was racist but california and la that were being racist. jillian: we will continue to follow it, 10 after the hour, a no-confidence vote for la's progressive da. families frustrated, the mother of a young man killed in 2018 joins us after the break. >> it is troubling to see the republican party turn themselves into a cult. carley: first, basket of deplorable, now the grand old party is a cult, her message to conservatives coming up. shannon: san francisco city council will discuss a no-confidence vote against george gascon for prioritizing criminals over victims. desiree was murdered in 20 thing, she said his policies kept his killers from being sentenced to life in prison. she joined me now along with mayor bill miranda and councilman jason gibbs. thank you for being here. appreciate your time. i am so sorry for the loss of your son. for those who don't know your story can you take us back and tell us what happens? >> my son was picked up from his grandparents's home, suppose a difference picked them up from home and they took him over to a home, a room in a home and they beat him, brutally beat him to death and repeated it, to beat him to death three times until my son was finally murdered. benjamin: i'm so side. his policies include no definitely, prosecutors no longer seek enhanced prison sentences, juveniles no longer tried as adults, no cash bail misdemeanors for nonviolent crimes. here's what gascon has to say is a minority of victims want the maximum punishment imposed in their case. research shows these views are not shared by majority of survivors of violent crime is most survivors don't find healing by putting another person in a cage. i want you to respond to that because that seems like a very harsh statement to make as someone who has lived through extreme suffering and losing your son. what does that statement say to you? >> it is such a cold statement. it is asinine to me. i don't understand where he gets the minority of victims want to see people in cages. that is majority of people. i don't know where his research is. i would love to see where he is getting these case studies from because i haven't met anyone that wants their loved ones murderer out. it does not make any sense at all to me so i find that very heartless, cold and it is coming from a man who does not care about us victims and is pro-criminal at this point. jillian: seems like your councilmembers, your mayor who is also on screen in this interview care about you, your story. others to have stories like yourself. can you tell us what is going to happen with this no-confidence vote? >> we have a resolution that will come before council tomorrow, we are specifically discussing three of his directives that he issued. for me the reason this got brought out, he got elected the same day he issued directives that were sweeping and a call a lot of people off guard and over the past few months you hear stories that are just horrific and there's a blanket approach to how we will handle prosecutions. there is no prosecutorial discretion anymore. there is no looking out for victims. it is pushing the new ideology he wants to push as da. i don't believe it is good for the city or families or victims and we have a real problem which is why we are bringing this forward. jillian: you believe he was to be a social justice reform, not a district attorney. what do you say about that? >> that is what his ideology has pushed. as ada your number one job is to protect victims, your here to prosecute people for the crimes they commit on the community. that's not his focus. when you are talking about policies, we are no longer worried about trying 17-year-olds as adults if they commit the most heinous acts. if we are not even going to have the discussion of the death penalty when talking about families whose children are beaten, sergeants executed when responding to calls, when the most heinous acts we have ever seen, he just comes out with we are not doing that, he's pushing an ideology, he's not pushing for victims, he's not looking to help and when he tells you he's not going to send a das to parole hearings, and we have to send deputies, have somebody with them representing them it is a dereliction of duty. >> you just heard the victims and the victims families are not necessarily the priority here. how important is it to you that they are? >> extremely important. i want to say to you, thank you for having us on the show today and to desiree come our hearts and prayers are with you and all the victims and their families who suffer from incredible incredible harm that has been done to you and your family. it is so important because our number one responsibility as councilmembers and mayor is to protect our citizens. that is number one responsibility and we take it very seriously and our community takes it seriously. we are a family oriented community. people move here because it is a great place to live, work and play and we take public safety seriously and so do our community members, they take it seriously. they expect us, they follow the laws and expect us to enforce the laws. when we are not able to enforce the laws that endangers public safety and changes an entire community. jillian: thank you very much. i'm so sorry for your loss. nothing will bring back your son but hopefully you get the justice that you and he deserved, thank you for sharing your story and keep us updated. we will be right back. a life ine policy you no longer need? now you 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it? >> a very worrying statistic and very consistent when random populations are tested and the failure of the federal government to protect our border into protect our citizens who live on that border is unforgivable. benjamin: the biden administration saying it is not their messaging. they want -- another policy, their messaging they want to convey. jen psaki speaking yesterday. >> i would say it is clear we need to work more on getting the message out and being cleared now is not the time to come. the majority of families, adults, the vast majority are turned away at the border and that is a message that we need to continue to look for means and ways of getting more and more out of the region. benjamin: the policy suggests an arms open approach but the messaging is incorrect. how do you balance those two views? >> you are seeing the difference between talk and walk. they say one thing and act out the other side of the issue, with open arms, not defending our border, not putting boots on the ground and forces necessary to be sure immigrants aren't coming in indirectly impacting small communities. benjamin: if we can move on to something else i know you have been pushing for you filed a bill aimed at stopping the texas police departments from defunding the police and 18% of people show defend the police movement is supported. wise is moving going ahead? how does the city of austin justify this? >> we in austin turn the administration turned to this lovely city into a bit of a nightmare. we are boarded up, have tents, trash and needles on the street, people defecating in the street, violent crime is up significantly and it is just heartbreaking to see the change that has happened. i just think those that are defunding the police don't deserve additional funds on my bill would make them ineligible for state grants and bring a little bit of the financial insight to them for the decisions they make. benjamin: i hope your bill moves ahead successfully. >> the la teachers union warns against posting spring break photos as they fight returning to class. a message of bad optics right there. ♪♪ when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. carley: we are back with fox news alert. megan michael's father speaks out for the first time since prince harry and dutchess's exclusive interview. sean: fallout continues over the royal tell all. good morning. >> reporter: no word from the palace on all of this. bombshell allegations particularly you the one, the suggestion the royal family is racist, according to harry and megan the color of their unborn child's skin was a matter of concern. nothing from the palace but we are hearing from her estranged father defending the royal family. the in-laws he never met. >> this whole thing about color, how dark the baby is, all i am saying, it could have been just a stupid question. >> thomas marco has never even met harry. he backed out of going to the wedding via art problems and intense fallout over talking to the prince. he and megan are no longer in speaking terms that he said this morning she didn't lose him. he is there for her if she wants. sussexes take control of their life narrative releasing this professional photograph of the 3 of them. they will have a baby girl this summer. in that 2-hour interview with oprah megan made a lot of allegations about how unbearable life and the palace was, the two most serious, the suggestion the family is racist and megan was suicidal and needed help but was denied on the grounds she would make the family look bad. many say the interview has blown the royal family up and it has been reported to charles, prince charles is in a state of despair. there were also reports this morning that the palace spin doctors had prepared a statement, responding to all of this but was blocked, the assumption is they need more time to get their ducks in a row to figure out what to say. benjamin: thank you very much. jillian: i'm curious what the statement will say if and when they release one. miranda devine says the idea prince harry and megan is victims especially in a paid namic doesn't sit right. >> it's a giant soap opera but also calculated to do great damage to the monarchy. they welcomes megan into the royal family. megan has done damage and to cast herself as a victim in the middle of a pandemic when they are -- living in the lap of luxury. jillian: certainly they live in a $14 million california home. benjamin: the nypd releasing video showing the moment officers were shot, one by his bulletproof vest. >> looks like a war see. officials are the two offices narrowly avoided being killed. they were responding to a 9 one one call from the suspect's roommate hiding in the closet. those officers are expected to be okay, the suspect is in custody. >> new details released on the blood fest at an arizona bath and body works. it started when a mother was standing in line with her baby in a stroller but stepped aside to socially distant. other women stepped up to panda night and started leading one of the women to push the mother. the mother and mother-in-law are facing misdemeanor charges. benjamin: hillary clinton slamming the republican party in a recent washington post live interview. >> really troubling to see the republican party turn themselves into a cult and basically pledge allegiance not to the united states of america but to donald trump. i am hoping that the republican party will find its sole. >> she zeroed in on republican lawmakers saying they lack urge to turn away from trump and also called out retiring politicians saying they don't have the stomach to stand up and fight against extremism in their own party. >> the los angeles teachers union warns teachers not to share spring break photos on social media as they voted against returning to in person learning unless demands are left. this was obtained by a local fillet. it says we have a diverse membership and they are able to post their views on facebook pages and in this facebook group that ucla does not monitor nor is it responsible for the content. as joe biden pushes the senate to pass a sweeping voting rights bill one nonprofit group is looking to tighten up election security, heritage action for america is investing $10 million to protect voting. >> the group's executive director jessica anderson joins us now. jessica, thank you so much for being with us this morning. $10 million you're putting towards this. let's have a look at how you are planning on spending it. first, strip the rules on voter id, support citizenship verification, ballot harvesting, easier for states to clean voter rolls and the job of election observers. there is clearly and has been some criticism and lack of trust in the electoral process recently. how are you hoping to change that? >> thanks for having me. the ability to have faith in the electoral system is really key to our american republic so we want to work at the state level to enact reforms to make it possible for governors and state legislators to put these best practices in place and these are common sense reforms that over 80% of americans support so when we look at the changes needed at the state level we know they are doable and wanted by the american people and it can help restore some of that faith in our electoral system before the next election. jillian: let's look up estates this will target including arizona, florida, georgia, iowa, michigan, nevada, texas and wisconsin. why these states, second of all how will you go about this? is in a boot on the ground issue? will be targeted as? what do you plan to do? >> each of the states determined because of the political makeup on the ground and heritage action has an incredible grassroots footprint across the country. we have 2 million activists who are ready to engage with state legislators, governors, we are activating them, driving cars to action and running digital and television ads with the message that common sense reforms like voter id, prohibiting private funding in our elections, ending the attributes on same day registration are possible and possible at the state level. this is the role of the state to safeguard our elections, put these reforms in place, get the federal government out of here, block hr one and allow the state reforms to take place. >> what the democrats are trying to push through, from restricting the ability to vote by mail, establish an automatic voting registration system and same-day voting registration was what do you make of that? is likely to pass? >> hr one is nancy pelosi's trademark bill, the first priority, it passed this last week in the house but opposed by bipartisan group of members of congress. there was one democrat that opposed it, wasn't just republicans but opposed it. most americans support common sense reforms around our election, they don't want federal power grab, it will move to the senate when it will likely be reintroduced in march. whether it is able to pass and make its way to biden's desk, we hope not and we are working hard to ensure it doesn't but in the meantime we can tackle state reforms and ensure they are in place at the state government level. jillian: thank you for joining us. >> look at this incredible stunt. a brazilian daredevil breaking a guinness world record, over the largest volcanic lava lake in ethiopia. the first person to accomplish this unbelievable feet using a rope to pull herself over 300 feet while the lava boils below at a temperature of 2000 degrees. the new world record announced monday to coincide with international women's day. where do they come up with these ideas? >> it is incredible and impressive but you are right, is the craziest thing i can do. >> what is left to be done. is governor cuomo's time in office up? >> the real problem now is the governor lost so much credibility and trust that we don't feel he can go forward and govern. >> new impeachment push by republicans and priests steps up to the plate giving up his 50-year-old baseball card collection for good cause. we will tell you about his lenten sacrifice making a difference next. er rick, her ne? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. -what, you mean-- -mhm. -just like that. -wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. 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(soft music) ♪ ♪ hello, colonial penn? shannon: welcome back. new york lawmakers renew their push to impeach andrew cuomo amid his mounting scandals. benjamin: the latest on the scandal. carley: the governor can no longer effectively lead. >> regardless how many hearings were investigations we have the problem is the governor has lost so much credit ability and trust that we don't feel he can go forward. carley: a total of 47 state lawmakers called on cuomo office. the assembly with the need 76 votes to impeach. mayor bill deblasio among those saying it is time for the governor to go. >> a bad situation in so many ways. people have to believe you to be effective as a leader. fewer people believe what the governor is saying and that has to be addressed. carley: the attorneys who will lead the sexual harassment investigation, a former federal prosecutor, and clark, in a statement jane described the two as independent legal experts with decades of experience conducting investigations and fighting to uphold the rule of law. more trouble for cuomo related to covid-19. similar to the nursing home director fox news has learned homes for people with developmental disabilities were also ordered to accept covid-19 positive patients in the order is still in effect which roughly 20% of residents in disabled living facilities have been infected with the virus, 552 residents have died from it was the new york office for people with development of disabilities telling fox news group homes would only accept residents if they could safely be accommodated. the mounting scandal also affecting cuomo's controversial coronavirus memoir, the publisher is halting promotion of it. benjamin: more questions, fewer answers. the new york times editorial board facing criticism for attending of the scandal, the board has not written anything on the allegations against the governor, only publishing op-ed from columnists. through september 2018 the board demanded to hear from brett kavanaugh's accuser and accused him of lying to the senate. benjamin: the number of migrant children and border patrol facilities has tripled over the past two weeks. internal documents reveal 3250 migrant children now in custody. of those only 1300 children have been detained longer than the maximum 72 hours, the surge as biden has dismantled donald trump's remain in mexico policy. texas congressman dan crenshaw is the biden administration just realizing know how difficult it is to fix. >> a border station in rio grande city, 6000 illegal crossing just last month after the most they had in history to double this month, thousands a day and completely unsustainable, turns out this is hard. the biden administration is dealing with that, really hard and very preventable. when you tell them we are not going to deport you, might give you asylum indefinitely release you, give you covid-19 tested a bus ticket. >> carlos jimenez joins us next hour is the biden team refuses to call the border situation a crisis. jillian: a minnesota priest sacrificing pieces of his path to help future generations. he is selling his rare sports cars to raise money from brave school scholarships. he had the cards for nearly 50 years, they include legend like hank aaron, jackie robinson and terry bradshaw. rather than be upset, father john says it is the happiest he has ever been to give something away. that is incredible and reminds me i do have quite a baseball card collection from when i was a kid. benjamin: how attached you can become to those. after 50 years he is giving them up, that is a generous man. >> i could have millions of dollars in the garage and don't know about it. carley: you would still be here at work, wouldn't you? benjamin: absolutely. a new focus group so students feel safer with police on campus so why is the district considering cutting its contract with police? school board trustee joins us next. oh, you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. cause when you hook our community up with the internet... boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪ shannon: the fresno school district found students would be overwhelmingly unsafe if police officers are removed from campuses allies in the board considering a contract renewal this summer. thanks for being here this morning, appreciate it. i understand this expires on june 30th. tell me what you expect to happen once that day comes. >> as of this last saturday we had a massive rally and protest on getting schools open and including school safety. fresno is a giant school district, 75,000 kids, 10,000 employees, $1.5 billion budget deployed across los angeles so it is not one of the smaller ones in the state and as of 6 months ago my fellow trustees who are fundamentally leftists either have no police, to have police in civilian clothes with no weapons, now we have a level of critical mass where the public has clearly stated if they don't get the safety of the police etc. there is going to be a lot of change in the next election cycle. critical point. once we let that contract lapse, those officers are dispersed through the department and it is low on the table of organization so if you look at contract lapse. it could be 18 months before you get police back or you contract. jillian: your a parent of kids who are in the school district who have been a part of the school district for a long time, seen all your kids go through the district. how do you think this has changed throughout that time from where we are today? >> it is a different world. my first oldest was a kindergartner in 1999, my last graduated in 2019 of the world has changed, columbine, parkland, etc. just simply looking at that change, the paradigm shift, i don't know of any parent, 1000 parents, don't want them, you cited a new survey where the kids want them. this radical fringe many of whom sit on the board with me that say no police on campus, defund the police etc.. jillian: we will keep an eye and see what happens but we appreciate you bringing this to our attention and we will talk to you soon. have a good day. benjamin: cup, waffle house whipping out a compromise on minimum wage. the ceo joins us live to explain. carlos jimenez and doctor nicole safire coming up very soon. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. >> the real problem is governors lost so much trust we don't feel he can go forward and govern. benjamin: and impeachment push, lawmakers launching a serious effort to oust governor cuomo. 's covid-19 cover-up may have gone further. jillian: one of the most hopeful developments yet, cdc guidance that could be the first step toward life without lockdown. >> he didn't lose me, her statements that she lost me, she didn't lose me. i would have always been there for her. i'm there for her right now she wants me. benjamin: megan markel's father speaking out with the whole world watching the throne. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ jillian: good morning from across the globe. we are live in london and new york city covering all the news you need to know about. i don't know about you but it is

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, Officer , Chain Reaction Crash , Former , Trial , Jury Selection , Minneapolis , George Floyd , Father , Justice , Prosecutors , Charges , Murder , Brother , Sister , Derek Chauvin , Families , Back , Problem , Governor , Andrew Cuomo , Hearings , Push , Hundreds Of Protesters , New York , Attorneys , Cuomo , Resolution , Majority , Credibility , Prosecutor , Impeachment , Office , Sexual Harassment Probe , Points , State Attorney General , Statement , Family , Daughter , Allegations , Pain , Wasn T The Uk , Drama , Racist , La , 10 , Mother , No Confidence Vote , Break , La S Progressive Da , 2018 , Carley , Cult , Conservatives , Deplorable , Basket , Victims , Shannon , Prioritizing Criminals , San Francisco City Council , George Gascon , Life , Desiree , Jason Gibbs , Prison , Killers , Bill Miranda , 20 , Son , Story , Loss , Who Don T , Home , Grandparents , Difference , Room , Three , Adults , Crimes , Case , Cash Bail Misdemeanors , Prison Sentences , Juveniles , Punishment , 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, Payroll , Bookkeeping , Internet , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Xfinity , Wait , Services , Delegating , Sweat , Two , Cases , Surgery , Migrant Crossings , 2 , Statistic , Figure Jumping Up , Texas State Senator , Buckingham , Government , Make , Populations , Failure , Messaging , Speaking Yesterday , Jen Psaki , Ways , Arms , Approach , More , Region , Talk , Issue , Fact , Something , Ground , Communities , Boots , Immigrants , Police , Police Movement , Police Departments , 18 , Bit , City Of Austin , Wise , Change , Nightmare , Needles , Trash , Tents , The Street , People Defecating In The Street , Funds , State Grants , Insight , Decisions , La Teachers Union , Spring Break Photos , Posting , Class , Optics , Rancho , Goodyear Duratrac Tires , Road , Exhaust , Factory , Off Road , Chevy Silverado Trail Boss , Megan Michael , Fox News Alert , Interview , Fallout , Time , Royal , Sean , Dutchess , Royal Family , Palace , Color , Bombshell Allegations , Suggestion , Word , Child , Concern , Matter , Skin , The , The In Laws , Baby , Question , Thomas Marco , Art Problems , Morning , Photograph , Terms , Wedding , Narrative , Sussexes , Oprah Megan , Summer , Grounds , Serious , Say , Baby Girl , Help , Estate , Spin Doctors , Prince Charles , Despair , Ducks , Assumption , Row , Miranda Devine , Damage , Monarchy , Soap Opera , Doesn T Sit , Namic , Victim , Middle , Flap , Luxury , 4 Million , 14 Million , Officers , Vest , Video , Nypd , Suspect , Offices , Closet , Looks , Roommate Hiding , War See , 9 , Custody , Fest , Blood , Stroller , Line , Details , Arizona , Bath And Body Works , Women , Misdemeanor Charges , Mother In Law , Panda Night , Hillary Clinton , Lawmakers , Sole , Allegiance , Politicians , Teachers , Photos , Spring Break , Stomach , Extremism , Social Media , Person Learning , Group , Membership , Demands , Fillet , Pages , Facebook , Ucla , Nonprofit Group , Content , Election Security , Voting Rights , Heritage Action For America , Jessica Anderson , Voting , 00 Million , 10 Million , Voter Id , First , Rules , Look , Ballot Harvesting , Citizenship Verification , Voter Rolls , Trust , Criticism , Election Observers , Process , Black , Level , Thanks , Electoral System , Ability , Faith , American Republic , Governors , Common Sense , Reforms , State Legislators , Best Practices , 80 , Restore , Estates , Georgia , Michigan , Florida , Iowa , Nevada , Wisconsin , Boot , Heritage , Makeup , Peach , Activists , Action , Footprint , Grassroots , Television Ads , Cars , 2 Million , Elections , Funding , Block Hr One , Registration , Role , Attributes , Voting Registration System , Voting Registration , Mail , Trademark Bill , Members , Nancy Pelosi , Don T Want Federal Power Grab , Wasn T Just Republicans , Congress , Doesn T , State Reforms , State Government , Stunt , Daredevil , Guinness World Record , Feet , International Women S Day , Lava , Ideas , Europe , Temperature , Record , Volcanic Lava Lake , Ethiopia , 300 , 2000 , Priests , Plate , Er Rick , Baseball Card , Collection , Cause , Sacrifice , Lenten , Marathons , 76 , 50 , Wow , Mhm , Um , Coverage , Colonial Penn , Conversation , 95 , 9 95 , Health Scare , Reminder , Information , Health Questions , 85 , Options , Health Reason , Security , Premiums , Beneficiary Planner , Step , Rate , 35 , Soft Music , Scandals , Scandal , Latest , State Lawmakers , Credit Ability , Investigations , Cuomo Office , Assembly , Total , 47 , Situation , Bill Deblasio , Sexual Harassment , Leader , Experience Conducting Investigations , Experts , Fighting , Investigation , Rule Of Law , Clark , Jane , Disabilities , Nursing Home , Director , Homes , Patients , Order , Fox News , Residents , Facilities , Development , Virus , Effect , Group Homes , 552 , Controversial Coronavirus Memoir , Publisher , Promotion , Questions , New York Times , Answers , Editorial Board , School Board , Anything , Brett Kavanaugh , Columnists , Accuser , Op Ed , September 2018 , Documents , Border Patrol , 1300 , 3250 , Dan Crenshaw , 72 , Border Station , Fix , 6000 , Asylum , Team , Bus Ticket , Minnesota , Carlos Jimenez , Generations , Sports Cars , Path , Money , Brave School Scholarships , Pieces , Cards , Legend , Jackie Robinson , Hank Aaron , Terry Bradshaw , Upset , John , Baseball Card Collection , Kid , Students , District , Campus , Contract , Dollars , Work , Garage , Focus Group , Wouldn T You , Trustee , Next , Community Center , World , Community Centers , Comcast , Boom , Ariana , Jamol , College Dream , 1000 , Tools , Lift Zones , Police Officers , Fresno School District , Campuses , Allies , Contract Renewal , Protest , Schools , School Safety , Rally , June 30th , 30 , School District , Kids , Fresno , Budget , Ones , Employees , 6 , 75000 , 1 5 Billion , 10000 , 5 Billion , Trustees , Leftists , Clothes , Critical Mass , Weapons , Election Cycle , Critical Point , Contract Lapse , Department , Table , Organization , Oldest , Kindergartner , 1999 , 2019 , Parents , Them , Etc , Columbine , Parkland , Paradigm Shift , Survey , Many , Sit , Fringe , Whom , Eye , Defund The Police Etc , Compromise , Wage , Attention , Ceo , Cup , Nicole Safire , Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Stomach Acid , Formula , Esophagus , Stomach Acid Refluxes , Source , Acid Production , Zero Heartburn , Heartburn Protection , Zero , Governor Cuomo , Cover Up , Effort , S Covid , Impeachment Push , Guidance , Developments , Lockdown , Statements , Throne , News , Globe ,

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