Field of Glory 2: Medieval first impressions – it sucks to be feudal Europe Field of Glory's brute strategy transports well to the medieval battlefield - but don't face a Mongol army on an open plain All of a sudden, I want a crossbow for Christmas. Slitherine has just announced that Field of Glory II: Medieval (FOG2M) will drop on February 4, 2021. Given the press code becomes available this week, and I’ve been busy cleaving heads in the Beta for the past several weeks, believe it or not, I have thoughts. FOG2M is really the computer version of miniature wargaming legend Richard Bodley Scott’s Oath of Fealty army list and companion to FOG tabletop. Both book and computer game cover the Feudal era from 1040 – 1270 AD, but this time the latter is a new stand-alone game and not another FOG2 DLC. Evidently, adjusting the original game’s hyper-important POA (Points of Advantage) structure to account for the oddities and nuances of armored knights kerflumping about was far more difficult and less realistic than simply producing a new base game. So, no, you cannot throw Trajan-era Romans against the Teutonic Knights, but I think most folks can live with that.