Exclamation point. President trumps medical team says the president has continued to improve from almost the first momentsadmitted friday evening he was admitted friday evening. Those doctors said President Trump has met or exceeded all criteria for discharge. Over the past 24 hours, the president has continued to improve. Hes met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria. Hell receive another dose of remdesivir here today, and then we plan to get him home. Its been more than 72 hours since his last fever. Oxygen levels, including ambulatory saturations and his work of breathing, are all normal. Though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet, the team and i agree that all our evaluations and most importantly, his club call status support the president s safe return home. I think youve seen the videos and the tweets, and youll see him shortly, you know, hes back. Lou white house physician sean conl e y. Hes been in charge of trumps care along with the team at walter reed. Conleys has placed the president on a fiveday course of the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir. President trump will receive his fifth and final dose of the drug tomorrow. Dr. Conley also administered a single dose of an antibody cocktail made by regeneron. President trump was briefly given supplemental oxygen on friday. Doctors also introduced the steroid dexamethasone to inimprove blood oxygen levels. Well be taking up President Trumps treatment and his quick return to the white house after three days at walter reed, his return this evening. Were joined as well by senator ted cruz tonight who is selfquarantining after having had some contact with other senators who have tested positive for the china virus. President trumps special adviser and a member of the White House Corona Task force, dr. Scott atlas, among our guests here later in the broadcast. As the president makes his return to the white house, some of his staff and his closest aides must quarantine. White House Press SecretaryKayleigh Mcenany today announced that she has tested positive for the coronavirus, the china virus. In a statement, mcenany i says she isnt experiencing any symptoms but will begin the quarantine process and will continue working on behalf of the American People remotely. Mcenany is at least the 11th person close to the president to be diagnosed with the china virus. President trumps recovery from the china virus has been cheered on by hundreds of people just outside the main entrance of walter reed as well as millions across the country. The president s supporters gathering outside of after he was of admitted. President trump briefly left the hospital yesterday, surprising those supporters who he wanted to give a surprise. And did he ever, with a motorcade out to wave at them and to give them his thanks. Heres their reaction. [cheers and applause] oh, my gosh, we love you there he is god bless our president i will die for him, i will die for that man. Lou and the leftwing national media, of course, having a bit of a fit. They thought that car ride by the president to thank his supporters was just an awful, awful thing for the president to have done. The White House Correspondents Association never overwhelmed by humility said it was, quote, outrageous for the president to have left the hospital even briefly amid a Health Crisis without a protective pool present to insure the American People know where their president is and how he is doing. My goodness, how arch can they be. The president told the world where he was about to go in a video posted to twitter yesterday. This is what he said. I also think were going to pay a little surprise to some the great patriots that we have out on the street, and theyve been out there for a long time, and theyve got trump flags, and they love our country. So im not telling anybody but you with, but im about to make a little surprise visit. So perhaps ill get there before you get to see me, but i just when i look at the enthusiasm, and we have enthusiasm like probably nobodys ever had or people that love the job were doing. We have more enthusiasm than maybe anybody. Lou well, the pool of Network Reporters could have just listened to the president , thats all they had to do, but they had to have a little fit. The leftwing correspondents working for the likes of, well, at ts cnn, comcasts msnbc and nbc, viacoms cbs and disneys abc, well, they could have walked from their locations across the street from walter reed to ask what was about to happen. Instead, at t and disney and comcast and all once again showed just how emptyheaded and mindless their Corporate Masters are to put up with such nonsense. And those, those delegates of those corporations decided to complain and whine instead of report. Oh, must have been terrible for them. President trump tweeted this today it is reported that the media is up upset because i got into a secure video to say thank you to many fans and supporters who were standing outside of the hospital for many hours and even days to pay their respect to the president. If i didnt do it, the media would say rude. Probably so. Well, a big rally on wall street today, really rally on rally on the news of the president s good health and his return to the white house this evening. The Dow Jones Industrials rallying up 466 points. The s p gains 60, the nasdaq up 257. The market futures were up, the dow futures were up 200 points overnight just on the possibility he might be returning to the white house. Volume on the big board today, 3. 8 billion sharings. Crude oil up more than 6 to 39. 42 a barrel. A reminder to listen to my reports three times a day on the salem radio network. An Interesting Development today in the investigation into the investigators, socalled. The u. S. Attorney who had been appointed by attorney general william barr to help investigate the unmasking of general Michael Flynn is resigning effective friday. U. S. Attorney john bash today said he will step down friday to join the private sector. Attorney general barr quickly replaced bash with greg sofer who is barrs former counselor. Bash has not produced any information of which we are aware regarding the investigation into the unmasking of general flynn since his appointment back in may. Up next, President Trump will leave Walter Reed Medical Center in just about an hour. Well be talking about his recovery with the president s special adviser, dr. Scott atlas joins us. And a thank you to everyone whos made my new book a national bestseller. You can buy the new book, the trump century, at loudobbsshop. Com. Loudobbsshop. Com. Stay with us, were coming right back. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lou the lou dobbs tonight quote of the day comes to us from President Trumps twitter account. President trump tweeted today that he would be leaving Walter Reed Medical Center at 6 30. The president said this, quote dont be afraid of covid, dont let it dominate your life. We have developed under the Trump Administration some really great drugs and knowledge. I feel better than i did 20 years ago. Joining us tonight, dr. Scott atlas. Hes the Senior Adviser to President Trump, senior fellow at Stanford Universitys hoover institution, former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University medical center. Doctor, it is great to have you with us. And 72 hours, i guess what i would have to ask is what took the president so long to get his treatment and be well . This is remarkable, to see this [laughter] even for a man of his stamina, would you not say . Yes. Thanks forking having me, lou. I mean, it doesnt surprise me for a couple reasons, one of which youve identified, that nothings going to hold the president back. Hes a super vigorous guy, hes hands on, he wants to get back to work. And, you know, it also is an illustration of the system of some of the things that have happened under the administration. The operation warp speed Rapid Development of drugs, and we know the medical care has advanced since the beginning of the pandemic. This is october, weve learned a tremendous amount, as the president said, and you can see the benefits of that. Hospital stays all over the country are onethird of what they were from earlier, march, april. Hospital mortality is down of onehalf of what it was at the peak. This is an indication that this is not the same situation we were back in march. Weve learned a lot, like i say, we know whos at risk. The president and his operation warp speed have developed drugs and a vaccine were anticipating to be developed in really record time, and i think americans should have a lot more confidence than what the Mainstream Media is sort of inflicting on them. Lou this is, the media the tone that was taken by these representatives, im going to set i know the president likes to talk about fake news, but fake news is owned by at t, disney, comcast. And these are corporate entities that have a responsibility for the way the people who they employ are a acting. Are acting. So im going to refer to jim acosta as at ts jim acosta. It is just, i things horrible. And i think, horrible. And im speaking as a guy whos worked a few years in journalism. To see the standards that have fallen crashing to the ground as a result of partisan antipathy, its horrible. And i dont think enough people in this business call out the real culprits which are the corporate owners. They should theyre working for them, and how would they allow any other part of their corporations to act the way these people do, addressing the president of the United States . I would think not. Your thoughts. Yeah, well, i mean, i think theres something i can pick up on that which is that the media has been responsible for instilling fear into the American Public, all over the world, actually, but in the American Public in particular. And, you know, the reality is that the science is being followed by the president. Weve had external scientists, the heed arers in the research from leaders in the research from harvard, stanford, Oxford University discussing these things. Weve been talking to them almost every day for months. There is no monopoly on knowledge by governmentemployed Public Health people. Were talking to the people leading the research about the pandemic. The president is all in on a sciencebased policy, and his policy is protect the vulnerable and open up because of the denor denor the i more now harms of the lockdowns. Hes saving lives by realizing as he did in march the cure cannot be worse than the original problem. Lou absolutely. And the idea with of bringing in those private companies which are, theyre the bastion of Entrepreneurial Energy but also scientific invention and are driving medical knowledge every day in cooperation, of course, with the leading, the leading scientists around the country. As well as their own. Its marvelous to watch whats happening, and were sitting here right now waiting to find occupant which which Companies Find out which companies will be successful in generating, creating a vaccine that are i educate effectively save the world. I think youre right, and i think its an example, a very profound example of how the president understands how to spur on innovation. Its the innovation in the American Private sector coupled with some facilitation with that with partnering with the government that has allowed these drugs to be discovered, that has allowed the vaccines to be produced so quickly. And, you know, the other thing i want to say about the media and some public figures is that to instill fear and doubt about the safety of the vaccine is really a heinous abuse of leadership and power because, you know, we are trying to save lives here. The vaccines that are being developed under operation warp speed if, theres no corners being cut on safety. The efficacy, the success, the data is being reviewed by only external advise orsers i mean not advisers, experts. They have nothing to do with the government lou right. To think that the president or anyone else is influencing the data is really sort of almost sinful because its killing people by making people who need the vaccine afraid of the vaccine. Its unconscionable, that kind of stuff. Lou well, the president s leadership in this is truly remarkable; that is, moving billions, tens of billions of dollars into the private marketplace to Fund Operation warp speed, to put money in front of the product as an expression both of optimism and faith that these firms will move at warp speed e to develop a vaccine that protects the American Public and, indeed, as i said, the globe. But his, hes also doing Something Else here. Hes living husband life as a leader his life as a leader, the way he wants the entire country to operate. He is fully exebb posed. Exposed. He is going about his business and, by the way, hes doing so with a work ethic that few of us can even dream of, let alone match. Exactly. Lou its really remarkable, the leadership that he is providing the country. And i think watching just, for example exactly, lou. Lou the work he is doing, the president is coming out of the hospital, theyre cheering him and theyre also cheering everyone involved in bringing solutions to the American Public for their health. Thats right. Just like he he understands that americans want to work. He wants to work. His job is essential. He wants them to talk to people, he needs to be with people. He cant afford he tries to have, you know, he uses mitigation, hand washing, social distancing, masks when necessary, but the reality is hes not going to be the able to social distance from the American People all the time. He cant always do that. And so we do our best to protect him. Everybody does their best at protecting. The white house is a special environment, but the reality is the virus does not disappear with a lockdown. The virus does not disappear with mitigation. And these are people, the president is showing he wants to do his job, he needs to work, and hes working for the American People just like americans want to work. Theres not going to be another lockdown. That is a disastrous policy to pursue another lockdown or to hide in your basement afraid. Thats not this president. Lou yeah. And, you know, its one of the things, as we wrap up here, doctor, you know, i think of all the kids not in school in various communities and what thats costing them in terms of their own education, their knowledge, so much. And in so many instances, if not all, utterly needless, the way that those schools have responded. You get the last word here, doctor. Absolutely. Okay. Yeah, i do want to say lou thats a great word. Closure of schools in particular is, honestly, harming the working class and the poor. These people are impacted by this. A lockdown is a luxury of the rich. And it doesnt affect the elite and the affluent, but it affects working class americans, it destroys their families, it harms their children, and it separates people who are working very hard from the affluent in terms of potential success. I think its really something the president is for, is opening schools, opening america and protecting the people who need protection which are the high risk people. Thats the right policy, and hes all in on that policy. Lou well, i hope everyone in the country listened to your words here tonight and will and parents will take heed to your words and show up at the next School Board Meeting to make sure parents are representing their children in front of those School Boards that would give in to fear. Or politics or both. Dr. Scott atlas, thanks for being with us. Pleasure talking with you. Up next, what does the president s return to the white house mean for the election . We take that up and more after these quick messages. 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Com. Lou joining us tonight, former Reagan White House political director, fox business political analyst, ed rollins, pulitzer prizewinning columnist for the new york post, fox business contributor, michael goodwin. Question men, good to have you here. Ed, lets start with you. The president is coming home after 72 hours, and, i mean, its a miraculous treatment that hes received at walt every e reed. Walter reed. Your thoug