It could come down this hour. Were monitoring reports from the white house for any news. And the biggest private employer in the country making a huge announcement today. Walmart handing out bonuses, boosting its minimum wage thanks to tax reform. So what are the naysayers saying now . First to the markets, the dow closing at a record high for the fifth time this year. Chevron, boeing, intel, caterpillar, they are among the biggest winners. For more lets go to Nicole Petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. Nicole, what is driving the markets today . Pretty amazing across the board optimism is back. Yesterday we talked about a few, to the downside, just fractionally. Today a different picture. As you can see dow, nasdaq, s p, russell, transports, all at record highs. Oil, an interesting story as both west texas and brent crude move to highest levels in three years. We look at chevron winner on Dow Jones Industrial average, hitting alltime high after an outperform reading from bmo. A few things, number one they talk about projects ramping up, u. S. Tax reform and better oil prices helping chevron across the board. We saw all of these names in the green there, as we look at them. Theyre also, there are the airlines. Delta came out with its forecast on heels of yesterday when we heard from united and also american airlines. When they give positive forecasts, that helps to boost the stocks and also the transportation index. A quick peek at these banks reporting tomorrow. Jpmorgan gaining. Wells fargo pulling back fractionally. David . David happy banks. Nicole, thanks so much. The tax bonus boom continues. Walmart, the Worlds Largest retailer join agroing list of companies to raise hourly wage notice wake of the gop tax plan. Our own jeff flock is live in illinois with the very latest. Hi, jeff. Reporter hi, david. Speaking of stocks i want to take you to the walmart board for the first time. It got over 100 for the first time today. Investor even liking that the subpoena spending 700 million to increase wages. Minimum wage will be 11 at walmart. Focus on the family, new benefits for walmart workers. This is something other companies havent done. Walmart increasing Maternity Leave from eight weeks to 10 paid weeks. Paternity leave now is going from two paid weeks to six paid weeks. They will also help you if youre going to adopt a child. 5,000 for each child you adopt in terms of assistance. So that is kind of cool. As you point out, david, this is the latest company to do this. Steve mnuchin talking earlier at the press briefing, talking about more than 100 companies that have done something including wells fargo and fifth third increased minimum wage in terms of bankers. At t and comcast as well as jetblue with 1000dollar bonuses. Boeing giving out 300 million to charity. Some people are surprised by this outpouring but Steve Mnuchin, treasury of the secretary today saying he is really not surprised. The whole purpose of the tax cut act was to put more money in companies so that they could compete competitively with international companies. I think you know we had one of the highest tax rates in the world. We taxed on worldwide income. We changed that. This is revolutionary process. We thought it would be great for the economy and were thrilled already number of companies that we see reacting accordingly. Reporter of course the naysayers would say not like theyre giving all the money back, not that they were obligated to give all money back to their employers. Another negative point i would point out today, were fair and balanced and will report, sams club, part of walmart, today announcing the closing of 63 sams club Stores Across the country with 100,000 workers potentially put out of work. So every sunny day a little rain perhaps must fall. There you have it. David theres a movement, the movement that walmart is a part of, seems to be a stronger one in this economy. Thank goodness for all the workers. It does. David jeff, thank you very much. Melissa. Melissa growing list of companies citing tax reform for wage hikes and bonuses doom and gloom continues from some democratic leaders. In terms of the bonus that Corporate America received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to kind of put the schmooze on is so pathetic, it is so pathetic. Melissa crumbs, just crumbs. Scott martin, kingsview asset management, chief investment officer. He is also a fox news contributor. Look there, is a. B. Stoddard real clear politics associate editor and kevin kelly, managing partner. Scott, let me start with you, what walmart workers are receiving, those are just crumbs, crumbs. Yeah crumbs. Nancy pelosi, i guess she did one thing for me today, melissa, that was make me hungry. Crumbs i guess those are what, thousands or hundreds of dollars created in your 401 k in the last year or so, from the best, we have highest balances average 401 k balance we ever had because of stock market because of Donald Trumps policies and gifts he is giving out to Corporate America taken away during the Obama Administration. Those are crumbs i guess. Crumbs are million jobs created last year. Higher wages. Multiyear highs we did not see in the Obama Administration. More crumbs off the sandwich, to me that is a great sandwich to be falling off of, if you want to take a bite of this economy Going Forward you will be pretty happy being American Worker and investor in the 401 k in this economy. Melissa yes. Let them eat cake. Ab, i have seen study after study, that give walmart workers more money, they spend it at walmart. One of those cycles that benefits everybody and keeps going. The fact that the administration this soon after the passage of tax reform point to tangible outcomes that favor workers is really important. Politically republicans are worried about disapproval numbers of tax legislation, consistent until polling this week. This is kind of thing they can talk about the campaign trail real working at home. If voters begin to feel that their family members, their own pocketbooks, their friend, their neighbors, their communities are improving at places of work, in their paychecks, then this is going to be politically much more powerful than the polling suggests for republican joss kevin, i feel like you hear ceos say one thing when theyre on panels and they know they will be quoted, often times reflects their politics and then when the rubber hits the road and they distribute money or theyre on their Conference Calls where they will be held accountable for the truth in their financial results, it shows more stuff like this. What do you think . I think this goes back to the whole fact under the eight years of Obama Administration a lot of these ceos and president s of these companies were worried about the regulation that was strangleholding their decisionmaking especially going out into the future. You had alphabet soup of agencies whether from the epa, or the cfpb with uncertainty that they couldnt raise wages for employees because they didnt know what the administration would do. You see fiscal policy come out and unleash the american economy. This president is focused on growing the economy, instead of divvying up into smaller pieces. When you talk about these Conference Calls, were going to see this quarter come out from companies, were going to see more and more of them take care of stakeholders which include shareholders, buybacks, increased dividend and employees they want to take care of. David President Trump touting economic numbers tweeting out in a new qunnipiac poll 66 of people feel the economy is excellent or good. That is the highest number ever recorded by the poll but the poll also found 49 of americans say former president obama is more responsible for the current u. S. Economy while 40 believe trump should be credited. A. About, if the economy keeps up its pace, im not just talking about the stock market although it was up another 205 points today, but if the economy continues to grow at 3 , if bonuses continue to get handed out, if minimum wages keep getting risen, wont the president and republicans benefit in november with the midterms . They sure hope so, this would be the first time if you look at the president s approval numbers. First of all his best approval numbers are on issue of the economy. If you look how the economy is doing and his general approval numbers, there is a huge disconnect. He is incredibly unpopular for a economy that is strong. Republicans might worry that first time that the voters make assessment disconnect from the strength of the economy and dont give incouple pent party and president but they hope time will change. The other numbers president very poll, leadership ability, effectiveness, honesty are absolutely ghastly. That concerns republicans in swing districts they need to protect the majority of the house. David well talk more about that throughout the hour, kevin looking at the stock market, there is no question. Paul krugman notwithstanding that the president , President Trump is responsible for this rally, starting the day that he was elected president. Yeah. There is no doubt about it. That is hard to dignify this poll because that shows the naivete or the people that just dont want to give credit to this president. Im actually surprised it was only smaller amount, given the fact we know the polls are actual given to a lot of leftist thinking people. We saw that going into the election of the president. So i think when you look back at this economy, you have to give it up to this president. I mean all of sudden you saw his deregulation policy, now his fiscal policies for American Companies are more competitive in the worldwide market. David scott, very quickly, whoever is presiding over this economy, if its a booming economy, wont they get the credit . I would hope so, david but i think ab brought up a really good point. Disowe nance over the republican democrat high, however the economy is so good may not save the midterm elections for republicans. Policy shift on medicaid. States are to impose work requirements for recipients in order to keep their coverage. Skills, education, job search, volunteering, caregiving these are things for ablebodied working age adults of the does this make sense . It actually sound like there are a lot of carveouts for people in opioid addiction recovery. Obviously carveouts for pregnant women, elderly, the sick. Sound like there is very practical path for ablebodied people here. It is obviously going to depend on the definition of ablebodied. Democrats in the Obama Administration resisted doing this, because it would lead to Less Health Care coverage. Medicaid has become very popular after implementation of obamacare. Melissa yeah. It will be the definition of what voter feels is fair and in terms of ablebodied requirements. Melissa kevin . Yeah. I think this is a very important thing especially because states have come under attack under the Obama Administration, right . We saw a move to federalism. As long as we let the states decide what is in their best interests i think this is a great move. Melissa guys, well leave it there. Thank you. David well it is the trump administrations biggest crackdown on illegal immigration to one company to date. I. C. E. Targeting 100 7eleven stores. Details of the raids and arrests that followed, the warning to other companies. Melissa the president has said americans will see bigger paychecks come february. Were getting some proof of that today. What treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin Just Announced this afternoon. David also a showdown over surveillance. Drama on capitol hill with the house passing a very controversial spy program, despite mixed signals from the president. How the white house is responding now. The president doesnt feel that we should have to choose between protecting american citizens and protecting their civil liberties. He wants to do both. How do you win at business . Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com start winning today. This is frank. Sup this is franks favorite record. This is franks dog. And this is franks record shop. Frank knowns northern soul, but how to set up a limited liability company. Whats that mean . Not so much. So he turned to his friends at legalzoom. Yup they hooked me up. We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . This is franks record shop. And this is where life meets legal. Melissa the white house just wrapping up a Daily Briefing where reporters pressed Sarah Sanders on wide array of topics. Go straight to blake burman. It was spirited, blake as usual. Reporter Steve Mnuchin was right off the top, melissa. As the irs and Treasury Department today received new tax tables accompany the new tax code. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin saying this will allow businesses and employers to withhold the correct amount of taxes so employees start seeing those tax breaks at points in february. There is though, there are some tweaks or at least some kinks that deal with this. For example, the outdated w4 form will still be in place this year. The Treasury Department is instructing people to go to the irs web site to look at soonto bereleased taxed call indicator. Critics say this is being rushed too quickly. The treasury secretary is saying no. In no way this was rushed to get this out there forepaychecks . Absolutely not. We update the withholding tables every year. Our objective to get money as quickly as we can. 90 of the people will see changes. Reporter the tax cut message was largely overshadowed today by two tweets that President Trump sent out early this morning as the house was set to vote on surveilling overseas communication, the first tweet came 7 30 this morning. House votes on controversial nice a act today. This is the act that may have been used with the help of the discredited and phony dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the Previous Administration and others . However the white house and National Security council both support overseas surveilance. 45 minutes later that was followed up by this tweet, that being said irv mask of the unmasking process, today is about Foreign Surveillance off foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it get smart Sarah Sanders trying to argue there was not any confusion. We dont think there was a conflict at all. The president fully supports 702, was happy to see it passed the house today, but he does have overall concern with the fisa program more generally. Reporter can tell you, melissa, those tweets this morning sent National Security officials, lawmakers in washington to a total scramble. I can tell you one of the phone calls the president was involved with after the first tweet was with House Speaker paul ryan about this very topic. Melissa. Melissa what a day. Blake, thank you. David here now is republican congressman Brad Wenstrup from ohio. He is on the House Intel Committee. Congressman, it is ironic on very day you voted for the extension of the fisa bill were investigating, House Intel Committee is investigating whether it was misused to spy on the Trump Campaign. It was that kind of miss use that led people like senator rand paul to say the following. Play the tape. It is one thing to spy on foreigners in foreign land, that is what the fisa act was supposed to do but millions of americans are accidentally or incidentally collected in this database. We dont want people willynilly just looking into this database without a warrant. David one of those millions americans might be the president himself, congressman. I think what is important to understand what were trying to accomplish. For us to have a healthy debate between americans privacy and the safety and security of americans at home and abroad is a very important thing to do. We saw that. We saw that play out here today. You know, for me i served in iraq. We got foreign intelligence reports on a daily basis. Why . It helped us prepare. David absolutely. It helped us to deter to be out ahead of things. It is lifesaving. David i understand. Down to the point do we have enough blood for what may be coming our way. These are important tools. We dont want americans to be abused by this system, and nor do we want the fisa court to be abused either. David there is a question whether there is something in the middle, something that will protect americans from getting swept up into stuff they dont belong in because of a fisa warrant, and making sure that our people fighting in the wars and just American Public in general is kept safe from Foreign Terrorists and people who wish to do us harm but how do you find that safety mechanism . Well, that is what we debate about and every step of the way, every time we brought this up as far as the 702 program there have been more things put in place that can assure the American People that they are not going to be taken advantage of in some way along the way. This is a matter of speed too. Sometimes you have to think like the enemy. I do that as a soldier, right . Im watching this today, im watching this debate in america, what i would think it may lead to when our adversaries and enemies communicate, they might try to include an american, whether theyre conciliatory or unbeknownst to them. Why . It would slow down the process of allowing us to use the information we get to make sure we are safe. David congressman, we have found out, partly through the good work youre doing through the House Intel Committee there were individuals at the fbi and Justice Department who probably, its appearing now probable that they used or misused fisa in order to spy on a political campaign. And thats a big problem. Heres what Andy Mccarthy, there is great prosecutor, former prosecutor named Andy Mccarthy spoke how the fisa courts might have been used in this process. Let me play that tape. Whats really problematic is that former fbi director comey testified in june of last year, so that is 2017, that the dossier was salacious and unverified, and my point is, if it was unverified in the middle of june 2017, it had to be unverified in september of 2016 when they probably went to the fisa court and, and when they certainly briefed congress on it. David congressman, unverified dossier may have been responsible for a fisa warrant. That is unacceptable. How do we prevent that from happening . That is completely unacceptable and it amazes me that someone like james comey as director of the fbi would take something unverified an even seek this at the court. Then it could get through the court. So we are in the process of looking at all the things that raised our eyebrows. The process of unmasking, how this wag able to go through. We have to correct these things so things dont slip through the cracks like that because that is embarrassing to me even presented it that way. David a very important topic. Wish you the best for the safety of all americans. Thank you very much, congressman. My pleasure. Melissa destruction in Southern California as mudslides tear through recentlyburned land. Rescuers are desperately searching for survivors. We have an update coming up. Some senators say they reached a bipartisan deal on immigration . But can they get the rest of congress and the president on board . Former governor tim pawlenty joins us on this crucial topic right after the break. I think were close, and i can say i think that deal is on the table. It is really a function now of trying to get everybody there and push this thing across the finish line. Ether. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. 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No the bipartisan group, six of us were shopping among our colleagues. We dont want to release details until we talk to more of our colleagues. All i can say it has to get 60 votes. Were only bipartisan deal in town. The president asked, that was the call he issued on the four principles. This addresses all of them. David deal or no deal . Senator jeff flake says they have a bipartisan deal on daca in principle but others like senator tom cotton and white house say he is getting a little ahead of himself. This proposal doesnt meet the standard set by the president but they are close. Bring in former minnesota governor tim pawlenty. Great to see you. How could the immigration deal affect the midterm elections coming up . It is as you know a very sensitive issue on both sides of the aisle. If done poorly or hamfistedly it could backfire on both sides or one or the other depending on details. David so far the president s base i would think you agree with me is extraordinarily loyal to him whether the base is 30 , 40 , Something Like that, but this is something the basis divided on. Let me play a tape from laura Laura Ingrahams show. She is member of that base. I will wait to see what the final daca looks like, if it does not include a wall, a real wall, not a seethrough wall, expect a political revolt from the base, may lose the house and senate. Chain migration, absolutely necessary. David rebellion from the base, that possible . I think lauras comments you just showed, in some previous shows she has been on, here is her conditions for a daca deal reflect sort of the thinking and expectations of the base. If the congress or Republicancontrolled Congress or the administration substantially disappoints in that regard, there will be a boomerang, no question about it. David reading through all the political papers which i have to do, part of my job, i dont relish the moment in my life but there is this phrase that keeps coming up about a wave election. Democrats will have a wave election, et cetera. I assume that they want that to happen, and that they would avoid anything that could interfere with a wave election, if it is going to happen. Frankly i dont happen to agree with it, but coming to some kind of a deal with the president could work against that goal, could it not, for the democrats . If youre in shoes of the democrats, i suppose it would take off pressure in the own base there is a daca deal. They also, i think would be held accountable if they dont get a deal from the same group. Theyre in awkward or difficult spot as well. David theyre also in awkward spot with regard to the senate races coming up because correct me if im wrong on the math, but republicans only have eight senate races to worry about. The democrats have Something Like 26. The odds to quote the hunger games, the odds are in the republicans favor, no . The most competitive seats, think about west virginia, think about indiana, north dakota, wyoming. David or if you think about the state youre from, minnesota. Al franken is no longer in the u. S. Senate. He has a replacement. Tina smith but she is pretty new. Would you be interested in that seat. David i was making myself the states are trump states, red states, the ability of democrats to defend states are challenging. There may be pick up opportunities. Minnesota may be one of those. We have to be realistic and true and candid about the, National Ballot substantially favors democrats according to real clear politics. According to Economic News and effects of the tax bill, that will change between now and election. Right now appears to be surprisingly very hostile environment for republicans in swing states, blue states, like blue states. Maybe that will change as the economy and tax bill affects improve. David governor, that was a will answer but it didnt answer that single question that i ended my question with, which is are you going to run for the u. S. Senate in minnesota . It is a very daunting proposition. It is light blue state even though President Trump came close to winning minnesota, if set High Water Mark in terms of republican vote recently he lost in minnesota. He got close but he lost. It is very challenging. Gives me great pause to think about that. David a pause but youre not ruling it out, huh . I am not ruling it in and not leaning toward doing it. David well let you off the hook. Governor, thank you very much for coming in. Appreciate it. Youre welcome. Melissa taking aim at a fiery first year. How Time Magazine is illustrating, look at that, President Trumps time in office. Debate on the controversial cover coming up. David all right. Plus a looming deadline. President trump making highstakes decisions whether to recertify the obama iran deal. What will he do . Well talk to walid phares, Fox News Foreign Affairs analyst coming next. There are many activities outside of the iran deal, whether it be ballistic missiles, whether it be other issues, that we will continue to sanction. Two,that was awful. Why are you so good at this . Had a coach in high school. Really helped me up my game. I had a coach. Math. Ooh. So, why dont traders have coaches . Who says they dont . Coach mcadoo you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum just to help you improve your skills. Boom thats lesson one. Education to take your trading to the next level. Only with td ameritrade. David first strike ready. The United States deploying three Nuclear Capable b2 bombers to the u. S. Territory of guam, a major show of force aimed at north korea. These stealth aircraft join conventional b 1 bombers there at Anderson Air Force base. Announcement coming between diplomatic talks ahead of next months south korea olympics. Melissa whoa. President trump must decide the fate of the iran nuclear deal, to waive sanctions effective to keep the agreement alive. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin said the president will not ease pressure on the islamic republic. The president has been very clear, okay, that many aspects of the iran deal need to be changed. We have as many sanctions on iran today as we have on any other country in the process and well continue to look at things. Melissa here now walid phares, Fox News Foreign Affairs and National Security analyst. What do you think the president should do. I think that the Administration Main opinionmakers, state department, Treasury Department, and others have advised the president for this time he would continue, he should continue with not adding but there need to be a price for that is negotiation with the other partners in the deal, that would be the europeans and others, that they need to be tougher on two things, one the missiles. This is a moment to do a massive pressure against the iranian missiles and their deployment and also putting sanctions because of human rights abuses against the demonstrators. I want to be really clear, the only reason why to stay the course right now would be to have that as leverage to deal with everybody else who is in it . It is not really about iran . It is about saying well let you continue to do business there if you help us in this way, this way, this way . I would say this a few weeks ago before the demonstrations i think yes, that was the case. We have no allies to get out of the deal. The europeans are committed to the deal. Since iranians gave us, United States and congress leverage, now you can get from the europeans more pressure. You know what . For the next six months. If we decide things are changing in iraq, iran we can still go back to the deal to say it is not working. I want to ask you about something that came out. This is an article in the wall street journal an interview that the president just did. This has to do with north korea. I find this really, really surprising. He said, i probably have a very Good Relationship with kim jongun, and everybody sort of blanched. I have relationships with people, i think you people are surprised. Then they said, well have you spoken to him, have you spoken to kim jongun . He said i dont want to comment on it. I am not saying i have or i havent, i just dont want to comment. Do you think he has been talking to kim jongun . I dont have the information, melissa, but i think it is very difficult at this point in time im talking to, i tell you what kind of speech is that . By sending task forces around the North Koreans, by deploying these important weapons in the pacific, this is talking to the North Koreans. By actually speaking with the chinese, chinese putting pressure on them. This is the kind of dip lee mat tick talking diplomatic talking forcing and pushing the North Koreans melissa not picking up the phone, hey, kim jongun, were coming to get you, he is talking about the metaphorically he is talking . I would play on strategic level than a direct call, they would go crazy if we know about that. Melissa did you see the stealth Nuclear Bombers we sent over to the region . We were showing pictures of them before you came on. Wow, what do you think about that . I think this is why North Koreans are moving south to go to the olympic games. This is the actual reason, when we deployed task forces, you know their leadership. Task forces by adding this, probably will put more pressure in addition to the fact that traditional ally china, has become a business entity at this point in time. They dont want to risk too much more the north. Which explains why their behavior changed. Melissa how does that end up playing out because it is clear there is not a rational actor on the other side . There is no rational actor at the top, dictator, but the military can count missiles. They understand. They are trying to gain times for themselves, going to the south and creating this ceasefire, then i dont think they are reforming. This is not signs of reform at all. Melissa walid, thank you. Appreciate your time. Thank you. David immigration officials raiding a popular chain looking for illegal immigrants. Well tell you how many they actually found coming up next. The deadly mudslides in california. How emergency crews are working desperately to find survivors. Melissa unbelievable. David unbelievable, wow. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. 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Reporter not saying why 7eleven was target but warning to other companies with undocumented workers on their payrolls. Local stores were raided and surprise. Im very sad and appalled bit. Also theyre doing all the separation of families. I think that, it is just wrong. Reporter the raids are part of President Trumps ongoing crackdown on illegal immigration. But on capitol hill the future of that policy is far from certain with democrats pushing hard to reinstate the daca program which protects young immigrants brought her illegally to the u. S. As children. President says any deal on daca must include funding for a border wall, a nonstarter for most congressional democrats. Build up the countries, less folks come in because were securing those countries. Unfortunately the presented a administration with all due respect doesnt look at that. Reporter i. C. E. Agents are being considered audits, targeting employers and managers in effort to protect u. S. Jobs, giving them three days to verify the immigration status of their employees. In los angeles, adam housley, fox news. David adam, thank you very much. Melissa. Melissa frantic search for survivors. Eight people are currently missing as mudslides and flooding continue devastate areas of Southern California. Emergency crews working actually hours a day and 500 firstresponders are involved in the rescue efforts. The mudslides and flooding killed 17 people thus far. David amazing. A lot of people are missing. Taking fire and fury to a whole new level, outrageous cover of Time Magazine, look at that, depicting the commanderinchief with his hair on fire. Do you think this liberal media stuff has gone too far . Nah. Melissa nah siren wailing barry murrey when you have a really traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. We call that the golden hour. Evaluating patients remotely is where i think we have a potential to make a difference. barry murrey we would save a lot of lives if we could bring the doctor to the patient. Verizon is racing to build the first and most powerful 5g network that will enable things like precision robotic surgery from thousands of miles away. As we get faster wireless connections, itll be possible to be able to operate on a patient in a way that was just not possible before. When i move my hand, the robot on the other side will mimic the movement, with almost no delay. Who knew a scalpel could work thousands of miles away . Melissa literal fire and fury. Take a look at Time Magazines cover. This is depicting President Trumps first year in office. [laughter]. The president s head obviously depicted in flames alluding to Michael Wolffs recent exposure of fire and fury. Congressional democrats announce different ways they plan to protest the president s first state of the Union Address later this month. Brad blakeman joins me, former Deputy Assistant to president george w. Bush, richard fowler, radio talk show host, fox news contributor. Brad, that is quite a cover, what do you think of isnt. The president s hair on fire for good reason. Entrenchment in washington. Here 101 ways things cant get done. You saw a glimpse in the cabinet room, president opened it up, meeting on daca, a lot of legislators are doing, mr. President , this is too hard, we cant do it. The president doesnt want to hear 10 ways things cant get done. He wants the one way it can get done to negotiate and compromise that has the president s hair on fire and entrenchment and donothing of washington. Melissa richard, strikes me about this cover, makes everyone happy. For democrats yes, his hair is on fire, he is a crazy lunatic. For people on the right, the media, liberal media is insane. They totally dont get it. You know they dont understand how great the president is. I mean this is one of those things that reinforces everyones point of view. Everyone loves it. Everyone feels better about their opinion. Not one single mind is changed. I think that sums it up about right. Even though i think his hair is a little bit darker than that shade of yellow. But, heres the thing i think there is a level of media bias against this president. It has everything to do with the president made it his mission to take on the media. Melissa it works for him. Works for them. Works for everybody. Seems to work for everybody, with that being said, this first year, this first 12 months sort of culminate next week hasnt been all roses for this president. Lets remember, he ran on repealing and replacing obamacare. That is still not done as of yet. His hhs secretary, we remember, tom price, he was, resigned for wasting taxpayer dollars. His National Security advisor pled guilty for lying to federal agents. And laundry list goes on and on of things, a lot of missteps by the white house in the first year. They have things celebrated, they what i consider to be a tax bill, but a tax bill none the same. Theyre celebrating. It hasnt been all roses for president. Melissa let me give you another laundry list, then. Brad, sweeping tax reform. Right. Melissa individual mandate repeal. Arctic drilling. Record stock market. Roll back regulation. 1. 7 million new jobs. Loads and buckets of judges. Travel ban. Keystone pipeline. Veteran affairs reform. Each side again, like the cover, each side as their laundry list to prove their point. Probably, you know, each sides laundry list is correct. Well, look, the glass is half full in my opinion. Richard thinks it is half empty. But stock market through the roof. Were at full employment, 4. 1 . The market responded extremely well to middle class tax cuts. The public will do in february when they see in their home income. I think, i think this president who is new to government did a fantastic job this year in spite of the resistance by democrats to do nothing. Melissa richard, no laughing over the other person. They wanted him to fail and melissa before you respond, how many people get Time Magazine, do you think this the paper version . They look at stuff online. I dont get it. Melissa i think the picture is lovely. I wish one of me like that, with hair straight up. It would be lovely. I would frame it. This is another thing time does the things to get everybodys attention. God love them because otherwise, no ones, certainly no one is buying the magazine. Maybe theyre reading some of the stuff online, richard. I dont get Time Magazine subscription. Reason why i laugh it at brad, called it a middle class tax cut. That is what it is. Melissa that it nice majority of benefits from this tax plan, every economist can agree went to corporations, and 1 . Not so. Melissa richard no. What what are you talking about richard fowler. That is such a fallacy. Nancy pelosi got pinocchios. It is not a fact richard. Im not going let, i love you dearly im not going to let you sit here say that. That is absolutely not true. Look at dollar amount. Melissa the middle class are getting a break. Corporate rates, yes are going down. Corporate rates are permanent. Melissa number one. Not permanent. Because 10, 20 years from now, democrats can vote for them to go back up if you guys want to do. But corporate taxes are permanent. Nothing is permanent. Make the middle class tax cuts permanent. Every republican would agree with you on that one. My point of that majority of money, look at money from this bill, money that was spent to pass these tax cuts, majority went to corporations versus middle class. That is not so. That is a fact. Heres reason, richard. Businesses have to plan for 10 years. Middle class families dont have to plan. Melissa we got to go. Well light the hair on fire. That is not true. Bye, guys. Love you both. Mean it. David switch to something a little more personal. If youre planning to get away from the cold you have to listen up. The u. S. Hitting parts of mexico with its highest travel warning ever, but specifically what does that mean for a traveler, particularly if youre going to mexico, stay with us. Strong. You got the basic, and you got the beefy. I just think it looks mean. Incredible. No way. Start your year off strong a new chevy truck. When you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Melissa sunshine, gorgeous sandy white beaches, not a care in the world. David not so fast the u. S. Slapping five mexican states with a level four travel advisory. This is the strictest of warnings. It lumps mexico in with places like yemen an syria. Melissa drug violence is to blame for the destination as these areas are a hot bed of cartellrelated activity. David avoid acapulco. Melissa hes showing off again risk rewards now. In terms of the bonus that Corporate America receives versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to kind of put it on is so pathetic. Its so pathetic. I think its insignificant. It is a trillion and a half dollars that the republicans gave away to billionaires and to giant corporations and they expect hard working families to just pick up the tickets. Liz we see the democratic game plan here to retake the house they said armageddon would happen as the gop tax cuts passed but now, 133 companies and counting are giving back the

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