Farmers shouting slogans against the new farm laws at Ghazipur border in New Delhi on Tuesday. NEW DELHI: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday alleged that the three central agri laws would help some businessmen who are close to the ruling BJP government. On the other hand, her Haryana counterpart Manohar Lal Khattar said some leaders were using the farmers to grind their own axe. Meanwhile, the Centre has said the minimum support price (MSP) is completely compliant with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Here are the key developments of the day: 1. Mamata Banerjee alleged that the centre’s farm laws are meant to help a few businessmen who are its friends. These businessmen are BJP capitalists and once the three farm laws are introduced, they will try to forcibly purchase crops from the farmers, she said at a programme in Burdwan. The TMC supremo asked farmers not to be scared and assured them that she will not allow anyone to torture them. "BJP has a few friends like the Adanibabus who are crorepatis, zamindars and capitalists. They are big BJP capitalists who will forcibly purchase crops from the farmers and store them in big godowns already built in Delhi. And when people will need the crops they will not give them," she said inaugurating 'Mati Utsav' here. "This is the reason farmers from UP, Haryana, Punjab are protesting against the farm laws, she said.