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Factbox-Pounded: A history of UK currency crises and crashes
Factbox-Pounded: A history of UK currency crises and crashes
Factbox-Pounded: A history of UK currency crises and crashes
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's pound plunged to an all-time low early on Monday as international investors reacted to plans laid out by the country's ne...
Related Keywords
United Kingdom ,
London ,
City Of ,
Britain ,
British ,
James Callaghan ,
Margaret Thatcher ,
Harold Wilson ,
Andy Bruce ,
John Major ,
Denis Healey ,
Hugh Lawson ,
Marc Jones ,
International Monetary Fund ,
European Union ,
Exchange Rate Mechanism ,
World War ,
Conservative Party ,
Prime Minister John Major ,
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ,
Plaza Accord ,
Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson ,