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F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: New four year data for Roche's Evr
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: New four year data for Roche's Evr
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: New four year data for Roche's Evrysdi reinforce long-term efficacy and safety profile in some of the most severely affected people with types 2 and 3 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
Data from pivotal SUNFISH study showed increases in motor function observed during the first year were maintained through the fourth year, while the overall rate of adverse events continued to decrease
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Japan ,
United States ,
United Kingdom ,
Switzerland ,
America ,
British ,
Levi Garraway ,
Sabine Borngr ,
Gerard Tobin ,
Bruno Eschli ,
Laurent Servais ,
Birgit Masjost ,
Loren Kalm ,
Nathalie Altermatt ,
Muscular Dystrophy Association ,
Society For Medicines Research ,
Genentech ,
Toddler Development ,
British Pharmacological Society ,
Drug Administration ,
Head Of Global Product Development ,
Oxford Neuromuscular Centre ,
European Medicines Agency ,
Roche Group ,
Office Of Orphan Products Development ,
Roche Group Media Relations ,
Scientific Conference ,
Paediatric Neuromuscular Diseases ,
Motor Function Measure ,
Revised Upper Limb Module ,
Chief Medical Officer ,
Global Product ,
Orphan Drug Designation ,
Drug Discovery ,
Medicines Research ,
Gross Motor Scale ,
Bayley Scales ,
Orphan Products Development ,
Drug Designation ,
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices ,
Chugai Pharmaceutical ,
Diese Gold Aktie ,
Sichern Sie ,
Hoffmann ,
Oche ,
Four ,
Ear ,
Data ,
Evrysdi ,
Reinforce ,
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Term ,
Efficacy ,
Safety ,
Profile ,
Rome ,
Most ,
Severely ,
Affected ,
People ,
Types ,
Espinal ,
Muscular ,
Trophy ,