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EULAR SSc Recommendations Now Include Immunosuppressants : c
EULAR SSc Recommendations Now Include Immunosuppressants : c
EULAR SSc Recommendations Now Include Immunosuppressants
The update to 2017 recommendations include targeted synthetic and biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs for the first time.
Related Keywords
Milan ,
Lombardia ,
Italy ,
Ariane Herrick ,
European Alliance Of Associations ,
European Congress ,
Astrazeneca ,
Mitsubishi ,
University Of Manchester England ,
Glaxosmithkline ,
Boehringer Ingelheim ,
European Alliance ,
Del Galdo ,
Leeds Teaching Hospital ,
Scleroderma Trials ,
Scleroderma ,
Crest Syndrome ,
Biologic Therapy ,
Pulmonary Hypertension ,
Systemic Sclerosis ,
Diffuse Scleroderma ,
Interstitial Lung Disease ,
Lung ,
Heart Failure ,
Lung Fibrosis ,
Pulmonary Fibrosis ,
Ibrosis Pulmonary ,
Monoclonal Antibody ,
Etuximab ,
Ituximab ,
Hypertension ,
Antineoplastic Drug ,
Nti Cancer Agents ,
Evacizumab ,
Rlotinib ,
Efitinib ,
Matinib ,
U11248 ,
Unitinib ,
Rastuzumab ,
Europe ,