The “Better Together” project will kick off on Tuesday May 18th after a proclamation on behalf of the Town Council. It’s an initiative to bring awareness about mental health, and also to create new friendships in our community. Every Tuesday, participants are invited to wear their “Better Together” t-shirts, and when they see somebody with a matching shirt, the hope is that they will take a moment to chat, listen to each other’s stories, and give everyone a voice.
The “Better Together” program, which is now across Canada, began in North Battleford in 2018 in response to a number of suicides in a short time. “A very grieving community was trying to find a way to keep people together so they started this t-shirt program,” says Stephanie. “Daycare children began visiting senior citizens, and it turned into so much more. One example is a couple people who met down town while shopping. When they saw each other’s t-shirts, it sparked a conversation and they began talking. They started going out for coffee, and became good friends.”