The crowning glory is Swift’s version of I Contain Multitudes, from Dylan’s new album Rough and Rowdy Ways. “It’s a love song, and a prayer,” she said of the song. “And it’s about his life, but it’s also about what art and music and literature can mean to humanity. And to me that’s an extraordinary thing to meditate on, particularly when our social interactions are so limited.” All of the above could be said of Blonde on the Tracks itself. – Andrew Stafford The Avalanches – We Will Always Love You We Will Always Love You is a miraculous-sounding record, infatuated with the universe and the infinite nature of energy, light and – especially – sounds that echo in the void for eons. Sample-based music is inherently tactile; artists like the Avalanches pick up and tool around with old vinyl that’s traded hands before. And on this record, they’ve leaned into that tactility and the sensoriality of music, turning images into sound and back again (Star Song.IMG, when run through a spectograph, produces an image of troubled Hollywood starlet Barbara Payton); and feeding the bleeps of the Arecibo Message – a 1974 broadcast from a radio telescope – into a midi controller, to create twinkly alien song.