Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Opaque Worlds - The Power Of Un

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Opaque Worlds - The Power Of Undercover Agencies 20240708

soccer is a sport of colors and the children in this mountain village of the mold. emma wears blue color of her favorite teen both sexes. traditions prevent her from going to games and play an insurmountable obstacle. girl football on the pink starts february 4th on d, w. ah, ritz bergs, 2009. the u. s. pointed the finger ready run yesterday and united states united kingdom and france was at a detailed evidence to be i a year demonstrating that the islamic republic of iran has been building a cover uranium enrichment facility for several years. this is the florence leaders immediately suspected spies in their ranks compared to talk to orders were given to hunt down those who had disclosed nuclear secrets in the process. iranian intelligence came across an encrypted platform where c i. e. agents exchanged information. the iranians work who are also very active in iraq, had somehow been able to compromise that system. if a run could crank the secret ca, messages the lives of hundreds of agents would be in danger. with a super computer generated a cryptographic systems, you need a super computer to attack it. so china has some of the worlds fastest super computers and good relations with iran. so it may be that the iranians passed the intercept over to the chinese. they processed it. they were able to decrypt it with the help of the decrypted messages, the iranians expose the ring of c i, agents, the discovery had unexpected consequences. and several from the cia switch sides. a number of important cases of ca, officers who were turned by the chinese and were working for them most damaging to the cia. was jerry lee's betrayal from 2010. he helped chinese intelligence unmasked, at least 20 cia informants in the country. they were jailed or executed. in one case, the punishment was especially cruel. not only was the sy executed, but also his said pregnant wife was executed as well. this was done on closed circuit television so that the people in the ministry where he worked could witness the event. chinese intelligence operations range from extremely brutal to almost silent. a former senior official in the n s. i said that russia is like a hurricane. and china is like climate change. i think that in the 20 twenty's we'll probably see the chinese spying the heck out of us. on the other hand will be spying the heck out of them. ah, ah. mm. in mid 2019 a. chechen man was crossing berlin's to garden park. the man was living in germany under a false name. out of nowhere, a cyclist appeared, carrying the pistol with a silencer attached. the victim's saline con condos really was shot 3 times. for years he had fought against russia as a militia leader in the caucuses does offer at the museum the, the victim had a really checkered history in the chechen wars done. after that, it was clear that georgian intelligence had maybe recruited him, isn't the right phrases for life, but he definitely cooperated with them if he was used for negotiations. for example, on long angles that's in 2001 on gosh, really joined the chechnya and military resistance movement, which later became the islamist caucuses. emirate. not them often battle and go against them until after an apparent attack on him was only narrowly stopped in georgia. he went to ukraine of locus and conduct from his contact from the georgia intelligence service still working there today. the high school fund must, isn't. that means russia must have considered this man an enemy, 2 or even 3 time over an gazette, apparently put him on a russian intelligence, deathless. and a tortoise listless wilson going cisco plastered there are said to be as many as 20 targets on that list. russia wants revenge the suspect in the congo. sh, feely killing is also suspected of a 2013 shooting that was caught on camera in moscow. there to a bike was involved. the suspect is fighting crusty cough, a former soldier rehab because of a lack of russian co operation on this issue. we've expelled to russian embassy employees from the countries from butch after slanders have used them. but vladimir putin was unmoved at the week. but he, cham, which he has rosky could originally refused castillo, not yet, not correctness, though russian side had repeatedly asked our german colleagues for the extradition of disbanded this murderer who beat. unfortunately, there was no agreement on the issue in the same same opinion. the world of intelligence services can be brutal, some other than dignities. it also signals the extent of one's power to other nations. i, when it comes to achieving goals through lethal and military means that restraint has fallen away line because the international community simply hasn't done enough to correct the situation for it's effective. and so it's used with less and less restraint. it's the only one to him dying. that's when the suspect went on trial in berlin, russia and it's intelligent services were also on the dock. the accused denied everything calling it a case of mistaken identity. was the park murder, also a way of sending a message to germany in the selected as intelligence agencies would see it on the acton really concerned germany, hawkins. like other states, as if they reserve the right to hand any one they deem terrorists anywhere in the world. of and if necessary, shoot them dead animals of 2 a. she's traitors faced the same fate defectors, sergey scree. paul was poisoned in england. decent passengers spectacularly. and these as facially sensational cases take place according to time and opportunity site. one to colleen, i think about it. if mister st. paul had lived in berlin, there would have been another t a gotten case. is she homicide your years? russian intelligence has had a policy of punishing traitors wherever they live on a topic. cough vimovo, c o. c. p, it wasn't always that way in the cold war, spies like rudolph abel, which changed for us prisoners, often and potsdam, on the outskirts of berlin, under the watchful eyes of the shed asi. but even then motors also took place in 1954 k g b defector. nicolai's hall clove, told western media that he was ordered to poison a dissident in germany using a poison dart from a cigarette case. o clubs, family was then sent to a labor camp but its best hopa as far as western europe was concerned, both superpowers turned away from secret service assassinations that says that because many cases led to a huge public media outcry around the world like tom and then wanted to avoid that altamont for mine. cases like that of georg markoff, were to sensational. the bulgarian was murdered in london in 1978, using a poisoned bullet, fired from an umbrella. the u. s. to planted assassinations as revealed to congress in 1975. have you brought with you on some of those devices which would have been able to say i ever used this poison for we have a need for killing people. not dont quite an enemy. does this the fall fire the darn it does with jim fireplace more than was other ones input in the u. s. it was domestic scandals following watergate that led to secret service. assassinations being officially banned by the president wouldn't know since 2002 the cia seems to once again find any means justified. this is missouri or in eastern poland. far from the capital, warsaw, and near the border with belarus, hidden in a forest is a polish secret service facility. this is where the cia has taken members of al qaeda and other terrorism suspects. once in poland, they were tortured by c. i. agents similar things have happened in bagram in afghanistan and abu ghraib prison in iraq, where the torture included humiliation in poland. prisoners were interrogated using illegal methods as ordered by ca, leadership, even today, the areas under tight security, military police follow our camera team were filmed, and our cars searched in 2017. a civil lawsuit by inmates revealed the extent of cia practices, lawyers for a victim interviewed jose rodriguez. a former cia covert operations officer. i just so that the record will clear all the techniques for which you sort approval were the attention grass walling facial hold, facial slap, cramp, confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation, waterboard, use of diapers, insects, and mach burial. now i'm not asking what got approved. i'm asking whether those were the techniques for which you requested approval. yes. today is january 16th the cie, hired psychologist jeans, e mitchell, and paid his company $81000000.00 to develop enhanced interrogation method was off your pennsylvania at the request of gibbons p. c. the 1st victim was al qaeda member abu zubaydah. why was he water boarded after he started cooperating? you'd have to fcc, i why they wanted to continue doing that. i will, i was the head of it and my analyst were concerned that perhaps he was not compliant. i was zubaydah was among those tortured for weeks in poland. he lost an eye. were they there voluntarily? they were not there voluntarily, but they could stop the interrogation. if they agree to comply. the prisoners were later sent from poland to guantanamo bay. there to the c i a and f b. i use torture. i was little 70 days. oh, intensive torture nor sleep sexual assault, beating no medication, no food. i'm not allowed to go to the bathroom. i have to p and do everything in my clothes. you know, because ios chain and then they say either i big them or i do in my clothes and i chose to do in my clothes. former police officers were also involved in trying to get the prisoners to talk lieutenant. and until zullie is a police officer from chicago, they gave me a letter in that letter. it says that my mother would be keeping up and put in a prison where of the world, the man my heart dull. and i know at that moment that there was nothing to lose for several years. mohammed old salon, he had contact with al qaeda terrorists. he knew followers of osama bin latin. he also met students from the so called hamburg, so among the group were, would be terrorists, including mohammed, alta and z, a gera. they were later tasked with quickly learning how to pilot a large plane. the pair were regular visitors to stein gun, a mean hamburg street and home to a sophist mosque where they made friends with others, including rumsey, been a sheep who became the groups leader. later in 2003, been our sheep was tortured and interrogated for weeks. and accused old so la he of being the person who had told the 911 pilots how to get to afghanistan. ah, jack, where's the recalls are weary now? we won't have a hard journey over here to america. 11th time to come with the appeal. i got a glare board with no one is at the bowling. wow. i going to like in boy? always more. the attacks on new york and washington left around 3000 people dead and forever changed the united states. ah, george w bush had been president for a few months. he called on the international community to fight a war on terror. there is universal support for the american people. sadness in their voice, but understanding that we have just seen the 1st floor of the 21st century. now the war has been declared us. we will lead the world to victory fiction intelligence agencies were charged with ensuring that victory, especially the cia. one of the most famous covered up figures in american history co for black famously said to congress, there was a before $911.00 and an after $911.00. he says, after 911, the clubs came off beginning in 2002. the ca build secret torture prisons, not only in poland, but also in romania. al qaeda members were interrogated in these so called black sites. in thailand, a vietnam war era surveillance facility became a torture prison from guantanamo bay in cuba to eastern europe to asia. the seas, black sites cover the globe, the cooperation of foreign countries and sea ice detention enter nation program was absolutely essential. there was no way to do this program on us soil. the cia needed the cooperation of foreign officials and they're willing to pay for that cooperation. every nation in every region now has a decision to make either you are with us or you are with the terrorist which is freedom and the dignity of every life. one of the women said, then i love those people at that asked because of our way of life, but we'll, we'll never abandon our way of life. ironically, the 1st thing that they did, they abandoned their will of life of democracy freedom. and that was the real win of the x that i miss. the usa, which warn afghanistan and iraq were the justification was supposed to weapons of mass destruction. in doing so, they made enemies of muslims, the world over milan in 2003, abu omar was snatched from the street after midday prayers. the operation was carried out by 23 c. i. agents, including portuguese operative sabrina de sosa. the ca wasn't concerned about breaking italian law chil, of even israel, for decades, a hot bed of conflict. in the mid 19 ninety's gestures towards peace were once again shattered. this time a bus bolling carried out by islamists, the palestinians. most of the bombs had been constructed by yaya sh. in 1996, an informant working for israel, shin bet domestic intelligence service, slipped him a cellphone containing semtex and explosive. the device exploded, healing i ash. israel's foreign intelligence service most sod also carries out assassinations. at the time it was led by shopped. i shall eat ema, masha hello coolly. me sick, william god is targeted, killing a good and effective strategy on hold. i a law as yes actually share gold. why mahash voucher us? let's say i'm trying to find and eliminate the leader of a terrorist group and he knows it with the data syllable. then he'll spend half his time protecting himself full of flea come ashima last time. he then can't use to organize terror and all that small lustig law machine hose males, luncheon, ro, sure, will mark the, shall bonneville the length to which most sand goes can be seen in this surveillance camera footage from a hotel in dubai. in 2010 israeli agents disguised as tourists pursued a target mahmoud. alma bu a high ranking hamas member almost sound operative suffocated the man in his room with a pillow. def he love. i made a mistake on molly, which that then had of my side has since admitted i, tim, the operation had to be carried out so quickly. that massage didn't have enough time to produce false identity and was up near me to put up to unfortunately, dental individuals had to travel under the same identity again and again, i can eat and the teeth as muslim massage agents were unmasked. such teams aren't always that big. in 1995 in malta, an agent shocked at the head of the islam of john group frantisha khaki. the terrorist group was weakened for months. why? because i saw shouldn't. oh yes, in the past the assassination of leaders has sometimes led to the destruction of their entire organisations. look at the monique, shall i, and good. as his slow thing, israel's greatest foe, iran has shown that it has a nuclear ambitions of its own. in 2021. it tested a missile capable of reaching space. nuclear missiles would pose a serious threat to the small country that is already targeted by conventional rockets, fired by palestinian groups. in 2018 is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu didn't mince words in front of the cameras. you was large victim. i divided into her here with you on the voted separate to high to see we can get well, but israel didn't stop and accusations in the media using guns and explosives. most odd agents also killed several iranian nuclear scientists. in iran, the murdered scientists were celebrated as martyrs. lou key part of the plan was to form new organizations to continue the work. this is how dr. moore st. fuck reside a head of the project. ahmad put it. remember that name? in november 2020 the head of iran's nuclear program was attacked while driving with his wife. massage. had set up a disguised machine gun and triggered it remotely. the nuclear dentist had no chance when iran announced it would retaliate. but anyway, oh no, no, no, no, many iranians have been killed around the world in recent years. well, did it start a war? no, she, she's got almond middle huh. intelligence agencies carry out their orders, their wedding, all of them o'clock in democracies. the government is responsible for intelligence agencies, family and sheila, it can't escape that responsibility could a leave off. well her loss. angeles for many years michael, german worked in the city as an f. b. i agent at times he did undercover work, infiltrating right wing terror groups. terrorism is attacking. and what i learned working undercover in for a militant groups was that it is at sign of weakness. so for a group to be using this tactic as a clue right away, that there are very weak where in 1991 los angeles and the entire u. s. were shaken by the police violence against rodney king. amid huge divisions in the country, german infiltrated california, neo nazi, seen the undercover agent trying to comprehend the stream, right? these individuals, they're not just in their own world making their own decisions. they're often reacting to things that government does during the time that i was under cover, that was just ruby ridge siege. it was during waco when horrible siege inferno killed dozens of people in 1993 the f. b. i rated a cult in waco, texas, around 80. people died hard to convince somebody that i'm a fugitive for the rest of their life. but if the government is engaging in activities, torture, kidnappings, detention without a trial, then you're going to increase the risk that one of these people is going to take matters into their own hand. at the end of 2001, the conquest of afghanistan was celebrated as a triumph in the war on terror. in bagram, near kabul, us soldiers began torturing their prisoners. they saw almost every one as an enemy, or you have to look at what the intelligence was at the time the apparatus. tighter was roughly 4 to 5000 people. and that doesn't justify pay huge ramping up in government authority. expenditure is in wars and multiple countries. are the masterminds on the war on terror? were men like u. s. secretary of defense donald rumsfeld, her part of it was we had a generational war that will be like the cold or where we can justify any expenditure. we can justify complete secrecy without any sort of interference from overseers in congress or certainly the pop way. but it wasn't just the military and the cia that were involved in underhand operations . on the s b. i were to it. there's a narrative that i manage their ages, dose is paid for, and if they ever got to a point where they thought it was going too far along, they should just invite themselves to leave. that, in fact, was never true. this the i shows up, you know, talking to without good guys who are going to do coffee. but they know that you talk to them because you have been taught to him, you know, and this is like very evil. if the eye is as bad as the military as bad does the cia so make no mistake? if me i, agent, when they came to want dental, they, they wanted to bury me alive. the war on terror was beginning to threaten freedom and the rule of law as we ways to warrant terror overseas. we're also going after the terrorist here at home and a powerful national counter terrorism center was charged with keeping alca eda and many others in it's sites. that theory was that people get infected with some radical idea, and that puts them on a path towards committing a terrorist act. so instead of looking at those 5000 people who are part of our guide on 911, we're looking at a 1000000 people. one suspected an individual was always a potential threat. the patriot act is help save american lives and is protected american liberty. they were looking at everyone, including every american and gathering our information with the idea that somehow they would be able to sift it and find out which of us were lloyd via threatened the future rock obama took over the apparatus and continued to expand it. and his successors aren't cutting the intelligence budget either, though the current amount to secret in 2010, an estimated $80000000000.00 went to 17 intelligence agencies. and the u. s. is blanketed by an almost continuous network of intelligent sites. over the last hell years, congress has been trying to figure that out. and how many people are part of this apparatus? when congress asked, every department has to identify the number of people with clearances that they're responsible for. they couldn't do it. and they didn't even know how many people that they had given clearance. ah, the digital revolution has prompted a kind of gold rush among intelligence agencies around the world. laws hardly count for anything any more. ah. the tools that had been intending to protect the public had been in many ways used to attack the public flagrant violations of us law, constitutional rights, and more importantly, human rights. what do you do when the most powerful institutions in society have become the least accountable to society? edward snowden leaked an essay documents hinted at a massive extent of surveillance. they also incriminated germany's federal intelligence service, the b and d. in 2014 a bonus stock committee investigated how far the cooperation between the agencies went. thomas thomas, drake was with the nfl 7. yes. the former intelligence officer made a serious accusation, saying the b n d supplied the us with data for drone warfare that it was an arm of the an essay m as a the indices and search terms. and the b and d provided the data constitutional rights were being systematically undermined. one intelligence agency were searching national data for digital traces on behalf of the other a devastating system. as they hunt for as much detail as possible, intelligence agencies need helpers are, are government sandra said we are going to need a lot of data about what people are uptown. so we're going to let the market take care of it. and then that will be the place where we dip our straws, and we can just slip up the data that we need. and that's how we're gonna connect the dots that allowed these companies to pursue these very strange arrangements where we think we're searching on google. but they're actually capturing every aspect of our online behavior in order to mine it for predictive signals. every year, the extent of the surveillance increases with in the state of utah. the an essay has huge server parks. they can theoretically store and analyze all of the world's digital data, but information alone can't prevent terrorist attacks. there was an investigation before the 911 commission demonstrating that the 911 conspiracy was lost in the bass. strains of data that were being collected on a regular basis. the problem was, by the time the report came out, those vast streams had already turned into raging rivers. in november, 2009, a us soldier, shot and killed 13 people at fort hood. the f b i had had the perpetrator in its sites for some time pick any of the successful plots that weren't stopped after 911. fort hood is a good example because the former f b, i, director william webster, ran a commission. and what they found was that there were concrete pieces of evidence that suggested that something was wrong with his communications. but the data explosion within the b i obscured those pieces, so the critical pieces were mis, other attackers of also evaded f. b i n, c. i a, despite all their data, like those in orlando and manchester is off and come on shawn 1st tired. one can certainly say that a lot of things have limits, pencil, chamber, 11th of, of isn't yet spy yet. but it's now 2 decades later when defend them on was and i think you really have to critically evaluate what went well asked and what went badly actually. and then also scale things, facts called justice and things didn't happen that way. and it remains a problem to the stay in, besides these days, u. s. intelligence agencies can monitor and even kill suspect in almost any corner of the world. yet, dca, at not the cia employed and decided on drone attacks him at the end of the day. it's highly problematic when an intelligence agency gets its hands on that kind of weaponry. and the 1st place a comes president george w bush laid the groundwork for his successor. this sits on false, all the step from torture and interrogation to targeted killings happened under obama obama perceived to do nothing in the face of terrorist networks would invite far more civilian casualties. simply put, these strikes have saved lives. latisha obama does. of course, obama decided on and supported the massive expansion of the drone program and targeted killings which globally speaking, continue to be basically the most serious crimes committed in the name of the state . and i'm gonna pop the drones. don't kill just terrorists. im human in pakistan till when places like yemen and pakistan's, they've ended up terrorizing whole swans of land and people living there vouch be. this creates a never ending cycle of violence, but commanded doesn't come back. terrorism and the faith feeds of terrorism and, and tell was more even with drones, the covert war on terror can not be one. it's well documented that this methodology we have of creating this secret compartmentalize part of our government that we don't ask about leads to considerable waste and abuse for their estimates that just the effort in the quote unquote war on terrorism with a 6 trillion dollar expenses since 2001 secret operations and violence have taken precedence over diplomacy for jason bliss argues, who's deployed in cobble for years. it's the wrong strategy. to me, it is one of the great mistakes of the united states has ever made in the context of trying to counter terror because all that, that was great, more terrorists. so you have met as, as ation of terrorism. i think a large part of that is because groups like al qaeda groups like isis have been able to take a message that the united states is carried out. terrible torture and has killed innocent civilians and have been able to effectively market that to audiences who have then eventually joined groups like isis and al qaeda. after the american withdrawal, the threat of terrorist violence has grown enough canister him and offshoot of the astronomy state, used a suicide bomber to kill dozens of people. the u. s. responded with the drone strike, but it's intelligence was wrong and the strike hit the wrong people. consequences for such actions seemed to be lacking. even revelations about the use of torture in 2014 didn't and careers at the cia enter i this around and there was a success in this approval of this near $7000.00 page report, which is the largest report and senate history. but it's also important to recognize at the very same committee that approved this report, also voted to confirm gina hassle, who was involved in the torture program at c, i, director just a few years after completing networks. ah, it's been nearly 50 years since an operations officer rose up through the ranks to become the director. and after the experience of the last 2 months, i think i know why that is, ah, c, i, a officers don't have to fear punishment, and they can bend the truth to suit themselves. have you consulted with president trump or members of his administration with regard to quote unquote, bringing back torture? no, well i would never work. we never use torch. i don't know what you're talking about . b, c, i. e doesn't refer to torture or just to interrogation methods that get results. be conducted this review over a number of years in a basement with no windows and just computers hooked up to a server. and that's rivers where the cia produced these 6300000 pages of records and what we saw in those classified pages again and again. and again, was that when detainees were tortured, they fabricated information. in other words, they told the interrogators exactly what they wanted to jones if to through years of cia data, he was probably spied on himself. at one point that they went in to the computers that were being used by the senate intelligence committee staff went through the emails, went to the same time messages of staff and certainly went through drafts of the report. reportedly a u. s. intelligence agency breaking into the networks of its own senate. i have grave concerns that the cia may well have violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the united states constitution. you know, she had hacking into, you know, selling computers. nothing could be further from the truth. we wouldn't crush nice to see you again. was cia denies the accusation instead accusing daniel jones are betraying secret that he's study on the sy detention the senator's like an apparent ation time with the criminal referral against staff that was again later found to be fabricated by the c. i were all tactics to delay oversight. is the cia in danger of spinning out of control? senate intelligence committee in the house intelligence committee were not briefed on the sea ice detention interrogation program until the same day. president bush made a public revelation about the program in september of 2006, the c. i itself also found that it hadn't briefed president bush on the program until years later. i thought there would be real bipartisan outrage at the fact that the c, i a knowingly provided false information, the president and i states. and of course, congress and the department of justice officials like michael hayden, a former and her se, and c i a chief have downplayed the issue, it was c, i officers and actually i officers for the most on television, continuing to push the same misinformation. then we have a real accountability crisis in our country. you know, the c i, director, was trying to mislead again the president, congress and american people and their 0 consequences for law. germany has also been affected. the war on terror is filling the ranks of potential terrorist attackers. among them was ami some re who murdered 12 people in berlin in 2016. despite the fact that german intelligence had informed among the people he associated with the hatton, his visor, austin, london. we had information from the state intelligence agency of mecklenburg, western pomeranian. it's an informant, apparently said that honest summary had connections to a large family in berlin. that itself was said to have connections to organized crime. loren forestman couldn't follow up in time because the state intelligence agency didn't disclose the information from what so on his pause could give me information that could have saved lives, wasn't revealed even after the attack that problem. the problem is that the question of whether henri had accomplished is in the attack, has been completely sidelines. there's a very real danger that suspected accomplices. a still out there. information about undercover informants remained secret. meanwhile, potential accomplices are spared helmeted and widen. and i was also on the 2nd investigative committee into the nsu carousel and experienced exactly the same thing. there paula montague makers have no insightful, very little insight into the activities of informants when handled. the committee was also denied the opportunity to call as a witness the leader of the informants who was presumably directly involved with on a summary, we filed a complaint with the federal constitutional court, but it was unsuccessful for cash. in february 2021. the german con situational court decided that a person deploying informants was not accountable to parliament yet, so i'm glad to hear from zayden their goals and quality, soon for garish. from the point of view of the former government is on the court ruled that the whole landscape of secret informants could completely escape parliamentary oversight. my nausicaa and in my opinion, that's an act of madness. i. d legitimizes the whole field. jesus godson bryce is through to stop. this is the especially in the difficult times we're living through . i think it's a serious mistake for our constitutional state. i'm should be of a feeler. i am in blake out of one of extract. i do believe that we need intelligence services since to tough, because it's just objectively the case that there are massive attacks on our rule of law is gone. our country, and on your embassy from all sorts of places unregistered of the land of i hope, our gift germany is an intelligence battlefield, with russian chinese, iranian turkish and american operative spying and violating german laws, skipped free when it comes to the politics of security. there are many more actors than they are used to be. have you from? well, those actors did exist in the past, but they weren't as relevant as the big players always play. in fact, it would have been wise to keep a closer eye on them as well. going to shop. ah, so should germany try to compete? ah, he mentioned didn't land people in this country have the right for germany to be different than unjust regimes and dictatorship in ones where people are monitored in a way that is similar to the easter mish darzy apparatus. yeah, about article font didn't i think it's going to be a bigger problem moving forward as more popular stations like china and india become a send in. what kind of, ah, model have we created for them and then they can do it. they work by force. secret services continue to gain power and some have developed a dangerous life of their own. only spectacular individual cases find their way into the news. the rest remain hidden in the shadows. ah aah! farm the 1st then eat in japan. kids are learning early on where their food actually comes from and to respect nature's provision. the result, a healthier diet and less obesity. school can take so good global 3000 in 30 minutes on d. w warrant. who have carried joseph aledo, so i didn't. okay, is africa's most prominent environmental activist. the nigerian conservationist commission is to educate the entire continent about the catastrophic effects of climate change. a message that she regards as especially important for the youth eco africa. in the 90 minutes on d w. ah . nico is in germany to learn german pinnacle, why not learn with him t w's e learning course, eco's fake. on the green. do you feel worried about the planet we to i'm mil, host of the on the grievance of cost. and to me it's clear remains to change the solutions or out the join me for a deep dive into the green transformation for me to do for the plan. ah, this is data, were you news? i'm these are on top stories. british.

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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Opaque Worlds - The Power Of Undercover Agencies 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Opaque Worlds - The Power Of Undercover Agencies 20240708

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soccer is a sport of colors and the children in this mountain village of the mold. emma wears blue color of her favorite teen both sexes. traditions prevent her from going to games and play an insurmountable obstacle. girl football on the pink starts february 4th on d, w. ah, ritz bergs, 2009. the u. s. pointed the finger ready run yesterday and united states united kingdom and france was at a detailed evidence to be i a year demonstrating that the islamic republic of iran has been building a cover uranium enrichment facility for several years. this is the florence leaders immediately suspected spies in their ranks compared to talk to orders were given to hunt down those who had disclosed nuclear secrets in the process. iranian intelligence came across an encrypted platform where c i. e. agents exchanged information. the iranians work who are also very active in iraq, had somehow been able to compromise that system. if a run could crank the secret ca, messages the lives of hundreds of agents would be in danger. with a super computer generated a cryptographic systems, you need a super computer to attack it. so china has some of the worlds fastest super computers and good relations with iran. so it may be that the iranians passed the intercept over to the chinese. they processed it. they were able to decrypt it with the help of the decrypted messages, the iranians expose the ring of c i, agents, the discovery had unexpected consequences. and several from the cia switch sides. a number of important cases of ca, officers who were turned by the chinese and were working for them most damaging to the cia. was jerry lee's betrayal from 2010. he helped chinese intelligence unmasked, at least 20 cia informants in the country. they were jailed or executed. in one case, the punishment was especially cruel. not only was the sy executed, but also his said pregnant wife was executed as well. this was done on closed circuit television so that the people in the ministry where he worked could witness the event. chinese intelligence operations range from extremely brutal to almost silent. a former senior official in the n s. i said that russia is like a hurricane. and china is like climate change. i think that in the 20 twenty's we'll probably see the chinese spying the heck out of us. on the other hand will be spying the heck out of them. ah, ah. mm. in mid 2019 a. chechen man was crossing berlin's to garden park. the man was living in germany under a false name. out of nowhere, a cyclist appeared, carrying the pistol with a silencer attached. the victim's saline con condos really was shot 3 times. for years he had fought against russia as a militia leader in the caucuses does offer at the museum the, the victim had a really checkered history in the chechen wars done. after that, it was clear that georgian intelligence had maybe recruited him, isn't the right phrases for life, but he definitely cooperated with them if he was used for negotiations. for example, on long angles that's in 2001 on gosh, really joined the chechnya and military resistance movement, which later became the islamist caucuses. emirate. not them often battle and go against them until after an apparent attack on him was only narrowly stopped in georgia. he went to ukraine of locus and conduct from his contact from the georgia intelligence service still working there today. the high school fund must, isn't. that means russia must have considered this man an enemy, 2 or even 3 time over an gazette, apparently put him on a russian intelligence, deathless. and a tortoise listless wilson going cisco plastered there are said to be as many as 20 targets on that list. russia wants revenge the suspect in the congo. sh, feely killing is also suspected of a 2013 shooting that was caught on camera in moscow. there to a bike was involved. the suspect is fighting crusty cough, a former soldier rehab because of a lack of russian co operation on this issue. we've expelled to russian embassy employees from the countries from butch after slanders have used them. but vladimir putin was unmoved at the week. but he, cham, which he has rosky could originally refused castillo, not yet, not correctness, though russian side had repeatedly asked our german colleagues for the extradition of disbanded this murderer who beat. unfortunately, there was no agreement on the issue in the same same opinion. the world of intelligence services can be brutal, some other than dignities. it also signals the extent of one's power to other nations. i, when it comes to achieving goals through lethal and military means that restraint has fallen away line because the international community simply hasn't done enough to correct the situation for it's effective. and so it's used with less and less restraint. it's the only one to him dying. that's when the suspect went on trial in berlin, russia and it's intelligent services were also on the dock. the accused denied everything calling it a case of mistaken identity. was the park murder, also a way of sending a message to germany in the selected as intelligence agencies would see it on the acton really concerned germany, hawkins. like other states, as if they reserve the right to hand any one they deem terrorists anywhere in the world. of and if necessary, shoot them dead animals of 2 a. she's traitors faced the same fate defectors, sergey scree. paul was poisoned in england. decent passengers spectacularly. and these as facially sensational cases take place according to time and opportunity site. one to colleen, i think about it. if mister st. paul had lived in berlin, there would have been another t a gotten case. is she homicide your years? russian intelligence has had a policy of punishing traitors wherever they live on a topic. cough vimovo, c o. c. p, it wasn't always that way in the cold war, spies like rudolph abel, which changed for us prisoners, often and potsdam, on the outskirts of berlin, under the watchful eyes of the shed asi. but even then motors also took place in 1954 k g b defector. nicolai's hall clove, told western media that he was ordered to poison a dissident in germany using a poison dart from a cigarette case. o clubs, family was then sent to a labor camp but its best hopa as far as western europe was concerned, both superpowers turned away from secret service assassinations that says that because many cases led to a huge public media outcry around the world like tom and then wanted to avoid that altamont for mine. cases like that of georg markoff, were to sensational. the bulgarian was murdered in london in 1978, using a poisoned bullet, fired from an umbrella. the u. s. to planted assassinations as revealed to congress in 1975. have you brought with you on some of those devices which would have been able to say i ever used this poison for we have a need for killing people. not dont quite an enemy. does this the fall fire the darn it does with jim fireplace more than was other ones input in the u. s. it was domestic scandals following watergate that led to secret service. assassinations being officially banned by the president wouldn't know since 2002 the cia seems to once again find any means justified. this is missouri or in eastern poland. far from the capital, warsaw, and near the border with belarus, hidden in a forest is a polish secret service facility. this is where the cia has taken members of al qaeda and other terrorism suspects. once in poland, they were tortured by c. i. agents similar things have happened in bagram in afghanistan and abu ghraib prison in iraq, where the torture included humiliation in poland. prisoners were interrogated using illegal methods as ordered by ca, leadership, even today, the areas under tight security, military police follow our camera team were filmed, and our cars searched in 2017. a civil lawsuit by inmates revealed the extent of cia practices, lawyers for a victim interviewed jose rodriguez. a former cia covert operations officer. i just so that the record will clear all the techniques for which you sort approval were the attention grass walling facial hold, facial slap, cramp, confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation, waterboard, use of diapers, insects, and mach burial. now i'm not asking what got approved. i'm asking whether those were the techniques for which you requested approval. yes. today is january 16th the cie, hired psychologist jeans, e mitchell, and paid his company $81000000.00 to develop enhanced interrogation method was off your pennsylvania at the request of gibbons p. c. the 1st victim was al qaeda member abu zubaydah. why was he water boarded after he started cooperating? you'd have to fcc, i why they wanted to continue doing that. i will, i was the head of it and my analyst were concerned that perhaps he was not compliant. i was zubaydah was among those tortured for weeks in poland. he lost an eye. were they there voluntarily? they were not there voluntarily, but they could stop the interrogation. if they agree to comply. the prisoners were later sent from poland to guantanamo bay. there to the c i a and f b. i use torture. i was little 70 days. oh, intensive torture nor sleep sexual assault, beating no medication, no food. i'm not allowed to go to the bathroom. i have to p and do everything in my clothes. you know, because ios chain and then they say either i big them or i do in my clothes and i chose to do in my clothes. former police officers were also involved in trying to get the prisoners to talk lieutenant. and until zullie is a police officer from chicago, they gave me a letter in that letter. it says that my mother would be keeping up and put in a prison where of the world, the man my heart dull. and i know at that moment that there was nothing to lose for several years. mohammed old salon, he had contact with al qaeda terrorists. he knew followers of osama bin latin. he also met students from the so called hamburg, so among the group were, would be terrorists, including mohammed, alta and z, a gera. they were later tasked with quickly learning how to pilot a large plane. the pair were regular visitors to stein gun, a mean hamburg street and home to a sophist mosque where they made friends with others, including rumsey, been a sheep who became the groups leader. later in 2003, been our sheep was tortured and interrogated for weeks. and accused old so la he of being the person who had told the 911 pilots how to get to afghanistan. ah, jack, where's the recalls are weary now? we won't have a hard journey over here to america. 11th time to come with the appeal. i got a glare board with no one is at the bowling. wow. i going to like in boy? always more. the attacks on new york and washington left around 3000 people dead and forever changed the united states. ah, george w bush had been president for a few months. he called on the international community to fight a war on terror. there is universal support for the american people. sadness in their voice, but understanding that we have just seen the 1st floor of the 21st century. now the war has been declared us. we will lead the world to victory fiction intelligence agencies were charged with ensuring that victory, especially the cia. one of the most famous covered up figures in american history co for black famously said to congress, there was a before $911.00 and an after $911.00. he says, after 911, the clubs came off beginning in 2002. the ca build secret torture prisons, not only in poland, but also in romania. al qaeda members were interrogated in these so called black sites. in thailand, a vietnam war era surveillance facility became a torture prison from guantanamo bay in cuba to eastern europe to asia. the seas, black sites cover the globe, the cooperation of foreign countries and sea ice detention enter nation program was absolutely essential. there was no way to do this program on us soil. the cia needed the cooperation of foreign officials and they're willing to pay for that cooperation. every nation in every region now has a decision to make either you are with us or you are with the terrorist which is freedom and the dignity of every life. one of the women said, then i love those people at that asked because of our way of life, but we'll, we'll never abandon our way of life. ironically, the 1st thing that they did, they abandoned their will of life of democracy freedom. and that was the real win of the x that i miss. the usa, which warn afghanistan and iraq were the justification was supposed to weapons of mass destruction. in doing so, they made enemies of muslims, the world over milan in 2003, abu omar was snatched from the street after midday prayers. the operation was carried out by 23 c. i. agents, including portuguese operative sabrina de sosa. the ca wasn't concerned about breaking italian law chil, of even israel, for decades, a hot bed of conflict. in the mid 19 ninety's gestures towards peace were once again shattered. this time a bus bolling carried out by islamists, the palestinians. most of the bombs had been constructed by yaya sh. in 1996, an informant working for israel, shin bet domestic intelligence service, slipped him a cellphone containing semtex and explosive. the device exploded, healing i ash. israel's foreign intelligence service most sod also carries out assassinations. at the time it was led by shopped. i shall eat ema, masha hello coolly. me sick, william god is targeted, killing a good and effective strategy on hold. i a law as yes actually share gold. why mahash voucher us? let's say i'm trying to find and eliminate the leader of a terrorist group and he knows it with the data syllable. then he'll spend half his time protecting himself full of flea come ashima last time. he then can't use to organize terror and all that small lustig law machine hose males, luncheon, ro, sure, will mark the, shall bonneville the length to which most sand goes can be seen in this surveillance camera footage from a hotel in dubai. in 2010 israeli agents disguised as tourists pursued a target mahmoud. alma bu a high ranking hamas member almost sound operative suffocated the man in his room with a pillow. def he love. i made a mistake on molly, which that then had of my side has since admitted i, tim, the operation had to be carried out so quickly. that massage didn't have enough time to produce false identity and was up near me to put up to unfortunately, dental individuals had to travel under the same identity again and again, i can eat and the teeth as muslim massage agents were unmasked. such teams aren't always that big. in 1995 in malta, an agent shocked at the head of the islam of john group frantisha khaki. the terrorist group was weakened for months. why? because i saw shouldn't. oh yes, in the past the assassination of leaders has sometimes led to the destruction of their entire organisations. look at the monique, shall i, and good. as his slow thing, israel's greatest foe, iran has shown that it has a nuclear ambitions of its own. in 2021. it tested a missile capable of reaching space. nuclear missiles would pose a serious threat to the small country that is already targeted by conventional rockets, fired by palestinian groups. in 2018 is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu didn't mince words in front of the cameras. you was large victim. i divided into her here with you on the voted separate to high to see we can get well, but israel didn't stop and accusations in the media using guns and explosives. most odd agents also killed several iranian nuclear scientists. in iran, the murdered scientists were celebrated as martyrs. lou key part of the plan was to form new organizations to continue the work. this is how dr. moore st. fuck reside a head of the project. ahmad put it. remember that name? in november 2020 the head of iran's nuclear program was attacked while driving with his wife. massage. had set up a disguised machine gun and triggered it remotely. the nuclear dentist had no chance when iran announced it would retaliate. but anyway, oh no, no, no, no, many iranians have been killed around the world in recent years. well, did it start a war? no, she, she's got almond middle huh. intelligence agencies carry out their orders, their wedding, all of them o'clock in democracies. the government is responsible for intelligence agencies, family and sheila, it can't escape that responsibility could a leave off. well her loss. angeles for many years michael, german worked in the city as an f. b. i agent at times he did undercover work, infiltrating right wing terror groups. terrorism is attacking. and what i learned working undercover in for a militant groups was that it is at sign of weakness. so for a group to be using this tactic as a clue right away, that there are very weak where in 1991 los angeles and the entire u. s. were shaken by the police violence against rodney king. amid huge divisions in the country, german infiltrated california, neo nazi, seen the undercover agent trying to comprehend the stream, right? these individuals, they're not just in their own world making their own decisions. they're often reacting to things that government does during the time that i was under cover, that was just ruby ridge siege. it was during waco when horrible siege inferno killed dozens of people in 1993 the f. b. i rated a cult in waco, texas, around 80. people died hard to convince somebody that i'm a fugitive for the rest of their life. but if the government is engaging in activities, torture, kidnappings, detention without a trial, then you're going to increase the risk that one of these people is going to take matters into their own hand. at the end of 2001, the conquest of afghanistan was celebrated as a triumph in the war on terror. in bagram, near kabul, us soldiers began torturing their prisoners. they saw almost every one as an enemy, or you have to look at what the intelligence was at the time the apparatus. tighter was roughly 4 to 5000 people. and that doesn't justify pay huge ramping up in government authority. expenditure is in wars and multiple countries. are the masterminds on the war on terror? were men like u. s. secretary of defense donald rumsfeld, her part of it was we had a generational war that will be like the cold or where we can justify any expenditure. we can justify complete secrecy without any sort of interference from overseers in congress or certainly the pop way. but it wasn't just the military and the cia that were involved in underhand operations . on the s b. i were to it. there's a narrative that i manage their ages, dose is paid for, and if they ever got to a point where they thought it was going too far along, they should just invite themselves to leave. that, in fact, was never true. this the i shows up, you know, talking to without good guys who are going to do coffee. but they know that you talk to them because you have been taught to him, you know, and this is like very evil. if the eye is as bad as the military as bad does the cia so make no mistake? if me i, agent, when they came to want dental, they, they wanted to bury me alive. the war on terror was beginning to threaten freedom and the rule of law as we ways to warrant terror overseas. we're also going after the terrorist here at home and a powerful national counter terrorism center was charged with keeping alca eda and many others in it's sites. that theory was that people get infected with some radical idea, and that puts them on a path towards committing a terrorist act. so instead of looking at those 5000 people who are part of our guide on 911, we're looking at a 1000000 people. one suspected an individual was always a potential threat. the patriot act is help save american lives and is protected american liberty. they were looking at everyone, including every american and gathering our information with the idea that somehow they would be able to sift it and find out which of us were lloyd via threatened the future rock obama took over the apparatus and continued to expand it. and his successors aren't cutting the intelligence budget either, though the current amount to secret in 2010, an estimated $80000000000.00 went to 17 intelligence agencies. and the u. s. is blanketed by an almost continuous network of intelligent sites. over the last hell years, congress has been trying to figure that out. and how many people are part of this apparatus? when congress asked, every department has to identify the number of people with clearances that they're responsible for. they couldn't do it. and they didn't even know how many people that they had given clearance. ah, the digital revolution has prompted a kind of gold rush among intelligence agencies around the world. laws hardly count for anything any more. ah. the tools that had been intending to protect the public had been in many ways used to attack the public flagrant violations of us law, constitutional rights, and more importantly, human rights. what do you do when the most powerful institutions in society have become the least accountable to society? edward snowden leaked an essay documents hinted at a massive extent of surveillance. they also incriminated germany's federal intelligence service, the b and d. in 2014 a bonus stock committee investigated how far the cooperation between the agencies went. thomas thomas, drake was with the nfl 7. yes. the former intelligence officer made a serious accusation, saying the b n d supplied the us with data for drone warfare that it was an arm of the an essay m as a the indices and search terms. and the b and d provided the data constitutional rights were being systematically undermined. one intelligence agency were searching national data for digital traces on behalf of the other a devastating system. as they hunt for as much detail as possible, intelligence agencies need helpers are, are government sandra said we are going to need a lot of data about what people are uptown. so we're going to let the market take care of it. and then that will be the place where we dip our straws, and we can just slip up the data that we need. and that's how we're gonna connect the dots that allowed these companies to pursue these very strange arrangements where we think we're searching on google. but they're actually capturing every aspect of our online behavior in order to mine it for predictive signals. every year, the extent of the surveillance increases with in the state of utah. the an essay has huge server parks. they can theoretically store and analyze all of the world's digital data, but information alone can't prevent terrorist attacks. there was an investigation before the 911 commission demonstrating that the 911 conspiracy was lost in the bass. strains of data that were being collected on a regular basis. the problem was, by the time the report came out, those vast streams had already turned into raging rivers. in november, 2009, a us soldier, shot and killed 13 people at fort hood. the f b i had had the perpetrator in its sites for some time pick any of the successful plots that weren't stopped after 911. fort hood is a good example because the former f b, i, director william webster, ran a commission. and what they found was that there were concrete pieces of evidence that suggested that something was wrong with his communications. but the data explosion within the b i obscured those pieces, so the critical pieces were mis, other attackers of also evaded f. b i n, c. i a, despite all their data, like those in orlando and manchester is off and come on shawn 1st tired. one can certainly say that a lot of things have limits, pencil, chamber, 11th of, of isn't yet spy yet. but it's now 2 decades later when defend them on was and i think you really have to critically evaluate what went well asked and what went badly actually. and then also scale things, facts called justice and things didn't happen that way. and it remains a problem to the stay in, besides these days, u. s. intelligence agencies can monitor and even kill suspect in almost any corner of the world. yet, dca, at not the cia employed and decided on drone attacks him at the end of the day. it's highly problematic when an intelligence agency gets its hands on that kind of weaponry. and the 1st place a comes president george w bush laid the groundwork for his successor. this sits on false, all the step from torture and interrogation to targeted killings happened under obama obama perceived to do nothing in the face of terrorist networks would invite far more civilian casualties. simply put, these strikes have saved lives. latisha obama does. of course, obama decided on and supported the massive expansion of the drone program and targeted killings which globally speaking, continue to be basically the most serious crimes committed in the name of the state . and i'm gonna pop the drones. don't kill just terrorists. im human in pakistan till when places like yemen and pakistan's, they've ended up terrorizing whole swans of land and people living there vouch be. this creates a never ending cycle of violence, but commanded doesn't come back. terrorism and the faith feeds of terrorism and, and tell was more even with drones, the covert war on terror can not be one. it's well documented that this methodology we have of creating this secret compartmentalize part of our government that we don't ask about leads to considerable waste and abuse for their estimates that just the effort in the quote unquote war on terrorism with a 6 trillion dollar expenses since 2001 secret operations and violence have taken precedence over diplomacy for jason bliss argues, who's deployed in cobble for years. it's the wrong strategy. to me, it is one of the great mistakes of the united states has ever made in the context of trying to counter terror because all that, that was great, more terrorists. so you have met as, as ation of terrorism. i think a large part of that is because groups like al qaeda groups like isis have been able to take a message that the united states is carried out. terrible torture and has killed innocent civilians and have been able to effectively market that to audiences who have then eventually joined groups like isis and al qaeda. after the american withdrawal, the threat of terrorist violence has grown enough canister him and offshoot of the astronomy state, used a suicide bomber to kill dozens of people. the u. s. responded with the drone strike, but it's intelligence was wrong and the strike hit the wrong people. consequences for such actions seemed to be lacking. even revelations about the use of torture in 2014 didn't and careers at the cia enter i this around and there was a success in this approval of this near $7000.00 page report, which is the largest report and senate history. but it's also important to recognize at the very same committee that approved this report, also voted to confirm gina hassle, who was involved in the torture program at c, i, director just a few years after completing networks. ah, it's been nearly 50 years since an operations officer rose up through the ranks to become the director. and after the experience of the last 2 months, i think i know why that is, ah, c, i, a officers don't have to fear punishment, and they can bend the truth to suit themselves. have you consulted with president trump or members of his administration with regard to quote unquote, bringing back torture? no, well i would never work. we never use torch. i don't know what you're talking about . b, c, i. e doesn't refer to torture or just to interrogation methods that get results. be conducted this review over a number of years in a basement with no windows and just computers hooked up to a server. and that's rivers where the cia produced these 6300000 pages of records and what we saw in those classified pages again and again. and again, was that when detainees were tortured, they fabricated information. in other words, they told the interrogators exactly what they wanted to jones if to through years of cia data, he was probably spied on himself. at one point that they went in to the computers that were being used by the senate intelligence committee staff went through the emails, went to the same time messages of staff and certainly went through drafts of the report. reportedly a u. s. intelligence agency breaking into the networks of its own senate. i have grave concerns that the cia may well have violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the united states constitution. you know, she had hacking into, you know, selling computers. nothing could be further from the truth. we wouldn't crush nice to see you again. was cia denies the accusation instead accusing daniel jones are betraying secret that he's study on the sy detention the senator's like an apparent ation time with the criminal referral against staff that was again later found to be fabricated by the c. i were all tactics to delay oversight. is the cia in danger of spinning out of control? senate intelligence committee in the house intelligence committee were not briefed on the sea ice detention interrogation program until the same day. president bush made a public revelation about the program in september of 2006, the c. i itself also found that it hadn't briefed president bush on the program until years later. i thought there would be real bipartisan outrage at the fact that the c, i a knowingly provided false information, the president and i states. and of course, congress and the department of justice officials like michael hayden, a former and her se, and c i a chief have downplayed the issue, it was c, i officers and actually i officers for the most on television, continuing to push the same misinformation. then we have a real accountability crisis in our country. you know, the c i, director, was trying to mislead again the president, congress and american people and their 0 consequences for law. germany has also been affected. the war on terror is filling the ranks of potential terrorist attackers. among them was ami some re who murdered 12 people in berlin in 2016. despite the fact that german intelligence had informed among the people he associated with the hatton, his visor, austin, london. we had information from the state intelligence agency of mecklenburg, western pomeranian. it's an informant, apparently said that honest summary had connections to a large family in berlin. that itself was said to have connections to organized crime. loren forestman couldn't follow up in time because the state intelligence agency didn't disclose the information from what so on his pause could give me information that could have saved lives, wasn't revealed even after the attack that problem. the problem is that the question of whether henri had accomplished is in the attack, has been completely sidelines. there's a very real danger that suspected accomplices. a still out there. information about undercover informants remained secret. meanwhile, potential accomplices are spared helmeted and widen. and i was also on the 2nd investigative committee into the nsu carousel and experienced exactly the same thing. there paula montague makers have no insightful, very little insight into the activities of informants when handled. the committee was also denied the opportunity to call as a witness the leader of the informants who was presumably directly involved with on a summary, we filed a complaint with the federal constitutional court, but it was unsuccessful for cash. in february 2021. the german con situational court decided that a person deploying informants was not accountable to parliament yet, so i'm glad to hear from zayden their goals and quality, soon for garish. from the point of view of the former government is on the court ruled that the whole landscape of secret informants could completely escape parliamentary oversight. my nausicaa and in my opinion, that's an act of madness. i. d legitimizes the whole field. jesus godson bryce is through to stop. this is the especially in the difficult times we're living through . i think it's a serious mistake for our constitutional state. i'm should be of a feeler. i am in blake out of one of extract. i do believe that we need intelligence services since to tough, because it's just objectively the case that there are massive attacks on our rule of law is gone. our country, and on your embassy from all sorts of places unregistered of the land of i hope, our gift germany is an intelligence battlefield, with russian chinese, iranian turkish and american operative spying and violating german laws, skipped free when it comes to the politics of security. there are many more actors than they are used to be. have you from? well, those actors did exist in the past, but they weren't as relevant as the big players always play. in fact, it would have been wise to keep a closer eye on them as well. going to shop. ah, so should germany try to compete? ah, he mentioned didn't land people in this country have the right for germany to be different than unjust regimes and dictatorship in ones where people are monitored in a way that is similar to the easter mish darzy apparatus. yeah, about article font didn't i think it's going to be a bigger problem moving forward as more popular stations like china and india become a send in. what kind of, ah, model have we created for them and then they can do it. they work by force. secret services continue to gain power and some have developed a dangerous life of their own. only spectacular individual cases find their way into the news. the rest remain hidden in the shadows. ah aah! farm the 1st then eat in japan. kids are learning early on where their food actually comes from and to respect nature's provision. the result, a healthier diet and less obesity. school can take so good global 3000 in 30 minutes on d. w warrant. who have carried joseph aledo, so i didn't. okay, is africa's most prominent environmental activist. the nigerian conservationist commission is to educate the entire continent about the catastrophic effects of climate change. a message that she regards as especially important for the youth eco africa. in the 90 minutes on d w. ah . nico is in germany to learn german pinnacle, why not learn with him t w's e learning course, eco's fake. on the green. do you feel worried about the planet we to i'm mil, host of the on the grievance of cost. and to me it's clear remains to change the solutions or out the join me for a deep dive into the green transformation for me to do for the plan. ah, this is data, were you news? i'm these are on top stories. british.

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