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DR Congo country profile :
DR Congo country profile :
DR Congo country profile
The recent history of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has been one of civil war and corruption.
It is rich in natural...
Related Keywords
Congo ,
Portugal ,
Democratic Republic Of The Congo ,
Kituba ,
Kasaïccidental ,
Rwanda ,
United Kingdom ,
Kinshasa ,
Kongo ,
Zaire ,
Angola ,
Berlin ,
Germany ,
Morocco ,
Netherlands ,
France ,
Belgium ,
Leopoldville ,
Katanga ,
Dutch ,
Portuguese ,
French ,
Congo Free State ,
Moroccan ,
Belgian ,
British ,
Martin Fayulu ,
Moise Tshombe ,
Joseph Kabila ,
Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary ,
Laurent Kabila ,
Patrice Lumumba ,
Joseph Kasavubu ,
Felix Tshisekedi ,
Sese Seko ,
Mobutu Sese Seko ,
United Nations ,
Un Security Council ,
Reporters Without Borders ,
Democratic Republic ,
Without Borders ,
Kongo Empire ,
King Leopold ,