Disney changed how it handles 'Peter Pan.' Will the Disneyland ride be next? FacebookTwitterEmail Peter Pan's Flight at Disneyland, Anaheim, Calif., September 1962.Courtesy of Getty Images News broke this week that Disney Plus had changed the availability of "Peter Pan," making it inaccessible on the profiles of children under seven years old. The actual change came months ago as part of a larger decision to keep movies that require a content warning off young children’s profiles, some who may not be able to read those warnings, or understand them without their parents’ help. The movies, which also include "The Aristocats" and "Dumbo," are still fully watchable on Disney Plus on adult profiles. They also feature messages from Disney as a preface, pointing out the “harmful impact” of those problematic depictions and encouraging viewers to “learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together.” But the change, as these things tend to do in the era of internet outrage, has caused an uproar, with some calling it “censorship” or “cancel culture.”