today's double bacon cheeseburger, $7. every wednesday they love us. cookies? >> no, you guys haven't changed them from the oatmeal raisinette, that's why they're still on there. put chocolate chip on there. and i will. >> we're almost out. >> okay, thank you. >> you're welcome. enjoy. >> hilberling has been convicted of second-degree murder, is now awaiting sentencing. she was seven months pregnant when she pushed her 23-year-old husband josh during a heated argument. he crashed through the window of their 25th floor apartment. the case made headlines. >> i received lots of letters from people all over the country. that's why i have so much. i write everyone back. it might not be ongoing correspondence but i write them back long enough to say thank you for your support. >> hilberling says the media as well as josh's family portrayed her in a negative light. >> i was tried in the media. i was found guilty way before i was found gu.