did nothing. i was a stay-at-home mom. i was good, and then started racking up charges and doing drugs. it was all downhill. >> she says she turned to prostitution to support her drug habit. her two children, ages 5 and 6, are now in the custody of their father. >> i do write to them. i don't get any mail back from them. i don't get to talk to them on the phone. my family talks to them. he won't let me talk to them on the phone in jail. >> despite the pain, minacapelli has found room for laughter in jail, particularly with her cellmate cindy archer. >> the first day we came in, we laughed. the whole entire night. >> yeah, we did. >> so hard she was on the floor rolling. >> yeah. i was against the wall slapping the wall, everything. i haven't laughed so hard in my life like that. >> like minacapelli, archer also struggled with addictions to heroin and cocaine. she's currently serving one year for prostitution.