conservatives have decided that they have a new man crush and we have scored some shirtless pictures of him. i know you would not expect that from me in particular, but we've got it. that story's coming up. but first. one more thing about virginia politics and friday night news dumps. we just got word, thanks to a late friday night press announcement, that the spokesman who bob mcdonnell has hired to handle his corruption scandal is leaving. this just broke late tonight that the scandal handling pro who's an old republican hand who worked for newt gingrich and dan quyale, that guy has left tonight. "the washington post" reporting that he says his departure does not mean anything one way or the other about whether bob mcdonnell of virginia is about to be indicted. quoting from the post, ask if his leaving meant an indictment is not expected any time soon and he says, it means what it says. see, this is why it always pays to work friday nights in the news business.