money directly to candidates is, of course, you know, what we were seeing in watergate, two candidates, outside of candidates, but that's why we have campaign contribution limits. >> briefcases of cash going -- i'm not talk about that. i'm talking about the name on the check. >> there are states that do that. it does -- it does happen. i think that like when it comes to congress, you already have a situation where everybody has to start fund-raising from day one. even before day one you have to star fund-raising. i wonder what would happen if you have unlimited donations. would there be any governance happening? i mean -- i don't know. just a question. it is a solution, most definitely. >> probably the best -- i think that would be easier. if you were able to connect with these broader groups that were -- wanted to do it full time and organize it full time and funnel the money directly to you, i think that would alleviate some of the -- what politicians have to do. on the disclosure thing i know it is consensus among lawyers