you say to lawmakers who are rigid in old-way thinking? >> well, i think they're not educating themselves. they're not finding out the statistics. they're not digging deep enough. they're not going out to their constituency and asking. and it is going to take a groundswell of americans to come forward and write to their congressmen and their senators and even the president and say we're ready for reform. nobody is challenging the second amendment. no one. no one. and yet that's constantly thrown out there. and i think it's thrown out there to scare americans who are gone owners like ourselves to thinking that could happen or that's what's going to happen. >> sow don't want to see anybody lose their firearms? >> of course not 37 of course not. i'm a hunter. or at least i used to be. don't hunt anymore. i'm a former hunter. we own guns. there are people that use target