nothing for conservatives to complain about. but it wasn't the sort of knockout that they wanted. in fact, if joe biden hadn't been there acting a little crazy, paul ryan's delivery would have been a little flat. he only looked poised because joe biden was so animated. >> yes. i think biden to me, the main takeaway from biden's performance was he stopped the bleeding. no small accomplishment there. obama came in the first debate, four points up with everybody ready to write romney off. in the last week we've had democratic panic and despair. you can see from the reaction of many people, the performance that biden gave last night, it showed democrats around the country, yes, there's something on the ticket who's still willing to fight for this thing. it gave them the hope that the obama thing will be an aberration. we'll see a different obama. that's fine. can this ever be something that's transcended? bringing undecided voters into the obama fold, maybe switching