as you say, it really doesn't feel like it. we've had this very slow growth pattern since then. it's really not a strong enough growth to feel much of a difference. even if we do have a double dip it's from a lore point and a point of not a good position to start from. >> by the way, when we're talking about a double dip, we're talking about a recession, a short lived recovery and back to another recession. we had better than expected jobs report today. that's a good thing. i don't want to underplay the jobs report. but we heard ezra kline say you need more job growth than that to sustain a recovery. what other concerns do you have about gdp and what other signs that might indicate our growth is slowing where economists are going to look at this and say maybe we are in recession? >> this is an example of the age of diminished expectations. people on wall street were exalting over this 117,000 payroll jobs. that's not going to cut it.