>> especially not now, thing are happening quickly. >> it's hard and people are throwing around nickels like manhole covers. it's a different world. >> then you talk about creating an ecosystem which -- >> yes. >> i suppose in some way that hits the ego of your customer, if they're doing something with a group of people that are doing it, that make them feel better? >> yes, it's good for everybody. it gives the customer peace of mind because there's social proof. it's not just a company, it's a company and this company has retailers and developers and vars, and it has a conference, and it has a forum, and it has user groups like apple does, like harley does. >> and then why don't you talk about -- don't use money, don't use money to incentivize people. >> there's a line of thought that everybody's for sale or at least for rent. so the thinking is, well, if i offer people a piece of the action, if i offer people an affiliate program or commission, they will become my salespeople, they will become my evangelist,