him advice and counsel. i was aware of everything going out of the department of justic justice. that general sessions wasn't recused from. i think the president was comfortable that you continue the momentum of that affirmative justice, we have established in addressing these important parity issues like reducing violent crime, combating the opioid crisis, and others of the president felt i was the best position to do the duties of attorney general. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i will just say to mr. whitaker, my question -- in a normal oversight committee, it would be vastly different than the direction i'm going to go. because we have kind of wandered into this other stream over here. i'm going to ask you some questions. the long-standing constitutionally-based department of justice policy holds that a sitting president cannot be indicted. that's based on the last review under the clinton and administration. is that still in effect, or has a change?