kat: i cannot understand the military computer. i'm in the media and i'm not a military caliber person. greg: no, you're not. kat: i'm not successfully done a push-up ever. [laughter] every time i've ever had to take a cold shower i behaved as though i've been personally victimized by the world. the only fighting ever done is done via text message. the military risked their lives to protect our freedoms and i said in a climate controlled building, get my hair and makeup done, but he does on and talk about stuff. it's not the same b5 no, it's not. [cheering and applause] greg: the walk of fame story, i love it. it seems like there's a change among young conservatives. they're doing prankster stuff and there are conservative artists. there are that they are out there. that is new, i think. tyrus: they are normal people.