all americans as well the bill that we passed lower their premiums. that is with the freedom caucus has been standing for from day one. we believe the original bill didn't go far enough. this new waiver allows for not only the states to be able to tailor made it come as the speaker was income a to wave out of the obamacare mandates. it was also a freedom caucus amendment that put this high risk pool that was going to drive down premiums. some of the modeling we have done actually means that we'll see as much is a 38% reduction in health care premiums. that's really what made the difference for me and many of my freedom caucus members today. >> martha: no doubt, the president would love to see this happen on friday. is that a realistic hope? >> i think it is realistic but it's an expectation that i don't want to put out there. we have so many times that we put a date, that supposedly corresponds with something. then, the american people are disappointed. we would rather get it right and