>> personally, the market swing has gone up and down. i got smacked the last time this happened i saw a lot of my 401(k) get sucked up. i took half my 401(k) and hedged it and basically i went conservative with half my 401(k) and allowed room for growth. i think a lot of people my age don't understand -- >> i want to make a distinction. kids to look after, singles, i don't know or, you know, married without kids do. and i wondered if that's because numbers bear me out on this, that young, singles aren't keen on this market. >> absolutely not. we've seen the market. we see now how it's going up and down. >> you agree, the market just bothers you? >> definitely. >> we confirmed your worst fears. >> in this day and age -- >> i don't think it was just this week. it's bin confirmed for a while. millennials are used to it.