>> okay. you have seen our top stories, but here's the best of the rest. do you kinda, sorta, maybe want to get marryd? well, we have the city for you. lawmakers in mexico city are making legislation that will give couples the chance to apply for temporary marriage licenses. they could decide the length of the marriage. it does have a minimum of two years. if they are still happily married after two yeerzr years, they can renew the license. and if not, they can say adios without a divorce. the divorce rate in mexico city is 50%. crooks in indiana stole a man's car. police called the owner to tell them they hadh found his auto. the owner was thrilled, not just for the car, it was for something in his car. sit in the glove compartment, a 2 karat diamond ring for the owner's wife. lucky for him, the crooks were not very thorough.