pulse! i can tell you that right now. there are many sales, a lot of markdowns, free shipping. i guess it remains to be seen how the profits will be for these stores. >> that's the department stores, that's for the retailers themselves. one of -- what do their margins look like. wall street will take care of reacting to that and react in the stock price of these department stores. for the overall economy, this shows you've got real momentum going into 2011. i don't know of a single economist who's not forecasting 3 percent growth at least for next year 2011 and a lot are saying 4 percent. martha: where's it coming from? we've got high unemployment. o unemployment. where's it coming? >> if you've got a job, you're past the recession, you're more confident, you're prepared to spend. there's an change, the psychology for spending and consumers. it has shifted. martha: how much comes from the tax compromise, i wonder.