recession, and that companies are going to start hiring and the companies need to know what they're facing next year, so pass the tax cuts, make them permanent, don't raise taxes on anyone. i think we'll start to see economic growth, hiring, and the american people this christmas and holiday season will go out there and maybe buy a little more and that's always a good thing. bill: how does the president get -- okay, he has said for years now, going back to his time as a senator when he was campaigning, if you make more than $250,000 a year, you're going to pay a little more, if you make less, you're going to get a little money back. how does he get himself out of that corner? >> he's already broken that pledge, because when they rammed through obamacare, it has a tax on anyone, young people in particular, who don't have health coverage, that's approved by the federal government. so i think they've already gone back on that pledge. and one of the things you need to do when you're the president of the united states or a governor of a state, is you have to learn from experience, and i think the president could go to the american people and say that we understand that we need to get the economy going again, we need jobs, and this is the right thing