mistake, only in reverse in 1981. we deferred tax cuts and we caused, i think, the recession of '81-'82 and then the huge boom in '83-'84 when the tax cuts took effect and i think obama is going to get the mirror image of that. and unformer i think a setback in 2011. >> paul: you've got a healthier housing market than a year ago. >> yeah. >> paul: you've got some private sector job growth finally. >> paul: sure do. >> paul: and corporate profits have been really quite good. >> great. >> paul: that means we have some forward moment tum and you're saying that just the tax increase alone has the potential to derail all of that momentum? >> i think the forward momentum, paul, if i may, it is in part due to the tax increase on january 1st, 2011. it's a -- illusory. and people are moving income into 2010 and spending it in 2010 because they're afraid of