messages, text messages, instragram messages, facebook posting or any other type of creation. question, did stormy daniels hand over whatever evidence she's got of this liaison? >> i'm not going to answer that question but here's what i'm going to say. mr. trump and mr. cohen and others better be very, very careful relating to statements publish as to whether this actually happened or not. that is what i'm going to say. >> but she had a contractual obligation to hand over whatever she was in possession of before she took the 130 k. >> and i didn't say that she didn't. and i didn't say that she did. what i've said is i won't answer the question. >> okay. one other question if i might. there is another paragraph i don't think i blew it up, but 5.11, disgorgement. this says that if she violates it, she owes $1 million for every episode that she goes out and speaks in violation of the