but then he started pushing back. and one by one, his forces came in and started taking back the area that the opposition had held pushing right up on to benghazi, their strong hold. and it looked like then they might collapse. that's when the international community came in. so far there have been more than 1600 missions flown against gadhafi's troops. almost 1,000 of those by the united states, the coalition a little over 600 of those pounding gadhafi's air forces and his defense forces in terms of air raids. and once again, the tide has turned. now look what's happened. the opposition forces have come back in once again taking cities now knocking on the door of sirte where he was born. here's where they met their first real opposition. they're running into real fighting and once again, they're saying we need this air support. bring in the coalition forces, fight back, push gadhafi's