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Dealer dominates at the Ensors
14/03/2022 - This weekend saw the Flemish Film and Television Awards, where Jeroen Perceval won no less than 9 prizes for his first feature film
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United States ,
Netherlands ,
Belgium ,
Belgian ,
Nabil Mallat ,
Catherine Marchand ,
Kaat Beels ,
Bert Hamelinck ,
Thomas Deknop ,
Zouzou Ben Chikha ,
Bert Jacobs ,
Laura Wandel ,
Mathieu Mortelmans ,
Bart Van Langendonck ,
Yassine Ouaich ,
Yanna Soentjens ,
Karine Claassen ,
Geert Van Rampelberg ,
Bilall Fallah ,
Jonny Polonsky ,
Nathalie Basteyns ,
Anouk Fortunier ,
Jeroen Perceval ,
Karel Van Mileghem ,
Tim Mielant Patrick ,
Wannes Cappelle ,
Dorien Van Poucke ,
Stan Lee Cole ,
Sjoerd Tanghe ,
David Williamson ,
Albert Bert Award For Best International Contribution ,
Flemish Film ,
Television Awards ,
Best Film ,
Best Sound ,
Best Make Up ,
Best Screenplay ,
Best Art Direction ,
Best Music ,
Best Cinematography ,
Best Supporting Actor ,
Savage Film ,
Film Kitchen ,
Tim Mielant ,
Adil El Arbi ,
Bad Boys ,
Miss Marvel ,
Best Belgian French Language Film ,
Best Co Production ,
Best Youth Film ,
Best Actor ,
Cool Abdoul ,
Best Performance ,
Feature Film ,
Supporting Performance ,
Van Rampelberg ,
Dries Heyneman ,
Jan Ham ,
Karel Van ,
Obert Award ,
Best International ,
Lee Cole ,
Ivan Loo ,
Van Poucke ,