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In the name of allah the merciful, we give imhad praise and thanks for his prophets and his messengers and the scripters which they brought. We thank him for moses and the israelite prophets who gave thus torrau or the old testament. We thank him for jesus, who gave us the apostles who gave us the gospels. We thank him for muhammad, even abdullah through whom the final revelation to the human family before the judgment of this world came, the holy quran. I am a student of the most honorable Elijah Muhammad. And i could never thank allah enough for his merciful intervention in the affairs of the black man and woman of america. By his coming. In the person of master mohammed it great. And we thank him for raising up in our midst as his messenger messiah to us, the honorable Elijah Muhammad. I greet all of you, members of the press, members of congress, members of the activist community. I greet you all with the greeting words, peace. We say it in the arabic language, asalam alakem. I want to first thank the members of the press for honoring us with your presence. And all of you who have come to a her what we have to say. For 40 years i have labored in this vineyard in the absence of my teacher, the honorable Elijah Muhammad. His work among us for 40 years is unparalleled. In the work of reform of the black man and woman bringing us from the savage state of existence that we were placed in by our former slave masters and their children. He was greatly opposed but he was successful in making a new people out of us. [ applause ] he proved the effcase of his wisdom. He proved that the wisdom that he was taught by his teacher is sufficient. To make of the black man and woman not only here but in the kaur becaribbean and islands of pacific a brand new restored people. After 6,000 years of living under it tyranny of White Supremacy. This is not a hatefilled message from some radical mad man. This is a message of divine love. But in that divine love of the divine creator theres warning and theres guidance. God never sends prophets, except if theres something arye. Something wrong. And the prophet doesnt come out of hatred from god for the wrong of the people. He comes out of the mercy of god. To call an errant people back to a path that would grant them divine favor and escape the chastisement of god. America is a great nation but America Needs to reflect on her sins. Who is bold enough who is strong eff to say to america you have been wrong for a long, long time . And it is time now for you to actually see yourself as god sees you, not like the silly woman that looked in the mirror and said mirror, mirror on the wall, had i not the fairest of them all . No, you are not. So i am here. From my teacher, not out of hate. But out of hope that maybe what i say to this 45th president of the United States of america might have an affect to get him off of the course that he is on. 40 years ago i was awakened from a deep sleep after the sof hcad death of the honorable Elijah Muhammad. His work destroyed. His name buried. His people back to the old habits. That we had once forsaken. And after about 30 months i decided i must make an effort to rebuild his work. Yes, sir. So in september of 1977 i decided to rebuild the work of Elijah Muhammad and reprove to you who had rejected him and to a government that prosecuted him that he had the best for the ever growing toxic relationship between black and white. So this message is not from Louis Farrakhan. This message is from it honorable Elijah Muhammad through Louis Farrakhan. And it is a final warning. To the government and people of the United States of america it is a final call to black people that you must change the way you think and the way you act because the time has arived for you to do better and be better or suffer the chastisement of god until you submit your will. Its written in the bible and i say this to our president. It is written that every knee will bow. And every tongue will confess. That jesus, the christ, is lord. I represent. That jesus, that christ that you have been longing for and looking for. To my christian family, you got the right name. Youve got the right man in jesus but you dont have it right identification. We have to escape the tyranny of White Supremacy that is embodied in an image of jesus that is not jesus. If jesus were in fact a white man we would have no problem bowing to his greatness and majesty, righteousness because thats the way he styled in the bible as well as in the quran. But the travesty is he was not a white man. You say what difference does it make . It must have made a difference to you to take him out of had his color so that we would be worshipping your flesh as a caucasian. Never sumening the curage to check you in your wrong, stand up against you in your evil. And force you to do better as a people. Towards us. So today god has come. And he has raised up a jesus. The jesus that jesus it prophet was a sign of. Jesus the prophet who lived 2,000 years ago was a righteous servient of god. He is dead like all the profits that lived before him. But jesus prefigured one that would come in the last days of this world who would be jesus, the messiah, son of mary. I know that you have these images. And you believe youre truly following jesus. Jesus was not an unrighteous man. How could you be a follower of his doing the evil that you do to people that you made christians . We didnt come here as christians. We became christians under your tutelage. You were careful not to let us read the full book. The full gospel. You wanted religion to make us a better tool of service. Jesus never knew anything about a cross. The symbol of the early christians was a fish. So when jesus met peter, peter was fishing. And jesus said unto him come and follow me and i will make you a fisher of men. Taking people out of a murky sea of filth and evil and indecency and transforming their lives in their discipleship of him had. To the members of the Jewish Community Louis Farrakhan is not your enemy. You act as though it is sin to critique you. How can you be better than what you are to escape it judgment of god if someone does not stand up with strength and criticize your misbehavior in the name of god . Thats a great act of love every jewish mother is honored and loved. Because a jewish mother chasens her children with love and guides them to the greatness that they have manifested on this earth. So when you sing the song my yiddish mama you know how to honor your mother, fulfilling the command of god. Honor your mother and father that your day s may be long. As a member of the press, hey, i didnt come here to hear no preaching, farrakhan. Well, this is just what i would call the prologue. Mr. Trump is an anomaly. Hes someone that doesnt fit the norm. You expected a man to be like the other president s. You wanted him to be more president ial. Hes so transparent. You wanted him to put on a suit and act dignified. Like the thieves and robbers that dress in suits and tell lies. You wanted him to be like that. Hes telling lies, all right. And youre angry because hes your reflection. Hes an anomaly. You cant make him what you desire him to be so that you can say thats my president. He wasnt made that way. God has him here. What did you say, farrakhan . Do you think that god is not interested in who is president of the United States of america . Especially when its out of the time of evil . Is it our time now . You muslims who are present in the quran god and satan are having a talk and god is saying to satan i judged you to be airing. Satan know hes wrong. Any devil knows hes wrong. So god said to satan as satan asked him respite me, delay my doom. Because satan was doomed from it day he was made. And god said to him surely you are of the respited ones. And satan responded to god by saying im going to come after them. In your straight path. Im going to come to them from their right, from their left, from before them and behind them. Im going to make them all to deviate. Did you notice that President Trump got in an argument with it pope . What kind of man is he that he would argue with a man that every president of the United States would go to rome and kiss the ring . But not donald trump. Have you considered these things . The pope said well, hes wrong because hes building walls inhin instead of bridges. Thats a nice thing for you to say pope francis because theres a wall that you are have built that walls you off from the poor and the destitute. How could you say hes wrong for building a wall when nicolas, the fifth, a predecessor signed a papal bull, giving the kings of portugal and spain it right to come if had to the western hemisphere and take the resources of the Indigenous People and if they would not convert, kill them. Then wall them off in a reservation. Wall us off under segregation. Wall our people off in south africa under apart, haparthide. Youve been building walls, not bridges. So President Trump called that a form of hypocrisy. You have no right to condemn him, he said for building a wall or telling him hes not a christi christian. Suppose i told you that you are not christian. How could you be 2000 cases of pedophilia before the vatican . How could you be . But we dont have the right to say to you sit down. But christ as that authority, no mask raiding in his had name. The mask raid is over. [ applause ] so when i decided to rebuild the work of the honorable Elijah Muhammad i went around in chicago and asked for the it blessings of black leaders and opinion makers and pastures. I got the blessings of john johnson of ebony and jud. I bought the blessing of father george clemenson, father flager. I got the blessing of lieu and georgia palmer. I got the blessing of black people who meant something to black people. But when it was heard this month 40 years ago on Cottage Grove avenue at the institute of positive education under the guidance of hakeem marabuti that i was going to rebuild his work, some of my brothers who once followed Elijah Muhammad were talking about taking my life. So one of my friends, ronaldo glover, who is a lawyer and is the was the husband of sanji. Formally known as sanji clay, the first wife of muhammad ali. I met in their home with al renleds and glover and they were trying to help me get started. But glover was a partner in a law firm downtown called ieshm, lincoln and beale under the former governor of the state of illinois, governor ogilvy. So they brought me to governor ogilvy, who i think it was nixon wanted to make him head of the fbi. He turned it down. And glover said to governor ogilvy farrakhan is trying to rebuild the work of his teacher and theres talk about assassinating him. What would you advise him to do . Governor ogilvy looked at me and said farrakhan, i would stay in the public. Keep on speaking and getting people around you. That would make it more difficult for you to be assassinated. I thank the governor and went home to my humble abode. My poor wife and family and nervous about what their husband and father was trying to do. And i sat down in a chair. I a refrigerator at that time that had a push button door. You pushed the button and the door would open and the refrigerator looked brand new. Because there was nothing in it. Its true. And so i started thinking on my teacher. And this is who i want to represent to President Trump today. Because my teacher, a messenger of god and messiah, was so wise that he could teach me in a crowd and nobody would know what hes saying but hes saying it to me and i wouldnt know what he was saying but the seed was planted. Let me give you an example. I was sitting with him one day and hes carrying on a conversation with his laborers and then he looks at me and said brother, when a seed germinates in the earth, it sends a root down long before it sends it chute up and went right on talking. So after i left governor ogilvy i went home and in the quiet of a room his words came back to me. Go underground and work without being seen. And for seven long years i went underground. And i didnt surface until reverend jackson wanted to run to be president and asked me to come by his side. He said, farrakhan, you cant deny the people what you know. Speak. And i have to tell you it was reverend jackson that brought me out of hibernation. And my first interview was with a young lady named jaime gan gal. I think she was an nbc reporter. She asked me questions. I gave her straight answers. And then jesse got in trouble. You know the history. Im just touching it. Because it leads to what im going to say in detail to President Trump. I never knew anything about relationships with the Jewish Community. Nothing. They hired me to sing or dance and play. I did that. I went to their homes and i ate chopped liver. And i admire jewish people. To this day. Because without the jewish people civilization would not have advanced to where it it is. Nobody can take that away from them but there are righteous jews. Good jews. Jews that want to practice the teachings of the prophets. But then there are others who dont wish to practice. And it is they that hated reverend jacksons desire to be president. He had shook hands with aerofat. Sin. I dont understand you people that the president can go and meet with his enemies but if we meet with one of your enemies, whos not our enemy, all of a sudden we are antisemitic. Every black man of consequence was called an antisemmite. Why do you use that . When these people dont hate jews but they may criticize some aspect of your behavior that disadvantages them. And if they do, you punish them. I thank the owners of the water gate for allowing us to be here. [ applause ] we had a display of a book that our scholars had researched called a secret relationships between blacks and jews. And of course they were a little upset. And they didnt want it up there but i do. [ applause ] im not being defiant. But we paid for this room. And it was a lot of money. We paid for the hotel rooms. So if we want to display this i sent for the owners, come down, sit. And listen. Because this book is not anti antisemit antisemitic. It is truth of what as been done to us by your people. [ applause ] im not putting it up to insult you. But you need to study your own history if you dont know it. But those of you who fight us with this is because you know their history and you know what youve done to us but you dont want us to know and you dont want us to share that knowledge with our own Black Brothers and sisters. So i started defending reverend jackson. I was not antisemitic. I was just prof hjesse. I saw jesse as a kind of hope for us because he had that charisma. So handsome and so brilliant and he wanted to galvanize us to vote for imhad. And he asked me to help him had. I said sure. After i discussed it with the board. We raised 25,000 for reverend jackson. The foi started protecting him and his family. I didnt know what the story was but when i heard jesse that milton coleman, he was talking to him. And you know black folk use a lot of slang. Where you white people, you know you have names for us. Oh, yeah. When youre with your fellow thieves and robbers. You call us n and [ bleep] youve a field day. So jesse being from the hood he called new york hiemy town. I dont want to rehearse something that got him in trouble. Yrv been in trouble for 30 years now. But my point is thats a slang term. To say that the jewish people have great control and power in new york city. Thats all. So we used to say if we come into the ghetto, were going up to spook vill. Because weve always been the spook that sat by the it door and you dont Pay Attention to them. Because theyre replicas of what once existed. On the night of february 25th, the night before our saviors day convention, we are all backing reverend jackson and the Prime Minister of jamaica comes up and hes on the rosterman. Oh, man, people are backing jesse and the mgt and came out on the stage. You know that role aids commercial. How do you spell relief . Rolai rolaids. Wesy how do you spell relief . Jac jackson. Mow do you get angry with us . He was our self interest. We had an interest in his moving the Democratic Party in a way that we could get some benefit out of that party. So i defended him that night and i said oh, i said if you harm jesse, youll be the last black man that you harm. I said we are tired of feeding our leaders to white people like raw meat to lions. Well, the next day i was called a black hitler. A black hitler . Now im going on 85. I never have been arrested. I havent beaten up nobody, shot nobo nobody. What have i done that im persona non grata except speak the truth and refuse to bow down . So the controversy then focussed on me, reverend jackson excused me from his campaign. And then i got call from mr. Foglety of the National Press club. White people with they hear youre bold or something, they want to bring you out. You might think theyre really interested in you but they want to tap you out to see is this the real thing . Or like for had trump would say can we make a deal . So before the National Press club i spoke. In july of 1984 and in your little press kit i put what i said at the press club there in 84 for you to review it. Because many of you dont know me. You know me from what they say about me but you dont come close enough to me to find out who i really. Because you are afraid that my presence and your presence with me will hurt you in your desire to rise in the white mans world. Did you know that ronald regan said any problem that america has the solution can be found in between the two covers of the bible . He said that. So at the press club i presented a solution to the black white problem from scripter. Bible and quran. And many of you that call yourself christian and muslim, you read the quran and the bible as long as it dont condemn your foolishness. [ applause ] so i wanted you to see what i said in 1984, which was 33 years ago. The very next year i made a speech in california at the forum over 19,000 people showed up and members of the Jewish Community were marching, saying who do you want . Farrakhan. How do you want him . Dead. After i spoke it was a hot lecture. I mean and my teacher told me that when you litght a fire, dont stay around and watch it burn. So ill be out of here after today. [ applause ] you may say this is not a usual press conference. No, it isnt. No, tis is far from that. I warned president regan at that time of the thinking that he had, not fully knowing it but i knew enough to know that ronald regan didnt have no love for black people. The next year, 1985, after the forum i gedown in mexico and on it night of the 17th of september in a vision i was carried up on the top of a mountain there in a sacred vall valley. Theres a temple at the top made like a pyramid but its a monument to the christ figure of mezzo america. And there i was. At night in a visionlike experience and one of these ufos came over. I had people with me in the vision. When we got to the top of that mountain this wheellike plane came over, three legs came down from it. I thought its going to land on the mountain. I said come on with me. And a voice said not them, just you. So i walked forward and as youve heard me say it many times and i forward. Youve heard me many times, i am not drunk or a liar, when you have the same experience many times. A beam of light came out of that wheel and drew me up into it. I knew it was taking me to the mother wheel. I wont go into a lot of detail now because the detail is in your packet. You can go and check it out because what im saying to you i want you intelligent ones to do the research and youll find every word im saying to you absolutely right. When i got inside the big wheel there was a scroll with Cursive Writing on it. Im trying to read it, Elijah Muhammad speaks. And the scroll rolls up. You got his words, put them up. Listen to what he said to me. He said, president reagan, in early september, met with his joint chiefs of staff to plan a war. I want you to hold a press conference in washington, d. C. And make known their plans. And tell them that you got it from me, Elijah Muhammad on the wheel. Listen, just listen. Then he said, you got one more thing to do. And when you have done it, you may come again to the wheel and i will let you see me facetoface. And he dismissed me. What he said to me, these words that you saw, he told me before he departed from us, he said, brother, the first scientist speaks inform you in formula. The second scientist has to break down the formula into paragraphs and give you the message. The first scientist is god himself. He doesnt use a lot of words. He speaks in formula you have to study and deepen your understanding and then from the formula, you can express what is hidden behind the symbols. It has taken me 32 years to finally understand all that was contained in those few words. And im going to run it for you right now very quickly and get to President Trump. To me, Elijah Muhammad is the first scientist, for me. Like it was when god made moses, a god over pharaoh. And made aaron his prophet or messenger to the people. Ive been among you a long time. And i have not failed you in warning you of what the government of the United States of america has been planning against black people generally but black youth in particular and the nation of islam. Now, you may not have been listening but youll listen today. Because were at the end of this now. I had to think about this. Reagan met with the joint chiefs of staff, okay, in early september. Wow, whos the war against . He didnt say. That was for me to study. But the formula was so deep, i went on a tour, world tour, and while i was in africa boy, america, you have berch something because you knew when you heard me in 84 that elijah was back and he was back in that young man that was talking. Hes back today. And now in the fullness of these 32 years im going to run real quick over six president s that have met with their joint chiefs of staff to plan a war in the islamic world and to plan a war against black people and particularly black youth, and were at the end of it now. The plan is to genocide and kill you all. Listen to me good now. Preach talk to us im going drop it in the president s lap because hes the last one. Yes, sir. Reagan aint never loved us. No, sir. When reagan was the governor in california, he and edwin mease, who later became his attorney general. They were planning war games in california and the war games were not against some foreign enemy, the war games were against black people. This has continued from six president s and the slickest of them all, tricky dick was before but slick willie, you caught more hell in under the Clinton Administration and you thought he was our first black president. But i want to run the president s down so you can see that the government of america has been planning our demise yes, sir any members of congress here, any members of the Civil Rights Movement that are here, you love this nation. Youve suffered every indignity, to make america better, that she might be great. And every time you forced her to make a law that was in our david faber they came right behind that law with skill and chi chicanery, to make the law of noneffect. This started in 1876. In the haze tildon president ial election. Haystildon election. It was so close they didnt know who the winner was, so they met here in washington at the wormly hotel. Its not here now, in 1877. But the election was in 1876. Thank you, i know what im saying, brother, i need help, though, but when i need it, ill call you. [ applause ] in the wormly hotel, the white members of congress made a deal. That rutherford b. Hayes would be president. But tildon, being in congress, the deal was that when we were socalled emancipated, Abraham Lincoln sent federal troops into the south to make sure that black people were treated better. But the deal was, if you let rutherford b. Hayes be president , well take all the federal troops out of the south and then you all can go back to doing what you do. That was called the great betrayal of the socalled american negroe in 1877. To the jewish people in this hall, you were there. There was a jewish man named levy, who was in congress and he sold the agreement that was made in the hotel to the members of congress and it became policy. And reconstruction then was over. In 12 years, black people had built over 60 towns because we were the artisans, we were the craftsmen, we were the builders. In 12 years, we were in congress, we had high positions, but after that agreement came the ku klux klan, the night riders, slave coats, black coats, and members of the Jewish Community, who owned a lot of the plantations, please, dont get angry and upset, because this is real history. He put us back on the plantation as share croppers, you began riding down on us and if any of us escaped the plantation, many of the irish that were coming over with they called them the paddy wagon, they would come after us and bring us back to the plantation. Those were hard days. Hard days. Guess what. When the emancipation proclamation socalled set us free, we were the builders, we were the architect, we were the brick masons, the carpenter, we were the plumbers, we were all of that. If you saw a white man with a hammer in his hand he was holding to it beat some black man but he wasnt building nothing. [ applause ] then, in this book, which we researched, from jewish scholars, historians, rabbis, over 2,000 footnotes, and when they told me, farrakhan, that book is the great calamy against the jewish people. They said we want you to denounce that book. Because its false. I said, rabbi shaliman, and a few rabbis i met in their home. He said, farrakhan, you must denounce the book. I said, fine. If its false, i dont want to have nothing to do with it. I said, but every one we quoted is a jewish scholar, jewish rabbi or jewish historian, so ill denounce it but you have to denounce every one we quoted as liars. [ applause ] look, all is fair. In love. [ applause ] they told me if you want our friendship, we have to watch you over a protracted period of time. Yeah. Imagine. And i was supposed to be like a little negro because im in their house and say, yes, sir. When we got finished with them that day the war was on. Because i told them i dont mind being your friend, thats why im here. But if being your friend means i have to deny the truth then yours is a friendship i dont need and yours is a friendship i dont want. [ applause ] so you all know that when you got a black man thats not going to bow to you, then thats trouble because youve been waiting for the messiah, and you know he comes to end your civilization, so when you hear black men talking like farrakhan is talking you hear the end coming. If you can stop him, if you can shut his mouth, if you can kill him [ applause ] Ronald Reagan wanted to kill gadhafi. When i found out the war was against gadhafi, i was in ghana and [ inaudible ] and i sent all my family back and i flew to libya. And all of gadhafi government was in my hotel, and i told them my vision. They ran out of that room like raid had been there, and the next thing i knew, brother gadhafi said he wanted me to speak and introduce him the next day, and 80 nations of the nonalign movement were in libya. [ applause ] and i stood in tripoli and repeated that experience on the wheel and told gadhafi what they were going to do, they were going to bomb the airport, destroy the water project. He listened. He got his airplanes out into the sudan. The next thing i knew, an american plane was shot down and one of those fine Aircraft Carriers that mr. Trump brought over to asia was in the gulf of cert. But something happened to him. By the time i got saudi arabia, it came out in the arab news that there was a bright object over the mediterranean. Just listen to me. Ill die on what im telling you. [ applause ] yes, sir and i said to those with me, i said, the wheel was there. The electronic equipment on the Aircraft Carrier was messed up, so it had to go back to florida. In the meantime, i was able to get out of libya. I got into saudi arabia and a few days later the bombs dropped on libya. It was the greatest assassination attempt, most expensive in history. So they always wanted gadhafi. But what i did not know was the war at that time was on two fronts. Yes, sir it was war with a Muslim Country in africa, but war on the nation of islam and islam period in an america. Yes, sir. Reagan was doing war games in california when he became president , he brought all that stuff with him into the white house. Mease came. And the war games were practiced even more so because they expected, since 67 and 60, when the riots 68 when the riots broke out and dr. King was assassinated the government of america knew the black youth were dangerous, black folk were becoming more militant. Instead of seeing there has to be a solution, lets separate the two people but he didnt want to do that. Kill them. Reagan out. Well, i start with nixon because that fellow was so bad, did you know that nixon, the whole thing about nixon was the left west, the ante war group and all blacks, not some. So the plot was against black people in general. Notice how many black people we sent to congress or made mayors or police chiefs, and all of a sudden they accepted a box of candy or they went to a basketball game or baseball game, and the next thing you know, theyre before court and going to jail on some foolishness that white people do all the time they made marion barry look horrible. They had the brother on tv smoking the pipe. Did they . Yes yes, sir. They made mayor barry look so bad that black people who were in the spirit to vote for black people after seeing mayor barry like that, what are we doing, man . I was somewhere in atlanta. They came, the press, mr. Farrakhan, you seem to be an upstanding man. What do you think about a man who is highly respected and hes using drugs and having elicit sex . I said, who are you talking about . Jfk . [ applause ] that black woman froze. She wanted me as a black man to condemn another black man. But the white house, all you members of the press, you knew what kind of man john was. You knew what bobby was. You knew they were sneaking Marilyn Monroe into the white house. But you never said a damn thing. Now, all of a sudden, everybodys groping. [ applause ] and in the holy koran allah says, the prophet, did i not find you an orphan . Did i not find you groping and showed you the way . Groping only means youre trying to find your way. [ laughter ] because you cant see, so you feel. [ laughter ] now, if you go to congress and ask, will all the gropers please stand up, practically the whole damn congress will say, damn, ive been found out now. [ applause ] just hypocrites. Oh, but then came bush, h. W. They say hes a groper, too. [ laughter ] from a wheelchair. [ laughter ] i mean, the president s having a field day. In that packet, youll find two letters that i wrote to president bush. George w. But we warned h. W. Of what was in his mind toward the muslim world. Did you know that after 9 11, wesley clark, a general, talked about seeing a memo 10 years earlier, out of the pentagon . I want you to listen carefully. They were going to take down seven muslim countries in five years, ending with a war on iran. So the spring came and you saw, like dominos, members of the muslim world falling. But when 9 11 took place, which we challenged the governments interpretation of 9 11, its a false flag operation. [ applause ] you knew that the country was divided in the election of george w. Bush over gore. So while he was walking down the avenue, whats the name of that avenue in washington . Pennsylvania avenue. Instead of people saying, hail to the chief, they were saying, hail to the thief. And the country was so divided that what it needed was some event that could pull a divided country together, so here comes 9 11. And they say muslims did it. They had some pilots that had gone to florida to take flight lessons. I dont think they passed, off of a piper. I dont understand how they had gained enough knowledge to get into the cockpit, and over 500 miles an hour, drop that plane down and then into the tower. Do you know that theres a cia man, i think his name is cosby, crosby that man said when the American People believe in whatever we have said, and they believe its true, we have won. You are a misused population. So when mr. Trump talks about fake news he knows what hes talking about. Now, the press, you say youre the fourth estate, i would say youre in a hell of a state because you cant say what you really know to be the truth unless it passes the muster of those who are your bosses. Whoa some of the press are assets of the cia. Did you hear me . Yes, sir. They have deceived the American People, so george i mean, donald j. Trump is busting up the institutions of a democratic country. My god. Yes, sir. Congress has 10 of the people with congress. The media, the people dont trust the media. So every time he says fake news if you study an article 70 years of the cia, the criminal arm of the u. S. Government, these are criminals. Yes, sir. Theyre going to countries, kill president s. Criminals overthrow governments, create civil war and back away like they did nothing. Theyre crying about russias hacking into your little election. When the American Government has interceded in 81 countries to fix their elections and put into power those that would be in david faber of american interests. Go ahead. But let me come to the end of this now. Tricky dick and slick willie. We went from a small prison population and a crime build was directly against black people. White folk can afford to smoke or use powdered cocaine but they fix something in the crack cocaine, and we became addicted and they sent us to prison. Once we are called a felon they knew we couldnt vote any more so they were killing us at the voting booth by putting us in prison. It all was a plot. And mr. Trump, the consequences of americas evils over time has fallen in your lap. Do you know that weve been a problem for you ever since weve been here . You fought a civil war over what to do with us. Wow. Think about that. Poor Black Brothers and sisters, youre so conscious now, youre pulling down the confederate flag, you know, because that was the flag of the south in their break away rebellion against the north. But thats history. Yes, sir. You dont feel their pain. And they sure dont feel yours. But do you know how many white folk in the south lost their homes, lost their farms, lost their lives in that war . So when you forced them to take down the flag that represents their commitment to slavery, yes, and to the way of the south, you jump up and pull it down and you dont think you will get a backlash from white people . Robert e. Lee is a great general. When america won the war with japan, they sat down with the generals. First world war, they showed respect, one general to another one warrior to another. So now you want to take okay, robert, we dont like you, but get your statute out of here. So President Trump said, where is it going to end . Because the first five president s were all slave owners. Right. Right. You going to tear down the jefferson monument . You see how its getting . So now white folk, as i said, when mr. Trump was elected, the onion was being peeled back and white civility was no more. Theyre not acting by you, like you think they should. Right. Theyre angry. And theyre killing us, and they know they have a genocidal plot against all black america yes, sir. Starting with nixon and kissinger and memorandum 200, go look it up. Yes, sir. They want to cull the population of our planet by 2 billion people. Thats right. This is not human, this is satanic. Theyve got their scientists in laboratories, how to control your mind. So dr. Wesley, our minister and analyst and researcher, he put out a book on weed. I mean, thats like talking to a pig eater and telling them dont eat pig. Man, theyll beat you up and sit down and eat a hog head. When you talk about weed to black people, without god, you better put god in the equation, brother, because weed is all right, if its pure. It has properties in it that can be used tore medicinal purposes. But theyre weaponizing the weed now. Thats right. And theyre doing lobotomies on the black mans brain. Yes. With chemistry, biology, and Electrical Energy stimulation. Youre under assault Black Brothers and sisters, why is the sperm count in black men falling . Because of the food you eat. And the water you drink. The lead in the water in flint is not an accident. No. Its in cleveland that way and if youre not careful its in chicago. You can divert the water into the black community and then drop some stuff in the water, youre drinking the water, bathing with the water and all of a sudden youre acting strange. Do you know that homosexuality can be produced through chemistry . Dont be mad at me. Think. Go ahead, minister. You can be turned into something through chemistry and the misuse of biology. So now the ball is in the court of donald j. Trump. Yes, sir. Mr. Trump, you met with your joint chiefs of staff in august and in early september. You had your generals at camp david. They werent talking about taxes. You dont use generals to talk about taxes. You were planning a war, sir. George w. Bush, after 9 11, said he was going to divide the muslims against themselves. Now, a 1400 year dispute between shia and sunni is about to take into a war. President trump went to saudi arabia and called 50 sunni nations through the king of saudi arabia, and instead of inviting muslims to sit with muslims to find out whats the point of contention and bringing peace about, he took those sunni nations, yes, you did, mr. Trump, and you aimed their anger against tehran yes, sir. And the shia nation. Just recently you sent much weaponry into the middle east. Youve sent missiles into the middle east. Yes, sir. You didnt send them, you urged them to buy them. A war is brewing. Yes, sir. President trump, you just left asia and you carried with you to asia three of your largest Aircraft Carriers with f18, f16, a nuclear sub in the water, you had an amada around to kim jongun you went to talk but you had firepower to aid your lexicon of language. Go ahead. Barack obama, you hate him. You call him a weak president. Because hes not like you, mr. Trump. And hes not like his predecessors. He is like jonah, who was a reluctant prophet, barack obama was reluctant to be the type of wicked man that your president s are, have been, and like you said, lets take the oil see, thats not president ial. The president s would say, lets see if we can make a deal and give them money for their oil because we really want it all. Thats president ial. Well send our secretary of state, hes such a diplomat, but you, mr. Trump, well take the oil. Do you remember . Yes with stephanopolous on abc, well bomb the hell out of them. He is what he is, because all the the rest are vampires that look good in the day but when night came [ applause ] mr. Trump, and i say this to my brother, barack, you really tried to make america better. Couldnt succeed because the moment you went overseas and started talking about the mistakes that america has made romney and the republicans said, look at him. Hes over there apologizing. Mr. Trump, more than an apology is needed. Mr. President , you going to have to deal with either the thought thats in your mind, that will destroy america and her future, because once the trigger of war is pulled it will escalate. Item number going to tell you what my teacher told me. You have planned a war. The war that you have planned, you and your generals, is to the middle east, you want to use the sunni at the producing of israel, to attack iran. Just like you did with my brother, gadhafi, you laid back, leading from behind. You in syria now this is rough and mrs. Clinton, she encouraged you to give the go ahead to kill Moammar Gadhafi. Gadhafi had come in out of the cold. Gadhafi gave up all his weapons of mass destruction. And bush used to be so proud to say, gadhafi got the message. Hes come in. And then, under barack, Hillary Clinton imposed her will, and they murdered Moammar Gadhafi, and the killing of Moammar Gadhafi wrapped a ribbon around kim jongun. And it was given to you as a gift. You will never get north korea to give up what she has as a trump card. [ applause ] thats over, mr. Trump. Can you live with north korea with Nuclear Weapons . I think youre going to have to. Even though you have war plans already, to knock out north korea. But china said, if you attack north korea, we have to defend them. Chinas right. Allah dont love aggressors. He said, but if north korea attacks you, america, well lay out of it. So you went there thinking that you were making friends. Wrong. You didnt discuss with china his plans for war, you have laid out in the pentagon how you can wipe the chinese out. But you dont want china, not yet. And you dont want kim jongun yet, but youre looking for a softer target, and you think thats iran. Wrong. Wrong. If you permit israel to push saudi and the sunnis into war with the shiites, i want to say those the muslim world, see, you are so blinded that you think with americas backing you can win. Wrong. You are a muslim. If youve got the backing of allah, you can win. [ applause ] but you dont have that backing. Thats right. Not as an aggressor. Pakistan is sitting there with Nuclear Weapons. I notice, mr. Trump, he didnt mention pakistan. Right. Although at the United Nations you did mention iran, you mentioned venezuela, you mentioned cuba and you mentioned ki kill kim jongun. Youd rather fight all of those three and leave kim jongun alone. Guess what . Guess what they found in north korea. 6 to 10 trillion in mineral wealth. Guess what they found in afghanistan . They dropped the mother of all bombs in an empty space, letting us know that youve got it and you will use it. But what did you uncover . You know that in afghanistan theres another 10 trillion in mineral wealth. So barack tried to get you out of there but your greed, youre back in it now. And youre not just in there, they found oil in the golon heights. And israel said she wants to get involved in the frey in syria, but russia is there. And they found Tremendous Oil reserves in the heights. And israel wants to take that oil so she will be selfsufficient. See, just as youre reaching for it your hands are going to get burned. And israel, you are making america lose bigtime. You dont want me to say how much control aipac has over the u. S. Government. And i know the press is here. You cant even say it except you tell something ugly, so that your editors will give you leave. But brothers and sisters, let me tell you, you are going to be set free. Because that kind of cowardly newsperson who knows the truth and afraid to tell it, if you love this country youll tell the truth to change america for she is going down and fast. Yes, sir. Mr. President , you wont make America Great again, not in our time. She became great killing native americans. She became great enslaving us, bringing us from africa into america, to work the cotton fields. Youre not going to get that opportunity back any more. Right. Right. We made america rich and strong. Yes, sir. You cant tell me, farrakhan, you dont like america, you can go on back to africa. Let me tell you something, white folk, you dont have a place on this earth that you can call your own except what we gave you, and thats in europe. [ applause ] now, im closing. My god, farrakhan, are they planning war . Yes. Is it against black youth and black people . Yes, sir. Absolutely. I want to close with showing you the signs that i had to watch in order to know what to say to mr. Trump today. I was right, you see it in your packet, with president bush, i was right with Ronald Reagan. When we had the million man march, in this city, do you know that you were looking at a miracle . Yes, sir. Let me tell you something, i cant take credit for what i know god helped me to do. We had the support of the nationalist community, we had the support of the church, 82 of the people present were christians. 12 were other. And a muslim called it with the help of a christian pastor, the reverend dr. Ben chavis. [ applause ] we could not have done it without the black press. B. E. T. bob johnson. Bob johnson, took out a fourpage ad in usa today, back in the million man march. Mayor marion barry gave us the greatest support we have ever had. [ applause ] from any mayor. I cant even get a Police Escort in washington, d. C. Suppose im assassinated here. But youre already planning to kill me, that, i know. To the government. Youre not coming into the black community looking for black identity extremists and not looking for me. [ applause ] youre not coming looking for separatists and saying youre not looking for me, and the nation of islam. Muslims, do you know that we are the only thing that stands in between their wicked plan of the demass kulization of the black man. The only thing that stands in between it is the nation of islam. [ applause ] now, those of you who are in love with jesus christ, i want you to know that a black man from georgia was raised from a dead state, Elijah Muhammad. And you tried to kill him and you thought you had succeeded, thats why when i was taken up on the wheel, he said, make known to them their plans and tell them you got it from me, Elijah Muhammad, on the wheel. What was he asking me, pardon me, ordering me, to tell you that for . So you would know that he escaped your plot, to kill him. Hes alive. He is in power. I want to introduce you. [ applause ] to jesus the christ. That man is on the wheel with his teacher. Hes been up there now for 42 years. He said that god studied 42 years to deliver us from the hands of our tormentors. Hes ready now. Now, listen, im not playing now. They dont want to give you up, but im saying this to you, President Trump, the ball is in your court now. And what do you have for me to do . I think you should repent. For all the evil that america has done to us, to the peoples of the world, the only city that ever was saved in the bible from the judgment of god was because jonah, a faithful prophet, warned them and they had the heart to repent. And then lived for 300 more years. Were at the end of america as you know it. But if you let us vote, you dont have nothing for us to do. But you have plans to continue to work of your predecessors. Not barack. Poor fellow. He wanted to be pharaoh, and hes not a good pharaoh. I mean the partys not made for him. He tried out for it, and they gave him eight years. And look at the way they talked about him. They called him a monkey, mocked his wife and children. Mr. Trump darn near taught the white house get him out of there before he moved in. You hate our shadow. He was a good man. And you hamstrung him. He could have helped you not to be great again but to be better. Better than you are and better for the world because youve taken the down with you. Now, i have delivered a message and a warning, mr. Trump, because i dont have an armada. I come to you no army, no navy, these brothers that are around me they dont carry any weapons. Were forbidden to carry weapons. Were forbidden to store weapons in our homes. So if you want to kill us, were here. Im not running from you. Im running to you. Because i had one more thing to do, and then i earned me a first class ticket to the wheel. And unfortunately, i had to learn what that one more thing was. I said what is that one more thing . What is the one more thing that jesus had to do before he could go to be with the father . He had to go to cavalry and be crucified and die. I told you from reverend willy wilsons church, i know the price i got to pay not for lying but for telling the truth. Ive suffered all these years for telling the truth. My family has suffered all these years for being with a father and a husband that tells the truth. But im at the end of my journey among you. A temporary pause. And when you hear that im gone, i will get away. Youre not going to kill me. [ applause ] he told me in a cryptic sentence. He said, brother, if allah cant save me, thats a sign he cant save you. I went to a funeral that was supposed to have been his. I saw a body that was supposed to have been his. I kissed the forehead of that body, and i believed that my teacher was dead. But if he was dead all the things that he taught me wouldnt make any sense because he gave me so much to do that i couldnt do it if he were not alive to guide me in the doing of it. So in 1981 i said, no, hes alive. I learned through study and through help from those who heard him say things that he never said to me because he knew his servant. I would be dead now if i believed he was alive. Because i would have fought like hell to keep the work he had done alive. But he wanted it destroyed. Fulfilling the scripture. Unless a seed of corn fall to the earth and die, it cant bring up a new stalk. Ive been among you now 40 years, and i have not wavered one time. And they have not been able to make me bow down. Neither have you my black brother and sisters. I have fought for you. And i ask you for nothing. So mr. Trump has a decision to make. I dont go to white houses. If his study of what im sending in the mail to let him see what the cia is doing to black people and what the government has been doing, you wish to talk to me, id be glad. Because its not about that kind of deal. Its about letting our people go. Because you know you have nothing for them to do. Well what do you want from this earth that we can call our own. How much do you owe us . Have you ever added it up . In todays dollars its in trillions what you owe us. So just like you pushed the palestinians out to give the jews a homeland and we were the real ones. Push some of your own people out, and well take eight states. Now when wheels have gone off your wagon. Yeah, when you didnt have none on yours. Let me tell you something. If you dont give justice to us, you will lose everything you got including your life because god now said hes ready to fight you for our deliverance. And he told me to tell you you dont have no fight against the forces of nature. I know you say its global warming. No, brother and sister, there is global warming. Its true. And man and woman have done something to produce a warming. But what youre seeing that aint global warming. Thats the judgment of god. And so im here to tell you that i come to you, but i got backup. I dont have no Aircraft Carrier. But he already told me what hes going to do with the sixth and seventh fleet. You squeeze me a little and ill tell you a little more. You going to be free. Free in the caribbean because he wont be able to exercise nothing on you. Then god move through the caribbean because he dont want you down there sunny and think you have a paradise. So you tear up your paradise. And youve got to get up off of tourist dollars and go to school and learn theres wealth right under your foot. And we can take the whole caribbean and make a nation out of it with wealth and power. [ applause ] and by the way, did you call the brothers that took a knee sons of bitches . Thats not nice, president. You wouldnt want nobody to refer to your mom in that kind of way. And youre about to go to war. I know that the generals are a little pod at you because you know like ancient rome when she was going down, the real romans didnt want to fight. They were having sex parties, licentious feasts. You know who was fighting for rome . It was some of those rome had conquered. So the mexicans and the mhispanc brothers and sisters. Hey, didnt you take mexico from them . Texas was mexico. Didnt you take arizona, california . Yes. About six countries or states, rather, you took. When are ththeyre coming back, call them aliens. They say im just coming home. You wanted them. Cheap labor. You know you dont want to pick any apples or grapes or vegetables. Theyll pick. Theyre here. Theyre loyal. Theyre faithful. You have them in your army, in your navy. Youve got about 400,000 like us like that. Elijah mohamed said we shouldnt take part in wars which take the lives of human beings unless you give us the necessary territory where well have something to fight for. Our days of fighting for your madness is over. [ applause ] its over. So the christ told me to tell you hes in power and that god has turned over all power into the hand of that one you call the son. Im telling you who the son is. You know the white fellah that you got on the wall is not jesus son or gods son. Well, we know your man isnt the son. Well, stick around. You havent got nothing from your white fellow. Let me show you one that can give you salvation. How do you know he can give you salvation . I am your example. He made me. He opened my eyes, and now im opening yours. He opened my ears, and now im opening yours. He took the knot out of my tongue and now im taking the knot out of yours. When i couldnt walk and needed a cane, he said pick up your bed black man and walk, and weve been walking ever since. So dont tell me jesus is not present. Hes present in me. Hes present in you, if you believe in him. So all you white people that love jesus come follow a black man. And if race is killing you, then you will die from the hand of the living christ. Oh, yes. And the bible said when that last trump is sounding trump. It said then the trumpet, thats your brother, and then we all will be changed from corruption into incorruptible. You cant buy us. Were incorruptible. And guess what, weve been changed from mortal from that which is immortal. Not that we can live forever but what were a part of will never, ever be removed from the earth. You cant say that about yourself black folk, you come this way, theres solution for you, you bow down and submit, theres solution for you. You cant prove that. Well, im leaving now. And ill tell you what. Watch how the god will give a punctuation from what i said to you today. So if you keep going the way youre going, its over. May allah bless you all. Thank you for listening. [ applause ] cspans washington journal. Live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up friday morning the sexual allegations against Alabama Senate candidate roy moore. Then Senate Republicans hope to eliminate the Affordable Care acts individual mandate through the tax reform bill. Forbes columnist will join us to discuss that. Be sure to watch cspan journal live at 7 00 eastern friday morning. Join the discussion. This weekend on book tv, live coverage of the Miami Book Fair starting saturday at 10 30 a. M. Eastern Msnbcs Chris Matthews on the political life of kennedy. Gold star father keyser khan and his immigration to the United States. Our live coverage continues with journalist cheryl atkinson. Political commentator Charles Sykes offers his thoughts on the conservative movement. Cnns van jones weighs in on partisan politics. And Beverly Daniel tatum looks

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