Ladies and gentlemen, please Welcome Community leader Deandre Young. Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. Thanks for having me and for joining todays car rally. My name is Deandre Young and i was born and raised here in the city of flint, michigan and have been active in the community my entire life, organizing and engaging people to fight for environment of justice and the fight for clean, affordable water and sustainable infrastructure. I grew up union strong, with my family members working at the general motors, proud members of the uaw. My mother was a Union Representative and liaison for Flint Community schools. My family and my community motivates me to stay committed to the fight for equity, which starts at the Grassroots Level. I always tell people that fighting for change at the Grassroots Level is more than just your typical 9 005 00 job. It is your whole life. Right now, we desperately need a president who recognizes that. This pandemic has shined a light on the inequities that define our system. In this president has used his highestd this Nations Office to stoke the flames of hate and division. I dont need to tell you all that enough is simply enough. This simply will not work for us. [car horns] ladies and gentlemen, we are just three days away from a day we will never forget. This is no doubt the most important election of our lives. And when november 4 rolls around, we need to know that we left it all on the table, that we did everything we could to elect the leaders we know we deserve. We are at a crossroads right now and meeting this moment means exercising your right to vote. It means telling your friends and family to vote. For those of you who have yet to vote, you can go to iwillvote. Com. Again, that is iwillvote. Com to make your plan today. If you care about health care and the water you drink, you need to vote for joe biden. The stakes are too high to sit this one out. Joe biden knows that change starts at the Grassroots Level. He knows that the best laws and policies demand a patient, attentive ear to the ground. He will listen. He cares about us. He helped save the auto industry, which made a huge difference for thousands in flint and he will be more than a 9 005 00 president because he knows that is what it takes to right the ship. Here in flint, we are no strangers to what it means to suffer a Public Health crisis. As our country and the world feels the weight of the covid19 pandemic, we are all looking for hope and leadership to move us forward. I remember a time where we saw that same unique brand of hope when we were going in the wrong direction. We used our own power, made history, and elected the first black president of the United States. [car horns] i am so honored to introduce the man and president who embodies that hope, who forged a bright path forward, but one little housekeeping item before i welcome him to the stage. We are asking that you please refrain from honking your horns during president obama and Vice President bidens remarks. Flint, please join me in welcoming to the stage the 44th president of the United States of america, barack obama. Mr. Obama hello, flint. It is good to be back in michigan. It is good to be back in the midwest, getting a little closer to chicago from here. How is everybody doing . [cheers and applause] can everybody give a round of applause to Deandre Young . Fantastic young man. Thank you for the introduction. Happy halloween, everybody. I love your masks. [laughs] please give a big round of applause as well to governor gretchen whitmer. Your own. Lieutenant governor garland gilchrist. My buddy from the senate, debbie stabenow. A man who is always in there fighting for you, who we need to send back to the United States senate, gary peters. Your congressman, born and raised great here in flint, michigan, dan kildee. Mayor sheldon neely. And the big treat to come, the next president of the United States, joe biden. Three days, flint. Three days until the most important election of our lifetimes. I love you too. Listen, i know right now, you have got the michiganmichigan state game, and that is a big deal. The paul bunyan trophy is on the line, but this tuesday, everything is on the line. Our jobs are on the line, our health care is on the line, whether or not we get this pandemic under control is on the line. But heres the good news. On tuesday, you can choose change. On tuesday, you can elect joe biden and kamala harris. You can choose a better america and what is even better news is you dont have to wait until tuesday to cast your ballot, michigan. You can vote in person right now. Just go to iwillvote. Com, find your polling place, get out there and vote. If somebody like you already voted, go help your friends and family make a plan to vote. Because we need everybody. Not just some people. We have got to get everybody out there. I love you too. Ok, thats it. Put that mask back on. Listen, michigan, joe biden is my brother. I love that i love joe biden and he will be a great president. Now, i will admit, 12 years ago, when i asked him to be the nominee for Vice President with me when i was running, i did not know joe that well. We had served together in the senate, but he and i came from different places, part of different generations, but i quickly came to admire joe as a man who learned early on to treat everybody he meets with dignity and with respect, living by the words his mom taught him no one is better than you, joe, but you are no better than anybody else. And that sense of decency and empathy, the belief in hard work, family, faith, the belief that everybody counts, that is who joe is. And that is who he will be as president. I can tell you that the presidency doesnt change who you are. It shows who you are. It reveals who you are. And for eight years, joe was the last one in the room whenever i faced a big decision, and he made me a better president. Hes got the character and the experience to make us a better country and he and kamala are going to be in the fight not for themselves, but for everyone of us. And we sure cant say that about the president we have right now. You know, ive said this before. I never thought donald trump would embrace my vision. I understood he didnt agree with my policies, but i did hope for the countrys sake he would show some interest in the job. He might take the job seriously. He never has. He hasnt shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends or treating the presidency as anything more than a reality show to give him the attention that he craves. But unfortunately, the rest of us have to live with the consequences. Almost 230,000 americans are dead. More than 100,000 Small Businesses have closed. Almost 300,000 jobs are gone in michigan alone. America just had its single ew covid cases. And what is his Closing Argument . Here we are, the worst week, this week. I mean, we have been going through this now for months. His Closing Argument this week is that the press and people are too focused on covid. Covid, covid, covid he is complaining. He is jealous of covids media coverage. And now, he is accusing doctors of profiting off this pandemic. Think about that. He said this just yesterday. He said doctors are over blowing it because they are going to make money off of it. Doctors. He cannot fathom he does not understand the notion that somebody would risk their life to save others without trying to make a buck. His chief of staff says we are not going to control the pandemic. That is a quote. Said it last week. We are not going to control the pandemic. We noticed, mr. Chief of staff. We understand you are not going to control the pandemic, but do you know who will . Joe biden will, when we elect him president of the United States. Do you remember when republicans were saying let detroit go bankrupt . Remember that . Now, they might as well be saying let america get covid, because that is how they are acting. If trump were focused on covid from the beginning, cases would not be reaching new record highs across the country. Some of the places he holds rallies have seen new spikes after he leaves town. There was just a study by Stanford University that just came out showing thousands of people are likely to have gotten sick because of these rallies he is holding. What is his obsession, by the way, with crowd size . Have you noticed this . He is always worried this is the one measure he has of success. He is still worrying about his inauguration crowd being smaller than mine. It really bugs him. He is still talking about that. Does he have Nothing Better to worry about . Did no one come to his Birthday Party when he was a kid . Was he traumatized . Whats with crowds . I have had crowds before, you know. I have had quite a few, but when a country is going through a pandemic, that is not what you are supposed to be worrying about. And that is the difference between joe biden and trump right there. Trump cares about feeding his ego. Joe cares about keeping you and your family safe. And he is less interested in big crowds than making sure he is not going around making more people sick. That is what you should expect from a president. You can expect Something Different from a reality tv star, but from a president , you want them to put you above their own ego. Heres the truth, michigan. This pandemic would have been challenging for any president , but this idea that somehow this white house has done anything but completely screw this up is nonsense. Canada identified its first case the same week that the u. S. Did, just a few miles up. Right . It is not close. I might not be pointing north, but canada is pretty close by. Our mortality rate in the United States is two and a half times higher than canada. Think about that. If we had the same percentage of folks dying in canada as we do here, nearly 90,000 americans would have died instead of 230,000 americans. If we had handled this pandemic like canada did, 140,000 of our fellow americans might still be alive today. Think about that. Think about that. And yet, despite that, last week, when trump was asked if he would do anything different, he said not much. Really . Not much . Cant think of anything. Listen, i understand the president was anxious to downplay it because he wanted to get credit for the economy he inherited and zero blame for the pandemic he ignored, but it does not work that way. The job doesnt work that way. Tweeting things at the tv doesnt change things. Making stuff up does not make peoples lives better. You have got to have a plan. You have got to put in the work. And, along with the experience to get things done, joe biden has concrete plans and policies that will turn our vision of a better, fairer, stronger country into reality. Joe is not going to screw up testing. Joe is not going to call scientists idiots. Hes not going to host super spreader event around the country. What joe will do is get this pandemic under control with a plan to make testing free and widely available, to get a vaccine to every american cost free, and make sure our frontline heroes never have to ask other countries for the equipment that they need. That is what joe biden will do. Joes plan will guarantee paid sick leave for workers and parents affected by the pandemic. Hell make sure that Small Businesses in every community, not just some, not just big corporations, but Small Businesses that hold our communities together and employee millions of americans can reopen safely. Donald trump likes to claim he built this economy. America created 1. 5 million more jobs in the last three years of the Obamabiden Administration than in his first three years and that was before he could blame the pandemic. Joe biden and i, with the help of a democratic congress, rescued the auto industry. Gary peters was there. He told us to bet on michigan and we did. And manufacturing in michigan grew by 15 over our last four years. Trump promised he would make michigan the manufacturing hub of the world again. It is up 1 under his first four years. 15 under obamabiden, 1 under him. That is michigan. Right here. We handed him the longest streak of job growth in american history, but the economic damage he inflicted by botching the Pandemic Response means that he will be the only president since Herbert Hoover to actually lose jobs. Herbert hoover. That is a long time ago. Joe biden and gary peters know that the key to a Strong Economy isnt cutting more taxes for billionaires. It is lifting the prospects for working americans. And joe has got a plan to create one million new auto related jobs by accelerating electric vehicle production. Hes got a plan to create 10 million Good Clean Energy Jobs and fight Climate Change and secure environmental justice. Something that is relevant to flint, michigan. You know something about that. He will pay for his plans by rolling back trumps tax cuts for billionaires. And this is important. Joe sees this moment not to get back to where we were, but to build on the progress we made together and finally make longoverdue changes so that our economy actually makes life a little easier for everybody, for the waitress trying to raise a kid on her own, for the student figuring out how to pay for next semesters classes, or the shift worker always on the edge of getting laid off, or the cancer survivor who is worried that her preexisting condition protections will be taken away. Lets talk about health care for a second. Lets talk about health care for a second. Republicans love to say right before an election that they will protect your preexisting conditions. That is what they say. Well, do you know what . Joe and i actually protected them 10 years ago with the Affordable Care act. [car horns] and since we did so, with no help from republicans, no votes from republicans, republicans have tried to repeal or undermine the aca more than 60 times. 60 times they have tried to take Peoples Health care away. When asked, why are you doing that . Why are you being so mean . You dont think these people should have health care . No, no, we have a plan. It is going to be beautiful. It is going to be terrific. Except it has been 10 years and they still do not have a plan. They are trying to bamboozle you. Instead of actually coming up with a plan, they have attacked the aca at every turn. They have driven up costs, theyve driven up the number of uninsured. Now, they are trying to get the Supreme Court to take your Health Care Away in the middle of a pandemic. In the midst, right at a time when people need health care. They signed on to a case right now in the Supreme Court where they are trying to take insurance away from those who need it, with nothing but empty promises to take its place. And now, Mitch Mcconnell is pouring millions of dollars in super pac dollars into michigan to try to beat gary peters, because that is part of their agenda. Michigan, here is the truth. Joe and kamala and gary will protect your health care, they will expand medicare, they will make insurance more affordable for everybody, and the reason you know that is true is because they were there when we did it the first time. And here is another thing. With joe and kamala at the helm, this is a big benefit. Michelle and i were talking about this over dinner the other day. You are not going to have to think about them every day. You are not going to have to argue with your family about them every day. It wont be so exhausting. You will be able to get on with your life knowing that the president is not going to suggest we inject bleach as a possible cure of covid. You wont have to find out you will not wake up in the morning, open your phone, oh, newsflash. The president retweeted a Conspiracy Theory that the navy seals did not actually kill bin laden. You will not have a president that will go out of his way to insult people that do not support him. This is not normal behavior. We would not tolerate it from a teacher, a coach, a coworker or a family member. If a neighbor was acting like this, you would stay away from that neighbor. Why would we accept it from the president of the United States . And you know what, there are consequences to this action. There are consequences to his actions. It is not just a joke. It is not funny. Those actions embolden other people to be mean and divisive and racist. It affects the fabric of all of our lives and how our children see the world and how they treat each other. It affects how our family gets along, how the world sees america. That is why joe talks about the soul of america. That is why he talks about decency and kindness and responsibility and hard work. That more than anything is what separates joe biden from his opponent. He actually cares about every american. He does not have a meanspirited bone in his body. I have seen him spend time with people, strangers, that he does not know when he hears about their hardship. He talks about what he has gone through. When he sees a kid, his eyes light up because he thinks about his own kids and grandkids. Joe biden tries to live the values we cherish honesty, hard work, kindness, humility, responsibility, helping somebody else out. That used to be the definition of manliness, not strutting and showing off, acting important, bullying people. It used to be being a man meant taking care of other people, not going around bragging, but