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the union address last night before a joint session of congress. we also hear your thoughts ahead of today's vote in the u.s. senate on the two articles of impeachment against the aren't. "washington journal" is next. president trump: i'm thrilled to report to you tonight our economy is the best it has ever been. our military is completely rebuilt with its power being unmatched anywhere in the world, and it's not even close. our borders are secure. our families are flourishing. our values are renewed. our pride is restored. and for all of these reasons, i say to the people of our great country and to the members of congress, the state of our union is stronger than ever before. ♪ host: president trump's state of the union is similar in the past in that it addressed legislative issues and policy and different than what occurred during the speech and how house and senate democrats reacted to it. we'll show you portions of the speech in our "washington journal" program today but two other events happening at the same time we want your reaction to as well. there is today's senate vote expected to acquit the president on the two charges of impeachment. and on top of all that we still have results coming in from the iowa caucuses. you can talk about one of those three things during the three-hour program. here's how to call us and let us know your thoughts. 2302-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8000 for democrats. and independents, 202-748-8002. if you want to text us do that can post 03 and you n facebook at face we'll talk about what it means for the candidates waiting to see who the eventual winner of the caucuses were. we'll show you the president's state of the union, and we'll show you that today. we'll start with john to update us on what to expect. john: good morning, pedro. here's how the impeachment end game is expected to to play out on the floor of the senate in at 9:30 a.m. eastern this morning but won't sit as a court of impeachment. during those afternoon hours the senators are expected to make the 10-minute speeches they've been making about impeachment. then after they convene as a official court of impeachment at 4:00 p.m. the senate is scheduled to take two votes on the abuse of power article and the obstruction of congress article. remember, it tweas a 2/3 senate majority or 67 votes to convict and remove president trump and as "the washington post" and others pointed out, there's no expectation president trump will be convicted on either charge. here's "the washington post" latest whip count tracking the senators where they are on impeachment charges. there are so far 48 senators who have come out against both charges, both articles of impeachment. therefore the math doesn't add up for democrats to get to 67 for the president to be convicted and removed from office although a lot of continued interest today in who tually votes with politico and there might be some that break with their party and noticing the swing votes could provide a bipartisanship capability. and they're watching senators who haven't said where they'll fall on the exact votes they'll make when it comes to the article impeachment. susan collins voted for witnesses as well. she came out yesterday and said she'll vote against both. joe man shop and doug jones -- joe mancion and doug jones are those mentioned in the politico article. a story yesterday, an announcement is expected on the impeachment vote in one of those speeches taking place on the senate floor. said he'll tentatively decided where he'll fall and take the stage at the 10:00 p.m. impeachment hour. we'll hear hour from president trump, expecting a statement from him in the white house sometime after those votes take place this afternoon. one more shore to show you. to cting as well, according the news it's reject the cover-up protests being otherized by droops in america. stand up america is organizing the event saying there will be more than 160 events from miami to new york to los angeles and seattle same around 5-30 prime minister in time in those era. plenty of impeachment end game happening today. you can auch it all floor on the senate of c-span 2. . guest: one of the images coming out of the state of the union yesterday especially if you watched it, that of tansy pelosi's speech. it was part of the speech he used part of his speech to talk about unemployment and wages. president trump: in eight years under the last administration ver 300,000 working age people dropped out of the work force. three million working age people have joined the work force since i became president. [video] president trump: since my election the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased by 47%, three times faster than the increase for the top 1%. applause president trump: after decades of flat and sprawling incomes, wages are rising fast and wonderfully they are rising fastest for low income workers who have seen a 16% pay increase since my election. [applause] president trump: this is a blue-collar boom. cheers and applause] president trump: real medium -- median income is at the highest ever recorded. host: the full speech available at our website at bilking saying the night started with the president refusing to shake speaker pelosi's hand and went downhill from there. the amazingest snchings oho trial recently and it was said since speaker pelosi succeeded but not in the hope of burying any democrats. you talk about iowa caucus and impeachment on the phone line. text us on our suiter and face book speeds. we'll start off in tarmington, michigan. you're up for. caller: good morning, good morning. this was a let's pretend speech. let's presend the yet isn't totally out of control? the national debt for the first time in the history of our nation has surpassed the gross go hostic product. one year ago the plant went they had to go to the treasury department and borrow $236 billion to keep the government afloat. that was a record in itself. here is no way this hasive debt can go on. another trillion this year will be added movement the climate change, he calls it a hoax. i live in michigan. in january of this year, i grew up on a lake. you could not go ice fishing in new england lake. adrian: you're saying that should have come up on the speech last night? caller: how about dressing problems. you can't just drag about the pot yarkt. everyone thought it would go forever in 129. in 2008 people thought the stock market would keep going up and away. we'll hear from an independent staffer, independent line. caller: my quick remarks regarding state of the union. absolutely stellar. the president was very clear and we size -- was precise. and i was on the fence but he made a wleefer out of me. the numbers spoke about itself. the spoke about the state of on conomy, and he focused the future. i have a quick comment. host: before you do that the previous caller said one of the things he didn't address was the debt. should he have addressed that? caller: no, denot address it. but yes, the debate is out of control but we have phrma to talk about that. but president was in office eight terms and doubled the debt and was not an issue. now suddenly it hits an issue. and we're to the talking about the accomplishments. and -- guarding president trump. i honestly think that after the damage the democrats did to themselves last night after the -- ker of the how rblingt of how this matters, it's never been done before. based on the speech on national television, they should focus on damage control. if they are to restore any chance in the upcoming elections they need to work very hard. ost: that's michael in stafford, missioners will describe in it comes to a acquittal vote or tsm quote. watch for things on c-span 2, from schenectady new york. good morning. caller: good morning. i wanted to comment on the state of the union. i agree the president was clear and presigh. i wanted to make a pint. how can those people call president trump a racist and massage insist if minority and women unemployment are at an all time low. it guess to say naturalism, policies work to help everyone across the spectrum. host: another republican calling us. phyllis in kansas city, kansas. you're not ex-. in morning. caller: no, pedro, i'm not a epublican, i'm a democrat. . he is going to get the cost of drugs down. to me he worked on the border trying to protect the u.s. and to me with everything that he's had to fight, i think the man has done a superb job. host: we'll go to tom. tom is in joppa, maryland. democrats line. go ahead. caller: good morning, pedro. i'd just like to touchback to your caller from michigan who wants to talk about climate change or whatever. real quick, something nobody ever really talks about. one volcanic eruption is equivalent to a carbon emission of a year -- one year in new york city for a population like new york city, one volcanic explosion is equivalent to as much carbon emissions comes out of new york in a year. and nobody talks about it. in climate change it's circular. they've done ice core samples that's gone 250 million years and repetitive. host: the state of the union or the caucuses? caller: i'm going to say something right now. it was brilliant. i'm just calling it as an american, doesn't matter my affiliation. this guy is the greatest leader that ever existed. he tells the truth. he has shined the light on the cockroaches in d.c. the reason he gets so much is because he's doing what they don't want him to do. they don't want him to make this country great. they want to sell us out to the globalists. that's what it's about, a one world program. f anyone remembers, george h.w. bush made in september 11, 1991 when he sat there and said it's time for a new world order. host: everybody remembers that. that's tom in joppa, maryland. we'll go back to john. john: a couple viewers brought up those moments last night of nancy pelosi whipping -- ripping up the president's speech at the end and president trump not shaking her outstretched hand. here's how our veteran fox news reporter tweeted about it last night. he said what's remarkable about the speech last night is big events are be often distilled into a moment or two and tonight's speech with be encapsulated by two things which didn't happen during the speech it. was those two moments, trump refusing to shake her hand and pelosi ripping up the speech at the end of the speech. nancy pelosi was asked about those two moments last night as she was exiting the capital just before midnight and is a reat from cnn's reporter who caught the exchange on video. >> what did you think of him not shaking your hand? host: that was nancy pelosi exiting the capital. you heard her mention the statement she put out last night and the term manifesto of mistruths. that was included in the official statement she put out after the state of the union and here it is. the manifesto presented in page after page of the address last night should be a call to action for coverage who expects truth from the president and policies worthy of his office and the american people. the american people deserve the president to have integrity and respect for the aspirations from their children. the statement goes on from there. nancy pelosi's office tweeting out about the handshake moment, the convict of the offered hand and democrats will never stop exchanging their hand of friend championship for the people and e'll find conground where we can and where we cannot. plenty of reaction to both of those events. i want to show you a few member reactions talking about steve scalise, the whip of the house, the congressman saying it is a new low for pelosi ripping up the speech on national tv. the speech was about american heroes and american workers. she decided that was worth literally tearing apart. absolutely disgraceful. and then this tweet from the house after the speech at around 10:45 p.m. eastern, the white house saying speaker pelosi ripped up one of our last surviving tuskegee airmen, the survival of a child born at 21 weeks, the former families of rocky jones and kayla service members. that's her legacy. and a response to that defeat from the democratic congresswoman saying speaker pelosi talked about lies of social security and rush limbaugh receiving the highest civilian honor. all lies from president trump is what jan schakowsky tweeted out. a few more responses. this is congressman sylvia garcia, one of the impeachment managers saying folks are more outraged with pelosi ripping up the speech than trump ripping families apart at the border. he's ripped babies from parents' arms and should outrage everyone. this from congressman billy long who was an auctioneer before he entered congress and he went up to nancy pelosi as she was showing her ripped off speech to the gallery and told her she should auction that off for charity. >> she said no. auction it office for charity because that's what i've done with the tie he signed tonight. the tie was a st. jude research tie like the one he signed for me last year. it was auctioned off and brought in $15,000 for st. jude and the ripped up speech would bring money for a worthy charity and encourages nancy to auction it for a good cause. one more from the republican ongressman paul qosar. speaking of the rumor, rumor has it her impeachment articles are due to be ripped up today from the center floor. host: we'll hear from kevin. hi. caller: good morning, pedro. i wanted to bring to light all of the nontruths or lies, whatever you want to call it. first of all, on a pre-existing ndition, the g.o.p. is fighting in courts to take away pre-existing condition. in the office this economic growth under jimmy carter was 3.2 and under kennedy it was 5.7 and under johnson with it was 5.1 and under bill clinton it was 5.3 and under trump job growth is only 2.3%. basically trump is living off and per r job growth month, 227,000 on average per month under obama and under trump -- host: can i ask where you're getting the data from? caller: i got it from morning joe this morning and they fact checked it with one of their fact checkers and they showed the charts and all the information, so that's where i got it from. host: ok. caller: the last thing, the g.d.p. under obama, trump is 2.5% and olympic was 2.4%. caller: kevin in burlington, new jersey. we'll go to corning in ohio, independent line. greg, hello. caller: good morning. that speech was excellent and all you trump haters, feel sorry for you p. you'll be crying again in 2020 and i hope you can get in there even longer and go to 2024 because you democrats are going to tear this country apart. host: craig from ohio. let's hear from the president again. the previous callers point to what the president did address, several programs social security, medicare, health insurance, pre-existing conditions. here's some of what he has to say. snmplet video] host: a good life affords the most qualitative health on earth. before i took office health premiums doubled the most in more than five years. i worked quickly to provide alternative alternatives. our new plans are up to 670%, less expensive and better. [applause] president trump: i've also made an iron clad pledge to american families, we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. cheers and applause] president trump: we'll always protect your medicare and always protect your social security, always. host: again, that full speech available at, several people are commenting n the peach itself but you can talk about other things including the caucus. and the impeachment vote later this afternoon. the good thing about the format today allows us to interact with viewers on several levels. we'll go back to john mccardell who has follow-up to the previous call. >> the previous caller was talking about fact checks when it came to g.d.p. and job growth numbers the president discussed. one of those groups check facting the state of the unions as they always do, fact where you can go for several. and here's what they had to say about his claim on g.d.p. and job growth. president trump boasted our economy is the best it's ever been which isn't true, they write. as of the most official estimates, the nation's real growth domestic product grew 3.2% last year and 2.9 flers in 2018 and grew 3.8% in 2004 and 3.5% in five. and they note further economists say they quote jobs and saying since my election we've created seven million new jobs. they know president trump was taking credit for thousands of jobs created after the election but while program program was still president prfment the most recent stigs show after trump took office the economy added 6.7 million jobs. fact the rate of growth grolte has slowed down and before he took office the economy then added nearly eight million jobs. host: shirley lives in ohio in mansfield, calling to us on our dive for democrats. good morning. . caller: thank you for your program. we wouldn't know anything about it. i called in about african-americans and he keeps touting afro-americans have more jobs and latino have more jobs under his direction. which is not true. and he him misleads people all the time. i cannot watch his speech. i cannot believe how people try to discipline democrats all the time about the things that they doll against trump, and trump has touted every demeanor against women. he's been all under women's clothing talking about how they look. what did the theme of the speech where he talks about unemployment and why do you say that's false? caller: i don't believe it. i hear him say it in a daily basis. there are no jobs where i live. they're not getting jobs here where i live and why i don't believe him when he doubts all this tough. the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poor. i think you for c-span or we wouldn't know anything in the ong world. guest: our special is on our website. if you want to watch from new york, independent line, joshua from jontaug. i don't know if i said that right. we'll leave it there. joe is in woodbridge, west virginia. hi. thanks for teg i had call. quick shoutout to my african-american brothers andsters. caller: i wish you'd wake up and see obama had the house and senate for two years and did absolutely nothing for the americans. the president prumple is facing a hostile set of representatives through doom will choice and through a second chance and many other things. think logically. as far as nancy pelosi, i thought it was disgraceful. one thing i wanted to point out, president trump walked in and handed first the speech to vice president pence and did not shake vice president pence's hand and then he treated nancy pelosi the exact same way. i don't think it was her place to extend her hand. he president was simplying out the way to tear up the greatest state of the union speech i've ever heard and i'm 55 years old. host: from illinois, you're next up. hi. caller: my name is ottis, i am a usaf retiree after 20 years of service and i'm totally displayed with both of the major parties in the united states of america. the partisan action with which though take with reglard to the impeachment of the president and the partisan way the senate is going about handling the impeachment is totally wrong. there are no single parties in the united states of america that have a monopoly on everything right. good ideas come from good people. and the integrity of our olitical voted in election official should come first and foremost to the country. host: ottis, from the speech last night the president made, did you get, as you zwibbed, any good ideas from it? caller: i believe the best idea came from the recognition of he 100 year old tuskegee airman that finally was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. more recognition should be done in that manner, in that fashion. and i also believe that the tearing up of the president's speech and also the disregard of an open handshake was terrible. max: that's charles mcgee, the president recognizing from presentation from his box on guests he invited, charles from maryland. let's go to jim from buffalo, new york, independent line. caller: good morning. i thought last night his speech was good. i actually thought from what i saw, the president actually turned before pelosi stenleded her hand. if he had seen the hand, then definitely he was rude. but i thought the democrats were rude throughout the whole thing. there were certain things they should have applauded for that benefited the entire country. i can't believe they wouldn't applaud and stand for rush limbaugh even if you disagree on policy with him. the guy has stage 4 cancer and he's done a lot for the media. so you have to overlook politics. the ripping of her speech was totally tasteless and respectful and she needs to go home. host: state of the union comments from that viewer. again, comments about the are up from te discussion and the iowa caucuses all that available the next 2 1/2 hours for your comment. 202748-8000 for independents and we're back to john mccardle. guest: let's go over the results. at this point 71% of precincts reporting payor pete buttigieg in the lead 26.8% is the latest and bernie sanders at 25.2%, elizabeth warren at 18.4% and joe biden 15.4%. you see the bottom numbers, those are state delegate equivalents, that number. you can see pete buttigieg leading with 419 at this moment and bernie sanders behind him at 394. also want to show viewers headlines out of iowa, national papers today, from the quad city times in davenport, iowa. caucus chaos is the headline, what do the caucus results mean is the question they ask on the front page of their newspaper, from "usa today," untangling iowa's mess is the headline they went with as we continue to see the results trickle out and then one more from the gazette out of cedar rapids, iowa, noting the iowa caucuses risk becoming an afterthought after the chaos that took place this week. plenty more to talk about and we'll continue to give you results as they come in throughout our program today. that host: continuing on the topic of the iowa caucuses, joining us on the phone, erin murphy, the deboin bureau chief for iowa enterprises and writes for several papers joins us on the phone. mr. murphy, thank you. guest: including the quad city times. thanks for having me. host: when we would expect the total numbers to come in. what's the update? guest: you noticed the later they started with 62%, they're up to 71%. you just talked about now we haven't been given the exact details yet but i think the general feeling is that we'll get the rest of the results sometime today so hopefully by the end of the day. we finally know for sure and have a complete picture of who won in iowa here. host: walk us through the process of the numbers. are they verifying each and every number as they come in or are they accepting them as already verified when it comes to establishing a total? guest: they're verifying each number, each report from each precinct as they get them and the national democratic party has gotten involved now as well to also make sure these numbers are accurate. the campaigns are watching these closely and verifying that these numbers match up closely with what they have. that's unique in a caucus unlike an election, the campaigns, especially the bigger ones, they have staff out at all these precincts at caucus night and they're making notes and keeping track of how many people each candidate had at first alignment and how many delegate equivalents they have at the end of the day so they all have data on this, too, and the campaigns are watching this to make sure what comes out from the state party lines up with what they have. host: erin murphy with 71% in and pete buttigieg on top of that. explain that as far as how you see that and why he's on top you think. guest: we went into monday night, i think most people would tell you they felt it was wide open and that any of the four realistically had a shot at winning. bernie sanders maybe most people thought was the favorite. he seemed to have momentum in the polling and he competed here four years ago and did well and finished second to hillary clinton and he was a known quantity and had an organization from the git-go. and pete buttigieg, according to the results we have so far, it appears that he really maximized on the attention he was getting. he was drawing big crowds here. he had invested in that ground game in iowa and had a good campaign operation here. and they made a real focus to go statewide as well, as much as if not more than any other candidate in this race. he didn't just focus on the big cities in iowa. he went through all areas of the state, focused on rural areas, went to areas in eastern iowa that swung to president trump in the last election, tried to win over people there. so if pete buttigieg does hold on to this lead, i think it will be in large part because of the scope of his statewide operation and effort here in iowa. host: how much of an advantage did mr. buttigieg have with most of the senators running for office being in washington, d.c. for impeachment? guest: i talked to people about that in the last few weeks, and ou kind of got mixed results some of the caucus campaign veterans said they didn't think it was that big of a deal because at that point in the race, i mentioned the campaign organizations, those were already built up and those people were out there doing their work knocking on the doors and working on their turnout machine so maybe for those senators not being able to be on the campaign trail the last week or two wasn't a huge deal. but that said, people will say at the same time on the other land, as a candidate you'd ather be in iowa than not. so it maybe didn't help but i don't know that was the difference and don't know if experts will tell you that was why pete buttigieg appears to have edged past bernie sanders here. host: if bernie sanders does not win iowa and comes in second, what do you think of the supporters will say at least for the troubles this tabulation has had and if there's a connection between the two? there you will hear that will be conspiracy theories out there. what's important to remember about this is there's different sets of data coming out of these precincts from the first alignment to the final state delegate equivalents and not only do the state parties have all this data but the campaigns do, too. so if the numbers are off in any way at all, the bernie sanders campaign will let you know about that. so if we're hearing something directly from the bernie sanders campaign, then maybe there's something worth looking into. but if the sanders campaign is not crying foul, they may say hey, we didn't finish with most state delegate give lents but we had the most people at first alignment before the room reshuffled. that's a legitimate point and fair to make and they may do that. but that's different than saying hey, the results have been corrupted or we were robbed which is some of the things you may hear on social media. host: erin murphy, as you see it now, what's the possibility that iowa walks away from a caucus system? guest: it's next to none. the possibility that iowa is forced out of the caucus system , it absolutely exists out there and that's the story i wrote this morning is it folks would like to go to the quad city times website, and talk to a lot of iowa democrats who are very worried about that. look, iowa's first in the nation status is always under attack in a normal year for various reasons. and this is only going to add uel to the fire. there you a lot of iowa democrats and republicans for that matter who want to stay first in the nation who worry this results reporting incident is going to hurt that and maybe be the final straw that gets people at the national level to force iowa out of that first spot. that will be an interesting discussion that will, i'm sure, take place in the coming months and years after this nomination is settled. host: erin murphy writes for several enterprises and serves as the des moines bureau chief. thanks for your time this morning. guest: you bet. thanks a lot for having me. host: if you want to follow up and talk about the iowa calk uses or state of the union or impeachment is what we're doing in this program today, call us 202-748-8001 for republicans, emocrats, 202-748-8000 and democrats, 202-748-8002. next up, hello. caller: good morning. i watched the whole speech last night and he was using talking points now that the democrats been talking about all the time. and then what offended me is when he brought the people in there, the black people, hispanics in there, i didn't like that. he paid those people to be there. anybody could see that. and another thing about him in an impeachment. host: are you talking about the tuskegee airman charles mcgee? caller: baby, excuse me, anybody can see he paid those people to be there, sir. he's an entertainer. he knows how to treat people. those people was paid to be there, sir. host: they're invited by the president to be there. i don't know what you're setting -- getting your assumption of payment. guest: how did they get there, they was paid, tickets and stuff. when it all comes out you'll see what i'm saying, telling the truth. how did they get there, sir. host: we'll go to bob. bob is in kingwood, texas. republican line. caller: good morning, pedro. as being a republican i have five quick points and make them quick on why i believe the democrats were incompetent and lacked fairness in the impeachment. the first one was schiff started the whole thing with the partisan whistle blower that worked on their staff. he should have really -- they should have announced instead of doing it that way. number two, schiff also in the intelligence committee did an improper investigation as well the inquiry should have been done on the judiciary where it would have been done more fairly or at least done by the rules. number three, the judiciary should have taken their time. jerry nadler had two days and he denied the republicans their due process at least with the one day but certainly with, you know, with witnesses. number four, the articles obviously ended up bipartisanship against and? of dropping it as they should have done right then or censuring him they kept going. bad move. and lastly throwing it over to the senate like they did to try to get the senate to pull it out of the fire instead was just a very bad choice and i believe they were incompetent, nancy pelosi, jerry nadler, they did it all wrong. host: the republicans get a witness in there with jonathan urley, just so you know. caller: one witness on the panel but denied other witnesses out of the whole thing. they claimed they allowed the republicans to call witnesses then but nadler only had two days. what can you do in two days? host: just wanted to point it out. that's bob in king wood, texas. we'll go to red in texas as well. duncanville. independent line. caller: good morning, thanks for your call. i'm delusioned by the comments i'm hearing from the republicans and democrats. rather than being fair and understanding that our which y is at jeopardy means when we have an issue with the president who violated the law because he did withhold the support for military and ukraine after it had already been passed by the congress, hat was a law that was broken. we're saying it's ok, he's the president, he can do whatever he wants. i'm concerned that we're losing our democracy and i'm concerned about his state of the union that as we saw was fact checked, which we shouldn't have had to do that because he's been consistently lying. we shouldn't import a person trying to do better but he hasn't tried to do better. we should have people with checks and balances for one another, being honest first with ourselves and with what we see in front of us. i feel and i thought from the beginning of the hearing to consider impeachment, people forget ms. nancy pelosi asked we not consider impeachment but they went on with it anyway and i thought they did a very thorough job at covering their points. and when you have other people that are stating the facts and are showing concern that are representatives bipartisanship and ambassadors for the united states in that country and they say the same thing, we should have been concerned. host: you talked about checks and balances. isn't the senate's role part of the checks and balances in this process? caller: no. they came in with an idea they told us they were going to acquit him and toll us it was a hoax and repeated every lie he said. you cannot be fair in you have a predetermined -- i was asked to be on a jury and they asked me the question whether or not i could be fair and impartial and listen to the facts and i told them i felt like i couldn't because the situation presented before me had been past experiences and i didn't have an open heart to it, i was taken off because i asked to be. they should have considered all the information as facts. host: all the senators have to take an oath even going into the process. caller: exactly. they went against the oath. this is a hoax, it should be dismissed but it was proven. another thing, yes, the house showed that he was guilty of something but it shouldn't be impeachable. host: that's red in texas talking about the impeachment again. 4:00 this afternoon is when those votes will take place whether to acquit or convict the president. you heard senators leading up to today talk about that on the senate floor if you were watching c-span 2. more available at if you want to see what the senators said. we'll go back to laurel, maryland, line for democrats. hello. caller: good morning, pedro. i hope you'll let me finish. on impeachment he should be out of office, roll call 45th president. number two, on the state of the union, i loved what nancy pelosi did because the peach was nothing but another trump rally. but with respect to your callers who think they can and should tell their black brothers and sisters what's best for them is very insulting. half of c-span's callers is more than 50 years old and a lot of them are not black and latino. i really get offended when you people call us and have things to say to the black people, as if they know what we're going through or have gone through. even in the president's peach. he talk about him opportunity zone and world peace and prison reform, second chance. as if that's all african-americans are about. barry: it got bipartisan speech last night, those themes you war talking about. caller: he's mentioning them on the backs of black people as if they're only helping black people. they're not only helping black people 3506789 there are a lot of white people and non minorities in prison and who needs school toys. it's not about your black and brown people who need something. host: he honored a tuskegee airman last night. what did you think of that? caller: the lady that called before and made him a brigadier general, the african-american lady who called before and asked how did they get to washington? airmen did tuskegee not look good. host: he alluded to in the process last night. caller: so president trump throws out a bread crumb, an african-americans are supposed to fell thrilled despite the negative thing he has to say about the black and bruin countries of the world. host: that's louisa. ee go back to john mccardle. guest: many mentioned censure ukraine and it gained some attention after senator joe mancion said the senate should take that step, a step below impeachment and removal but a step in which congress could express its extreme disapproval of the president's actions. and joe man shop released a -- and joe released a resolution on monday in what he would say in the censure resolution and i'm not reading all of it but here's part of what the resolution would say. whereas donald john's trump onduct in the manner has got it and must know such behavior is dangerous to our national interest and does not align with the american values and the principles of the constitution of the united states and such actions bear grave consequences including loss of integrity, trust and respect and therefore be it resolved the senate does hereby censure donald trump president of the united states and does condemn his wrongful conduct in the strongest terms and that resolution goes on from there. that resolution, though, very likely to get the vote and here's why as it is reported. the resolution is not a privileged resolution when it comes to legislation on the floor of the senate meaning wee need mitch mcconnell's blessing for a floor vote and then on the other side, it's been said he's not been much accommodating for things like that. though other reporters have polled other senators about this idea of taking the censure step instead of the impeachment and removal step. and dicapito said no on impeachment. and susan collins who was yes for witnesses said she's a no on the two articles of impeachment. i spoke to burgess everett yesterday afternoon and reporting her as saying if the house had started with the censure resolution instead of leaping to impeachment and shortcutting the process and skipping over judicial adjudication is something i would have looked at. one more headline on this from the hill newspaper, lamar alexander of tennessee declining to endorse the idea of censuring president trump though this idea has gained scheme in editorials and op-eds around the country. this from john healey of the l.a. times. his op-ed yesterday censuring trump, never going to happen and the reason he points to again it would need the support of floor time from the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. one more editorial on this. this from the chicago times saying after this senate verdict but before voters decide another call to censure president trump if you want to read the lead editorial in the "chicago tribune." one more, looking at the history of censure, this from abc news, noting andrew jackson was the last president to be formally censured back in 1834 and noting andrew jackson's portrait hangs in the oval office now where president trump sits. host: to that end, the white house secretary spoke to reporters and asked about this idea of censure he was presented but also questions by reporters about those republicans' arrivals of president dump's action during the call. here's to that responsibility before >> lamar said he did something wrong, may not rise to the level of impeachment but what's your response? >> that's their opinion and they have constituencies they have to answer to and that's their right to do it. the fact is the president did nothing wrong and the evidence proves this. 17 witnesses, the democrats did an entirely political process. it was biased, they leaked out things to the press that tried to color the process against this president. and the only two witnesses they could even talk to or reference when they talked directly to the president proveded opposite. the vote was unanimous on the republican side and was bipartisanship in 230ur9 of our position. the evidence proves the president did nothing wrong. >> can you give us a little color on the president's speech? >> the answer is no because the president did nothing wrong. host: the republican line from pennsylvania. hi. caller: i'm going to be 70 years old and want to say even though i'm registered republican, i'm not a republican or democrat. it depends on who is running. i could change i thought there was somebody i wanted to vote for but there's no one i want to vote for on the democratic party. i think the president's speech was excellent and said what he has done though he was fought every step of the way by the democratic party and he got a lot done and he said what he's going to do. that's what we want from our president. i think he's a great leader and i think nancy pelosi is an evil, bitter, horrible woman. host: to the idea the president talked about what he wanted to do. what impressed you most about what he'd like to accomplish? caller: the same things he started with. host: give me a specific. caller: i can't give you one thing. it's everything. you know, when he says this is what i want to do and he lays it out. that's his agenda and he's going to accomplish it. anybody i don't see else that can run against him that would be as good as that. i think he's honest and maybe i didn't like some of the things he did in his past but i tell you what, when he stepped up to the plate to be president, he has been right on board and he loves his country and he truly, truly wants the best for our country. host: ok. we'll go to bob in louisville, kentucky. independent line. bob, good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i just want to make the comment that when i seen nancy pelosi tear up that speech, i consider that the most crudest, rudest thing that i believe i've ever seen. as far as i'm concerned, she personifies the word white trash. host: let's go to patrick in names, florida. democrats line. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. it still puzzles me that trump still uses this. maybe he's not smart enough to know that putin has used him since day one. and if you look at everything he's done that has benefited putin. it's not. host: such as what? caller: well, the first big tax cut he gave, i'm sure putin and his international corporations made billions. it was supposed to go back to the people. very little did. all it did was prop up the stock market which will be the biggest crash when this is all over with. that's another thing that bothers me. what he's duly removed from office with an election by more people he gets, somehow he's going to rig a vote. they didn't investigate "any of the tampering with the elections but went to ukraine and tried to pin it on them. again, doing putin's work. the whole thing with the senate. right out of the can k.g.b. handbook, what they're saying is exactly what putin told. even trump said it, putin said that it wasn't russia, it was ukraine and they have the server. host: with that in mind you're saying the president should be impeached? caller: should have been removed from office the first time he asked for help from a foreign country. host: as far as the impeachment vote, you think he should be impeached? caller: yeah, he should be impeached. and again, trump's excuse is going to be he was not smart enough to know putin was using him. i want to know what the rest of the country is going to say. host: on c-span 2 the senate is scheduled at 4:00 to start votes. you can go to our website at for more information. there are several ways to monitor the vote, by the way. can you watch it on c-span 2 or go to our website at our radio app is available, too, if you want to donate and listen to it. all that available on the website. it's not only the impeachment story that plays out today. you can talk about the state of the union at several houses this morning and talk about the you can talk about the iowa caucuses. two hours we will spend on those topics. for republicans, democrats,000 free (202) 748-8002 for independents. in thestarts us off second hour from minnesota, republican line. hi. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i watched last night, and my first impression was that trump and the other side hate america that much that they wouldn't acknowledge anything that went on. i will admit that he's a little we elected at constituent, not a politician. host: when it comes to topics of true michael -- of criminal justice, there was a partisan support in the house last night. but you talk about a couple of them that didn't vote witnesses, i wouldn't exactly call them republicans. back through the ages, there have been republicans that have voted against the party anytime they had a chance to. thing, the people that call in and play the race card, it's sickening. host: that's marlon in minnesota. we will go to john mcardle. >> just a couple of updates for you. first come on the idea of impeachment and what might come next. as we noted earlier, the senate not expected to convict and remove president trump from office. lots of discussion about what happens with this story going forward. yesterday, house majority leader steny hoyer said it is possible that the house may subpoena former national security advisor .ohn bolton as c-span viewers know, john bolton shaking up the final week impeachment the trial in the senate with the revelations that came out a week ago sunday from his upcoming book. steny hoyer saying yesterday, "i'm sure that we discussed the idea of subpoenaing john bolton. whether it bears any fruit, we have a continuing responsibility of oversight. bolton said he had information that we ought to have. i think a lot of other information is going to come out along the way." he doesn't think the senate vote to acquit trump will be bipartisan. ." said, "i hope not he said that republicans who have decided trump's actions don't rise to the level of an impeachable offense are wrong. speaking of roll call, one other story this morning has to do with the seat of former congressman come the late elijah cummings, and the race to replace him. a story about what is happening in that baltimore-based district --maryland, quasi-improve my in maryland, kweisi mfume is inspected to be the successor to elijah cummings. he won the primary, defeating some 23 democrats in that race, including elijah cummings' widow , with nearly all precincts had nearly 40%he of the vote. they will face off with the , inblican, kimberly classic the april 20 eighth special election. it is a district that hillary clinton carried with 53% in the 2016 election. not expected that republicans will be able to carry that seat. mfume would also be running on the same day to be on the ballot in november for the full term that would take place after he would serve out elijah cummings' current term in that seat. host: in matters of impeachment, let's hear from the senate minority leader chuck schumer on the senate floor yesterday as the impeachment process played out, talking about the final vote on impeachment. sen. schumer: this is the first impeachment trial of a president or impeachment trial 11 a buddy else that was completed that has no witnesses and no documents. the american people are amazed that our republican friends would not even ask for witnesses and documents. i thought the house today very good job. i thought they made a compelling case. even if you didn't come of the idea that that means you shouldn't have witnesses and documents when we are doing something as important as an impeachment trial fails the last test -- the laugh test. it makes people believe that the in therepublicans president are all hiding the truth. second, the charges are extremely serious. to interfere in an election, to blackmail a foreign country to interfere in our elections, gets at the very core of what our democracy is about. if americans believe that they don't determined who is president, who is governor, who is senator, but some foreign potentate out of reach of any it is theement, beginning of the end of democracy. so it is a serious charge. to getublicans refused the evidence because they were afraid of what it would show. that's all that needs to be said. marietta in georgia starts us off in the second hour. caller: good morning. first of all, i am , descended from the africans brought to this country and put into slavery. i have three responses. first of all, no one african-american speaks for all of us. we are not a monolith. we all think differently. second of all, regarding the president last night, what i --ught that nati pelosi did what nancy pelosi did, i think that was not good, but that shows to be the very people that talk about donald trump's behavior turn around and do the same thing. , democrats are calling and talking about those that support donald, that they are just, they just follow him, and they do the same thing. date do the same -- they do the same thing. thirdly, want to talk about was the impeachment trial. i watched the house. the judiciary and intelligence. what people seem to be missing is that those same witnesses, when the republicans got their time to ask questions, a lot of them ask them directly, did they feel what the president did was criminal, or did they feel that extortion. all of them said no. thirdly, for me, the biggest thing about the whole thing in the house was that for me as a black person, to me, process does matter. all of our fights in this country have been about the fight for justice and equal justice under the law, and let the process be equal and right, and that process was not equal and certainly not right. if the process is not right, then whatever the results of it is, it's not going to be fair, and it's not going to be just. host: ok. we will go to paterson, new jersey, democrats line. miles, hello. caller: good morning. how are you doing? host: i'm well. go ahead. caller: as far as last night, that's how donald trump do. he make everything look good because that's how he is. as this air man -- what's his name? host: charles mcgee? caller: yeah. he waited 100 years -- host: he promoted him from brigadier general. caller: what took so long to do that? the guy is 100 years old. now you promote him? no. as far as bringing people out like he did, that's his way of trying to get to the black voters, let them know yeah, i care. we know he really don't. that, as what he did and his base looking to that are going to find out he lying, but it will take a couple of weeks before they even google it, check it out. what scares me the most about all this is it is not donald trump. it's his supporters. if they said there and truly believe what this man is saying is true, that means the truth to them is a lie and the lie is the truth. host: that is miles in new jersey. north carolina, republican line. joyce is up next. caller: i believe the president gave a very good speech last night. , believe nancy pelosi, schumer and schiff should be deported from this country for what they are trying to create. i think president trump for all races. i don't think he is against any race in this country. i think you should be given a chance. he hasn't been given a chance from the very beginning. when he was on the line with ukraine, i heard nothing. he has the authority to investigate corruption. that's the way i feel. host: several senate republicans question the nature of the call and question if the call was appropriate, saying that in their minds, it wasn't. what you think about that? caller: i don't know. i didn't hear anything. host: well, you had several senate republicans who questioned the call. they made mention of that leading up to today's vote. when they are saying that, what you think of that? caller: i don't know. about't hear anything senator from the senate that said anything like that. host: lamar alexander was one. lisa murkowski was the other. back to the state of the union, you thought it was a good speech. caller: i think he's done a lot of good for the country. i think he loves this country and wants the best for us to. i think he's really fighting for us, but he's fighting against the democrat party because they've not ever given him a chance from the very beginning. host: when it comes to a specific from the speech, what suck out -- what stuck out in your mind? caller: the armed forces especially because my grandson is in the armed forces. i think he has done a really good job building our military in securing our homeland. host: ok. that's joyce in north carolina. we will hear next from brad in kentucky, independent line. caller: good morning. -- congratulations, president trump. be not later today acquitted, but i guess we can use the word exonerated. host: you will be acquitted. caller: yeah, acquitted by the senate. it's just a matter of hours away. it's sure to happen. him.t like to congratulate he has a sort of brash personality, and it's easy to not think in terms of he is a person. houndedknow, he's been by the mueller investigation. host: but when it comes to the impeachment, do you think you should be acquitted? if so, why? caller: sure, i think you should be acquitted. because the issue that they have said that has risen that they deemed worthy of impeachment has not risen, and my mind, anywhere near what should be considered a high crime and misdemeanor. host: do you think the call was appropriate? caller: sure. sure. the call was appropriate. sure, yeah. host: why so? think anything that was,iscussed on the call to this point in history, only considered the spoils of political victory. what he was discussing with ukraine, any other president has that. it has been made by every president. that is the spoils of political victory. they all know that. that is simply how it works. political perks. that's how it goes up there. give me a break, ok? host: brenda is next in shreve port, indiana. caller: hi. thank you for taking my call. i would just like to say that i'm a democrat. i'm changing my party, though. i love the president. i am an african-american. i loved president trump's speech. i love the things he said he is doing for the black community or that he would like to do for the black community. i love the idea that he is recognizing historically black colleges. i feel so sorry for the black that say that president trump is paying other black people to be there. that is very sad. we need to wake up. to get an american president to recognize us in the way that trump does, trying to help us -- host: have vias american presidents recognized issues concerning the african american community? caller: yes, we have had some that recognized us. i appreciate them. i appreciate the kennedys. i appreciate lincoln. that's why i'm saying whenever we can get a president to say that he wants to do things for us and to recognize that things need to be done, we need to wake just appreciating the democrats who are linking us with the homosexual community. we need to know that that is not love. , republicanin idaho line. go ahead. caller: yes, thank you. been watching your show. watched everything this evening. i'm going to say i'm almost a former republican. i feel guilty. then i thought i was a conservative, and i still feel guilty. then after watching this mess tonight with the republicans and the democrats, we got to change these party lines. we need something new. we need something called the american taxpayers party. because -- [no audio] host: you can't say stuff like that, so we will stop you there. we will go first to john mcardle. it's plenty of viral well -- of viral limits last night. president trump called on congress to deliver him a bill to lower prescription drug prices. this is what happened. [indiscernible] pres. trump: with unyielding are curbing the opioid epidemic. "hr: house members chanting three." they are talking about house resolution three, a bill that prescriptionduce drug prices for those on medicare. affected drugs would include insulin and 25 of the most expensive brand-name drugs that don't have generic equivalents. the hr three bill passed to the vote, but a 230-192 declared dead on arrival in the senate. the white house is also indicated the president would have vetoed the bill if it made its way to his desk. you can see the democrat members chanting "hr-3," and many of them wearing white in an effort to align themselves with the suffragette movement of a century earlier and women's rights. , named thee bill elijah cummings lower drug costs we now know yesterday the maryland primary to fill the seat of elijah cummings after he passed away last year was former congressman mfume, who is expected to come back to congress. mentioned we will be watching the president's twitter page. the president with lots of retweets about people talking about his state of the union last night, but this is what he said himself just before eight a clock a.m. eastern "it was a great and triumphant evening for our country. thank you all for the nice remarks and wonderful reviews of my state of the union speech. it was my great honor to have done it." host: roy from tennessee saying, "when it comes to state of the unions, it seems republicans have short memories. i recall during the clinton and obama state of the unions that republicans sat on their hands and really stood. didn't seem to bother republicans than. at least know democrat stood up and called the president a liar during the speech like they did with obama," speaking of joe wilson. and this is jodey off of our twitter feed, asking, "will be president ever sign hr-3?" as you have been seeing all morning, whether it is matters of state of the union or the caucuses or impeachment, you can talk about those for the course of our time today. fors (202) 748-8001 republicans, (202) 748-8000 for (202)ats, independents 748-8002. , (202)want to text us 748-8003. give us a call, pick a topic. have aocrats did response to the state of the union yesterday. they featured michigan governor gretchen wilmer. particularly, they were along the lines of impeachment. [video clip] >> there are some things each of us, no matter our party, should demand. the truth matters. facts matter. and no one should be above the law. it is not what those senators say. tomorrow, it is about what they do that matters. remember, listen to what people say, but watch what they do. it's time for action. generations of americans are counting on us. let's not let them down. sharonow we will go to in minnesota, democrats line. thank you for waiting. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call, and write on that lady -- and right on to that lady. i listens to callers on the show, and they all seem to be concerned about nancy ripping up the copy. what i want to remind people is that this is nancy's house. this is her place. she invited him to come, with hopes that he would be respectful in her house, and when she reached out her hand for a handshake and he snubbed her, she didn't have any choice but to rip that up. one thing, there are a few things i didn't hear many say -- hear him say. i didn't hear him say anything about puerto rico. i didn't hear him say anything about how he's going to protect our election from russia's 2020 interference. i thought that the men in the audience at work cap calling milani a -- in the audience that were catcalling milani, that was really classy -- catcalling ,ilani a -- catcalling melanis that was really classy. that video from mar-a-lago, the president mocked the national anthem. have you showed that video to the people? i think it is super important that people see this. host: i know that it's out there. i will go back to your first point. several people on twitter and some of the callers mentioned that the president didn't even take the vice president's hand last night. why do you think the ripping up of the speech was an appropriate response? caller: if i want to rip up a piece of paper in my house because someone offends me, that is my prerogative. it is my house. host: but why do you think it was an appropriate thing to do at the end of the state of the union? weler: because i think, if look back at the tape from when he walked in, and she put out ,er hand for him to shake it and we actually watch what he did, he snubbed her on national tv in her house. host: that is sharon in minnesota, the line for democrats. some might say it is the people's house. some may make that comment as well. but we will go to alfred in california, independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to elaborate on the last caller from minnesota in regards to it being nancy pelosi's house. it's not nancy pelosi's house. it's the people's house, we the people. yeah, he didn't shake her hand. he didn't shake the vice president's hand. but when she ripped up that speech, it wasn't the speech necessarily. it was what he said in regards to that little girl winning a , and thatp gentleman's brother that was killed. that's what she was ripping up. host: how did you make that connection? all, hefirst of mentioned what he did for that , and regards to what he mentioned -- the brother that fromilled, that was shot an undocumented immigrant. i don't like to call it illegal immigrants. it is in document it immigrant. host: and you think that punted the house speaker to rebut the speech? caller: no, she did it out of disrespect. when she looked at her caucus, at her side, you could tell. through the whole speech, she wasn't even paying attention. you could see the hatred. you could see the animosity that they have for this president, and he's done so much good. they call him a bigot. they call him a racist. for you see what he's done the african-americans, the asians, the hispanics. host: that's alfred in california, and been in line. line.ifornia, independent we show you things as they happen without any interruption, and you can make up your own minds. you can watch the speech last night, and not only the subjects that were addressed, but the relations, or at least what you see, connections of the house speaker in the president. go to our website at we have the ability to let you cease that and watch it -- to see that and watch it in total. tony is in ohio, republican line. i would just like to your minnesota color, i don't want to get on the bandwagon, but your last caller is correct. all of the house and even the white house is the people's . they are just try to do -- they are just there to try to do what they can further country. i think it has been a problem for some years with some democrats. they feel like if they have power, it's there's, and it's their way. they don't want to hear another side to things. i think our president, considering if it was you or i going through some of the probes and some of the misfortunes that they've come up on him, it would be really hard to do any kind of work as well as he has. hisar as what he ran on election, he's accomplished a great deal in three years. the: do you think some of callers have made the connection between is the congressman's that he talked about, but does it go back to the previous administration -- the accomplishments that he talked about, but does it go back to the previous administration? caller: i think the previous administrations have had the opportunity to work with the house and senate more so than this president. it seems like they don't want him to have any accomplishments. i believe if people would put the election behind them and realize that the people elected this man to be our president, if they would work with him, so much work would be accomplished. four years.ven past havedents in the made promises to the country and haven't even accomplished one or two of those. out ado you think he laid clear vision of where he wants to go from here? if so, give me an example. caller: of where he was to go from here? yes, i think he's made it clear. i believe he wants to lower prescription pricing. is concerned, i think he would sign that bill. i think anything that is good for our country, he would try to accomplish. i believe he truly loves this country. brash, and some of his actions are a little bit hard to take every now and then, but we knew that before reelected him. everybody knew this man before he was elected. but i believe people really believed in what he was saying and putting our country first, and i believe he's shown that. host: that is tony and ohio calling on line for republicans. a lot of people talking about the state of the union. if you want to talk about the results of the iowa caucuses, the impeachment vote later today, you are more than welcome to do so in the hour and a half left of this program. before we go back to calls, we will go to john mcardle. john: i want to do a little state of the union by the numbers. the key number many people have been pointing out is zero, the number of times president trump engined impeachment in his state of the union address -- trump mentioned impeachment in his state of the union address. during therch issues state of the union address, health care, unemployment, wages , and abortion. the key trending questions that were asked, the top two were about the numbers wearing white at the state of the union. that was the democratic women aligning themselves with the suffragette movement of the early 20th century. we talked about that a little earlier. a few more stats that we put together last night, you can find these charts on our twitter @c-span on twitter. not as long as his 2018 and his 2019union state of the union. his 2017 economic address to congress, not officially a state of the union, clocking in at just over an hour long, just over an hour. the average is 79 minutes and 42 minutes for his state of the union addresses. that compares to 61 minutes 40 to four seconds for barack obama, 62 minutes and nine seconds for george w. bush, 70 minutes and 26 seconds for bill clinton, george h w bush 45 andtes and 31 seconds, ronald reagan, 37 minutes and 51 seconds. for impeachment trials, president trump's compares back to 1999 when bill clinton gave his state of the union address during his own impeachment trial. that state of the union back in 1999 took 75 minutes and 37 seconds. host: former mayor pete buttigieg enjoying a slightly you when it comes to the results of the iowa caucuses. he is in new hampshire now. talked a little during a stop in manchester about where he sees the race. [video clip] mayor buttigieg: i am so glad to be with you this morning. i think it is morning. [laughter] mayor buttigieg: we are excited to be with you as we enter into the week that will lead to a historic moment on tuesday night at the new hampshire primary, with your help. [applause] >> thank you for your service mayor buttigieg -- your service! mayor buttigieg: thank you. i appreciate it. everyone knows what is at stake in new hampshire next week. if there is one thing i have learned from being on the ground in these early states that have such an important role, such a a decisivee scale in approach to making sure that we get on the right track not only for the nomination, but for the presidency and the country. host: more of the candidates' responses at florida. apopka, democrats line. caller: ok. regarding the impeachment vote, it is a foregone conclusion that republicans will exonerate, in a sense, president trump. ,owever, a few senators including joe mansion and a few others are talking about the possibility of also having a vote on censorship. is verye that important, and they hopefully will continue and go down that road. why? because even as the senator who said he believes that the democrats proved their case, but he didn't believe it came to impeachment -- i believe that was, what? host: senator lamar alexander that kind of comment. caller: yes, thank you. important?he boat so for posterity -- the vote so important? for posterity, for the future. if he did all of these wrong things, we cannot just let that stand for the future, her future presidents to believe they have the right to continue ignoring congress, etc. just as an aside, i do believe the democrats, in hindsight, made a mistake completely ignoring the mueller report. they should have included parts of it. i think what he was doing and saying was he drew a line for the senate to take action against the president if they wanted to, and they completely ignored that. the republicans were masterful in making the mueller report into a four letter word, and even democrats ignored it. publishing a 50 page resume of the mueller report and trying to get it out there. i hope c-span can give that some attention because i think that is not a dead deal. host: we've done plenty on the mueller report. it is still available on the website if you want to check it out, and the findings there. michigan on the independent line, ronald. hello. caller: good morning. my name is ronald justice. i just wanted to comment on trump's efforts as president. think and tellld wrongnd do things that is -- you know, when it is a little kid, we correct the kids. we should not have to be correcting a president to not have other countries interfere with our democracy. said, i thinkeing that impeachment should be be --t, and he should and our economy, he takes all the credit for being the top person for our economy. but that happens over 10, 20 year periods. under the bush administration's, we had problems. 9/11 was under his administration. got involvedhes with the war in iraq and iran. that caused problems for us. make bad mistakes that we have to pay for over a period of time. host: we will go to carl, republican line. seen,: the last polling i president trump was up around 50%. could you tell us what the polling says about congress? i think the last when i seen was about 9%. willnancy pelosi did probably bring them down in the negative territory. and you know, what really bothers me is they claim president trump was asking the president of ukraine to dig up dirt on his opponent. well, when hillary was running against him, she hired christopher steele to go to russia to dig up dirt on donald trump. but the media looked the other way. you never hear anything about it. how president trump is fighting the media and all those crazy democrats. [laughter] host: that's carlin west virginia. to the point when it comes to ask that's carl -- that's carl in west virginia. to the point when it comes to , president trump is at 49%. when it comes to the rating of congress, i don't have that. let's get to john from south carolina on the democrats line. caller: hello, sir. first of all, i want to tell you how much i appreciate c-span and the work you all do. i watched the entire state of the union address last night on c-span, so i couldn't be distracted by commentators' opinions. when i went through the entire speech, i was really impressed by all of the things i facts that a lot ofund the things he said were accurate and true. life,d democrat all my but now that i'm really disgusted with my fellow supporting trump this time and voting for trump. thank you, sir. host: since you watched the speech and did the research, what kind of facts from it did you gather as far as what is true or not? the most important thing was his actions with the , the lastairmen remaining. his action with the child from philadelphia who was given the innce for a good education spite of the deplorable state of the schools there. things like that. host: did you have a chance to check out matters of the economy the president was talking about and see if what he was saying matched up to statistics? don't know soi much about statistics, but everything i checked on the economy versus what he said matched up with facts. host: ok. we will go to john mcardle next. john: on fact checking, we pointed viewers earlier to, one of those websites that did plenty of fact checking last night. we talked before about the president's exaggerations on gdp and employment. here is another one of their fact checks come of this one having to do with the president's comments about a border wall. president trump boasted, "as we speak, a long, powerful wall is being built along the southern border. we have now completed over 100 miles." the administration has improved barriers along the border, but nearly all construction has been to replace existing barriers. .org, at the top of the page, they note that as of fiscal year 2015, there were 654 miles of primary barriers on the southern border, including 300 54 miles of primary pedestrian barriers, 300 miles of primary vehicle barriers. u.s. customs and border protection has 655 miles of --mary borders on the border primary barriers on the border. approximately one mile of new border wall has been built, according to that fact sheet. in addition to those primary barriers, customs and border patrol said the admin assertion has completed 10 miles of secondary barriers located behind the primary barriers. again, a different fact checking website, politifact, one of theirs had to do with a moment at the beginning of the president's address and what wasn't said. 2007 and that between 2018, every speaker has said something very close to the following when introducing the : "members of congress, ofave the distinct honor presenting the president of the united states." nancy pelosi not stating that when she introduced president trump. pelosi also-- didn't say those words during a previous state of the union, although president trump started his speech quickly before she could introduce him. but last night, nancy pelosi introduced president trump i only saying, "members of congress, the president of the united states." host: one of the other things with a president to medal of freedom ceremony conducted by the first lady, initiated by the president, over radio talkshow host rush limbaugh. [video clip] pres. trump: here tonight is a special man beloved by millions of americans who just received a stage four advanced cancer diagnosis. this is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet. you forbaugh, thank your decades of tireless devotion to our country. [applause] pres. trump: and rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and that you inspire, and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, i am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom. [cheers and applause] pres. trump: i will now ask the first lady of the united states to present you with the honor. please. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, rush! [cheers and applause] host: kurt lives in new jersey. independent line. caller: thank you. that medal of freedom, that is a perfect example of the freedom of speech. rush limbaugh. go figure. ,s far as watching last night that was the first republican president i voted for with donald trump. i voted democrat my entire life. i don't think 10 years ago i would have even heard a word he said. i would have shut him off. now i shut off shift. but the truth is, when she ripped up that speech, the two things that popped in my mind where she's never going to work with this man. watching this trial and everything becoming a parody, everything has turned into a ripping up the constitution. you know, she's got some practice ripping up stuff. other than that, it's sad to watch. i am prayerful, and it is hard hitting everybody -- and it is hard hating anybody. host: is it the responsibility of both parties to work together on issues? caller: absolutely, but it will not happen. that ripping of that speech was a perfect example. everybody not listening. it's just theatrics. that iowa poll is tough. they are setting us up for a bad election. host: ok. line from republican ohio. caller: yeah. the other guy is totally right. nancy ripping up the speech just goes to show you that it's impossible to get anything done anymore. i just think it's a direct nonpartisan. more partisane and get things done. host: do you think that both parties can reach up to each other? does the president have a responsibility to reach out in order to get things done? caller: i am hopeful, and i am thinking they should. more things could be done, but overall, the president did a good job. at least he is making an effort to keep things moving. but we have a lot of problems with the environment. we have a lot of problems with the oceans and pollution. the numbers go on and on. we need to get everybody together on everything. host: a previous caller said the president didn't mention climate change last night. do you think he should have? caller: he did a little bit. planting trees is good. but the oceans flooding -- we all have problems. we are all on this planet. we've all got to work together. not working together is not going to solve nothing. that's what i'm thinking. i was basically singing he did a good job. but he's got a long ways to go. but i'm disappointed at the democrats. that just goes to show you that you've got an uphill battle. i'm still rooting for him. i want him to do more and better, but i am disappointed at the democrats, the way their operating. some of the people, there should be some term limits, and some of those people should go because they get in there and they think they own the place, but they need to work together. host: he mentioned the president's statement about trees. , quoting up that story him saying, "i announced that the u.s. will join the one trillion trees initiative, and a bishop suffered to bring together government and private sector to bring -- initiative, an ambitious effort to bring together government and private new trees innt america and around the world." pedro. good morning, i just went to see a few words. what i want to talk about is that when clinton was in the , he had a surplus when he left the white house. bush comes in and spends the money. when obama was in the white house, he brought the country out of the ditch. took him eight years. and trump gets in there for three years and talks about what he's did. that's not fair. that's doggone crazy, the people that:. they don't know what they are talking about -- the people that call in. they don't know what they are talking about. host: if every president can take responsibility or claims about the economy, why not this president? caller: no, no. president -- did this president bring the country out of a ditch? did he? host: so when you hear the president talk about the current economic times, you don't think gets any credit for that? caller: look, for three years, yes. that's all. three years. host: ok. that is lewis in cleveland, ohio. back to matters of electoral politics and the 2020 race, we were talking about the caucuses. you saw the numbers that john mcardle and others have shared of what is coming in. 71% of those precincts reporting. 26.8% on top, followed by bernie sanders at 25.2%. it was bernie sanders in milford, new hampshire talking itut caucus process, where comes to following and watching long. [video clip] where we are is an unprecedented moment in history. i am proud to tell you that last night in iowa, we received more votes on the first and second round than any other candidate. applause]d sen. sanders: that is with 62% of the vote, and for some reason, in iowa, they are having a little bit of trouble counting votes. but i am confident that here in new hampshire, i know we will be able to counter votes on election night test account your votes on election night -- two count your votes on election night. and when they count your votes, i look forward to winning here in new hampshire. host: on the independent line, debbie. caller: i just went to address the whole ordeal people have with nancy pelosi ripping up the paper. i completely agree that it is not necessary, very childish. but i think the backlash is because trump has been able to do several childish things and disrespectful things, and people kind of accept it and not criticize him, and it is showing how to faced is being right now with her being childish or ripping a paper. like i said, i totally agree. very unprofessional. shouldn't have been done. but i think it shows how she is fed up. one of the callers before me showed how there is still so much work to do between both parties. but i just wanted to point that out, that she is doing childish things, and there's a lot of backlash, but our president has and it has kind of been excepted. ,ost: what do you think about even using last night as an example, about these parties having to work together on issues for the whole of the country? what do you thing it says about the ability to do that? caller: obviously, both parties are stuck on their own sides. aboutk we have to think it as a country, what we can do better as a country. offink trump obviously came with that with his address, but i feel like -- i don't agree with actions that he does. words. speak louder than his words have been very hurtful to some people, and actions sometimes -- like, i don't appreciate him not bringing up gun control. announcer: host: why do you think -- host: why do you think that is an important thing to mention? caller: earlier this week, there was a shooting. i agree to keep the second amendment, but we need some kind of regulation. that's one of the dangers that is happening in the country. he talked about religious freedom and the ability to pray and all of that, yet i am not sure when there is a shooting in south carolina in church -- i don't know, i just feel like he hasn't been speaking out as much as he could have on that. host: do you think it is a better issue left to states and the commonwealth of virginia, where they are having this debate right now? caller: i can see it being more of a state driven thing, but i wish he would speak out more about it. maybe supporting states to speak about and address these issues. but from his platform, he is the president. he needs to address what is happening in the country. host: go ahead. caller: that's all i had to say. host: debbie in falls church, virginia, calling on our independent line. again, people commenting on state of the union issues, issues of caucuses, and issues of other matters. we will go to john mcardle. john: always of interest on state of the union night is who the designated survivor is. that is the cabinet member who is picked to stay back from the speech in case of some catastrophic attack on the capitol. that person would be the one in line to lead the government in case of that attack. last night, the designated survivor was interior secretary david bernhardt. he has served in president trump's cabinet since april. he is eights in line of presidential succession. energy secretary rick perry, who served as designated survivor last year, and agriculture sector harry -- agriculture secretary sonny perdue previously. he gave some clues that he would be the designated survivor. this was his tweet yesterday, saying that he was looking forward to "hearing president trump deliver the state of the union." maybe not seeing in person, but hearing. david bernhardt not the only designated survivor in the room last night. a former designated survivor was in the room as well, congers woman donna shalala from florida. she was these designated wasivor in 1996 when she health and human services secretary under former president bill clinton. she said it was fun when she was designated survivor. she said she sat in the president's chair and bought pizza for her staff. host: john mcardle giving us information. we will talk about the state of the union, the iowa caucuses, and the impeachment vote sent to take place later today. if you want to call in this final hour of the program on these topics, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8000 for ,emocrats, an independents (202) 748-8002. you can text us at (202) 748-8003. we have been showing numbers when it comes to the iowa caucus count. earlier this morning, we had a talk with aaron murphy of lee enterprises. he talked about the status of the information and what is being counted, and what it means for the iowa caucus. [video clip] >> the iowa caucus. they are up to 71%. we have not been given the exact details yet. the general feeling is we will get the rest of the results sometime today. hopefully by the end of the day we finally know for sure and have the complete picture of who one in iowa. host: walk us through the process of the numbers. are they verified, each number as they come in, or are they accepting them as already verified when it comes to establishing a total? caller: they are verifying each number, each report from each precinct as they get them. the national democratic party has gotten involved now as well to also make sure that these numbers are accurate. the campaigns are watching these closely and verifying that these numbers match closely with what they have. that is what is unique about the caucus other than an election. the campaigns, especially the bigger ones, have staffs at all of the precincts on caucus night and are making notes and keeping track of how many people each candidate had at first alignment . how many delicate equivalents they have at the end of the day. equivalents they have at the end of the day. 71% in and pete buttigieg on top of that explain he isu see that and why on top, do you think? we went into monday night, most people would tell you they felt it was wide open and any of the four had a shot at winning. bernie sanders most people thought was the favorite. he seemed to have some momentum in the polling and competed here four years ago and did well will set finished second to hillary clinton by historically short margins. he was a known quantity here. pete buttigieg, according to the results so far, it appears that he really maximized on the attention he was getting. he was drawing big crowds here. he had invested in that ground game in iowa. he had a good campaign operation here. they made a focus to go statewide as much as, if not more than, any other candidate in this race. he didn't just focus on the big cities in iowa. as big of cities as we have, anyway. he went through all areas of the areas,focused on rural went to eastern iowa that swung to president trump in the last election and tried to win over people there. if pete buttigieg holds onto the lead i think it will be in large part because of the scope of his statewide operation and efforts in iowa. host: how much of an advantage did mr. buttigieg have with most of the senators in washington being in d.c. d.c. for the impeachment? caller: talk to people about that. you got mixed results. some of the experts, caucus campaign veterans, did not think that that was as big of a deal. at that point in the race -- i mentioned the campaign organizations -- those people are already doing the work, knocking on the doors, working on the turnout machine. maybe for those senators not being able to be on the campaign trail the last week or so was not a huge deal. that said, people would say on candidatehand, as a you would rather be in iowa than not. it maybe didn't help. i don't know that that was the difference. i don't know if that is why pete buttigieg appears to have edged past bernie sanders. host: if bernie sanders does not you think his do supporters will say for the troubles this tabulation has had and if there is any connection between the two? you will hear that. there will be some conspiracy theories, especially on social media. like i said before, what is thereant to remember is is different sets of data coming out of these precincts from the first alignment to the final state delegate equivalents. not only does the state party have this data, but the campaigns do, too. if the numbers are off in any way at all the bernie sanders campaign will let you know about that. if we are hearing something directly from the bernie sanders campaign maybe there is something worth looking into, but if the senders campaign is oul they may say we did not finish with the most state delegate equivalents but we had the most at first alignment before the reshuffle. that is fair for them to make and they may do that. that is different than saying that the results have been corrupted or we were robbed, which is some of the things you may hear on social media. the: erin murphy, what is possibility that iowa walks away from a caucus system? caller: the possibility that iowa walks away is next to none. the possibility that iowa is forced out of a caucus system absolutely exists. that is the story that i wrote this morning, if folks would like to go to the quad city times website, i talked to a lot of i would democrats who were worried about that. of the nation caucus is attacked in a normal year for various reasons. this is only going to add fuel to that fire. there are a lot of iowa democrats and republicans who want to stay first in the nation who worry that this results reporting incident is going to hurt that and maybe be the final straw that gets people at the national level to force iowa out of that first spot. that will be an interesting discussion that i am sure will take place in the coming months and years after this nomination is settled. host: adding that he was glad to see pete buttigieg prevail in iowa that he is the antidote to the venom infecting washington, d.c. this is mary off of twitter saying that bernie sanders got more votes than anyone in the first and second round. for the partial votes pete buttigieg has a slight lead. 5:38 this morning, you heard our guest on the phone interview talk about saying that when it comes to bernie sanders he was leading in the two popular vote counts. three points higher than the runner-up. the final realignment vote after support of the candidates who did not meet the viability threshold of 15%, sanders had 26% and a one point lead on buttigieg. luta cherish has 20% state hasgate percentages, --0 20% state delegate percentage. you can talk about results as they are coming in of the iowa caucus, and the impeachment vote later today, state of the union, all of that is up for discussion in the final hour. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 free democrats. for independents, (202) 748-8002 . washington state, republican line. caller: just a quick comment about three topics. as far as the caucus i was shocked at the results. upon thinking about it, buttigieg is not quite the old white man that the others are portraying. he is very gentle in his speech and i am good with that. i am a true republican though as far as the impeachment. i will be glad when they vote and it is in the past. schiff to see what adam plays out for the next five years, because i'm sure trump will be reelected. the state of the union last personally think the democrats were well behaved compared to last year. i saw many of them clapping. i think they were in control. as far as nancy pelosi, she is what she is. everyone can see how she is. she pretty much looked like a petrified mummy to me as far as her ripping up the president's state of the union address speech. i don't think that republicans could have had a final shot than that on tv. host: massachusetts is next, norman on the independent line. caller: my heart is broken for our country and what we are going through. i don't understand why the highest office of president has term limits but senators and congressmen don't. i think that is the main problem and i don't think we will ever come to agreement on issues. if we were to put president trump out of office and put vice president pence in, would he be treated any differently? notve to say no, he would be treated differently. my heart is broken nancy pelosi ripped up the papers. i thought that was professional immaturity on her part. you are the speaker of the house, rise above things. that is the reason term limits are needed. until we make a constitutional change for senators and congressmen to get term limits like our president is always going to be that way. that is the sad state of affairs in our country. host: conrad, democrats line. number let me hit lie one. this president said we had the greatest economy in the last 50 years. when bill clinton left the office we had surpluses and low unemployment. do you hear that? surpluses and low unemployment. for him to say we have the greatest economy in the last 50 years is more bs. secondly -- host: are you there? caller: obama delivered his first state of the address and wilson from south carolina yelled out "you lie." that was perhaps the most disrespectful thing that ever happened to a president. nancy pelosi ripped up a speech she said was full of lies at the end of his speech, at the end of the speech. finally, these republican saying the democrats show hate towards trump, let me tell you something. for eight years all of the republican party did was show hate towards barack obama. it wasn't anything towards his policies, it was his skin color. they want to hide behind words like he is a socialist. that is complete nonsense. the content the republican party had towards barack obama was his race, everything else bar none. host: jerry, springfield, ohio, republican line. caller: i've been hearing a lot of this stuff coming. everybody, everybody that i know are getting sick and tired of this constant beating on this president. i don't understand it. it started before he even won. it never stopped. this is not what our constitution expected, what we expect from our constitution and this country. every time you turn this tv on, it is liberal media beating this man. beating down everything he tried do. he fought back. it is amazing what he has gotten done considering the pressure to stop. they have been trying to get him to step down, and it has not happened. now they want to take away our vote from 2016 and steal 2020. at the end of this thing last night, which was something to bring our country together with, she tears up that speech, which did have along to her. that speech belongs to the american people and she was in the people's house. she had no business tearing up that speech. we will go back to john mcardle. john: i want to go over how the end game will play out on impeachment when the senate reconvenes. the senate comes back at 9:30 attern, but don't convene the court of impeachment for impeachment-related matters until 4:00 p.m. eastern. in the time in between we are expecting senators to take the floor of the senate this morning and early afternoon to continue 10-minute speeches that they have been making about impeachment. many of them announcing how they will vote on the two articles of impeachment. it will be separate votes on each article of impeachment: abuse and obstruction of justice. senators will stand and say guilty or not guilty. convict andvotes to remove president trump from office. there is no expectation today that democrats will achieve that two thirds majority. from "the whip count washington post" has 40 eight republicans announced they will vote against both articles of impeachment. fornumbers are not there democrats for impeachment and removal. as politico now is, notes, there will be members of either party who will break ranks when it comes to impeachment. whether democrats can get a bipartisan reproach of the president or trump will be able to declare bipartisan acquittal. politicoe report -- pointing to five members to watch including susan collins and mitt romney. printed before susan collins announced she would be voting against both articles of impeachment. on the democratic side to see if any will vote to acquit the president. of west virginia, of arizona.nema a lot on those three democrats and where they will fall. we are expecting to hear more from doug jones and the 10:00 or m notes he as has come to a tentative decision where he will fall on a decision and is expected to announce that when he takes the floor of the senate to make his announcement on the impeachment in the 10:00 to 11:00 hour eastern. news notingech, fox that chuck schumer, the minority leader in the senate, will have one of the last speaking spots before the senate convenes for the court of impeachment saying he will take the floor at 3:30 p.m. eastern time. all of this playing out on the floor of the senate. all of it you can watch on c-span2. host: independent line. caller: hey there. i'm taking you off of speaker phone. i'm so happy to have this talk. i think with regards strictly to the impeachment debacle, my favorite term is i have watched 92% 93% of everything since the get go. i feel strongly about this. chance.nkful for the i'm a 20-your viewer of c-span. i think that americans on both sides of the aisle have been sold a bill of goods manufactured by the same neoliberals world bank oligarchs that pulled up the february 2014 oup against ukraine's democratically elected president while russia was hosting its sochi olympics. that context was excluded. isis the reason that putin in eastern ukraine in response to our shenanigans. host: how does that directly relate to impeachment? caller: if we care about the en's, romney's advisor, john bolton, whoever, we need to look at that context. the imf is in there. it is easily learned about if you do research. host: why do you think the house managers did not mention it? caller: the house managers, i know everything they did mention the propaganda terms like russian aggression and hot war, if you do a little search you can see -- i'm stumbling for disingenuous. they did not provide us a true picture. they wanted us to believe ukrainians were dying every week , when in actuality you can see that the aide has lagged time. host: victoria in oregon. is a lot ofthere outrage about pelosi tearing up the speech. she said it was a manifesto of misinformation. i really believe there were a lot of outright lies. for instance, protecting pre-existing conditions. the trump administration is in court as we speak trying to unravel all of the projections act, realordable care wage growth when you adjust for inflation is not significant at all. most of the wage increases have come from states with the democrats who have raised the minimum wage or negotiated by unions, which trump is trying to bust. there is a lot of misinformation spewed, and we are going to continue to hear that because the guy started long before he was elected. he lied about the women -- host: information you presented, where did you get that? an -- pullitifat a and fact it is something that is fairly objective. -- bowie,, maryland maryland republican line. caller: i don't like the media commentary coming in. it is great that c-span is there. i thought the state of the union, first of all trump was amazing. i love the fact that everything he promised and more -- he has done more than we ever thought possible. i'm very happy with this president. i thought the democrats made fools of themselves. fools of -- utter themselves. even if you disagree with trump what he said about some of the issues, there were some things that everyone should have agreed on. who has all, anyone cancer, possibly having the fight of their life and may not be here longer, everyone should have been able to stand for that. did stand democrats for topics like criminal justice reform and family leave acts. some.: don't you think when they are saying some, i watched. you see four or five people standing up. it should have been overwhelming, especially for the family leave act. when you think about prayer and religious freedom it should have been overwhelming. no matter who you pray to, i am a christian, everyone should say yes. that is why people came to america, for religious freedom to worship freely. that is something we all should have stood for. late term abortion, that is something everyone should have stood for. no one wants to see children who are perfectly viable be slaughtered. there were things everyone should have gotten off of their tor in to stand -- rear ends stand for. i love the fact that you scan the audience. c-span did a good job looking at people's faces. people sitting there stoic with arms folded, they made themselves look like fools. host: the full state of the union is available at . we will go to cape charles, virginia. independent line. you are on, go ahead. caller: i just want to say this. as far as our government goes, it is a bunch of kindergartners. he said this, she said this, he did this, they did that. maturear-old is more than some of these people that we elected to the government. that is not what our constitution is about. they have to do what is best for the people. not what is best for donald trump, not what is best for nancy pelosi. he said she said does not work. if they cannot play together get outhen they need to of office. these people are looking over what we do. they are protecting us. if they cannot get along, then they need to go. host: vicki is in florida, democrats line. caller: i am calling because i watched the speech last night, if you want to call it a speech. because -- of, course i am not black. i am a 60-year-old suburban white female. ours outraged because president was pandering to the african-american community. he took the time to point out people in the audience that were important african-americans. the person who really should have gotten the prestigious medal of freedom award was the tuskegee airmen that he took the time to recognize. and then after that gave the highest honor to what i would homophobicst, , fox-lovinging american. he really is just an example of what i would call state run tv and a megaphone for fox news. he is one of the most polarizing figures in our country. host: have you listened to mr. limbaugh? caller: i listened when he first came on the air 30 years ago, and 30 years ago i thought it was despicable that anybody with any kind of sense, a brain, or compassion would listen to what he had to say. and people fox news like rush limbaugh, they prey on people who are not educated. if you remember during one of trump's speeches during campaigning he was on the podium and said "i love uneducated people." airmen, whyskegee do you characterize it as pandering? caller: because he had a few people in the audience who were african-americans, and he knows that his poll numbers are desperately low for african-americans. i found he was pandering. it was just for political circus. if i were that tuskegee airmen i passedeel as though he me over for someone who didn't deserve it. floridaat is vicki in giving thoughts to the events of last night during the state of the union speech. many of those events taking place in the gallery, which we have shown you during the course of the day. many of those events taking place on the floor where the president would speak on many topics. you can go to if you want to find out more information and see this speech for yourself, it is still there to watch at one of the topics discussed was that of immigration. [video clip] >> a better tomorrow for all americans requires us to keep america safe. that means supporting the men and women of law enforcement at every level including our iceon's heroic officers. [applause] last year our brave ice officers arrested more than 120,000 criminal aliens charged with nearly 10,000 burglaries, 5000 sexual assaults, 40 5000 violent assaults, and 2000 murders. tragically, there are many cities in america where radical politicians had chosen to provide sanctuary for these criminal, illegal aliens. , localtuary cities officials ordered police to release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public instead of handing them over to ice to be safely removed. just 29 days ago a criminal alien freed by the sanctuary city of new york was charged with brutal rapes and murder of a 92-year-old woman. the killer had been previously arrested for assault, but under new york sanctuary policy he was set free. ice's city had honored detainer request, his victim would still be alive today. host: on our republican line from oregon we will hear from robert. caller: good morning, pedro. thank you for c-span. don't be quick on the button, pedro. personally, both parties are to blame. there are a couple of callers complaining that it is like two-year-olds fighting and no one can separate them. i am tired of the constant beating on this president. granted his record is not as good as it should be compared to previous presidents. a new wall is a new wall. we are replacing torn up walls that were a problem. --regards to the immigration it is a place i think needs to be addressed. democrats say the pillars of the constitution, the sanctuary cities are an issue. you may not like it but it is an issue. a law is a law. if you do not like it, change it. since 1984 when reagan granted amnesty and promised we are going to fix this issue, both parties have avoided it. it is a huge problem in this country. the democrats and republicans sit on their ha thatn they dod -- handsto addresss that they don't want to address it. this man, when he first got into office, granted i get that you don't like him, but the inspector's report, both of them, said about the fbi, what was done, with the steel report and the democratic party was wrong. host: kentucky, independent line. caller: i was calling on the independent line. i am independent, but my family meets every year for the president's state of the union address. -- there weref us 37 of us last night, a mixture of independent, democrats, and republicans. we don't argue politics, we vote for who we think is best. by the time it was over when nancy pelosi tore up the president's speech on national television the leader of the democratic party, my whole complete family when they left are throwing the vote for the main election republican. they were all outraged that a leader of a party would do that on national television. host: they are doing that based on the one action from last night? caller: that is absolutely correct. she has no respect. i am watching television with the volume turned down, she is tearing it up now. yes they are. that attitude, there is no way of getting around along with that person, or that person going along with what the president is doing. regardless of the president is democrat or republican, everybody in this country, if you are an american, should want the president to do well simply because of the fact that we are all americans, we are all one, he is our leader. if he does well, our nation does well, and so do we. host: we have a little less than a half-hour to go to get your comments on several topics. a lot of you have been talking about the state of the union and addressing the activities of last night. many of you have talked about the final votes on impeachment. many of you talked about the iowa caucus. tweet us, text us, and you can call us. (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. independents, (202) 748-8002. john: with so many colors focused on the moment that nancy pelosi tore up the president's speech at the end of the state of the union i want to show response from the members of congress to that moment starting with nancy pelosi being asked about it as she was leaving the state of the union. one of the cbs news reporters caught her in statuary hall. here is a little of what she was able to respond to. [video clip] >> why did you rip the speech up, madam speaker? john: that was nancy pelosi in statuary hall. the speaker putting out a statement about the speech. in part she said "the manifesto of mistruths represented in page after page of the address should be a call to action to everyone who respects truth from the president and policy worthy of his office and the american people. integrity and respect for the aspirations of their children. americans were uplifted by positive message and the vision of progress for all communicated by the democratic response given by gretchen whitmire. escobar from texas gave the spanish version response. nancy pelosi goes on, in the election democrats ran and won on a pledge for lower health care clean up corruption and we will be relentless in our pursuit for progress for hard-working families across america. that is part of nancy pelosi statement. here is some of the response starting with republican responses. this is congressman steve scalise, the republican from louisiana, saying it is a new low for nancy pelosi. she ripped up president trump's state of the union for national tv. this speech was about american heroes and workers. she decided that was worth literally tearing apart. absolutely disgraceful. mark meadows saying he loved what lindsey graham had to say. nancy pelosi can tear up the speech, but she can't tear up the accomplishments. one more from the democrat from new mexico saying that if you are mad about a torn piece of paper, you should be furious about president trump ripping up snap benefits for hungry families. some of the response to the democratsping, expressing their displeasure for the president in other ways, including several who boycotted the state of the union. at least 10 democratic members of congress, including aoc.esswoman r cossey o were democratic members who simply walked out of the speech last night. here are tweets from a few of them as they were walking out. congresswoman rashida to leave from michigan saying i walked out of that speech for the lies, bigotry, and shameless bragging on taking away food stamps that people depend on to live. it was beneath the dignity of the office he occupies. shame on the forever impeached president. saying i just walked out of the state of the union. it is like watching professional wrestling. it is all fake. one more from new jersey, noting that he walked out of the state of the union. i can't stand a liar, he tweeted . this man's presidency is a national tragedy. one more tweet in response to those democratic members who boycotted last night. this from former south carolina governor and former u.n. ambassador nikki haley. nikki haley saying alexandria oh cossey or taz and those who boycotted the state of the union, your job is not to just do the things you like, it is to represent all people. listening to the president is your job. maybe someone else should step in who is willing to do that job that you are not. host: here is a little more of what she had to say. john: >> it does -- [video clip] >> it doesn't matter what the president says about the stock market. millions of people struggle to get by or don't have enough money at the end of the month after paying for prescription drugs. american workers are hurting. wisconsin,rs in ohio, pennsylvania, all over the country, we have stagnated while ceo pay has skyrocketed. when the president says the economy is strong, my question is, strong for whom? strong for the wealthy who are reaping rewards from tax cuts they don't need? the american economy needs to be a different kind of strong will stop strong for the science teacher spending her own money to buy supplies for her classroom. strong for the single mom picking up extra hours so that she can afford her daughter's soccer cleats. strong for the small business owner who has to make payroll at the end of the month. michigan invented the middle class. we know that if the economy does not work for working people it doesn't work. ,ho fights for working hard-working americans? democrats do. in the u.s. house speaker pelosi and democrats passed a landmark bill on equal pay. another bill for having 30 million americans wage by -- a raise by increasing minimum wage. and the power to negotiate lower drug prices for america's seniors and families. than three bills and more 370 five other bipartisan bills on mitchring dust mcconnell's desk. senator mcconnell, america needs you to move those bills. host: we will hear from michael in colonial heights, virginia, democrats line. caller: i would like to say c-span, i really haven't watched c-span tremendously through the year but since the mess started with the impeachment, just to get a straight factual coverage and not listen to the people in the background from the news networks, i want to thank c-span. it's a wonderful network to get an un-skewed side. my family and myself have been lives.ative all our i have respect for speaker pelosi. listening to everyone talk about the speech i believe that was her looking at the front row of in democrats who represented the house of representatives. i think she is having huge thoughts about how she allowed adam schiff and some of the members to talk her into going down the impeachment road. i don't think speaker pelosi wanted to do this. i think she knew what the blowback would be most out i think she is realizing she is correct. this is really going to take a huge hit against us in the upcoming election. i am a conservative democrat. the president did not bring up impeachment. it was a wise decision. i think we are being outfoxed. if we aren't careful we may lose the house. i hope that citizens understand that the country is torn apart now will stop the divisiveness and actions that our leaders show from now until november will have a huge impact on the upcoming elections. paragon,will go to indiana, the republican line. caller: i just want to say thank giving everyone the opportunity, regardless of their race or party or whatever. i am a republican. i think that the president delivered one of the best speeches to date as far as acting in a manner that the president would. it seems no matter what this guy does everyone has something bad to say about him. they try to undo everything he does. the good things he does they want to take credit for. the bad things he does they post it and try to over exaggerate it. . pelosi, she says as bad as the president acts in front of people and stuff, that right there is a representation that all americans -- that is who we are. we believe in saying how we feel, what we think. all americans are very opinionated. that is our country. we have freedom of speech. as far as the impeachments and all that, i think the democrats were counting on getting everyone to rally behind them and get this president out of office before time to go into our elections. when that did not happen it seems there is a bunch of sour grapes and sore losers. everything they have tried to bring this president down. one thing he did say when he was first running for election that he is a winner. everything he has done that they have tried to make him fail at .e has won host: independent line. caller: thanks, c-span, for letting me on the air. don't cut me off. thoughts, but listening to your previous color i want to address them real quick. we keep talking about pelosi ripping up the speech. i saw the president of the united states refused to shake her hand at the start of the state of the union address. he condition it but he can't take it. on impeachment the word corrupt never came up, was not in the transcript. witho not fight corruption an unindicted personal lawyer to be your point person. i have never seen an unindicted person go to the doj, but that's a different story. on impeachment, even though etc. etc., i don't think he should be removed. i think it comes down to voting and people need to be factual. you mentioned steve scalise. that guy said he is david duke. that is what happens when you are informed. host: the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, he was one of those before cameras making the arguments leading up to the impeachment vote expected today. here is a bit from that presentation. [video clip] >> the impeachment power exists for a reason. whiming it on a partisan oldettle three-year-o framers' design. frankly, it's hard to believe that house democrats ever thought this reckless unprecedented break and process would yield 67 votes to cross the rubicon. clouded? vision so they really believed this would be anywhere near enough for the first presidential removal in american history? ide thesuccess bes point? was this an effort to hijack our institutions for a month-long political rally? either way, mr. president, the demon affection has been on -- onon of faction has been full display. it is time for him, the demon to exit. grave abuseessed a of power that the founders warned us about. whatrow the senate must do we were created to do. we have done our duty. we have considered all the arguments. "mountain"died the of evidence. tomorrow we will vote. reject thee to house's abuse of power, vote to protect our institutions, vote against new presidencies to 'educe the founders doe designed to rubble. the evidence of the constitution and the common good clearly require a vote to acquit the president of these charges. carolinam south democrats line, joe said. hello. caller: hello. i am 87 years old and i have never in my life seen such trash that is going on. democrat for all these years. , i have changed my status to republican. i will be voting for trump. if anybody needs to be impeached it is peloso. host: jasper, georgia. caller: i have a comment about nancy pelosi. she needs to be removed from her job. she seems to be the one keeping the democrats fired up. she was so disrespectful, not just to the president but our country. and to the ones recognized, especially the 101-year-old man. she can say she has love in her heart. you can see she has hate in her heart. she is a mean-spirited person who does not need to be in the job position she is in. was turnednt's head hand to stuck out her shake hands. he didn't even shake hands with the vice president. she can't work with the president and others, she needs to leave her job. host: a little less than 15 minutes before the end of the program. ihn: before our program ends, want to let viewers know where we are the latest out of the iowa caucus results. 71% reporting. that number has not changed so far, which means that mayor pete 28 .6%.e lead with bernie sanders, second-place 25.2%. elizabeth warren 18.4%. joe biden 15.4%. we are waiting for 29% of precincts to come in. if you want to look at new hampshire and the latest polling out of new hampshire coming post-iowa, this from the boston globe in the last two days has bernie sanders in the lead in the first in the nation primary with 24%. mayor pete at 15%. joe biden at 15%. elizabeth warren at 10%. speaking of the boston globe, an killedting editorial, the tradition. new hampshire and i was should not vote first. the boston globe calling for the end of the first in the nation caucus in iowa and first of the nation primary in new hampshire. this is how the editorial board saying withitorial each passing election the privilege becomes harder to defend. the vote counting snafu in iowa seems to have released years of pent up frustration about a system unfair to americans in the 48 other states and continues to distort american politics. new england loves its traditions and many of them ought to be preserved, but new hampshire sees the role of the first of the nation primary much has changed. the democratic makeup of the nation has changed. the way we nominate presidents needs to change with it. is where you can go for that. one more tweet on the 2020 elections and democratic primary " the"the new york times, scoop in the wake of the iowa debacle. mike bloomberg has doubled ad spending from 1200 points to 2400 points in the targeted media markets. mike bloomberg looking to make his play on super tuesday. look for more mike bloomberg ads in those states. host: dale in birmingham, alabama. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i called to say that i am a democrat. president trump smirked and turned away from nancy pelosi, the other caller said he did not see her hand. he clearly saw her hand. everyone is jumping on her for tearing up the speech which had so many lies in it will stop everyone needs to go back to their corner and realized there is a greater power than trump. when this is all over i think we are going to be real sad. it is amazing how sad this country has turned to that. i am a democrat, but i love republican people. integrityebody with showing how this country should be led. the republicans already know how president trump has been lying to us, but they are willing to th andy their fai everything to go along with wrongdoing. host: south carolina republican line. caller: trump has done a great job. how all of our troops are going to be coming home from the middle east, the economy and stock market are doing good. everything this man has done. he is working for free. he is not even getting paid to be the president. as far as democrats go, i will never vote for a democrat in my life ever again. i am voting republican down the line. i voted for trump last time he voted and i'm voting for him again. this whole thing is a witch and democrats are making themselves look horrible. what nancy pelosi did last night was a joke. host: lee, hello. caller: thank you for answering my call. i would like to say this. i don't understand the people on the republican side who say trump is doing so much. i haven't seen anything trump has done except for lie. what is so terrible about it is everything he said is a live. he has not done anything from the first lie that he said that mexico will build the wall, this, that, and the other. everything he has said he is going to do he doesn't do. how much do they need to open their eyes up? what, -- independent line. you are on. caller: thank you. the reason i decided to call is i have a problem with the democrats and the republicans. it appears to me that there is no truth anywhere. when i'm listening to them everyone wants to skew everything in terms of their point of view. no one is saying with the truth is. as far as the democrats go, i think that there are issues in terms of supporting the people. i am hearing that. supporting their ideas. birth as farnst as children being allowed to be born. as far as theg it rights of the mothers. i am against that. i think children should be born. republicans, i don't think they have any heart either even though they support right to life. terms ofa hardness in children coming from other countries or people from other countries and there is no issue. host: we will leave it there. let's go to kathy, republican line. caller: i just wanted to make a point. -- didsident did snowde snub nancy pelosi when she reached for his hand to shake it. that forwould show sure. i believe democrats and republicans should be voting today with what is best for the american people, not standing within party lines. haveof what the democrats done, even if they failed, some of them did that to the detriment of actually their didming elections but what they felt was best for the american people. that will be forever seen that they did that. if you look at the history of president trump, most of the people online with him are getting arrested and going to jail. you are aligning yourself with someone who can do you harm. host: marcel in maryland, democrats line. caller: besides the fact that statepelosi ripped up the of the union police, it is not absolutely good. it doesn't speak well. the president initially refused to greet her. he started on a bad note. there is no reason for nancy pelosi to do that other than all of the differences they have had since the start of the administration. host: vice president mike pence with the venezuelan opposition leader juan guaido at the capital this morning. the president highlighting the venezuelan opposition leader last night. tony is in santa fe. independent line. caller: how are you doing? host: fine, thanks. iller: as far as impeachment could write articles of impeachment for 85 percent of every single constitutional officer in washington, d.c., to include roberts under his citizen united which basically usurped and disenfranchised every american citizen in this country and made them 3/5 of a person. host: what you think about the articles of impeachment laid against the president specifically? caller: i don't think they are strong enough. the first article, as i suggested on an earlier segment of your program -- host: have you called in today already? caller: no, months ago. host: go ahead. he has done to allow more poison to be put in our air, water, food supply. orders,is i specific speak to those specifically. caller: abuse of power, deregulating the epa. host: eric is in rockford, illinois. we are running a little short on time so jump right in. caller: all you have to do if you want the president removed is make sure that you get out and vote on december 3. is november. let's go to charlene in california. caller: i agree. get out and vote. trump should have been impeached from the beginning when he called out for the public, and everyone heard him, to ask for four and assistance in the election, the initial election. system, it this, the needs to be completely revamped. it is completely opposite the civil rights movement. iowa. know who won, that's not right. african-americans will not be able to bail you out every time. you: if you go to c-span2 can see senators making their final statements when it comes to the impeachment vote. doug downs from alabama is expected to speak now. you can follow along on c-span,, and our radio app. the vote on impeachment expected it work log this afternoon. if you want to see the state of the union from last night you can do so on that is it for our program. another addition of "washington journal" comes your way 7:00 tomorrow morning. the house of representatives just about to come in for their daily activity. ommepurposessl prohited t uhoe of the spkeo tempre: th uswill bein o the c lay bore thuse a com speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., february 5, 2020. i hereby appoint the honorable henry cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2020, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties. with time equally allocated between parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes. but in no event shall debate continueon

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