Courtesy of HBO;LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX;Brooke Palmer/CBS; CURTIS BONDS BAKER/NETFLIX; Courtesy of FX; Ben Blackall/HBO Max; Courtesy of Netflix THR’s TV critics break down a sleepy small-screen season that still offered treasures — including Omar Sy, Fran Lebowitz, 'It's a Sin,' 'The Lady and the Dale' and 'The Great North' — for those willing to seek them out. INKOO KANG: It's been nearly a year since the first COVID lockdowns went into effect — and with them, the mass shrinkages in the entertainment industry. Winter 2021 saw Sundance go online, awards-season content migrate to various tech platforms and new TV offerings greatly diminished by corona-related production struggles. Unsurprisingly, then, the state of television, compared to, say, a year ago, feels anemic. That doesn't mean that Winter TV — roughly defined here as last year's holiday season to now-ish — completely lacked for buzzy programming. The period soap