Key Takeaways: Discounting or couponing is not the most effective way to tap the power of retargeting in online marketing. Customized seller recommendations may be more powerful than discounting. Seller auctions that allow marketers to self-select in the retargeting process improve cost efficiency. CATONSVILLE, MD, April 1, 2021 - Online marketers have seen the pattern: 95%-98% of online visitors search for something, but the search never converts into a purchase and they leave the site without buying. For marketers, this results in speculation and assumptions that can lead to wasted time and investments in ineffective marketing programs. One of the more common ways online marketers attempt to solve this problem is to "retarget," which tracks those consumers and reconnects with them at a later point by showing display ads when they browse other websites. You've probably noticed this when using Google Search to find something, such as a pair of shoes, and then later when you're reading a separate news site, you're exposed to a number of display ads centered on that very thing you were searching for earlier.