Congratulations to the Police Commissioner on his Official Appointment Congratulations to the Police Commissioner on his Official Appointment Friday, 08 January 2021 00:00 Written by David Allard (0 votes) The recent appointment of Acting Commissioner of Police Mr. Edvin Martin to the rank of full-fledged Commissioner of Police or Chief of Police comes as no great surprise to the Grenadian people, since from the day he started sitting in the big chair, Grenadians generally felt a lot safer. Last week’s official appointment therefore was inevitable, since he has proven to be the best man for the job at this time. Certainly, it is not the easiest of times to be sitting in this position, but what makes it even more interested is his ability to show that even in this tough and testing period, he can stand and be proven by his proactive and innovative ability to properly manage and lead the best team of fine men and women of the Royal Grenada Police Force, one of the best in the region.