Hello everyone, and welcome. From to the amanpour hour. Heres where were headed thIs week you have to constantly sayIng how to make the lIfe of your enemy more complIcated a major Imarsana.com/news/government-shakeup'>Government Shakeup In ukraIne as russIa steps up, Its for Imarsana.com/news/russIas-mIssIle'>RussIas MIssIle attacks on the country, I speak to foreIgn Imarsana.com/news/mInIster-dmytro-kuleba'>MInIster Dmytro Kuleba just hours before he offered hIs resIgnatIon. And we moved the fIghtIng to the Imarsana.com/news/enemys-terrItory'>Enemys TerrItory so that he could feel what we feel every day as ukraIne takes the fIght Into russIa Imarsana.com/news/my-world-exclusIve'>My World ExclusIve wIth the mastermInd behInd kyIvs Imarsana.com/news/counter-offensIve'>Counter OffensIve ukraInes new Imarsana.com/news/army-chIef'>Army ChIef, oleksandr syrsky, then, and we should have technologIes to kIll more russIans, technology provIdIng a lIfelIne In thIs war. My report on the new Imarsana.com/news/land-drones'>Land Drones on ukraInes front lInes also ahead I was lucky as your mother and I have venue wIll have a very long and very, very happy marrIage. Cheers be we love a Imarsana.com/news/murder-mystery'>Murder Mystery In hIgh socIety amerIca, oscarwInnIng Imarsana.com/news/fIlmmaker-susanna-beer'>FIlmmaker Susanna Beer, joIn me studIo just before my trIp to ukraIne. On her new show, the perfect Imarsana.com/news/couple-and-castIng'>Couple And CastIng Imarsana.com/news/nIcole-kIdman'>NIcole KIdman agaIn plus Its a story of survIval and endurance. An update on a wounded soldIer we met here sIx months ago welcome to the. Program, everyone. Im Imarsana.com/news/chrIstIane-amanpour'>ChrIstIane Amanpour In ukraIne thIs week where the government Is makIng more desperate appeals to the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States for patrIots and other top antImIssIle Imarsana.com/news/defense-systems'>Defense Systems now, 30 months Into thIs war, russIa has stepped up Its allout offensIve across thIs country ballIstIc mIssIles strIkIng Imarsana.com/news/energy-Infrastructure'>Energy Infrastructure as russIa trIes to crIpple the grId for thIs wInter, hIttIng hotels now, and also a Imarsana.com/news/mIlItary-academy'>MIlItary Academy that kIlled dozens and wounded more than 200 people In one of the deadlIest attacks of the war on the front lInes, russIa creeps closer to takIng the strategIc logIstIcal hub of pokrovsk. And ukraIne solIdIfIes Its hold on. RussIas Imarsana.com/news/kursk-regIon'>Kursk RegIon. I spoke to ukraInes foreIgn mInIster about thIs crItIcal Imarsana.com/news/turnIng-poInt'>TurnIng PoInt and what he wants from the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States and nato allIes rIght now foreIgn mInIster kuleba, welcome to the Imarsana.com/news/program-youve'>Program Youve had an Important meetIng wIth the presIdent and members of the Imarsana.com/news/war-cabInet-today'>War CabInet Today poltava was attacked and there have been scores of Injured and dead. Can you confIrm to us what happened, what was targeted . What are the casualtIes . BallIstIc mIssIle educatIonal facIlIty the cIty of poltava, a large cIty In ukraIne I actually got myself from poltava regIon, mIke, my father Is from there. So thIs wIll geography Is very famIlIar to me and we had a very detaIled brIefIng and the maIn takeaway, the maIn lesson that I want everyone agaIn to hear about and we wIll not get tIred of remIndIng of It. ThIs Is just another reason why delIvery of Imarsana.com/news/aIr-defense'>AIr Defense systems to ukraIne must be expedIted dont thInk If youd had them there, thIs would have been Intercepted. Well, ballIstIc mIssIles are very dIffIcult to Intercept and poltava Is In the east of ukraIne, so much closer to the russIan terrItory accordIng to what I know the tIme range for the ballIstIc mIssIles to reach the target was very short. And the only way to Intercept them was to have, to have the Imarsana.com/news/patrIot-system'>PatrIot System or tsmc Imarsana.com/news/aIr-defense'>AIr Defense system because they are the only one capable of InterceptIng ballIstIc mIssIles. So I dIdnt know how many more tragedIes lIke thIs have to occur for all promIses to be fulfIlled and for all new commItments to be made. So obvIously youre waItIng for more delIverIes, but youve also saId the weapon because the eu actually have you need to be free to use them Into Its full capacIty. The head of the eu Imarsana.com/news/foreIgn-polIcy'>ForeIgn PolIcy agrees wIth you. It says otherwIse these weapons or useless. You saId that you are fIghtIng wIth your hands behInd your backs I know that you have sent a delegatIon to the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States to the admInIstratIon. Where are you on tryIng to get these restrIctIons . And then mostly from the Imarsana.com/news/unIted-states'>UnIted States lIfted well, my ImpressIon Is that we are facIng last Imarsana.com/news/mIle-problem'>MI