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in decades whether or not biden still should be at the time top of the ticket, whether or not he can continue to lead the nation. a question illuminated at lead last week, cnn presidential debate for years, biden his push back on that question consensus distantly answering in two words, he would say, quote, watch me. here he is in september 2022 ask whether you who are fit for the job. and when you hear that i wonder what you think let's take that and it's all my watch me. if you think i don't have the energy level mental acuity then then, you know, that's one thing another thing watching and keep my schedule just one month after that. i asked the president to respond to american voters who frankly admin watching whenever anyone raises concerns about your age you oldest president in the history of the united states, you always say, watch me. voters happened, watching you democratic voters approve of the job you're doing. democratic voters overwhelmingly like you but one poll shows that almost two two-thirds of democratic voters want a new nominee. in 2024. and the top reason they gave was your age. so what's your message to democrats who like you, who like what you've done, but are concerned about your age and the demands of the job. well, they're concerned about whether or not i get anything done. look what i've gotten done. name me a president, recent history has gotten as much time as i have in the first two years. not a joke. you may not like what i got done, but the vast majority of american people do like what i got done and so i just, it's a matter of can you do the job? and i believe i can do the job i've been able to do the job. i've gotten more done. i got the inflation reduction, i get all these up piece of legislation passed and i ran on that. i've said this is what i was going to do. i'm still getting it done in february of this year, cnn's mj lee asked president biden to directly respond to continued criticisms about his age and aging. >> this is how he responds. then for month when you were asked about your age, you would respond with the words, watch me. well, danny, american people have been watching and they haven't expressed concerns about your at your judgment. that is your judgment and public is not the judging the press i think he meant that is not the judgment of the public. >> mj is with us now. so that was then this is now take us inside this weekend's concert conversations and that big building behind you. >> yeah. well, jake, as you just reminded us, the president has long been dismissive of polling showing that many voters have a lot of serious questions about his age and his mental acuity. but as you want them to tell me, in that february press conference is main argument has really been i need to be the democrat chronic nominee because i am the most qualified. i think after thursday night's debate, it has become infinitely more difficult for the president and his advisers to the outright reject those concerns about his mental acuity and his age. and i think it's also fair to describe the last three-and-a-half days or so as the campaign having in an in full crisis mode, we know that they have been on the phone nonstop fielding questions messages, and worried concerns about exactly what happened spent on thursday night and also just asking the question of what is plan b and for right now, the campaign is basically saying there is no plan b. the president is going to remain on the ticket. we know that he spent and the weekend at camp david with members of his family and the family has very much been encouraging him to stay in the race and to continue fighting. the campaign is saying it is not even a remote possibility that the president is going to drop out of the race. but it is clear that the family is frustrated with how some members of his team handled the debate. we know that there were private discussions about about whether some senior advisers should be fired, though i think a lot of people would argue that maybe it isn't the advisers that should be blamed. it was simply the president's bad performance i think even more though than the inner circle that is around the president that is famous for being insular. it is going to be the president's family that is going to be all the more influential on any decisions that do come about his political future. >> so mj, very, very few elected democratic officials are willing to talk about their concern with president biden on the record are white house officials expecting that they're going to be able to keep them from doing from being candid about this from now until november well you know, plenty of democrats have gone on the record to express concerns about the debate itself, but you're right. that we've not heard a lot of elected officials saying that they have concerns friends about whether or not the president should stay in the race. that's not where we are right now. but i think the caveat is that that is now and we don't know what's coming in the next several days particularly as both the campaign and just democrats overall are waiting on data, they're waiting on research and pulling to come in to actually get a full picture of the post-debate damage from the president and as lawmakers, some of them have told us they think that the down-ballot impact will be more determinative then perhaps anything else that if data shows that he is going to risk that house remaining and democrats hands and that could lead to the dam breaking and some lawmakers starting to say publicly that they do need a plan b. >> alright, cnn's mj lee at the white house. thank you so much. appreciate it today, president biden's campaign chair, jen o'malley, dillon, was working the phones with party heads and campaign staff. one of those democratic leaders telling cnn the message was, this will pass, but we have to do our work joining us now from biden campaign headquarters in wilmington, delaware, senator chris coons he is a biden campaign co-chair. senator coons, thanks so much. after coming on, i want to start by just playing some of the moments to be on with you, jake, thanks for the chance to talk today. yeah. no, i appreciate it. i want to start by playing some moments from the debate the ability of medicare to for the ability to, for the the the covid excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with if the the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump. >> i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows what he said either how do you explain the performance at the debate and moments like that? >> well, jake, you just took what was probably the most difficult moment to watch the entire 90 minute debate. but you didn't share what i found the hardest moments to watch, which was when donald trump was unleashing a torrent of leinz of invective of vengeance. and we have to look at these two moments in khan contrast the philadelphia inquirer, the most important newspaper in the swing state where i spent the weekend campaigning, watched that debate and concluded that the political party whose leadership should be going to their candidate and saying in the interest of our nation and in the interests of our party, you should be stepping aside, sir, is the republican party because donald trump gave no reasons for folks to vote for him. and a lot of reasons for folks to vote against him. the next day, joe biden are president gave a forceful and clear and engaging speech on a campaign stage at a rally in north carolina and he's had strong days ever since. everybody has a bad night and i think that was a week debate performance. i don't think anyone in the campaign is disagreeing with that point, but i've been urging and i expect this will be moving forward for the president to reassure folks in the media, the general republic, the many editorialist and others who've expressed concern by doing unscripted. a casual engagements with journalists, with small groups of voters, a town hall. so you can see what i've seen with our president in the last few months. and of course, the last few years, he is engaging. he has capet bubble. he has an incredible record as president. i don't think you would dispute that jake but the core question is whether what you saw in those few moments of the debate. and over much of the ark of that 90 minute debate was someone having a difficult night or someone who is no longer up to the job? on the stage in north carolina, he wouldn't be running if he weren't confidence hizon for the job. so with all due respect it is not it is not honest to say that this is just one night. there have been moments like this that people have seen in front of the cameras and other moments. but without, with cameras not there. just two weeks ago. let me just show this clip there was another moment like this, not just a senior losing a train of thought, but something else going on here. he is an event about immigration. he tries to interview, introduce dhs secretary mayorkas and there's some sort of glitch. i don't know what is. let's roll that tape all the members of congress from homeless security secretary i'm not sure going to undo show why all can decide. >> secretary mayorkas i don't know what that was at. that doesn't trouble me at all. jake, frankly, you can put up a dozen clips of me of you of anybody who's on tv who speaks publicly all the time? losing their train of thought. ms stating who they're about to introduce, not having a fluid moment. and if we're honest with each other, jake, every time donald trump speaks in front of a rally, there's long stretches where he is saying nonsense, where he's talking about whether he'd rather be electrocuted or for eaten by a shark where he's saying nonsensical things about forests bursting into flame or windmills causing cancer. so to take that little clip and say, aha, senator coons, be honest, you know that our president is somehow mentally and firm. and yet to not put up dozens and dozens of much more alarming examples of the former president let me cut to the chase with what i think is as simple, but important moment of testimony here, jake only former president trump has a vice president, secretary of defense, chief of staff national security adviser, who say he is not morally fit to be president and refused to support him the whole cabinet of our current president, the entire senate in the democratic caucus every governor i know who already supports joe biden still supports joe biden and we interact with them and work with him regularly. so do all of us who are in public life and speaking regularly have slips and moments where we don't finish our sentence properly or misidentify exactly who were introducing absolutely. but i have been saying to the campaign senior leadership are president needs to reassure folks by doing some unscripted, engaging public events soon. otherwise, we're going to keep having this exact exchange until the cows come home and maybe until november, which i frankly think is a disservice to our countries so first of all, i don't think it's accurate to suggest that the news media hasn't provided are showing the american people clips of former president trump saying odd or potentially distressing things. i think that we've been doing that since 2015. and obviously, we have also been covering the many people who worked in the trump administration who have not endorsed donald trump, if you want to talk about a candidate to candidate match up, i understand that's not really what i'm talking about and i don't think it's fair to compare you or me losing our train of thought with whatever we saw in the debate stage on thursday and that little clip from two weeks ago. but let me move on to one other question. question because there is this question of what if, what if the democratic party decides to do something that you obviously don't think it's wise. the biden campaign wrote in an email this weekend that if president biden were to drop out of the race, quote, we'd switch to candidates who would, according to polls, be less likely to win than joe biden, the only person ever to defeat donald trump quote, then the email goes on to show polling from, to be honest part is pollsters. the chose vice president harris, governor gavin newsom, pete buttigieg, and how they match up. now to be frank, there only one percentage point behind joe biden in those head-to-head matchups with donald trump. so it does not actually look as though there would be that much the difference between the guy who has been president for three plus years and it's been spending tens, hundreds of millions of dollars running as the democratic nominee. and the people who haven't even been running what's your question, jake how does that make how does that make your point if you have newsome buttigieg inherits are only one point worse than biden in the head-to-head matchup. >> how does that how is that how is that like showing some sort of strength of president biden? >> jake i may be missing something. you're asking me to explain and defend an email that i'm not that i didn't author or send out. is your core question. let me see if i can get a question but let me try again. let me try again. i'll try again how would other candidates know the court lesson imperative because you reject the null? notion that there's actually anything going on beyond just a bad night or a bad moment here or there. let me just ask you, do you do you truly think? that president biden is the strongest candidate to take on donald trump in november i think joe biden two things is the strongest, most accomplished president we've had in my lifetime, not the question he's been counted out over and over and over. >> and he can go to the stage and say, here's my record. i in my speech at the inauguration said i would bring congress together and we would address infrastructure and manufacturing, and we would reduce prescription drug prices and we would invest in restoring our competitiveness as a country. and i would bring us out of the pandemic and i would address the challenges that i inherited from donald trump and he's done a magnificent job. he can say that the other candidates, governors have different states and so forth, can't say that his vice president can say she was a central part of that. and i do think that makes for an important argument and this is the core thing. i think you're trying to raise here, jake he needs to reassure folks with repeat performances in public that he is up to this task and address the question you're asking me. i have not seen evidence that are president is not up to the task of running four and continuing to serve as president. so that's something that is up to our president to prove to the public in the coming weeks. and i'm accepting that as an open question and a challenge. but i do think he has the strongest record in his first three years that any of us could imagine, just last month, our economy created more jobs in no small part because of president biden's leadership than it did in the whole four years that donald trump was president joe biden has the strongest record we have the all-time high in the stock market, all-time low and unemployment, we have crime going down. we have investments in manufacturing going. we are headed in a strong direction and he's got a great platform to run for reelection. he is not the only democrat who can run for president. that's not what i'm saying. thanks. yeah, but he is the strongest record to run this i mean, he has given fewer press conferences, fewer interviews, and any president in modern history including the previous one, who's now running for reelection. and this can all be in this previous one, told more lives per sentence than any candidate has ever sold is debates this. is not the discussion that we're having. we could certainly have that conversation. i certainly didn't particularly care for it when president biden said, no us service members had been killed in the previous four years, but moving on from things that were said that were not true i think it is easy to settle this right now by president biden going to the brady press center. the file in the white house and doing and doing a two-hour press conference everybody would run, cover it live networks probably would cover it live. he'd be able to answer all these questions. it's not a crazy thing to expect the president to do. and the fact that is, you know, that the campaign knows that the white house knows that that's how you settle this. you just put them in front of reporters and he handles himself with acuity aplomb. we all see it was just a fluke. oh my god. i can't believe it happened. and we move on. the fact that you haven't done that says quite a bit to me jake, what i've just said maybe three times in this interview is that is what i am urging and recommending. >> i think that the biden family had a long scheduled family retreat at camp david where they had a family photograph taken and they were discussing both this debate and the summer and their plans and i'm encouraging them to add something like that to the schedule, whether it's a 60 minutes interview or something at the podium, at the white house or town hall. that's not up to me to decide. but that's what i've been encouraging. our president to do. democratic senator chris coons from the small wonder state, delaware. thank you, sir. appreciate it thank you, jade, to wall street journal reporters who took a lot of flack last month when they're headline read behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping. their article was based on interviews with more more than 45 people what they say now, after last week's debate those reporters will join us next you could call them caramels or caramels, whatever you call them, kara metals 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conducting a marathon interview with biden over his handling or mishandling of classified documents her stated biden would seem sympathetic to a jury as a quote, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory, unquote. >> the white house lashed out fast forward to june the wall street journal reported that president biden was showing signs of slipping. the white house angrily pushed back on that article as well. which only included on the record concerns voiced by republicans such as former speaker kevin mccarthy and current speaker johnson, but quite clearly reflected the views of dozens of sympathetic democrats. let's get right to the wall street journal's. annie linskey and siobhan hughes, who co-wrote that article. first of all, your excellent reporters, that articles stands up. it's stood up, then it stands up. now, take us behind the scenes, annie, of compiling the reporting, receiving the negative attention for it, and then watching what we all saw on thursday, although i had a better seat he did have a good seat. >> yeah. thanks for having us on. i think chauvin and i doing that reporting was at least in my career, one of the most difficult story is to do, we started working on it right after the her report came out and it took it took months and the two of us work together really closely and it was just a monster left and it was one of those stories we didn't take a lot of joy and telling it the people who were, who were brave enough to talk to us didn't take a lot of joy and talking to us either. but it was a hard hard period and serve on not not a single democrat on capitol hill has gone on the record with their concerns reflected in that story, but we all have heard them express privately. do you think that's going to change anytime soon? >> i'm waiting to see if that happens and if it does my expectation would be the first people to start breaking would be the vulnerable democrats, both on the senate side and on the house side, because one of the republican lines of attack right now is they knew and didn't nothing about it and they were complicit and that is a really, really harsh charge and a heavy burden to bear. >> yeah, i've i've already seen ads against senator bob casey in pennsylvania. i don't know if it's tv ads are just on the internet, but basically saying he knows any after the debate, you and your colleagues on another big blockbuster, obviously you've been working on it before the debate on more recent flubs, such as on the g7 trip to europe, you write quote that biden told zelenskyy that money was coming to help you reconstruct the electric grid officials traveling with the president at explained that the money was actually a series of munitions, including air defenses that could protect your electric grid among other targets they tell us the more about what you went through doing that reporting yeah. >> i think doing the reporting, we were essentially looking for anybody who had met with the president in small meetings behind closed doors, the white house has often said to us, look, the joe, if you could only see the joe biden, we see i mean, this is something that your previous guest i mentioned as well. if you can see the president biden that we see behind closed doors, you would feel differently about him because we've all seen the public flubs, right? we've all seen those. and so that was part of the motivation for the story is going to people and saying, okay tell us about it, tell us what that's like, and the integers that we came up with him in some people would say in some moments he was good in some meetings, he was quite lucid and clear and had spontaneous backs and back and forths but then sometimes the next day it would be could be completely different and you just didn't know which joe biden was going to show up? >> yeah. chauvin you have for me what was most striking was how shocked some of these people were in describing to me what they witness to the president doing they at times we're almost struggling to find the words. >> it was almost like, are you going to believe me when i tell you this they were they were deeply unsettled. they were in some cases, afraid to be public because they felt it's so when against american interests, they were concerned about the appearance of the united states on the world stage gauge. and we had to go back to them sometimes repeatedly just because there were instances where we didn't quite believe it either and we wanted to go back to them and then we kept out on wanting to know, is there somebody else that will verify that as or somebody else's or somebody else, how many people can we get to? and the more you pulled it that yarn, the more the whole ball started to unravel. and eventually the evidence was overwhelming. >> let me just say annie linskey and siobhan hughes, as i said, when that article came out, you are both excellent reporters. i've i've never met you before. i've been reading you for years. and i know truth-telling is very, very difficult. hold sometimes, but thank you for doing what you do thank you. thank my next guest says there are four factors that could impact any decision by president biden to step aside out of the 2024 race if he's even considering that, which he does not seem to be we're back in a moment. >> this is a keepsake frame. this is actually a photo from my wedding i'm adam weiss, founder and ceo of keepsake, the mobile app that makes it easy to have your photos printed framed, and shipped to your doors you just choose a photo that you love. you can preview it and over 100 frames. and in a couple of days, you're going to receive your photo in a beautiful, handmade france so if you've got a special photo on your phone, installed the free keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you. >> red licorice black licorice ic as long as it's from, a curation of delicious ship fresh to you or a loved one in just days, so good. we earn the name one of my favorite 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david rangnick joins me now, david, thanks so much for joining us. >> so in your column in your article, you write on president biden refusing to step down, quote, to ignore the inevitability of time and aging doesn't matter nearly risk his legacy. it risks the election and most important puts in parallel the very issues and principles that biden has framed as central to his presidency and essential to the future. unquote there are a number of high-profile editorial boards and calmness to have called for biden to step down. it does seem as though however, the top democratic officials at least publicly are rallying around the president to stay in the race despite what we all saw thursday night, despite the polling quite frankly, that's been pretty clear for more than a year or two that the voters want another option. why such a disconnect your thing well, i'm i'm coming to you from tel aviv. >> i'm not in washington in the thick of it but it's i've never written anything that felt or very few things that filled so hard to write on a human level. i think joe biden is a very decent man. i think he's been a in many ways very effective president. but the time has been what it is for human beings. and that's very hard for him to accept because he's in the position of trying to fend off the return to the white house of someone who in so many ways is malevolent to racist lies and all the things that we know about donald trump. i totally understand why i received so many notes from readers who were so anxious about speaking. quite frankly, the truth of what was in front of our eyes at this debate. but it is an indelible set of images. it wasn't just one stumble it was a pretty terrible night and it gave the impression and i think it's the reality that joe biden is, you know, he's not superman. he's norris, he even a young at one. and he's proposing to be president until he's 86. and that is dangerous. and i think he's going to lose a lot in the coming weeks and months if he stays in and that risks a very terrible outcome the day after the debate, president biden held a rally in north carolina. >> here's just some of what he said at that rally i don't take to rally the world to stand up against putin and defend free to not yield and i don't take to keep the world safe and free for the years ahead. folks. i give you my word as a biden, i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul, i can do this job because quite frankly thanks. are two now, obviously that was in the middle, the de not at night. >> he was reading from a teleprompter. he was in front of a an adoring crowd i guess the question i have is, do you think if he's not up to the job of running for president again in winning again do you think he's currently up to the job look that's a very good question and i don't know him every minute of the de and he's surrounded by vast staff of a presumably competent people, better than competent and i don't expect him to step down from the president and or have the 25th amendment invoked. >> but he has this very, very difficult decision to make because we're talking about not just the next few months, we're talking about the next four years and more the world is in terrible shape in so many ways, whether it's climate change, the middle east, ukraine and russia we could go on and on and the opponent is so malevolent. i totally understand the stakes and i think i know he does and it's on the most human, almost shakespearean level he has to face this profound, profound decision. and i understand the resistance to it. and i think it's going to come down to his family and a very small circle of people. i don't think the fact that somebody wrote a column in the new yorker or the new york times, or the washington post is gonna be decisive. i think that'll have to do with the family. is advisers, and also whether the poll number is plummet and the moneyed subs coming in. and i think there's a lot of people who are very anxious out there and this is such a profound moment in american history that really deserves reconsideration . i say it would no joy, no mockery but i just have profound decision that he has to make and i hope he makes the right one you talked about, how the world is in crisis. >> you're currently in tel aviv in israel that's a region of the world where there's a lot of crisis, both what's going on in gaza with the military operation against hamas, with the hostages still being held. and also in the way that's bank, we're a lot of israeli settlers are committing horrible acts of violence against innocent palestinians. tell us about the west bank, which you just visited well i, was in the west bank yesterday and there is, as you're absolutely right, a lot of settler violence. but i think the general picture here now is in the next couple of weeks and maybe before it becomes to speak in washington, if that's still comes off netanyahu will rightly or wrongly and this has been a and a disaster, but rightly or wrongly, he will say that he's come to the end of this phase of the war, whether again, i don't mean rightly wrong with me truthfully or not. and it will start treating this less as a ground war, as the management of an insurgency he will claim that hamas in gaza is now a defeated army, but remains dangerous and insurgency and from outside gaza, the israeli army will continue to have raids and try to control the situation that does not solve the problem at all. and the problem is profound and also the problem extends to the fact that there is an occupation that has been going on for more than a half a century and it is a problem that cannot be avoided or evaded i totally understand profoundly understand the grief and trauma in israel, as well as the grief and trauma that the palestinian people have suffered two such a tremendous degree. but until there is forward profound forward movement on the palestinian question until the palestinian people have some sense that there is, a new reality a better reality, a more just reality is ahead i'm afraid that this terrible, terrible ongoing situation will go on in one way or another. and it will erode both peoples. these israeli public situation is now awful degraded the cabinet is filled with people who are annexation is the annexation is if essentially come down from the hilltops of the west bank and they're in the cabinet room. that's the reality. and it controls politics here. and until that fever is broken in israeli life. as that there will be no healing. and this is going to just take a long time to reverse david ronak sobering and i appreciate your being with us today. thank you so much. >> pleasure. thank you, jake in the last hour or former president trump called today's supreme court decision, quote, brilliantly written and wise unquote that opinion grants him limited immunity from prosecution putian, what that means for one of the criminal cases against him. next now, did you think 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have immunity for some official actions during his presidency. but the justices did not specify exactly which actions that includes setting up another lower court battle in that january 6 case and making it in credibly unlikely that trump will face that trial before the november election let's jump right in. aaron, thanks for being here. good to see you. and congratulations. you got engaged if you're wondering why i'm squinting during the it's because the reflection of the reflection of the ring into my eye. so justice sotomayor was just she did not hold back in her dissent. she said in every use of official powers, the president is now a king above the law orders, the navy seal team six to assassinate a political rival. immune organizes a military coup to hold onto power. immune takes a bride, a bribe, rather in exchange for a pardon immune, immune, immune be a little strong. but what's your take on the decision? >> i think that this decision is probably the right one here. it needed to go back to the lower court when this happened. there was not a clear sense of what was considered official or unofficial and this is not the supreme court's role to be fact-finding. they are here to take the information and move it forward and decide if they should keep or remove the lower courts case. now, if you're donald trump this is a very big victory for you because it needs, while democrats originally wanted to have the theater of the courthouse be were donald trump had to have his campaign with the four pending cases at the time against him. they're not going to have that now and they're going to have to campaign against him on the campaign trail. >> well, and the biden campaign is campaigning against supreme, supreme court. >> now, in addition to against donald trump, they said the court handed donald trump the keys to a dictatorship. trump has said it was a big win and it should end all the cricket joke crooked joe biden's witch hunts against me. that's the quote obviously. what do you think they should run against the court? democrats should running, republicans have been doing this. they've running into court 468 years ever since 1954, and the supreme court had the radical idea that black people should be treated equally as white people. emerson said, republicans have run against the court, whether it was they hated the ruling with the supreme court's of the government can't force my children to pray the way that government wants them to. or abortion rights or gay rights democrats need to run against, by the way, when hillary ran against mr. trump a fourth 26% of trump voters voted for him just because of the court. yeah, only 18 because they wanted roe v. wade overturned that since i admired republicans potentially they care about the court and they voted on the court, democrats need to for example, 65, 67% of americans support term limits for supreme court democrats should. sheldon whitehouse, the center from rhode island judiciary committee member. he's got a term limits bill for the court, 75% support a binding ethics code for the supreme court. the supreme court doesn't it there above the law. now, mr. trump is above the law. democrat should run hard against the court. >> i feel like you're you're you're you're filibuster in a little bit because you know, but my next question is going to be, this is much more easy to talk about the supreme court than about president biden. >> i can form this profile before the performance of president biden what what's your take? obviously it was not a good debate performance, but beyond that, should he be the nominee should he be president? well i like when he said well, it wasn't a good night really really. i didn't notice it wasn't just a was the worst night. it worst performance in presidential campaign history seriously. and i'm into this a long time. it was catastrophe. they set up the debate to quell the questions about his age. and i don't really think they accomplished that you know. look what here's what's going to happen. remember, is going home now for fourth of july, members of congress and they're going to hear from their constituents, it may well be that the comments were getting from the biden hi, commander. correct. and everybody will say jello, that guy, bad night, don't worry about it, back him up. but it may be what i think voter is going to say. are you out of your mind? because democrats are worried that not only will biden loose to trump, but that heel drag down the house and the senate as well. and you'll have a maga trifecta, which mr. trump himself says will be a dictatorship at least for a day what do you, what did you think of the debate last week? i don't think anybody i think paul's right. i don't think anybody can say that was a stellar performance for the president. it was a catastrophe and now because of that performance, this is becoming donald trump's race to lose. and if you are a down-ballot democrat, if you are tester or any see if you are anywhere, your tammy baldwin and wisconsin, you now have to try to find a way to separate yourself from the president, but not alienate because right now, unless democrat leadership steps up says joe biden, you need to step down. he's not going anywhere off that ticket. >> thanks to both of you. appreciated the murder trial that has captivated a major american city the major twist in that case today doing any i tried a bunch of different probiotics before seed and they didn't help. it addressed my bloating my irregularity. >> it's really helping my daily bowel movements and keeping me a pretty regular. i started feeling better and less bloated felt flatter, lighter i just keep going back to scene because it actually works noah walk around and smiling everyday because they don't get bloated anymore you've never had a pretzel until you've had, you think they'd give just anyone that domain 50 delicious flavors perfectly season ship fresh to you are not one 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retry this case and the defense says that they are never quitting let's go into that courtroom. i want to show you the judge reading the final note from the jury before all of this concluded today the deep division is not due to a lack of effort or diligence, but rather a sincere adherence to our individual principles and moral convictions to continue to deliberate would be futile and only serve to force us to compromise these deeply held beliefs i'm not going to do that to you folks. your services complete i'm declaring a mistrial in this case. >> now, what you're watching right now is the crowd. i think you see it that has been here virtually every day hey, of this two month case, they're all in pink. they are supporters of the defendant they were cheering as this mistrial was being declared because karen read was allowed to walk out of that courthouse. she's been on bail, but she was still allowed to walk out of that courthouse because they believed that she was framed and the facts are very very simple, tough to a point that was the all right of january 28, 2022. karen read and her boyfriend went to a private home for an after-party. she stayed in the car, he got out the evidence showed that she put that at carne reverse and forensic show 24 miles per hour, 62 feet. she went and reverse prosecution's theory, she hit him. he was down and he died in the cold. the defense's say no, he went into that house, his friends got angry. they beat them up along with a 70 pound german shepherd, and they threw him him out in the cold to die jake, it's an open question this case it looks like we'll go to a brand new jury. >> all right. thank asara. it's fascinating. case and a tragic story. appreciate it. will go right back with our last leads. >> how many times have you tried to clean a stubborn mess with no success, what you need is the all new waterproof horsepower the new cordless and rechargeable power scrubber that cleans faster and easier, guaranteed watch make done oven 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50 mile an hour, winds and storm surge impact the islands of the caribbean one of those islands described his flattened category four storm is the fastest strengthening and earliest major hurricane. so far out in the atlantic, the winds are only about five miles an hour, short of making the storm or category five. it's on track to hit mexico's yucatan the insula on friday new documents made public today, and one of the investigations into dead pedophile jeffrey epstein this afternoon and florida judge released the transcript trips up of 2006 grand jury investigation into rape and sex trafficking allegations against the a millionaire. the transcripts include some witness testimony from young women who were miners when they gave epstein sexualized massages, epstein struck a deal with prosecutors and was sentenced to one and-a-half years in prison. after this investigation. and our politics lead the house judiciary committee is suing attorney general merrick garland to get those audio recordings of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur, the interviews that led her to not press charges against biden calling him quote, a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory or at least saying that he would seem like that to a jury. garland testified before the committee last month, we should note cnn is also suing the gain access to the recordings and breaking news we're just learning the president biden will give remarks this evening about today's supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. it's unclear whether he will take questions you should stay tuned to cnn for that and until then you can follow me on facebook, instagram, threads x, formerly known as twitter, on the tiktok adjective app. or you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever miss an episode of the lead, you can list

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