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three-to-one, three-to-one and today no hbo original series, real time with bill barr wow just see the debate in case you missed it, don't worry or resorted. >> one of the contestants i mean wow, i mean, trump told lie after lie after lie, he never would have gotten away with that if joe biden was there come on, man you know, joe, he famously loves trains, but apparently not of thought all night confused in the halting and trailing up, i've seen beauty pageant contestants enter questions better i don't want to say shut the bedroom secrets service name is amber heard. i'm there wasn't just what came out of his mouth i mean, the look on his face, the whole night. it just looked like somebody just thought he left the stove on you know? i mean, the last time cna last time scene and coverage them in this lost i gotta get back to that. malaysian airline plane that here's the most ironic part. the republicans were so afraid that joe is going to be beating the expectations. remember, last week, there were like he's gonna be jacked up put out all this crap of a jack job. he's gonna have a secret earpiece in really who was on who was on the other end of it? jimmy carter one foreign tourists drunk, which winning by so much started to talk about golf. he just you know what this happened in america formerly a real country if that wasn't enough trump. look thinner. some people said he's on his epic note. that is not what it is. he just licensed off. that's fine. robert perfect. night to beyond. we're going to talk about it soon. but for now, democrats have some hard conversations. they'd have to have joe biden noble guy what did a great thing when he got elected president did very well for three years, but now there is no toothpaste left in that tube we either walk around with bad breath or green teeth or walk into a cvs and sharp lift a new tube chris matthews first, he is future instead, new york times bestselling author. book is called the singularity is nearer when we merge with ai ray kurzweil great you look good. right are you still having 200 pills a day no. i'm down to 70. 70. i have about the same congratulations on your that science, right? we're putting good things in our body, right okay. so i'm so anxious to have you on. i want to place you in case people don't know who you are nobody has been more on ai, the new from the last century when people were not even thinking, i mean, i never thought of ai. the only time i ever thought i was the one spielberg movie. i didn't like only for 61 years 61 years? yeah and you obviously you're google's main ai guy. but i mean, back in 1999 you were talking about this going on with ai in the singular and you said in 2029, you had a whole book about it. you said that's when human will achieve human level intelligence hasn't it already depends, not really okay. i'm some thing 2029 other people are saying two years, three years, four years. when i said that in around 2000 everybody thought is going to take 100 years right? and 30 years was very optimistic but human level intelligence, i thought it had far surpassed us big as it can do so many things. >> we can't yes. i mean, you can ask it anything until philosophy, psychology physics, and it will give you a very good answer. and if you don't like that, you can ask it again. it will give you another answer. it's also good right but there's a few things. it doesn't do it, it doesn't create art. the way a master artist would do. thank you the next prediction. and by the way, you have many other predictions and you predict the end of the soviet union, like within a couple of years, yeah. okay. so i mean, there's nobody like you. i just want people to understand that you say 2045. this is when we basically become a hybrid species, when we merge in the cloud with the machines, basically you're sticking with that 2045 because that's 20 years away. and let me tell you, folks, 20 years goes fast. young people be there tomorrow period. we're going to reach longevity, escape velocity, where we go a year and our longevity actually increases by years. so we're not going to actually succumb to aging so we hope well you can have a 20-year-old who has longevity of many decades and they could die tomorrow. so it's not a guarantee. but could i just have the 20 explain to me, what this 0.21 explain to me what this means. merging in the cloud. what if i want to opt out of that? what i mean, my mother used to say don't live with your head in the clouds. now you want it a little bit first of all, what does that mean? my head merge in the cloud. >> well, you've got lots of connections in your brain. we have a certain size brain, so there were more intelligent than other animals but we'd actually like to increase that. we'd like to become more intelligent so we'll actually go to the cloud. the cloud doubles in capacity every year so that'll actually make us more intelligent. so it'll be just like we are now, except it will be a lot more intelligent than we were a year. so optimistic about this. i mean, i'm sure you've thought about it as zillion times more than i have, but that some downsides okay. oh good. i'm glad you acknowledge it because what i read in your book, you say you like to use the frayed will be frage will be freed from our skulls let me read this quote. do you say the most commonly discussed worst-case scenario? is the potential creation of gray goo self-replicating machines that consume carbon-based matter and turn it into more self-replicating machines. such a process could lead to a runaway chain reaction, potentially converting the entire biomass of the earth to such machine instead of trying to add security features to an inherently dangerous system, we must build nanobots that are naturally failsafe well, that's a downside we're trying to avoid that. >> i think we will, but i mean, there are downsides, everything. but see here's that. i mean, we've had atomic weapons really since i was a small child, we'd actually get under our desk, put our hands behind our head protect us from a nuclear war. i remember and i don't worked okay. but that was so far so far? yes. because of something called mutually assured destruction. i don't know if we have that here. see when you say instead of building a security features, we must only build nanobots that are, that are fail-safe we, i think you're forgetting about bad guys, ray what about bad guys? they're is still bad guys out here. and before we merge with the cloud and become this great hybrid species, don't worry about the bad guys using this before we even get there too loosely and they're out there and they're causing problems but as we create these things, you're actually putting more effort into avoiding what bad guys will do to it. then we're actually creating this new capabilities so we're keeping up with them. but we constantly have to fight bad uses of these technologies and what about jobs? >> when everyone is living in the cloud? >> well, we've had that since three had the, the luddite movement 200 years ago we had the cotton jenny and other things i would eliminate jobs and people were very worried about that. and those jobs did go away. and we say what we're going to create new jobs and people said, well, what's new jobs? and you could say, well, you can be a social media influencer now we're just talking about right. but what jobs do you think? i mean, you're the great seer of the future? what, what jobs will be created by this it's not really us versus ai. >> we're going to merge our two. we're going to put ai inside our bodies and outside our bodies that we go through wireless communications to enhance ourselves so it's not going to be us versus ai. we're going to enhance our capabilities through an make yourselves much smarter than we are now so we'll be doing these jobs i'm anything that really turns you on will will be able to do because it will be that much smarter. well, speaking about how, how will this affect sex i mean, applause for the question yes, it will become better. become better yeah. >> i'm not sure if for everyone i mean can you describe ai sex? >> i mean, what we. just have. to. think about it. i know you said so much richer imagination, right but i know in the book you said some things that we do now. we're just going to have to think about i mean, you just use your talking about acting. he said, you know, if somebody has actually biden will have virtual reality, where you can go into something and it'll be just like real but it will be done within your mind. virtual reality will become that much more on enhancing then wound our bodies atrophy no. >> but we won't be limited to just one body. >> won't be limited to just one body yeah. i don't get it meaning you can i mean, in virtual reality today, you can have a different body than you are like an avatar yeah, but it can be very realistic i hope depends on your imagination. >> yeah. i mean i mean, i can't wrap my head around this. i don't even know if i want to live in this brave new world, but i get, but we're not going to have a choice. that's the thing. and of course, what i do hope i do like living. i do want to keep living. some people don't. there are lots of people who say, now, you know what they say, they don't want to live until they going to live past 95, 95, they don't want to die the next day exactly. >> right. and you think this will be able to i mean, i'm people only want to die if they're in terrible bright physics the gold emotional, spiritual otherwise, they want to continue regardless of what they said. 20 years earlier. all right. well, i hope i have you back on their own when 20 years from verbose scale an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. >> our country is being destroyed, where are the most admired country? 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>> if you look closely around the bag, you'll find a clue as to where these delicious pistachios are from well-done sherlock, you found it wonderful pistachios are the pistachios are wonderful, but the word wonderful on them weeknight today. tonight are 360 new reporting to get the full story. >> the will to fight how important is that? be? the afraid you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed have compassion. let's real trauma. would you have been through seek truth? is israel in full control of its territory? >> go with a search for answers takes you anderson cooper 360 weeknight today on cnn celebrate, go forwards in america thursday, july 4, x 70s dirt on cnn all right here's here's the legendary broadcast are in generals who wrote this country, my life and pollux and hit politics and history chris matthews is hawaii four term congresswoman who now serves as a lieutenant colonel in the u.s. army reserve and is the author of for a love of country leave, the democrat party behind tulsi gabbard, great to have you back i got to tell you always have to book the panel a little bit in advance because people have to fly it and so forth. i can think of a better panel for tonight, chris, first of all missed you so much on tv for just days like this i'm dying to know you're feeling about last night as you ran for president as a democrat last time, you feel you got smeared, but you have a case four. and so i'm just done it on your feelings, like your real feelings about this, but let's just start with this. okay. we have to biden voters here. i think i mean, i've said before, i will vote for his head in a jar or a blue liquid and after last night time to get the jar but i know you're not a biden order, but just pretend that you are for a minute just for the sake of the party what should they do replace biden or not? yes or no? >> the problem is, it's his decision. yeah. he's got all the delegates or confirmed. there's nothing my head between here and the convention. what should you advocate the democratic party to do? i advocate for them and i said it nine months ago when with my editorial called ruth bader biden step down that's my position that some people's positions de i think i just heard before i went on that the new york times editorial board yes. asking him to step down and then there's other people. i heard all the surrogates last night. obama gave gavin newsom to know, stick with the guy what should they do? i say quit. i said a long time ago and now i think it's absolutely a parent that is the only one so he and dr biden decide they're going to quit. they're going to walk out, give it to somebody else who gets it. >> okay. let's go through that scenario. well, first of all, what's your take on this? >> i think it doesn't make a difference, quite frankly if you look at joe biden's policies and you look at the prospect of any one of the number of people who could replace him should he decide to walk away? and i agree with chris, it is his decision ultimately, all of these different policies that have been destructive to our country will continue so all this attention that's focused around, okay, we'll should he stay should he go to me, frankly, deflects away from the substantive policy centered conversation we should be having as a country, as people look at this choice, they have to make. well, we should, but let's not pretend. let's not pretend that this country is falling apart or that joe biden cause it to fall apart. he actually didn't do a terrible job bob at all. and a lot of things he did have helped this country. we came through the pandemic better than any other country in the world. we're not in any sort of depression or even recession. the stock market is through the roof. people aren't like dying in the streets, are you kidding? yes, we have problems like every country has problems but a different candidate would make a huge difference. i think. here's from last night, the flash poll afterwards, trump, they said 167 to 33, 33. that number rings in my mind because you know what that number is that's the number you always see very close, 333432 the people who are just always with their party, right? i mean, that is mrs. gerbils in the bunker number i mean, you swim in, it kills our kids rather than live in a world without national socialists. exactly got it right you see it on the right? they used to call them berkshire's berthier's tea party, whatever you magen nation, whatever, they never move. and now i feel like that's a third of the democrats who like they're going to stick with this guy and they are going to regret it. he is going to lose. i said at nine months ago, i'm saying it again tonight. uh, now it seems like its so apparent why real-world outside of the biden world it's clear to me that another candidate like newsom, the governor of california could have the dynamic to move from june right now to november and build up support to match trump's and baby overtake him. he could change the whole situation. absolutely the way it is it's a party of center-left and left if he does that, kamala harris, people go wait a minute. >> i'm next. and he'll say you're right, you are next because that's what he's saying right now. and that's the problem. >> but here's the great thing about newsom. mr. candidate. she can't be as vice president no. president. you can't be. oh, that's the problem. and that the promised team i'm not sure that's even that big a problem for the democrats people at the end of the day want to win. here's what's going to no, i don't want to show a lot of the tape from last night because it's too hard to look at what you show this one thing we picked out, one thing, big diff for people who don't watch and they watch this show to catch up on the nose. this is what the republican going to show from now until election day making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do. it the covid excuse me, with dealing with everything. >> we have to do with if we finally beat medicare. >> thank you, president biden, president trump or he's right. >> he did beat medicare, beat it to death the way he turned that head, he wanted he knew the two shot would be up there. he wanted to have his head turning like, let's watch the guy show how crazy is he's, he's looking forward. like this is this election, you're blaming that on trump now, and i'm watching this theatrical ability. he is playing this, okay. but he didn't have to do anything. i mean, he came it reminded me of when mike tyson used to knock guys out 90 seconds. like that was like two minutes into the debate. i went, oh, this election is over. i mean, that was like a homemaker the right a look at the watch. the guy. he is so fast on the trigger. i watched him. he comes up with well, he told out of afghanistan and a disastrous way that's true. he didn't fire anybody, he didn't fire jake tapper at any the generals. that's all true. then it'll throw in, oh, by the way, illegal people can get medicare and social security. now they can't he just frozen the lies. he mixes up the lives with some truth then both obama i'm sorry. i missed that smart to keep up with them. he just playing around with it. well, that's isn't that the whole point? yes. you need a guy to keep up with them i feel like the whole rationale for biden running has always been on the only guy who can beat him yeah. now i think it's inverted. i think he's the only guy who could lose too. i think the guy who is sure. are you a gray so don't church should never replace him i'm talking about when hamas to happen, but probably won't. when you want to happen, won't happen. >> i don't know what why. i keep hearing loss de from democrats defending this. like we can't abandon joe biden. what about me? i feel abandoned. i feel abandoned. i have nobody to vote for get on a lucky to meet its selections, read fundamentals, it's about, i don't disagree this is about do we believe a democracy and it's not just some theory, a word. do you believe in the person who gets the most votes in the electoral college should be president. we've had guys like nixon, who threw in the now after chicago and what happened in texas with johnson. and hillary clinton had to throw it in after james comey makes his phone call, love dove and days out, or the laptop stuff. this is politics always has issues in the future. it will always have close elections. you can't say it's too close to call trump did not admit he lost in 2020. that's my main and all around the world, i was a peace corps out there. i always bragged myself, i'd say no, we got these countries like zimbabwe and they're just starting off with democracy. but there's always some clown who says it was a fixed election, or it was rigged. that's a joke. in our country. there's always somebody who won election night, whether it was adly stevenson or somebody would come forward and say, john mccain or hillary clinton the next morning. and she sat at the hotel pennsylvania. i lost. yeah, that's what americans should do. you have to say. i lost. well, that's just, that's what takes the system work that's a good question i just agree with you. >> i think that there are very serious issues that a lot of these swing voters who are still undecided are considering as they look at the biden administration's policies and the policies that will continue, whether it's joe biden or someone else replaces him whether it's issues like border security or the insanity around the destruction of title nine and the rejection of a boys, a boy and a girl is a girl. they're looking at safety in their communities education system, the economy, obviously there's so many different issues that people are considering. but i want to point to, i think the most important one that came through in the debate eight last night was when joe biden said, quote, the only existential threat to humanity is climate change. the fact that he said this the only existential threat to humanity is climate change completely dismisses the fact that this is a guy who has the nuclear codes and yet is not present enough and is actually insane. and so far out of touch with reality that he doesn't recognize that the true existential threat to humanity to our country, to the world is the fact that we are closer to nuclear holocaust now than we ever have been before. history. well, sure. i mean, that's a threat and climate is threat and ai is a threat. there's lots what trump is a threat? >> well, this is well, this is the point waiting the nuclear holocaust, where we will see children and mothers and fathers, their skin melting off, or we know their blast, we don't have to with ai with trump, you know, it's a serious issue this is what i want to get back to the question he asked because you have answered it, and i want you to do i mean, you're a patriot, you fought for this country and we love you for that. is it the patriotic thing to back someone who will not concede elections? and i'm not talking about january 6. they talked about a lot last night to me. january 6 is always going to be a murky thing. it was a horrible, awful day in this country's history but you trump's role than it is a little murky. obviously, he he's trump, he did the worst he possibly could. what he never did. what do you what's in incontrovertible is that from the moment the election happened, he never conceded he's still is not can see that the last election that's you think it's patriotic to back someone who treats america that way? >> i think what you've, i think what you've heard from trump is the same thing you've heard from hillary clinton, the same thing you've heard from a lot of other people who he called him an illegitimate, not that's she never want schatz? >> not no, no. that's over there we're that's over there tulsi. we're talking about. he has not conceded the last election. can i quote to you? i think i have it somewhere the quote from the i don't here it is. this is the elections joint statement from the election infrastructure government coordinating council, and the department of homeland security cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency the november 3rd election was the most secure in american history. there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, change votes are was in any way compromised? and here's mitch mcconnell. the election was not unusually close bob barr, city, he lost me. >> i'm i'm not i'm not disputing lost the election and he is not conceded. >> what i'm saying, that's your guy. well, what i'm saying is when you look at his statements and again, i don't have all of the quotes, but i've seen and heard them many times. don't need it, doesn't make get any there's no distinction or difference between what he and hillary clinton essentially, how are you last night in the debate, would you accept an last if it's free and fair, which is a way of saying we when i want free and fair elections of course, this was that's what i just read it to you. this wasn't free and fair one. so he afp obviously does not admit when he loses a free and fair election. so why would we think he's going to do it this time? can you hear what he said last week in detroit? it that rally we owe the the bag of people there, he said i carry california in 2020. hey, lost this state by 5 million votes. everybody knew it his burger lana. and he said, i get finally 12,000 votes. he lost. he knew exactly how many votes did all i say lecture biden, georgia, give me 5,000 votes, give me and you know what brad raffensperger, the secretary of state are republican who voted for trump, said, i had to tape recorded. i caught him and he never came back. again. he's asked still win votes, and now he's accused the other side is still, but i'm telling you hillary clinton, john mccain, bob doll, everybody. we've had my lifetime who lost an election for president? bellied up and said to the american people on television i lost. and that's why our country is so superior that this election season. cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates, two rules in your state to casting your ballot. the cnn voter handbook has your answers. visit slash vote for yours on medicare, have diabetes with a freestyle libre three system. you'll know your glucose and where it's headed, no fingers six needed covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit freestyle libre, slash medicare i have lapsing a mess. >> but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose because symptom because it works for me and my schedule keys sent as a once monthly the treatment for our ms that had powerful results, a reduced rate of relapses and slow disability progression. don't take if you've had an allergic reaction to the tumor mab life-threatening injection related reactions kentucky santa or have hepatitis b. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b as it could come back his him to can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. i'll know pml. he says were reported in rms clinical trials. it could happen tell your doctor if you had are planned to have vaccines, or if you are or planned to become pregnant, keeps him to may decrease certain antibodies most common side effects or upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ask your doctor about key symptom billy the kid, to try to take over the town. >> what it needs is cleaning up. >> they've appointed a new sheriff get garrett means something to you sure not use the royal billy knows your job to hold them down. the law doesn't take this ad game for me did you know that if you shave one-third of what you remove is skin new dove helps repair it so if you shave it debit new dev, replenish your skin after every shave. this summer. snacking just got serious introducing new $3 footlong diverse world might not be ready for them, but when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. doctors preferred better science, better results judge. >> roger. >> i've been waiting for this all shortly sunday july 7 on discovery and stream on max erin burnett outfront week nights at seven odd cnn further. >> straining, at each other. programming, okay, this is that we have a kind of a crazy schedule. we will offer be off next week because it's 4 july. we usually not on this late because we take our summer break, but because the republican convention is when. we see here that is july 19. so we want to be on for the two weeks after we're off next week. that's july 12. in july 19, then we're off for a month. then we come back for the dnc on august 23rd to the end of the year, but we thought because we're on near 4 july and we usually aren't we would do something tonight because it was kind of a depressing nightlife as night to show people what is still great about america what is great about america? for example, we have tent cities bigger than your entire, whole country we're so advanced technologically, we already are using robot tv host we're so forward thinking. our last president was a man who wears make-up their countries have museums and bring the past alive. we have the entire southern united states our strip clubs are so hot women hating terrorists go there the night before they die you can get ahead job from your congress person been in a public theater we allowed the learning disabled to help run the government great country if you think your beer is gay, you can shoot it you see an unoccupied home. you can just move in our fast food restaurants sound like euphemisms for sex? this in america, you can dance like no one is watching. or if you want, like you're jerking off. two guys are one i'm thinking i'm going to die. >> and i thought that was it. >> we have schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn hi, there i am an ad. ever noticed how some ads just speak to choose bias ai driven tools to plan execute, and measure your connected tv campaigns on premium inventory, choose wisely choose by it smile. you found it the feeling of findings psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis, and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up, are finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background once daily. so tick two was proven better, getting more people clear skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and change because in certain labs have occurred, tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccine or plan to sell tiktok is a tick to inhibitor to do as part of the jack donnelly, it's not known as a tick to has the same risks as jak inhibitors find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only ones of tick two, so ask for it by name so clearly you, so tick two freeze dryness, breakage, new dove ten and one serum hair mask with peptide complex before defies hair bonds at a molecular level helps reverse e to three-to-one, three-to-one today. tomorrow on the whole story, short battles in american waters, dive into the debate between conservation fischer and sharp gutters story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight and don't miss discovery sharpening starting sunday, july 7, laura coates, live week nights at 11 eastern on cnn after last night's debate, america now has to decide, do you want infirmed old are in hey, an old the important thing to remember is that age affects different people in different ways for example, the green hornet still looks good, but cato was really let himself go euro now the 21 million sets of miniature toy food been recalled for being harmful and dangerous. i demand an apology not from the toy company. they're just trying to make a buck from the 21 million americans who bought this crap all you do is whine about the price of groceries. then you paste $69 for fake food. fuck you you're wilson's trump posted this photo and wrote my son, don has absolutely no fear, not even of a vicious rattlesnake. someone should tell junior would he should really be afraid of a train neural, don't go on a sports podcast and talk about your girlfriend it's a sports podcast you're supposed to talking about scores and trades and vast, some guy could run gay stuff not the exact moment, taylor swift, one you over unless it was a blow job but it wasn't a blow jobs or shut up now in michigan republican state representative neil risky, who says he stands strong behind president trump and who has sponsored legislation restricting abortion access, was arrested last week after reportedly chasing a stripper down the street with a gun at two in the morning he must change his name to the white diddy and then tell us that we need the ten commandments back in school and finally, new rule, whoever held up this sign at a trump rally that says can't get a job house or a girlfriend, thanks to biden needs to stop blaming biden especially for the girlfriend he paid off your student loans. now you want them to get your laid sorry, but the thing men need to build back better is there game did you know that in the u.s. 60? s3 percent of men 18 to 29 or single. but just 34% of women i'm not sure how that works unless there are a lot more lesbians than i thought but here's the good news. one of the big social trends of the last year is that young people are dropping dating apps in favor of old school in-person interactions, just like we stupid old people used to do not a moment too soon, the cdc says the general fertility rate in america is way down and nick cannon can fix it all binds i said here are a few weeks ago that men need a ted talk on how to get with women. and tonight, you're going to get it young men, young women because this remind you of anything because it's broken down for an entire generation of young people. but what if i told you with a few small changes, you could be touching an actual woman instead of jerking off in your parents basement now since this is a ted talk, we need to first whiteboard the issue so we can drill down on the game changing paradigm shift but really squeezes with juice out of a more goal oriented approach that can move the needle and this solution is called game simple, but revolutionary first step g stands for go outside also booming and goodwill not like goodwill to your fellow man. i mean, the place that takes your old close guys these days guys these days dress for a date like they're going in for a colonoscopy unless you're a crocodile hunter, don't wear shorts on a date there's no shorts and dating and get a belt i think elastic and shirts have collars shoes look good they make a sound on hardwood floors. they shouldn't look like bathtub toys you may think abercrombie and fitch just for douche bags, but guess who gets laid douche bags you've probably heard the phrase, he cleans up nice. do that lean up not your hair in your nose is it possible for a guy who ignores hygiene to get laid still? sure. tommy lee did it in the 90s johnny depp more recently. but remember but remember these three words. you're not them a woman can smell so you're they're not getting near your dick and know axe body spray is not a substitute clean your like you're going to have not you're asked luck, you're going to have sex in it and then don't which brings me to an important point women in the real-world aren't like the women you jerk off to on porn hub i know you think the world is full of step sisters want to be choked, but it's not nobody blows the pizza guy for it. tip and the the asked is there to be saved for when the relationship gets boring it's either that or have kids g is also for grow up. it something. in your grocery cart has a cartoon character on it, put it back you want to get laid your freezer should be filled with vodka, not dino nuggets if you act like an immature teen, you're not going to attract women, you're going to attract boy band managers here's a sign you up to many action figures in your cubicle you have one action figure in your cubicle all right. next is a is for act normal don't don't be weird don't go creepy. facial hair ordered dinner and cling on or say me thinks women want a man on a renaissance fair character find a hobby that doesn't warlocks, elbagir 18 sided dice no woman wants to sit there and watch you cast spells. she wants you to spell the alphabet with your tongue and forgotten sakes, do anything but send a woman a picture of your object women, don't like this the absolute best picture you can take a bit is still a hate crime and much like a dick is, you'd take a moment to let that sink in this format up. you're you're going to have to approach women in order for them to like you and yes, fear of rejection does cause anxiety, but here's gordon concept. many men are not aware of women are actually people they're humans just like us. in fact, we share almost 99% of our dna with women here's the problem. men have no idea how to meet them anymore because that involves talking and dating through the phone has caused mean's approaching skills to atrophy at this very moment, there are millions of men sitting in their basement master bittorrent while outside and under the heat dome, there are women out and about tanning and drinking and enjoying a hot girl's summer one white clot remember the greatest pickup line ever written is still, hello so no you're not i'm going to be a great conversationalist right off the bat, but you can survive in any conversation with a woman if you know just two phrases. one, i've never thought of it that way before and to your coworker? sure. sounds like a real lastly, e, e is for eye contact. stop looking at your phone and start looking in her eyes. if you want a bone put down the phone remember tints begins with t and t is for trap no other reason for tents in the modern world and certainly north the reason to always have them spilling out, it's a test to see if you can focus up here closer to the brain finally, women are feminists in theory, in reality, they would like for you to an expect you to pay for the date. and this is completely reasonable considering that if a relationship does happen, it's ten times more likely. it'll be the man who flux it up. thank you very much sorry next week and back in minneapolis, july 13th, the riverside the walkie on the florentine the content or lana september 7th, i want to thank chris matthews. together and ray kurzweil. now go watch over time on youtube. thank you. letters the cnn presidential debate. >> next let me introduce you to class 500. lean to it and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future futures trading. see a trading opportunity. you'll be able to trade it in two clicks once your account is open no matter what kind of trader you are, plus 500 has you covered with a tailored solution? 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-five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. science, better results. >> do you think that our democracy is at risk? we have to be very concerned. this is a report for the president why do you think he's doing this? and can he be talked out? when republicans he willing to support this aid package, we need a functioning legislative branch are you willing to let people in the west bank vote? why do you think so many republicans have downplayed this? do you think he's guilty the lead with jake tapper weekdays it for cnn close captioning brought to you by meso

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