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both those and issues are likely to be center stage tonight in a historic presidential debate here in atlanta, president biden will face donald trump in a primetime show down here at the cnn world headquarters in atlanta. and america. of course, the world will be watching take a look at this new york times sienna college poll shows nearly three out of four registered voters in the united states plan to watch tonight's debate. let's begin this hour over at the supreme court, seen as pamela brown, who's joining us right now. pamela, what can you tell us first of all, about the abortion rulings handed down just minutes ago well, wolfe, what the high court did today with this opinion officially released, we should note is it essentially put the near total abortion ban and idaho temporarily on hold. >> so what this means is that women in idaho, they can get an abortion if there is a medical emergency, not just when they're life is on the line when this near-total abortion ban was in effect, some women had to be airlifted out of the state because providers were worried that if they did an abortion, if there was a medical emergency that they could be prosecuted so what this does is it puts that law temporarily on hold and we should note that the justices did not go as far as to say federal lawsuit proceeds, state law, and that's notable because there's the idaho law, but there's also 13 other states with these near-total abortion ban. so this does not settle that you see in this opinion release today, justice brown jackson say, look, this is not a celebration. this is kicking the can down the road essentially because you have these other states with near-total abortion bans, it doesn't settle that situation. so we can very well see this issue back before the high court next term and beyond i now want to bring in our panel, cnn chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid and cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig. paula, there are still six pending opinions. this is far from over. tell us more about what we're expecting and when we could learn what those decisions are it appears that we're going to go into next week their opinions expected tomorrow, and then likely on monday, they have these six outstanding cases, some really big ones, right? we have the big question about immunity for former president's, something that could be really one of the most historic decisions in recent memory. 4, the impact it could have on presidential power. there's also this outstanding question the january 6 defendants who have been charged with obstruction and whether that law was properly applied. again, something that could really impact a lot of cases that have been brought by the justice department, including depending on how it's decided, the case it's against former president trump. there's also at least one big outstanding question related to social media and the ability of states to regulate social media platforms. we saw the justices kinda sidestep a question about the federal government pressing or flagging disinformation relation to social media companies yesterday. but there's another social media case asking a similar but different question about whether states can force social media companies to keep conservative viewpoints on their platform. so there's a bunch of big questions. but one of the biggest one, once it's something that no one's really talking about because it's really in the weeds. but it could have an enormous impact. act on americans. and that is the power of federal agencies, the deference granted to federal agencies when it comes to big questions in the government and whether that power should go from federal agencies to the courts. that is actually expected to likely be the last case we get because of its enormous impact on american life. ellie, go ahead. let me try to underscore the stakes with the immunity decision, which is really the big one that we're waiting for. >> first of all, nobody knows. we have no idea what the court's gonna do because there's no precedent. this has never come up before. we do have civil immunity and they may adopt some of those principles, but we are completely just waiting with nothing to go on we have no idea where they're going to do. number two, it's going to come down tomorrow early next week. they just can't they've they've kicked the can, kick the can, but they are out of street here. they cannot kick the can really any more than until early next week this date. this case, when they come down with it will be studied by law students 50, 100 years from now. it will be the first of its kind. it will have enormous impact four executive powers, for balance of powers. and finally, maybe most importantly practically and playing into tonight's debate the decision that comes down an immunity will tell us, will shape the campaign down the final months because there's a scenario depending how the supreme court rules where there still could be a narrow window if the district judge judge chutkan, wants to get a trial in, she can try to hold that trial in august, september, october, which would mean that trump will be on trial during the stretch round of the election. the other alternative, again, depending how the court rules is they could effectively make it impossible to try this this case before the election, in which case we will have a more or less can nothing's really conventional in this electric but he more or less conventional stretch run in the election since the massive case is left and i didn't normally just for our viewers for contact me, normally we would be wrapping up around now and now we know tomorrow is not going to be the last day. yeah. no, absolutely. and i would argue that jack smith tries to take trump to trial in october, right? that late. we're gonna be right back here with another question about whether you can take your presidential candidate for one of the leading parties to trial during that critical period. i think it would just open up a new litigation, but certainly one of the biggest questions we are facing is this one about trump immunity, but it is prizing that they have led so many cases, wait this long, right? and that we're actually going to go into july, which is incredibly unusual. it appears that maybe they are having some trouble building consens. is under enormous scrutiny. 4 a partisanship, four questions about its legitimacy and its fairness. so the chief justice is under a lot of pressure to try to build consensus, especially especially across these key cases like community. >> we've seen throughout this term so far some unlikely sort of cross ideological majority's we've seen several cases where conservatives have joined with the real justices to really yield what i guess you would characterize as a liberal or pro biden administration outcome. i mean, we saw today with the abortion case, right? there was an unusual sort of ideological competitor, conservative exactly together justice jackson anyway, justice alito, you don't see that too often. we saw with the mifepristone decision, we saw it on one of the gang cases that we had last week, which certain limited gun rights to people involved in domestic violence incident. so the court has actually done a pretty good job if we consider it a virtue of breaking out of their 6363 roles. but what we'll see where they go on the big asked me for someone watching and have a more cynical view. are they paving the way for what they're going to come out with on the immunity case by someone gets these cases given the biden administration away and so forth even keep their text straight yesterday. i don't know that they're able to sort of engage in this kind of conspiracy or who would have the incentive to do that? i think that's ultimately up to the chief justice to try to build consensus and tried to protect at least the optics and the reputation how you do that. it's unclear if they're able to, like we said, you'll put out a couple of wins for the biden administration before while having jack smith on immunity is unclear if there actually that coordinated, but it has been fascinating to watch. i caution though, a lot of these decisions like the huge one we are waiting on abortion julio non-decision. they decided in the state of idaho, but they one of the questions of the day, which is, what do you do in the case of abortion when there are conflicting state and federal laws, now that they have overturned roadie weighed, this is one of the biggest questions out there and they haven't answered it except in the state of idaho. so even though we did see that unusual alliance, the question hasn't really been answered. let me he bring in joan biskupic. or senior supreme court analyst because joan, i'd love your take as someone who's oh, i'm sorry. joan is not available, but but just to go back to our conversation is this a court in turmoil? i think a lot of people are wondering, as they're watching everything play out, there's no denying that this is a troubled time for the supreme court institutionally move. we've seen polls, their approval rating in the american public, which matters, isn't an all time low and one thing i've learned from my year of practicing law, uncovering law is they're human beings and they try to make it like they're in that big fancy marble building and they weren't black robes. and so we are just sort of these mythical creatures in the sky. there are human beings. they watch us. i promise you, they read the newspapers. they're aware of what's being said. they're conscious of reporting about them, and they do think about these things. they do think about timing. they do think about how is this going to land? so we'd be speculating to get into the specifics of why do they maybe release this or not released this with the debate tonight and that kind of thing. i think that's sort of an endless speculative loop, but they're human beings and they think about its chief justice roberts has made clear enough we've talked to joanne, who is his biographer. i believe that his hope his goal was that his court would be known as one that's sort of transcended ideological boundaries. but i think really the opposite is happening by the way. he ethics scandals that have been brewing are really harming the courts sort of integrity and competence as well. and if they really are watching, if they're listening, the supreme court is probably want to lease transport parents, branches of government in terms of even giving us explanations when a justice, right, who's vacancy or who's, who's death potentially could cause an enormous impact on the election if they're not even get james explanations when they're not on the bench, they do not provide a lot of information. more transparency from the court could potentially help. i think it's reputation and trust in the high court because it really is astonishing. pam is covered. i've covered it for a long-term. it is astonishing how little transparency is out. i thought that core, it's so hard to wrap up a conversation among three legal nerds, but that's what i have to do unfortunately, because there's other news going on today well, pamela, thank you very much and welcome back to the cnn newsroom, joining us now for for more on this, cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell. >> meg is this huge victory for those who support abortion rights for women? >> well, we'll just not sounding that way. we're getting the reactions really pouring in this morning after we saw this inadvertent posting yesterday, there were sort of reactions to that, but now that we know it's official, we are seeing both reactions from people who are pro abortion access and anti-abortion access. and neither one is particularly satisfied by this supreme court decision in the idaho abortion case. we're hearing from the guttmacher institute, which is a pro reproductive rights group that says the supreme court is preserving the federal protections for emergency abortion care in idaho for the time being, they say, quote, the decision is the bare minimum and the court should have been clear and affirming that the emergency medical treatment and labor act protects abortion in emergency situations. in all states. now we also have been hearing from groups that are against abortion access, including the charlotte lozier institute, who's saying that they're disappointed that the supreme court has not not rejected the biden administration's what they call blatant attempt to hijack a law that protects mothers and babies. so essentially what the court did here is say that actually we shouldn't have taken this case and we're going to send it back down to the lower courts in idaho. but while we do that, we are going to keep in place federal protections for providing abortions in emergency room settings or emergencies settings at hospitals to preserve the health of the person who's pregnant. idaho's abortion law right now contains an exception just to save the life of the person who's pregnant and rare other exceptions. and so there's this argument that these two things are in conflict that has not been resolved by the supreme court. legal experts also point out that this leaves a lot of confusion. in other dates with abortion bans there are currently 14 states that have banned abortion. almost completely. there are an additional seven states that have gestational limit bands between six and 18 weeks. and i was talking with legal scholar elizabeth separate the university of texas at austin. she says, even in states that have health exceptions in their abortion bans they are still might be a lot of confusion here and we're thinking about texas in particular because the biden administration has already asked the court to look at their abortion law as it pertains to these federal protections for emergency abortion. so right now, nobody seems to be particularly happy with the supreme court's holding here that essentially they sort of kick the can down the road. but an idaho at least there we'll be those protections for women who need abortions and these emergency settings elaborate a little bit more mega if you don't mind on the practical effect of this decision on women in idaho? yeah. what we heard is that while this protection wasn't in place to st. luke's health care system, which is one of the largest healthcare systems in idaho. so that they had to airlift six patients out of idaho to receive this kind of hair that compared with just one in the previous year when this kind of protection had been in place. and so we've been the idaho so we've talked with doctors there who are practicing family medicine. we've talked with patients who are pregnant and idaho and what they told us is that they're afraid to be pregnant in the state because they're worried about not having these protections and they've had to travel out of state themselves in some cases to access this kind of care back to real reporting for us back. thank you very much for opinions handed down in one day, but we still don't know what the supreme court will decide about donald trump's claims of presidential immunity so much more to talk about. we will, right after quick run debate 19 america, as biden and trump meet. and only cnn has complete coverage with onion rivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, tonight, at 7:00 p.m. stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson. >> we all have that list of home improvement projects we need to do. and if replacing your home's windows and doors on that list, you want to know that it's going to be affordable. i'm from renewal by anderson and we've helped thousands of customers who were on a budget get our windows and doors for their home how do we do it? well, here's something you don't expect to hear from a window company. you don't have to 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few minutes, but the biden campaign has just released into ad dealing with this new decision on abortion rights for women in idaho. so first of all, that's to on a political level, this is the kind of rapid response that the biden campaign wants to do. and so the decision came out. they have this ad. it's also not a surprise because both the biden campaign and democrats in general see reproductive rights. even a decision like this, which was actually in the end of minor decision, the court said they shouldn't have taken the case and they sent it back down, but anything that touches on reproductive rights the biden campaign and democrats see as a winning issue for them. they look at public polling 74, 75% of american voters believe that there should be to some extent these rights. and so this is going to be something that campaign is going to focus on, not just in this ad but tonight at the debate, we have a clip from the available yet i'm not sure we were going to not yet, but they've got a clip were play that. okay. are standby for a second. i want to bring in joan biskupic, are senior supreme court analyst. joan now tell us a little bit more about the drama that unfolded in the courtroom. >> share well, if it's good to see you, we suspected that decision would come out today, but because of it not coming until the very last after three others were announced, there was still was some since suspense there. and the chief justice just tersely says, the case is dismissed. any announces the lineup, but then justice jackson takes that rare step of deciding to read excerpts from her dissent from the bench and, you justice, jackson's our first our newest justice. she's the first african american woman in the court she led she spoke very firmly, her voice rising as she went along to point up actually what the cost might be here to women's reproductive rights. and it really touches on that exchange. you just had from with meg tirrell from our health team because what justice jackson referred to is the federal law that would presumably preempting many of these state bans on abortion and they would protect women who had pregnancy complications, a ruptured uterus, or other fertility issues that would be impending. justice jackson sort of gave details of that from the bench, talking about what lost two women would be in this compromise and i have to say, well, for the discussion you're having there with jamie right now, this is a political compromise of sorts. it's illegal, compromised, but also a political compromise that sort of takes the abortion issue a bit away from the court for this just temporarily here. and as justice jackson went on and she she had some special guests in her supreme court gets seats that you looked at as she was reading and they were sort of nodding in unison with her. she said that this court has delaying and dawdling on a key issue that will still exist. the conflict between state bands, and we now have about 14 state bans on abortion ever since the supreme court, two years ago, struck down all constitutional abortion rights, the clash between those state bands and this federal law that would preserve emergency medical care in emergency rooms for women who are not close to death, but our spacing serious health complications if they don't get an abortion. again, these would be very serious situations, but the way the idaho law is written, a woman would physician could only perform abortion to prevent a death. and she closed by saying she respectfully dissented, but it was very powerful. and one last thing i want to mention, wolf in speaking the way she did. and in writing what she did today, she broke from her fellow liberal justices, elena kagan, sonia sotomayor, to say that this shouldn't have been dismissed. and also, she's definitely broke from the far-right conservatives led by justice alito, who really wanted the court to uphold the idaho law and reject the biden administration's case here, wolf john standby, i'll get back to you. i want to bring back to jamie. jamie, we now have the clip of the new biden campaign ad just released on the supreme court decision on abortion rights for women in idaho. let's play the clip a medical emergency seconds matter. when you're the only person in the emergency room at two in the morning and someone comes in hemorrhaging and they're pregnant you're responsible two years ago, trump overturned roe v. wade because of the abortion bans across the country at women's lives are at risk so based on that clip, what's your reaction? so, so just to put that in perspective, the voice you're hearing there, i'm told is dr. lauren miller she was a high the risk obstetrician from idaho, who actually left the state out of fear of facing potential criminal charges. 4, treating patients again, this is a point reproductive rights where the biden campaign, democrats feel they want to draw a sharp contrast. you heard the last line she said at the end, quote, donald trump did this, he put women's lives in danger or colleague arlette saenz reports that the campaign, the biden campaign, is also planning to air an a abortion focused add during one of the commercial breaks in the debate tonight on cnn, so again, you're going to see the campaign. this is rapid response reproductive rights. they're going to come out over and over again hitting just suspect abortion rights for women will be a big issue between biden and trump. tonight absolutely. we'll be watching, of course all right thank you very much. jamie and joan. the stakes couldn't be higher for both trump and biden as they face off in a debate here in atlanta later tonight, our coverage continues right after this short break, stay with us urine the cnn newsroom tomorrow. kevin costner resurrect the western. >> we got ourselves a bad one. >> man right here. see it on the biggest screen. savant. >> let's go in american saga, one in theaters tomorrow, we did pass the mic helps us motivate our 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the most important presidential debates in american history. >> you're seeing a live look right now over the cnn debate stage, where later tonight, joe biden, donald trump will make the case for why they deserve and other four years in the oval office. the stakes couldn't be higher. this showdown could mark a major turning point in the 2024 presidential election as the two candidates remain at least for now stuck in a deadlocked race. also new this morning, we're learning more about their final preparations going into tonight's debate cnn is covering all of this, right? now, all of the angles i want to get right to see it as jeff zeleny, he's live here in atlanta outside the cnn headquarters of for this debate jeff how could the tonight's debate change potentially the 2024 election well, if it certainly will set the tone for the remainder of the campaign. >> yes, the two candidates for this same, but the issues are so much different. so this is not a rerun of the last debates we saw four years ago. of course, both candidates are significantly different in their own right. a, president biden is 81-years-old donald trump is 78-years-old. they would be the oldest president ever. but how this could change the rest of the campaign has certainly significant we begin voters really have been watching this race with a good degree of reluctance. there's an exhaustion out there in america with the choices they have but this debate tonight, we'll frame these choices very succinctly and election day is four-and-a-half months away, the voting will begin in less than four months. in some states. so we're guard list of all the changes in this campaign. we've seen a war in the middle east. we've seen guilty convictions for the former president. nothing has really changed the outcome the trajectory of this race tonight's debate when they come face-to-face certainly will bring it all into stark relief. and it could have an effect on the next chapter of this race to come will you certainly could. jeff zeleny. here are the cnn headquarters in atlanta. jeff, thank you. you very much. i want to go to c then sara sidner right now. she's inside the debate hall where history will unfold later tonight, set the scene for sarah wolf and this is where history will be made tonight for a couple of reasons, actually, actually more than 21 of them is as you have noted, that there's president and former president for the first time in american history are going to meet, debating one another to try to win their seats again and secondly, this is the earliest that voters have ever seen a presidential debate in us political history. now i want to give you some sense of what the debaters, these candidates are going to be experiencing. so as i turn back here, you will see there's where our moderators will be, who you know very well, dana bash and jake tapper. there'll be sitting there asking the questions the candidates will be sitting. he had standing here, they are not allowed to sit, they are not allowed to bring notes with them. they are not allowed to talk to anyone in their campaign, even though another first, there'll be a couple of commercial breaks for them to sort of stop for a second and try to get their thoughts together. what they will have it's a notepad and a pen. and they will be timed very specifically. and here are their cuz i'm going to have nd show you where there'll be looking those cameras that you see over there. we'll have lights on them. when the light is flashing yellow. it means that they have just 15 seconds to answer the question it will then flash red. that means five seconds. and then after that, when that red light stays still they will have their microphones put on mute. they have to stop talking i do wanna give you some sense though, of what this room is going to be like. because as you turn and look at the space here, this grand space, there's one thing you'll notice that you don't see seats because there will be no audience for the first time in a very, very, very long time, no audience and the room actually have a real effect and lastly, wolf, and this is important. these two men have not been in the same room with each other. never mind near each other since 2020 during another debate, they are so close that if they spread their arms out, they could touch one another, just eight feet apart. they will definitely be feeling the heat as they stand there listening to one another's answer there's to the questions. and then rebutting them i'm gonna be curious, sarah, if we actually see these two presidential candidates shaking hands either before the debate starts or after the debate ends. >> i think that will be important if the even shaky and if they do shake as i'm curious, who's going to initiate the handshake at this debate? if that happened, sara sidner. excellent explanation. thank you very much. and to our viewers, stay with cnn. it's debate night here in atlanta. much more of our special coverage right ahead. during the cnn newsroom the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president the former president, one stage, moderated by jake tapper and dana bash. the cnn presidential debate tonight at nine live on cnn and streaming on max for over 25 years loved sack has been rewriting the rules of comfort. it's okay to change your style, get messy yet immersed with love's sack, you make the rules i want the effects of viagra, but faster meet row sparks they contain sildenafil and to dalla fill with sparks, dissolve under the tongue dissolvable work faster than old-school hills cia sparks are right for you at row dot coast last sparks a widely filter. it's well-designed efficient. i appreciate that. we filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed what more could you ask for colleague 33 lee filter today, more visit lee with consumer cellular is fast and reliable coverage. >> it's easy to win re-send and good two months 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already lobbying searing attacks this morning, for example, the democratic national committee's out in forest here in atlanta with a series of billboards attacking trump over his criminal record and take a look at this. here's a mobile billboard that's on the streets of atlanta throughout his day. i cnn's kayla tausche has all the details on the president's media blitz and final preparations that are underway right now, kayla, what are you learning? >> a wolf the biden campaign is leaving no stone unturned if you drive up highway 85, which is the main north-south artery that goes through the heart of atlanta you will see a ton of billboards that said go joe and then other billboards that are attacking donald trump clearly they want a blanket, not just the airwaves, but the roadsides as well. there's also a 50 $50,000,000 a television ad campaign that's running specifically in battleground states are trying to go after one of the campaign co-chairs, jen o'malley, dillon says, is the six and six the 6% of voters who are going to decide the election in the six states that are the most critical. and you can that wolf that, that is a subset of the electorate. the president biden is going to speak directly to tonight. we've learned that one of the methods that he plans to employ is tried and true tactic of his work. he speaks directly to the camera attempting to bypass the moderators and his opponent to step right into the voters living room. it's a tactic that he employed in 2020 and sources say that his favorite bility in foe focus groups and what campaigns called dial testing were off the charts when he did that. and so a lot of sources expect him to do that early and often in tonight it's conversation is especially to try to re-engage an electorate that has been largely tuned out and to a certain extent disillusioned present biden is also expected to highlight in a big way the january 6 riot at the capitol and to frame it as an era defining moment, not unlike 911 are the 2008 financial crisis that he is expected to to argue that voters will have to make a very clear decision, a galvanizing moment, a watershed moment. and that's one of the key messages we expect to hear from the president tonight, wilson now she here with us at cnn world headquarters in atlanta also today, the trump campaign is launching adds, taking direct name that president biden's mental fitness and his record, cnn's elaine of treene live in the cnn debate spin room for us. so alaina, what is the trump campaign telling you about the debate rules, for example? later tonight well, like it's actually been really interesting wolf because at first they were a little bit wary about the new debate rules and the formatting. >> we know that they had taken issue at first with the idea that the microphone's could be shut off when the candidates, a lot of time what's up. and also that there is no live audience. however, it's been really interesting because in recent days they're changing their tune a little bit and arguing that it actually may be more beneficial to have the mics able to be turned off and have no audience in that student that's because if you look back at 20:20 during the first debate between donald trump and joe biden, trump was very aggressive. he repeatedly interrupted joe biden. he at times didn't let him get a word in and that actually led him to fall in the polls. after that, it's something trump himself acknowledged and a rather candid interview earlier this week. and so his advisers have been telling me luck perhaps having the mic shut off and also no audience so that he can feed off the crowd. we know that trump loves to take cues from the audience, given that that they won't have that either. they do believe that he'll be able to stay on message more now, i also want to just turn your attention to that ad that you mentioned. what i find really notable about this we haven't seen the trump campaign really put out any ads themselves on tv yet, or really since donald trump became the presumptive republican nominee, i do want you to just take a listen to what one of these ads had to say when you think about the joe biden is shown the debate ask yourself a question. do you think the guy who was defeated by the stairs got taken down by his bike, launched a fight with his jacket in regularly gets lost, makes it four more years in the white house and you don't wait right now, wafa, what i do find interesting about this ad is it's actually quite different on messaging than what the trump campaign has actually been trying to do for the last a week or so, they've actually been trying to argue that they think biden will be a strong debater tonight, that he will potentially come in, jacked up as donald trump has been saying something that is alluded to and has no evidence of donald of biden taking performance enhancing drugs. however, this ad clearly kinda sticking more at the rhetoric they've used over the past year or so, trying to paint the president as senile. so i think it'll be interesting to see donald trump's own language on that this evening. wealth line to train in the spin room here at the cnn world headquarters. >> that's where the two campaign surrogates are gonna be showing up after tonight's debate to tell the media how great their respective candidate did during the course of the debate will be watching all of that unfold. thank you very much, elana for that. be sure to tune in later tonight for this truly historic presidential debate, 9:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn and on max. and we'll be right back tonight, the stage is set for the most anticipated event of this election biden trump, the weight only cnn can bring it to you the cnn presidential debate to that. and i live on cnn. and streaming on max flowing my cancer from growing and living longer, or do things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. >> and with his scaly, i can have both because scaly is a pill that when taken 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certainly have a lot to gain and potentially a lot to lose from tonight's historic showdown. let's discuss what's going on with cnn political commentators, scott jennings and ashley allison both of you thanks very much for joining us. what do you think this is a huge moment right now. >> i think it's the biggest moment of the campaign. i think the biggest moment really in campaigns in the last maybe two or three decades, which is why everybody really ought to watch tonight. these two guys as muhammad ali, once they, they don't get along. so they're going to get it on. they don't like each other. and right now the campaign in my opinion opinion for joe biden, is teetering in the balance. the gallup poll, he's got major problems. new york times last night, major problems, swing-state polls, major problems. the pressure is on the president to change the trajectory of this race. can he do it? we'll find out. >> what do you think? >> i agree it's a big night for both? candidates, whether or not joe biden is able to show up and talk directly to the american people, is the task before him whether donald trump can remain controlled, composed? history, has not proven to be that that's a fact that might happen. but tonight won't be a surprise. we'll see. but i think tonight could be the tradition, the night that changes the trajectory of the campaign for some folks many people haven't even really been paying attention there wasn't a democratic primary this year, so democratic voters have been watching the president's performance, but not engaged in the electorate tonight is really when the campaign starts. and maybe donald trump will break some news with the vice presidential candidate, maybe not. but either way, what they say tonight, we'll start to engage get smirk. there's been a lot of speculation that trump may go after biden's family, especially his son, hunter biden during the course of the debate tonight, is that smart? i think i don't think it's a mover for voters, but if part of your tactic was to try to rile your opponent get him off his game, get joe biden in an emotional state. i could see that. i mean, it could be a retort to win joe biden goes after him on his own legal issues he was he could come back at him on hunter, i think the best ground to fight on for trump is obviously the economy, inflation and immigration. so when given the choice, i think most republicans would rather see him retreat to that ground all night long if he does, he's going to have a good night. >> is a smart for biden to go after trump on the issue of all of the criminal charges and the convictions. >> oh, absolutely. i mean, that the fact that he has committed a crime and a jury of his peers have found him guilty and it needs to, the american people need to constantly be reminded of that. i agree. i don't think that hunter biden if donald trump goes after joe biden is going to move voters, but that would give a spark in the current president to say, wait a minute, don't talk about my son and every time he's on an opportunity to reflect on his relationship with his son it does move americans at something that people can relate to. i have heard though from the campaign to your point, scott about immigration and is that they're not going to run from that issue. they're going to lay out the facts. the reality is, is that border crossings are down lower now than they have been before the president took office because of the executive action that he took and donald call tama trump out on that stage, say you were the one that tank the bill for politics. so do you really want a solution or you just want to play with the country? tree again, we're all here in atlanta. we've seen the dnc billboards and are up right now, are taking direct aim at trump's criminal convictions. house. how do you think trump is going to react to that? i don't know. i don't think it gets your toilet 530 i heard and i don't know what he's actually going to see, but i believe they know and that the former president knows he's got the tiger by the tail. it's his race to lose right now. i doubted billboards going to knock him off his game. >> he did address the issue of his convictions yesterdays, you know, ashley suggesting that black american voters can relate to him because he accuses the government of falsely go going after him. and he says that black, black people can identify with that as the great kendrick lamar says, they not like us. donald trump is not one of us. he, we do not look at donald trump because of his criminal convictions and say, oh, that's why i like donald trump. it's offensive to say that the reason why black americans may like donald trump is because of his criminal record. it paints is in a form of criminality and i just it's not going to happen. that's not why black voters will go for donald trump. and i know scott, we talked what this all the time. i don't believe the polls. i thought the black people why is it you always go what i'm going to say in the new york times donald trump sit this morning at 26% of among african-american voters if he gets anywhere near that, this race is over. >> i mean, honestly right. >> he's not gonna get near that okay. we'll see trump surrogates are also suggesting is, you know, and trump himself busy just in that biden is going to be on some sort of drug tonight to keep himself going. >> is that a smart strategy for them to be making a accusation like that? >> i think it's all in ingest it's all part of the hype and entertainment leading after the debate. i don't think anybody really believes that it's, it's kinda been a running joke on the right since the state of the union when joe biden came out and was all animated in yelling at the congress. so republicans have been joking about this, but i don't think it's anything more than that, but that's the problem is that jokes often on the republican side somehow seem to become fact and so and then there are misconstrued or there clifton missing and disinformation is pushed out. so i mean, the president is not going to be on drugs. he was not on drugs during the state of the union and it's unfair and i think it's just beneath the office, but that's donald trump for you, dropped made similar charges against hillary clinton back in 2016, as you remember? >> yeah. i think it'd be part of the showmanship and the rhetoric around at all does go to something about the frame of the campaign, which is that joe biden, in that case, hillary clinton, maybe is not fit or could not hold the office for four more years, you saw the ad earlier. they're already foreshadow ended a vote for biden is really just a vote for kamala harris. i think they're trying to implant and people's minds you're really think he can make it? and what are you really voting for? it's part of the part of the tactics. >> one thing i'll say about that is that republicans often pretend like they have the better policy solutions, but that's not what the republicans, what you don't. but that's not whether publican are actually arguing. they're trying to go after joe biden and his his age or his mental acuity. it's like if you're so good on policy, speak about it, talk about it, but joel, don't you talk you do these underlying jabs that kamala harris like okay. so what if she is let's see if policy is the big issue tonight, we'll all be watching ashley, scott, guys. thank you very, very much into our viewers. thanks very much for joining us here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in atlanta. i'll be back later today 4:00 p.m. eastern. 4:00 p.m. eastern, as we count down to tonight's historic debate, stay with us inside politics today with john kink starts right after a short break she random plays like a puppy again. he's number twos is a brand new dog all in less than a when people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog, they often say that it feels like magic. >> but there's no magic involved it's simply fresh meat 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thanks for sharing this very important news day with us and we begin this de, with breaking news on an issue we know will be an issue in tonight. cnn presidential debate. abortion, the supreme court today, issuing a ruling that for now allows emergency abortions in idaho when the mother's health is at risk at first glance, a big win for abortion rights forces fighting that how

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Management , Undergraduate Credits , Successes , Make , University Of Maryland , 90 , Success P Life , Credit , Side Rewards , Credit One Bank , Graduation De And Beyond , God , Spain , Whitening Strips , Smile , Aluminium , Brock Side , Lumina , Stearns And Foster , Mattress , Materials , Comfort Shop , Memory Foam , Dlj , Ultra Conforming Inner Springs , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , On Select Stearns And Foster Mattresses , 400 , Row , Job Criteria , Weight , Diet , Exercise , Glp , 20 , 1 , Loved One , Provider , Rho Row Co , Campaigns , Attacks , Cnn Debate Stage , 808 , 214000 , Billboards , Record , Billboard , Example , Streets , Series , Kayla Tausche , Out In Forest , Stone Unturned , Artery , Media Blitz , Highway 85 , Kayla , 85 , Ton , Heart , Roadsides , Go Joe , Blanket , Airwaves , Television Ad Campaign , Battleground States , Campaign Co Chairs , Critical , Jen O Malley , Dillon , 50000000 , 0000000 , Electorate , Tactic , Camera , Subset , Work , Methods , Opponent , Charts , Sources , Bility , Focus Groups , Foe , Dial Testing , Capitol , Crisis , 911 , 2008 , Fitness , Messages , At Cnn World Headquarters , Wilson , Spin Room , Debate Rules , Elaine Of Treene , Alaina , Formatting , Microphone , Student , Tune , Mics , Interview , Times Didn T , Word , Cues , Advisers , Luck , Crowd , Attention , Ads , We Haven T , Message , Tv , Guy , Republican , Listen , Nominee , Stairs , Wafa , Jacket , Fight , Bike , White House , Last , Trump Campaign , Debater , Messaging , Drugs , Performance , Rhetoric , Donald , Evidence , Campaign Surrogates , Wealth Line , Evening , Language , Media , Melana , 9 , Eastern , Event , Max , Cancer , Breast Cancer Treatment , Both , Scaly , Trials , Sprint , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , Heartbeat , Liver Problems , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Confidence , Blood Cell , Golly , Grapefruit , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Change , Chills , Appetite , Fever , Dizziness , Tiredness , Yellowing , Loss , Rash , Bleeding , Bruising , Prices , Rates , Carshow , Breakdowns , Laci Into Today , Favor , Wallet , Khartiia , Peace Of Mind , George , Vehicle , Repairs , Mom , Breakdown , Truck , Pay , Suv , 6000 , Vehicles , Car Customer , 200 , 5000 , 2200 , 000 , 9000 , Administrators , Lots , Ex Machina , Garland , Car Shield , Courtesy , Car Breakdowns , Rental Car Options , Towing , Assistance , Differences , Extras , 24 7 , Quote It S , Car Shoe , Repair Bills , Help , Price Lot Guarantee , 986955 , 800 , 804 , Honore , The World , What S Going On , Commentators , Ashley Allison , Scott Jennings , Guys , Problems , Gallup Poll , Teetering , Last Night , Muhammad Ali , Night , Fact , Won T , Task , Folks , Tradition , There Wasn T A Democratic , Speculation , Campaign Starts , Advice , Get Smirk , Smart , Part , Hunter Biden , Game , Family , Mover , Immigration , Economy , Choice , Win , Retort , Inflation , Hunter , Republicans , Charges , Jury , Crime , Peers , Son , Opportunity , Move , Relationship , Spark , Office , Bill , Executive Action , Tank , Border Crossings , Facts , Call Tama , Politics , I Don T Know , Aim , Solution , Tree , Dnc , Toilet , House , 530 , Yesterdays , Tail , Tiger , Black , Kendrick Lamar , Offensive , Form , Reason , Black Americans , Criminality , Anywhere , Trump Surrogates , Okay , 26 , Drug , Strategy , Accusation , Hype , Entertainment , Anybody , Joking , Problem , It S , State Of The Union , Jokes , Running Joke , Congress , Side , Clifton , Showmanship , Hillary Clinton , 2016 , Vote , Something , Frame , Kamala Harris , Tactics , Minds , Policy Solutions , Policy , Jabs , Age , Acuity , Joel , Thanks , Eastern , John Kink , Twos , Inside Politics , Puppy , Magic , Dogs Food , Farmers Dog , Nutrients Dogs , Fresh Meat , Vegetables , Food , Dried Pellets , Builders , Homeowners , Brian Price , Bathrooms , Kitchens , Brian Gary , 10 , Reputation Quality , Industry Thanks , Service , Replacement Window Division , What , Master Installing , Mastering , Field Training Programs , Classroom , Homeowner , Blame Game , Manufacturer Points , Installer , Installer Points , Worst , Finger , Consultation , Process , Nice , Estimates , Replacement Window Companies , Discount , Home Improvement Resource , Top , 35 , Entry , Anderson Call 18050 11400 Rising Costs , 18050 , 11400 , June 30 4 A , Specialty Care , Reach , Therapies , Nursing , Violet , Freiburg Sunday , Designers , Brands , Flash Designer Sales , Heart Racing , Guilt , Gilt Com , Dude , Special Edition , John King , Emergency Abortions , Glance , Forces ,

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