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comparing notes and an ultimately laughing at the ridiculous farce that both of our imprisonment and i'm sure his family is praying beyond to try to get him home as soon as possible. jason resign. thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. this morning. a new our of cnn news central starts right now new reporting this hour on president biden and donald trump, not just what they plan to do on stage during tomorrow night scene and debate but if focus now on what they plan to not do onstage during the debate new reporting also out of the department of homeland security today, the new data point he do a big drop in migrant apprehensions at the southern border in the three weeks since president biden took those new steps to crack down on asylum claims, what the homeland security secretary great has to say about that, and it's telling, our team, julian assange, just pleaded guilty and is now home and a free man. >> so what is next? for the wikileaks founder i'm kate bolduan was sara sidner and john berman. this is cnn news central it's crunch time, a stork night tomorrow, right here on cnn. >> would president joe biden and former president donald trump square off the first time a sitting and former president have ever debated sources tell cnn, president biden is expected to go on the offensive, focusing on the danger, he says donald trump presents to the nation and democracy what we're told he will not do is announce any major policy or personnel decisions as for donald trump, allies urging the former president to do the opposite focus on policy driven talking points like inflation immigration, and crime. all areas they feel donald trump is much stronger then biden, cnn's chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny joining us now from atlanta. geoff vitamin trump, intend to of course show sharp contrast with one another. but how they do it is what is being rankled with right now good morning, sarah. >> you're right. it is all about the contrast between these two candidates of course, they've been showing it on the campaign trail in certain and certainly in their rhetoric for months and months. but they believe this big audience when voters are beginning to pay more attention to the race certainly will make either of their individual arguments here, but we are getting a glimpse of what their respective arguments are in television ads, dueling television isn't ads from both sides. let's take a look at the biden campaign ad, the case they're making against donald trump donald trump loves to attack joe biden well, by joe biden because he's focused on revenge and he has no plan to help the middle class. >> he just gave more tax cuts to the wealthy so, to sum up that ad, that is one of the biden campaign's main arguments and the president, i'm told will likely continue that tomorrow night here onstage saying that donald trump is all about revenge. >> she's all about himself. so talking directly about those convictions, but conversely, on the other side, a super pack supporting the former president is airing and add right here in georgia and elsewhere, talking about the economy and inflation under president biden prison biden created an inflation nightmare then dismissed families worries, inflation rate month to month resist just an inch hardly at all hardly at all? two years of biden's policies, prices are still rising. >> atlanta rent is way up, food prices soaring to record highs so when you boil all this down, sir, those really are their arguments in a nutshell there, the biden team and the president i'm told is going to try and remind american voters what it was like living in the trump era, former president donald trump for his part, is going to tell voters what it's like in this moment with inflation and the economy. >> so certainly a contrast and message, but certainly styles and just their appearance also will be at the center this conversation jaffe that was 2020. it was such a different time in the middle of the pandemic. the first time these two men mad and now here we are almost four years later, you've been talking to georgia voters where you are, where are they looking for at the debate in these candidates? >> sir? so many things have changed and people's lives are so different now of course, the economy is front and center, but it is different than four years ago, but the chorion your voters, we've been talking to our tuning into this race and they are a deeply interested to what their plans are going forward. we talked a lot about the rearview mirror, but voters there's are looking for what the second term of either president will be like. i mean, i think one thing is clear here when you see as the as president biden is trying to remind people of the trump presidency, president trump is trying to remind people of what's going on now. >> this isn't something that is going to be issued by as you voters are going to look at this and see who they are comfortable with. >> but you said things are different, sara, it is so clear, going back to watch the old debates, it's amazing how many things have change the dobbs decision, for example invasion of ukraine, the war in the middle east, immigration certainly is at a different place. so, so many different issues. the only in the same really are the two candidates standing onstage all right. >> jeff zeleny. thank you. live there for us. from where the debate will be held, john. >> all right. with us now, former republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy, sir, thank you so much for being with us. so people have been reporting that donald trump is bouncing debate ideas off of his potential vice presidential candidates. you are said to be on that list. what policy areas has he come to you for? >> look, i'm going to avoid any specific discussions i've had with president trump, but talk about why i think this debate is going to be good for america. if you had, have you have you had policy discussions with donald trump? recently? >> i had a conversation with donald trump before the debate and i'll be in atlanta this evening as well. but what i will say is in my impression, donald trump is prepared on his own two feet for this debate. my best advice to him is be yourself don't do what anybody else tells you to do. he's served as president united states. and if this is about the policy records of both the presidents, and this is about their actual policy vision for the next four years. this debate is going to be good for america if it's about re-litigating past grievances or attacks are accusations on either candidate. i think it's going to be bad for america, and i think that's what's at stake tonight. >> yeah, it on the issue of policy, i am curious because when you ran for president, one of the things you proposed was a bolick pushing the fbi. what have you discussed with him on that front look, what i said in the presidential campaign reflected at my own views on reorganizing the administrative state. >> i think the people we elect to run the government are really no longer the ones who actually run the government. and that ought to be a non-partisan issue. >> but for president trump, the top areas of focus are the areas that mattered americans, right now, fixing the mass influx of illegal migration into this country reviving the economy, and think about stable foreign policy as well. >> we're closer to world war three than we've ever been the century. it was very different under the trump years. and i think that that should be the area of focus. at the debate tomorrow night. i think that's what's affecting americans at home. and the more this goes into re-litigating personalities are passed accusations. the worst it's going to be for the country. and i'm looking forward to hopefully what is a policy rich debate that actually informs americans effects. they need also taste that i told president trump and i'll tell you as well as i get a lot of credit for doing this debate on the terms that were effectively set by biden hosted by cnn in atlanta without a live audience would be the equivalent of joe biden agreeing to do a fox news hosted debate in alabama with 3,000 live audience members. >> so i give donald trump a lot of credit for that. >> if you're going to leave the country, you gotta be able to show up. and that's exactly what he's doing. yeah. look, every aspect of this debate was agreed to by the trump campaign and you know, jake and dan are award winning journalists who are relentlessly fair. they will do a fantastic job. the only presidential candidate republican to lose georgia in decades is donald trump's of joy we're just pretty friendly territory or should be at least for a republican candidate, you have some experience, recent experience on the debate stage, and you were pretty aggressive. and some people like to put other people didn't die. for instance, the other candidates who were on that stage with your nikki haley said, you're just scum chris christie called you the most obnoxious blow hard enough america. >> so what lessons did you learn about aggressive tax and debating well, look, what are the things i would say is just be yourself and be true to americans. i think the people of this country are able to snuff through pre-prepared pre-canned talking points what are the things i loved about president trump? because he's not a guy who just sticks to a script. he is a guy who actually speaks his heart mind, but one piece of advice i would give him and i've gotten to know president trump, especially after i've left the presidential races he is actually somebody who deeply cares about national unity and that does not come across in the media as normal reporting of them. so one of my pieces of advice to him and i think that he will be successful in getting this across, if not at the debate for the rest of the campaign, is how much he does care about reuniting. one nation in this country. biden pledged to unite the country. he has failed miserably and i think debate tonight social vision for the future, rather than relitigate, have you, have you ever looked at donald trump's social media account like on major national holidays where he says happy easter to all even the scum and fill for the earth, things like that. that's the message of unity we'll look, i've, obviously, because the media is actually picking a lot of the things that he said in a position of having been a fighter. look that first term had to be about fighting fire with fire because that's the position talking about. i'm talking about like three weeks i'm talking about like i'm talking about three weeks ago. do you think is social media account is unifying? >> look, i don't think social media setup to be unifying, period. and that's not a left during or right-wing point. that's so 280 characters point, but i'm revealing a point that i think is counterintuitive to a lot of people, but it's important. >> it's because they don't leave idolizing the gray zone america and, i think that's important okay, well, look, that's a big part of what they're debate provides an opportunity for, is a lot of so much of what the public gets. >> and this is what i learned through the presidential candidate. and i think it's a sad feature of american democracy today. >> so, much of what the public gets. >> john, is through filters, either the filters of algorithms, the filters of cable news. and that's why i think these debates are unique moments where if people actually watch it directly from the candidates they get to assess for themselves who those candidates really are. and the more this is about the vision for the next four years and taking advantage of a unique opportunity that americans have not had in more than a century. there's a once-in-a-century opportunity to say you have two president. yeah, both of whom have four-year records, hundred percent or four years of trump with four years of biden. and i think it's a rare opportunity that ought not be squandered by personality-based accusations a little hundred percent. >> this the debate is an unbelievable opportunity for voters to look at both candidates and assessed that i think that is indisputable at this point. again, i just people should go look at donald trump's social media account, which is unfiltered. he writes it america sees that there's no filter there on the aggressive tactics. the reason i did bring that up because trump himself seemed to acknowledge that four years ago in the first debate, he came out too hot. he told the washington examiner, i was very aggressive in the first one. the second one, i was different and i got great marks on the second one. so what you're saying here is you'd like to see him less hot, less likey is on social media, something different than maybe american hissene i'd like you to be just himself so americans can actually see it directly for themselves rather than through the filters. >> sometimes they may require aggression, but there's an expression in my own family i talked about it in the campaign trail and i think donald trump embodies that as well. >> you have to be strong enough to protect your kindness strong enough years and most americans know that about him, that he's a fighter. but i'd like for americans to also see the side of him that i've had a chance to see since i've left this race, which is the trump also cares about leading the entire nation. and yes, dare i say, uniting this country, that part, i don't think has come across through the filters. i do hope it comes across maronite at the they'd and the reality is this. the last debate. let's talk about a lot of the things that happened. this is last time around during covid, there were claims that biden made that he had no involvement in his son's dealings. we were in an era of social media censorship. we were in an era where the hunter biden laptop story was suppressed on the eve of the last election. i hope everybody has learned those lessons of the past to say that you know what, we're not going the way of censorship this time around. we're not going the way of distorting the information the public gets. this time around as a country, let's learn from our mistakes of the past. give the information to the voters. so they're able to make their own decisions one of the things i really worry about for the country right now, john is this, i think it's a very real possible scenario. is that biden's come in and you're talking about coming in hot, probably going to call trump a convicted felon. well, let's play this out. a lot of legal experts believe this is going to be overturned on appeal or by the supreme court. and i worry about a scenario where god forbid, we have another federal election. if biden wanted by a narrow margin and then the supreme court overturns it after the fact, and we know that actually affected the views of voters. i worry about this country that's even worse than the suppression of the hunter biden story on the eve of the last election. so this time what the voters have, the facts, and i hope this country, from the media to the political establishment, has learned the failures of 2020 to do right by americans this time around. well, look, i think it's refreshing to hear you say you want people to respect the results of the election. and i'm glad you also want people to see both candidates unfiltered without the filter of say, a presidential rally, like people get to hear president trump for president trump talked a lot you will see this debate tomorrow night right here on cnn, vivek ramaswamy, thank you so much for being with us. appreciate your time. president biden and former president trump will face off in the first debate of 2024. it looks, it's the early election debate, general election debate ever. this is historic. it's tomorrow night, 9:00 p.m. eastern. you can see it right here on cnn and on macs a significant decline in migrant apprehensions at the southern border is this evidence biden's border crackdown now three-week old is working. why the homeland security secretary perry told us, but numbers are still not low enough. >> plus the judge overseeing trump's classified documents case now seems skeptical somewhat of the trump team argument that evidence from search of mar-a-lago should be thrown out. >> what she's saying now about the fbi's search warrant and the hallmark channel set to de debut a new film inspired by the real life romance of of course, taylor swift and travis kelce the most anterior this will be the moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn, president central debate tomorrow night it nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> oh good job. we move dietary supplements from volterra for healthy joints higher shipping race may be the cost of doing business, but at what cost? >> turn shipping to your 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i think horizon is all about that. >> you're rajah in american saga theaters friday, we did are you this morning the associated press is reporting a judge has setting $10,000,000 bond for a second venezuelan man who has been in the united states illegally and accused of killing. a 12-year-old girl in houston both men are now charged with capital murder. this comes as the department of homeland security, though is reporting a significant drop in the number of people trying to cross the southern border illegally dhs says since president biden announced his asylum crackdown three weeks ago, migrant apprehensions have dropped. boy more than 40%. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas joined us last hour on the show. and i asked him then if the new numbers that they're putting out are the direct result of that new executive action? >> i wouldn't look at this in isolation. it's part of a larger effort. >> i must say though, at the very outset, that this is no substitute for congressional action. >> it is only congress that can fix our broken immigration system and delivered to the american people and enduring solution cnn's rosa flores has all of the reporting around this. rosa, can you talk to me about what you're learning about these two men? i mentioned venezuelan nationals who have been in the united states illegally now charged with the murder of this young girl in houston let me start with her mother, kate, according to the houston police department, this mother is devastated because her 12-year-old was strangled and killed. >> and according to police, the mother is simply trying to figure out life without her daughter. now, according to the houston police department, through police work, police officers, investigators were able to trace video of the two suspects to the bayou where this 12-year-old girl was found dead and they were able to locate them. they've been arrested, as you mentioned, the name of these two individuals are johanne jose martinez rampell and franklin and pena. >> they are charged with capital murder now, they are from venezuela. these are two venezuelan nationals we have reached out to ice this morning. we have not heard back, but according to the associated press, the two men entered the u.s. in march and they were released into the united states pending immigration proceeding. pleadings. >> again, we're hoping to learn more from ice when we hear back from them that we are trying to reach out to the attorneys of these two men, and we have not been successful, but kate, back to this 12-year-old girl who was tragically killed. her funeral services are scheduled for tomorrow king's circumstances surrounded all or just absolutely horrible. >> rosa, thank you so much. sarah. >> all right wikileaks founder julian assange released from jail. >> and this morning arriving home after more than a decade and legal limbo for for his role in publishing classified information from the war in iraq and afghanistan. we have new details about his homecoming. as you were watching, there the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president one stage two, very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate tomorrow net it live on cnn and streaming on back. this is the temper p-adic breeze mattress and it's designed to help you feel cool. so no more sweating all night, no kicking off the covers or blasting the air conditioning because only the temper pedigrees is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology that pulls heat away from your body. so the mattress fuels up to ten degrees cooler all night long during our july 4 sale, save $500 on temper breeze mattresses, and sleep coulomb comfortable all summer long, learn more at timber fidic >> i have relapsing a mess, but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose cuts into because it works for me and my schedule, keys sent as a once monthly treatment for rms 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joining are crazy caravan things are really not every step of the way this is going to be a culinary adventure. >> are you guys all american road trip friday at nine food network this morning, fresh skepticism from the judge overseeing donald trump's classified documents case. >> but this time toward trump's lawyers, judge aileen cannon now says she had quote, a hard time seeing any problem with the fbi search warrant of mar-a-lago, despite trump's claim that the warrant was in valid seen as m. perez has been falling every inch of this and it's here with the latest seven once what is going on while john just the fact that we had this hearing was a bit odd. >> this is this is one of the number of the attempts by the former president and his legal team to try to throw out these charges. and this time, what they're saying is that the search warrant, that the warrant i was used by the fbi to seize the documents, the classified documents that the former president is charged with mishandling that entire search back in 2020 was invalid and everything needs to be thrown out because the the warrant was overly broad and after hearing a couple of hours of this, are these arguments yesterday, the judge really it's just basically shut it down and said to the to the defense that she didn't really understand or didn't see. their point of this being overly broad. she'd looked at the search warrant that was signed by a magistrate in that district and said that to her. it seemed like it was pretty standard compared to other types of warrants with the same kind. so the former president's lawyers were insisting, however, that they viewed some aspects of this to be off limits are certainly for as part of the search i will note it also, john, that as part of this the there things got a little heated with the prosecution once again, because they wanted to push back on some of the comments that were being made by the by the former president's lawyers. and she shut down and a broccoli broccoli ended the hearing. part of what we've seen a lot over the last few days, some tensions between judge cannon and prosecutors over the conduct of this case and the pace in which the case has been moving. john yeah. >> well, they had the hearing that takes a de have that slows things down. i'm perez. thanks so much. that's right president biden is pardoning several thousand former members of the u.s. >> military. why he is making the move today, why he says he is writing and his store wrong with this announcement plus life imitating arts and now aren't imitating life hallmark channel style. >> and the whirlwind romance of taylor swift travis kelce et me introduce you to class 500 lean to it is and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future a futures trading, see a trading opportunity. you'll be able to trade it in two clicks once your account is open no matter what kind of trader you are, plus 500 has you covered with a tailored solution? so download the app 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tonight? yeah. i mean, what is at stake tomorrow night? i just want to sort of go back in time and not how close these two candidates are and how historically unusual that is. so the leading candidates margin going into debate numero uno, since 1976, this year, look at this, we are thai going in this first debate nationally, the average in the average year, the average candidate leads the leader, leads by get this about seven percentage points. this is the closest margin we have going into a first debate ever, ever, ever, ever. i think you might have to even, even in 1960, jfk led by a few points, although those were very different time trace in which any small movement could make all the difference in the world. if in fact a few minds get changed. so another historic issue that has come up, i do want to ask you about who's up for grabs, what voters are up for grabs because obviously they wouldn't be talking specifically to them exactly right? >> so this is the margin, but let's say take a look here undecided or third party vote heading into debate number one, this year, 19% of voters say they're either undecided or say they're going to vote for a third-party candidate. that is, they are at this point not going to pull the lever for either biden or trump. that is significantly higher than what we normally see in the average year only 11% of voters say they're undecided or going for a third party candidate heading into debate number one, this 19% sara, the highest on record going into the first debate, who say they're either undecided or going for a third party candidate. these are the voters that donald trump and joe biden are going to be going after. >> all right? these are always snapshots in time, so historically, how much can polling change between june the earliest ever that we've seen this debate, it's happening in june. and the election day, right? exactly. right. csc, this 19%, you see in this first slide that we have a tight race going on right now, how much could the polls potentially shift? well, sara, they can shift a lot. so how far off the polls at this point compared to the final margin on average, the differences six points, even last cycle, look at this, the difference was five points. so you're dealing what they tied race right now, a huge debate going on tomorrow night. a lot at stake, a lot of things can change. they certainly can know november is not right around the corner. yes. yes. yeah, not yet, although i could use the cooler weather area 50 much all right. >> joining us right now to talk about all of it. didn't fully answer any former chief of staff to ted cruz, former deputy campaign manager for ron desantis, his presidential campaign, and senior correspondent for the great natasha alford. okay, team. let's start here. i am going to quote one person that we love and admire, john berman from the 7:00 a.m. hour. and i looked down to get right for the first time in history, a sitting president is debating. a former president for the first time in history, a general election debate is in june. i will also now add and for the first time in history, it really seems that more voters than ever would prefer that these were the two choices that they had standing on that debate stage. add that all up how in all the unprecedented here, how much impact could this have this debate? and the day after? >> well significant one and we didn't add the age of the candidates as well for that historical perspective. so there's a lot of first here, yeah, and a great opportunity for both of them, but potential pitfalls. and i think for the president in particular, there's a challenge because he's got to meet three thresholds. he's got an a be able to show fitness for office, which is not just age, but the ability to stand on stage which and debate donald trump, who's pretty aggressive and can carry the tempo of a debate for 90 minutes number two, he's going to have to talk about his vision for future. and i think that's where the president's had a hard time so far, which is he's really wanted to go back to his record and try to defend it. he's got a pain of a vision for the next four years. what a second term would look like? but lastly, and most critically, the president and frankly the former president are both going to have to defend their records and right now with issues like immigration and inflation, top of mind immigration, top of mind and even what's going on across the globe being top of mind of voters. that's a real problem for them right now, because there's a great deal of dissatisfaction. so he's got the chance to turn that around tomorrow night, and that's the way he can climb back in the polls. the last thing i just say, because four years ago at this point in the race, joe biden was up by ten points this is a much different race than it was the last time these gentlemen debated. it's a different country, it's a different electorate. and two different political environment. so it's a great chance for the president to we turn this thing around if he's got a chance to do it. and to your point, i think joe biden actually has to take us back to that time remind us of the fear that existed in the country. >> the mismanagement of covid, the way in which people were yearning for change, but also they felt that so much was at stake. their challenge also with the going to i'm always forget how much do you look back and how much do you have to look forward? i guess you've got to get both. so i think it's both and i think that he's done a great deal of work which hasn't been spotlighted. what about the $5 billion that has been invested in the workforce, right semiconductors aren't sexy, but they are the future of the work you're hearing he does dollars three layers invested in connecting marginalized communities that were divided in segregated by highways. >> these are the things that don't make it to the top of the news cycle because of the fights that we're covering. but this is real significant work. and so he can talk about the future that excites people, shows people the investments that he's made, while also reminding them what's at stake in terms of democracy. >> let's talk about one of the big issues, immigration you, you're mentioning so today the department of homeland security is reporting new numbers and essentially saying that there's been a significant drop in illegal crossings attempted to illegal crossings into three weeks since biden's cranked asylum crackdown a 40, about a 40% drop in these three weeks. i asked the dhs secretary if biden's with that in mind? if biden's border policies are working, why aren't people feeling it? why aren't people giving him credit for it? let me play with my orcas told me the fact of the matter is our policy is working or policies are working, we need our system fixed the numbers that we inherited in 2021. >> we're on the cusp of the covid-19 pandemic emic and do not speak to the trends in immigration preceding the pandemic. what we have done with this administration has done is we have brought the economy moving forward with a booming economy and with a healthy american public what we are, we have regained our stature as the place of destination where everyone wants oppmann, the opportunities that only america offers is that convincing enough? if that's the presentation on the debate stage for joe biden. to turn around the numbers have not really fluctuated in terms of polling suggests voters are feeling about joe biden, immigration, and donald trump, i think it takes a long time for a narrative to take hold and it's going to be more than one exactly i can have order. it's going to be more than one sound bite. republicans have been hitting this drum for a really long time that immigration is a problem. you've seen a shift in polls were the american public now ranks immigration as a top concern and so joe biden has to show that he's not trump light. he's not just sort of imitating trump that he's reacting to a problem that he did propose suppose legislation 4 on day one of his administration, and that his approach is still humanitarian, that there's something distinct that he's not simply imitating trump, which of course just gives trump credit for the moment and you can very easily, we blame congress for sure is one thing that he can very easily do. send me a bill. i was ready to sign out, wanna get one more thing in david correa have to go adam kinzinger republican, longtime republican, he endorsed joe biden this morning. he joined us to explain why he's backing joe biden and sticking his neck out this way. let me play this for you are you voting more for joe biden or more against donald trump? which framing is it? i think it's actually a little more for joe biden because the difference here now granted if it was somebody else running, who knows, in the geo brian, but donald trump is the face of he is the head of the republican party. >> obviously, i don't like anything. he's about. i don't but joe biden has shown himself to be a decent man even when we disagree on issues he says that he says that he is speaking to the 20th the nikki haley voters voters that you are pursuing for quite some, for quite some time, shut down from be worried about this. no. house members don't change the face of the electorate endorsements, tradition is something more than i mean, he's, has become more of a household name in the row, won't matter. what really matters here is going back to the issues we talked about. it's a debate. yes. campaigns are about the vision for the future and both candidates some thursday night are going to paint it, whether adam kinzinger supports one or the other, won't impact that. but it's also going to be about integration. it's also going to be about inflation in the economy and it's going to be a our standing in the global community. and it's up to both candidates answer those questions to the electorate. it's not going to be about house members are former house members deciding and it's going to be how these men prepared and answer these questions on thursday night. that's going to be the difference. >> and what they do with it. thursday night, then friday morning, and then saturday after that, it's great to see you guys all we want to get together. thank you so much. john. >> alright. this morning. u.s. health agencies are starting new rounds of tests on dairy workers and milk products to better understand the h5n1 bird flu and how it is transmitted. earlier this year, the virus jumped from birds to dairy cattle federal agencies are looking at whether farm workers exposed to infected in cattle also got infected. it appears to spread through contact with raw milk. the cdc says it has partnered with michigan officials to test some foreign workers for antibodies to the virus all right, other news she boost global economy. she shatters records, she commands the world's fiercest army of supporters and now she is the inspiration for a new holiday movie. is it part of the die franchise? >> health this morning brought to you by amgen learn more about thyroid eye disease at is-it if you have graves disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious, maybe behind those itchy eyes up to 50% of people with graves could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor see an expert, find a ted is specialist at is it >> this home-style chicken salad rafah, subway this is how you do it. savory chicken. chris veggies all wrapped up. these routes are amazing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem stay fresh out there. >> all new reps from subway at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real nexium 24 hour prevents heartburn 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kicking the camps. >> and feeding there dog food. that's actually well food developed with that's made from real meat and veggies portioned for your dog and delivered right to your door. >> it's smarter healthier pet food get 50% off your first box at the farmer's slash real food tomorrow night hi live from midland the most anticipated moment of this election, biden rod run invade american future because that's who we are a nation of possibility, trunk. we had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything. and now we get to do it all over again. we're going to do it even better to very different visions for america. one precedented night, moderated by jake tapper indenter bash, the cnn presidential debate tomorrow night at nine live on cnn and streaming on macs so it looks like taylor swift and travis kelsey's romance is the love story it paltz achieved super fan who falls for the teams director of fan engagement. >> the movie we'll fill in kansas city, including an arrowhead stadium. now, it is not clear if swift and kelsey are directly involved with the project object what cnn did reach out for comment and sara, i promise i will not sleep until we get the answer to that question. >> well, i'm moving on to another love story that between our anchor or bore sanchez and sharks so stick around for this one's a little different. that's just a tad sharks have i have been on our planet as you know, long before, even dinosaurs walked the earth. but the apex predators now under attack by humans, by us, according to scientists, about 100 million sharks are being killed every year around the world. and fiona as anchor, bora sanchez dives into their world to show the growing conflict between fishermen and conservationists when we feel like greta safe position, we're going to dive down in swing with these animals. so i'm going to be taking pictures of you with the tiger sharks and the background make sure you're looking all around above, below all the sides because these charts can come from different angles the amount of energy that is spent getting down, they're getting close to the shark, keeping up with it and also keeping your head on a swivel because there were several moments where you're focused on one and a couple of them are behind you or in your peripheral. >> so it requires a lot of energy to not only be close to the shark and moving with it, but also to be alert it's almost the same every time for me. it's that slipping beneath the water the world suddenly becomes more silent all the things in my mind are pushed to the periphery and i'm focused 1,000% on these sharks. it is the most present that i will ever be boris sanchez joining us now live bodies, slag what were you doing down there and what i know you've been trying to do this for a long time till i have. yeah. as my friend jason put it, sarah, this is a passion of mine and it's because it's a meditative experience when you swim with sharks like these, it really is an encounter with sublime. you're looking at an animal that has survived on this planet for millions of years. they're older than the rings around saturn. they're older than trees. and its massive shape emerges from the blue tiger sharks can reach up to 18 feet long. they weigh up to a ton. and its thing as the deepest blackest eyes you've ever seen. and it stares at you and you have this moment of recognition. and in that moment you're just connected to mother nature. it's like the best anti-anxiety antidepressant drug you can find it is addictive and obviously it's important to highlight the plight that sharks are facing. sarah christina's manado aims to heal those wounded by fishing hooks. >> it wouldn't when a shark shows up with a hook, i tried to see where the hook is lodged. if the sharp is willing may be stop the shark tried to grab the do you think the shark knows are trying to help it yeah, i realize why was she keep coming back when it hurts? >> because trying to remove a hook hertz but she'll do a tight circle and come back in in 30 years of removing more than 350 hooks zanadu says, she's never been bitten by a shark they can be sometimes demanding bread, the satisfaction of being able to relieve a shark, all that presence is an order so that the errant sound bite that just kind of non sequitur ran was christina is an auto. >> she's another conservation as and she specifically help the bahamas enact some of the strictest protections for sharks around the world. now, this is one side of our story. you have to hear about the other side as well, because there are fishermen in the united states who say that regulations have helped shark populations rebound but it's making it almost impossible for them to make ends meet because they're having to compete with these apex predators who often will eat their cats before they could get it back on the boat. they say it's crippling the commercial and recreational fishing industry so it's important to listen to them as well, because this is a fight about not only conserving sharks for the future, but also helping folks make a living. >> yeah, it's a really serious story. there's an inherent conflict there. but a lot of people that are afraid of sharks and boris, you just describe them like they were a blushing bride. i am so proud of you for getting in that water and hanging out with all those parts. of course, going to be a great one. and quickly, it's important to change that perception that there are these mindless killers that you see in jars and this other media that's a horror movie that is so far removed from the reality of what actually is in the water. and if we can, as a society remove these preconceived notions and embrace something that we once feared than i think we're on a good path toward conservation. >> i cannot wait. this is going to be fascinating. boris sanchez, thank you so much this morning. thanks, sir. for more of this episode. watch deep dive the sharp wars on the whole story with anderson cooper this sunday, 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn. and we'll be right back. final episode of violence. >> there are deadly violence and unleash masters hurricane impacts are worsening. is it too late to undo decades of climate change? >> violin, earth, would we have schreiber sunday at nine on cnn? >> you found it the feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so take to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaques, psoriasis, and the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding yourself ready for your close-up south are finding, you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once daily. so tiktok was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infections including tb, serious infections, 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been brilliantly boring. so you can be happy to fill, which is pretty and boring if you think about it well why didn't we do this last year for your incrementing migraine and caitlin and look at me now, you'll never truly forgive night where that's zero migraine days are possibly don't take if allergic to be looked at most common side effects are ople that you care about are taking care of create your estate plan, not trust and >> this friday kevin costner, reserve resurrect the western, got ourselves a bad man right here. see it on the biggest screen, savant. let's go in american saga theaters friday, we did are all right. this morning, wikileaks founder julian assange is back in australia as a three-man. you can see it right there. this after a plea deal with the u.s. justice department moments ago, his wife spoke about his return julian wanted me to sincerely thank everyone. >> he wanted to be but you have to understand what he's been through he needs time he needs to recuperate and this is a process see you in an international diplomatic veteran nic robertson is with us now. this is all been a long or deal, of course, assange blamed for publishing so many us secrets yeah. >> and his lawyers saying the thing that they heard from the judge in the court was that no one was harmed from the release of all those secrets that the use of the espionage against julian assange, the first time ever against journalists are lawyers was a dangerous move by us prosecution, department of justice against journalists. and therefore, all journalist should be worried. it was interesting. stella mccartney, stellar assange, there really sounding quite emotional as you would expect, tired because she has been waiting and waiting and waiting. she was in the uk only a couple of days ago. but making the point very clearly that although julian himself is tired, that he needs rest and space, that his desire to help people and inform people she says remains unchanged. he is not afraid. she said she also said that he would be trying to get a pardon in the future. that was something they will look at looking to do some ways down the line. his lawyers saying that assange not under any kind of gag order clearly beginning of a lonpres

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, Didn T , Chief Of Staff , Natasha Alford , Ron Desantis , Debating , Choices , Impact , Challenge , Particular , A , Fitness , Perspective , Age , Pitfalls , Thresholds , Tempo , Office , Critically , Deal , Mind , Globe , Dissatisfaction , Electorate , Gentlemen , Environment , Change , Fear , Mismanagement , Hasn T Been Spotlighted , 6 Billion , 5 Billion , Workforce , Right Semiconductors Aren T Sexy , Dollars Three , Communities , Investments , Fights , Highways , Top , News Cycle , Don T , Immigration You , Border Policies , Crossings , Asylum Crackdown A 40 , Policy , Aren T , Him , Orcas , Working , System , Trends , Cusp , 2021 , Administration , Opportunities , Stature , Healthy American , Destination , America Offers , Oppmann , Presentation , Order , Sound Bite , Hold , Narrative , Drum , Shift , Approach , Imitating Trump , Concern , Legislation , Day One , Bill , Adam Kinzinger , David Correa , Wanna , Joe Biden , Backing , Framing , Neck , Face , Head , Somebody Else Running , Geo Brian , Anything , 20 , Tradition , Household Name , House , Endorsements , Row , Won T Matter , Campaigns , Mother , Won T , Integration , Questions , House Members , Global Community , Standing , Dairy Workers , Health Agencies , Tests , Rounds , Milk Products , Virus , Farm Workers , Contact , Dairy Cattle , Cattle , Birds , Milk , Agencies , Bird Flu , Cdc , News , Workers , Supporters , Officials , Army , Michigan , It Part , Health , Franchise , Holiday Movie , Inspiration , Amgen , Thyroid Eye Disease , Symptoms , Gritty Feeling , Graves Disease , Eye , Ted Com , Eyes , Expert , Condition , Graves , Ted , Subway , Rafah , Veggies , Specialist , Chicken Salad , Routes , Savory Chicken , Thoughts , Reps , Thinking , Possibilities , Stay , Morgan Stanley , Heartburn Acid , Night Heartburn Acid Prevention , Nexium , 24 , Iran , Pills , Arthritis Pain Relief Gel , Source , Alternative , Medicine , Menopause Supplements , Extra , Multivitamin Plus Hot Flash Support Daily 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Scientists , Humans , Bora Sanchez , Fiona , 100 Million , Tiger Sharks , Safe Position , Animals , Swing , Pictures , Greta , Shark , Energy , Amount , Charts , Angles , Swivel , Peripheral , Water , Periphery , 1000 , Boris Sanchez , Bodies , Animal , Jason Put , Encounter , Passion , Millions , Sublime , Blue Tiger Sharks , Rings , Shape , Trees , Ton , Saturn , Recognition , Plight , Drug , Mother Nature , Hook , Manado , It Wouldn T , Fishing Hooks , Sharp , Circle , Hook Hertz , Hooks Zanadu , 350 , 30 , Presence , Christina , Auto , Conservation , Satisfaction , Non Sequitur , Story , Shark Populations , Well , Protections , Bahamas , Regulations , Ends , Cats , Boat , Fishing Industry , Fight , Folks , Perception , Great One , Parts , Blushing Bride , Killers , Media , Horror Movie , Jars , Notions , Society Remove , Episode , Wars , Path Toward Conservation , Anderson Cooper , 8 , Violence , Hurricane Impacts , Violin , Climate Change , Bindings , Schreiber Sunday , Close Up , Plaques , South , Labs , Find , It S The Most Wonderful Time Of Year , Bowl , Look At Me Now , Migraine , Incrementing Migraine , Caitlin , Zero , Estate Plan , Kevin Costner , Western , Whale Com , Reserve Resurrect , Plea Deal , Screen , Let S Go In American Saga Theaters Friday , U S Justice Department , Savant , Australia , Wife , Return Julian , Nic Robertson , Process , Court , Publishing , Release , Secrets Yeah , Stella Mccartney , Secrets , Espionage , Waiting , Stellar Assange , Uk , Pardon , Desire , Assange , Gag Order , Line , Lonpres ,

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